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02x07 - cr*pple Creek

Posted: 11/27/23 11:11
by bunniefuu
Where are we?

It's a long journey,

This is one of my
hiding places.


Call your mom.
I tried.

Try again.

where are you, baby?

Please, Mom,
you have to come quick.

Something's wrong with me.

Dear God.

It's me, Bing.

Poor, poor thing.

I've been so good.

I've helped Mr. Manx
save your children.

I should be on the nice list.

So why...

Why did Mr. Manx drive away?



Mr. Manx...

Mr. Manx wouldn't abandon me.

He wouldn't leave me
to the policemen and jail.

Would he?

But it's it's my turn
to go to Christmasland.

Oh, God.

Oh, God, I-I can't
go back to jail.

Please, please.

Bring Mr. Manx back.

Send me a sign
that he'll come and find me.


Hey, buddy?
You alright?


Uh, yeah.

I'm I'm okay.
I'm okay.

Hey, you need
a hospital.

I should be fine.
My phone's in the truck.

I'll get help with the police
or something.

Hey, hey,
wait a minute.


Oh, thank you.

Thank you.



Thank the stars.

I was so worried those wretched
McQueens had done you in.

So worried you drove off
and left me for the policemen?

Now, surely
you can't be cross.

You know our priority is

"Save the child."


In the heat of the moment,
decisions must be made,

sacrifices in order to

"Save the child."

It's all you say.

Yes, because it is
our purpose.

Bing, w-we have succeeded
with Wayne.

My only regret
is that we weren't able

to celebrate this victory
before now.

You left me all alone.


But I know your ways,

your hidey-holes.

I know your weaknesses.

Where's the Wraith?

I disconnected
the ignition coil.

It's not going anywhere,
and neither are you.

It's time we had
an honest talk.


No, Bing!
No, please!

No, please don't do
don't do this, Bing.

Bing, please, don't do this.
No more lying, Mr. Manx.


Please, Bing, no, no.

Stick the blind!

Run her through!

Gouge her eyes!

Stick the blind!

Run her through!

Gouge her eyes!

It's happening again.

I know that.


The lights
are blinking again.

I think you know why.

Thank heavens
you're here.

You can talk.

But who knows
how long it will last.

Come, quickly.

Let me out!

The best sledding is the hill
beyond the grove.

When your father d*ed,
his mind became unstable,

so Christmasland has,
as well.

The blinking lights,

the thinning veil between
this world and the other...

I asked Father
about this house.

He said it didn't exist.

He's buried it so deeply,

perhaps he's forgotten it.

His deepest fears
reside inside this house.

Fears he's locked
behind these doors.

And there's one
you have to see.
What's in there?


There's someone
to see you, dear.


Do you want
to play with me?


Let's play
Stick the Blind.


No, silly.

It's okay.

Come on, boys.

Oh, look at him.
My beautiful boy.

Your son
certainly is special.

Hey, Charlie.

Do you hear that?

You're special.

Thanks, Mom.

Here you go, doll.

Well, why, thank you, darlin'.

Let's say you and I
go have a little fun, yeah?

Let's say we do.

Hey, Bill, let's get
Charlie a phosphate.

Sit up here with me,
my boy.

You know I own
the general store, right?

Yes, sir.

I saw you teaching your friends
that ditty.

You got a real quality,

I wonder if you might
lend me your talents.

You need a song?

No, but on occasion,

I have odd jobs,
and you know the boys in town.

Perhaps you can wrangle one
or two for me now and again?

I saw you eyeing the new sled
in my shop window

strong, hardwood top,
runners like razors.

I bet it's fast

fast enough to fly right out
of this world and into another.

Save up, you'll have it
by Christmastime.

You'll have to earn it,
my new assistant.

No, your old assistant.
Peter Ives.

What happened to him?

He d*ed.

And before him?

Cardinal O'Byrne...

then Dewey Hansom.

Are they
in Christmasland?

No, they d*ed.

d*ed or were k*lled?

Tell me the truth,
Mr. Manx.

I threw Cardinal O'Byrne
from the Wraith

and fed Dewey Hansom
to the children.

But they were they were
on the naughty list, right?

I-I-I helped save
four children.

I found the Wraith.

I saved your life.

Am I going
to Christmasland?



...for children.

Oh, just answer me,
Mr. Manx.

Will you take me
to Christmasland?


Were you ever going to take me
to Christmasland?


Then, Mr. Manx,
we have a problem.
Loose tooth?

Mr. Manx says when
all the new ones come in,

I'll be able to ride
the Sleighcoaster.

No, bud,
you gotta fight the car.


Do you remember
your mom?

I think so.


Okay, this shitbox
wants you to forget.

But you've got to remember,

That's how you fight.

Tell me something
about her.

She hung up on me.

No, your phone d*ed.

She's not coming.

Hey, hey.

That's the car
lying to you.

Here's something
I remember

Her favorite movie
is "Jaws."

Her favorite day
is Fourth of July.

She likes having ice cream
for breakfast.

She's bad at basketball.
Sometimes I let her win.

That's good.

How do you know
about her?

She was my friend.

She was my best friend.

Tell me about your dad.

He likes motorcycles
and comic books.

He loves Mom and me.

That's good, kiddo.
That's real good.

How's the tooth?

Not loose anymore.

Tell me about, uh
Tell me about where you live.

Colorado is in
the Rocky Mountains.

It's the th state
in the union.


You good in school?
Pretty good.

The state capital's

I didn't know that.

That's awesome, man.

Oh, God!



No more gas.

I want you to
I want you to feel it,

how much you hurt me.

I gave up everything
for you.

For Christmasland.

And now

You said I was special.

You are, Bing.

And the children
need you.

You know in your heart
Christmasland is for them.

It's all I wanted.

It's all
It's all I had!


No, you had the mission.

That's what you gave up
your life for, not for me.

These children
are in danger, Bing.

They need us
to save them.

We can still
save Wayne.

With the Wraith.

Please, Bing.

Let's give him
the happiness that we...

can never have.


You You
You think I'm dumb.

Not special.

Think of it, Oscar

surrounded by toys,
sweets, fun...

away from this stinking den
full of wanton women

and faithless men.

My mom is here.
So's yours.

Whores were hardly made
to be mothers.

Fanny Manx and Trudy Holiday
the least among them.

Mr. Tim pays able-bodied boys
to work at his store.

You can save up and...

maybe leave this rotten town
one day.

And if you're
good enough a worker,

Mr. Tim may even reward you with
a special trip to his house.

What's there?

Taffy, rock candy,

yo-yos, clockwork toys,
tin soldiers

more fun
than a boy could imagine.

Zi said
Mr. Tim's a creep.

The boys who go
to Mr. Tim's house

Zion is a jealous liar
and a bad worker.

Not like you, Oscar.

You'll earn every gift
Mr. Tim could give.

Oh, what is that,
you smart little man?

Oh, I'm helping Mr. Tim.

Saving up for the sled
in his front window.

Charlie, has he asked you
over to the store?

My job is to send
the other boys.

I don't want you
going over there.

Alright, Charlie?

But the sled...

When you have enough nickels,
we'll go together.

I promise.

Alright, handsome, alright.
Come on.

You are special, Bing.

It's because
you're special...

that you can't go
to Christmasland.

Doesn't make any sense.

I'm special, too...

so I know.

That's how
I've always known.

Stop it.

Enough with your
sweetie sweet talk.

My mother was
a loathsome whore...

...who provided food...

but starved us
of dignity.

There was a man.

He was like
a father to me.

He tempted my hungry soul
with praise and work.

With purpose.

The man, this "father,"
used me.

Mishandled me like
your father mishandled you.

My mother,
like your mother,

did nothing to stop him.

My mother
said she loved me.


My mother said the same to me,
for all the good it did.

That's how
we are special, Bing.

We are children unsaved.

Innocence stolen.

What is our place
in Christmasland?

A world of joy
and wonder?

I-I don't know.

We don't have one.

But because it's too late
for us...

...we know how important it is
to save those...

...who still have time.

The moment
I got your letter,

I knew you were more than
an assistant, like Peter Ives.

I knew that you would be
my partner.


'Cause we're both


That's right.

And I still believe
in our good work.

Do you?




I'm so relieved
to hear it, Bing.

Let's repair the Wraith
before we waste another instant

on these terrible

Oh, Mr. Manx, yeah.

Hey. Hey.

Come on, kiddo,
what else?

I don't feel good.
No, no, no.

Tell me about school.

I don't remember.

No, no, you've got to try.

Where's my mom?


Oh, God. Okay.

Hey, it's gonna

No. Mommy.


Hey, it's okay.

We'll take you
to Christmasland real soon.

I want my mom.

Hey, bucko, you remember,
your mom mom's no good.

She hurt you.

You hurt me.

You and Charlie Manx.

Please, just let me go.


Arrr! Arrr! Arrr!

Arrr! Arrr!

Help me!
Help me!


Let's play a game
where the Soldier and Ginger

are on a date.

I don't understand.

It's where two grown-ups
who like each other

go to a movie
or a fancy dress party.

They hold hands.

And sometimes
they kiss.




It's fun.


I can't wait to grow up.
Can you?

You can wear stockings
and lipstick

and glamorous dresses.

Plus, no one tells you
what to do.

No one tells me
what to do now.

Not even
your mom and dad?

Well, Father does
have one rule.

It's to never leave.

Well, I'm leaving
the minute I turn .

I'm gonna be a great explorer,
just like her.

My husband, Duncan,
will stay home with the kids

while I fly an airplane
or take a steamer ship

to see the Pyramids
and the Great Wall of China.

You won't be scared
to be out there all alone?

I'd be free.


That girl is me.

What you were before you came
to Christmasland.

Why would Father
keep us here?

You are everything
Charles wants.

A girl eager
only for fun.

The Millie in that room?

One day, she'll grow up
to be like me.

There's nothing he fears
more than that.

Why would I grow up
to be you?


Your father says he gave you
the gift of eternal childhood.

But really
he's imprisoned you

and stolen your chance
to be a woman.

Women are selfish
and dangerous.

So says Charles.

If he's caught lying, cheating,
or k*lling,

he'll pin the fault
on the closest woman

and hide
to escape the blame.

Be quiet.

I only want
what's best for you.

is coming apart.

If it does, if he dies,
you will, too.

Don't die here, trapped in
your father's sad fantasies.

Father loves me.

Then ask him to take you
out of here.

If he refuses,
find your own way.

Your future
depends on it.

Are we ready
to whisk Wayne away?

Wayne's sick.

He wants to go home.

Oh, well, once he's
in Christmasland,

he'll be right
as reindeer.

Charlie, Charlie
telling lies.

Soon he will be
crying cries.


The Wraith
is making him cry.

Well, the process causes
some discomfort,

but but you saw
you saw your friend Michael,

how happy he was
in the end.

You lie and you lie
and you lie.

I saw what happened
to Mike.

You get better...

while they get sick.

I must live to

to care for the children
and maintain the park.

No, you use them,
like you use me.

In turn,
they live forever.

Wayne doesn't want
to live forever.

He just wants his mom.

You know what,
Mr. Manx?

You're a bad father.
Like mine.

But I taught Paul Demeter
how to be good dad.

I can teach you, too.

Paul knew just what
to do with his mouth.

You'll learn to say,

"I love you more than anything,
Bing Partridge."


You'll see.


Bing Partridge,
you let me go.

You let me go right now!

Merry Christmas,

Enjoying your gift?

Well, it wasn't a gift.
I earned it.

You are an industrious one,
my beautiful boy.

Everyone seems to be
enjoying a late morning.

Well, it's
it's a holiday, sir.

I don't suppose
my best assistant

would pour me a whiskey?

Here's your drink.

You're such a special boy,

Let's play a game.

All the helpers you send me
get to play.

I-I-I can find Oscar.

Why when my best assistant
is right here?

You've earned some fun.

What have you done
with the Wraith?

I felt it move.

You need me, Bing.

You are all alone
in this world.

The police will send you
back to prison.

I am all you have!


I have
the Gas Mask Man.

I was just a janitor
in Haverhill,

hiding from my past.

But you
you freed me.


And now I know
what to do with monsters.


Don't, Bing, please!

Bitch, bitch,
go to sleep.

Take a nap
while I love you deep.

No, no, no.


If I'm a monster,
what are you?

You You brought me
those children,

including your dear,
sweet "friend," Michael.

Nobody told you
Paul Demeter was a bad father.

The Graveyard
of What Might Be

never showed that Michael
needed to be saved.

You had no great purpose
to r*pe a man and steal his son.

You used them to get
into Christmasland!

You destroyed families

to satisfy your depraved,
carnal urges.

You are a degenerate,
murderous monster.

You use children, anyone,
to get what you want.

If I deserve death,
Mr. Partridge,

then you deserve
much, much worse.

You're right.

We're both monsters.

No, no, Bing.


It's gonna be okay,
Mr. Manx.

You'll be fine,
Mr. Manx.

Best sledding is the hill
beyond the grove.

By my house.

You ought to come
for a visit.


Oh, my God.

Are you alright?

Did he hurt you?
We'll get you cleaned up.

And then we'll go
find Boss Mitchell.

I-I've got to get away
from here.

No, no.
Boss will know what to do.

Everyone knows
that Mr. Tim is

E-Everybody knows?


This world
that we live in

You knew?

You knew, too.

You helped him.

Never mind.
It's not important now.

I didn't do anything.

You made me!

Charlie, listen

You wanted money.

You pranced around, throwing
yourself onto disgusting men

so I would help you.

I did not.

You sickened me until I had
to do something, you whore.

You made me do it!

You used me!


Why didn't you
protect me?

My darling,
I'm so sorry.


You were right about me,
Mr. Manx.

One more ride together,

and there'll be two less
monsters in the world.

Please, Bing, no, no.
My children

They'll be safe
in Christmasland.

Every child will be safe
from us.

If you k*ll me...

they will all die.

I am the only thing
Millie has

in this whole world.

You lie so much,
Mr. Manx.

I-I don't believe you.

Child, child, he's mad.

If he kills me, we'll never
go to Christmasland.

No more trips
to Christmasland.

For anyone.

No, Bing!

Have mercy
on the children!

Bing! Bing!

You're gonna
smash the car?

I want to play.

No, you
you go down to the street.

You find a policeman,

and you tell him your mommy
is Vic McQueen.

Her favorite
movie's "Jaws."


You You tell her I'm sorry.

Tell her that Bing Partridge
is very sorry

but that he's
fixed everything.

She doesn't have to worry
about Charlie Manx anymore.

No, no, no!

No. Bing...

Please help, my child.

what are you doing?

Please, no, Bing, no.

No. No.

My boy, save me.

No, Wayne,
this isn't a game.


Please help me.

Save me.

No, please.



It'll be over soon,
Mr. Manx.

But before we go,
I want you to say,

"I love you more than anything,
Bing Partridge."

Say, ""


Mr. Manx.

Mr. Manx.

Mr. Manx?

I stopped the smasher.

Well, done, my boy.

But I still need
your help.

It's time to play
free Father Christmas.

He's awake!





Gas Mask Man
is leaving.

Don't worry, Wayne.

He won't be coming with us
to Christmasland.

Get in the car.

No, buddy.

You gotta
get outta here.


What's the delay,

Don't you want to go
to Christmasland?

No, no, no, buddy.
No, Wayne. Wayne, no!

Wayne, please!

I made a mistake.

Your mother's gonna come.

Just keep remembering.



You're right,
Mr. Partridge.

I am a liar.

You were never special.

Just slow as molasses
and dumb as a box of hair.

You'll die here unless
the police find you first.

I hope they do.

Prison's a better place
for you than hell.