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Unlikely Angel (1996)

Posted: 11/28/23 12:54
by bunniefuu
♪ [Multicom Entertainment
Group jingle] ♪

♪ [country music] ♪

♪ Oh, look at you,
boy, look at them jeans ♪

♪ Cutest little butt
full I've ever seen ♪

♪ I'd like to find
you under my tree ♪

♪ Whatcha tryin'
to do to me, huh? ♪

♪ Hey look at them
boots, look at that hat ♪

♪ You can get in big
trouble looking like that ♪

♪ Flirting like mad,
talking that trash ♪

♪ You can make a good
girl go bad real fast ♪

♪ Whatcha trying to do?
Whatcha trying to do? ♪

♪ Whatcha trying to do anyhow? ♪

♪ I ain't made of steel,
but if looks could k*ll ♪

♪ Well I'd have been
dead by now ♪

♪ Tell me, whatcha
trying to do to me? ♪

♪ Look at that smile,
look at them eyes ♪

♪ All lit up like
Christmas lights ♪

♪ When you land
on my roof tonight ♪

♪ Well here's what
you better be ♪

♪ Well you better be
fit, you better be prime, ♪

♪ 'Cause I'm going to
ring your Christmas chime ♪

♪ When you come down
my chimney ♪

♪ Do what you know
only you can do to me ♪

♪ Whatcha trying to do?
Whatcha trying to do? ♪

♪ Whatcha trying to do anyhow? ♪

♪ I ain't made of steel,
but if looks could k*ll ♪

♪ Well I'd have been
dead by now ♪

♪ I said, ooh, what a thrill,
but if looks could k*ll ♪

♪ Well I'd have been
dead by now ♪

♪ Tell me,
whatcha trying to do? ♪

♪ Whatcha trying to do?
Whatcha trying to do to me? ♪


I tell you, you know
I ain't that good,

but thank you for
being good to me.

You're the best.

Billy Potts, you better
watch your hands next time

or I'm sending you
home to your wife.

- [laughs]
- [cheering]

Well y'all have a good time.

Don't drink too much and
try to stay out of trouble.

See you later.


Charlie, you back here sweetie?

[faint laughter]


Hi Ruby, how you doing?


Ain't this a pretty picture?


Now listen, this is
not what it looks like.

Now, Tammy just wanted
to see my new truck.

Yeah, he was just
trying to show me--

How to shift his gears?

Well now come on,
wait a minute, Ruby.

Hey Ruby, hey Ruby!

Now wait a minute.

Oh come on, listen,
you know that I love you.

Save your breath, Charlie.

It's me you talking to,

You haven't exactly been
living in no convent, you know.

There's not a guy in three
states that you haven't

come on to.

Listen, anyhow, you were the
one that said that you didn't

want to get tied
down to anybody.

I know, I know, you're right.

I don't even blame you, Charlie.

I blame myself for hanging
around this dump so long.

I should have left
a long time ago.

Maybe you should just stick
around a little while longer.

We can work this thing out.

Now come on baby, it's
almost Christmas time.

Remember last
Christmas, don't you?

Remember last Christmas?


Well, we did have fun.

Just a little bit.

Ah, Ruby, come on, that girl,
she don't mean nothing to me.

It's no use, Charlie.

You're never going to
change... and neither am I.

And I usually have a feel
for when it's time to go

and it's time.

So why don't you
just give me my money

and I'll hit the road.

Fifty bucks?

I pulled you the rest.


God as my witness, Charlie,
I am never going to

play a crummy place
like this again.

I am going to play in a
real classy joint someday.

You'll see.

Well, well, send me a postcard.

I will.

Goodbye, Charlie.

Goodbye, Ruby.

And Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.
Now listen--

♪ [instrumental music plays] ♪

♪ [rock music plays] ♪

♪ [Christmas music plays] ♪

- [screams]
- [brakes screech]


[heavy crash]

[Christmas music
continues to play]


♪ [music] ♪

♪ [choral singing and harps] ♪

Hello, Ruby.

How'd you know my name?

And where am I?

And who are you?

You may call me Peter.


You're not...

I don't like to
say it, but uh...

Well my momma used to
say, "Don't hide your light

"under a bushel."

Oh, I know.
She still does.

You mean Momma is up here?

And Papa and Grandma?

They're all here.

They've been waiting for you.


I don't suppose
Uncle Clem is--


I didn't think so.

This has got to be
some kind of mistake.

I'm too young to die.

In the first place, I haven't
done a tenth of the things

I've wanted to.

We hear that a lot.

But I got a lot of plans.

I got my career, I haven't
met the right man yet.

Are you absolutely
certain I'm dead?


Oh, absolutely.

[thunder rumbles]

So, this is really it.

Well, do I get my
wings now or what?

Oh, I'm afraid you
have to earn those.

Well what about all
these other people?

They're getting their
wings right away.

That's because they
lead virtuous lives.

Yet you, on the other hand.

Well now, I know I ain't
exactly been a saint.

But then who is?

Well, present company excepted.

Now where did
I put that entry?

You begin to lose your
memory after the first

couple of thousand years, uh.

Ah, here it is.

All your life you have
done exactly as you wanted,

gone where you wanted,
said what you wanted.

You have never thought of
anyone else but yourself.

Well if you had no intentions
of sticking a halo over

my head, why'd you drag me
up here in the first place?

Why didn't you send me
on down to Uncle Clem?

Well now, that
certainly is an option.

But then I began thinking
about that little deer...

The one whose life you
saved on that mountain road.

You sacrificed your life

for the sake of another
living thing.

That gave me a glimmer of
hope that you just might be

a better person than the
record of your life reflects.

So, I thought I should give you
a chance to redeem yourself.

Well, what'd you have in mind?

You will return to Earth.

You will help a
family in trouble.

You will have the week
remaining until Christmas

to set things right.

Well what's wrong with them?

You'll soon see.

Now, if the mission is a
success, you will get your wings

and you will become an angel.

And if it's not?

Now, I want to leave you with
three very important rules.

Oh, I hate rules.

I know.

Number one, you are not to
tell anyone that you are

trying to become an angel.

Number two, you must
avoid certain temptations

which... given your...

How shall I put this?

Affection for the opposite sex,

it might present
quite a challenge.

Well, I'll give
it my best shot.

Make it a bulls eye.
Failure is not an option.

But if you need me,
look heavenward.

I'll try and respond promptly.

Oh, and one last
very important thing.

You must have completed
your mission... Christmas Eve, midnight.

Midnight on Christmas Eve.

You got it.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm late... for choir practice.

You do have a choir.

You know, I always
wondered about that.

I used to sing in
church when I was...


Peter, where'd you go?

You didn't tell me
where I'm going--


I don't care if you have
to move heaven and Earth,

I want everyone in my office
in exactly 35 minutes.

Yeah, that's right.

And also get Al to call me ASAP.
[heavy thud]


Yeah, okay.


You got to be kidding.

All I need's a guitar
and I'll be ready for

The Sound of Music.

Very funny.

[engine approaching]

Nice bike.


- See you.
- See you later.

Give me a second.

Where have you been?
And who is that kid?

Dad, don't freak.

Jeremiah just wanted to give
me a ride on his new bike.

At nine o'clock
in the morning?

He had to go to work.

I don't want you riding
on that thing again.

I don't want you
seeing him at all.

Do you understand?

Why don't you just lock
me in my room until I'm 21?

Fine, you're grounded.

You're late.

[talking on phone]
No, not you.

Glad to meet you too.

[Ben on phone]
No, no, no listen to me.

I didn't... I need to have that
copy on my desk by 10 o'clock.

Yeah, right.

Okay... that's right, yes.


10:30, yeah, right, and
then I want you to fax the

pink pages over to
the client, okay?

Good, just do it.

I'm sorry, I'm Ben Bartilson.

Boy, I sure hope you're good,
because I got to tell you,

my kids haven't liked anybody
that the agency has sent over.

Well, maybe it's time you
stopped asking their opinion.

I like your attitude.

Ruby Diamond.

That's an interesting name.

Yeah, everybody
says I'm a gem.

Yeah, well, you're certainly
different, that's for sure.

Well, I mean, just most
of the nannies, they look

like normal, well, I mean,
not that you're not normal.

You're very normal.

I hope not.

But I'll take that
as a compliment.

Did your wife already
leave for work?

My wife passed
away two years ago.

And look, don't try to get
the kids to express their

feelings about it, because
it just makes matters worse

believe me.

Matthew, Sarah,
meet your new nanny.

You can call me Ruby.

Are you sure she's a nanny?

Ben: Be good, guys.

She's a little
late for Halloween.

Sarah, apologize to Roxy.

Ruby, and don't apologize.

I like when people
say what they mean,

and mean what they say.

And don't you worry, me
and these kids are gonna

get along just fine.

- [telephone ringing]
- Whatever.

Yeah, Ben Bartilson.

Al, where have you been?

The meeting's been
pushed to 10:30.

Well, this is more important.

I'm almost 14.
I don't need a nanny.

I'm only eight, but I
don't need one either.

Is that a fact?

Well, I am twice as old as
both of you put together,

and believe me, I would
love to have a nanny.

Just get the presentation and
we can figure that out later.

Yeah, I'm on my way.

Okay you guys, I got to go.

Be good and don't give
Trudy any trouble.

- Ruby.
- Right.

Now, emergency numbers
are by the phone,

and I usually work late so
don't hold dinner for me.


Dad, wait, I got to talk
to you about something.

Email me, honey, I got to go.

But dad...

Now don't you kids have
to get ready for school

or something?

We're on vacation.

Oh, that's right,
it's almost Christmas.


Well, why don't we get
our day started off right

by cleaning up that
mess in the kitchen.

Excuse me, I believe
that's your job.

Now, wait, you
guys, come back here.

Hey, come on now.

[door slams]
Matthew, are you two
just going to stay up

in your rooms all day?

I guess so.
Why not?

Well, don't you want me to
play with you or something?

I don't know.

We're always left alone.

We're used to it.

[door slams]
♪ [sad music] ♪

That's the saddest
thing I ever heard.

Oh, oh, what time is it?

A little after ten.

This place looks great.

How'd it go with the kids today?

[sighing] Well, I don't know.

No offense, but those
kids of yours are...

...a tough nut to crack.

You just need to get
used to each other.

It'll be okay, goodnight.

Mr. Bartilson.


Well, Ben, I've been wondering
about something all day.

Couldn't help but notice
there's not a sign

of Christmas in this house.

Not a tree, nothing at all.

Well, we don't really
celebrate Christmas

around here anymore.

Well, it may be none of my
business, but I personally

think the kids could use
a little Christmas spirit.

And so could you, if you
don't mind my saying so.

Well, you're right, it isn't
any of your business.

Goodnight, Ruthy.

Uh, Mr. Bartilson.

What is it now?

There's one more thing.

My name is Ruby and I'd
like you to remember that.

Goodnight, Ruby.

Goodnight, Ben.

♪ [music] ♪

[dog barks]

[sighs] Pete, I've
got to talk to you.

[sighs] Peter, can you hear me?

I really need you right now.

[Man] All right
now, here we go.

[indistinct talking]

Now, tell me, who out there
is feeling lucky tonight?

G57, G46.

[bingo balls rattling]

I've got your number, Ida, O65.

Now Marie, Marie, here's
one for you, N34.

Peter, what are
you doing here?

Well what does it
look like I'm doing?


We need to talk.

Well, I'm afraid I'm a
little bit busy at the moment.

Would you like to sit down?


[crowd murmuring]

That's a dollar a card, honey.

Here's one for
the highway folks, I90, I90.


What am I doing here, Peter?

How am I supposed
to help this family?

I didn't exactly do a bang
up job with my own life.

Now this one, this
one happens to be one of

my personal favorites, I60.

Those kids,
they're in sad shape.

And their father, whoo, he's
in worse shape than they are.


Talk about dysfunctional.

I never knew three people
living in the same house

could be so disconnected
from each other.

Here's our winner.

Those kids don't need a nanny.


What those three really need
is to find each other again.


Bingo, oh, Bingo, oh, look!

Look at my card, I
can't believe it!

Oh, this is so great. [laughs]


Good morning.

Ah, just in time for
a big, hearty breakfast.

I never eat breakfast,
hearty or otherwise.

Well, you're eating breakfast
this morning with your kids.

I can't, I'm going
to be late for work.

No, you're not.

I set the clocks
up half an hour.

You've got plenty of time.

Look, I don't know what
is that, bacon and eggs?

Come on.

Something smells good.

Yeah, it's waffles
and maple syrup.


I'm sure it's
like 3,000 calories.

Well try a glass
of skim milk with it.

Okay, I want everybody to
sit all at once together.

See if you can act like a
real family for a change.

Of course, now that
means no newspapers,

- no rock and roll.
- What are you doing?

- And no electronic devices.
- Hey!

Just some good old fashioned
conversation for a change.

All right, go ahead.

Um, what's new, kids?

Oh, Dad, I have
something really important

I need to ask you.


-You know Rachel?

She invited me to go
skiing with her family.


Um,they're leaving in
like a couple of days.

Well, how long are
they going to be gone?

Like five, six days, probably.

You mean over Christmas?

Her parents are renting
this really cool cabin
and everything.

Okay, I can understand how
you want to go, but I'm
sorry, the answer's "no".

[Sarah] Well, why not?

Would you at least
think about it?

Look, I don't have
to think about it.

You're grounded and I don't want
you going away for Christmas.

It's not like we do
anything on Christmas anyway.

[Ben] That's not the point.

[Sarah] Then what is the
point, to make me miserable?

The point is to
be with your family.

What family?

[door slams]

Eat your waffle, Matthew.

I'm not hungry anymore.

You've barely
touched it at all.

What's the matter with you now?

Why do you always
have to pick on me?

[door slams]


Thanks for breakfast.

[rock music plays]
[knock on door]



I thought you
might want to talk.

About what?

About anything you want to.

You know, you remind me
an awful lot of myself

when I was your age.

Yeah, sure.

Oh, I was pretty
rebellious, let me tell you.

What do you say I go
make us some hot cocoa,

we go sit by the fire,
have a heart to heart,

and just be girls?

Yeah, and then maybe
you could paint my nails

and teach me how
to put on blush.

Well sure, if you like.

Yeah, right.

[rock music plays]

I've enjoyed our
little chat too.

[video game noises]

Aww, sure looks
like a lot of fun.

Wouldn't you rather
go outside and toss

a ball around instead?

Not really.

Oh, you must have a
football around here somewhere

in all this junk.

I'm not very good
at real football.

I'm better at this.

Hey, you're in my way.

Well maybe when your
dad comes home, he--

He never has time.

Besides, I told you,
I'm not very good.

[cheering on video game]

You got to help
me out here, Peter.

I can't even get those
kids out of their rooms.

How am I going to
help them at all?

[electronic fizzling]

[pops, glass shatters]

Hey, that's not a bad idea.

I'll try it.


The electricity went off.

I'll go check the
circuit breakers.

Ahh, don't bother,
I've just checked it.

Well, what happened?

Must have blown a
fuse or something.

Well, no wonder, with that
computer, the stereo,

that video game upstairs
all going at once--

That's ridiculous. I'm going
to call the electrician.

Now wait just a
second, sit down.

I don't want to sit down.

Well I don't
care what you want.

Park it.

Look, I know you're not
thrilled about me being here.

And believe me, this is
not what I planned either.

But we're stuck together,
at least for a while.

So, I would suggest that we
try to make the best of it.

I notice you haven't been
celebrating Christmas

around here lately,
and I don't know why.

Christmas happens to be
my favorite holiday in the

whole wide world and I don't
intend to skip it this year.

It means a lot to me.

And by golly, if it's the last
thing I do, and it very well

may be, I intend to make
this the biggest and best

Christmas yet.

Now, we only have five
and a half days left,

so I suggest you two
either catch the spirit

or stay out of my way,
because I intend to

start decking the halls.

[humming "Deck the Halls"]

♪ [Ruby singing
"Deck the Halls"] ♪

Well, come on, don't
make me sing by myself.

I can't sing.
I have a terrible voice.

Well who cares?

Join in for the fun of it.

I hate Christmas songs.

I can never
remember the words.

Well then just do
the fa la la la la's.

Come on, let's try it again.

♪ [Ruby singing
"Deck the Halls"] ♪

Is this almost over?

Because The Young and
the Restless is on.

♪ Fa la la la la la la la la ♪

Boy, you two never would
have made it in my house.

When I was growing up,
we didn't have any money

to buy presents for
everyone, so everybody had to

sing a song on Christmas Eve.

And it was really wonderful.

Well sure, for you.

You can sing.

I'd rather have the presents.

[Sarah] Did you ever
sing with a band?

I mean, like, professionally?

Well, it just so happens
I did, a long time ago.

In a former life.

Were you any good?

Hmm, my family and
friends thought so.

Well, they don't count.

Well, I didn't realize
it at the time, but... I know they're the
ones that count the most.

Does your dad ever talk
about getting married again?

Not to me.

He's never going
to get married again.

You don't know that, stupid.

Yeah, I do.
He told me once.

He's going to love
Mommy forever.

So, where do you keep
your Christmas decorations?

Oh my, Sarah, come
out here a second. Huh!

I found this old
box of ornaments.

Look, there's a bunch
with your name on them.

Some with Matthew's, one for
each year with a picture.

Oh! Look at that.

Sarah, age six.

You were such a cutie pie.

Your mother made
these, didn't she?

She must have loved
you very much.

Hmm, well, it looks to me
like Christmas used to be

a special time in your
family, am I right?


It's just a shame, that's all.

All these beautiful ornaments
and no tree to hang them on.

You better put those
back on the shelf.

Well now, I could do that.

But do you really think that's
what your mom would want?

I can't just drop everything
to run off and buy a

Christmas tree.

Well, why not?

I've got appointments.

Well, look who's here.

Hey, Matthew, it's my bud.

Hi, sweetie.

Hi, Al.

I haven't seen you since
you chopped off your hair.

I know.

Hey watch it, I've
got a date tonight.

Sarah: The architect guy?

No, the computer guy.

Ooh, I love your nails.
What do they call this color?


Good name.

Hi, I'm Allison Meyers.

I'm Ruby.

So, what's this I hear
about getting a tree?

Yeah, will you tell them, Al,
I'm totally jammed today,

back to back meetings.

Mmm, well, I can handle
the four o'clock by myself

and the 5:30 just
cancelled, so go.

Get out of here and get a tree.

Now, wait a minute...

No, go, Ben.
Nobody needs you here.

One afternoon isn't going
to make any difference, so...

-Hey, you heard the lady.

[clears throat]

[Ben] My dad used to bring
me and my brothers here

at Christmas time and each
year one of us would have

the honor of chopping
down the family tree.

-And Sarah, I think you're
old enough this year.
-Oh, sorry, dad.

I refuse to hurt a living thing.

[Matthew] Dad? Dad?



Stand back, Matthew.

-I can do it, Dad.
-Well no, Matthew, I think the
ax weighs more than you do.

Come on.

You said it was a
family tradition.

Um, okay, just be careful,
because it's kind of--


You know, let me show you
where to put your hands here.

I can do it.

Go, Matthew.

Let me hold the handle and...

I'm doing it, dad.

No, Matthew, will you let
me just help you a little?

Matthew, we don't have all day.

I've got to get back to
the office, you know.


Hey, that could have hurt me.

Well, you're
hurting me right now.

You're such a jerk, Dad.

♪ [music] ♪

Okay, there goes my nomination
for father of the year.

[family arguing in background]
["magic" sound effect]

[arguing in the background]

-[Ben] I don't have all
day to cut down a tree.

[Ben] Now, get in the car.
[kids argue]

Where do you want it, ma'am?

Uh, right over there
by the Waltons.

-Will you get in the car?

We're not going to
stay all day here.

Merry Christmas, ma'am.

Merry Christmas.
Fa la la la la la la la la .

[Ben] Will you get in the car?

Matthew, it's me.

May I come in?

Are you alone?



I need to talk to you.

And it might be a good idea
if your sister heard this too.

Heard what?

She eavesdrops.

Yeah, like you don't.

[sigh] Look, I know it hasn't
been easy for you guys

since your mom died, but
it's hard on your dad too.

You need to cut him some slack.

Yeah, right, like
everything's our fault.

I didn't mean that.

Help me out, okay? I've got
to do a good job here or
I'm going to...


Well, let me put it this
way. It's going to be hell.

I'll make you a deal.

You be nice to your
dad and tomorrow

I'll take you anywhere
you want to go.

Hmm, how nice
do we have to be?


I just want to thank you for
taking off from work today.

You're welcome.

And thanks for not
making me chop down a

poor, defenseless
Christmas tree.

Listen, you guys,
I didn't mean to...

I'm sorry I was such a jerk.

It's okay.

-Night, Dad.

Night, Dad.


I can't remember the last
time they kissed me goodnight... know, without my asking.

How'd you swing that?

The old fashioned way.

I bribed them.



What's wrong
with your shoulder?

Just a pinched nerve, I guess.

Well, no wonder, with
all the stress and strain

you're under.

Want me to give that a rub?

-No, that's okay.
-Well, I don't mind, really.

I'm good at it.
Come here.


Just relax.

Oh, hmm, that's good.


You know, you put all that
frustration from inside you

right into your
neck and shoulders.

Oh, it's more to the left.

Me, I've never had a headache
or an ulcer in my life.

That's because I
usually speak my mind.

I just let it all out.


Oh yes.

Oh my god.

All right, all right,
I get the message.


Oh, I said there's
nothing like getting a good

massage, is there?

Well, I'll say, I feel great.

That really made me feel better.

You know, you really
are a gem, Ruby.

Goodnight, and thanks.

Yeah, my pleasure, any time.

It was just a sigh, just
a meaningless little sigh.

Give me a break, okay?


["Jingle Bells" plays on piano]

Well, why'd you stop, Matthew?

That was good.

No, it wasn't.

I used to really
know how to play.

Are you taking lessons?

Not anymore.

Why not? I bet you'd be
absolutely fantastic if
you stuck with it.

I know a little bit
about music myself.

And we have got to get your
piano teacher over here.

My mom was my piano teacher.

Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie.

I didn't know. [sighs]

So, your mom taught
you this song, huh?


Well, I could probably
fake my way through it.

What do you think, Matthew?

Want to give it a whirl?

I don't think so.

[imitates chicken squawking]

Chicken, chicken.

Come on, I dare you.

Double dog dare you.

Come on.

[plays "Jingle Bells" on guitar]

[plays "Jingle Bells" on piano]

[plays next part on guitar]

[plays same part on piano]

Yeah, buddy.
[plays next part on guitar]

[plays same part on piano]

[plays guitar]

[plays piano]

Whoo hoo!

You know what? I
think we're ready.

You ready?

-Okay, good.

[both singing "Jingle Bells"]

Good, Matthew.

Oh, Jerry Lee ain't got
nothing on you, boy.

That was good.

I'm telling you, there's
something funny about her.

Last night I heard her talking
to herself again, I swear.

Maybe she was on the phone.

She wasn't. She was
like talking to God.

Maybe she's religious.

It wasn't like a prayer. It was
like she's schizo or something.

Get out of here.

I got online this morning
to see if I could find

Ruby Diamond, like a
newspaper or whatever.

And I think she
escaped from prison,

like from the psycho
ward or something,

and she's afraid of going back.

And if she's an escaped
convict, I'm not going to

be the one who turns her in.

Can we cross that bridge
when we come to it please?

Shh, she's coming.

Hey kiddos, where to next?

[Sarah] So Ruby, how'd you
get to the nanny thing?

[Ruby] Well, that's a
very good question.

I guess you could say I
just sort of fell into it.

Have you been
doing it a long time?

Well, not as long
as you might think.

So, think we've done
enough shopping yet?

Um, I still need to get
a present for dad.

-Oh, okay.
-Can I meet you guys somewhere?

I've got to go
check something out.

You sure you're going to
be all right by yourself?

I'm sure, like I've never
been to the mall before.

Well, okay, I guess
you're old enough.

But I tell you what, you meet
us here by the escalators

in exactly 30 minutes.

Take this.

[mimicking Sarah]
"Take this"?


Looking for something?


I was hoping you'd be here.

What's up? Thought
you were grounded?

I was, kind of.

I get off at six.

You want to hang?

Um, I can't.

I have to meet...

Um, I've got my little
brother with me.

What a drag.

Tell me about it.

Um, I was looking for an album.

I think it's by Ruby Diamond.

It- it's probably, like,
country or something.

Sure it's on CD?

I don't know, it
might be kind of old,

if it even exists.

Uh, if it's on vinyl
I can't help you.

Oh, okay, thanks anyway.

Maybe I'll come by later.


I thought I could trust your
sister to meet us on time.

She'll be here.

She's always late
for everything.

Oh, wait a second, I
think I see her now.


Hey, you stay right
here with me now.

Let's go, Matthew.

Sarah, what is going on?

Is this your daughter, ma'am?

Well, I'm responsible
for her, yes.

We caught her
shoplifting, ma'am.

No, Sarah wouldn't
do something like that.

You must be mistaken.

Would you, Sarah?

Let's go.

Oh boy, am I glad to see you--

What the hell
is going on here?

Well, calm down, we'll
explain everything.

First they need you
to sign some papers

so Sarah can be released.

I want to know what
happened and I want to
know right this second.

And I want to know
where you were when you

were supposed to be
supervising my children.

Well, Matthew had
a special present--

Never mind that, because
you're fired. Come on.

[Ruby] Oh, but...

I want you out of the house
first thing in the morning.

[phone ringing]

♪ [Christmas music] ♪

[bell ringing]
[coins drop in bucket]

[Santa Claus] Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Help for the needy.

Ho, ho, ho, ho.

Thank you. Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.

Merry Christmas.

Thank you, miss.

Christmas blessings to you.
Ho, ho, ho, ho.

Look, I know what
you're going to say.

I screwed up again.

How was I supposed to
know that kid's a klepto?

Merry Christmas, ho, ho, ho.

You could have
warned me, you know.

Children will be
naughty, won't they?

She's not a bad kid, really.
[coins drop in bucket]

Bad or good, Santa
loves them all.

Well doggone it, Peter,
I care about these people.

Ah, you see, it's the
miracle of Christmas.

You know what?
[coins drop in bucket]

They need me and nobody's
ever really needed me before,

not the way they do.
[coins drop in bucket]

Blessings on you.

Well, whatever happens
to me, I have got to set

things right with this
family, I've just got to.

This is one problem I'm
not walking away from

for once in my life.

Or... death.

Or... Oh, whatever.

[elevator dings]

Are you going up?

Or down?
[fire sounds]

I... I think I'm going
to take the stairs.

[elevator dings]

[elevator dings]

Oh, excuse me.

Oh, excuse me, miss,
he's in a meeting.

Mr. Bartilson, before I
leave I've got one more thing

I've got to say to you.

When your wife died, your
kids didn't just lose

a mother, they
lost a father too.

Now, I don't know if it's grief
or just plain selfishness

and I don't really care.

But you have buried
yourself so deep in work

you can't see what's right
in front of your face.

You've got two
kids who need you.

Not just your money
or the roof you put

over their head, but you.

Sarah wasn't shoplifting
because she's a bad kid.

Whether she knows it or
not, she's just trying
to get your attention.

And Matthew, bless his
little heart, all he wants

to do is grow up to
be just like his dad.

But you're never around
to show him the way.

-Are you finished?
-I'm just getting started.

Life is short, my friend.

Unfortunately, you should
know that better than anybody.

One minute it can all
be gone just like that.
[snaps fingers]

Mr. Bartilson, you have
every right to fire me.

But you can fire every nanny
from here to Kingdom Come

and you're still going to have
two hungry children at home.

Who are starving to
death for your love.

All right, I think I'm finished.

Now I'll go.

Uh, this is the part where
you're supposed to say,

"You're right, Ruby,
I see the light.

How can I ever thank you?"


You are right, Ruby.

I do see the light.

And what was the last part?

Uh, uh, "How can I
ever thank you?"

Why, I'd like to thank
you by offering your job back,

if you still want it, please.

And I do apologize for being
such a hothead last night.

What can I ever do
to make it up to you?

Well, you can start by
having dinner with your kids.

Oh, geez, you know something?


I've got a client with a
Christmas party that I'm, um...
[Allison coughing]

That I think I'm going to be too
sick with the flu to attend.

So, how about Alberto's
at seven, my treat?

You're on.

Now, get back to work.

I apologize for
being so rude to you.


Excuse me.

Ruby, I just want you
to know I agree with you.

Everything you said just
now I've been trying

to tell him for two years,
but I never could have

put it as well as you did.

Well, one thing I'm known
for is speaking my mind.

Gets me in a heap of trouble
though, let me tell you.

Oh, is this your office?



Look at all these angels.

They're beautiful.

Thank you, I kind of have
a thing for angels, I guess.

They're all so
different and unique.

I love them all.

I feel like they're
watching over me.

I always bring one back
from wherever I travel

and after a while people started
giving them to me as gifts.

You can never have
too many angels looking
out for you, I guess.


-[Ruby] Miss Meyers---
-[Allison] Call me Al.

Everyone else does.

Yeah, but you don't
like that, do you?

Oh, I'm used to it.

Well, I'm going to
call you Allison.

-So tell me, Allison, did
you know Ben, you know,

-Before Judy died?


Yeah, I wish you could
have known him then.

Ever since she got sick, he
just kind of... I don't know.

But he's a wonderful man
and he's doing the best

he can, he really is.

Oh, I know his heart's
in the right place.

Oh, and he loves Sarah
and Matthew so dearly.

He's just afraid
of getting close.

To anyone.

Ever again.

You really care about
him, don't you Allison?

Oh, well, yes, of course I do.

I mean, he's a dear
friend and a colleague.

But there's nothing, you
know, more than that.


Yeah, well, excuse me.

Well, that was a
great idea, Ruby.

That angel hair pasta
was just fantastic.

Yeah, I thought
everything was divine.

I thought you were going
to say something at dinner.

I want to wait until
after Dad goes to bed.

-Maybe we should
just forget it.
-No way.

I think they really liked it.

Wasn't that great?

I mean, it's been a
long time since we had a

real family dinner together.

- Dad.
- Hmm?

Since you're in such a
good mood, I was wondering...

Rachel and her family still
want me to go skiing with them.


Let me get this straight.

You were grounded,
then you get arrested,

and now you want to
go skiing. Come on.

So like you're going to
hold this against me for
the rest of my life?


I wish I was dead.

Why didn't she just run
me over with a dump truck?

Because she knows
this hurts more.

[knocking on door]


It's Ruby, may I come in?


What's going on?

How did you find this?

The information
superhighway and a little

old fashioned footwork.

Everybody thinks kids
are so easy to fool.

Ah, Mountain Examiner,
River Hollow, Tennessee.

River Hollow mourns
the loss of songstress

Ruby Diamond, 41, in
an automobile crash.

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

41, let me see that.

Where do they get
off on saying I'm 41?

I'm not a day over...

Well, never mind that.

I really like that
songstress part.

So I was right.

You faked your own death.

Now the only question is why.

Obviously you're some
kind of con artist.

-Well now you can't--
-Unless you're a battered
wife or something.

She watches too much TV.

It's the federal witness
protection program, isn't it?

All right, you got me.

Uh, I confess.

You see, this, uh,
this nanny thing,

it's just a cover and
I'm just working here

until the feds find me
a safe place to live.

I knew it.

Wicked, who'd you squeal on?

Well, I'm not allowed
to talk about that.

Of course she's not, dummy.

Now, you two are
not going to squeal

on me, are you?

I suppose I could be
persuaded to play along.

Oh, I can see the
wheels turning in your

little head right now.

I won't tell dad
anything about any of this.

What's the catch?

All you have to do is
talk him into letting

me go skiing with Rachel.

You drive a hard bargain.

What's wrong, Matthew?

You just got here.

I don't want you to go away.

Oh well, I wish I
didn't have to leave.

But I have no choice.

Am I crazy to think
that she should be with
her family for Christmas?

Not certifiable.

Look, it's been a long
time since it felt like
a family around here.

Yeah, and I want
to change that.

I know you do, but it's
a time in Sarah's life

when so much is changing.

I know how she feels.

You go to the mirror
every morning not knowing

what you're even
gonna look like.

[Ben laughs]
It's hard being a teenage
girl, especially with no

mother around to say
this too shall pass.

I can't be both
mother and father.

Well, be a father.

But try to understand
that without a mother, the

next best shoulder to cry just
might be her best friends.

Yeah, you may be right.

Okay, I'll let her go skiing.
I'll tell her in the morning.

Uh, Ben, do you mind if I
ask you a personal question?

Do you ever think about
getting married again?


Well, I think it's
about time, don't you?

Ah, getting married again is the
farthest thing from my mind.

I mean, I guess maybe if
I met somebody someday.

-Well maybe you've
already met somebody.
-What do you mean?

Somebody smart, attractive,
great personality,

and your kids already love her.

-Oh Ruby, I...
-You know, sometimes
what you're looking for

can be right under your nose.

[sighs] Ruby, I like
you very much.

I think you're a
wonderful person, but--

Oh no, I didn't
want you to think I--

Oh no, I didn't think.

-You didn't?
-No, did you think?

No, I didn't think.

Oh, well.


[church bells chime]

[dogs bark]


I didn't know
you were still up.

I couldn't sleep.

Me neither. You
want some tea?

Ben, I have a
confession to make.


I'm here under
false pretenses.

You see, I'm not really a nanny.

I have never been nanny ever.

I know.

I've known all along.

But why didn't
you say something?

[sighs] Ruby, you were
so right about me.

I've been afraid of my feelings.

But not anymore.

And I thought I
was a free spirit.

I've never wanted to be tied
down to any one man before.

But now...

[alarm and cookoo clock going
off, furniture shaking]

All right, all right,
Peter, I get the message.

You're going to wake
up the whole house.

It was just a dream.

I mean, I may be dead,
but I'm not dead.

Well, you know what I mean.

[alarm and cookoo clock going
off, furniture shaking]

[Ben] Everything
okay in there, Ruby?

Everything's fine.

You sure?

I'm sorry for the noise.

I had a dream and I
knocked some stuff over.

I'm perfectly fine, you
go on back to sleep.

Well, okay, goodnight then.


Look what you did.

I'm only human. A girl
can dream, can't she?

[Peter] Now you just
listen to me, little Ruby.

Where are you?

[Peter] I don't think you
fully appreciate your situation.

♪ [western music plays] ♪

I warned you about them rules.

Now don't you getting
so involved that
you can't walk away.

Just my luck.

I finally meet the kind of
man I can see spending the

rest of my life with, and
wouldn't you know it, I'm dead.

I tell you, Allison is
one of the most wonderful
women I've ever met.

She is so sweet
and down to earth.

Yeah, she's cool.

Could you hand me one of
those hooks please, hon?


You know, she
must have a zillion

men running after her.

But what I don't
understand why your dad

never grabbed her up.

Why are you asking this?

Well call me crazy, but
I just had this feeling

about your dad and Al.

I thought maybe we
might even try helping

it along a little bit.

Good grief, Allison,
if that's how you feel

how come you never said
anything to Ben about it?

He's been mourning his
wife so long, it just

never seemed appropriate.

And then there's the
whole work situation.

You know, office romances
can be pretty tricky

and I'd never want to ruin
our friendship, never.

Well, you're probably right.

I guess some things are
just not meant to be.

Ruby, how can you eat all
that and still keep your figure?

I can't, really.

But where I'm going, it
ain't going to matter

what I weigh.

Where are you going?

Oh, it's a long story.

Somewhere far away,
God's country.

Sounds nice.

I'm sure the kids
will miss you though.

Yeah, I'm going
to miss them too.

Oh by the way, me and
the kids are planning

a real nice dinner tonight.
Why don't you come over?

♪ [Christmas music] ♪

-What's going on in here?
-Get out, get out,
it's a surprise.

I don't get it, it
isn't even Christmas yet.

It's the night before
Christmas Eve, more important

than Christmas in many different
cultures around the world.

Now go wait in the living
room until it's ready.


Thank you, Ruby.

Oh, welcome home.

Thank you for bringing
Christmas back into this house.

[sigh] You have a
seat and relax.

I'll fix you some hot
apple cider in a second.

Well, let me give you a hand.

Yeah, you could steady
this ladder for me, thanks.


Oh gosh.

Oh goodness, no.

Uh, C-c-could you fix this?

I'll be right back.

Allison, don't go, please.

No, look, this was a mistake.
I shouldn't have come.

I don't know what
you saw just now.

I saw...

I saw the way you were
looking at each other.

I've got to go.

Allison, please,
just let me explain.

It's not what it looks like.

[car starts and pulls away]


♪ [music plays] ♪

Don't say anything,
just don't say anything.

Well, I wasn't going to.
Heel, boys, heel.

I don't know why you
bother showing up anyhow.

You're never much help.

Well what do
you want me to do?

[dog barking]
Leviticus, Deuteronomy, behave.

Give me some guidance,
show me the way,

take me out of the
darkness into the light.

Oh, walk you through the
valley of the shadow of death.

Oh, thank you, but I've
already had that pleasure.

If you really want to help
me, give me more time.

24 hours is not enough
to do the trick.

The good Lord made the
heavens and earth in a week.

Well big surprise,
I'm not God.

You were made in his image.

What are you saying?

God has big hair
and little feet?

I am saying in a world
where you have a chance

to get wings,
anything is possible.
[cat meows, dogs bark]

Gah! Woah! Boys, come
on, boys, no. No! No!
[dogs barking]

Hey, I didn't know you
were coming in today.

-What's going on?
-I'm quitting.

-I'm not coming back
after the holidays.

I'm going to work for
Gunderson and Dunlap.

[laughs] Gunderson and Dunlap?

I thought you told
them to take a hike.

Well, I spoke to them
this morning, they're
still interested.

Now, wa-- I don't understand.
Why now all of a sudden?

This isn't all of a
sudden. This has been
coming for a long time.

[car horn honking]
I need to make some
changes in my life.

-Excuse me.

Okay, but how come... I mean,
you never said anything.

-I thought we were a--

What did you think we were?

-I thought we were a team.

Oh, this isn't about me,
is it? I mean something I
said or something I did?

It has nothing to do with you.
It's about me, it's about
what I need to do for me.

Okay, but you see, you can't
just up and leave like that.
Really, you can't.

Give me one good
reason why I should stay.

Al, I need you.

You do?
[car horn honking]

Of course I do.

For one thing, there's
the Hayworth account.

We never would have landed
that client if it hadn't
been for you.

Of course, I knew it.
I should have thought
of the Hayworth account.

-That's what you need me for.
-Well, that's just one example.

I'll send somebody to pick
up the rest of my things.



No, Ben, it's Allison.

[elevator dings]

[Sarah] Hi, dad.

Just in time to say goodbye.

I almost forgot,
you're going skiing.

Oh yeah, they're picking
me up in about an hour.

Oh, you got a phone call
from a Mr. Hayworth.

Is he a client of yours?

Yeah, a real big one.
What did he want?

Uh, he said he wanted you to
meet him tonight for drinks,

ten o'clock in the blue room
of the Huntington hotel.

Ten o'clock sharp.

Doesn't he know
it's Christmas Eve?

He said it wouldn't take
long but it was important.

Okay, listen, um, Al
didn't call, did she?

No, uhuh, why?

Oh, nothing, it's just...

It's nothing.

[phone ringing]


[Sarah] Hello, Allison Meyers?

Yes, this is she.

Um, this is Mr.
Hayworth's assistant.

Mr. Hayworth would like you to
meet him tonight for drinks,

ten o'clock in the blue room
of the Huntington Hotel.

[Allison] I'm sorry, but
I'm no longer working on the

Hayworth account.
You see, I quit the firm.

She says she quit the
firm. What do I do?

Uh ah, uh ah, tell her
he needs to see her
anyway, life or death.

Uh um, I'm afraid it's a
life or death matter.

Tsk, well, if it's that
important, I'll be there.

Ten o'clock sharp.


[phone beeps off]

♪ [music plays] ♪
[crowd murmurs]


[Ruby] This is
some classy joint.

[Matthew] I don't see
him anywhere.

I told you this was a dumb idea.

Hey, we're early.

Maybe we better find somewhere
we won't get noticed.

Maybe you should
have thought about that

before you wore that dress.



Sarah, what happened?
What are you doing here?

Uhh, Rachel's probably never
going to speak to me again.

But we got on the highway
and I started thinking.

Our whole future could
be decided tonight.

How could I miss it?

I had a feeling
you'd come back.

How'd you get here?

Oh, don't tell dad, Jeremiah
brought me on his bike.

-May I help you?

Oh, well you sure can.

I was thinking of a table in
the darkest corner you got.

Let's see if we
can find something.

Do you have a
reservation for Hayworth?

Ahhh, Yes.

You're the first one here.
Would you like to be seated?

Okay, sure.

Right this way, please.

So far so good.

Ruby, here she comes.

I'm meeting Mr.
Hayworth please.

Ah yes, he's just arrived.
Would you care to follow me?




-What's going on?

Well-- I was just going to
ask you the same thing.

Well, I got a
call from Hayworth.

His assistant said it was
a life or death situation.

-Thank you.
-Enjoy your meal.

Look, Al, as long as
you're here, I need to
tell you something--

If you're going to ask
me to come back to work,

you can save your breath.

[Peter] Good evening,
ladies and gentlemen

and Merry Christmas.

Oh, we have a very special
treat for you tonight.

Direct from her exclusive
engagement at Charlie's

-Buffalo Chips
Lounge, here on our
-What's he doing?

-[Peter] stage for the
very first time
-You know this guy?

The one, the only,
the inimitable, Ruby Diamond.


Ruby, that's you.

-Did you know about this?
-No, did you?

Merry Christmas, Ruby.
Knock 'em dead.

Well, it is certainly
a special honor to

sing here tonight.

It's a dream come true, really.

And I want to dedicate
this song to a very special

couple in the audience tonight.

And I hope they listen closely.

[playing guitar]

♪ Like the phoenix
from the ash and dirt ♪

♪ I rose up from
the pain and hurt ♪

♪ When I was at my
very worst I found you ♪

♪ Thought I could
never love again ♪

♪ When a stream of
light came beaming in ♪

♪ A thread of hope for
me to spin around you ♪

♪ Unlikely angel standing
there in front of me ♪

♪ As if you were my destiny ♪

♪ Like we were always
meant to be together ♪

♪ Unlikely angel, it feels
so right inside your love ♪

♪ Like God has
sent you from above ♪

♪ To honor, cherish,
and to love forever ♪

♪ The smile upon
your angel face ♪

♪ The heaven in
your eyes replaced ♪

♪ The hell that I'd been
going through before you ♪

♪ How long had you
been there for me ♪

♪ I once was blind
but now I see ♪

♪ A future full of
hope, how I adore you ♪

♪ Unlikely angel standing
there in front of me ♪

♪ As if you were my destiny ♪

♪ Like we were always
meant to be together ♪

♪ Unlikely angel, how you
never know where one might be ♪

♪ In sacred halls
or crowded streets ♪

♪ But God sent one straight
down to me from heaven ♪

♪ Unlikely angel ♪

♪ Unlikely angel ♪

♪ Unlikely angel ♪

♪ Mmm, unlikely angel ♪


[Ruby] Thank you,
thank you so much.

I don't know what to
say, thank you so much.

So um, what are you
doing for Christmas?

Oh, I was thinking of
visiting some friends.

-Uh, I want you to spend
Christmas with us.

An-an-and after Christmas.

I want you to stick around.



[Ruby] Again, I
can't thank you enough.

[Ruby] May God bless you.


Ruby Diamond,
ladies and gentlemen.

[bells chiming]

Did you find him?

I've looked everywhere.
It's like he's vanished
into thin air.


What are you doing here?

I don't know.

This would have been my
first Christmas, you know,

without my family.

I'm glad you came back.

Ah, excuse me sir, did you
see a little boy run by here
a couple of minutes...ago?

Oui, mademoiselle.

Well where did he go?

I-I-I have no idea, I do not

Well why didn't you stop him?

Madam, it is my job
to welcome guests,

not to restrain them.

Oh great, what
do we do now?

Do you realize how late it is?

I'm afraid I do.

Oh, monsieur, come
in, I'll help you.

I'm expecting a
message, room 214.

Let me take a look here.

I am afraid not.

[Allison] Matthew?

[Ben] Matt, son?


Matt, where are you hiding?

Oh my God.

Look what I found.

He's not here, I checked
the basement, everywhere.

Where could he be?
It's almost midnight.

Don't worry, we'll find him.

Come on.

Hey wait a minute, guys.

["magic" sound]
Where do you think
you're going, Ruby?

You heard what she said.

It's almost midnight, as in
midnight on Christmas Eve.

But I haven't
finished my job yet.

Not 'til I find Matthew.

You got to give me more
time, I'm begging you.

We had a deal, Ruby.

You had your chance
and your time is up.

I am sorry.

Well, I won't be singing
in that choir, then.

Say hi to mama and
papa and grandma too.

And tell them I tried.

Hey everybody, I think I
know where to find him.

Ooh, it is freezing out here.

[Sarah] There he is.

I don't know
what to say to him.

Oh, just go talk to
him. It'll come to you.

It's all right.

Hey, Matt.


[takes a breath]
Aren't you cold, tiger?


There we go.


Missing mom, huh?

I guess.

You know what? I miss her too.


But I thought if, you know...

[sighs] Matt, I'm never going
to stop loving your mom.

And you won't either.

She's always going to be
part of us, right here.

Let me tell you something,
even though I still

love your mom, there's
still room in my heart

to love other people too.

I mean... I love you.

I love Sarah, I love you
both very, very much.

All right?

The thing is, I
love Allison too.

It just took me a little while
to realize it, that's all.

Hey Matthew.


We've uh, we've always been
pals, you and I, haven't we?

I know I'm not your mom.

And I'm not going to try to be.

But I would like
to be your friend.

'Cause I love you so
much and I love Sarah

and I love your dad too.

Is that okay?


Come on now.

["magic" sound]
[Peter] It's time, Ruby.

No, not yet.

It's time to go back.

Your job is done.

They don't need you anymore.

But I can't leave
without saying goodbye.

It's too late.

They won't remember
you've ever been here.

Aw no, there's no
need to be sad.

You're to be congratulated.

You have succeeded admirably.

You have given them the
greatest gift of all.

You've brought that family
back together again.

-Yeah, but--
-And just as important,
you have learned to see

beyond yourself.

Now you know the joy
that giving can bring.

Uhh, that is all we ever wanted.

Am I really going to
get my wings after all?

You were willing to
give up everything.

You have passed
the supreme test.

So you see, there's
no need for tears.

Unless they're tears of joy.

Yeah, but isn't
there some way I can...



It's true, it's
true, it's very true.

[Ben] Oh come,
Matt, it's freezing.

Matthew, where
did you get that?

Right over there
on the ground.

Feels like I've seen
it somewhere before.

Yeah, me too.

♪ [music] ♪

♪ [triumphant music] ♪

♪ Hallelujah, Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah, Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah ♪

♪ For the Lord God
omnipotent reigneth ♪

♪ Hallelujah, Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah, Hallelujah ♪

♪ The kingdom of this world ♪

♪ The kingdom is become ♪

♪ The kingdom of our
Lord and love is Christ ♪

♪ And love is Christ and He
shall reign for ever and ever ♪

♪ King of kings,
forever and ever ♪

♪ Lord of Lords,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah ♪

♪ King of kings
and Lord of lords ♪

♪ And he shall reign
forever and ever ♪

♪ King of kings
and Lord of lords, ♪

♪ Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
Hallelujah, Hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah ♪


[Christmas music]

♪ [Multicom Entertainment
Group jingle] ♪