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Christmas All Over Again (2016)

Posted: 12/01/23 12:37
by bunniefuu
you're about to see

may feel somewhat
familiar to you.

Same but different.

Like deja vu.

Remember the movie
where that guy gets stuck

living in eternity in that
small town in Pennsylvania,

in the middle of winter?

What's his name again?

Bill something?

Anyway, it's like that except
this is a Christmas tale.

You see my friend, Eddie,

he used to be a great kid,

but then this swag thing
came along

which forced me to pull
a prank on him and ugh...

I'm getting ahead of myself.

Why don't we just
start at the beginning?

That way you can see
for yourself what happened.

♪ Oh, what fun it is
to ride in a one... ♪

Hey. Yeah, I just picked up
the tray liner, sconces...

Yep. I'm walking in right now.

Uh-huh, yup, I'm here, okay.

I love you too.

All right, see ya.

Hey, buddy.

Hey, buddy. Come here, buddy.

Oh, come here!

Where's Marilyn, huh?


Good morning, Zach.

How's the loading going?

Well, it's pretty
hectic actually.

Antonio and Francisco are
gonna be here any minute,

and are you sure it's okay that
we're having the wedding here?


My boy's a man now.

I know your mother
would be proud of you.

Thanks, Dad.

Where is Marilyn?

She's upstairs, said
something about trying on Spanx?

Okay, I have no idea
what that means.

Where's Eddie?

I thought he was with you.

No, I thought he was with you.

- Taz.
- Taz.

I don't know how to
tell you this, Taz.

But if we don't make it
through this...

It's been real, man.

That it has, Eddie.

That it has.


The Tubinator
did not disappoint.

Heck, yeah.


♪ Merry Christmas

♪ Merry Christmas ♪

Aw, snap, my dad.

I gotta go.

What am I supposed
to do with the Tubinator?

Take it home.




I asked you to be
there at the house

to help load in the stuff
for the wedding.

What happened
to working together?

We're the Kirkpatrick
wolf pack, aroo!


Come on, Dad.

Look at all that snow.

I couldn't resist.

Besides, I'm pretty sure
the wolf pack is getting

ripped apart
by a lioness named Marilyn.

Eddie, don't start this again.

First she expects us
to celebrate her wedding day

when it's actually Christmas.

And now she expects
manual labor? Unbelievable!

Eddie, don't do this.
This wedding means
a lot to her and Zach.

Shouldn't that be cause enough
for you to support your brother?


Thank you.

But on one condition.

What's that, son?

You buy me those Breezy
3000's in Ridiculous Red.

You shouldn't put too much
importance on how you look.

That's not what's
important in life.

It's what's in here.

Cheese much, Dad?

I'm serious.

You stay wrapped up in
yourself and your image,

you'll end up missing
the important moments in life.

I'm surprised you got
the Rinaldi brothers
to do your wedding.

My friend Cheryl said they
didn't even call her back.

She called two years in advance,

didn't even have a groom.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I don't care. I don't care.

I don't care if this
is the middle of winter.

I promised my bride hydrangeas,

she's getting
her hydrangeas, okay?

If they hear any Ricky Martin,

they're gonna have
a conniption, do you understand?

No Ricky Martin.


How's it going?

It's going okay. Yeah.

- Marilyn.
- You tell her.
I'm not telling her.

We don't mean
to bother you, but...

We may have a problem
with the tuxes.

The boutonnieres are all wrong.

They should be
cranberry not raspberry.

Hey, I think the bride and I
just need sec to chat, okay?

Well, that's fine, but...

If it's not the correct berry,

it's not truly
a Rinaldi brothers wedding.

That's right.

My brother learned so fast.

A couple years ago, he was
a lifeguard at Waterworld.

And now look at him.

He's so grown-up.

Come on, come on,
come on, come on.

Yeah, let's give them
a minute, guys, yeah?

Yeah, just a minute.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Come on, guys, let's go.


Hoo, yeah. Just doing
some last-minute things before

I really get to stress out.

Baby, you should
just relax, okay?

Maybe take a bubble bath.

Oh, yeah. Maybe in a bit.

Hey, did you ever find
your little brother?

Oh, yeah, he'll be
here in a second.

Listen, there's something
you should know about Eddie.

He's a good kid.

But ever since
our mom passed away,

he's been a bit caught up.

You know?


You know I know what it's
like to lose someone.

That's part of the reason
why we're having
the wedding tomorrow.

I know. I know, I just...

If he gives you any trouble,
just go easy on him.

I don't think he's very
comfortable having a she wolf

enter the Kirkpatrick wolf pack.

- She wolf?
- Mm-hm.

Oh, you don't even know.

- Grr.
- Oh, wow.

- Grr!
- That's very scary.

- Grr!
- I swear, Cletus...

...if those flowers are not
here by the break of day,

I will Yelp you so hard your
hair will blow back, my friend.

Cletus, smarten up, or I'm gonna
have to come down there, okay?

Everything's fine. Come on.

It's just
a small technical problem.

But it will be resolved
in a split second, okay?

We'll go?

Oh, there he is.

Hey, man.


So... wanna go help
me unload the truck?

Is that a serious question?

It is, come with me.

But I'm happy that
you figured it out.


Why don't you go talk to her?

I wasn't...

I wasn't looking.


All right, first,
she's older than me.

And even if I was her age,

she'd be way out of my league.

Second, she's dating
this guy Brad.

He's basically
a teenage Schwarzenegger.

Rome wasn't built in a day.

You never know what could
happen when you guys get older.

I'm stuck in the friend zone.

Did I ever tell you how Marilyn

and I got together?

Her grandma was
one of my patients.

Now Marilyn was there every time

she came in for one
of her treatments.

I knew Marilyn was the one

the first time she came in.

But I also knew that pursuing
her then would be wrong.

So we became friends.

Genuine friends.

Now I was there to help
her through her grandma's

failing health until
eventually she passed.

And I was there
to help her heal after.

I wanted to be there for her.

Eventually, our friendship
became a relationship,

and now here we are.

Look, all I'm saying is...

Sometimes it doesn't hurt
to start out as friends.

Did she happen to tell you

about her strange fascination
with birds?

Hey, where do you want these?

Oh, just somewhere safe.



What has she done to you?

Come on.



What is going on?



Good evening, Eddie.

The time is 10:06 p.m.

It was so crazy, man.

She was all like, "Zach!"

And I was, like,
so responsible for it happening.


So, yeah. My day ended up
being pretty awesome.

- How 'bout yours?
- Well, you left me
alone with the Tubinator.

And since it was
too heavy to drive back alone,

I slipped while trying
to heave it up my garage,

and it decided to
take me for a ride.

That's so awesome!

Not in a good way.
I almost broke my ankle.

No pain, no gain, man.

♪ Yo, since I was young
I always had to make a statement

♪ Copping kicks on eBay
in my grandmama's basement

♪ When I show up in the
streets I see where every
homie's face went

♪ Straight to my feet
staying on fleek

♪ Ain't no replacement
for the kicks I rock ♪

- Dang.
- Are you listening to me?

I'm not sure I'm gonna
walk right again.


I need these shoes in my life.

Maybe Cindy would notice.

Dude... I'm tired.

We still going to town for
gingerbread pancakes tomorrow?

Heck, yeah. I am not gonna let
this wedding ruin

my Christmas traditions.

If I had it my way, it wouldn't
even be happening at all.

Dang, dude, that's cold.

Not as cold
as my Breezy 3's are gonna be.


- All right, I'll see you
tomorrow, man.
- 'Night.

♪ Shoe game on lock,
you poppin' Breezy 3000's

♪ Feeling so high up in the sky
above the mountains

♪ I hit the store
and copped them Breezy 3000's

♪ Roll up in the club
I'm rockin' Breezy 3000's

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride

♪ In a one-horse
open sleigh, hey

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride

♪ In a one horse open sleigh

♪ Dashing through the snow

♪ In a one horse
open sleigh... ♪


Oscar, come on!

Merry Christmas, Eddie.

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride in
a one horse open sleigh, hey

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh

♪ Jingle bells,
Jingle bells... ♪

What's the deal?


Oh, good morning, Father.

Oh, I see that you're
enjoying a tasty

Christmas day cup
of brew from the cup

that I so selflessly bought you
for Father's Day.

Ah, yes. I remember you
said having helped create

the swaggiest of them all
deserved a noting.

- What?
- Well, how can I
maintain said swag

if there is no swageth
under the tree.

Eddie, I told you.

Today is about your
brother and Marilyn.

We'll open Christmas
presents tomorrow.

Oh, that reminds me.

I've gotta work
on my speech for tonight.

Ed, have you worked on yours?

I know your brother's
looking forward to it.

Oh, I'll give him
a speech all right.

wide load coming through.

Can I help you?

I don't take
weight jokes lightly.

No, I'm sorry.

It's just a figure of speech.

Save it, Mercutio.

His name... Antonio.

Nice try.

But you can't hide from me.

Zach, is that you?

Do not come in here.

I'm trying the dress on,
and I don't want you to see it.

Relax, it's me.

Are you ever gonna get
out of the bathroom?

The human head
may weigh five pounds,

but my bladder weighs ten.

People have organs!


I'll be out in a minute, okay?

I just need to see
if this fits right.

Merry Christmas, by the way.

Oh. Did you say Christmas?

Oh, I didn't notice
because there are no presents

under the tree!


Can I use the bathroom,
Princess Marilyn?

Why can't you just
use the one downstairs?

Lorenzo and Stupendo
are keeping the doves

in the bird cages down there.

It's just gross.

- Antonio and Francisco?
- What?

Antonio and Francisco,
that's their names.

And judging what
happened with you

and the birds yesterday,
I would really prefer

if you weren't
anywhere near them.

Eddie. I know
that this Christmas
is different than the ones

you usually have
with Zach and your dad,

but I've been
waiting for this day

since I was ten years old.

Just give me five minutes.
Okay, just give me five minutes,

and then you can have
the bathroom back, okay?

- No.
- What?

I'm standing up for
myself and for Christmas.

This isn't funny.

Zach's gonna be here.
I don't want to risk him

seeing me in the dress.



- I want to see the dress.
- Why?

I mean, I was voted
this year's Most
Valuable Baller,

and I believe that does
qualify me to give the A-okay.


- Say cheese!
- Eddie!

Eddie, you delete
that picture right now.


♪ Christmas time all over again

♪ A Christmas story
and the three wise men... ♪

Whoa, watch
where you're going, Fabritzio.

Oh, my God,
this guy's a real devil.

Shalom, homie.

Nice board, brohemith.

Yeah, my parents felt bad about
telling me they're pregnant.

So I got hooked up
for Hanukkah this year.

Helps my ankle out too.

So no kicks huh?

♪ Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year... ♪

- Hey!
- Hey!

See, now, that makes sense.

You should get
more presents whenever

there's a new member
of the family.

Man, this stinks.

You know how long I've been
waiting for those shoes?

Oh, ho, ho!

Oh, are you all right?

I've slept with my
phone on their Insta page

under my pillow for like
every night since September.

Man. Marilyn is officially
the Grinch in a wedding gown.

♪ Christmas time all over again

♪ Christmas story
and the three wise men... ♪

Well, look at it this way.

Maybe they'll be on sale
if your dad buys them

after the holiday.

No, man.

That is so unswag.

I disagree.

Now dividends are swag.

True, no denying that.

Profits are definitely swag.

Okay, I talk to you,
and it's like you're never

even listening to me.

It's like you're not even there.

All right, well...

I wonder what
they're fighting about.

I'd never argue with her.

She's too hot.

I'd give in every time.

Every time.

Well, statistically speaking,

the human condition
doesn't allow for people

to stay together
for longer than seven years.

So, if you wait long enough,

you'll be the perfect age for
her by the time they break up.

Then you can get in your seven.

What's with everybody telling
me to play the waiting game?

That guy is such a dweeb.

Uh-oh, Eddie?

Are you doing
what I think you're doing?

What? It worked
in sixth period English class.

Yeah, but that was a paper
football and Mr. Johnson.

Not an ice torpedo
and the lacrosse MVP.

Well, I don't want to open up,
so just step up...



Coming through!

When did this get here?

You beautiful, beautiful shoes.

♪ I'm rockin' Breezy 3000's

♪ I think you need
a pair of Breezy 3000's... ♪

Feels pretty good to have
everything you ever wanted

right in front
of your face, huh?

Well, yeah.
Are these babies pretty popular?

Oh, yeah. Yeah, I've had several
young men come into this shop,

literally willing
to cast aside everything

in order to own a pair
of those bad boys.

Hey, Taz. Sorry about bailing
on you back there.

This is Zach. Oh, oh, oh.

I thought you were just
running from the pounding

you knew I'd give you for
almost making my fiancee cry

on her wedding day!

Yeah, about that.

If she can't stand the train,

then she should get
off the tracks, man.

What? She was in the bathroom
in her wedding dress,

and she said you
snapped a picture?

It was harmless.


I need you today.

You're my best man, okay?

Have you even
practiced your speech?

Zach, I got it, all right?

Just tell your guests
to bring their swimsuits

'cause I'm gonna fill
the room with tears.

Well, tears of joy.

Okay, we're
counting on you, man.

Look, Marilyn's just
nervous because her parents

are coming in,
and she's been dreaming

of this day since she was--

Yeah, since she was
10 years old, I get it.

What is it with women?

Trust me, someday
you'll understand.

Oh, my gosh!

I gotta go.

Wait, wait, hey,
can I ask you a favor?

Can I borrow some money
and pay you back later?

Oh, my God,
what are the doves doing there?

Can't you help me?

Antonio, are you okay?

Yeah, I'll have to ask
Marilyn and get back to you.

Oh, so it's like that now, huh?

Come on, Eddie.

Their wingspans
are overwhelming us.

Oh, my God,
they're all around us!

What are we gonna do now?

I gotta go.

The doves just got
out of the cage again.

He did not just hang up on me.

Ugh, I hate her.

So... you ready to welcome
a new addition to the family?


Your new pair of shoes.

You wanna get them today?

They may not be here tomorrow.

You may not even
want them tomorrow.

No offense, I'm pretty
sure I know what I want.

What I really want is to
get my Christmas back.

Is that what you really want?


Are you sure?


Taz, what's up?

Man, where were you?

I got a wedgie, man.


I gotta go. All right?

- Merry Christmas, Eddie.
- Yeah, you too.


Hello? Hello?

Get used to them.

You sent the picture!


I'm really sorry guys, but...

I don't feel too well.
I think I ate...


You should go get
some rest, buddy.

Dear Zach and Marilyn.

Ever since mom died,
my dad, my brother and me

have been a team.

And I guess you're
part of that team now.

Why can't you just be cool?

Anyways, congrats
on the marriage and...

Blah, blah-blah,
blah-blah, blah-blah.

Just one night's sleep
away till presents.

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride in
a one horse open sleigh, hey

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh

♪ Dashing through the snow... ♪

Seriously, Oscar?


Merry Christmas, Eddie.

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride in
a one horse open sleigh, hey

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh... ♪


What the heck?

Why are there no presents
under the tree?

You told me that I'd
get hooked up today.

What is the deal?

Eddie, I told you.

Today is about
your brother and Marilyn.

We'll open Christmas
presents tomorrow morning.

And that reminds me, I've
gotta work on my speech.

Ed, do you have best
man's speech ready?

I know your brother's
looking forward to it.

What are you doing?

Why are you messing with me?

No one's messing with you.

Why don't you go up and
work on your speech.

The wedding's hours away.

Beep beep, wide
load coming through.

Wide load coming through.

Can I help you?

This is all a joke, right?

You guys are pranking
me, aren't you?


All right, all right.

What are you doing?


Where are the cameras?

Where are you guys hiding them?

Why are you talking about?

This is that TV show, right?

Prank Nation.

He thinks you
should lay down and...

Maybe have an aspirin.

I'm going crazy.

Just to be safe.

♪ Christmas time all over again

♪ Christmas story and
the three wise men... ♪


Shalom, homie.

Yeah, my parents felt
bad about telling me

they're pregnant, so--

You got hooked up
for Hanukkah this year.

Whoa, how'd you know
I was gonna say that?

Oh, this cannot
be happening to me.

Are you okay? You look like you
ate some of my mom's meatloaf.

Dude, I think I'm gonna be sick.

- Hey!
- Hey!

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas

♪ We wish you
a Merry Christmas... ♪

If I told you I was
a part of some next-level

superhero space time
continuum stuff,

would you believe me?



I'm pretty sure I'm
a time traveler, dude.

What do you mean?

We already walked
down that street.

I already didn't get my kicks,

and you already wore
that ridiculous shirt.

Well, look at this way.

Maybe it'll be on sale
if your dad buys them

after the holiday.

No, you said that yester...

Jeez, this is too much.

What, profits are swag.

Hey man, look.

Okay, I talk to
you and it's like

you're never even
listening to me.

It's like you're not even there.

I wonder what
they're fighting about.

Probably about
Brad's perfect muscles.


Am I gonna be stuck seeing
her with this guy forever?

Well, statistically speaking

the human condition
doesn't allow for people

to stay together for longer
than seven years, so,

If you wait long enough, you'll
be the perfect age for her

by the time they break up.

Then you can get in your seven.

But of course if you
are a time traveler,

then you can just--

Gotta get this one
just right this time.

Just step up...


Taz, come on!

Coming through, pardon me.

- I didn't do anything.
- You didn't do anything?

That's weird.
It wasn't closed yester-today.

My foot belongs to you.

Merry Christmas,
and welcome to All Shoes.

Cool shirt, man.


Yeah, I love the nerdy
girl who can kick butt.

And the blue hair
is just awesome.

Anyway, you interested
in those Breezy's?

Yes, yes I am.



Can I get these
bad boys on credit?

Sure. Yeah, we even have
an in-store credit loan.

Do you have a parent with
you to fill out the app?

Uh, yeah.

My brother's wandering
around the mall.

If you just give me the app
I can have him fill it out.


Mine now.

Zach, right on time.

Hey, I need your Social
Security number real quick.

Can you give it to me?

What, why?

Well, um, they're giving away
a trip to Hawaii at the mall.

And if I...

You win, then that would
be a perfect honeymoon.

They just need your social
for formality or something.

Protect the cake!

Okay, yeah, I'll
text it to you, bye.

Okay thanks, bye.

Great, you've been approved.

Your credit loan is 500 so
you could get some sick socks

to match those Breezy's.

What size are you?

10 and a half.

And Frankfurt...

Give me all the
bells and whistles.

♪ Roll up in the club
I'm rockin' Breezy 3000's

♪ Yo, since I was young I've
always had to make a statement

♪ Coppin' kicks on
eBay in my grandmama's... ♪

Taz, it's not
what it looks like.

You chose those shoes
over your best friend?

Man, I'm out.


He'll be fine.

♪ I'm rockin Breezy 3000's

♪ I think you need
a pair of Breezy 3000's

♪ All of my friends are
rockin Breezy 3000's

♪ You need to get a
pair of Breezy 3000's

♪ Shoe game on lock, you
poppin' Breezy 3000's

♪ Feeling so high up in
the sky above the mountains

♪ I hit the store and
copped them Breezy 3000's

♪ Roll up in the club,
I'm rockin Breezy 3000's

♪ Go to the store right now

♪ Pick 'em up... ♪

This is amazing.

I'm a superhuman.

I can do whatever I want.

Maybe Taz was right.

Maybe I can jump forward
seven years and ask Cindy out.

Okay, maybe not.

Let's see what the Mysteries
and Magic book says.


Get dressed soon, okay?

I need some extra help
showing guests to their seats.

Where did you get those clothes?

And those shoes?


Oh, uh...

Taz gave them to me.

For Christmas.

Pretty cool, huh?

I think dad was
gonna get you those.

Oh, well...

I didn't see any
gifts under the tree,

so no harm, no foul.

Change over when you can,
I can really use some help.


I just wanted to
let you know that

Dad and I really care about you.

I know that things
are changing fast,

and that can be
a bit frustrating.

But it's gonna be really
great, I promise.

"To whom is granted
their greatest dream

must own the peril in fantasy

or be doomed to repeat."



Never mind.

To whom is granted
their greatest dream...


What's with all
the peril and doom stuff?

All righty.

Hey Marilyn, did you
just get done watching

Twilight or something?

No, uh...

I'm fine.

It's okay.


It's just...

I miss my grandmother.

You know...

She gave me this dress

the year she passed away
for Christmas, and...

I just knew that she
would've really loved

to see it on me.

You know, I'm just...

I'm just overwhelmed.


My dad gave me some
advice once that...

You shouldn't stay
wrapped up in your image,

otherwise you'll miss out on...


Yeah, no, I'm not sure
that really applies but...


Why don't you just come
out and get married, okay?

You're starting to make
me think you're a mermaid

with the amount of time
you spend in the bathroom.

Eddie, you grew so much.

I hardly recognize you.

Oh, that's because
I'm not Eddie.

You aren't?


I'm a reflection of myself
from a different time.

Mrs. Fitzgerald.

I'm a cyborg, and
I can't be trusted.


Thank you for coming
Mrs. Fitzgerald.


We're so happy
you could make it.

Dearly beloved, we're
gathered here today

to join this man and
woman in holy matrimony.

Marilyn, do you
take Zach to be your

lawfully wedded husband?

I do.

And Zach,
do you take Marilyn

to be your lawfully wedded wife?

I do.

May we have
the rings now please?

He'll destroy the bride!

He's a cyborg!

Baby, are you okay?


How could you do
this to me, man?

Your mother would be
so disappointed in you.

Just go upstairs
and go to your room

before you make things worse.

♪ Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride in
a one horse open sleigh, hey

♪ Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh

♪ Dashing through the snow... ♪


Merry Christmas, Eddie.

I can get away
with anything I want.

♪ Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way... ♪

Well, I had to check.

That's what I'm
trying to tell you.

There was like zero
consequences to my actions.

I can do whatever I want,

and I'll wake up the next day
as if nothing ever happened.

Don't believe me?

Watch this.

Dude, what are you doing?

Uh, Eddie?

Talking and
talking and talking, jeez.

Hey Brad.


Merry Christmas, Eddie.

Don't worry, you said.

It's all Breezy, you said.

My parents are gonna be so mad.

Dude, don't worry about it.

Even if they're ticked off,

it'll be the same
day again. Trust me.

Looks like you guys
are gonna be spending

most of this Christmas
in the clink.

I can't believe I fell for this.

I'm never hanging
out with you again.

You said that before.

But you'll see.

Well, actually...

You won't but I'll see
you tomorrow-today.

Stop saying that,
it's not a real word.

And no, you won't.

Because what you're
saying isn't real.

You can't relive the same
day over and over again.

Sup dude.

Shalom homie.

Told you.


Nothing. But I have
a plan, and we're gonna
need that hover board.



Woo, yeah!


You want me to wrap
those up for you guys?

Yeah, same size.

All righty.

Dude, I wasn't playing.

I seriously don't
have the money.

I'm not playing either.

Don't worry about it.

Consider it a Christmas gift.

Super cool, thanks man!

Uh, we're just gonna
put them on now, cool?

Okay, yeah that's chill.

Uh, you guys gonna
pay cash or card?

Uh, cash.


What'd you say dude?

Do you not have the cash?

Don't worry about it.


On three.





Let's split up.

No way, why did
you mean all this?

I told you a thousand
times, don't worry about it.

We can do whatever we want.

Oh no time to talk, run!

Hold on man, we got him.

We got him.

I'm never talking
to that guy again.


It's back.


Back again I see.

All right, cut the act.

Who are you?

Are you the one making it
the same day again and again?

Same, different.

Different, same.

These are really just
words to describe things.

What truly matters is
what has not changed.

Where did you come from?

Listen, Eddie.

Where I come from...

People don't really need
presents to feel like Christmas.

Actually, what's most important
is each other's company.

But I guess that's not...

What's that word?



I get it.

You want me to do like
good stuff for people,

like helping old ladies
cross the street.

I can totally do that, bro.

Well, I would hope
that you would do that

regardless of the situation that

you find yourself in, Eddie.

All right, cool, cool.

Then what?

You know, these
types of arrangements

really just sorta have
to work themselves out.

But I can assure you...

You won't wanna stay in
that moment for too long.

Yet I also wouldn't
rush into anything.

So not helpful!

♪ Silent night

♪ Holy night... ♪

Hey Eddie.


Sorry to interrupt.

It's okay.

Can I ask you something?


Why are boys so dumb?


We aren't all dumb.

No, you're all dumb.


Is this about that guy, Brad?

I just wanna know
how he feels about me.

It's like...

Every time I try to get
close to him he just

pushes me away.

It's like my personality
isn't even important to him.

I don't know.

It's okay, I know you're
too young to understand.


One day, you're gonna
make a girl super happy.

Just don't take her for
granted, and you'll be good.

"To whom is granted
their greatest dream

must own to the
peril and fantasy

or be doomed to repeat."



Get dressed as soon
as you can, okay?

I need some extra help
showing guests to their seats.

What's wrong?


I'm sorry I got mad at you,

but you can't just
fart b*mb Marilyn

and then lock her in
the bathroom, you punk.

Even though it was pretty funny.


I can't wrap my head
around something.

Okay, sh**t.

Ever since mom...

You know.

I felt like there's
no order in anything.

She was always there
to make me a snack

or hug me or...

Make the holidays special.

Do you remember that Christmas

that you tried to stay awake
all night to catch Santa?

You wouldn't leave that window,

and you drank a whole
liter of Mountain Dew

so you wouldn't fall asleep.

Oh no.

And then mom had to
throw away that onesie?


What is this?

Oh, that's nothing.

I've just been thinking
about lighthearted things

like magical time travel
and the meaning of life.

No big deal.



Hurry up and get changed.

They're gonna start coming soon.

Sure, but...

What if I don't want to?

Growing up isn't about
just doing what you want.

It's about being there for
the people who care about you.

♪ Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride in
a one horse open sleigh, hey

♪ Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh

♪ Dashing through the snow... ♪


Oscar, if I ever
get out of this day

I'm switching you
to an all natural diet.

Merry Christmas, Eddie.

♪ What fun it is
to laugh and sing... ♪

How much to buy
up your whole batch?

How much you got?


Two dollars and...

A peppermint.

You're not doing us
any favors here, buddy.

You guys are making
it so hard to be nice.

All right, what do you want?

Be on our team.

You jerks!

Woo, yeah!

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas

It's not even
trying, I'm trying to--

I know.
To get you to open up to me.

I don't want to!

Hey Brad.


You should try
listening a little more.

Girls like that sort of thing.

You're kidding me, right?

May I take you
to lunch, my lady?


♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas

♪ We wish you a Merry Christmas

♪ And a Happy New Year... ♪

So Cindy, how long have
you and Brad been together?

Hey, guys...

Want to hear something crazy?

That waiter's gonna
drop his tray in...

Five, four, three, two...

Oh, ho, ho!

What the?

How'd you know that
was gonna happen?

I'm bored, you guys bored?

Oh my gosh, no!

Hey, ginger breath.



What the... how'd you know
that was gonna happen?

Oh my God, no.

Hey ginger breath.

I declare a truce.

It doesn't work like that.

Well, how's it work then?

Usually somebody challenges
someone to something stupid.


Stupid's my middle name.


If I haven't said it already...

I know, man. It's been real.


And I wanted
to say thanks for...

for being such
a good friend to me.

And I hope...

I can be as good
as a friend to you

as you are to me.

Hey tools.

Are we gonna do this?

I'm late for my Van Damme
Christmas Day marathon.

You're special.
You know that, right?

You're still too young though.


We're like...

Salt and pepper.


We're like...

Peanut butter and jelly.


We're like...

LeBron James and Kyrie Irving.

"Unseperable" duo.

I don't care if he is

going through a hard time,

he has to be a better
brother to you, Zach.

It's fine,
I just don't expect much

from him to begin with.

He's young and immature.

He's just so selfish.


Where are the doves?
Where are the doves?

Ricky, Ricky, where
are we at with the doves?

He's flippin' out.

Oh, I can't believe
this is gonna happen.

Ladies and gentlemen. Can I
have your attention please?

It's time for the best man
to give his speech right now.

So will Eddie please
come up here? Eddie?

Thank you, I know.

I look good.

Speaking of looks,
what about the bride, huh?

I mean, oh, wow...

How could someone like Zach
get someone like her, right?

No, no, no, like seriously.

Zach has like zero swag.

Have you ever seen him dance?

All right, I can
stop showing you,

he can show you when he
gets up here in a minute.

You know, Zach.

I was gonna say that...

You and me are like
LeBron and Kyrie.

But that's off, way, way off.

I'd say we're more
like oil and water.

You know, we never
see eye to eye.

I don't even know why you
had me be your best man.


Considering how selfish
and immature I am.


Good luck with your
new life with Marilyn.

Looking forward to
never seeing you again.

Eddie, come on.


I knew that this
was gonna happen.

We got a code "nutcracker."

I repeat, Mrs. Claus
is leaving the building.

Mrs. Claus is
leaving the building.

♪ Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride in
a one horse open sleigh, hey

♪ Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh

♪ Dashing through the snow... ♪


Hey Pinto.

Wipe that stupid
smile off your face.

No one's really that happy.

And your flower arrangements...


Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey, hey, hey.

No, they don't stink.

That's all...

Plus, I think if
you really work at it,

in a few years she
might fall for you.

Exactly the problem.

There's only a day.

This day, forever.

At first I thought
yeah, it would be cool

to do whatever I
want and have fun.

But you don't understand,
Taz! You don't understand!

I'm stuck forever in purgatory.

The same day, no presents.

My brother gets
married to that witch

and I can't do
anything about it.

I like Marilyn, she's nice.


She called me selfish, Taz.

Me, selfish!

She's taking my
brother away, man.

She's the reason this
whole day is repeating.

Dude, did you hit
your head or something?

You're dating me, I mean...

All right, well maybe
I shouldn't be dating you

if you just want to...

Where I come from, people
don't really need presents

to feel like Christmas.

Actually what's most important
is each other's company.

Love the nerdy girl
who can kick butt.

And the blue hair
is just awesome.


You there?

She got here before Brad, right?

Uh, yeah?

Okay, what time did we get here?


What time did we get here?

I don't know,
like 20 minutes ago?


I know what I need to do.

You can come with
me if you want.

Where are we going?

- To get Frankfurt.
- Who's Frankfurt?

The guy for Cindy.





What time did you
come into work today?

Uh, do I know you?


We've met, but you
wouldn't understand.

Just what time did you
come into work today?

When the mall opened, 10:00.

Christmas, so we
opened a little late.

And I get to go home
early too, so that's cool.

Why do you need
to know all this?

You'll see tomor...


Just, you'll see.

Taz, come on.

♪ Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride in
a one horse open sleigh, hey

♪ Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh

♪ Dashing through the snow... ♪


Oscar, you little stinky boy.

This is it.

Last Christmas.

Oh here, here,
let me help you out.

Oh, thank you.

I'm so stressed out.

Breaking the cycle today.

Antonio, Francisco.

- Yeah?
- Yeah?

I wanted to say sorry.

I always knew your names.

What the heck are
you talking about?

Nothing, but...

Good luck today.

You know, he may be
a little cuckoo but...

He's a nice kid.

Shalom, hom--

Yeah, yeah, shalom man.

But come on, we gotta roll.

Diner, right?

Yeah, but we gotta
make a pit stop first.

What are we doing?

Playing matchmaker.

What's that I got?

I'm rockin' Breezy 3000's!

Frankfurt with the
Blue Swan shirt.

Follow me to meet
a new cute nerd.

Uh, do I know you?

Ah, Frankfurt my name
is Eddie Kirkpatrick,

we've met several
times but not in a way

you could ever understand.

Just trust me and please
follow me to the diner.

What's your deal, you the
muscle in this operation?


No, I'm just as
confused as you are.

Probably more actually.

But you should probably listen
to whatever he says because

my dude can like see
the future and what not.

Dude, I'll buy you hotcakes.

Oh, free breakfast?

Yeah, all right, I'm in.

It's Christmas day, I
could be a little late.

That's what I'm talking
about Frankie boy.

Follow me.


Merry Christmas,
what can I get you?

- Hot cakes.
- Hot cakes.

Hot cakes.

Well that was complicated.

So, why are we here again?

Free breakfast?

Cindy's about to
walk through that door

in less than a minute.

And I'm gonna have
Frankfurt here to run

interference with Brad.

Wait, I thought you liked Cindy.

Sometimes if you love a girl

you have to give her away.

To a Frankfurt.

And how do you know she's
gonna walk through that door?

She will.

Hi, I'm Cindy.

I love your shirt.

Uh thanks, I'm Frankfurt.

I love your hair.

Merry Christmas, guys.

Merry Christmas, Cindy.

Merry Christmas.

So you've been watching
Blue Swan a long time or...

Yeah, like for years.

- I love it.
- Yeah, same.

I mean, my favorite.

Yeah, my dad got me into it.

- Oh, same.
- Really?

You're a wizard.

Nah, I'm stuck.

But not for long.

Hey Brad!

You're done messing with Cindy.

So why don't you just go home

and have a Merry Christmas
by yourself and Van Damme.


- Thanks, Frankfurt.
- Thank you, man.

I have to go back to work for
a few hours after this, but...

Maybe you'd want to
hang out afterwards?



Man, I'm good.

I was good today.

And helped people.

I didn't screw up the wedding.

It felt good.


Please let tomorrow be...


♪ Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride in
a one horse open sleigh, hey

♪ Jingle bells, jingle bells,
jingle all the way

♪ Oh what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open sleigh

♪ Dashing through the snow... ♪


Merry Christmas, Eddie.

I don't understand.

I've done everything
I'm supposed to do.

What else do I need to
do to make this stop?

I miss you, mom.

I don't want to tear
this family apart, but...

she's gonna take
Zach away and...


What are you doing here?

Well, I came here to think

before I have to
start getting ready.

Looks like you're
doing the same thing.


Are you okay?

I don't know.


In no way am I trying
to get in the middle of

you, your dad, and Zach.

That's not what I'm here for.

When I met Zach,
he told me how hard it was

for you to lose your mom.

He was there for me when
I was losing my grandma.

But that wouldn't have happened

if I pushed him away.


You need to let people in.

But I'm sure you just
think I'm some bridezilla

that h*jacked Christmas.

I'd never say that.


Oh, I gotta go.

Are you coming?


I'll be there in one minute.


So, that's it.

I had to figure out how to
accept Marilyn into my family.

You see how great
these shoes look?

Look at that.

Every, every piece
in the perfect place.

It's as if someone
spent hundreds of hours

making sure that this
shoe looked unlike

any other shoe out
there on the market.


You start to uncover.

And that's how you get
to the sole of the matter.

And you soon realize,
well this shoe...

is just really pieces
of plastic and cloth

just like every other shoe.

But you gotta strip
away all the layers

in order to get
to the bottom of it.

Aren't you supposed to
be at a wedding, Eddie?

Oh, uh...

Frankfurt, I need you man.

It is vital that you
come with me right now.

Sir, no offense but...

I don't know you.

I know.

Okay, okay, listen.

What if I told you there
was someone truly special

out there for you.

Someone who understands
you and will care about you

more than anything.

And is just waiting
two blocks away to meet you.

I would say that's weird.

No, it's not.

It's Christmas.

Wait, what are you doing
coming to work anyway?

I'm saving up to buy
some Breezy 3000's.

Dude, forget the shoes.

Are you gonna let
something like swag

potentially get
in the way of meeting

the girl of your dreams?

'Cause she's out
there, and I know her.

And she's really hot.

Okay, man.

- Yes!
- Okay, let's go.

♪ Dashing through the snow

♪ In a one horse open sleigh

♪ O'er the fields we go

♪ Laughing all the way

♪ Bells on bob-tail ring

♪ Making spirits bright

♪ What fun it is
to ride and sing... ♪

Ladies and gentlemen, can I
have your attention please?

It's time for the best man
to give his speech right now.

So will Eddie please
come up here? Eddie?

When mom wanted us
to eat our vegetables,

she used to tell us
that we had superpowers.


if we didn't eat them,

they'd go away.

Now that I'm not
a kid, I realize that

those superpowers have
to come from within.

Powers like patience.



She used to tell us that
the most important thing

is that we hold
onto those powers.

Otherwise we'd get sick.


I know that...

I haven't been the best
person to rely on, but...

I want Zach and
Marilyn to know that

there is nothing more
important than...

than seeing you two happy.

May love be your superpower.

May you never get
sick of eating it.

Hey, Ed.

I wish your mom could've
seen that, kiddo.

I'm super proud of you.

You miss her too.

Of course.

And on days like today,

whether it's Christmas
or our wedding...

she's everywhere.

I'm sorry, dad.

Well, I'm not.

See, Eddie, all that matters
is that we stay strong

as a family.

That's what she would've wanted.

I know.

♪ Christmas time, Christmas time

♪ Christmas time is here again

♪ Christmas time is here again

♪ Non-stop, it's a mad dash

♪ Party up to the big bash

♪ Christmas time, Christmas time

♪ Christmas time is here again

♪ Christmas time is here again

♪ Christmas time, Christmas time

♪ Christmas time is here again

♪ Christmas time is here again

♪ Snow fights and a sled race

♪ Icicles and a fireplace

♪ Christmas time, Christmas time

♪ Christmas time is here again

♪ It's Christmas again ♪

No dog fart! No dog fart!

Good morning, Eddie.

Today is December 26th.

♪ Put a warm hat up on your head

♪ Happy is good
and happy is free

♪ Happy is you and happy is me

♪ Happy is good
and happy is fun ♪

Hey bud, you k*lled it
last night, great speech.


Ready to open some presents?

I'm good for now.

So, it looks
like Eddie finally got

to that itch that
couldn't be scratched.

My friend from the North Pole
didn't make it easy on him,

but in the end he figured out
the true meaning of Christmas.

Good things happen when
people are good to each other,

and when they feed me
an all-natural diet.

♪ If you were Jupiter
and I was Mars

♪ Circle back together
and round the stars

♪ If you were
the stars and I was space

♪ Travel around forever
and ever embrace

♪ Happy is good
and happy is free

♪ Happy is you and happy is me

♪ Happy is good and happy is fun

♪ Happy is two and happy is one

♪ Happy is good
and happy is free

♪ Happy is you and happy is me

♪ Happy is good and happy is fun

♪ Happy is two
and happy is one ♪

♪ Hark the herald angels sing

♪ Glory to the newborn King

♪ Peace on earth and mercy mild

♪ God and sinners reconcile

♪ Joyful all ye nations rise

♪ Joy in the
triumph of the skies

♪ With the angelic host proclaim

♪ Christ is born in Bethlehem

♪ Hark! The herald angels sing

♪ Glory to the newborn

♪ King

♪ Christ by highest
heaven adored

♪ Christ the everlasting Lord

♪ Late in time, behold Him come

♪ Offspring of a Virgin's womb

♪ Veiled in flesh,
the Godhead see

♪ Hail the incarnate Deity

♪ Pleased with us
in flesh to dwell

♪ Jesus, our Emmanuel

♪ Hark! The herald angels sing

♪ Glory to the newborn

♪ King

♪ Hail the heaven-born
Prince of Peace

♪ Hail the Son of Righteousness

♪ Light and life
to all He brings

♪ Risen with
healing in his wings

♪ Mild He lays His glory by

♪ Born that we no more may die

♪ Born to raise
us from the earth

♪ Born to give us second birth

♪ Hark! The herald angels sing

♪ Glory to the newborn

♪ King

♪ Hark! The herald angels sing

♪ Glory to

♪ The newborn

♪ King ♪