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02x02 - Good Father

Posted: 11/27/23 11:07
by bunniefuu
I'm a Rolls-Royce

You sure you don't want to
give me that Wraith?

And slowly, slowly, slowly.

Yes, sir.
Okay. Stop.

The lights are on!

Come on.
Just one?

I need it to get through
this g*dd*mn nightshift.

You know the drill.
Tit for tat.

Hell, I'll show you
my tat.

If I knew it was gonna be
that easy...

Are you gonna do it
or not?

I'll do it, I'll do it.
Jesus Christ.

You're a freak.
You know that?

Serial K*llers
get me hot.

You have any idea what that body
down there has done?

How many kids
Charlie Manx m*rder*d?

And they never found
a single body.

I think he ate them.

Oh, make sure
you get his hands.

Tools of his trade.

Hands, fine.

But no d*ck.


I wish I got you hot
like that.


Get me Manx...

I'll show you hot.

Okay, okay, okay.

Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.



What the?


No, I don I don't mean
physical resemblance, Charles,

but his
his passionate nature.

His eyes
that's what it is.

You have his wounded,
soulful eyes.

Oh, I have wounded eyes?

He's an old,

ugly man
with bad posture.

What do you think, Charters?

Doesn't my husband remind you
of the Nosferatu?

Wait! Wait.

I, myself, have not seen that
moving picture, Miss Cassie.

Uh, beg pardon
Mrs. Manx.

You will always be
my Nosferatu.

Well, the whole picture
was silly,

a nasty man creeping around
in bedrooms,

giving women love bites.

Is my father still up?

He's retired for the night,

Why don't you do the same,

But I'll take a whiskey
before you go.


I'll be up in a minute.


Penny for your thoughts.

It's going to take
more than that.

Boy or girl?
Oh, Charles,

there's no telling that.
Then why the sad face?

Princess, this is the greatest
day in the history of the world.

You're worried what
your father will say.

Princess, don't you see?
This changes everything.

That's what
I'm afraid of.

He's already been so kind,
letting us stay here.

But is it quite fair
to ask him

to support another man's
son or daughter?

This is his grandchild.

That has to count
for something.


My God,
that man resents me.

What are you
talking about?

Papa adores you.

When I was his driving for him,
as long as I did what he said,

I was acceptable.

And then you and I eloped,
and I became very unacceptable.

But now, with a baby on the way,
he'll have no choice.

I have done the numbers.
This is a foolproof proposition.

If he doesn't leap
at the chance,

I'll raise the money

All he has to do
is hear me out.

A small initial loan
to secure the inventory,

and the Family Manx
will be putting up residence

on Easy Street.

You believe in me,
don't you?

Of course I do.

I love you.

You don't have any doubts,
do you, Little One?

Your father is going to
take care of everything.

You'll see.

The Charles Manx

premiere fleet of private
chauffeured automobiles.

that's French for driver.

Good enough for Rod La Rocque
and Vilma Bánky.

Oh, we don't have movie stars
in Wyoming, Charles.

Well, that doesn't mean
you can't ride like one.

Leather seats,
a sleek sedan

the smoothest ride
in your life span.



Mr. Manx?

I knew it.

I knew if I put the engine
back in, you'd come back,

and here you are!

Where are you, anyway?

Put a child in the Wraith,

and meet me
at Sleigh House.

Okay, but that's just it
I-I-I put the engine back in,

sir, but she won't start.

I-I did everything
I can think to do

Put a child
in the Wraith.

It will start, and it will
drive you to Sleigh House.


Uh, yes, sir, Mr. Manx.

Uh, leave it to me, sir.

Mrs. Manx said how she'd like
to name her Millicent,

after her mother.

With your permission,
Father Haber?

Good-looking child.

Good Haber stock.

And born
on Christmas Day.

My little sugar plum.

My little Millie.

Oh, okay, okay.

She must be hungry.

Time for mother.

Um, Father Haber, I wonder
if you've had a chance

to consider my
Habers make hard men
and soft women.

My business proposal.

The The fleet
of chauffeured automobiles?

Here's hoping that Millicent
is a damn sight smarter

than her mother.
It's just,
with the child here now,

Cassie and I are very much
hoping to set out on our own.

Capital idea, Manx.
Long overdue.

It's funny that you
should use that word.

Um, it's the initial
capital investment

that I need to secure.

If given the opportunity,
I-I know that I could do

Opportunities aren't given,
my boy.

They must be taken.

This is what I don't
understand about you.

The very qualities that made you
an excellent driver

your obedience,
your almost cloying servility

these are the very things

that make you
an insufferable son-in-law.

I tell you, Manx,

there's something off
about you.

Father Haber
What can you do

besides drive a car and...
get my daughter pregnant?

You have no people,

none I've heard of,
and I've heard of everyone.

The only Manx I know is a breed
of cat...that has no tail.

I can't say
I care for that.

What is your tale?


thinking of my wife
and my daughter,

of their futures.
If that's true

and I don't think it is

then you can put
your mind at ease.

Little Millicent will see
a considerable inheritance

from her good-for-nothing

in the form of a trust,
held until her th birthday.

But, Father Haber

You can "Father Haber" me
till kingdom come.

A fleet of automobiles.

Man thinks he can live
off me like a vampire.

Yeah, that inbred moron
forgot his g*n again.

It looks like he shot himself,


What the actual hell,

Tony, that was not Hicks!

Look, man, we gotta
call the state police.

Oh, shit!


Uh, hi. Um, Michael Demeter's
father sent me to pick him up.

Are you the mother?

She's at work.
Mike's downstairs.


You okay there, buddy?


Who did this to you?


Which one of you is Eric?


Gimme the key.

You know, it's
it's okay to cry if you have to.

I used to cry a lot
when I was your age.

Wasn't supposed to,
but I did it anyway.

Like, in private.

But you're so...



I used to think I was so big
'cause I had too much sad in me.

But then I realized that a frown
is just a smile upside down.

And now I look at everything
that way.

You should try it.

You know, anyone who'd
put a great kid like you

in a doggie cage is definitely
on the Naughty List.

That's Eric.

He made me drink
my own pee once.

He likes porn
and blowing up frogs.


do you want me to go in there
and k*ll him?


I will.
I know,

but then
you'd go to jail.

So who would I talk to?

There is a place I know.

It's a special place.

They don't let
just anyone in.

But if you get in,
everyone has friends,

and no one ever picks on you
ever again.


No, no,
this is a real place.

You wanna go?

Will you come, too?

Uh, yeah.

Put your belt on.
Charles, I'm scared.

From the moment I open my eyes
till I put my head down,

I'm thinking,
"What are we going to do?

Where is our next
meal coming from?"

It's not for myself I mind,
but Millie is a growing child.

I wish you'd believe in me
for once.

Believe in you?

No, I I have

I've believed in you
since the day I met you.

Even after Papa died
and the money dried up.

But belief doesn't
put food on our table

or clothes on our backs.

Everyone is having
a difficult time right now,

but, you'll see, prosperity
is right around the corner.

Well, un-until you figure out
which corner, maybe...

maybe I should find work,
as well.

And do what?

Open up a kissing booth?

You want to put Millie on the
game? Is that what's next?

Yeah, you'd like that,
I bet.

Sit back
and rake in the dough.

If you don't
come up with something soon,

I will have no choice.

I will take Millie
to my sister's.


You got a better offer?

There's the door.
Where's Mama going?


What is my Sugar Plum
doing out of bed?

I will have to
eat you up!

Tuck you in.

Why was Mama crying?


Don't you fret your little head
about that.

Your mama's just worried
about grown-up things.

Truth be told,

I don't think she has
very much faith in your old man.

Well, I have faith
in my old man.

Do you, kiddo?

I always will.

Forever and ever
and ever and ever.

That is because you are
my little Christmas elf.

Eskimo kiss?

Butterfly kiss?

I don't think Mother understands
us very well, do you?

Now...'s time for you
to close your eyes

and dream of...


I've been giving it
a lot of thought,

and I think
the woolly mammoth enclosure

should go under
the Sleighcoaster

so you can run your fingers
through their fur as you go by.

Well, but...

that's where you're gonna keep
the dodo birds.

Well, the dodo birds can stay
in the gumdrop palace,

between the flying monkeys
and rainbow unicorns.


Whatever you say.

Are you okay, sir?

Do you
Do you need some help?

Oh, God.


Father? What's happened?
Where are you?

I need you
to be very brave.

When are you
coming home?

I'm not sure...

I'm gonna make it home.

But you mustn't worry.

is forever.

You'll always be safe
inside her gates.

But, Father, you
you don't understand.

You have to come.
The lights went out,

and the White crept up all
the way to the Sleighcoaster.

Everyone's scared that if
the lights go out again,

the the White
might swallow us all.

No, that's...

...that's not possible.

Please, Father.

You've been gone
for so long.

Everyone's hungry.

Don't you fret,
Little One.

The lights will never
go out again.

One way or another...

...I'm on my way.

Where's my dad?

Well Well, we'll see him
in Christmasland.

The sooner we get going,
the sooner it starts snowing.

What do you say,
little man?

You ready
to take a ride?

That's not a real car.

That's an installation.


No, this is
a magical car.

It's It's It's
It's like Santa's Sleigh.

Y-You're not gonna stand there
and tell me

you don't believe
in Santa Claus.

How's about you get
in the backseat?

Sorry, man.
Heavy load.

Unh! Unh!

This car's not magic.

You know, patient boys
get special toys,

but pushy boys get nothing.
Police! Open this door!
You're surrounded!

Work, work,
you motor jerk.


Sir? You okay?


Oh! Ha!

You see?
It is magical!

I'm sorry, officers.

Is there What
What seems to be the problem?

Yeah, look at that.

Drive safe now, y'hear?

They're beautiful,
aren't they?

I think
they're creepy.

Well, you may be
the first boy I've met

who thinks Christmas
is creepy.

We don't
celebrate Christmas.

No Christmas?

I've never heard
of such a thing.

I was talking about the guy
who hung the ornaments.

You know about him?

Lived over there.

Charlie Manx?

He used to
m*rder children.

You mustn't believe
everything you hear.

Aren't you a little young
to be out here in the woods

all by yourself?
I'm old enough.

Where's your mother?

She's the one who told you
about Charlie Manx, isn't she?

So your mother is a liar.

Do you live around here?


No one calls me Bruce.

But it is your name.

I know you, don't I?

I've seen you before... a dream.

Who is she?

Oh, can't you guess,
Sugar Plum?

It's you.

I think she can take us
to Christmasland.

What on Earth?

It's a genuine Rolls-Royce
Wraith in pristine condition.

And a brand-new uniform
to go with it.

Well, the dealer let me have it
for / off the official price

on account of
someone died in it.

Someone died in it?

don't be morbid.

How much?

It was $,.

And where did
this $,

What does it matter?
I did it.

All this time, it was only fear
holding me back, but I did it.

I took the plunge.
We are on our way!

Look, you had those
ritzy bangles laying around

with no cause to wear them,
so I thought, why not use those

as a collateral investment
in the business?

You pawned
my mother's rings?

That's all I had of her.

It's only temporary, just until
I can turn things around.

You take back
that monstrosity,

or Millie and I
are leaving.


But, Cassie,
I can't take it back.

It was a special deal.

For Pete's sake,
be reasonable!
Look around you, Charles.

Do you see anyone
who can afford a chauffeur?

We can't afford milk.

Our daughter
needs a stable home

with regular meals,
clean clothes, new shoes,

doctors, dentists...

I can't do it by myself.

I'm through fighting.


Run off to Beatrice

and that stuffed shirt
of a husband of hers

so you can rub it in my face
what a failure I am.

No, Charles,
so our daughter can eat.

Why can't you understand?
This was for her.

For you.

I did this
for our family.

Like everything you've done,
Charles Manx,

this is for you
and no one else.

Eskimo kiss?

She's my daughter,
too, Cassie.


I don't want to go
to Aunt Beatrice.

No, don't be silly.
You love it there.

Pineapple upside down cake.

I want to go
to Christmasland.

There's no such place,

How are you
gonna get there?
We're taking the bus.

I bought a pair of tickets
last week.

Sometimes it pays
to plan ahead.

I failed you.

Come on.

Let's go.

I'm a selfish man...

more concerned with my stature
and reputation than my...

You're right. I can't even
provide a good home.

I can't seem
to do anything...

Father, don't.
Oh, no, don't cry,
Sugar Plum.

Let me drive you
to your sister's.

Let me do that,
at least.

Please, Mama?

Mr. Manx, I'm here.
I'm here, Mr. Manx.

Oh, Bing...
you came.

Let's get you
where you belong, sir.

Here we go.

Come on, we can do it.
Come on, Mr. Manx.

Come on.
Come on, Mr. Manx.

Mr. Manx.


There you go.

Hello, Michael Demeter.

Are you ready
for the ride of your life?

Oh. Ow.

I've waited for this
for so long!

First thing I want to do
is ride the Ferris Wheel.

Or Or gumdrops!

I might want gumdrops
before the Ferris Wheel.

Why are we stopping?

The agreement was children,
Mr. Partridge.

You know that
as well as I.

But I saved your life.

You did, indeed, Bing.

Look, I-I did
just what you said.

You said to lay low,
and I laid low for eight years.

I did nothing to get onto
the Naughty List.

Not one mommy,
not one slip.

I was nice, Mr. Manx.

You never had any doubts?

You did, didn't you?

Maybe once or twice, when I
thought you weren't coming back,

but but even then,
I-I knew you were.

Even when I wasn't sure,
deep down, I knew.

Doubt is a disease,
Mr. Partridge.

It can lead to madness.

I have no doubts,
Mr. Manx.

That is good to hear.

Do you see those woods?

Take the northward path through
them and wait for me there.

You'll know it
when you see it.

You can use the walk

to work through any lingering
doubts you might have.

I have no doubts,
Mr. Manx.

You won't be

It's freezing
back here, Charles.

Isn't there something
you could do?

Wasn't that That was
the turnoff to my sister's.

That was our turn!

What are you doing?

For God's sake, you're going to
get us all k*lled!

Finally something
we agree on, Cassie.

You're just
like my mother.

You think you can
do as you please.

Ruin my life,
and I'll do nothing?

Did you actually think
that I was gonna sit by

and let you
take my daughter?

Destroy everything
I've worked for?

You selfish bitch!
You're all alike.

Hen-pecking harpies
and nags and whores!

Nothing's ever good enough
for you, is it? Is it?!

Look, Mama, my teeth fell out.

Your daughter is hurt!

Stop the car!
Who wants to go
to Christmasland?!

Oh! I do!
I do!

Millie, hold on tight to Mama!
No matter what, don't let go!

Oh, don't
don't be scared, Mama.

Eskimo kiss?

Father, look!


My beautiful child...

No, Father! There!

It's just like
you promised.


Oh, my children...


Sugar Plum...

I promised you I would return,
and I have.

And I've brought you
a new friend... keep you company.

Michael, this is my daughter,

Are you staying
this time?

Don't you have anything to say
to Michael?

You don't want to
hurt his feelings.

Very pleased to meet you,

I hope
you'll be my friend.

Father, are you staying?

Children, I've been gone
far too long,

so I've brought you
this special treat!


Sugar Plum...

aren't you hungry?

You promised me
you'd stay.

I promised you I would never
let the lights go out again.

And I intend to
keep that promise.

But we mustn't
be selfish.

Think of all the children
who need saving.

Now more than ever.

You understand that.

You're a big girl now.

I will be back...

just as soon as I can.

This is the one,
isn't it, Mr. Manx?

I knew it when I saw it,
just like you said.

We must save him,
Bing Partridge.

Don't you agree?
Ah, yeah.

Yeah, he needs saving
more than all of them.