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Christmas with a Capital C (2011)

Posted: 11/27/23 16:21
by bunniefuu


Big truck's
comin' up through here.

Ah, it'd be a mess
of potholes come spring.


Is someone new
moving into town?

Haven't heard anything yet.

(male # )
I just want more hay.

You what?

I want more hay.

Oh, who's this?

Look at this.


Well, well, well, if it isn't
the Reed brothers.

I've been lookin' for you boys.

Do my eyes deceive me?

(male # ) You know, I
heard you were mayor,

but it turns out
you're the handyman.

Funny, you can't trust
a rumor mill, can you?

Mitch Bright.

Well, when you're
the mayor of a small town,

you got to wear
a lot of different hats.

You buildin' a new edition?

You're funny.

We're buildin' a platform
for the town Christmas display.

You might remember it, huh?

I don't know, we just
Hgured after Eve decades,

the mother of God deserved
a proper place to kneel.

It's only right.

All the statues and everything?
Yeah, right.

I remember that.

So how you guys doin'?


How long has it been?

I'm thinkin'

What brings you to town, Mitch?
some hotshot attorney--

Oh, he's loaded now.

Who struck it rich.

Yeah, I've made some
good investments, you know,

but I miss the old town.

Thought maybe I'd come back
and check out the old place,

you know, see some
of my old friends.

Hey, how's Kristen doing?

Here it comes.

She's good.

Our kids are good too.
mean anything by it.

I--you know,
I was just bein' polite.

Look, we're not in high school
anymore, Dan.

Look, I got to run.

I've got a big moving van
with all my stuff in it,

gonna take a look
at the old house.

I'm sure I'll be seein'
you boys around though.

Oh, yes, you will.

All right.

Moving van?

Isn't exactly a home
for the holidays.

Hey, you want me
to follow him?

Pretty good, huh?

Not bad.

Not a winning time, but--

Want me to time you?

No, I don't want
to hold you up.

I can wait.

I'm just takin'
it easy today.

Christmas Cup is coming up.

You entering?
Of course.

Me too.
Good luck.

I'm gonna be the angel!

You already are an angel.

In the Christmas program,

That means I get lines.

Wow, lines.

All the other kids
just have to sing,

but I get to say stuff
too, and wear a costume.

Oh, I am so glad
you're home.

Can you help set the table?

I have people
who do that for me.

What happened?

What do you mean?

You onlyjoke about your lack
of actual power

when you've had
a run-in at work.

Is that true?

Hmm, well,
nothing happened.


Mitch Bright
stopped by town today.

High school Mitch Bright?


Is he the rich guy?

When I was waiting
for you at school,

all the other teachers
were talking about it.

Somebody saw him
in a big moving van.

I thought you
were supposed to be

your mother's
teacher assistant?

She won't let me
grade the papers.


So he had
a big moving van?


Hey, where's Cody?

Cody, dinner's ready!

He says he's home
for the holidays.

Yeah, but his family
hasn't been here in years.

Yeah, I know.

Seems highly suspect.

Well, you think we should
invite him for dinner?

Oh, no, I don't think we can
feed him in the manner to which

he has become accustomed.

Oh, come on.

Yes, you do.

Oh, hi honey, sorry.


All right.

Hey, what's wrong
with you?

All the girls are reading
these vampire books.

I don't get it.

He wants the girls
to be in love with him instead.

Okay, all right.

Listen, your mom
read all those books.

I know exactly how you feel.

Mmm, can we please End
something to thank God for?

I get to be the angel.

It's gonna be the best
Christmas ever.


That was fast.

Thanks for Iettin' me drive.


That's the last time.

So who's that guy you were
talking about last night?

Mitch Bright.

Just a guy
from back in the day.

We didn't get along
too well unfortunately.

You had a high school rival?

Yeah, why?

What's so unusual
about that?

Just seems like
everybody likes you.

You need to go to some
city council meetings.

So what did you
guys compete over?

Oh, everything.

Football, basketball, skiing,
running, class oflices,



I won that one.


Your mom was
the girl in high school.

Still is.

Now you're lucky if you made
it this far without a rival,

without someone to push you
and try to beat you

at what you're good at.

I didn't say that.


Somebody's givin' you trouble?

My situation's a lot
different than yours.

Yours seems a lot easier.

Of course.

Of course yours is worse.

How is yours worse?

Mine's a girl.



Good mornin'.

Can I get a cafe Americano
with soy, please?


Hey, now Josie,
how's business?

I can't complain.

Customers are loyal.

What do you think it
would take to make it better?

More customers, I guess.


You know, I have some ideas
on how I think

I can make that happen.

You interested?




Man, Christmas
is an awesome time of year,

am I right?

Hey, Santa.

No, really.
I mean, think about it,

this is
the only time of year

the entire world has this like
shared experience of peace

and hope for the future and
strangers are lovin' each other.

And there's that somethin'
in the air, man, it's something.


What is wrong with you?

It's been a great week, man.

Are you kiddin' me?

We had two ice Hshermen
and the snow machine tool.

Kristen invited Mitch to our
Christmas party Sunday night.

She said it was
the Christian thing to do.

Man, why does Kristen
always have to be right?


I know he's got an angle.

Now why would he come back
here after so many years?

What's he after?

I don't know.

Maybe he's just weary
of his city life

and he wants to return
to the simple town of his youth.

Or he's still mad at ya
after all the times you beat him

in high school.

And so after festering
for years,

he's returned
to exact his revenge.


Yeah, you know, could
you back to singing?

Because you're
a lot less annoying.

Thanks for the help.


(Mitch Bright)
Well, it's getting late.

You know I wasn't arguing
about your policies.

It's--well, it's
more your approach.

I don't know
what you mean.

I think the mistake that
you're making is assuming

that you're every man.

I Fund your ideals to be wildly
conservative compared

to the rest of the country.

This is comin' from the guy
that went to Berkeley

and lived in San Francisco
for years,

'cause when I think every man,
I think San Francisco.

When's the last time
you left Alaska?

I don't know, Mitch.

I've been so busy buildin'
b*mb shelters

and publishing
conspiracy papers

that I haven't had time
to get out.

Look, just 'cause we're
the th state doesn't make us

a third world.

Look, there is a surprising
amount of hocus-pocus here.

Oh, you mean--what,
Native religion?

No, I mean Christianity.

Well, it seems I recall you
competing with Dan

for president of the youth group
back in the day.

Well, there isn't much I
wouldn't compete with Dan about,

So, that was an act?

No, not an act.

Look, if you had an opportunity
to travel the world as I have,

you would know that
American culture is not limited

to this small town bubble
that you live in.

America is vast and diverse
and loving, peaceful, tolerant.

Yeah, no, I'm just--
I'm trying to understand

what you're implying.

I would be willing to wager
that a majority of the people

in this town Find your
religious piety annoying.



And they reelect me because?

Well, you ran unopposed
in the last two elections, Dan.

Because he's doing
such a good job.


I'm sure he is
in a very small town way.

I don't agree
with you, Mitch.

Just because God's out of vogue
in the big city doesn't mean

we throw him away like last
summer's fashion magazine.

Maybe you wouldn't.

Maybe a lot of your
close friends

that were here tonight wouldn't.

But I guess there's
no way to prove it, is there?

You know, maybe I would
make a good mayor someday.

You might.

Yeah, I kinda like that.

Mayor Mitch Bright.
Has a ring to it.

Good night!

Good night.


Hey, sweetie.

Can I come in?


I didn't know
if you're closed or...

The second time in today.

I'm unforgettable.

Coffee, black?


Unless you got another color.

No, that's it.

Okay, I'll take it.

I was thinkin' about Christmas.

Yeah, they have
it every year.

Yeah, but this year
Makayla is the angel.

Aww, she'll be such a doll.


You ought to come.


I mean, I'll be there.

I know the angel.

So maybe she could magically
make a chair appear next to me.

Yeah, I'll probably come.

Well...lV\erry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you.

See ya.

(Dan Reed)
I don't know.

I just thought the algebra was,
you know, always tricky.


LV\orninL Mayor.

Your son's gettin'
faster every day.

That's what I like to hear.

How you doin', Coach?

Good, good.
thanks to you.

I hope this town
keeps re-electing you

as long you'll have us.

Thank you.
I appreciate that.

So, how are plans goin'
for the Christmas Cup race?

We have got a great turnout
and I--are you gonna enter?

Yeah, maybe so.

I'm not in my son's age group,
so he can't show me up.

I've been there.

I understand that.
See you later.

Hey, Dad, can we go?

I'll be late for school.

Oh, yeah, school, sure.

(female # )
Dan, got a minute?


I got my mayor's hat
on all day today.

What's up?

Have you already started
the new paint

for the nativity statues?

Mmm, yeah, they
should be ready any time now.

We can put 'em up
this weekend, I think.

Actually, we can't.

A formal complaint has been
Hled about the town

Christmas decorations.

A complaint about Christmas?

It says that because the town
is spending money

on Christian imagery
being placed

on government property,

we're in violation
of the establishment clause.

The complaint seeks
a preliminary injunction

preventing us frorn Finishing
the display until the judge

rules on the complaint.

Who Hled this complaint?
The Grinch?

Mitch Bright.

What's your assessment?

Does he have a case?


These decorations have been
part of the town tradition

for over years.

We've never had a problem before.
a complaint before.

When's the ruling?

In days.

Unless you want to End
a compromise before then.

No, I don't
want to compromise.

We should bring
before the city council, Dan.

They need to know.

(Greg Reed) Okay, so you're telling
me Mitch Bright comes back here

after years, and he's
bringin' his tolerance

and he's bringin'
his open mindedness,

like they do, right?

And the first thing he does is
get a load of our nativity scene

that we've had for years
and he's like, "Oh, gee,

"we got to sue somebody
because, you know,

"what if some child innocently
gets a glimpse

"of the baby Jesus?

"And hey, if we get rid of all
these Merry Christmas speakers,

"I'll tell you what
we should do next.

"Why stop there?

"Let's go after those,
I don't know, people that say,

"'God bless you'
after you sneeze.

"Why not?

"Because what if I'm
an atheist, and it's like, hey,

I want to get sick without
divine intervention, right?"

Well, let me tell you
something brother,

see, 'cause we're Christians.

happen to have started

the United States of America.

And if they think that they're
gonna take this without a iight

with the Reed brothers, they
are wrong and they better

get prepared and they
better put a helmet on,

'cause it's my country too.

Yeah, you took that better
than I thought you would.

Hi, folks!

Looks like our o'clock
flight tour's here.


Well good to have you!
Harland, they made it!

All right, okay.

Hey,jump in!

Harland, set up
'em up, will you,

in the back if you don't mind?

How are we gonna
put a stop to this guy?

We're gonna handle this like
we do any other civil suit.

Have a meeting, have
a discussion, take a vote,

like always.

It's gonna be that easy?

Calm and orderly.

Let's go.

(male # ) The platform
was your idea, Dan.

You got us into this.

We voted unanimously
to spend the money on it.

We voted.

So did we do something
wrong or didn't we?

It's gonna cost a pile
of money to iight this case

and come spring,
we're gonna need to HII

a whole bunch of new pot holes.

And we need to spend
more money on snow removal.

We went cheap
on the rock salt this year.

That's true.
I know.

You know, Mitch Bright
has a lot of money,

and he could take this
all the way

to the Supreme Court.

(male # ) And that kind of
case could bankrupt the town.

Okay, look, can we
back up from the Supreme Court?

Willa has the legal
under control.

It's not gonna cost us anything.

It's wastin' her time.

So do we need to take down the banner outside?
further decoration, so no.

Yeah, no, we're not
taking down the banner.

We could replace
it with something.

It's old anyway.

Whoa, so now we just
replace anything that's old?

Look, it's old because it's
a town tradition

I assume you all have enjoyed
all these years as an indication

of Christmas, right?

I sold a baby Jesus
out of it once when I was a kid.

Got coal in my stockin'
that year, too, as I recall.

My mother wasn't fond
of practical jokes.

Look, Mitch Bright has
a personal vendetta against me.

He has since we were teenagers.

I mean, you all know that.

It's just--he's tryin'
to prove a point.

He wants to irritate me,
and it's childish, all right?

And I'm not--no,
we are not gonna cave in.

If this is personal between
you and him, work it out.

Don't drag
the whole town into it.

Okay Hne, that's fair.
I understand.

Mitch Bright actually has
some good ideas

that I really think
have some merits.

Like what kind of good ideas?

Some business ideas, and I
think we should listen to him.

I don't think we should
just push him out.

We were headed for the best
Christmas season yet,

and we don't need some big
hub-bub to quelch

a holiday cheer.

And holiday spending.

Well, you have my word.

I will have a little chat
with Mitch.

Do you wait for me
to come to the trails?

I'm just training.

Same as you.

So, you're dad's not here?

No, he's busy.

Do want to ski together?

You mean race?

If you want.

No, it's what you want
because you have

some weird thing
about wanting to beat me.

You're best skier
on the school's team.

Of course
I want to beat you.

That's how I get better.

You think I'm the best?

Never mind.

(Mitch Bright) There are cruise
ships passing our harbor every day.

All we need to do is come
up with a way to make 'em stop.

We have a glacier
right at our doorstep,

yet there's only one company
that offers excursions.

Reed's Alaska Adventures.

Well, good morning, Dan.

We were just talkin' about ways
to bring you more business.

I want to talk to you
about your court Hlings.

Maybe you could drop by my
of lice when you're done here.

Well actually, Dan,

this is my of lice,
it's my meeting.

So why don't you
pull up a chair?

Do you really care
about city hall decorations?

Or is this about me?

You really think
that highly of yourself?

I don't think you really
have a problem with Christmas.

Oh, you'd be wrong
about that.


Because I do have
a problem with Christmas,

as I do with Jesus and God
and all the rest of the garbage

you Christians have been jammin'
down my throat

since I was a kid.

You think you have
all the answers

and all the virtues
of the world, don't you?

See, I think you're no
different than anybody else.

As a matter of fact,
you're probably even worse.

You so-called Christians who
are celebrating the birth

of their savior
are the same people cussing me

over a parking spot
at the mall.


Because Jesus is coming,
so we better rush on down

to get ourselves a good deal
on a flat screen TV

before they run out.

That's not Christmas.

Christmas or not, I End that
most of you followers

are the most
unforgiving, unloving,

even bigoted people
I've ever seen.

If we're already
done on name calling,

this conversation is over.

No, you know what?

I'm sorry.

All right, I'm sorry that you've
had such bad experiences

with Christians, but that
doesn't mean that you can ruin

for everybody else here.

I'm still the mayor.

I'm not gonna let you
hold this town hostage.

And as the mayor,
you are bound to follow

the letter of the law,
my friend.

Trust me,
I'm an expert on this.

You cannot preach
your religion, Dan.

Yeah, but I'm
still a citizen.

And as a citizen, I have a Hrst
amendment right to express

my own beliefs.

But you do not have the right
to spend the taxpayer's money

to propagate them.

The only money I've spent
is to take better care

of town property.

Town property,
which establishes a religion,

which is unconstitutional.

Congress shall pass no law

the establishment of religion.

Or prohibits
the free exercise thereof.


You don't have a monopoly
on the law or this town.

You don't have the right to tell
people how to live

and how to worship.
with me, Hne.

You want to run for mayor
of this town, try to change it?

You go ahead and try it.

Is that a dare, Dan?

'Cause you sound scared.

You're already campaigning.

You don't think it's obvious why
you come down from the hill

in your fancy little shoes

and try to pander
to the common people

who you think might
follow your ideas?

I think you got it all wrong.

I think it's quite apparent
why I'm here every morning.

Free wireless.

You want a iight?

You got one.


What are you doin'?

Who told you to do this?

We've got the full support
of the city council, Dan.

Besides, we needed
a new one anyway.

And there's nothin' wrong
with being more inclusive.

Season's greetings?


It works for everybody.

Happy winter, Joe.

Merry snow falling day,

but don't put that on a sign,
you might offend somebody.


Hey, what's goin' on?

Nothinljust thinkin'.

Thinkin' about what?

My life.

Could I have done more?

Done more about what?

Had a--you know,
a job, a real job.

Honey, you have
two real jobs.

Mitch is getting to you.

Nah, he's just bringing
up some old stuff.

Well, if it means you
would have ended up like him,

then the answer's a big,
fat no on all the above.

Yeah, but would I have ended
up like him if I'd gone out

and seen the world?

You mean, would you have
become rich and glamorous?

Ohh, so you think
he's rich and glamorous?

He's rich and glamorous
and miserable and alone.

I just wonder if I
would have lost my faith.

Oh, sweetheart.

I don't think you could ever
lose something

that's such an important part
of who you are.

Hey, guys.


Hey, coach.

So, what's the genius
up to now?

He says he can bring
in the owner of the cruise line

and make Trapper Falls
a regular excursion stop.

What do you think, Mayor?

I think it's all talk until
somebody actually shows up.

It wouldn't hurt your
business though, would it?

We'll see.

Here we go.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Thank you.

Happy holidays.


Thank you, Josie.

I'm pretty happy.

You are too, aren't you?

You happy?

Here we go.

Hey, anybody not happy?

I mean, it's,
"Happy Holidays," right?

Not, "Unhappy Holidays."

But I got to say, there's really
only one holiday that makes me

happy in December.

What could it be?

Any suggestions?

Boxing Day, right?

Make you happy?

Not me 'cause I don't
know what it's for.

Oh, let me see,
we got Pearl Harbor Day.

Doesn't get more
uplifting than, you know,

getting att*cked by an enemy
and goin' into w*r, right?

But that isn't it.

I think it's Christmas.

Christmas is the only holiday
in December that makes me

wanna get up and shout
from the rooftops

and celebrate it.

It makes me happy.

I believe in Christmas, and I
especially believe in the one

that Christmas is named after.

So I'm gonna tell you something,
you don't be afraid to say

exactly what you believe 'cause
I know what it is, Josie.

You stand for what you believe.

I think we need to say
exactly what it is,

and so if you're gonna spend
a little time celebratin'

all the holidays, don't forget
the most miraculous,

holy day there ever was.

So here's to you,
Trapper Falls.

I got a special gift.

Listen, Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Mitch.

Sound familiar?

Ahh, hat felt good.

We wonder why you're not married.

(Dan Reed)
You're a heck of a catch.

One, two.

One, two!


I'm okay.
Keep going.

It's your best time ever.

You're hurt.
I am not.

Ski then.

Hey, Monica, I'm lookin'
for that form--

Hey, Mitch.

What could we do
for you today?

I'm good.

Just brushing up on my
Trapper Falls election process.

Decided to oflicially throw
my hat in the ring today.

Oh, by the way, tell your
brother I said thanks a lot

for the outburst out at
the coffee shop this morning.

Got me a ton of signatures
on my petition.


So if there isn't anything else,
I'm gonna wrangle up some more

signatures and pick up some
more campaign buttons.

That Mary,
she's a cutie, isn't she?


So, do you think he's got
enough supporters to win?

I heard he's got
two million signatures.

There are only
, people in town.

So do you think he
really wants to be mayor?

You know, it's possible
that he's trying to divide

the whole town
over this Christmas thing

just to see who's with me.

What are you going to do?

Come here.

I'm gonna do what I always do

and what I think
you should do too.

And that is stand by
what I believe in, okay?


(Makayla Reed)
Glory to God in the highest.

On earth, peace
and good will to men.

Glory to God in the highest.

On earth, peace
and good will to men.

Hark, the herald angels sing,

glory to the newborn king.

Peace on earth and mercy mild--

Hey kid, how are you, honey?

Is your daddy here tonight?

My Uncle Greg is with me.

Oh, your Uncle Greg should
know that you're in breach

of the preliminary injunction.

You can't have a religious
display on this site.

Are you saying
I can't stay here and sing?

I'm sorry, sweetie.

No, you can't.

This is government property.

But I'm not
government property.

That's right.

No, no, you're not, honey,
but you need to come down now.

Yeah, she can't do this.
You know that.

She has to come down.

You know, Mitch,
as far as I know,

she's allowed to stand there
and sing anything she wants to.

And if she wants to do
it dressed like an angel,

there's really not a heck
of a lot of you can do about it.

I don't know how you missed
this one in lawyer school,

but what I understand,
the first amendment

applies to Christians too.

Yeah, honey, come down now.
Hey, I'm serious.

Hey, honey,
please come down.

Get your hands off me!

Hey, back off!

Now you all saw that.

That was as*ault.

Are you serious?

Buddy, you're a bigger wuss now
than you were in high school.

Thank you.

[singing] Hark, the herald
angels sing, Glory to--

Yeah, this is Mitch Bright.

what were you thinking?

It was my idea, Mom.

Yes, I just drove
the getaway car.

Apparently not fast enough.

stand up for what we believe in.

I know, I was just
hoping that maybe

you'd make it to or

before I got a call
from the police.

You know, I can tolerate
snarky bumper stickers

and letters to the editor,
but the fact is Mitch Bright

called the cops on a child.

We're lucky they
let this thing drop.

They could've pressed
for them to arrest Greg.

This iight has gone far enough.

We need a solution.

I'll call Willa, see if we
can't get some folks together

to talk about it.

Well, count me in.
I don't think so.

You and Gabriel
here are grounded.

You can't ground me.

I'll go in your place
to make sure nobodyjumps

up on any chairs
or causes a disturbance.


Well, in cases
similar to ours,

the rulings have gone to
the plaintiff when the nativity

is the only element
of the display.

But what are
we supposed to do?

I mean, are we supposed
to put up--you know,

we put up a menorah and then
we put up the Kwanza.

I don't even know
what that symbol is.

I mean, where does it end?

The point is the person
bringing the complaint

hates all religion.

He hates God.

He doesn't want equal
representation of religion;

he wants none.
down to these God haters?

I mean, is this what
we teach our children?

At the first sign of a threat,

then we cave on our traditions
and beliefs?

In this case, our tradition
is technically in violation

of the establishment clause.

the establishment clause.

Yes, I'm sorry, she's right.

There's where we want
to teach our children.

Disrespect for our
country and authority?

So what do you think
we should do about this,

'cause this is an injustice.

What is justice?

We gain back
our Christmas decorations

at the cost of our souls?

(Kristen Reed) Reverend Tiller,
what are you thinkin'?

The nativity's
become too important.

Lovely as they are,
they're statues made of wood.

And we best not
make them idols.

Oh, good, you're
not doing anything.

Yes, I am.

Uncle Greg's
helping me rehearse

for the Christmas program.

You can be the audience.

And if I'm not mistaken,
you're supposed to be

at cross country which is why
I got trapped babysitting.

I'm not a baby.

Well, you're my baby.
You're my baby.

It's a practice run
for the Christmas Cup, so...

I'm not entering.


No one's gonna miss me.

[door bell ringing]

Does your dad
know about this?

Dad's too worried about
the people trying to rename it

the Holiday Cup to even notice.

Hi, is Cody here?


It's a girl.

How come you're
not at practice?

I'm not entering the Cup.

Why not?

(Greg Reed) Hey, don't let
all the heat out, boy.

Invite her in!

Maybe she doesn't
want to come in.

I'll come in.


Hi, I'm Makayla.

Tonight, I'm playing
the part of the angel.

Sienna, playing Sienna.

Our audience just doubled.

Come sit down,
we're doing a show.


Kayla, she doesn't want
to stay for the show.

Did you ask her?

It's the same,
boring old program

we go to over and over
every year.

I'm sorry, did you say,

"The same boring,
old program"?

I am offended that you
could ever believe to End

performers like Makayla
and myself could ever deliver

You're gonna change
the story, then?

I don't have to change
the story.

Don't you get it?

The Christmas story is
the greatest story of all time.

The Christmas story is
none like any other.

It's got it all.
it's got intrigue.

It's got scandal.
it's got surprise.

So I'll tell you
what, Mr. know-it-all,

why don't you two sit there,
hang on to your long johns,

and observe the masters at work.

[singing] Me, me,
me, me, me, me, me.

You, you, you, you, you.


Okay, action.

In a world where there was no
television or Xbox or texting,

one girl is about to experience
the greatest challenge

of her life.

Look at me, I'm just a girl
trying not to step anywhere

onto scorpions 'cause I
have no socks to--

Do not be afraid.


You have found favor
with God.

You will give birth to a child
and call his name Jesus.

Is that right?

Well, what in the world
would she say?

Um, actually, I'm not really
good with this because

you see, I'm suddenly, like,
pregnant without explanation,

which means my Hancé can try
to, like, oflicially stone me,

which completely
ruins my makeup.

And my BFFs will, like,
never speak to me again.

So I really don't see
that as God's favorite.


She didn't say that.

No, that's what everybody
today would have said.

What she actually said was,

"Let it be done to me
as thou hath said,"

because it's really always
spoke with an English accent.

Of course, if she did say
that, it was a little,

little bit more like,
"Go ahead.

Make my baby."


You don't have to stay.

I'm good.

Act two.

Matter of fact,
we're missin' somebody.

I know, Joseph.

Stand right here, perfectly.

Try to look handsome for once.

Anna, forgive me
for looking at this so simply.

I teach elementary
kids after all,

but Christmas starts
with a capital

The "C" comes
from a name, Christ.

Christ the Lord is the center
of Christmas, not our rights,

not our tradition.

None of that matters if it
starts to detract us

from the one whose birth
we celebrate, right?

(Dan Reed)

And forgive me, Dan, but I
don't think this is something

city hall can do.

But it is something
that we as Christians can do,

something we have to do.

If we spent less time worrying
about our rights and more time

worrying about others' needs,

then I think we might
actually be doing Christmas.

And once they arrive,
what happens?

They meet up with crazy people.

Joe, what do you twos want?

Well, like the hundreds
of other people here,


Please, I'm having
a baby right now!

Yeah, like I
haven't heard that.

I'll tell you what, you
twos can go into the barn.

And they do.

Mary is rushed
off to have her baby,

but she does it offstage
since it's kind of icky.

And she possibly did it alone
because it would've made Joseph

ceremonially unclean, which
makes Mary not only a saint,

but he's kind of reachin'
action Hgure status in my book.

Come here.


Cynical audience is
getting out of hand.

Let's show 'em.
Come on.



Look, God of the universe
decides to enter our domain

in the most fragile form.

Can I have him?

There's the baby.


That a human can take.


Here, I'm gonna let you
be Mary for a little bit.

(Reverend Tiller) When God, the Father,
sent his Son to redeem the earth

it was a gift.

Some people welcomed it
with greatjoy,

others spit upon it.

Two thousand years later,
nothing has changed.

We give the gift with love, with humility, and with grace.
to that gift is not our concern.

How we respond
to the people is God's concern.

(Dan Reed) Are we supposed
tojust let people like Mitch

No, we're not saying
we roll over.

We just prove him wrong
by action, not argument.

I don't know what that means.

I don't either.

However, what does this
Christmas with a capital 'C'

look like?

Like Philippians .

Jesus did not consider equality
with God

something that could be grasped.

He made himself nothing.
on the very nature of a servant.


(Greg Reed) The people
expected a political Messiah.

Bet they didn't have
popcorn back then.

But what did they get?

God, instead of coming
down--shh, angels don't laugh.

Instead of God coming down miraculously...
he humbled himself

and he became God with us.

And he began to heal humanity
by loving them

The end.

Take your bow, son.

And so, Makayla,
playing the angel.

pathetically playing Joseph,

and me as the donkey.

Thank you.

Take your bows.
Take your bows.

You were wonderful, angel.

And you were wonderful--no.

So how's your knee?

It's okay.

You have to swear you
won't tell anybody about this,

you know, at school.

The play?

I'm serious.

I'll make you a deal.

I don't tell anyone at school,
you race the Christmas Cup.

It's a deal.


Is that why
you came out here?

Make me race?

No, I came to see
the Christmas show.

Up a bit.

I got to go down.

Isaac, you're on.

Can you get this?

It looks so good,
you guys, I love it!

All right!

I guess anybody can hang
a banner these days.


Merry Christmas.

(Josie) Who wants to buy an
angel for a kid whose parents

are in prison?

All right, that's good.

Missed a spot.

No, I didn't.

Yeah, you did.

Did I?

Hot chocolate!

Complementary hot chocolate
with a capital 'C.'

I could give you
a shot of whipped cream.

(female # ) I don't
know about that.

Hi, Josie.


Oh, last time I was in here,
I kind of accidently

stepped on your chair
with my muddy boots

and made a big scene.

I remember.


Came here
to make it up to you.

I'm good.

You were way faster
the day we raced.

The deal is that
I enter the Cup.

I don't have to win it.

With that attitude
you won't.

Thanks, Coach.

(Kristen Reed)
Whoa, whoa.

Wow, looks like you
could use some help.

What you doin'?

I have a really good idea.

I want to make cookies

for the Christmas
with a capital 'C' mission.

Ah, that is a great idea.

How about if I help you?

There we go.

I'll need your
help to deliver them.

Can you drive me?

Yeah, sure.

Who are they for?

Mitch Bright.

Everybody's been doing
nice things

for everybody all over town,

but nobody's done anything
for him as far as I can tell.

Well, maybe they just ligure
he really doesn't need

any help or want it.

But everybody wants cookies.

Come on, Mom!

Why are you waiting?

You go on ahead, angel.

I'll just wait
for you here, okay?


I guess he's not home.


Hey, the important thing
is that you did it, right?

He was supposed to know
he's a blessing from heaven.

Do you think he'll get it?

Sure, honey.

Hey, he'll take one bite
and of course he'll know, okay?

I know.

Where have you been?

Honestly, I have been
trying to call you forever.

Oh, we just went
out on a little mission, huh?

Everything okay?

The judge is comin' tomorrow.

Is that good or bad?

I don't know.

By the way, good.

Ah, told ya.

How many Christmas cookies
did you have tonight?

Only about seven.

All right, let's
get you in bed, kiddo.

Come on.

That's it.
That's it.


Mitch, he would never win.

Why do you say that?

Because he makes
people grumpy.

I think he makes people
because he's grumpy.

Why though?

I don't know why.

That's a good question.

Let's pray, okay?

I guess we
should pray for him.


Why don't you start?


Dear Lord,
thank you for this day.

Please be with Mitch
and make him nice.

And let Daddy stay as Mayor.

In Jesus' name, amen.


All right.


Night, I love you.

(female # ) Perhaps you all can
show me what will be placed here.

Well, there they are.

Can you bring
them out a little?

Yeah, sure.


There she is.

They're beautiful.

Someone made these?

(Dan Reed)
Over years ago.

They were carved by a man
who worked in a lumber mill

and donated to the town.

Are there any other
elements to the display?

Oh, yeah.

Some animals, a couple
sheep, and a donkey.

Well, let's have
a talk, shall we?

I assume you've studied
the case law related

to the establishment clause?

We have.

She's been all over it
with a Hne-toothed comb.

Well, on the record, I have
to tell you that if the creche

is the only element
of the holiday display

and it is owned
by the local government

and displayed
on government property--

Then you must
rule against it.


Off the record, I'll tell you
that I don't personally

want to make a ruling
against Jesus and Mary,

especially at Christmastime.

Thank God.

So, what are you saying?

Well, there are
three options to consider.

I mean, you could add to this
as a holiday display and include

elements of a nonreligious
nature or elements

that are of other faiths.

Or the city can donate
or sell them,

the statues and the platform,
to a private individual

who can display them
in another place,

either on private property

or with permission
in a public setting

where there is
equal opportunity for others

to put up their own
holiday displays.

And the third?

Don't display them at all.

But if you ask me,
that would be a shame.

With all due respect,
your Honor,

all three of those are ruining
our town's traditions

that we've had over years.

Or you could look at it
as creating a new tradition.

I mean, moving the Christ child
to another place of honor

Perhaps you are more
concerned about yours.

And this is
my advice on the case,

if you want to push for an oflicial
ruling, will have to come down.

Otherwise, let me know what
you choose to do, okay?

Thank you, your Honor.

Yes, thank you.

Thank you, your Honor.

Merry Christmas.

(Dan Reed)
Merry Christmas.

Big cruise ships
comin' up through here,

people tramplin' all over.

You know,
he says it's gonna bring

a bunch of money into town.

'Cause Alaska cruises,
you know, they got a lot

of retired people, you know,
old people, you know,

goin' on those shoestring budget
transportation tours together.

Bunch of old, widowed ladies.

Old, widowed ladies?

You got another one of those?




Wow, nice button.

He's gonna bring
the cruise line order

to the race on Saturday.

Isn't that great?

Yeah, that's great.

See you inside, Coach.

You know, I can help you
tear this thing down.

I don't believe you would
actually help me

even if I planned
on takin' it down.

Oh, I could hire somebody.

It's not goin' anywhere.

Now you heard what
the judge said, Dan.

There's nothin' religious
about a bunch of planks of wood.

Look, if you want
to let it sit here empty,

that's Hne with me.

I told you that you
were in the minority,

but you wouldn't listen.

Guess we'll Fund out come
spring election, huh?

(Kristen Reed)
I got cocoa.

Mom, look
at how long mine is.

No, no, no, no no!

You always get the railroads,
and I want to be the tycoon.

Why don't you send some
more marshmallows our way, huh?

(Greg Reed) Danny boy,
wife's talkin' to ya.

(Cody Reed) He's still
mad 'cause he lost.

Hey, hey, let's
do a midnight run.

Me, you, and Cody,
we'll take the nativity,

we'll stick it in the church.

No, no, no, let's
take it to the park.

That'd make you happy.

The Grinch ruined Christmas.

It doesn't make you mad?

(Kristen Reed)
He didn't ruin my Christmas.

Mine's okay.

(Makayla Reed) I mean, I'd
be a little grinchy too

if all I had in my house

was a little couch
and a suitcase.

What do you mean?


We're still talking about Mitch Bright, right?
you talking about?

Remember when we
delivered the cookies?

Well, when I looked
in the window,

all I saw was a little couch
and a suitcase.

Wait a minute,
in that whole big house?

What about his
grandmother's antiques?

And the moving van?

Wait a minute.

Are you tellin' me that the van
was taking antiques

away from his house?

Hang on, hang on,
let me try to Hgure this out.

I knew somethin' was wrong.

Okay, so Mitch Bright
comes to town,

he sells or loses
everything he has.

He puts on this big show about
how rich, how successful he is,

how he's gonna save the town.

He's gonna run for mayor.

He puts the whole town
on edge over Christmas.

(Cody Reed)
Now that really makes sense.

I think this makes for a very
interesting story, don't you?

But what is it?

(Kristen Reed) Well maybe
it's none of our business.

Who wants more popcorn?

(Makayla Reed)

Cody ate all mine.

You know what this
means, don't you?

Road trip.

Oh, I know that look.

You Reed brothers
are scheming again.

You know what, honey?

Greg and I are gonna pay
a little visit

to Mitch Bright's law Hrm.

I'm gonna call Harland.

I'll have him get
the plane ready.

All right.

Your roll, Donald Trump.

Now, I mean, would it k*ll
you to let me be left seat once?

It might.
and we show up to this of lice,

you let me do the talking.

You sure this is a good idea?

'Cause I'm usually
game for anything.

I know.

I hope so.

I gotta take a wiz.

You're friends
of Mitch Bright?

We went to high school
with him.

We're in town.

Thought we'd
stop by and say hey.

Well, sorry
to keep you waiting.

He doesn't work
here anymore.


Well, maybe you could tell us
what Hrm he went to or give us

an address where we
could look him up?



What, is it cloak and dagger
or is he big trouble?

No, sorry, the Firm's
just protective.

Mitch was never
anything but nice to me.

He gave me a shot
at a few cases a while back

and he helped me
get on good track here.

And all I know is is that he
ended up investing in something

he shouldn't have.

It went south.

He ended up losing everything,
including his job here.

Then, of course, nobody
ever talks about it.

I don't know where he went

or if he has any family
or friends to go to.

Well, his family's gone,
but he has--you know,

he has friends.

Like you guys?


Yeah, right.

When you see him,
you give him this.

Just tell him it's from an old
friend or do it anonymously.

I don't think that we could--

No, please.
to take it, but he needs it.

He really helped me
out a lot back then.

I just want to help him.

Well, that's all I know,
so I better get back to work.

Good luck to both of you.

Yeah, thanks for--

Good luck
and Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you.

So he's ruined, he comes
back to town hiding the fact.

What do you think
he's trying to do?

Get a life back.

Not a very good strategy
to run for mayor

while lying to everybody.


You know, I think this
whole cruise line thing

is just to get back in the game.

Maybe people will forgive him
when they End out the truth.

Or we could run him
out of here on a rail.

Yeah, that'd show him
the real spirit of Christmas.

Lt'd sure feel good.


Hey, Dad.

Hey, pal.
What's up?

Can you help me
with these?


See you guys.

See you.

Ah, grab this
thing, will you?

What's up, man?

You know that girl
I was telling you about?

Uh, not sure.

You know, she's
always trying to beat me.

We talked about it.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

What happened?

Well, see, we were racing.


She was winning,
but then she fell and hurt.

I thought it was my fault.

That's why I wasn't
going to enter the Cup.

She bribed me to race.

Does this make
any sense to you?

Not really.

Sorry, sorry, sorry.

I forgot something.

So what did you do
when she hurt herself?

I helped her back, of course.

I mean, I'm not a jerk.

Aw, you helped her all
the way back to school.

Oh, that was nice.

I'm sure she really
appreciated that.

She usually pretty fast?

Yeah, she's good.

Faster than you.

At least that day.


Careful, that's hot.

How are you at losing?

I try to be a good sport,
you know,

but it makes me mad
when I lose.


I wonder where
he got that from.

Seems like somebody's
listening in

on our conversation.

You guys are
so slow sometimes.

We do things
at our own speed.

It's called man time.

I'm getting to it.

Look, I don't think it's
the race she's trying to win.

I think it's you.

She's always bothering me.

Look, you have to get
past the competition.

You have to see the person.

She's just a young girl.

She got all this stuff
going on inside of her.

She doesn't know how
to express it, right?

Is that what you're doing?

Seeing the person there?

What do you mean?

With Mitch.

You've been doing all this
investigating, you know,

so I was just wondering if
you had him Hgured out too.

I don't know.

Look, you race tomorrow.

Do the best you can.

Win or lose, you have
worked so hard for this.

You just go out there
and give it everything you have.

All right?
You owe that to yourself.

Yes, sir.

Is she--is she cute?


That's my boy.


Hey, Dan, I haven't seen
Mitch and his big guest yet,

have you?


He's coming, isn't he?

Mitch promised he would.

I guess we'll see.

Sure hope he makes it 'cause
you remember, like you said,

be good for my business.


Loser takes the winner
for moose burgers.

I've already got
the money in my pocket.

All right, let's race.

On your mark.




Come on, Cody!

You're doing great!



Still my best time ever.

Still owe me a moose burger.


(Dan Reed) Here we go.
Watch your step, please.

Thanks so much.

Thanks for coming.
Appreciate it.

Hope you got
some good photos.

Reed brothers.

Thanks, guys.

Thanks for coming.
Appreciate it.

Thanks, guys.


Wow, they had
great weather, right?

Oh man,
we got , sh*ts.

Hey, Mitch.

I know everybody in town's
talking about today.

My Contact
from the cruise ship canceled.

I'm not saying
the deal's done.

I just--I don't know,
Christmas Eve or something.

Oh yeah.

No, we got you Mitch.

He's probably
at home with his family.

I just thought it would only
be right that I come down

and tell you myself.

You know, when I was a little
kid growing up in this town,

I was always
jealous of you two.

Never told you that before.

You got to give
him that money.

Let's get her cleaned up.

Come on.

Come on.



Been such a pleasant day.

Not one mention
of Mitch Bright all day.

Are you ready?



I love it.

I bring you good tidings
of great joy

that shall be unto all people.

I bring you good news
of great joy

that shall be unto all people.

Today in the town of David,
a savior is born,

Christ the Lord.

Go End this baby.

You will End him wrapped
in swaddling cloth

and laying in a manger.


[knocking on door]

I have something for you.

It's from an old friend.

He asked me
not to tell you who.

How did he know
where to End me?

You know who it's from?

Yeah, it's the exact amount
of money I lent him

over years ago.

He was working as a clerk and he
and his wife were having a baby.

Don't you have
a church service to go to?

It's over by now.

This was more important
for me tonight.

Mitch, is there
anything else you need?

No, I mean, why would I?

[Makayla singing]
Joy to the world.

The Lord has come.

What is that?

Let earth receive her king.

Let every heart
prepare him room.

And heaven and nature sing.

Let heaven and nature sing.

Let heaven and heaven
and nature sing.

Thought we'd End you here.

I wasn't expecting visitors.

Well, we weren't
expecting to come.

But a little angel told us that
you didn't get a proper welcome

when you came to town.

We thought we'd better
take care of that.

Did you get my cookies?

Yes I did, honey.

Thank you.
They were delicious.

We brought you some more.

Can we come in?


Hey, Mitchell boy!

Hope you don't mind,
but we brought

the Christmas Eve pageant
up here.

These are not
Christmas presents, all right?

These is a housewarming gifts
because who doesn't celebrate

a warm house?

Can we bring 'em in?

All right, let's move.


Well, I don't know about
you guys, but I am freezing.

And a lot of pie made
it up here tonight.

Come on in!


All right.

Got a beautiful place
here, brother.

Beautiful place.

Merry Christmas.


Now, does Mary go
on the right or the left?

She goes left.

You sure?

That's it.

We're just taking them down.

All right, all right.

Hang on one sec.

Hang on, hang on.

Hey, Iookie Iookie.

I know you.

Hello, Mitch.

How are you?

You know we got a right
to put these out, right?

We bought it from the town.

Got permission to put
it up in a public place.

I'm not ashamed
of Jesus, Mitch.

Never gonna be.

Freedom of religion.

It's what makes
America great, right?

Amen, brother.

That's right.

That's a copy of the order
to drop the complaint

and the injunction.

Couple of crazy Christians
changed my mind.

They can do that.

What's this one?

E-mail from
a cruise line contact.

Says he's sorry
he missed the plane.

Wants to come up in January
with some of his partners.

So I'm thinking this town
needs to beef up their

chamber of commerce ASAP
and you're going to need

somebody who knows
what he's doing.

I know the right man
for the job.

Will you help us?


Well, that would
mean I'd have to set aside

my campaign for mayor.

Oh, please.

I'm up in pre-election
polls, you know.

I don't think so.

I hear there's a city council
position opening up.

Peace on earth.

Goodwill to men.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you.

Merry Christmas.

You want to help us out?

Ho ho, got to go!
Thank you.

Some things never change.

You know what?

Let's go with--get one
of the kings, will you?

I want--yeah.

Come on, come on.
it's in your allowance.

You know what?

Oh, come on!

I'll help.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas.

Come on, Code.
You know what?

Why don't you ta ke Mary?

There you go.

That's it.
Thanks, Cody.

There you go, Mitch.
Mitch, meet Mary.

We're together again.

(Greg Reed) That's the big lady.
Take care of her. Thank you.

All right, watch the ear.
Thanks, son.

Came off years ago.


I remember when people
used to say things like,

"Merry Christmas" to each other.

Everybody said,
"Merry Christmas!

Hey, Merry Christmas
to you, Mr. Lowenstein."

[audience laughing]

You know why?

'Cause it wasn't
about a religion.

It was about something
as a culture we thought

was so valuable that we would
all do it together,

even if I disagreed with
the religion behind it.

Because it was good
for all, instead of just me.

But what do people say now?

"Happy Holidays."

See, I just say,
"Happy Holidays"

because I won't say Christmas

because you don't
believe in Christmas

because I don't
want to offend you...

Q it's called Christmas Q

®Well, I went
to the coffee shop Q

Q to get myself a mocha Q

®The lady at the counter
said Happy Holidays Q

Q I said Thanks lady
I am pretty happy Q

Q but there's only one holiday
that makes me feel that way Q

Q And it's called Christmas
what more can I say? Q

Q it's about the birth of Christ
and you can't take that away Q

®You can call it something else
but that's not what it'll be Q

M it's called Christmas
with a capital C Q

Q God's got a law and we
pretty much destroyed it Q

IX! We're gonna get judged
there's no way to avoid it IX!

Q But Jesus came down
to take the punishment for me Q

Q He did it for you too
so now maybe you can see Q

Q why it's called Christmas Q

Q What more can I say? Q

Q it's about the birth of Christ
and you can't take that away Q

®You can call it something else
but that's not what it'll be Q

M it's called Christmas
with a capital C Q

Q it's called Christmas Q

(Greg Reed) Oh yes, we want
to say, "Happy Holidays"

because we don't want
to leave anybody out, really?

How come there's a ton
of holidays in February?

Nobody ever says,
"Happy Holidays"

in February, do they?

They say what it is:
"Happy Valentines."

Ooh, you believe in love?

Q it's called Christmas Q

But nobody wants
to say, "Christmas."

Everything else but Christmas.

Why? I know why.
You do too.

It's because it's got Christ
in it and after years,

he's still intimidating people.

M it's called Christmas
with a capital "C" IXIXI