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03x01 - Where there's Smoke

Posted: 11/27/23 11:39
by bunniefuu
-[somber music playing]
-[sirens sounding in distance]

[sirens sounding]

[indistinct radio chatter]


[in Zulu] What have I done?

[in Tswana] What have I done?

[dramatic music playing]

[in English] I knew
something bad was gonna happen.

[upbeat song playing]

[Beauty and Sbu grunting
and breathing deeply]

[woman] Push it down.

This is all your fault.

[breathing heavily]

Suffering. Suffering is part
of the birthing journey.

We must suffer in order to appreciate joy.

I should have never let you
rope me into this.

Everything's gonna be fine. Just breathe.

No. You breathe. I'm done with this.

Beauty... [sighs]

Look, I know, my love,
you don't want a Capricorn,

but it's a bit too late now.

No, she's talking about the baby shower.
Uh, Beauty, please come back into the tub.

All right? We're not done
with the simulation.

We have literally done this,
like, times.

Mm-hmm. But preparation is key.

Yes, and so is keeping our mothers apart,
something you all overrode me on. So...

Beauty, the showering of the new mother is
a beautiful, transcendent rite of passage.

It's such a beautiful...


This is not a passage.
This is a boxing match.

His mother's Cassper Nyovest, and my...

Why's my mother Cassper Nyovest?

Let's breathe.
[inhaling and exhaling sharply]

Okay. Beauty, you need to relax, okay?
It's just a baby shower.

Afterwards, we get to go away
for Christmas.

You know that when it comes to our family,
Christmas is always a shitshow.

Yeah, but Tumi's not here this year.
What... what... what could go wrong?


Just breathe out. [exhales deeply]

-It's okay.
-It's okay.

[upbeat song playing]

[in Tswana] Since Aunt Dineo
is a
Real Housewife of Joburg now,[/i]

surely she could've hired someone
for all this labor?

[Grace] Careful, she might hear.

Maybe if you stopped gossiping,
we wouldn't be running late.

Maybe if you helped us,
we'd be done by now.

And ruin my outfit?

[in English] She's doing too much
just for a baby shower.

[in Tswana] I can hear you,
and it's a launch.

I'm throwing a baby launch.

You know what?

[in English] You're so out of touch.

[in Tswana] Auntie Grace...
[in English] What happened to her?

The spirit of Valencia.

[in Tswana] Keeping up with the Twalas
has made her a monster.

Tumi did herself a favor
by going on a solocation.

Actually, I wish I was in Rusty Dusty with
Moipone instead of being here with Dineo.

Hey, you two, the chicken is not ready!

But I put it on the stove hours ago.

Was that before or after
the electricity went off?

-[Bokang in English] Must be the sheds.
-[in Tswana] What?

-[in English] Load-shedding.
-[in Tswana] It's not Eskom.



When will you start respecting me
by calling me your brother?

I'm busy.

[in English] Shearing. Shearing.

[in Tswana] Not shaving, do you hear me?

That rubbish urn
tripped the electricity again.

Fix it. We need to go.

But I haven't even had breakfast.


Just come and fix it, then you can
have breakfast when you are done.

Oh my God. Please give me the strength
of Job to deal with my enemies.

This chicken isn't going to cook itself.

-No, Auntie Grace.
-Let's go.

-I'm tired.
-[Grace] Me too.


[Succulent bleats]

[Shadrack] Let's go before they eat you.

[Dineo] Shadrack!

[grumbles] Dineo, I'm coming!

[menacing percussive music playing]

[music intensifies]

[woman in English]
Everything came together quite nicely.

[phone dialing]


It's a mess.

Just as I imagined.

The theme was "A royal affair."

[in Zulu] It looks like
we're at China Mall.

[in English] Ditch that job.

Or you'll go from Precious the Planner
to Precious the Pauper.

[phone disconnects]


I need all hands on deck.

We don't have time.

[woman whispering] Go. Go, go, go.

What the hell is that?

[woman] It's an attraction piece.

Mrs. Sello asked us
to hang it up for the guests.

-[Valencia] An attraction piece?

Is that attractive to you?

[grunts softly]

-Get rid of it now.
-[whispering] Get rid of it.

[balloon pops]

[balloon pops]

[balloon pops]

[balloons popping]

f*ck! [sighs]

[melodic music playing]

[Vusi] Box Office King, Thabang Moleya.

So, what do you prefer?
Shall I stand, or should I sit?

I don't know. What is more presidential?

You know what I'm thinking?
Maybe we should go to the indoor pool.

Our new home is full of gems
with good lighting.

No, no, like we said before,
sitting right there is fine, Mr. Twala.

Ah. So formal.

Call me Minister. [chuckles]

Okay, Minister, so with all the issues
that are plaguing our country,

what message do you think
it sends to our people

for you to be buying a luxury game lodge?

I mean, should they be
searching your furniture

for loose change? [chuckles]


You see, um... [clears throat]
I'm creating jobs here.

And, um, a lot of people
stand to benefit from this.

Like the steel industry.

[chuckles] "Steel..."

Learning can happen,
you know, day and night.

Ah, Sibusiso!

Come. Come here and tell the nation
that you, the fruit of my loins,

are the real brains behind KwaTwalasberg.

Dad, you do know
it's not actually called that, right?

Yeah, it's semantics, son.

As long as they know
that it's my lodge, it's fine.

Also, technically not all yours...

All right, cut, man!

"Cut"? You can't say that. That's my job.

Yeah, then do your job. You can see
he's derailing the interview.

-[director] Mr. Twala...

-[Vusi] Yes.

Um, I think your son
would be a valuable contribution.

No. [chuckles] Yes, I'd love to, right?

But I'm just not really
for the whole cameras thing.

Besides, Dad, you know
we have to go to the baby shower.

It won't take long.

[telephone buzzing]

Oh. Oh. My phone... ringing.

Oh. I gotta I take this.

[director chuckles]

I think we should cut him.
He doesn't have my charisma. [chuckles]


[whispering in Zulu] Brother, what time
does your thing start again?

[in English] Why are we whispering?

[whispering in Zulu]
I always speak like this.

You're running away from Shaka,
aren't you?

I'm this close to getting in the car
and fetching the nanny from the Maseru,

because I can't handle this.

-[footsteps pattering]
-[Themba breathing shakily]

[suspenseful music playing]

-[Sbu on phone] Themba?
-[Shaka giggling][/i]

[Sbu] Hey, what's going on?
[in English][/i] Are you still there?[/i]

[Themba in Zulu] I think he found me.

[in English] Sbu, sorry.

If you could give us just one
or two questions and we can wrap this up?

Wh-wh-whoa, whoa, whoa. Who's that?

It's Dad's interview.

They need a son's perspective.

But I'm a son.

[in Zulu] Listen, T, I have to go.
Please don't be late.

Whoa. Brother, what time does
this thing of yours start again?

[phone disconnects]

[sighs in frustration]

[suspenseful comedic music playing]

[Shaka babbles]

[toy g*n sounding]

-[Shaka] f*ck!

[Shaka giggles]


[in Zulu] Now he'll be repeating that
the whole day today.

-We need to go home right now.
-Right now?

[in English] Is the shower there now?
Did I read the invitation wrong?

-Oh, f*ck.
-[Shaka] f*ck!

-[Shaka babbles]

No, there's a father-and-son interview
happening at home,

and I'm not even there.

Sbu got your parents
out of their financial hole?

So? Baby...

[in Zulu] hard is it
to balance some books,

get an investor, and buy a lodge?

Okay, Themba, where's your lodge, then?

Come on, can't you see what's happening?


Ever since Sbu came back from London,
they don't care about us.

-You don't see it. No, you don't see it.

[Lydia in English]
This is all in your head, okay?

[in Zulu] This lodge is
for the entire Twala family.

Now please, Themba...

[in English] Can we get ready?
Because we are always late.

[objects clattering]

[Shaka] f*ck.

[both] f*ck!

["No! No! Señor"
by Brenda and the Big Dudes playing]

♪ No, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, señor ♪

♪ Please, please, don't do that to me ♪

♪ No, no, no, no, no
No, no, no, no, no, señor ♪

♪ Please
Please, just don't do that to me... ♪

[sighs] You're welcome, Dineo.

You know, Precious was not available.

[in Zulu] So I decided
to put this together myself.

[in English] What do you think?

Yo, yo, yo!

Now this is giving.

What's giving?

[in Tswana]
People had their own duties to fulfill.

[in English]
Décor was not your portion, Valencia!

I paid a lot of money for this,

and I was not going to let you ruin it
with your...

This is my daughter's baby launch.

[in Tswana] You're lucky
you're even a part of the planning.

I may be a Christian,
but I'm not afraid to...

[Beauty in English] What's going on?


[Grace] Your mothers here
are discussing the running of the day.


'Cause I don't want any surprises.

No posting on social media,
no drama, and absolutely no...

Fighting. [in Tswana] Even when
the devil herself walks among us...


My goodness, Ma. Did you do all of this?

[in English] This is stunning.

This time I must tell you,
you outdid yourself.


Why don't the two of you go
finish up getting ready?

We have everything. Right?

-[tense music playing]


[Valencia giggles]

I've missed this.

The point is, this new lodge
that we, as the Twalas, have acquired,

is certainly going to put us on the map.

It's probably the same size as Cyril's.

I wouldn't say that.

Yeah, you're quite right.
It's probably bigger. [laughs]

But who's measuring anyway,
right? [laughs]

[horn honking]

[upbeat song playing]

-[in Zulu] Oh my goodness!
-[camera clicking]


[in English] Cut!

That's my job.

-[in Zulu] What are you doing here?

[Vusi in English] Did you just call me
by my full name?

[in Zulu] Things are bad, brother,

ever since mom passed away.

I've even tried to communicate with her.

Nothing's working.

Things are bad.
They even stole my car. It's gone.

[in English] Excuse me.

-[Siya in Zulu] It's important.

It's not Mom's fault
that they stole your car.

[in English] It's the karma
for all the ste... um...

The stealthy ways that you have, ahem,
acquired your assets in the past, you see.

[in Zulu] I'm glad you could make it.

Just in time for us to leave.
[in English] We have to go.

[Siya in Zulu] It's important
that we connect with Mom.

She is very angry at me.

Who knows what she'll do next?

[in English] Minister Twala,

I didn't realize
you were a traditional man.

Oh yeah, I am a traditional man
through and through.

[in Zulu] You know, bones,
ancestors, traditional healers...

[in English] ...and all that kind of stuff.
Yeah. [clicks tongue] I love it. Yeah.

[in Zulu] So we'll do it?

[in English] Look, as much as I'd love to...

[clears throat]
When we are done with the shower,

we are going to go as a family
to my lodge for a family retreat.

So your brother will be joining you
for your family holiday?

Of course he's going with us. Yeah.

So that we can connect properly
with our mother on our ancestral land.

Yes. [laughs]

It's not our ancestral land.
Um, it's not...

Again, semantics.

Hold on.

Are you getting this?

-[horn honks]
-[in Zulu] My goodness.

[in English] Okay, I'm here!
I'm here! I'm here!

[in Zulu] Right on time.

Now I can be part of the footage.

[in English] You can get
your footage from all the Twala...

[in Zulu] Uncle, are you okay?

Please, can we stop? We need to go.
[in English] The baby shower. Dad, please.

[in Zulu] What about my segment?

Um, listen.

[in English] It's Sbu's day,
so whatever he says goes.

[in Zulu] Brother...

[in English] ...please, just make sure
you send me the BTS.

[in Zulu] I want to outshine Tito
and his Lucky Star posts.

-[both laugh]
-[Vusi in English] Bye.

Okay. Um...

[director] No, sorry.
We got everything we need.

Thank you. Okay, let's go.

[Beauty groans] Shit. m*therf*cking shit!


[Thando] Beauty.

-I didn't want this.

-[in Sotho] You do want this.
-I don't.

[in English] Relax. [in Tswana] Do you see
what the stress is doing to you?

-[in English] Friend!
-I'm just trying to help you.

[in Tswana] Babes, let's do this. Ha-ha!

Ah. And you?

[in English] A heads-up on the wedding
dress code vibes would've been nice.

[in Tswana] Just look at me.
I'm so underdressed. Look at me. I'm here.

Zama, what are you doing here?

[in English] What?
Is the baby shower cancelled?

Sorry, ma'am,
this is a private family function.

Oh, then consider me family.

[in Tswana] My sister.

-[Thando in English] Zama?

I thought I told you
that I was meeting you later.


[in Tswana] I know, but after you told me
how uptight Beauty is about this shower...

[in English] ...I thought I'd come in
and spread some December vibes.

[in Tswana] Right?


[in English] I... I promise you
I didn't say that. I swear to God.

[in Tswana] You did say that.

You said she was whining and annoying.

Don't look at me like that.
[in English] I've got the receipts.

Please excuse us.

-You. Come.
-[in Sotho] Me? Friend.

[Zama] Hey!

[in Tswana] Some tequila?

[Thando in English] Friend...

[Zama grunts]

[Thando] Friend, I promise you,
I did not... I did not ever say that.

I didn't even invite her. I promise you.



[Beauty urinating]

You know what? You must just never listen
to, you know, Zama because she day drinks.

You know what? Maybe you
and your new best friend

should go and drink elsewhere.

That way you don't have to deal
with my uptight ass.

-Excuse me, Beauty.
-[toilet flushes]

Ever since you got pregnant,

and Refiloe's all boo'd up
wherever she is,

who do you expect me to pop bottles with?

I mean, she slipped in my DMs.
[in Tswana] It was fun.

[in English] Great, let's be friends.
She's a nice person.

[in Sotho] But you know that...
[in English] You're my day one. I got you.

[inhales sharply] Look, friend,
maybe you should give her a chance.

She's really...

Thando, she pitched up uninvited
with a bottle of tequila to a baby shower.

Did somebody say tequila? Ha-ha!

[under breath] What the f*ck?

Oh. Uh...


what are we having? [babbles]

-I see.
-[Thando clears throat]

We don't want to know the gender.

[in Tswana] Huh.
So there's no gender reveal?

-[in English] Nope.
-So this is just a lunch, then?

[in Tswana] Friend... [laughs]

[in English] I think
we should just get going

to, you know, the baby shower.

[in Tswana] Wait, hold on.

I know you're frustrated.

Your feet even look like fat cakes.

And I'm sure you're not sure if you're
glowing due to the pregnancy or it's just sweat.

But it's fine.
I'm here to celebrate with you.

[in English] I'll prove it.
I'll help you get ready.

[in Tswana] I'll even do your makeup.

[in English] My makeup's done.

It is.

It is. [exhales]

-So great!
-[Thando laughing]

[in Tswana] Friend...

[in English] Yes, let's...
[whispering] Get out of here.

[in Tswana] When is lunch?

I've lost weight
with all this manual labor.

Let me tell you something, brother.

[in English] Next year at this time,
I'll be far.

[in Tswana] This is no way
to spend every December. I can't.

Dineo is worse.




I wish Moipone was here to pray for her.

Maybe Moipone can pray for my horniness.

It's dry.

My brother, it's dry.

-No, man.

Dry! There's no potential.


Is that the reason
you're dressed like this?

Like what?

[Siya sighs]

[in Zulu] I hate Christmas.

[in Tswana] Last year's Christmas
wasn't too bad.


[in Zulu] The same Christmas
when my mom died?

[in English] Oh, yeah.

[in Tswana] By the way...

[upbeat music playing]

[Siya whimpering]

[cries, sniffles]

[upbeat music playing]

[camera shutter clicking]

-[Shaka giggling]
-[in Zulu] Come back here.

[Themba shouts playfully]


[in English] Okay, what is with
this no-phones policy?

[sighs] Beauty wants
a low-profile pregnancy

after what happened last year.

I cannot wait

until our Sun City baecation tomorrow.[/i]

[both chuckle, kiss]

Feed me a strawberry.

[Bokang] Isn't that Zamalicious?

[Terrance] That's Zamalicious, baby.

-These huns...
-I love her.

-...better keep their husbands in check.

All right, could everybody
please settle down,

so that we could start
all the proceedings?

Thank you.

[brass band playing]

[people cheering and applauding]

[Thando] Welcome
to Beauty and Sbu's baby shower.


[in Tswana] Let's give them
a round of applause.

-[crowd applauding]
-[laughs] Whoo!

[in English] This friend...

Oh guys, can I please tell you?

My friend, we've been friends for so long.

We did everything together.

-Everything. [laughs]

Except for getting married.

And having kids.

But anyway, uh... [laughs]

Can we please welcome Mam'Sello
so she can do an opening prayer for us?

[in Tswana]
Please give her a round of applause.

[guests applaud and cheer]

[woman] Sister!

She wants you to sing.


[singing "Modimo Rea Ho Boka"]

[guests join in singing]

[song ends]

[guests cheering and applauding]

[in English] Glory!


[guests] Amen!

[in Tswana] Our faithful Father.
Let's close our eyes, please.

Our faithful Father...

[in English] Our Father who is so loving.

[Shadrack in Tswana]
Listen to that English.

[in English] You are our Alpha and Omega.

[woman] Amen!

[in Tswana] Thank you for your mercy

upon our lives
and the lives of our children.

[guest ] You are beautiful, God.

We are grateful for the child
that will be born into the Sello family.

[guest ] Hallelujah!

A child that will be born
into a spiritual home.

[guest] Amen!

I mean...

even if it is
from only one side of the family.

-[guests cheering]
-[Dineo] Hallelujah!

-Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
-[Shadrack] You're making noise.

Your prayer was heartfelt.

[in English] That was a great prayer,

[in Tswana] We all heard you, Ma.

[in English] And now,
we're going to welcome the Twalas,

so that they can give us an official
welcoming onto the ceremony.

-[horns playing]
-[guests applauding]

-I thank you.

As the, um... Minister of Home Affairs

in the Democratic Republic
of South Africa,

I would like to welcome you all
by saying, "All protocol..."

[suspenseful music playing]

[in Tswana] Observed, man.

[in English] Observed.

-Um... [clears throat]

From time to time,

as people, we find ourselves,
uh... [clears throat] a state of emergency...


[microphone feedback]

[Vusi coughing]

[Valencia laughs awkwardly]
Excuse the minister.

Uh, but as the First Lady of Home Affairs...

[Shadrack] Yes!

[Valencia] ...I am very capable

to continue with the proceedings.

It is with great pride
that we, the Twala family,

present the gift to baby Twala.

No, sorry, Mama.
There's no gifts yet.

-A herd of elephants...
-[guests gasping]

[guests applauding]

[Valencia] ...and a generous portion
of the luxury lodge we acquired.

[in Zulu] Were elephants
on the gift registry?

I don't know.

[in English] The baby will have more
than a spiritual upbringing.

Thank you.

[guests applauding]

Thank you.

Wow, isn't that just amazing?

Wow, right? A whole lodge.

[in Tswana] Wow, give her a round of...

-[in English] Hallelujah.
-[guests] Amen.

[in Tswana] We all know that elephants
don't take us to heaven.

-[in English] Hallelujah.
-[guests] Amen.

-[Dineo] Hallelujah.
-[guests] Amen.

[in Tswana] Uh, now that
it is time for the gifts,

please go fetch my gift and bring it here.

[in English] No.

-Please, hurry up. My gift.
-[Shadrack] Sorry, Mrs. Speaker.

[sighs heavily]

[in Tswana] Yes, sir?

When are we eating?

[guests murmuring]


[breathing heavily]


[in Zulu] What's going on?

Must I call an ambulance?

-[Valencia] Huh?

-[in English] She's here.
-[in Zulu] Who?

[Dineo, angrily] Valencia!

[gasps, mutters]

[Vusi pants]

[Dineo, angrily] Valencia!

[in English] This baby holds
Beauty's history from her childhood.

-[in Tswana] What's wrong with you?
-[in English] This thing was ugly.

[in Tswana] And you're beautiful?


-[in English] What? What? What?

The baby's coming.

Right now? Wait.
We should call the police, right?

No, I just need
somewhere quiet to just... breathe.

-[in Tswana] I'm coming with you.
-[in English] No!

Not you two.

-Can I come?
-Yes! You come!

Okay. Okay, okay, okay. Wait. Wait. Wait.

Africa's not answering her phone.
But I think my dad can get the Hawks.

-Everything's gonna be fine.
-Relax. I'm fine.

I just needed to find a way

to stop our mothers
from going all
Love & Hip Hop on us.[/i]

Wait, you were faking?

Wouldn't be the first time.

With the baby.

[knocking on door]

I'm fine.

Braxton Hicks!

-[sighs heavily]
-Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

[in Zulu] You scared me.

[in English] I'm carrying the baby.

She's fine! She's fine. She's fine.

But you know you can't do this, right?
Remember what Afrika said, baby?

[both] We're fine!

[sighs] I really don't need
a lecture right now.

I told you I didn't want this baby shower.

And now look. I'm stressing and shouting.

All the things
the baby doesn't need me to be.

[sentimental music playing]

I just need a minute.


[Valencia] Vusi!

[in Zulu] What's going on, Vusi?
What's wrong with you? Huh?

-[in English] She's here.
-[in Zulu] Who, Vusi?

-Zama. [panting]

Zama. Zama! [panting][/i]

-[in English] Are you sure?
-[in Zulu] She was staring right at me.

-[in English] I'm really...

[in Zulu] You know what, Vusi?
You better pray that nobody finds out.

Do you understand me?
You better pray nobody finds out, Vusi.

[in English] You know, I'm tired.
I'm sick and tired by being embarrassed...

-[in Zulu] ...with you and your affairs.
-[dryer blows]

[in English] I'm so sick and tired.
[in Zulu] I can't handle this.

[sentimental music continues]

[Zama sighs]

[in English] Is that weed?

[sighs] I needed to take the edge off.

Do you see this baby bump?

[in Tswana] Oh! Thando was right
about your uptightness.

[in English] I'm just under
a lot of stress, okay?

My girl, I just offered you a drag,
not a shoulder to cry on.

[Zama sighs]

-What, are you leaving?
-[Zama] Yes. I made a mistake coming here.

I need to realign with my chakras.

[car door opens]

[Beauty] That sounds
exactly like what I need.

[car door closes]

[Zama sighs]

[Beauty] I can't just leave
my own baby shower.

[in Tswana] Fine, then.

[in English] You know,
this reminds me of the time

I ran out on my wedding with Tumi.

[engine starts, revs]

[in Tswana] Who is Tumi?

[upbeat music playing]

[Beauty in English]
She's my sister, and she's a legend.

Zama could be anywhere,
leaking classified information.

[Valencia] Just keep looking.

[Shadrack grunts] Satan!

-[Themba] Dad. Ma.

-[in Zulu] What about Shaka's elephants?
-Themba, we're busy.

[in English] Themba?
Themba, code brown. Code brown.

[in Zulu] Handle it.

[in English] He needs
one of us to hold him.

[in Zulu] Remember what happened
last time?

We're not done here.

[Valencia] Oh my goodness.

You know what? You know what?

We need to do something big for Mom.

I say we slaughter
one of Shaka's elephants.

I'm ready.

[in English] Really, Vusi?
[in Zulu] Why did you invite him to our holiday??

[in English] One disaster
at a time. Please, Val.

-Valencia, I need an apology from you.
-Oh, gosh! [in Zulu] My goodness.

[Dineo in Tswana]
Valencia, I'm talking to you.

-[plate breaks]

-[in English] Not now. We're looking for...
-Beauty, have you seen her?

I've been looking all over.
I can't find her.

I just saw the mama drive off.
I'm not sure what to make of that.

I mean, is the baby shower over?

Do I ask you, or...?

-Why would she drive off?

-I'm not sure who's in charge now.
-[Sbu] Why? Where's she going?

["Tanzania" by Uncle Waffles
and Tony Duardo playing]

[engine revving]

[in Tswana] Are you okay?

[Beauty in English] I can't believe
you brought me to Konka.

[Zama sighs]

Now my chakras are in line.

[singing along to "Tanzania"]

[in Tswana] My friend!



[singing along to "Tanzania"]

[phone buzzing]

[phone ringing]

-[Beauty in English] [/i]Hello?
-Beauty, where are you?[/i]

-[mouthing] Beauty, come!
-["Tanzania" continues]

Uh, I'm at Konka with Zama.

[Sbu] Konka?

You left me, friend!

You see what you did, Valencia?

Uh, Dineo, this thing is ugly.

[Beauty] You know what?[/i]
I'm done playing referee.[/i]

You guys can go
and enjoy your baby shower.

-[in Zulu] I'm going to get my wife.
-We're coming with you.

-[in English] No. Why?
-For support, Sbu.

[in Zulu] Is this the Konka
with the sparkling champagne?

[in English] Can't believe
they went without me.

They're not going to let
you pensioners go in.

So we should all just go.

[in Tswana]
Grace, go and fetch the food and gifts.

We're going home!

You and your friend,
notify all the guests.

[in English] I hope
you're happy with yourself now.

Ugh. Let's go, Vusi.

[upbeat club music playing]

I'm... I'm going to Konka.

[in Tswana] What's going on
with this lunch?

[upbeat club music continues]


My gosh. [in English] You can't be
at a groove and sulking.

[in Tswana] It's December! I mean, really?

[Zama hums]

[in English] Please, you have
no idea what I'm going through.

[in Tswana] My friend, we all have
our own shit, for goodness sake.

[in English] What could
you possibly be going through?

What, not enough followers on the Gram?

Uh, try a sick mother...

[in Tswana] ...who passed away a month ago.

-[cork pops]
-[crowd cheers]

-[in English] I'm so sorry. I had no idea.
-[Zama sighs]

[in Tswana] What do you want me to do?
Carry her tombstone and cry about it?

Okay, thank you, girls.

[in English] Thank you, girls.
Thank you, Christmas girls. Ho! Ho! Ho!

You know, I know what it feels like.

I lost a baby a year ago.

[in Tswana] And look at you now.

Enjoy life.

[in English] f*ck everybody.

[in Tswana] They're going
to disappoint you anyway.

[in English] No. You know what?
Actually, that's bullshit.

Because my mothers have been doing
this shit for three years straight,

and it has to stop.

-[in Tswana] You're totally right.
-[Beauty] Hmm.

You're right.

People can't just throw you out
then Johnnie Walker it.

[in English] What?

f*ck it, man. f*ck. [in Tswana]
Let's go back to the baby shower.

[in English] It's time to hold
some m*therf*ckers accountable.

Um... I'm mad at them,
but don't call my mother a m*therf*cker.

-[upbeat song playing]
-Ooh! Mmm. Mmm. Mmm.

I'm sorry, what happened
to holding people accountable?

[in Tswana] After this song, please.


What a disaster.

Who is that?

[Shadrack humming]

[microwave beeps]

[Shadrack humming]

-[electricity crackling]
-[microwave dings]

Oh my goodness.

Must a man die of hunger?

I'm going to fix it.

Auntie, please switch on the gas stove
so we can eat warm food.

[in Xhosa] Hmm. With this hat?

[in English] Okay.

[whimsical music playing]

-[switch clicks]
-[electricity humming]


[electricity crackling]

[electricity humming]

[electricity crackling]

[in Zulu] This is unbelievable.
What are you feeding this child?

[in English] Are you blaming me
for the fact your son is always pooping?

[in Zulu] Where is everyone?

[upbeat club music playing]

[Sbu] They're not here.

-I can't find them.

But we're here. Let's order.

Stop it.

Stop it, Siya.

[in English] Sorry. I can't find them
anywhere. The bathroom, nowhere.

[in Zulu] What about Zama?
Did you see her?

[in English] No.

[in Zulu] Let's find
the owner of this place,

to show us the CCTV footage.

[in English] You know,
that is a brilliant idea,

because then we'll be able to see
how long did Zama and Beauty chat for.

[in Zulu] We'll be able to see
if Beauty's facial expression changes.

[in English] Then we can read their lips.

Okay, okay, yeah.

[in Zulu] You do that,
and I'll do a clean sweep.

I'll look for them on the stage.

-What if she tells Beauty everything?
-Tell her what? She won't say anything.

[upbeat club music continues]

[in Xhosa] Minister, you also come
to places like this?

[in English] Oh yes.
I'm a man of the people.

[phone chimes]

-[in Zulu] She sent a message.

We just missed them.
Zama is taking her to the Sellos.


Let's go.

No. I want to go alone.

[in English] Because I really don't want
the drama. Please.

[in Zulu] No, let's all go.

I just want to apologize to Beauty's mom.

[in English] Yes, yes, um,
she wants to apologize.

That's why we must go there.

[in Zulu] Okay. Okay, no, let's go.

Where is Uncle Siya?

Oh, God, he's over there.

[crowd cheering]

What are these gay guys doing?

[horn honks]

-[in English] Are you back from Konka?

To look for Beauty.

Your whole family went there.

How? The coordinator said
everybody came back here.

[in Tswana] Bokang!
You're busy kissing your boyfriend.

[in English] We have to feed people!
[in Tswana] Come and help!

[in Zulu] I need to go to Konka.
I'm going to Konka.

[in English] Themba! Th... Hey!

If you leave me here, I'll leave you
and give you full custody of your son.

[in Zulu] Hey, hey. Come here, my boy.


[electricity buzzing, crackling]


[in Tswana] Oh, my baby...

I was worried about you.

I'm really sorry.

-That woman brings out the street in me.

[Dineo kisses]

I'm sorry. Let's have something to eat.

May I please also have a plate of food?

I'm sick of Mogodu Mondays. [laughs]

[in Afrikaans] Thank you.


-[in Tswana] Hello. Is Vusi not back yet?

Amen. Mmm.

[in English] Hey.

-Mmm. Hmm?

Now, why the f*ck would you take
a pregnant woman to Konka?

-[in Tswana] You should've seen her.
-[in Zulu] It was so much fun.

The champagne was spitting fire.

-[Sbu in English] Hello, runaway bride.
-Hey, baby!

[in Zulu] You scared me.

-[in English] I'm sorry.
-I need a favor from you, okay?

Never ever kidnap our baby again.

That's only if you promise
no more baby showers.


All right.

I missed you.

How does that make any sense?

[in Tswana] Thank you so much, Ma.

What is she doing here?

I'm going to k*ll her.

Sister, no.
Let's go over there.

[in Zulu] Let me talk to her.


you left me again?

-Not now, Themba. Give me two minutes.
-When are we going to talk, Dad?

-We'll talk...

Vusi, just hear him out.
[in English] Just hear him out.

-[in Zulu] Really?

[sucks teeth]

[Themba] I want to start
with the issue of the elephants.

Go and eat your food.

[in English] Did I stutter?


[in Zulu] Can we talk?
[in English] Somewhere private.

[in Tswana] Actually,
I'd rather talk to Vusi.

Oh! [laughs]

[in Zulu] Look at what you did.
Let's go. I'll get you another plate.

[Zama grunting]

[in Tswana] Don't grab me like that.

[in Afrikaans] Jesus.
[in Tswana] What is wrong with you?

[in Zulu] You have some nerve coming here.

[in English] So you do know about me?

I know everything about my husband's life.

And still you stay with him.

So you're not that bad bitch
everybody makes you out to be?

You're one of those...
[in Tswana] What do they call them?

"Suffering aunties." Ha!

Are you not embarrassed
about your situation?

Ooh! This auntie is trying to test me.

[in Xhosa] Excuse me.

I need to turn on the urn...

[in Tswana] She can't tell me anything.

[in Zulu] It's done.

-[in Xhosa] I want to wash the dishes.
-[in Zulu] We'll wash them.

[in Xhosa] You need to make sure the urn
and the wires are sitting correctly.

[in Zulu] We'll wash them.

-[in Xhosa] All of them?
-[in Zulu] Go.

[in Xhosa] Thank you.

-[electricity crackling]
-[in Tswana] Listen here...

I'm here for Vusi.

Tell him to grow some balls
and come talk to me...

[in English] And not send his wife.
[in Tswana] Do you understand me?

Don't touch me!

[Zama gasps]

Oh gosh.


Oh, hell no.

[upbeat, whimsical music playing]

[yelps, exclaims]

Who does she think she is?

[in Zulu] Oh, no! Fire!

[electricity crackling, sparking]

[upbeat, whimsical music continues]

[Valencia] Vusi!

-[in Zulu] Dad.
-[in English] Just a minute.

[in Xhosa] Fire!

Vusi! Vusi!


[in Zulu] Fire!

[in Zulu] There's a fire in the house.

[in Zulu] Fire!

-[dramatic music playing]
-[crowd clamoring]

[in Zulu] Fire!

[in Zulu] Fire!

[crowd shouting]

[inaudible dialogue]

-[somber music playing]
-[shouting echoes]



[Succulent bleats]

[in Tswana] Oh, thank you, brother.
Thank you, brother.


[in Zulu] What have I done?

[in Tswana] What have I done?

[all gasp]


[in Zulu] Is that you?

[in English] I knew something bad
was gonna happen.

Tumi or no Tumi.

[somber music continues]

[ethereal music playing]