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Richie Rich's Christmas Wish (1998)

Posted: 11/28/23 12:20
by bunniefuu

Well, take a look, Richie.

For your first Christmas, we planted you
your very own Christmas tree.

Each year, you'll get taller and taller,
just like that tree.

-MR. RICH: Ready when you are, Cadbury.
-As you wish, Mr. Rich.


MR. RICH: Merry Christmas.

MRS. RICH: And may every Christmas wish
you make come true.

MR. RICH: You've a very exciting life
ahead of you, Richie Rich.



RICHIE: Here we go. Get ready, everybody.

Hang on, I'm coming.

Thank you.

You guys better run.

Just a few more minutes. I'm coming.

Stop. Wait up for me, guys.

Here, here,
you guys take this stuff. Here.

Okay. Yeah, yeah, hold onto that.
Don't drop it. Okay.


I'm coming, guys.
Don't start without me.

I'm almost at the door, guys.
Wait up for me.

I'm coming.





RICHIE: Okay, you guys. (CHUCKLES)
I got you now!

FRECKLES: Hurry up! Come on.

GLORIA: Hey, Freckles, get him.

Come on, he's getting away.


RICHIE: Come on, Freckles,
you couldn't sh**t me.

RICHIE: Come on. You can do that!

Come on! Hey!

PEE WEE: Hey, she's cheating!

-RICHIE: Come on, guys.
-GLORIA: Look! You guys, let's go!

RICHIE: Come on!
Aren't you gonna sh**t me?


GLORIA: All right, that's it, you guys.

All right, now I'm mad.

So we're gonna have to play
some hardball now.

-Come on, let's go.
-FRECKLES: Gloria, get him.

All right. Good job.

GLORIA: I'm gonna get you, Richie. Just...


PEE WEE: (LAUGHS) Gloria wiped out.

RICHIE: All right, guys. Let's go.

Oh, we can have some fun now.

Who's gonna sh**t me next?

So, you think you're cute, huh?
Take that.


FRECKLES: I'm gonna get you.

GLORIA: Here I come.


Good shot, Gloria.

-PEE WEE: That's it.
-GLORIA: Do it.


Wait. Something's wrong with my steering.
I can't stop.

Hey! Mine too.


-GLORIA: Hey, what's going on?
-PEE WEE: How do you stop doing this?

-RICHIE: Guys!
-FRECKLES:Richie Rich, stop.

Come on, are you doing this? Richie!

RICHIE: I'm not doing it!

I can't shut it off.


GLORIA: Oh, this is so unfair.

I was really gonna win.
I was in the lead and everything.

-I was just having some fun.
-RICHIE: Sorry, guys. Fun's over.

GLORIA: And I was winning.

RICHIE: Maybe next time
we'll be able to finish the game.

CADBURY: Well, Master Rich.

So sorry to cut into your play time,
but you do have a busy schedule.

Sorry, guys. I gotta go.

But you can finish the game
without me if you want.

That's okay, Richie.
It wouldn't be the same without you.

GLORIA: Oh, Cadbury, you party pooper.

Hey, let's go downtown and see Santa.

See you, Richie.

-GLORIA: Bye, Richie. I'm sorry.
-All right, bye.

FRECKLES: Come on. This is gonna be
so cool. Let's go, come on.

-I'm gonna get you, Gloria.
-GLORIA: If you throw a snowball at me...

-I think we'd better go inside.



Can't we do this later?

I'm sorry, Richie.
It's the day before Christmas.

You have two appearances,
three conference calls,

and we still have to select gifts
for your wonderful parents.

(SIGHS) But we were just getting started.

Yes, yes, but you have responsibilities.

Important things
for an important young man.

(SIGHS) I understand.

For example,

we still have to deliver
all those presents

to Miss Peabody at the orphanage.

And we all know how Miss Peabody
has a crush on you, Cadbury.

And you need to get ready
for a tea with the Van Doughs.


Is Reggie gonna be there?

I know this can be a difficult time,

but it is Christmas Eve,
and you have certain duties.

Well, sometimes I wish
I didn't have so many things to do.


I mean, I hardly have time to play
with my friends anymore.

Pretty soon,
they might not even be my friends.


What's that?

It sounded like
it came from Keenbean's lab.



RICHIE: Are you okay?

Yes, fine, fine.

Never been better. Why do you ask?

Oh, incidentally, Richie,

how did the Super Remote
work in the snowmobile?

Like a charm, I must admit.

Yeah, it made my friends disappear.

Oh, dear.

Well, that shouldn't happen.

But I have something for you. This way...



It's a... What is it?

Try it. Press a button and speak
right into the screen.

I want a Zillionaire bar.



So, um, what was that big expl*si*n about?

Oh, that's another machine I've been
working on for years now.

Now, there's still a few little kinks
that need to be worked out, but...

Can we see it?

(SIGHS) Two minutes.


And I want a bite of that.

Follow me.


Behold, the world's first...

Wishing Machine.

Ha, ha!


Don't you mean washing machine?

Oh, no, no, no.
It's a Wishing Machine.

I made the prototype
out of a washing machine

because the coefficient effectors happen
to coincide with the rotation ratio.


So how does it work?

This is an authentic
Pegliosaurus dinosaur wishbone.

It's the largest wishbone ever discovered,

so it provides optimum vectors
to generate the fribulator conductor.

What's that?

That is the Molecular Wish Receptor.

It's the secret behind the whole machine.

The MWR collects residual wish energy
from all over the world

and converts it
into pure wish granting power.

So anything I wish for will come true?

Precisely. Precisely, yes, yes, yes.

Unfortunately, there is one small catch,

and that is the MWR only works
one day out of the year.

What day is that?

Christmas Eve.

That's today.

Yes, today,

when all the little boys and girls all
over the world are wishing for presents.

It's the only day there's enough left over
wish energy to power the machine.

Oh, please, Keenbean.

Wish energy? There's no such thing.

It can't possibly work.

Hmm. Here, Richie, let me demonstrate.




Down here.

Make a wish right in there.

Yes, in there.

I wish for a big pie.


KEENBEAN: What on earth?

Oh, dear.



Richie, what in the name of wishes
did you wish for?

A big pie?

And we're standing in a pigsty.

Really, Keenbean,

this contraption of yours
is in serious need of re-evaluation.

I think it's pretty neat.


Now, you'll never be ready
for tea on time.

You're in very fine shape
and we haven't a minute to lose.


RICHIE: Oh, hey, Dollar.

Hey, boy, come here.

Good boy.


We've got find out what Mom
and Dad want for Christmas.

Got any ideas? Huh, boy, huh?

Your parents' gifts
will be delivered from the mall,

like civilized human beings.

Now run upstairs and get properly dressed.

The Van Doughs will be here any minute.

I'm practically upstairs.


We have to find out what Mom and Dad want.

Let's go find 'em and spy.


Mom and Dad cam.



Living room. Got it.

Richard, dear,
it's time to get ready for the Van Doughs.



I am so glad we only have to go
through this once a year,

because I find that whole family
just intolerable. Thank you.

MRS. RICH: Would you please put away
that fishing rod, dear?

You'll have plenty of time to do that
on vacation.

Maybe we can take one of the yachts
to the South Pacific this year.


-Richie, is that you?


-Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.
-MR. RICH: Spying.


Ah! How did you get so muddy?

I wished for pie.

BOTH: Keenbean.

Mom, Dad, what do you guys
want for Christmas?

Oh, we don't need anything.

We already have more than we'll ever need.

But what if you guys could wish
for anything in the whole world?

Well, then, I'd wish for you
to be out of those dirty clothes,

dressed and ready for tea.

Mom, don't worry about that.

Keenbean turbocharged my Wardrobe Warp.

MR. RICH: Speaking of Professor Keenbean,

did you see this incredible
new fishing rod he invented for me?

Look, it's got an a*t*matic caster,
an aquatic homing device.

Just make sure you don't touch
that red button.

Excuse me. What kind of sandwich is that?

Tuna, sir.

Tuna fish. See? It works.

Cool. Let me try.

Yeah. All you have to do is...

Go upstairs and get ready for tea.

Sure, Dad.

Okay, Irona, heat up the Wardrobe Warp.


Ah, huh? (EXCLAIMS)




Richie, you're supposed to be at tea now.

I know, I know.
Everyone keeps reminding me.

(HICCUPS) Oh, dear. Excuse me.

You want me to fix that valve for you?

Would you mind?


Thank you, Richie.
You're the only one that has the touch.





I think the thing's broken.

MR. VAN DOUGH: Yeah, see, those labor
costs are cutting into my bonuses...

-MR. RICH: Mmm-hmm. when I realized that, I said

it's time to shut that place down.

I shut that factory down right away.

Yep. How are things going
at Richville Enterprises?

Oh, they couldn't be better.

We just gave everyone
an extra week's vacation.

Oh, I think that sets a bad precedent.

Hello, Regina, darling.

I think all this charity work you do
is just wonderful.

Of course, I simply don't have the time
with the oxygen facials

and the rose petal massages
and not to mention the eyelash weaves.


-REGGIE: Do you listen?
-MRS. VAN DOUGH: Regina, I don't...

REGGIE: I said I take my tea with cream,

-not milk, you imbecile.

Begging your pardon, Master Reginald,

but I believe it is cream.


(IN NORMAL VOICE) unless I say it's cream.

Now, give me a proper cup
before I get in a really bad mood.


REGGIE: Hey, what are you looking at?

And don't you people have jobs?

Somebody clean up this mess.
This is disgusting.

Hey, you. Bring me an... An...

A footstool!

My feet hurt.

-Hey, Reggie. Sorry I was late.

Quite all right, Richie, my boy.

No excuse necessary
for someone of your stature.

Here, Reggie.
Why don't you try some of my tea?

It's highly expensive,
but hey, you're worth it.


I'm sorry.
I forgot to mention it's a little hot.

Water. Water, quickly!

Water, now!



Hey, wait a minute.

That Richie really bugs me.

Hey, it's time.
It's time, it's time, it's time.

The TV crew is here.

It's time to launch the sleigh
to the orphanage. Yes!

-MRS. VAN DOUGH: How's my hair look?
-MR. VAN DOUGH: You look great, honey.

You coming?


Why does Richie Rich
always get to be on TV?

Oh, because his parents
are the richest in the world, dear.

I want parents like that.

We're very rich, son.

Not rich enough.

I want to be their son.

Don't be too sure.

(CHUCKLES) Just be patient, dear.

Charles, dear, fetch me my wrap,
and please don't...



What's that?


That's a tattoo, isn't it?

Certainly not.

I would never defile my body
in such a manner.

Oh, really? Then what is...


This is very embarrassing, Master Rich.

I must implore you not to mention
a word of this to anyone.

Have you seen the Super Remote?
I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Oh, surprise, surprise.

Will the sleigh work without it?

KEENBEAN: Oh, yes, yes, of course.

It's just you'll have
to drive it manually, that's all.

You mean I get to drive?

CADBURY: I don't...
I don't think that's what he...




Is there anything you'd like to say before
you deliver the presents to the orphanage?

Yeah, clear the streets because this year
I'm driving the sleigh.


RICHIE: And I'd like to thank
the Richville Police Department...


Reggie, have you seen the Super Remote?

Hmm. Let me see. Super Remote...

It is about so big,
lots of buttons and knobs?

Yes, yes, yes. Buttons.
Buttons and knobs, yes.

-No, sorry. Haven't seen it.


Don't worry, Sergeant Mooney.
I'll keep it under the speed limit.

That's okay, Richie. We trust you.


Merry Christmas, everyone.



Do you really think
Richie should be driving?

Oh, it's a sleigh, honey.
What could possibly happen?


I'll go check our insurance.

So, Cadbury, what's up
with that tattoo on your leg?

If you must know,

I was once with a rock band
in jolly old England.

You had rock band?

We called ourselves Root Canal.

Oh, yeah, you guys had that song
"Coffin of Nails."

Our first and only success, I'm afraid.


So it must be pretty boring for you,

hanging out with me
after touring with the Rooties.

Believe me, Master Rich,

nothing in my life
with you is ever boring.


Oh, the orphanage is just ahead.

You might want to slow down.

Yeah, I'm trying,
but the sleigh has other ideas.

-Having trouble driving, Richie?

Move! Move!


All right, now,
everybody on your best behavior.

Here comes Santa Claus
and our dear friend Richie.

-Miss Peabody, out of the way.

Get out of the way.

-Run, Mrs. Peabody, run.



Hey, you didn't even slow down.

And he took our presents with him, too.

Now, oh, children. Uh...

GLORIA: That was so cool.
PEE WEE: I mean, I totally want to...

Hey, Pee Wee, I know what you're thinking.

-Oh, please.
-That's okay.

Hey, Pee Wee, girls talk a lot, huh?

Yeah, I know.

GLORIA: Save the world, yes, I know.

Hey, Merry Christmas.

And Gloria, come on, stop bragging.

Totally hit you. I'm gonna hit your head.

-Yeah, you know you cheated. Come on.
-GLORIA: That was the best.

-Hey, isn't that Richie's sleigh?

Hey, Gloria, hey, Freckles,
here comes Richie.

Look out! Move, move!
Get out of the way.


Out of the way! Runaway sleigh.







Hey, that's not the Christmas spirit.

Thanks a lot, Richie.

Time to abandon ship.

What does that sign say?



CADBURY: Get out. Jump, jump.






How does she look?


But it looks like
most of the presents are...

Well done.


Now what are we gonna do?

Well, look on the bright side.

Presents can be replaced.
You and I cannot.

RICHIE: Hurry. Let's get back to town.

We can cut across the park.



Cadbury? What's wrong?

I think I twisted the dickens
out of my ankle. (GROANS)

I'll go for help.

Why don't you try and salvage Christmas
for the rest of those children?

I'm on my way.


Somebody help! We need some help.


-He spoiled the holiday for everyone.
-Completely ruined Christmas.

MAN: What he did to those poor orphans
is unforgivable.

Richie Rich should be ashamed of himself.

And exactly what did you mean by that?

All I'm saying is it's very irresponsible
to let Richie Rich drive the sleigh.

MRS. VAN DOUGH: And look at the poor
children. They are so devastated.

Oh, and about his poor butler.

He left him alone in the snow
with a broken ankle.

That's not what happened.

Oh, no, not my dear Mr. Cadbury.

MRS. VAN DOUGH: Oh, well, do elaborate.

Well, Mr. Cadbury is...

Yeah. Richie Rich did this on purpose.

He ran off with their presents just like
he ran off with the Salvation Army money.

I mean,
he's ruined Christmas for everyone.

REPORTER: So, Reggie, you think
Richie Rich really is a bad seed?

Tell us more.

Hey, Dollar.

-Oh, don't tell me you're mad at me too.

I hope Mom and Dad are more understanding.

Mom and Dad cam.


-Richie ruined Christmas.
-Our son.

-It's awful.
-It's terrible.

It's unbelievable.

How can people say that about Richie?

He is the most generous boy in the world.


Even my parents think I ruined Christmas.

Everyone thinks I ruined Christmas.

It'd probably be better without me.

I wish I wasn't rich.

In fact, I wish Richie Rich
was never born.



Oh, no.





What happened?


GLORIA: I thought you liked all snowballs.

We're gonna get you.

Merry Christmas.

This is a special snowball
for your special holiday cheer.

They want to play tag, do they?



Keenbean's gotta fix this thing.




Oh, man...

Look, we're really sorry.
We didn't mean to hit the house.

-He's not Reggie.

Yeah, it's one of my best qualities.

-But you live in that house, right?
-RICHIE: Of course.

Come on. I thought we were playing tag.

He must be one of Reggie's friends.
Um, better go along with him.

Oh, then I guess you're it.


Candy, sir.


Unwrapped, sir.

And you expect me
to put that in my own mouth?


In your mouth, sir.


Do I hear trespassers on my property?

Uh, it's... It's probably just
the neighborhood kids, sir.

I want them removed immediately.

Reggie, they're just playing in the snow.

-Don't make me haul you into court again.

Oh... Oh.

Wait. I feel myself falling
into a really bad mood!


Where's the tree?

-What tree?
-The Christmas tree.

The one my parents planted right here
for my first Christmas.

I still don't see a tree.

I thought we were playing tag.

-He says there's a tree here.
-But wait a second.

On second thought,
I think I do see a tree there.

What are you talking about?


Oh, yeah, sure, right, right.
How could I have missed it? It's so big.

What are you guys talking about?

The tree... It's big. Tree?

You guys don't know who I am.

FRECKLES: Sure we do.

You're Reggie's friend
who sees invisible trees.

I am not Reggie's friend.

-You're not?


-What day is it today?
-It's Christmas Eve.

It's Christmas Eve.

My wish came true. I've never been born!

Hey, I think I know who you are.

You do?

You're it.



Guys, it's just Irona.


-Go, go, go!
-Over here!

Someone tell me what's going on.

You really must be new around here.

Everybody knows
you don't mess with Reggie Rich.

Reggie? What's Reggie got to do
with the Rich family?

Reggie is the Rich family.

What do you mean?

A while ago, Reggie sued
his real parents for neglect.

The Riches were his godparents,
so the court gave them custody.

Then he turned around and sued them.

Now he owns the whole town...

Factory, bank, museum,
newspaper, everything.

But he doesn't own us.

I mean, we're still free
to do whatever we want, right?

Oh, yeah, sure.
As long as Reggie doesn't find out.

I know a safe place we can go.
Follow me.

RICHIE: There used to be a park here.

It'd be a nice place for a park,
if it wasn't such a dump.

(SIGHS) We have to put a stop to this.

Let's go back to my parents' house
and find Professor Keenbean.

What could they do about it?

Listen. I'm Richie Rich, the Riches' son.

At least I was,
until I wished myself away.

FRECKLES: Oh, really?

Look, I know it sounds crazy,
but it's true.

There was this professor
and he worked for us,

and he invented this Wishing Machine

that would, on Christmas Eve,
make any wish that you wish come true.

And I wished I was never born.

You know, Richie,
or whatever your name is,

this is all really interesting,

but you're insane,
and we've got to go now.

You're gonna have to find
this Professor Beancurd on your own.

It's Keenbean.



You guys only liked me because I was rich.

MR. RICH: I'm not refusing.
I just prefer to be alone.

MRS. RICH: Being with you is not
my preference, I assure you.

MR. RICH: It's a matter of principle.

If you refuse to play golf with me,

then I simply refuse to ever set foot
on that stupid boat again.

Oh, really? You know, you're gonna wish
you hadn't said that.

Never. I'm thrilled I said that.

MR. RICH: You're just like your mother.

-MRS. RICH: I'm just like who?
-(CHUCKLES) Your mother.

My mother? My mother's off-limits.

Okay, fine. Let's talk about your father.

You know what?
I think maybe we should just

take separate vacations this winter.

Oh, I would be so happy.
That would be so fine with me.

It's fine and dandy with me.


Mom, Dad, you guys wouldn't think
about going on separate vacations,

would you?


RICHIE: That's right.
You guys don't know who I am.

Well, of course you do.
You just don't know it yet.

-REGGIE: Get out of my way.
-MAN: Yes, sir.

Somebody stole one of my presents.

I saw the empty box by the front door.

If we don't find the culprit tonight,
I'm gonna fire everybody.

-Yes, sir?

I want you to close the factory tonight.

For good. Profit margins are pathetic.

MR. RICH: Well, but... (CHUCKLES)

Guess what's coming?

-Bad mood?
-Yeah, a really bad mood.

I will take care of it, sir.

Just make sure you wait until midnight.

I want everybody to work a full shift.

-And Regina...

We have to get rid
of that stupid charity clinic.

All those sick people depress me.

I will take care of that, Reggie.

Where's that stupid dog of mine?
I need to wipe my hands on something.

Mom, you can't close the clinic.

Who'll take care of all the sick people?

Who is this person,
and what is he doing in my house?

-I have no idea.

Dad, you can't really be
closing the factory.

I mean, you never even let people
work on Christmas Eve.

Well, it's his decision now.
Whoever you are.

-These are Reggie's decisions.
-Stop talking to him!

Where are those useless bodyguards
right when I need them?



Remove him.

Look, Dad. We have a professor.
His name is Professor Keenbean.

-I don't know any Greenbean.
-He can explain everything.

-And I am not your dad.
-Mom, see, we have a butler named Cadbury.

-He'll explain everything.
-There's no Cadbury in my life.


-OFFICER: Get him!
-REGGIE: Come on.

Get him! Grab him.

Come on, get up!

He's getting away. Go!


There he is. Let's go.

REGGIE: Get him.





I'll cover the front door.
You two flush him out.



-Hey, boy. Come here.

Come here.

Come on.

That's it, boy. Go out the door.





You probably don't know me either, Dollar,
but thanks for the help.

MOONEY: Don't let him get away.

Boss, what happened?

Get me out of here, you idiots.

Don't... No, push, you numbskull. Push.

No, no, no. Stop pushing.

Stop. Stop. Stop pushing.


Good boy. Stay.

Good boy. Stay.

MOONEY: Stop that kid.

Where is he?



RICHIE: See you!


Don't you think you were
a little hard on the kid, Reggie?

He seemed to be a very nice boy.

Nice? You call breaking and entering nice?

Destruction of my personal property, nice?

Kidnapping my personal dog, nice?

I want you to comb
the streets for this kid.

I want posters of him
up on every street corner.

I want him found,
locked up, and thrown in jail.

And then I want a hot fudge sundae.

I'll get right on it, sir.


Dollar, I don't think
we're in Richville anymore.

Come on, boy.


Reggie Road?

Spare some change?

Yeah, sure.


-Hey, I know the feeling.

Got anything to eat?

No, not on me.

But I think I know someone who does.

-RICHIE: Hello? Is anyone home?




Who are you? What do you want?

What happened here?

Well, for openers,
you just ruined my front door.

I'm sorry. I didn't know that
my wishing I wasn't Richie Rich

would mean that the poor kids in Richville
wouldn't have any place to go.

Is he, uh, you know... Is he all right?

I don't know.
I just came here to get something to eat.


No, I'm not all right,
because it's Christmas Eve

and there's poor kids out there
begging for food.

No one can take care of them
as good as you can, Mrs. Peabody.

How do you know my name?


Look. I'll be back.

I'll explain everything
when I come back, okay? I promise.

-Come on, Dollar.

Well, all right. Come on.

White male. He's four-foot-eleven.

Hey, Tommy, you seen him yet?

TOMMY: No sign of him.
I'm gonna check the east side.

All right, keep your eyes open.

-Have a nice day.
-Thanks a lot.

Son, can I help you?

I don't know, lady.

See, I kind of wished myself
into this world,

which is another world
opposite of my world

where everyone's the same
but everyone's different

and no one's happy,
except for maybe Reggie,

and the cops are after me.

Do your parents know
that you're making up these stories?

My parents don't even know
they're my parents.

You know, I think we can help you.

Why don't you take a seat
right over there?

Yeah, sure.

(WHISPERING) He's here.

That's him!



-MOONEY: Here we go.

Come on.

Where is he? There he is.

-Get him.
-Get him.



Stop that kid.


Oops. Sorry.




RICHIE: Excuse me.









Get me out of here.

No, no, you idiots.
Get the boy first.

First of all, get him. Get him, that's it!







Come on, boy, we gotta go.

How could you let that dognapper get away?

MOONEY: He won't get far, boss.

The police are patrolling the street,

and they're starting a dog-to-dog search.

Who is this kid, anyway?
I mean, where'd he come from?

He claims to be a Richie Rich,
and he's no longer wearing a cap.

That's all the information we have.

Except the dog seemed to really like him.

Well, I don't like him.

And I especially don't like
the way he keeps getting away.

I need butterscotch!


Richie Rich, years old.

Approximately four-foot-eleven,

last seen wearing
a red and blue jacket, dark pants.

Last seen leaving the bank.
We have cars on all adjacent streets.

Make sure he doesn't get away.

Repeat. Make sure he does not get away.


Repeat. There is a reward for the capture

-of Richie Rich.
-Come on, Dollar.

MAN ON POLICE RADIO: This is Lombardo.

I'm heading east on Reggie Road.

I tell you, boys,
we're gonna find this kid.

We all know what'll happen if we don't.

-Keep your eyes open.

We have to find Professor Keenbean,

but if we don't find him before midnight,

-we're stuck here.

No food, no family, no friends.

I have nothing.

MAN: That's not the Christmas spirit.



Use it as a blanket.
It'll keep you warm tonight.





Oh, yeah, can I help you, mate?


Yeah. Do you guys by any chance
have a roadie named Cadbury?

Yeah, yeah. Cadbury,
I think he just stepped over to the loo.

Oh, that's great.
Would you mind if I waited for him?

I'm kind of a friend of his.

Any friend of Cadbury's
is a friend of ours.

-Yeah, step on up, mate.
-Come on, Dollar.


We were just about to take a break.
Do you fancy a bite to eat?

-Uh, yeah, sure, great. Thanks.
-Come on.

Ah, boys, high tea, high tea.

So, do you guys
still play "Coffin of Nails?"


-"Coffin of Nails?"
-"Coffin of Nails."

No, and I don't think
I know that one, kid.

Oh, come on. Sure, you do. Come on.



Nails, sails, the wind... Oh, yeah.



-You guys got it. Come on.

Hey, here comes Cadbury. Yeah.

I'd shake my hair to this.

Yeah. Hey, Cadbury. There's Cadbury now.

Hey, catchy tune, lads.

We just got it from your friend there.

Come on, let's work on it a little bit.


I don't think we've had the pleasure.

Actually, we have. I'm Richie Rich.


Sorry, don't recall.


It's kind of a long story.

See, you don't know me, but I know you.

I'll explain everything later.

Right now, I need your help.

You're the only one I can turn to.

Look, if it...
If it's concert tickets you're after,

I can't do a thing for you.
We sold out weeks ago.

It's not about concert tickets. It...

It's about that tattoo on your leg.

Hmm. We better talk about this in private.

MAN ON POLICE RADIO: All units report
to the Reggieville Theater.

We need back-up. The sergeant is on scene.

We believe the child to be inside.
All units report.

This is the last building on the block.
He has to be in here.

I want this place completely surrounded.
Nobody gets in. Nobody gets out.

I'm sorry, but you gotta admit
your story sounds...

Like a pile of rubbish.

How else would I know
about that tattoo on your leg?

Well, I admit that's a bit strange,
but a Wishing Machine?

Really, Richie.

I mean, it defies the laws of science.

Yeah, that's what you said the last time.

-MOONEY: Spread out!

No one leaves this place.

-MOONEY: Quick, spread out.

Hey, you, get down here.
I want to talk to you.


...grabbed my hand. Get the glue.
Where's the glue?

-Here it is.
-Just do it.


Hi. We're the Verva twins.

I'm Richie. Hi.

We sing back-up.


I have a feeling
I'm going to be needing some back-up.

Yeah. Well, I mean,
he looks a little like the bloke

that came in looking for our valet.

Said they were chums.


If your valet
is a friend of this criminal,

I want to take him in for questioning too.

And get that muffin out of my face.

-It's a scone.

Is that your valet?

ALL: Run, Cadbury!

Cuff him, boys.

-What is the meaning of this?

Slim, Shorty, find that kid.

Excuse me. How you doing, ladies?

Uh, listen, Axl, I'm looking for a kid.

He's about this big,
looks kind of like you

without the wig and the glasses.
You seen him?

Yeah, I believe
he went that way, officer bloke.


My name's Slim.

I'm in the wrong business.

-Thanks, ladies.
-Any time, Richie.

Hey, call us when you're old enough
to stay out past nine o'clock, okay?






Sorry, pal. I got orders.
Nobody in, nobody out.

But if you don't let me out,
they might think you let me in.

You're right. Go ahead.

Hey, wait a minute!

That's the guy!



OFFICER: We found the kid.
He's heading eastbound down the alley.

There's still no sign of the dog.


I've got him now!


Buckle up.



Last time we did this,
we were in a sleigh.

You were Santa, I was an elf.

Might I suggest therapy? Now, buckle up.

-Watch out!

Ah! Phew.

Richie, what have you done?

I just saved your butt, Cadbury.

CADBURY: Easy on the curves, lad.

Hands at ten and two o'clock.

-Could you please...
-Watch out!

What did you do to create this scandal?

Oh, that.

Well, they seem to think
that I kidnapped poor Dollar here.

You okay, boy? Good boy.

Okay. Good boy. Stay.

Okay, stay. Good boy.

Oh, let me guess.

Dollar was your dog

before you wished yourself
out of the time-space continuum, right?

Yeah, that's right.

I thought so.


Check your mirrors now.
Watch the following distance.




Are you sure about that last left?

Apparently so.

We could ditch the car here
on this abandoned road.

It'll buy us enough time
so we can find the professor.


Well, you're coming with me,
aren't you, Cadbury?

I mean, I only got until midnight.

I suppose I don't have much choice,

as long as I'm officially
your partner in crime.

(SIGHS) Thanks. I owe you one.

This is all coming out of
your Christmas bonus money, Mooney.

I understand.

And if you mess up again,
there won't even be a Christmas bonus.

I understand.

In fact, if we don't find
this kid tonight,

there won't even be a Christmas.


I don't understand.

I'll cancel it.

That means no Christmas lights,
no Christmas turkey,

no Christmas trip to Grandma's house,

no Christmas, period.

I need taffy!

Reward for Richie Rich.

Reward for Richie Rich.

Turn in Richie Rich
to the Reggieville police...

Hey, check this out.

Come on.

MAN ON LOUDSPEAKER: Repeat. There is
a reward for the capture of Richie Rich.

Contact the Reggieville police
for other information.

Not with your equipment.

ANNOUNCER: Now, a special report
from a WIXB news anchor.

Tensions rise as the president declares...

We interrupt this program to bring you
an important message from me.

The criminal who kidnapped my dog
is still at large.

I'm, therefore, forced
to take drastic measures

and cancel Christmas

unless this so-called Richie Rich
is brought to justice.

Reggie can't cancel Christmas.

And if you think I can't cancel Christmas,
you're wrong.

I'm shutting down all the utilities,
roadways, and public services at midnight

unless this kid is caught.

-I can't believe this.
-If you have any information,

call the Reggie Hotline.
The call costs $ . for the first minute

and $ . for each additional minute.

But hey, it'll be worth it
if you can save the holiday for everyone.

-WOMAN (ON TV): Jellybean!
-MAN: What?

WOMAN: You're fired.

-And the professor's name is...

-Heaven help us.
-You know him?

I hired him once to increase the output
on the band's amplifiers.


I still got a ringing in me ears.

That's him.

-Pretty sore. It got infected. Yeah.
-Oh, no.


Keenbean, you in there?

(expl*si*n, CLATTERING)

Uh, nope. Nobody here by that name.

Uh, Keenbean, we just came here
to talk to you

about your Molecular Wish Receptor.

Who told you about that?

Why don't you just let the lad in?

He'll explain everything inside.


KEENBEAN: But why would you wish
you were never born?

I just wanted to be a regular kid.

I thought that being Richie Rich
had, well, too many responsibilities.

And I didn't know that if I was never
born, it'd make so many changes.

And all the changes are bad.

We've just got to figure out a way
to wish me back.


this is all I have so far.

I've been tinkering with this
for years now...

-...but it only seems to power up

every December th.

Oh, well, that's because
Christmas Eve is the only day

where there's enough leftover wish energy
to power the machine.

Of course. Of course, yes.

Yes. Why didn't I think of that?

-You did.
-I did?

Yes, yes, I did.

-I did?

Did I have any ideas
for the fribulator conductor?

Oh, that was some big wishbone
from a dinosaur.

-That was it.

The largest wishbone ever discovered.

Oh, I'm a genius. I am a genius.


Oh, dear, it's : .

We have so much to do,

and the Pegliosaurus wishbone
is locked away in the museum. I've...

Do you know anyone
who might be willing to help out?

Uh, I thought I did,

but apparently all my friends
just liked me because I had money.

GLORIA: Now, where'd you get
a stupid idea like that, Richie Rich?

How'd you guys find me?

Well, I called Freckles
after I saw your face on TV.

So we came here to Professor Beancurd's.

You guys believed me
about the Wishing Machine?

You understand that your lives
will be better if I go back?

You understand the time-space continuum?

-Don't push it.

Yeah, but anybody who stands up to Reggie
is all right with us.

Well, enough, enough. We have a job to do,

and time is of the essence.

Wait. What exactly are we doing?

Well, just breaking into the museum.



Everything okay up there, boy?

You keep a lookout, okay, boy?


Okay, let's just go.

This way, guys. Come on.

Come on.

Who are all these guys?

Oh, um... That's Reggie, Reggie, Reggie.

Oh, and that's Reggie.

-Somebody's ego is way out of control.

Motion sensors.

They're gonna set off alarms like crazy.


Pee Wee, see if Keenbean packed
the little black bag.

Got it.




How are we gonna get under them?


Push. Push, guys, push.



So, who's next?


There it is.

Yeah, in his rib cage.

GLORIA: Sensors all around the base.

We'll have to go in from above.

Pee Wee, see if Professor Keenbean
packed a fishing rod

with a little red button on it.

FRECKLES: Whoa! Awesome.


Hook, line, and wishbone.



Go slow.

RICHIE: Easy, easy.



Guys, I think we got company.
Go, go, go, go!


RICHIE: (WHISPERING) Here they come.

Get down.

Is it me, or is there something different
about this dinosaur?

No. All dinosaurs look the same.
Come on, let's go.

It's Mr. and Mrs. Van Dough.
That's Reggie's real parents.

I guess after Reggie sued them,
this was the only job they could get.


RICHIE: Dollar's right. We should go.

FRECKLES: Yeah, come on.
Grab the wishbone. Let's go.

No, no, come on, please.

(STAMMERING) I just know that something
is wrong here. I know it.

And this is Reggie's museum,

and if anything is damaged,
we'll lose our jobs.

Look around. Everything's just fine.

See? Just fine.

Come on, let's go.



How'd it go on your part, Cadbury?

I got all the parts Keenbean needs,

and I met the most intriguing woman.

Sorry, Cadbury, but there's only one woman
in this world for you.

Her name is Mrs. Peabody.

-She's got a real thing for you.

What a coincidence.


Good evening, Charles.

-RICHIE: Hi, Mrs. Peabody.


-Come on.
-I think he went in that store.

-Call the Seargent.
-He is in trouble.


Success. Success!


Professor, you did it.
You invented the Wishing Machine.

I knew you could.

Now I can wish everything back to normal,
and Reggie will never be able to...

Reggie will never be able to what?

-Nobody move. It's all over, Richie Rich.

All right, get that dog. Muzzle him.

Let's go.

You don't hurt him!


Help me.

Let me go.

MOONEY: Get him out of here.

Oh, dear.

Give me my dog!

Don't touch him!


So you thought you could get rid of me
with a Wishing Machine?

That's rich.


Yeah, well, wish again, Richie Rich.

-MOONEY: Put them in there.
-RICHIE: Let me go!

MOONEY: Watch your head.



REGGIE: Bring me that Wishing Machine.
I've got a lot of wishes to make.


Now, I've done it.

I've ruined Christmas in two lifetimes.

GLORIA: You're on a roll.

FRECKLES: Reggie's got your dog.

GLORIA: He's got your parents.

He's got the Wishing Machine.

I didn't even get my parents
a Christmas present.

(SCOFFS) Not that they remember
they're my parents anyway, but...

But perhaps we ought to
all look on the bright side.

Okay, but what is the bright side?


The bright side is things couldn't
possibly get any worse.

MAN: Lights out.





Merry Christmas.

It's time to get down to business. Irona?

I wish that I could fly.



It works. It works.

MR. RICH: What's going on down here?

-Is everyone okay?
-REGGIE: Hey, look, Mom.

-No hands and no feet.

No, no, no, no!
This can't be happening.



Oh, yes!


Get down. Now, you can't fly.

I can do anything I want.

I have a Wishing Machine.

I'm the king of the world!

No, that sounds stupid.
I'm the kind of the universe.

Watch this, Regina. (LAUGHS)

MR. RICH: Wait.


I wish I were king.

What's wrong with this stupid thing?

Maybe it's just good for one wish?

Piece of junk.



Sell that heap for parts.






Freckles, cut that out.

It's not me, Gloria.


It's not me.


-It's Dollar.

GLORIA: Cool. All right, Dollar.

Oh, if only we could
get to the Wishing Machine.

-Dollar'll get us out.
-FRECKLES: Yeah, let's go, let's go.

-GLORIA: The keys.
-FRECKLES: Get the keys, Dollar.

Dollar, get the keys.
Come on, boy, get the keys.


RICHIE: Get the keys, boy.
Get the keys. Come on.


-Yes, yes, yes.
-Jump. Get the keys.

-You can do it.
-GLORIA: Come on, boy. Come on.

-Get the key's boy.
-Please... No.



Christmas Eve must be
your lucky night, folks.

I don't know how you did it,
but you just made bail.

Wonderful. Go children, run.

Made bail? How?

Nobody in this town has that much money.

I made sure of it before I set bail.

I say we cancel Christmas.

What will that accomplish, sir?

Who cares what it accomplishes?
Just do it.


-CADBURY: I still don't understand.

The bail was set at a million dollars.

Yeah, and the only person in this town
with that much money is Reggie.

After all these years,

we thought it'd be you
bailing us out of jail, Cadbury.

You lads put up the bail?
Where on earth did you get the money?

NIGEL: Well, thanks to that song
Richie taught us,

we just signed
a big new recording contract.

Yeah. We heard about your arrest
on the telly. We rushed right down.

Well, enough, enough, enough.

We've got plenty to do
and not a minute to lose.

Where to, chums?




KEENBEAN: Yeah, here we go.

-Oh, dear.
-Watch it, Professor.

Oh, yes. A little more, there.
Exciting. Exciting!

RICHIE: It's your turn.
Come on. Watch yourself.

Okay, you guys cover the stairs.

Ready when you are, Professor.




RICHIE: Don't worry, guys. (GRUNTS)

FRECKLES: Get him.
Come on, Richie, tackle him.

Come on, get him on the ground. Come on.

RICHIE: Got it.


I can fix that valve for you, Irona.




Well, quickly, now.

Hurry, Professor. Come on, we gotta go.

FRECKLES: Come on, Professor. Hook it up.

-Come on, come on. Go.
-I hear something down there.


MOONEY: Come on. They must be down here.
Wait a second, now.

-MOONEY: Where are you guys?


There they are!




Yeah! All right.


Hey, what's going on out there?


Welcome back, Richie Rich.

Gloria, the brooms.

RICHIE: Come on, let's get him.


Knock it off.



-Got him!
-Come on.

Let's go. Wish, Richie, wish. Come on.

Wish. Hurry up.

-Do something, Richie.

I think that we're almost out of time.


REGGIE: Get away from that machine.


FRECKLES: Richie, watch it.
He's coming behind you. Come on.

Hey, Reggie.




Hurry, Professor. Come on, we gotta go.


-It's probably nothing. It's maybe...
-I just...

Oh, It's...

No, it's all right, darling.



Mooney, arrest all these criminals
and lock them up.


Arrest them yourself.

Are you trying to get fired?

I quit.

I refuse to work for anyone
that would cancel Christmas.

Mooney, you're about to put me
in a really bad mood.

I might just have to take matters
into my own hands.

You will do nothing of the kind.

Right. You...
You go to your room, Reggie.


-FRECKLES: All right!

FRECKLES: Yeah. Go to your room, Reggie.


-Richie, it's working.


Come on, Richie, you can do it.

FRECKLES: Just wish, Richie, come on.

-Wish, Richie.



I wish that I'll be Richie Rich again

for this Christmas, next Christmas,

and for every Christmas
for the rest of my life!










I found him!

Oh, dear boy.

Are you all right? Here, sit.
Sit, sit, sit.


Keenbean, tell me quick.
Who are my parents?

Why, Mr. and Mrs. Rich, of course.

It worked. The Wishing Machine worked.

Um, Richie, I'm afraid not.

Ever since the pigsty incident,

the Molecular Wish Receptor's
been completely out of alignment.

Keenbean, where are my parents?

Why, they're looking for you, of course.

The last I heard,
they were at the orphanage.

The orphanage.


Hello, house!

Hello, snowmen!

Hello, Christmas tree!



Merry Christmas, Sergeant Mooney.
Great to see you again.

Richie, we've been looking
everywhere for you.

Merry Christmas, Richville!

Merry Christmas, Santa.

Now that's the Christmas spirit.

Hello, orphanage.

Oh... Master Richie.

Oh, oh!

Richie, are you okay?

I'm fine. I'm great.
I've never been better.

Merry Christmas, Mrs. Peabody.

-You stay right there.

Richard. Richard, where have you been?

We've been worried sick.


I'm sorry.
I'll never disappear like that again.

It's so good to see you, Master Rich.

or no responsibilities, Cadbury,

it's great to be Richie Rich.

-Merry Christmas, everybody.
-Merry Christmas.

-Merry Christmas.
-Merry Christmas.


Everyone showed up.

RICHIE: The whole town showed up.

Everyone's here.
You guys never go out.