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Patch Town (2014)

Posted: 11/28/23 12:16
by bunniefuu
[Announcer] A Toy's Journey:
An American Success Story.

Brought to you by the purveyors
of the finest cabbage vodka.

Welcome to Patch Enterprise,

the nation's leading
toy manufacturer.

Patch Enterprise has produced some of
today's most popular children's toys...

such as the honey bear,

toy guitars...

and every little girl's
best friend, the doll.

What's the secret
to our success?

One word: innovation.

Innovation in science,


and the finest
in organic ingredients.

Delivered directly
to our customers...

all around the nation.

How do we achieve this
and keep our prices so low?

Now, that really is
the Patch Enterprise se...

[Voice Distorts]

[Bell Tolling]

[Child Laughs]

♪ Mon petit chou ♪

♪ You are my everything ♪

♪ If I lost my treasure ♪

♪ I would cry ♪

- I will always love you.
- [Man] Jon!

- [Snoring]
- Wake up.

[Baby Crying]

[Crying Continues]

[Alarm Buzzing]

♪ You made me safe ♪

♪ Gave me a life
where I belong ♪

♪ But now I'm here
and that's all gone ♪

[Man On PA] Patch Enterprise
prohibits singing during work hours.

♪ Each day aching
I know this ain't my family ♪

♪ Did you forget
our special bond? ♪

[Babies Crying]

♪ And when I close my eyes
real tight ♪

- ♪ I dream of stealing off ♪
- ♪ Stealing off ♪

♪ Stealing off into the night ♪

♪ And I want to go ♪

♪ To the place
I used to know ♪

♪ Maybe I'll find my way home ♪♪

[Man On PA]
Remember, workers,

all cabbage are the property
of Patch Enterprise.

Any employee
caught removing cabbage...

will face disciplinary action,

in accordance
with Section ....

of the Workers Code of Conduct.

- [Whistle Blowing]
- [Groans]

Jon, help me.

- [Groans]
- [Door Opens]


I'm sorry.

[Crying Continues]

Don't hurt me, please.


Please, I beg you.


[Sobbing Continues]

- [Blows Land]
- [Man Groaning]

[Groaning Continues]


No. No.

Please. No.


Oh, thank goodness.
You're home.

Did you get to see Boris
on the way home?

I really don't like
owing a man like that anything.

Jon, is everything okay?

They caught Darryl today...

at-at the weigh-in.

I told him you can't just steal
off the line, Mary.

- What did you do?
- Nothing.

I did nothing.
I just stood there.

You did the right thing.

You couldn't save him.


I can't save him.

I can't save us.

You save us...

each and every day.

It's time.




♪ Oh, bebe ♪

We have to lay low for now.

Keep our home safe
for Daisy.

- [Daisy Crying]
- For Daisy?

[Crying Continues]

Mary, Daisy lives
in the floor.

We jump
at every strange noise,

every passing shadow.

We don't feel safe.

And if we don't feel safe,
then this isn't a home.

What is with you lately?

This is how it is, Jon.

How it's always been.

Not always.

All we have is each other.

We knew life was gonna be
like this when we got Daisy.

There's no going back.

♪ Mon petit chou ♪

♪ You are my everything ♪

♪ If I lost my treasure ♪

♪ I would cry ♪

- ♪ When you have a boo-boo ♪
- [Fusses]

♪ I want to die ♪♪

You need to go see Boris.

He got us Daisy.

We owe him
the final payment.

♪♪ [Woman Singing In Polish]


[Man Laughing]

Oh, wow.

♪♪ [Singing Continues]

Oh, well, okay.

It's all here.


Are you sleeping much?

No, not much.

The first few months
are the hardest.

You'll get into the rhythm.

It's not the baby I'm...

Uh, I'm...

I'm having these... dreams.

There's this girl,

and-and she picks me up...


and she tells me
she loves me.

It's all so crazy, huh?

- Look familiar?
- Where did you get this?

I got a guy on the inside.

Whenever we arrange
an adoption,

he pulls the file to make sure
you're not a pervert.

Who is she?

She's your mother.

My mother?

how is that possible?

[Boris] The land where
the factory now sits...

was owned by an old
Russian toy inventor...

named Gregor.

One evening, Gregor heard the
sound of babies crying...

coming from deep in the forest.

[Babies Crying
In Distance]

Being a father himself, he went
in search of the crying children.

[Baby Crying]

[Crying Continues]

Oh. What are you doing here?



Little did he know...

that in saving us
from the forest,

he set forth
a series of events...

no one could have
ever imagined.

Gregor was a good man,

but a naive one too.

Years earlier, he had lost
his wife in childbirth.

He blamed himself
for her death...

and, in his own twisted way,

saw saving these children
as his way of making amends.

[Door Slams]

He loved us
like we were his own.


now you have lots
of brothers and sisters.

- [Babies Crying]
- [Boris] But Yuri...

didn't want
any brothers or sisters.

He wanted his father
all to himself.

There you go.

Gregor soon realized...

he couldn't take care
of all these children.

He needed homes
for all of us.

I'll be here watching.

[Boris] The old man was
an amazing toy inventor.

And he built a machine
that froze us in time.

We were still alive, still
aware of our surroundings.

But we just sat there like...

A doll.

He turned us into dolls.

It worked!



With each new doll,

a little girl's
dream came true...

and the nightmare
for us began.

The little girls grew up.

We were abandoned
and forgotten.

So he sent his son Yuri...

to collect and bring us home.

Once home,

he set about trying to make
us a part of our family...

once again.

This is ridiculous, Father.
I almost got caught... again.

Yuri, don't be so rough
with them.

People think I'm kidnapping
their actual children...

instead of these
useless discarded dolls.

They're not useless. They're
your brothers and sisters.

Brothers and sisters?
Do you hear yourself?

Look at them.
Look at what you've created!

- You don't understand. I fixed it.
- Enough with the machine.

You love these dolls more than you
love your own flesh and blood.

Stop. Stop.

You're hurting him. Stop.

Yuri, you're hurting him.


Oh, I'm sorry. No!


Promise me.

Of course.
Anything, Father.

They're your
responsibility now.

Treat them like your own.



[Baby Crying]

[Boris] Yuri blamed us for
the death of his father...

and the loss of his family.

He turned his rage on us.

And soon our lives
became his to exploit.

Yuri turned
his father's creation...

into a product sold
around the world.

Obedient workers served
his every demand.

If the truth of our torment
were ever discovered,

Yuri would lose everything.

How do you know all of this?

It took some time
before Yuri...

perfected his father's
conversion process.


was his first prototype.

Why don't we remember?

When we return home,

our minds are wiped clean
of all memories,

giving way to the belief
this is all life has to offer.

How come I remember?

Fate is a fickle mistress,
my friend.

Perhaps she's not done
with us yet?

Is there a way to get out?

If you want,

there's a shipment
going out tonight.


By the south fence,
by the bend in the road.

Read aloud from that card
to the driver.

He'll get you out.

But he can't promise
that you'll live.

That's your problem.

Why are you helping us?

Because I once had a dream?

Just like yours.

A dream for something better.

Probably just as dangerous
out there as it is here, right?


More dangerous.




Mary, we're leaving tonight!

What are you talking about?

I'm not fooling around.
We have to pack our bags.

- We have to leave... tonight. All right?
- I need to get to work.

No, no, no, Mary. Mary! Maybe there's
something better out there, Mary.

Better for all of us.

What makes you think
we deserve better?

[Tires Screeching]

[Man] Stay here. Let
no one in or out.

[Baby Crying]

♪ Ooh, I cannot bear it ♪

♪ Little one, don't you cry ♪

Here's a tissue,

courtesy of Patch Enterprise.

- [Metal Door Opens]
- [Baby Crying]


Rotten cabbage.

♪ Ooh, my lovelies ♪

♪ Daddy worried so ♪

♪ But that's Patch property ♪

♪ And removal
is a no, no, no ♪

♪ Incarcerating you,
I'd never dream ♪

♪ But you've neglected
Article . ♪

♪♪ [Military Drumming]

Hello and good evening.

Ooh, it's chilly out tonight.

Patch Enterprise Workers Code
of Conduct clearly states:

illegal product found on workers
simply deems this fate.

Oh, my.

They'll be considered as
subversives fit for condemnation.

That doesn't sound good.

Remanded, shackled...

and sent for reeducation.

That's the kicker.
You don't want that one.

I should've worn gloves.

♪ Naughty, naughty,
little Robin Hoods ♪

♪ Reeducation
is for your own good ♪

♪ You thought
you could be a family ♪

♪ But the company
doesn't agree ♪

♪ It's not you,
it's me ♪

- ♪ We're on our way ♪
- ♪ We're on our way ♪

- ♪ I'll blow your minds ♪
- ♪ He'll blow your mind ♪

♪ 'Cause rotten cabbage gets
locked up each and every time ♪

- ♪ Don't thank me yet ♪
- ♪ Don't thank him yet ♪

- ♪ Hold your applause ♪
- ♪ Hold your applause ♪

♪ 'Cause your brains
are gonna be ♪

♪ Your brains
are going to be ♪

♪ Your brains are gonna be ♪

♪ Coleslaw ♪♪

Bag 'em and tag 'em, boys.

[Daisy Crying]

Oh, my...
It's okay. Shh!

- [Crying Continues]
- Shh! My sweet, be quiet.

We're leaving. Now!

[Neck Bones Cracking]



Is this the place?

Jon, where are they?

It's okay.

- It's okay.
- Is that them?

- Sly?
- What's the password?

"Sly is so fly."

Hop in, my friends!


Here we go.

Okay. Hi!


[Speaking Polish]


[Speaking Polish Continues]

Nothing I couldn't handle.

My father gave him life.

Now all he can do
is scheme behind our backs.

Father would not approve.

Maybe you should go,
my darling.

No, stay.
It's like a family reunion.

- Please, sit!
- [Scoffs]

What's the matter, Yuri?

Forgotten how
to be a gentleman?


Where is he?

I don't know who's this.

I don't remember
this individual.

I'm sure
we can make you remember.

And then,
we can make you forget.

[Both Screaming]

[Boris] Leave her alone!
Leave her out of this!

[Woman Screaming Continues]

Don't hurt her!

Someone's grown up.

- [Snoring]
- [Children Laughing]

I will always love you.

Well, hello.
How was your sleep?

- It was good.
- Good!

Now talk to me so I don't drive off
the road into a fiery ball of death.

What do you want
to talk about?

- Who is this "Bethany"?
- What?

You said her name
in your sleep.

- It's no one.
- Is this her?

- You stole that!
- Steal? No.

Seeking property of value
for potential resale? Yes.

- What?
- She's your mother, right?

- [Whispering] You know?
- I pieced it together.

I been on the outside.

I act like I don't know,
but I know.

I just found out.

They sell us in stores...

like we're toys.

I guess... that would be the correct
description of our circumstance.

- Do you remember your mother?
- Nope. Never had one.

I was not the most popular model
at that time.

You aren't arranging
to meet her, are you?


[Chuckling Continues]

But if I was, could you help?

Take my advice: stay away.

If you have business with them, you
keep it business. Otherwise, walk away.

Forget about her, my friend.

She's forgotten about you.

Here. This will cheer you up.

- What's this?
- You've never had candy before?

You know, sweets?

This is what they do on the outside
to make themselves feel better.

It'll pick you up
and keep you going.

Try it.

- What was this called again?
- Candy.

- Candy.
- Sweets.


[Laughing Continues]


[Laugh Distorts]




- Lower prices!
- Increased work hours!


Fire each other.


I'm very sorry, but your
services are no longer required.

This is the most
difficult part of my job.

Though it's Christmas,
I'm going to let you go.

- I'll strike you from the board.
- The bottom line is the company...

- Are you a sailor?
- Excuse me. What's going on?

We may need to order
more black hoods.

[Door Closes]

The old ways aren't working
anymore, Kenny.

- This company needs a shakeup.
- Tell me about it.

We're in a recession, and now
these animal rights scum...

are protesting on behalf
of the storks.

I tell you,
it's a PR nightmare.

According to recent data,

people see this company
as old-fashioned.

Kids think we're boring,
low tech.


Kids want something
that feels grown up.

They don't want babies.
They want peeps.

They want BFFs.

Little wretched mongrels.

You just want to pop 'em
in their stupid smiling faces.

I mean, come on.

What's a BFF?

Something fresh would be ideal to
make the tweenie girls squeal.

But I'll give them
something that's real.

Kenny, the conversion device...

- Will it fit a human?
- Theoretically.

[Yuri] Because this little
girl will be our prototype...

for our new line of dolls.

Well, sir,
I don't know about that.

We should probably
ask a scientist that.

I mean, they really
know their stuff.

Love for you endures.

at local retail stores.

A story that lasts forever
and a day.

With no return policy,
per se.

Any news
on the escaped foundling?

We've got nothing out
of the prisoners.

His reeducation
is in five minutes.


What's the matter, boss?

You love
a good reeducation.

All this power, Kenny...

I wish there was someone
to share it with.

I'll share it.

- Get off!
- Sorry.

- Get out!
- I apologize. I...

- Go!
- I... Sorry.

Good day.

♪ I've worked so hard ♪

♪ I've made this city ♪

♪ I gave you a home ♪

Do you appreciate it?

♪ You keep running away ♪

♪ It is such a pity ♪

♪ You turned your back on me ♪

♪ To have your own family tree ♪

♪ By their hand ♪

♪ My dear father died ♪

♪ And I've been left alone ♪

♪ With no kid to call my own ♪

♪ A void has left me
empty inside ♪

♪ You feel somewhat strange ♪

♪ Maybe time to make a change ♪

♪ I could have a family ♪

♪ I could grow
my own family tree ♪

♪ Standing by my side ♪

♪ Filling me with pride ♪

♪ A family that's for me ♪♪

And my hot
little bride-to-be.

- [Beeps]
- [Screaming]

[Male Voice] To Patch
Enterprise Reeducation Program.

By the end of this session, you'll
be free of all needless memories,

- returning to a happy life...
- [Man Groaning]

as a productive member
of the Patch Enterprise family.

- [Groans]
- You okay, my jittery friend?


Yeah, I just had
the worst nightmare.

Oh, I hate those.

Was it the one where your child
is being held c*ptive...

by an evil child catcher
and you wake up in a cold sweat?

Yeah, how did you know?

- [Laughing]
- [Muffled Screaming]




♪♪ [Sly Humming]

♪♪ [Humming Continues]

[Sirens Wailing
In Distance]

We have arrived.

[Sirens Wailing]

[Helicopter Approaching]

♪♪ [Speakers: Hip-hop]

Why is it so dark?

Likely because
this place is a real dump.


♪♪ [Hip-hop Continues]

- [g*nsh*t]
- [Man Screams]

- What was that?
- [Doorknob Rattles]




[Nervous Chuckle]

[Dog Whining, Barking]

Let me find the light.

- [Electricity Crackles]
- What's that smell?


Seems the last time I forgot to clean
up before vacating the premises.


Now, some information so that
you don't go dying on me.

The water's an utter

so be sure to boil it
before you drink, wash, bathe,

cook, clean... pretty much
do anything with it.

- As for the heating...
- Thank goodness, there's heating, Jon.

Yeah, not exactly. I would
recommend getting a blanket...

or a carpet to try
and keep warm.

Think of it like you're camping,
only without all the animals.

Now, you can stay on the
premises as long as you like.

Rent is $ a week
and collection is on Monday.

I would not be late.

Um, quick question.

What are dollars
and how do I get of them?

I can help there as well.

I have some accomplices
on the other side of the city...

who are looking
for someone of your...


That would be great.

- That would be great, wouldn't it be?
- Yeah.

Great! Now enjoy your first
night of freedom.



[Mary Sobbing]

- Everything's gonna be okay.
- Jon.

This feels no different
from home.

It's okay.
It's okay.

[Doorknob Rattling]

[Rattling Continues]

Jon! Jon!

[Keys Jingling]


God be praised. You're still alive.
What a blessing!

[Door Closes]

- Put these on.
- What's this?

This is your work uniform
for the day.

What about
Mary and Daisy?

One suggestion:
stay inside.

We'll come back with, uh,
food and some supplies.

Maybe find some...
extra furniture...

to make it feel a little
bit more like a... home.



Well, you better get going.

I still expect you home
for dinner.


I'll get changed.

[Door Closes]

can be challenging.

Yeah, they can.

I live... inside a van.


Who am I supposed to be?

- You're some benefactor named Santa Claus.
- And who are you supposed to be?

I'm some freakish mutation
that works in a factory...

making toys for greedy,
undeserving children.

All the while,
the crazy inventor, Santa,

rules over them
with an iron fist!

Isn't that some crazy stuff? I told
you these people were twisted.



- [Man Sneezes]
- [Clerk] Occupation?

- [Stamps]
- Next!


- Who are all these people?
- These, my friend, are your comrades.

At least, the ones who made
it out alive, that is.

- How'd they get here?
- At your service.

Been transporting our kind
for years.

Good little moneymaker.

And during the holidays,
I can make serious bank.


- Occupation?
- Elf.

Do you have your work papers?


- Occupation?
- Santa Claus.

Do you have your work paper?

No, I, um...

Do you have an A-
Work Application?


I have no idea what that is.

Sorry, doll.
No form, no fun. Next!

Here you go! Sorry.

Found it!


- She was pleasant.
- Occupation?

Sweetie, take your uniform off when you
get inside too, okay? 'Cause it's sweaty.

That's our mark.
A mother and a daughter.

I mean, it's so easy.

I got this.
Keep the car running.


Are those your new
kidnapping gloves?

'Cause they're nice!

Look at me. I'm giddy with
anticipation. Oh, boy.

You know, there's people though
that will say what we do...

both is morally and karmically
reprehensible, but... [Chuckles]

you can't let that affect you
when you're on the job.

We're helping people...

in a strange kind of way,
you know?

I feel good. I feel like I'm
giving back to the community...

by taking little bits
of it away.

Let's go... [Snickers]
snatch some kids.

I won't eat them.

You have to have boundaries.

- Avery!
- ♪♪ [Speakers: Hip-hop]


Turn your music down.
You're gonna go deaf!

- ♪♪ [Rapping Continues]
- [Sighs]


♪♪ [Rapping Continues]

- [Woman Singing] ♪ I don't do kung fu ♪
- [Muffled Scream]

- Hyah!
- [Groans]

- Ow!
- Hyah!

[Voice Distorted]

Here it comes!

- [Shouting]
- [Avery Groaning]

♪♪ [Rapping Continues]

[Sly] I can't believe
how well you're doing.

We're doing more children per hour
than I've ever seen any time.

- We've gone through almost all candy canes for the day.
- Really?

- I only have four left.
- [Laughing]

This is an excellent occasion to expand
our profit margins honoring the spirit...

by which this excellent jubilee
was conceived.

- Where are you going?
- [Bethany On TV] To whoever took my daughter,

please don't hurt her.

Please call the police
right away.

- Mom?
- I came out of my bedroom and she was gone.


That's my... That's my mom!
Let's go!

Are you crazy?
I told you to forget her.

No! We have to figure out
where that house is.

[Sly] It's a big city. This
house could be anywhere.

That's in Parkdale.
We have a home there.

Please, we're renting.

You have to help me. No one
else understands these people.

- [Whimpers]
- Okay, fine.

Just don't blame me
when you get rejected again.

- [Crying] Okay.
- Let's go.

Mary? Mary!

Mary! Mary, I saw her!
I saw her! She's real!

Saw who?

My mother.

[Chuckling] What do you
mean, you saw your mother?

Uh... Listen, Mary, there's this
thing that you don't know about.

Um, when we were little,
we were frozen,

and we were
turned into toys.

We were adopted by little girls, and
they loved us and we loved them.

They were our mothers. You had
a mother, and I had a mother.

But then they grew up and they
abandoned us, but it's okay because...

- What are you talking about?
- My mother! I saw her!

Except she's not
a little girl anymore.

She's... And she has a little
girl, and they're so nice.

- I can't wait till you meet them.
- Stop!

We're not going anywhere
near those people.

It's all I have to say
on that subject.

That's not all I have to say
on that subject, Mary!


She's my mother.

So this is what it was all about...
finding your mother.

- It was never about us.
- It was about finding home.

Home? You are home, Jon!

Where we've made
a life together.

It's not enough.

I'm gonna go find her, with
or without your permission.

- [Daisy Crying]
- It's okay.

It's okay.

[Door Closes]

[Kenny] All right. Come out of there.
Come on!

- Don't you fight me.
- No, let go! Get off me!

- Stop crying.
- Please, no!

Hello, my little pumpkin.
How was the ride?

Did you enjoy
your pickled beets?


Where am I?

You're in
a very special place,

which will be
even more extraordinary...

now that you're here.

Where's her mother?

Well, you see,
the thing is that...

The kid's a lot tougher
than she looks.

She's vicious.

But she fell into my
trap, and I snared her.

And I, uh... I could
only snare the fox.

And... Or the hen.

I'm the fox.
She's the hen.

No, she's the chicken. I gotta get
the hen to get the chicken...

to get the eggs.

Which came first, right? The fox
or the chicken? I don't know.

How have you been?

- [Gasping]
- Don't cry, my sweet.

It causes wrinkles.

And this little face
is company property now.

I want my mommy!

So do I.

Bring her.

[Crying Continues]

Get back here!
That's -.

- What?
- The po-po. Cops. Fuzz.

I don't see anybody.
I'm just gonna go look.

Hey. Do not get
involved with the cops.

That is rule number one
in the street.

You're actually going?


Look, I'm sorry.
This is not a very good time.

- Whatever you're selling, I'm not interested, okay?
- Bethany, wait.

I'm sorry.
Do we know each other?

Do we know each other?

I know that
in grade eight,

you had a huge crush
on David Skorzak,

but he wasn't
that into you.

He liked your friend Martha Wexler
better because she had bigger boobs.

Look, I really am sorry...

And you used to bathe me and comb
my hair with your mother's brush.

And she used to
get so mad.

And don't you remember when your little
brother Bret got in that accident?

You were so scared.

We spent the whole night
together in the hospital.

I'm sorry. Can you
excuse me for a second?


- Evening, Santa.
- Hi.

Are you the fuzzy po-po?

- [Siren Wailing]
- One rule!

I got to see my mom
at least.

Whatever you do, don't say
anything to these cops.

Not one word.

You hear that? You're not
gonna get nothing from us.

Nothing! Not one thing!


- [Cell Door Slams]
- I don't even know this guy!

There's a factory, with a machine
that turns babies into dolls!

And he escaped the evil child catcher,
and we're looking for his mother.

[Babbling, Whimpering]


May I sit down?

Please tell me
where my daughter is.

I'm not supposed to
talk to the...

to the fuzzy po-po.


They're not gonna
do anything, okay?

Just tell us
where Avery is.

I don't know.

I wish I did.

All I know is that
I saw you on the television,

and I knew
I had to see you.

How do I know you?

I almost didn't recognize you
at first either.

You seemed a lot bigger then.

What do you mean?

- It's kinda hard to explain.
- Try me.



well, I come from
a place where...

when we're little,
we're frozen.

And we're turned
into dolls.

And we're adopted
by little girls.

And they love us,
and we love them.

He's crazy.

- No.
- [Crying] He's crazy.


- Who are you?
- I'm Jon Franks!


I'm your Jon! Mom!



What a nutcase.

We'll hold him overnight,
try to find out who he is.

We're gonna find
your daughter.

I promise.

[Sighs, Sniffles]

♪ I would cry ♪

♪ When you have
a boo-boo ♪

♪ I want to die ♪

♪ Mon petit chou ♪

♪ Do not fear
the bogeyman ♪

♪ I will protect you ♪

♪ Mon petit chou ♪♪

[Siren Wailing
In Distance]

[Buzzer Sounds]

Sly, I'm sorry.

You were right. You can't
trust these people.

♪ It's not easy ♪

♪ To find a place ♪

♪ That a man calls home ♪

♪ It's not easy ♪

♪ To maintain ♪

♪ It may be too late ♪

♪ But now I realize ♪

♪ What I lost
when I left you alone ♪

♪ I can't hesitate anymore ♪

♪ I miss you and I'm wishing
you're missing me too ♪

♪ To my dismay ♪

♪ You felt there was
somewhere else ♪

♪ That you could call home ♪

♪ Why you betrayed me ♪

♪ I just don't know ♪

♪ Every day I close my eyes
and pray that one day ♪

♪ He'll walk
through that door ♪

♪ With you, hey ♪

♪ I'm just not whole ♪

♪ I miss you ♪

♪ I'm wishing
you're missing me too ♪

[Together] ♪ I feel at
home in your love ♪

♪ I miss you I know
you're missing me too ♪

♪ I miss you ♪

♪ And I know that you're ♪

♪ Missing me too ♪

♪ Ooh-ooh ♪

♪ I feel at home
in your love ♪♪

Sure you don't want
a lift home?

I'd really rather stay
here and help out.

There's nothing
for you to do here.

- We're doing everything we can, Ms. Franks.
- I know.

What will happen to them?

Well, they'll be released
in a few hours.

We can't hold them
longer than that.

Besides them being weirdos, they
haven't done anything wrong.

Maybe I should go in there
and talk to him again.

Go get some rest,
Ms. Franks.

I promise, if anything else
comes in, we'll call. Okay?

[Buzzer Sounds]

All right, you two.

No, not you. You, Santa,
and the crying elf.

You're free to go.

Bye, Leo.

Hope you find
your mom.



Couldn't break us, could you, pigs?

I made a terrible mistake. I
have to get back to Mary now.

What? Do you realize the world of
pain you've already caused me?

You're a great guy.
I wish you the best.


- You're leaving me?
- Look, friend.

- It's been real, but it's time to move on.
- [Gasping]

Mom? Mom. I mean, Bethany.
You came back.

- Get in.
- Don't trust her, man.

She's bad news.

Friend, this ain't
going to be good.

Bethany, I forgive you for everything that
happened in there. You weren't yourself.

- [Whirring]
- You see this?

That is unacceptable.
I told her you can't...

- [Zapping]
- Aaah!

- Where is my daughter?
- I don't know.

I wish I did, but I don't.

Do you know who this is?

Neighbors caught a glimpse of this
man standing outside my house.

You know who it is,
don't you?

Where is my daughter?

- They took her home.
- Home?

I'll explain on the way.

We need to pick up Sly's truck, and
we need to make one final stop.

You have to trust me,
for Avery's sake.

Why are you helping us?

You're my family.


I will always love you.

It really is you,
isn't it?

Let's go get Avery.


I need you to stay here.


Don't worry. We're gonna
get your little girl back.



Mary, please let me in.

I can explain everything.

You can explain what?

How you abandoned
your family?

Jon, you could do that
just as well from there.

I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

Mary, I'm sorry.

I will never
forgive myself for that.

Mary, I was searching for
what I thought was a home.

But now I realize
that home isn't a time...

or-or a place.

It's with the people
you love.

And I love you.


Home's with you and Daisy.

[Locks Clicking]


I'm happy you're home.


Oh, yeah.

Oh. That's what you call
a good kidnapping glove.

Oh. Good grip.
Snatch and grab.

Snatch and grab.
Oh, yeah.

Hmm? What's the matter, big guy?

I thought this was
your favorite part.

It is.
I was just thinking...

what this is all for.

Who are we
but common criminals?

Well, you know what I think
will make you feel better?

What's that?

You doing your bloody job and
stop whining like a little girl!

Who am I?
Why does no one love me?

Why are toilet seats
so bloody high off the ground?

Why can't I find
a woman to love me, huh?

And will likely end up alone
at the side of the road...

with beet juice
all over my face...

and crying, "Mommy, why?
Why did you leave me?"


So get your head in the game, all right?
Just focus.


No. So, good. I hope this
little pep talk helped.

'Cause we got
a job to do.

Let's get her.

Look, I promised to have you
home, and here you are.

Sly, Sly! Wait, wait!
I need you.

I need both of you.

I told Mary everything,
and she agrees...

that we need to help Bethany get
her little girl back from Yuri.

Have you lost your faculties?

You want to... break back into the place you
just risked your life to get away from?

Well, good luck
on your su1c1de mission.

Send me a postcard,

Sly, I need you!

You should have thought of that before
you agreed to help your mother.

I told you they're
nothing but trouble.

You're right, but they're
in trouble because of me.

And if I don't save them now,
I'll never forgive myself.

- And I think you feel the same way.
- That's where you're wrong.

I'm only in it for money.

I don't care about anyone, especially
not your mother and her little girl.

Psst! Psst!

Okay. Okay,
you heard him.

We're gonna have to figure out
a way in ourselves, okay?

B-But how?

He's the only person who knows
how to get in and out of there.

No, it's okay. It's okay.
I'll figure out a plan.

All that matters is
that we are together.


- All right!
- [Jon Laughs]

But if we're gonna do this, we're
gonna do it my way. Agreed?

- Of course. Anything you say.
- We can't thank you enough.

Well, let's go.

I hate to be late
for our impending demise.

Where is she?


Beet juice.

They must have grabbed her when we
were inside, sharing our feelings.

Well, what do we do now?

We need to call in...

Let her go.

Well, you look stunning.

Please sit.

Let's eat.

You must be famished.

Where's my daughter?

Oh, please.
[Gasps, Sighs]

Avery. Avery!

She can't hear you.

Please just let her go. I'll
do anything to get her back.

Let's drink to a lovely meal.

Oh, please.


I hope you like
cabbage rolls.

Mmm. Look at us.

A perfect family.

Okay, here's the plan.

I'm gonna drop off my g*ng at the south
end of the field by the factory fence.

They wait for my signal,
and when it's all clear,

we call in the cavalry.

Everybody got it?

Uh, okay, but... but
what are we gonna do?

It's up to us
to get in...

and find out where they're keeping
your mother and the little girl.

- How are we gonna get in?
- Straight through the front door.

- Evening.
- What is your name?

Uh, it's...
Sly the truck guy,

the Maharaja of Fresh.

Step out of the truck.



That was truly
a shocking turn of events.

[Whispers] All the security
cameras feed into that room.

So we should be able to find
your mother and the little girl.

[Whispers] Okay, well,
we have to get up there.

Ah. Look who it is.

- What are you doing?
- Those are my friends. I'm gonna go see if I can help.

We came here to do one thing... find
your mother and the kid. That's it.

All right.

[Whispering Loudly]
Darryl! Boss!

What are you doing?

[Jon] They're out of it.
They've been reeducated.

Okay. We're gonna
have to do it ourselves.

Stop! This section
is off-limits for workers.

Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't know it was...

How did you get
into this section?

- I got...
- How did you get into this section?

- Um...
- You come with m...

- [Shouts]
- [Groans]


Let's go.

[Door Closes]

There's Avery.
Where's my mother?

The only sectors without cameras
are in Yuri's chambers.

What are we gonna do?

I need you to speak
to the workers.

Speak to the workers
about what?

- They're beyond saving.
- No, no, no. That's not true.

There's still life inside of
every single one of them.

- How do you know?
- Because we used to be just like them.

And if there's one ounce
of fight left in them,

I know that you can
make them rise up and...

Take back their home.


[Mary On PA]
♪ Look inside ♪

Aaah. Go find out
what's going on.

You, come with me!

♪ Our truth has always ♪

♪ Been denied ♪

♪ Memories confiscated
Moments lost ♪

♪ How we want it ♪

♪ How we make it ♪

♪ It's time we take it ♪

♪ We've always known your love ♪

Oh, this is bad.

- [Alarm Blaring]
- You bet I'm gonna get the blame for this.

Let's go.

The guards are coming.

- [Knocking]
- Open this door now or we'll break it in!

We will be busting down this
door on the count of three!

One, two, th...



What took you so long? Come on,
I'll take you to Yuri. Let's go!

What's wrong, my dear?
You seem distracted.

- What are you gonna do with us?
- There is no "us," only "we."

But why would we begin
our lives together...

burdened by a snot-nosed kid?

What do you mean?

It might be a good idea...

if we had a few spare
replacement daughters...

just in case
she doesn't make out.

- What are you saying?
- How do I put this gently?

We want to freeze your daughter,

make a mold out of her...

and sell her likeness
on the free market.

You can't do that. You can't do that.
It'll k*ll her!

Well, perhaps,
but the mold will be saved.

And you'll have plenty of
replacements just in case.

I seem to recall...

you had no difficulty
in abandoning your last child!

You know,
maybe you're right.

Maybe you're right.
I mean...

Avery has been
an awful...

burden to me.

And... just think.


Think about all of the free
time that we could have...

just the two of us.

It's incredible
what you've built here.

I mean, the...

the terror
and the... the fear.

The kidnapping. I mean, how
have you managed it all?


It's a gift, really.

Oh, I know. It shows.
It shows. It shows.

And you know what else?

[Doors Close]

I wanna show you...

another side of me.

- I like the sound of that.
- Mm-hmm.

Do you like
my mother's necklace?

It's beautiful.

I can't believe
they buried her in it.

[Kenny] I don't care
if he's on a date!

Sir, there seems to be a bit of a
disturbance down on the factory floor.

Can't you see
that I'm busy?

Sir, this really
can't wait.

Hello. You look much prettier
without a bag on your head.

- Go away!
- Sir, this is important.

I'm sorry. I can't get this
little gnat to fly away.

It's very important that I need
to see you right now, sir.

You're right.

He could fit into
one of your shoe boxes.

[Wheezing Laugh]

Sir, I'm sure you
don't care, but...

there is an entire huge revolt
happening now throughout the factory.

And they're coming
for you. Look!

Oh, no!

You knew this was happening
right behind my back!

No. No, I didn't.
I didn't.

Bring me the girl
and the machine.

Yuri's lair is at the
end of this hallway.

There's more of us waiting
behind the gates.

- They're just waiting for a signal that it's safe.
- Our child. She's with them.

- Mary, go with them.
- No, I wanna go with you.

Daisy needs you more.

- And if anything should happen, I couldn't...
- Stop! Don't...

Don't say that.

I'll see you soon, okay?

You better.

- Be careful.
- Come on. Hurry up.

This is for me to do.

I can't ask you
to come any further.

It's okay.

I didn't have any plans
this evening.

Let me go!

- Please, let me go!
- Shut up! [Laughing]

- Let me go!
- No!

It's over, Yuri.
Just let her go.

Oh, I'd be happy to,

but Kenny has taken quite an
attachment to the little one.

- Let me go.
- Kenny?

Sic 'em!


Help! Let me go!

Get me out!


So, how's
your evening been?

This is all very exciting.

One more step, and your sweet
little sister gets it!

No. Please, please.
Please don't hurt her.

It's you that's hurt her
with all your games!

All I wanted was to have
a family of my own.

You want to belong?

You want to have a family
of your own?

You want to be loved?

Just look around you.

You don't get what you want by striking
fear into everyone to get your way.

It's about
letting yourself love...

and be loved.


What are we gonna do with him?

[Jon] There's only
one thing we can do.


I'm feeling very warm
and loving, friend.

C... Couldn't we just
sit in a circle?

Or... maybe we could
have a group hug.

[Sighing Shakily]

Does it hurt?

Oh, yeah.

- Welcome to Patch Enterprise's
reeducation program.
- [Yuri Screaming]

By the end of this session, you'll
be free of all needless memories.

[No Audible Dialogue]


I can't begin to thank you enough for
everything that you have done for me.

Is there anything you
want to say to him? Hmm?

Thank you.

You're welcome,
little Sis.

Why don't you
come back with us?

I can't.

I don't belong there.
Maybe I never did.

This is my home.
It was beautiful once.

And it will be again.

- You should stay!
- [Chuckles]

- You know that I can't do that.
- But I need you.

No, you don't.

Look what you've done.

You've figured it out
all by yourself.




If you need a man
around the house,

I am...
presently available.

Um, well, I don't think
that we need anyone.

Do we?

- But we'll take a ride.
- Baby steps.

♪ Mon petit chou ♪

♪ You are my everything ♪

♪ If I lost my treasure ♪

♪ I would cry ♪

♪ When you have a boo-boo ♪

♪ I want to die ♪

♪ Mon petit chou ♪

♪ Do not fear the bogeyman ♪

♪ I'll be watching you ♪

♪ While darkness ♪

♪ Creeps ♪♪



Work experience?

Well, for the past years, I've been
an evil sidekick to a ruthless dictator.

Before that, I was in an off-off-Broadway
production of Little Women...

in which the entire cast
comprised of small men.

I have extensive experience
working with children.

I've captured
many children's...

shall we say,

with my special

Might I just add,
green is your color.

- What time do you get off work?
- You're hired!

