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02x01 - Love You, Love You Not

Posted: 11/27/23 11:57
by bunniefuu
["Silent Night" by Gabrielle playing]

♪ Silent night… ♪

[Johanne] It's been hours from hell.


And what I see in front of me now
is the icing on the cake.

Not that what I see is so bad in itself,

but it puts my life in perspective.

And it makes me really scared.

Scared of losing something nice.

Scared of celebrating another
Christmas without a boyfriend.

Scared to be completely
f*cking alone in the world.

And scared to be abandoned.

So, right here
and right now, in a few seconds,

I'm about to make
that small, desperate choice

that will turn
this whole Christmas upside down.


No, I mean, sorry.

I have to go now.
I think I made a huge mistake.

But for you to understand
what's actually going on here,

we have to go back to last Christmas Eve,

when the doorbell rang
at my mom and dad's house.

[doorbell rings]

[babies cooing]

Who could it be now?

Johanne, you said
no one else was coming, right?

[doorbell rings]

[baby coos]

[all chuckle]

[man] Well, well, well.

- [man] Hi.
- Hi.

I have a delivery for Johanne.

- Yeah, that'd be me.
- [man] Great.

- Here you go.
- [chuckles]

- Merry Christmas.
- You, too.

["Without You"
by Emma Steinbakken playing]

♪ Here I am alone again

♪ I did my best

♪ Gave it all
And now I don't know what is left

♪ All these moments
All my movements

♪ I felt they were mine but now… ♪

Merry Christmas.

Thanks. You, too.

- You're working all Christmas Eve?
- Uh, yeah, I'm off at, uh, midnight.

Gotta keep the sleigh rolling.

- [laughs] Good one. Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.

♪ …fix it
But I don't know where to start

And as time keeps slipping by

♪ The feeling's eating me alive

♪ Only to stop
Before it pulls me all apart

♪ So who am I without you?

♪ And who's gonna find me when I'm lost?

[doorbell buzzes]

Are you kidding me?

♪ 'Cause I'd rather break in two
Than in a million parts ♪

♪ Yeah, I'd rather break in two
Than in a million parts

- [Henrik] Hi.
- Hi.

I don't mean to be ringing doorbells…
Um, yours, on Christmas Eve…

I wasn't even sure if you'd be at home.

Bente told me
you were gonna be with your family.

Yeah, I just came from there.

[exhales] I'm interrupting, sorry.

Oh, no, that's okay. The girl I live with,

or, uh, my roommate,

she's with her new boyfriend tonight.

Um, the clown, BT dub.

- Raul?
- Mmm-hmm.

Ha! I didn't know he had a girlfriend.

No, uh, it's pretty new.


- Um…
- Do you wanna come in?

Uh, yeah, thanks.

So, uh, Johanne, um…

[clears throat]

I came to tell you…

Or, I mean… The schedule
said you were working tomorrow.


Yeah, and rather than learning it

from the journal
or on the shift change,

I wanted to tell you, um…


We couldn't save him.

Okay. [sniffles]

[Henrik] I'm sorry.

[inhales sharply]

That's okay.

I know it's Christmas Eve and everything.

Thought you'd wanna know.



Can I… Can I do
anything for you right now?

Could you maybe hold me?

Of course.

[Johanne sobbing]


Do you wanna stay over?

["Auld Lang Syne" playing]

[fireworks bursting]

[all] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five,

four, three, two, one…

- [champagne pops]
- [all gasp and laugh]

[indistinct chatter]

["Auld Lang Syne" continues playing]

- Cheers to us!
- [all] Cheers!

We bought a crazy amount of fireworks.

- Whoo!
- Let's go sh**t the fireworks now! Now!

- Well, there.
- Hello? Are you coming?

[man] Yeah, of course.

Hold on a minute.

[fireworks bursting]

- What's that?
- We need safety goggles because…


[Henrik] Fireworks are so unpredictable.

[indistinct shouting]

- Such a nerd.
- [Henrik chuckles]

Yeah, but I'm your nerd.

[upbeat jazz music playing]


- [Johanne] What are you doing?
- [Henrik] Just organizing a bit.

- Hmm.
- If you sort them now,

you save lots of time taking them out.

Knives here, forks there, spoons…

I never knew
you were such a neat freak.

I like a little bit of order, yeah.

So, what happens if I do this?

I, uh, wouldn't do that if I were you.

- I warned you. I warned you.
- [chuckles]

[Johanne laughing] No!

[Henrik] There will be consequences!

[both laughing]


- Yeah?
- I was thinking about the upcoming shifts.

Yeah, I'm working on them now.

Could Henrik and I start
having the same shifts?

You know you can't be a couple at work.

Yes, I understand that,
but if we work at the same time,

then we're off at the same time.

[scoffs] That's an interesting
line of reasoning.

[keyboard clacking]

- No, actually, never mind.
- So the same shift or not?

Yeah. Or not? Sure.

- Yes or no?
- Yeah.

- Yes? Then it's settled.
- Okay.

So, when did you
get, uh, all these tattoos?

[spits] Well, the rudder,
I got that when I was .

It was a rebellion against Mom and Dad.

- Like, "I'm my own captain." You know?
- [laughs]

- Yeah.
- And the other one?

Um, after things ended with Christian,
I had to blow off some steam.

Hmm, was it that dramatic?

No, not really.

Yeah… Should I be jealous?


[marching band playing]

Is Henrik coming?


He'll meet us after the children's parade.

Is he working?

He thinks it's a bit hectic
with all the kids and stuff.

Plus, he's a staunch Republican,

so he thinks it's all kinda stupid
to wave to the king and queen.

But this isn't really about the monarchy.

It's just a super fun day

with ice cream, and flags,
and the Constitution, all that jazz.

- I don't disagree with that.
- [Jørgunn] Hmm.

- Hip, hip!
- Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

- Hip, hip!
- [all] Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!


Sure you don't wanna come in the water?

It looks too, uh, cold and wet.

- Uh, no. The water is like, degrees.
- I'll leave it to you.

Go. I like watching you swim.
You look so sexy.

- Please?
- No, thanks.

[yells] Please!


[water splashing]


Mmm, this meal is really good.

Oh, I see. Only this meal?

And the rest of them. You're a great cook.

- Thank you.
- [Johanne] Mmm.

Am I better than Christian?

Um, where did that come from?

No, I just meant that, uh,
you never talk about him.

And it just seems like you're avoiding it.

Yeah, anyone would.

'Cause why the hell
should we discuss my ex

when we're sitting here
enjoying great food and red wine?

I don't just mean now. I mean always.

- It's like you avoid talking about him.
- Henrik...

You have a tattoo on your back
that you got when you guys broke up.

I figure he had to
at least mean something.

All right, let's make a toast to that.

Yeah, cheers.


I was wondering about the upcoming shifts.

Yeah, I'm trying to give you and Henrik
the same schedule like before.

Yeah, that's the thing.
I think it's getting a bit too cramped.

And maybe some
space wouldn't be the worst.

It'd be good for our relationship.

- So not the same schedule, then?
- No, but kind of?

Johanne, yes or no?

No, please.

No? Then it's settled.

Taking pictures of me
putting silverware in the dishwasher?

Me and some guys from the
alumni class have a private chat thread.

We post pictures
and videos of our girlfriends

that show they don't
do everything perfectly.

Are you joking?

Nope. But when we move to my place,
we'll start doing it my way.

Uh, to your place? [chuckles nervously]

Yeah, this whole thing
with roommates is a bit, uh…

A bit much. Me, you, Jørgunn, Raul.

But I have a huge apartment.
Flawless, more space.

We need to think ahead.

- Hmm.
- [Henrik] That's perfect!

[toothbrush vibrating]


Are you planning
on removing those tattoos?

No. I like them.

Really? You like them, huh?


Reminds you of Christian?

Grow up, Henrik.

[doorbell buzzes]

- Hi. Hi.
- [Johanne] Hi.

Uh, we're your new neighbors.
We just moved in right next to you, so…

Yeah, how nice. Hi. Johanne.

Hi. Nick. And here's Noëlle.

- Johanne.
- Hi.

I live with Jørgunn,
but she's not home right now.

- No.
- So, uh…

- Cool antlers.
- Thanks.

We thought we'd try
to get into the Christmas spirit a little

and have a Christmas workshop
or something fun like that.

- Yeah?
- Hi.

- Yes.
- But it's November.

Little early for a Christmas
workshop, isn't it?

This is Henrik, my boyfriend. These
are our new neighbors, Nick and Noëlle.

So you live here, too?

Passing through,
but we'll be moving to my place soon.

Wow, okay. So then,
we'll have new neighbors, but yeah.

Think you're moving before Christmas?

- No, I'm not.
- [Nick] No?

Great, 'cause it would've been nice

if we could gather the whole neighborhood

and get to know each other...

- Uh, Dad!
- Yeah?

[Henrik] Yeah.

- Uh, stuff like that.
- That seems like a cool idea.

- [Nick] Right?
- Yeah.

- Very nice of you to come by. See you.
- [Noëlle] Come on, Dad.

- [Nick] We will. Okay. Yeah, bye.
- Bye. [chuckles]

It's only November, and here comes
reindeer antlers and Christmas workshops…

- People like that are the worst.
- I thought he was kinda sweet.

- [Henrik] Huh? What'd you say?
- Hmm? Nothing.

[door closes]



[Johanne] When does
your shift finish today?

[Henrik] An hour after yours.

[Johanne] Will you make it
to my parent's house for Advent dinner?

[Henrik] Don't see why not.

- [Johanne] Good. It's a tradition.
- [Henrik] Yeah, so you've said.

- [Johanne] Wow, such enthusiasm.
- [Henrik] Sure. It's gonna be great.

[laughing] Oh, look at that one!

I'm imagining my dad
with a Christmas tree hat like that.


Oh, my God, can you put that
on your wish list? Please?

I was thinking
we shouldn't give each other gifts.


We have everything we need.

I was thinking, the last thing our planet
needs is more consumption, you know?

We can give our planet a present
by not giving each other presents.

[Christian] Johanne?

- How you doin'?
- [Johanne] Hi!

- Hi!
- It's great to see you.

Wow! You, too. Like, holy sh*t.

- Oh, sorry…
- Henrik, Christian. Christian, Henrik.

- Christian. Nice to meet you.
- Hi.

So, out Christmas shopping?

- [Johanne] You got us.
- [Christian] That's nice.

I was looking at something for my dad.

- The big bad Tor? Love that guy.
- Yeah.

- It's nice to do it early.
- [Johanne] Hmm.

Last year I started too late,
way too stressful.

Now, I'm doin' it the right way.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Everything should be done right.
Or else it's just wrong.

- In a way.
- [Johanne] Oh, yeah?

So… [clears throat]

Are you all right?

[Christian] Yeah. Hey, I'm all right.

I'm fine. It's just the Christmas stress.

The lady and I aren't on the same page.

Blah, blah, blah.
I'm boring you both to death.

I'll just have to buy an expensive gift.

- Then it'll get better.
- Mmm-hmm. Yeah.

Guess I shouldn't have
spent all my money on this!

[exclaiming and laughing]

- [Christian] It's funny, right?
- Oh, yes!

Oh, yeah, they really are.

- They're the funniest thing.
- [Johanne] I know.

[Johanne and Christian laughing]

For real, I was literally
just looking at those for Dad.

You were? Oh, that would be perfect!

- It'd be awesome. Oh, man.
- [Johanne] It would've been great.

- That's funny.
- Yeah.

Hey, uh, while I have you here,
while I have both of you,

I bought them something.

I hope that's okay.

- [Johanne] For them?
- [Christian] Yeah.

So I, uh, bought this.

And I thought you could
give this to your parents for me.

Well, not from me,
from you, from you guys.

So, uh, I just saw this,
and it just screamed Tor and Jorid.

Uh, yeah, actually, I just bought
a present for Tor and Jorid.


- Yeah.
- I figured. Yeah.

Yeah, no worries.

But, hey, I gotta go.

Lots to go fix.
Uh, it was great seeing you.

- Merry Christmas.
- Yeah. You, too.

- Nice to meet you, Henrik.
- Ditto.

[Christian] Yeah.

Uh, I can't believe
what happened just now.

Huh? No, what do you mean?

- What do I mean?
- Yeah.

You completely crapped
all over the presents he bought!

Like, say whatever you want about him,

but he's the world champ of gift giving.

He was just trying
to be a little generous.

Okay, we can buy each other presents,
then. It was just a suggestion.

No, it wasn't.
It's never just a suggestion.

You decided it,
like you decide everything else.

I haven't decided anything.
What decisions did I make?

Where do I even start?

You decide how
our silverware gets organized,

or about how you just decided
I'm moving in with you.

Or that I now have to be
on the bottom when we have sex.

- [shushes]
- And that! [shushes]

I can get more tattoos if I want.

More tattoos? You said
you were gonna get that one removed.

I said? Yeah, no, I never said that.

You said it, and now
you're randomly talking about it.

Where are you going?

[Johanne] I'm gonna get some yarn.

Why are gifts so important to you?

It's important for everyone.
People like getting gifts.

Not me.

Yeah, well, you're clearly cuckoo.

No, you're the crazy one

checking your ex's Facebook profile
every other day.

- Huh?
- [woman] Hey, hey.

- [Johanne] Oh, hi.
- [chuckles]

Uh, okay.

Let me have two of the blue ones
and four of the red ones, thank you.

Of course.

- So you're spying on me?
- I don't.

Yes, you've been
checking my search history.

- You like everything he posts.
- What?

[clears throat and sniffles]

Yeah, I'll have two of the green ones,
as well. Thank you.

- That's all.
- Yeah.

Everyone checks what their ex
is up to now and then. It's super normal.

Yeah, it's true. Everyone does.

- Right? Thanks for the backup.
- [woman chuckles]

There you go. That'll be .


Yeah, there's extra,
so keep the change. [chuckles]

Thanks. Merry Christmas.

- You, too. Merry Christmas. [chuckles]
- [Henrik] Merry Christmas.

I think it's really dramatic to have
so little trust in your girlfriend

that you have to stalk
her search history.

- But not if I'm right.
- "Right"? What do you mean?

You seemed happier
during the seconds with your ex

than you have the last few months with me.

Oh, my God. Okay,
so we've really come down to this.

It's been four years since
we broke up, and know what?

I don't remember him being so judgmental
and negative all the f*cking time.

[Henrik] Take it easy.

Why don't you take it easy
and shove it up your ass?

I'm so fed up with you trying
so hard not to have a nice time!

You don't like funny hats,
and you're the opposite of generous.

You're just a cheapskate!

Know what happens if you leave now...

What happens, Henrik?

We go on a break.

- Ooh, a big bad break.
- Yeah.

Know what? I think that's a great idea.

- Yeah, a break. Let's go.
- Yeah? Starting when?

From now, Henrik. Starting now.

[indistinct chatter]

- Well, hello. So there you are.
- Yeah.

What's going on with Henrik?

What do you mean?

Henrik just called me. He's on sick leave.

Mentally exhausted, he says.

- What? He called in sick?
- [Bente] Hmm.

Lovesick, if you ask me.

- [child coughs]
- Wonderful job, Johanne.

You managed to mentally exhaust
the biggest asset we have around here.

Very, very cool.


[woman] It'll be so much fun.

[Bente] Can I get some order
for the pre-rounds? Thank you.

Hey, before we start,
could I just make a teeny suggestion?

Go ahead. Seriously, I mean,
what is it this time? Tell us, Inga.

Well, I thought maybe
the hospital could have

one of those Secret Santas this year.

- Oh, yeah.
- No, listen to me.

This is a respected hospital,
so no Santa nonsense.

I have more than enough on my hands,

plus there are orders from management
and the union representative

that we all have to celebrate
Lucia this year.

[gasps] Yes, I love Lucia just as much!

[scoffs] Yeah, what a surprise.

Please, I don't want any
marching up and down the halls,

turning off lights, off-key singing,

burning of hair,
and shenanigans like that.

That's why I've asked that we sing one,

and I repeat, one single verse
of the so-called "Lucia" song.

Is that clear?

Can we have costumes?

[Bente] No. We already wear white.

- So, no, we don't need that.
- But...

But, no candles either, before you ask me.

Also, we can't move on until
I get holiday plan info from you all.

Who's working this year?

Johanne, as always?

I'm celebrating with, um…

We're all excited to hear about that.

But while we wait, we can ask you, Lisa.


- Yes.
- Should I take it?

Yes, please. You're the youngest here,

so you haven't had time
to complicate your private life.

[Lisa] Okay.

[line ringing]

[Henrik] Hi, Henrik here,
although I'm not actually here.

So leave a message after the beep.

- [beep]
- Hi.

It's Johanne. Can I…
Can you, uh, call me back?

[groans] What a crappy-ass shift.

So what happened to Henrik?

Yeah. Hey, what happened there?

Oh my God, rumors travel fast
in this hospital, don't they?

We argued like, three minutes ago,
and now everyone knows.

So, is it over?

No, it's not over.
Uh, we're just on a break.

I was tired. We started arguing,

some stupid things were said,
and then, bam, you're on a break.

But, I mean, that's a good thing,

because then you have time to soul-search
and be introspective and stuff and, yeah.

Calling in sick because we're on a break
makes him seem like a drama queen.

Hey, I called in sick after that whole
escape room "incident" with Paul.

I broke it off,
then took two days of sick leave.

Yeah, but he was a psychopath.

- This is a little break. That's all.
- Yeah.

What do you say
we all go out on the town tonight?


A wine night with the ladies?
How about you, Lisa? You in?

- Yeah, I'm in.
- Johanne?

No, I'm going to this Advent dinner
with Mom and Dad and the whole family.

It's a tradition.

What are you going to tell them all?

- About Henrik? It's Christmas soon.
- I won't say a thing.

Our break will be over
before Christmas Eve. [chuckles]

[Jørgunn] A break?


[Jørgunn] Isn't that a bit juvenile?

[scoffs] Yeah.

[Jørgunn chuckles]
But when did you walk out?

[Johanne] Um, what do you mean?

[Jørgunn] The situation in itself.

Did you walk out in the middle
of a sentence or were you both quiet?

- Does that mean something?
- Absolutely.

If you leave in the middle of a sentence,
it's 'cause you're passionate.

You're not done with it.
It's a bit more of a "to be continued."

But if you walk out after a full sentence
is completed, then that means it's over.

Finito. Fin. Ende. Konets.

I get it. I think I walked out
after a short sentence.

Then I smell more drama.


- But hey, you gotta taste this.
- Okay.



- Mmm. Nom nom nom.
- Mmm?

- You think so?
- Yeah.

Is it for you and Raul?

Yeah, he's getting off work soon.

Tell him we really miss
having him around at the hospital, okay?

Hospital reform, my ass.

[Jørgunn] I think he
actually likes it at the circus.

But the pay isn't exactly great. So…

- But, Johanne…
- Hmm?

- [Jørgunn] Do you love him?
- What?

Do you love Henrik?


Was that an answer or a question?

I have no idea.

The question you must ask yourself
during this break is, do you want to live

a long-and-Christmas-present-free life
with him?

That's the question.

No, you're asking leading questions.
And that's not right.

Look, I'm just using
your own words, Johanne.

- [beep]
- Mmm-hmm, it's me.

I feel like the whole break thing
today might have been a bit overdramatic.

So let's talk it out.

Yeah. Call me back.



What's going on here?

Christmas is canceled.


Mom left home.

- Left?
- [doorbell rings]

- [Ayaz] Knock knock!
- [indistinct chatter]

What do you mean?
Left for the store? Or "left" left?

- "Left" left.
- [indistinct chatter]

- Uh…
- [Maria] We're not celebrating…

- [kids screaming]
- [Ayaz] Why not?

Because that's not a real Christmas.

[Ayaz] What kind of bullshit's that?

Don't talk like that in front of the kids.

- Hey. Hi, everyone.
- [all] Hi!

- Don't take off your coats.
- [woman] What?

- I need to talk to these guys here.
- About what?

You two. And you two
can take the kids outside.

[Maria] What's going on?

- Out, please.
- It's freezing outside.

- Go build a snowman or something.
- [girl] Yeah!

Yeah! So cool.

- Okay. Here, Anton.
- [Maria] Okay.

- Let's put this on again.
- [child screams]

[kids shouting indistinctly]

But Mom loves the holidays.

She may love Christmas, but not me.

But Dad, it won't get better if you
just sit here feeling sorry for yourself.

He's upset. The last thing
he needs is you yelling at him.

I'm not yelling at him,
just stating the facts.

- She's gone to Paris. Hmm.
- Paris?

- Alone?
- With Aunt Mildrid?

No, with Bengt-Erik Løvskog.

What? With Bengt-Erik?

You mean my... No, not my... But…

[Tor] Yeah.

Bengt-Erik from her old college days

and the nude spa.

[Maria] Nude spa?

- Was Løvskog also at the nude spa?
- Shut up, Morten.

What does Mom have to do with a nude spa?

No. Nothing.

But how did you find out
she was going to Paris?

I didn't know that they'd left already.

Uh, "already"?

Yeah, I knew he had invited her.

- You knew?
- So, uh…

[Maria] Bengt-Erik Løvskog.

- Isn't that the politician?
- Hmm.

So why did he invite Mom to Paris?

Because a store manager at Journey
isn't good enough for Mom anymore,

and going to Strömstad
isn't good enough, either.

Well, Dad, to be fair, there are other
places to go than Strömstad.

Just saying. [inhales deeply]

How long will she be in Paris?

- Through December.
- Through December?

But then who'll do Christmas now?

There's no Christmas without Mom.

[Tor sighs] No.

I'm inviting you all for Christmas.

My place.

- You?
- [Johanne] Yeah.

We have to celebrate Christmas.
So that's what we're gonna do, right?

- Morten?
- Yeah, yeah, absolutely.

You're an awful cook.

I'll make Christmas Eve happen.

I promise you I'm gonna do it
if it's the last thing I do.

["Lonely Ones" by LOVA playing]
♪ The cops showed up ♪

♪ When everyone was passed out ♪

♪ At my classmate's house… ♪

[over voicemail] Henrik here,
although I'm not actually here,

so leave a message after the beep.

Hey, Henrik. It's me.

I'm home now if you want to talk.

feeling left behind ♪

♪ This is for the lonely ones ♪

♪ The ones who go to bed
And think they got no one ♪

♪ The shy kid at the playground

- [Jørgunn crying]
- [Raul] Jørgunn…

[in Spanish] Will you marry me?

[Jørgunn crying]

[in Spanish] Yes.

- [in Spanish] Yes?
- [in Spanish] Yes!

♪ The girl who gave up trying ♪

♪ This is for the lonely ones

- [fireworks bursting]
- [giggles]

♪ Yeah, I am just like you ♪

♪ I have been there, too ♪


No, I mean, sorry.

I have to go now.
I think I made a huge mistake.

[Henrik] …although I'm not actually here,

so leave a message after the beep.

Hi, honey. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.

[panting] I'm heading over
so we can talk about this break thing.

I feel like it's my fault.

I'm coming to you now.

♪ This is for the lonely ones ♪


♪ The ones who go to bed
And think they got no one ♪

♪ The shy kid at the playground ♪

♪ The runaways on

- [elevator dings]
- [automated voice] Penthouse apartment.

["Zat' You, Santa Claus" by Matt Belsante
playing over home stereo]

Gifts I'm preparing

♪ For some Christmas sharing

♪ But I pause because

♪ Hanging my stocking

♪ I can hear a knocking

♪ Is that you, Santa Claus?

Sure is dark out

♪ Not the slightest spark out

♪ 'Pon my slackened jaw

♪ I said, who there?

♪ Who is it
Stopping for a visit?

♪ Is that you, Santa Claus?

Are you bringing a present for me?

Something pleasantly
Pleasant for me?

That's just what I've been waiting for

Would you mind
Slipping it under the door?

♪ All winds are howling ♪

Or maybe that be growling?

♪ My legs feel like straws

♪ I said, oh my my, oh me my

♪ Kindly would you reply?

♪ Is that you, Santa Claus? ♪

Hanging my stocking

I can hear a knocking

♪ Is that you, Santa Claus? ♪

I said, "Hey there, who is it

♪ "Stopping f or a visit?

♪ Is that you, Santa Claus? ♪