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02x05 - Close Encounter To Touch

Posted: 11/27/23 11:47
by bunniefuu
Good morning, Church.

I'm sorry to ask for
such an early start,

but the dinner is almost upon us.

Of course.

Has Mrs. Bruce been shown
everything about the house

- she needs to know?
- Yes, ma'am. Mrs. Herrick was very kind.

And she will be here to help on the day.

Oh. And we borrowed
enough extra footmen?

Mrs. Fish and Mrs. Depew
Were quite obliging.

And all the footmen have
come up from st Street.

I must decide on the service.

What's all this?

Have you two been here all night?

Not all night.

We were out for most of it
and we've only just got back.

Church, I need you to order the carriage

to take Mr. Larry and Mr. Keene
to the station in Providence.

- Very good, ma'am.
- Mm.

So you're banishing us?

Is this what they taught you at Harvard?

How to get drunk?

That's a pretty fair assessment.

Wouldn't you say so, Malcolm?

You find it funnier than I do.

Leave it.

Mr. Keene, I wonder if Larry and I could

have a few moments together?

Of course.

I'll get changed and pack
my things, Mrs. Russell.

And I'm sorry about the glass.

You can take a cab home
when you get to New York.

And what about the dinner for the Duke?

I thought my presence was required.

Not if you behave like this.

It was just a glass, Mother.

How long do you plan to
keep playing the fool?

I don't know.

I suppose until it stops being fun.

It's no fun for me, I assure you.

I know you despised her.

Mrs. Blane wasn't right for you.

That's all I'll say on the subject.

You have to admit you're
pleased she's broken my heart.

I won't admit anything of the sort.

I only ever want what's
best for my children.

It will do you good to
be away from Newport.

There aren't any reminders
of her in New York.

Now go and get ready.

You're kind to fit me in
before you leave for Newport.

You must have so much to do.

We're mainly going for Mrs.
Russell's famous dinner.

She's really
making a splash with her Duke.

I'm sorry you won't be there.

I hardly know her,

but Oscar thinks he
should have been asked.

I dare say Mrs. Russell had her reasons.

I know he was running after
Mrs. Russell's daughter

before he met me, so perhaps that's why.

Oscar liked her,

but you surely don't want a man

who's never been interested
in a woman before.

No, of course not.

But I worry about his motives.

After all, Gladys
Russell will be very rich.

And so will you, of course.

Is he just a fortune hunter?

If he is, he wouldn't be the first,

but I don't want to burn my wings again.

I'm very fond of Oscar.

He's clever and funny.

And I'm sure he'll do well.

But there's no rush.

Take your time in getting to know him.

Then come to your own conclusions.

You're right.

There's no rush.

And I do like him.

And now I should be on my way.

Ah, Miss Beaton.

I was just seeing her out.

No need. I know my way.

Thank you, Aurora.

Mr. Fane.

I wish you'd come in earlier.


Because I've had a very
uncomfortable few minutes.


She suspects Oscar's motives
in his pursuit of her.

I warned you not to get involved.

He's my cousin, and I must
help him any way I can.

And I think he's
really very fond of her.

You mean you hope he is.

Am I late?

We were sorting out the library.

They'll have you
b*ating the carpets next.

John, please give Miss Marian some tea.

And then would you leave us?

Why must he leave us?

Because I have something to say.

Gracious. Should I leave you, too?


I want you and Marian to stay.

As my niece and nephew,

you're the closest I'll
ever come to having children.

This is very melodramatic.

Are we to witness your will?

I'm surprised what you're going to leave

will warrant three signatures.

Mama, let her speak.

You all know the Reverend Mr. Forte.

We certainly do. What about him?

Well, the thing is...

This is like extracting teeth.

He has asked me to marry him.

- And I have said yes.
- Wha...


You heard me.

How lovely.

Aunt Ada, this is wonderful news.

Yes, I'll ring the bell.
We must open some champagne.

You will not ring the bell.

We will not open any champagne.

When was this decided?

A few days ago.

When is the wedding to take place?

- Next week.
- Next week?

God in heaven, why the rush?

I've been waiting my
entire life for this.

I don't need a long engagement.

Luke's curate will perform the ceremony,

then we'll return to st Street

for a modest wedding breakfast.

It sounds lovely.

I'll ask friends and cousins
if they can spare the time.

I'm going to ask
Bannister and Mrs. Bauer

since they've been with
us for so many years.

And Bridget will be there
to check my appearance.

Do you think Miss Scott would come?

I am sure she would want to,

but she's still on her
assignment in Tuskegee.

Miss Scott won't be the only one absent.

You're not coming to the wedding?


And just in case there
is any misunderstanding,

Oscar will not be there either.

- Mama.
- But I...

I had hoped that Oscar
would take me down the aisle.

I'd be honored.

My son will not participate
in your tomfoolery.

Mama, this is harsh, even for you.

Well, I'll be your maid of honor.

Will you indeed? You're
very calm and collected.

Did you know what Ada was going to say?

Marian encouraged me to tell you.

We hoped you'd be happy for me.

Why, when you're making
a terrible mistake?

What do you know about marriage
or the duties of a wife?

You're a spinster.

And you've always been a spinster.

Why must you be so unkind?

You're right.

I have a great deal to learn,
which I'm looking forward to.

Please don't spoil it for me.

There's a cab outside for Mr. Oscar.

- Thank you.
- What about you, Bannister?

Did you know Miss Ada is engaged

to marry the Reverend Mr. Forte?


Congratulations, Miss Ada.

Do not congratulate her.

- I'm sorry?
- Rescind your congratulations.

Aunt Agnes, this is silly.

Please do not tell me how
to speak to my own butler!

My apologies, Miss Ada,

but I must cancel my congratulations

at Mrs. Van Rhijn's request.

I quite understand, Bannister.

I'm going up.

My head feels like a b*ating drum.

I am so sorry, Aunt Ada.

Perhaps she'll come around.

- Oh, dear.
- Don't weaken.

Not when your happiness
is close enough to touch.

But Agnes...

Aunt Agnes is strong.
She'll get used to it.

She can punch nails through
a wall with her bare hands

and not notice.

She could certainly
punch me through a wall.

And it sounds like she
intends to do just that.

Is it your goal to work at a hotel?

I hope so.

When I passed the test
to get into Tuskegee,

I thought now I can learn a trade.

So I won't have to look
after white folks' children

for the rest of my life.

But in order to do that,
you'd have to move to the city.

I don't mind.

Ah, well, what's David
have to say about it?

- We ain't got married yet.
- Mm-hmm.

I'd like to be on my own for a bit,

like Miss Scott.

She gets to travel for her
work all the way from New York.

How'd you get your job?

Um, well, I went to school,
studied, worked hard,

- sent out plenty of query letters.
- Mm.

Mr. Fortune made me an
offer, and here I am.

You're lucky to be from the north.

You should come back and teach a
newspaper writing class down here.

Yes. Oh, yes.

Oh, well, tell us about New York City.

Go ahead.

Go on.

Well, it's very big and busy.

I like your menu, Borden,

but I'm not sure we're
quite there with the savory.

The Duke is English.

I thought he'd like deviled kidneys.

Possibly, but I doubt
our American guests would.

Have you enlisted all
the chefs you'll need?

I've taken on five and
I've tested them all.

Thank you.

I think we'll use the Bernardaud china

with the St. Louis glass.

Very good, madam.

The Duke's room is ready

if madam would care to inspect it.

So is the room for his valet.

And don't forget the flowers.

Mrs. Bruce, my one
remaining worry is Adelheid.

She tries her best, but her
skill with a tiara is limited.

She's perfectly adequate
as a maid for Miss Gladys,

but I need more.

She was only ever meant to be temporary

while we found a
successor to Miss Turner.

But here we are months later,

and I've done nothing to find a new one.

It's entirely my fault.

I can make enquiries in the town.

Do that. We have a few days yet.

But nothing must go wrong.

Of course, ma'am.

Are you all right? You
seem a little forlorn.

You can read me so well, Miss Beaton.

I'm in the middle of a family drama.

- Can I help?
- Not really.

My aunt is getting married,

but my mother has forbidden
me to go to the wedding.


She's taken against him, I suppose.

Oh, how sad. Your poor aunt.

Miss Beaton, are you a romantic?

What woman isn't?

You've inspired me.

I shall defy my mother and go anyway,

but only if you'll come with me.

I'd be happy to,

especially since you're doing
me such a good service today.

Mr. Peter Barnes.

It's good to see you again, Mr. Barnes.

And thank you for
letting me drag you away

from your duties.

I suppose Mrs. Russell
is as demanding as usual?

I'm glad to see you, too, Miss Turner...

or I should say Mrs. Winterton now.

But you're right about Mrs. Russell,

and I'm afraid I can't
stay more than a minute.

How are the preparations
going for her dinner

next week?

Everyone's in a fizz about
entertaining a duke...

Mr. Church more than the
others, you can imagine.

Good old Mr. Church...

never one to play down
his own importance.

But I need you to do me a favor...

a paid favor, of course.

What are old friends for?

You won't be working alone.

Mr. Borden has hired
some chefs to help him.

And one of them, a Mr. Schneider,

is working for me.

This grows more
intriguing by the minute.

- Hello, Mr. Crowther.
- Ah, Miss Beaton.

It's always a pleasure to see you again.

I wish I could believe that.

You must be so bored having to explain

the whole thing every time.

That's why I brought Mr. Van Rhijn.

How do you do?

He is going to try and
stop me feeling like a fool.

I'm not sure he should be here.

- You can trust me implicitly.
- Please let him stay.

This is highly unusual.

Please sit down.

Can I offer you any refreshment?

No, thank you.

But I'd love to know
more about the company.

Uh, here's a booklet,
if you'd like to read it.

I would.

Miss Beaton has told me about your plans

to take over the Chicago
and Atlantic Railway.

Has she, indeed?

Was I wrong?

Not wrong, exactly.

But it's going through?

Oh, yes, most definitely.

You have all the money you need?

We have nearly all the money we need.

We should reach our target
in the next couple of weeks.

And Mr. Gould is satisfied?

Heavens, you are well informed.

I'm afraid I tell him
everything these days.

Please don't be angry with me.

I would just ask Mr.
Van Rhijn to keep silent

about any information you may give him.

We cannot risk wrecking
the deal at the last moment.

I'll be as silent as
the grave, I promise.

Miss Ada has asked
for a tray in her room.

I don't understand. She's not ill.

She didn't say.

She's well enough to eat.

Shall I tell Mrs.
Bauer to prepare a tray?

Yes, thank you.

Do you know what this is about?

You are many things, Aunt Agnes,

but I'd never describe you as obtuse.

Mm. Explain yourself.

It's the way you spoke to Aunt Ada

that keeps her in her room.

She's finally found the
man she wants to marry.

Can't you just accept it?

You've not forgotten that
you live here at my pleasure?

Do you really want to quarrel

with your only surviving sibling?

This marriage would be a disgrace.

What would our parents think

if I were to say nothing
and let this happen?

So you try to please the
dead by bullying the living?


You might not care what I
think or how Aunt Ada feels,

but I'm certain you care
what everyone else will say.

And to the outside world, it will seem

that you are petulant and angry

because Ada is no longer
at your beck and call.


Will Miss Marian also be having a tray

in her room, ma'am?


It is now the largest building

in the town of Tuskegee.

Unfortunately, Mr.
Porter could not be here,

but we thank him for his
generosity and public spirit.

So without further ado, I present to you

the A.H. Porter Dormitory.

I'm going to go talk to Mr. Washington.

All right. I'll get some quotes.

Oh, David. Hello.

Do you mind if I get a few
quotes for the newspaper?

Not at all. Not at all.

So how does it feel to
be able to attend class

and live in a building

you helped create with your own hands?

Mm. It's very moving.

In fact, I didn't expect
it to be so emotional.

Getting weepy, David?

I'm proud to know that
we really did that.

It makes me feel like
we could do anything.

And what do you plan to do
with your Tuskegee diploma?

I'd like to have my own farm
so I could support a family.

I met your girlfriend.

I'd also like to use my farm

to help out with our family business.

- And what's that?
- My mama started a restaurant.

I plan on supplying
them with the harvest

from the crop on my land.

Mm. Well, I wish you all the best.

Thank you.

You should visit my mama's place.

Oh, yes, we might take you up on that.

But first, Mr. Washington
wants to give us a tour.

Of course. Thank you again, David.

- It was nice seeing y'all.
- Take care.

I'll tell my mama to look out for you.

Yes, sir.

Take these for me, would you?

- Hello.
- Ah, Miss Brook.

Mr. Russell.

What a surprise.

I thought you were spending
the summer in Newport.

Unfortunately, my plans changed.


You don't want to hear it.

But I do.

It wasn't very original...

lovers meet, lovers part, boo hoo.

I know how that plays out.

Of course.

You told me the night of Gladys' ball.

And now we're even,

twin sufferers on the
cruel carousel of life.

Let's be comrades in arms instead.

Where are you going?

Just to the park to get some flowers

for my painting class this afternoon.

I'll come, too, if you'll have me.

So what will you do, now
you're back in New York?

Well, no doubt father
will have some ideas,

but we'll see.

Can I help you, ma'am?

I wanted to check that
everything is under control.

Certainly, ma'am.

Oh, Mrs. Bruce, have you got
anywhere with finding a maid?

We have a hairdresser
who will place your tiara

and then stay for the
rest of the evening

to help any lady whose
hair may be in trouble.

I feel like a racehorse
approaching the starting gate.

And you'll be a winner, ma'am.

Nothing can stop you now.

Schneider! Is that sauce ready yet?

I've got it here for
you to taste, Mr. Borden.

- Mmm.
- Take those up to the rose room right away.

Mrs. Bruce, is it true
you've hired a new maid?

I was going to tell you.

She's only going to
arrange the mistress's hair

and place her tiara.

I could have done it. I usually do.

I know, but this is a special occasion.

You'd learn something if you watch.

They told me someone was
here, but not that it was you.

Mrs. Nelson is quite the baker,

and she insists on bringing
me her work to taste.

- Would you like one?
- No.

Is everything all right?

No, it is not.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Please, sit down.

How can I help?

I gather you and Ada plan to marry.

I'm relieved she's told you.

You are aware that she
has no money to speak of.

Mrs. Van Rhijn, I love her.

I never expected to
fall in love at my age,

but I had not then met Ada.

Love seldom survives marriage.

I'm sorry if that was your experience.

But why must you do it so quickly?

Am I to understand that
you are against the plan?

How perceptive.

I don't intend to
take her away from you.

Ada is with me every day and night.

Are you saying that won't change?

There will be changes, yes.

But I mean to retire in New York.

I will never ask her to leave the city.

Maybe not, but she will
be gone from my house,

leaving me alone.

Because that is what I will be.


You have your son and your niece.

Children marry and go.


Is the only family that I could rely on.

It was Ada who was
there at Oscar's birth.

We buried our parents together.

She's my only true friend.

We both love Ada. That is clear.

Then stop being so selfish.

I'm not the selfish one here.

And the fact is you have a choice.

Would you like to be a
part of our life or not?

Because I am not going anywhere.

Marriage takes priority.

God's command is clear.

"Therefore man shall leave
his father and mother,

and shall cleave unto his wife:
And they shall be one flesh."

Have you nothing more to say?

Not if you've given God the last word.

How can I answer that?

How are things in Pittsburgh?

On the brink.

I'll have to go down there.

What did you want to see me about?

I need your help.

You know I'm a trustee of
the new Brooklyn Bridge?

Which is almost finished.

Yes, but there seem to be
more meetings than ever.

And with Pittsburgh ready to explode,

I wondered if you might represent me,

now you're back in New York.

I haven't given up on
architecture, you know.

This won't take long.

And you've studied engineering.
You can say sensible things.

What are the meetings about?

The final design details.

And we've had some
deaths and injuries...

always part of it, I'm sad to say...

and a chief engineer, Mr. Roebling,

who has not proved satisfactory.

- What do you mean?
- He's never there.

I'm told his home is an
absolute hive of activity.

But if he's working hard...

and I suppose he must be...

why aren't we allowed to question him?

Does he give a reason?

Norman Tate, who manages the trustee,

says it's his health.

He fell ill soon after
the building started.

Well, he's done a terrific job.

You can't argue with that.

It's already one of the
main sights in the city.

Mm. I'll write to Tate and
tell him what we're doing.

But see what you can find out.

Go to Roebling's house.

Beard him in his den.

I wish you'd let me wear the blue.


This is what I've ordered,
and this is what you'll wear.

What's wrong with the blue dress?

It's not how I want you to look.

It's fussy and girlish

when it needs to be simple and elegant.

So I'm not allowed to dress myself?

You want to look good, don't you?

Last week, the "Tribune" named you

as one of the best-dressed
debutantes of the year.

Do you think those
things happen by accident?

I'd still like to choose my own clothes.

But your choice would be wrong, my dear.

Happily, you have me to guide you.

Trust me.

I'm sorry...

for losing control of my emotions.

If ever there was a time
to do so, I'd say it's now.

But what are we going to do about Agnes?

This is the hardest
choice you'll ever face,

but you're not alone.


I don't know if this is
the right time for this,

but I also don't know

if there will ever be a right time.

That's where faith comes in.

Have I told you that I didn't
want to move to New York?

Why not?

Because I loved my parish in Boston.

I asked if I could stay.

I even wrote to the bishop.

What did the bishop say?

He reminded me of when Jesus asked

that the cup be taken from his lips.

Well, we know how that turned out.

Mm. Yes.

So I obeyed the order.

And I had faith.

And my reward has been

more than I could ever have imagined.

I never dreamt that I
might still fall in love.

Not now.


Ada, please don't decide anything

without talking to Marian first.

Yes, all right.

Mr. Russell.

Ah, Mr. Russell.

What a surprise.

But you got my father's letters?

And we're delighted to
have you represent him,

but I didn't know you were coming here.

I am Norman Tate. And
this is Mrs. Roebling.

I came to pay my
respects to Mr. Roebling.

I gather he rarely comes to
the bridge or to your office.

I'm sorry to disappoint you,

but I'm afraid my husband is away.

On bridge business?

Not exactly. He's in Newport.

Mr. Brandon is here,
ma'am. He says that...

Yes, I know about this. Will
you excuse me, gentlemen?

Mr. Brandon, let's see
what you've brought.

Does Mr. Roebling spend
a lot of time in Newport?

I believe he's fond of the place.

Even now, when the
bridge is about to open?

How does he manage the
construction when he's away?

He delegates.

He has his deputies, his
helpers, and his wife.

She's a good organizer.

She must be.

She knows his way of thinking.

I assume Mr. Roebling will be there

for the opening ceremonies?

We are marking the
occasion with a reception

here in this house.

I hope you and your father will come.

But he'll be at the bridge beforehand?

Ah, I doubt it.

And now, I'm terribly
sorry, but I must go.

I'm sure you understand.

I'll send you notice of our meetings.

And we'll erect a
pavilion at the terminal

just here at the dedication ceremony.

Take these plans now
and alert Mr. Harris

that I will come to inspect it at : .

That should be enough for now,

but you'll have the
final paperwork on Monday.

Oh, Mr. Russell.

Is this where Mr. Roebling works?

This is where the work is done, yes,

but I'm afraid I have
some errands to run.

Has Mr. Tate gone?

He has.

And don't worry. I'm going, too.

Thank you for seeing me, Mrs. Roebling.

Come in.

Oh! Thank goodness it's you.

I've chosen this.

And Bridget is going
to cheer it up a little.

We've bought veiling and
some things for a headdress.

It'll be charming.

Bridget, could you
please give us a minute?

Yes, miss.

Thank you.

I daren't sit with all these pins.


Who knows if I'll ever even wear it.

What do you mean?

Perhaps it's time I face the facts.

What are you saying?

I can't turn my back on my sister.

So you're going to give up Luke Forte

just to satisfy Aunt Agnes?

No, not give up exactly.

But perhaps if we postpone things

until Agnes comes around...

You can't live your life

waiting for Aunt Agnes's approval.

- But she's so...
- No.

This quarrel is of her making.
You have done nothing wrong.

I won't let you spoil your future.

But she refuses even to be there.

I have no one to take me down the aisle.

Cousin Dashiell has invited
me to a picnic luncheon.

I'll ask him to give you away.

Do you think he would?


It does sound respectable.

I'll go fetch Bridget.

We need this dress to
be finished in time.

Luke told me to speak to you

before I made a final decision.

Now I know why.

Then I'm very glad I was here.

My, my, aren't we all busy little bees?

Jack, still tinkering with that?

I believe I've solved the problem,

- if you want to try it?
- I don't think so.

I'm known for my punctuality.

I don't want to take a chance
on a homemade contraption.

I'll test it, if you'll allow me?

Hm, maybe Miss Armstrong's right.

I'll tell you when I'm ready.


What is it?

I've just pricked myself, is all.

Don't bleed on that veil.

You're wasting your time.

Miss Ada doesn't have the nerve

to marry a man Mrs. Van Rhijn dislikes.

- But what if they do marry?
- Which they won't.

Mrs. Van Rhijn may not
need as many servants

once her sister's gone.

Miss Marian will still be here.

Won't she wed soon, too?

Then what becomes of us

when there's only one
person left to serve?

Maybe Mr. Oscar will find a
bride and live in the house.

Well, I doubt that.

I suppose you've heard of Johann Most?

The German anarchist?

Anarchist and man of v*olence.

He likes to celebrate the
m*rder of the Russian emperor.

He preaches savagery and v*olence

to bring political change.

What about him?

He's been in Pittsburgh.

His agents are still there

poisoning the minds of your workers.

I suppose we shouldn't be surprised

after the Labor Day march last year.

And the message is simple...
if you want revolution,

you must take up your
weapons and use them.

Is Henderson convinced, I wonder?

The leaders go where
the workers take them.

And their demands keep getting louder...

constant chants of,
"eight, eight, eight."

What's that?

Eight hours of work,
eight hours of sleep,

and eight hours of "what you will."

It's the "what you will" that's
proving the sticking point.

Would it be so terrible for them

to have some time with their families?

Yes, it would be terrible
because it would lead, first,

two lower profits and, finally, to ruin,

v*olence, bloodshed, and death.

Please don't hold back on my account.

I mean it.

Any concession now could
only spell weakness.

Weakness is the harbinger of chaos.

One blink, and you'll lose the w*r.

Mr. Van Rhijn, I'm not sure about this.


You're trying to find the
money to complete your takeover.

I have funds to invest.

What can be the problem?

But this is a closed partnership

with a limited number of investors,

all well known to each other.

Well, I know you.

You know me. And we
both know Miss Beaton.

Just let me invest, and
we'll all make some money.

Well, your picnic was a wonder...

not really a picnic at all,
more an open-air banquet.


And now you've brought me home.

You've gone to so much trouble.

He likes to take trouble for you.

Which makes me feel
all the more ungrateful.

I'm afraid I've got a favor to ask.

Name it.

Would you walk Aunt Ada down the aisle?

Aunt Agnes has forbidden Oscar to,

and now she's wavering.

But if I could say you'd be there,

it would give her courage.

Of course I will.

And Frances can be a flower girl.

Could I really?

That's a lovely idea.

I'm surprised to hear Aunt
Agnes is against marriage.

Not for everyone. Just Aunt Ada.

That's a relief.

Is Mrs. Roebling here?

- I'll announce you, sir.
- It's all right, Philip.

I'll deal with this.

Mr. Russell.

I wasn't expecting you.

You weren't expecting me? Really?

Not so soon.

Not without warning.

But you knew I would guess.

I thought you might.

May I see the workroom again?

How did you know?

Because nothing made sense.

The deputies who knew
your husband's mind,

his tastes, and his ideas...

the person who knew all that
best was you and only you.

In all the years since
we started building,

none of the other trustees
ever came to this house...

not one.


Well, now I have come.

So tell me, please.

Where did you study engineering?

How was it possible?

When my father-in-law
was first commissioned

to design the bridge, my
husband and I went to Europe

to study what it would entail...

stress analysis, cable construction,

calculating catenary
curves, and the rest.

So you learned those things?

I know it is all
considered beyond the grasp

of a mere woman, but I did.

Then my father-in-law d*ed.

And my husband was made chief engineer,

but he fell ill soon after.

- And then you took over?
- Not at first.

We worked together.

I would deliver his orders and designs,

but he got worse...

And then it was just you.

Last year, some of the
board wanted to replace him.

But Mr. Tate and I
persuaded them not to.

So you would continue
in charge of the work.

And Mr. Tate knew?

Oh, several of them knew.

But they couldn't make it public?

Of course not.

This bridge will be one
of the finest in the land,

in the world.

You should be proud of it,
but I suppose you can't be.

No one must know a
woman was the engineer

behind the bridge.

They might not even
want to walk across it.

It's a shame, an unjust shame.

So he proposes that you
should move to San Francisco

and never see your daughter again?

That's it, sir, in a nutshell.

Well, I should be
very sorry to lose you,

but I'm sure you know that.

I've not decided yet.

I told him I needed to
discuss his offer with Flora

before I made any
decisions, but he says that

she has no wish to speak to me.

Do you believe that?

I don't know what to believe,

which is why I feel I
must hear it from her.

Then it doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

There you are.

I'm so pleased you're here.

I shouldn't be.

Pittsburgh is about to blow sky high.

Don't think about that now.
Think about it tomorrow.


Are you ready to go down?

Guests are arriving.

Are the oysters laid out?


These are done.

Oh, welcome back, Mr. Watson.


Where are we with the first course?

Final touches, sir.

How was your journey, Mr. Watson?

Very pleasant. Thank you, Mrs. Bruce.

I always enjoy traveling in
the master's private rail car.

I'm sure you do.


Coming, sir.

Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Bronson.

Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Elliot.

Mr. McAllister, it's
so good of you to come.

I never like to miss a red carpet,

and certainly not one which
can boast an English duke.

Yes, where is that duke of yours?

I don't think we can
claim him as our own.

- I would.
- He'll be down momentarily.

Is Mrs. Astor coming?

She's opened Beechwood, so I asked her.

But she made an excuse.

She's a little cross with me right now.

Well, I can understand why,

but she is missing out on what may be

the event of the Newport season.

Everyone's talking about it,

especially those who weren't invited.

Naturally, Mrs. Astor
will feign indifference,

then she'll force all
the details out of me.

It looks perfect.

And all the right people are here.

Even some who were on the
other side in the opera w*r.

My dear, the way to win a w*r

is to bring out your biggest w*apon.

And yours is the duke.

Now, I hope I'm happy with my placement.

I think you will be.

His Grace, the Duke of Buckingham.

Excuse me.

Mrs. Russell, my room is a work of art.

And I see everything's
exquisite here, too.

We do what we can.

But I hope we haven't
overwhelmed you with our guests?

Of course not.

May I present Mr. and Mrs. Fane.

- How do you do?
- Mr. Fane. Mrs. Fane.

Do you think Newport will live up to

your expectations, Duke?

I'm sure Mrs. Russell's Newport will.

- Well said.
- But not our Newport?

May I present Mr. and Mrs. Winterton.

I know the Wintertons.

I hope I'll see more
of you while I'm here.

Well, you'll see as much
of us as we're allowed.

What Mrs. Winterton means is...

I don't think you've
met our daughter, Gladys.

Miss Russell.

How do you do?


You look divine.

- Oh.
- Don't worry.

You're sitting next to her at dinner.

They're going in.

Something odd is going on.

I could have sworn I saw that
man put something in the sauce

for the first course.


What's he talking about?

- I don't know, Mr. Borden.
- Let's taste it.


Everyone, cancel the first course.

Schneider, get away from that food.

- I'll deal with you later.
- I'll tell the footmen.

Gladys, you're there.

I thought I'd be with the younger group?

No, you're there.

They're seated, Mr. Borden.

All right, we... we must start serving.

- This tastes good to me.
- We'll start with the soup.

But is it hot enough?

Rather him than me.

Peter, come take this up.

I think Peter and that man
Schneider are up to something.

They were whispering
before Peter took the soup.

I tasted the soup. It's fine.

I don't know. Something's not right.

Who's Peter serving?

Mrs. Winterton, are you all right?

Why shouldn't I be?

You seem rather agitated.

Well, I'm not.

Jerusalem artichoke and truffle?

- Oh.
- What a wonderful way to begin.

I'd forgotten that was
the first course, but good.

Now, I mustn't monopolize you.


Do you spend a lot of time
in Newport, Miss Russell?

My mother seems to like it,

so I suppose that's what will happen.

Until you make your own life.

Do any of us ever really
make our own lives?

That's a deep question when
we've barely begun to eat.

Your wife and daughter
seem to have the duke

sewn up between them.

I expect a lot of women
here must be rather annoyed.


But I suppose Bertha
knows what she's doing.

I think you can safely say that.

Are you sure you want to waste your time

on little old me?

Wouldn't you rather speak
to your other neighbor?

No. Let Gladys entertain
him for a change.

Then we must hope he
finds Gladys entertaining.

Oh, everything was
delicious, Mrs. Sturt.

Oh, good.

Now, I hope y'all saved room for dessert

'cause we're giving you
the special treatment today.

- Ooh.
- Ooh.

A colored woman newspaper writer.

Now I've seen it all.

Well, we were quite impressed
with your son at Tuskegee.

- That's right.
- David is my heart.

He's going to do more
than I could ever imagine.

- Mm.
- Mrs. Sturt!

Mm. I'll be back with some dessert.

I'm bursting.

Ooh, I think if we want
to leave this place,

we're going to have to clean our plates.

I would tell you to loosen your belt.

I wish I had that option.

Has anyone ever been part of an evening

as beautifully managed as this one?

How lucky are the people of Newport

to number Mrs. George Russell
among your leading citizens?

- Very lucky, indeed.
- Here, here.

- Mrs. Russell.
- Here, here.

Thank you all.

And thank you to our charming
and generous guest of honor.

Ladies, why don't we let
the men enjoy their port?

Well, it was a good
dinner. You must admit that.

I wouldn't admit it if they tore

my fingernails off to make me.


So have you enjoyed
yourself on our trip?

Mm. More than that.

I've been inspired,

especially by the female students.

They have such ambition
despite their circumstances.

They're fearless.

And so are you.

Oh, am I?

Well, I like that you think that,

but there is so much more I want to do.

My lack of courage
keeps getting in the way.

Well, I certainly
believe you can accomplish

everything you want.


Hey, Bea!

Mmm. Mmm, mmm, mmm.

Bea, you outdid yourself
with this chicken.

How may I help you out?

Why you sound all formal, Bea?

We've been knowing each
other our whole lives.

I am doing business.

What can I get you, Mr. Mason?

You know what I like.

Why don't you go on back, cook
me up something extra tasty?

What are you looking at?


- You calling me "nothing"?
- Mr. Mason, don't start.

Let me fix you up some
chicken to take home.

What if I want to stay and eat it here?

Are you trying to tell me what to do?

No, sir.

You think things are different now,

but they really ain't.

You hear me talking to you, girl?

Mr. Mason, come on...

Stop it!

What'd you say?


Let her go.

Don't get smart with me.

Do you know who I am?

They're from out of town.

- Shut your mouth.
- You better sit down, boy.

This here is Mason Sturt.
He's the county commissioner.


I might have to teach you a lesson

so you understand your place.

You better go!

- Come on, quickly.
- You can run, but we'll find you!

I'll go get the rest of my things.


Our man will take you
to where you can shelter,

and tomorrow morning, he'll
take you to the first train.

I'm so sorry to put
you in this position.

We don't have time for apologies.

You need to get on out of here.

Take the low road behind the church.

It was a triumph. Congratulations.

Thank you.

And now I suppose I
must turn my attentions

- back to Pittsburgh.
- Mm.

What can I do to help?


But thank you.

Do you mind?

So did you get everything
you wanted from this evening?

Let's just say we are on our way.

I'm going to bed.

Have I told you how
lovely you look tonight?

Several times.


I hired him, so it's my fault.

But we avoided a major disaster.

Thanks to Mr. Watson's sharp eyes.

And you really think Mrs.
Winterton was behind it?

Schneider works part time for her.

And we all know she and Peter
Barnes have kept in touch.

So we thwarted Miss Turner's revenge.

I suppose you'll sack
Peter Barnes, Mr. Church?

How would you say it? Con gusto.

Come on out, boy!

Where you at now?

We're gonna k*ll your ass.

Get that noose.

Get your ass out here, boy.

Where you at? Get out here.

They've gone. We're safe.

I won't feel safe until
I'm back in the city.

My mother warned me,

but I never could have imagined this.

This is my fault.

I grew up with these people.

I should have protected
you and held my tongue.

But that's not who you are.

And that's not who you are either.

That's why I hired you.

Will things ever really change?

You wait here, my dear.

- Dashiell.
- Aunt Ada, you look wonderful.

Doesn't she?

The footman is hailing
a cab for your servants.

Oh, good.

Have you changed your mind?

Certainly not.

I've just come down to say goodbye.

Dashiell, I see they've
made you an accomplice

in their betrayal.

Well, she must have a man
to give her away, Aunt Agnes.

Surely, you can see that.

No, she can't.

Come on. We don't want to be late.

Et tu, Bannister?

I'm going to support Miss Ada, ma'am.

And I urge you to do the same,

or you may regret it for
the rest of your life.

You look so pretty.

- So do you, Aunt Ada.
- Oh, thank you, dear.

- Is it a desert out there?
- On the contrary.

Aurora and Charles have
come with other cousins,

and friends of the
bridegroom, of course...


And Oscar.


The church is full of flowers

and people who've come
to witness your happiness.

We should go take our seats.


Thank you, Mrs. Bauer.
Thank you, Bridget.

My pleasure, Miss Ada.

You've earned this, Miss Ada.

And I wish you
happiness. Real happiness.

How kind they are.

- Are you nervous?
- Should I be?

I have no idea,

as I've never been in your position.

I thought no one would
come because of Agnes,

but they have.

Now I'm just excited and glad.

You're so certain about marrying Luke.

You have no doubts?


None at all.

I hope that's true of
me when it's my turn.

Be sure it is.

Marriage is something one
should never settle for

or talk oneself into.


Thank you, Aunt Ada.

We should go.



Here I am, Aunt Ada.


I'm ready to walk you down
the aisle, if you'll have me.

I was just going to say the same thing.

I had no one to take me, and
now I'm spoilt for choice.

I think Oscar should do it.

If only as a reward for
risking Agnes's wrath.

You don't mind too much, do you?

Of course not.

Thank you, my dear.

Dearly beloved, we are
gathered together here...

We are gathered together
here in the sight of God

and in the face of this company

to join together this man and
this woman in holy matrimony.

Into this holy estate,

these two persons present
come now to be joined...