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Christmas Angel (2012)

Posted: 12/01/23 12:39
by bunniefuu
(girl narrator)
The winter that
it was too hot to snow,

somebody moved into the rotting,
old house next door to me.

Nobody saw anyone move in.

Nobody saw anyone come and go.

Everybody was so busy
with their Christmas shopping

and hurrying around,
nobody noticed anything at all,

except for me
and my best friend Lucas.

My impossible Christmas wish

is for a Redline D600
mountain bike.

The Redline D600
is a really expensive bike.

That's because it's made
with forged alloy,

which makes it light but
strong for jumping berms

and riding dirt hills.

{ never had a bike before

because my social worker,
Mr. McCartney,

thinks it's too cumbersome,
and you never know

if I'll get a family
with a real garage to put it in,

but could
ride it to school.

It would save my foster dad
time in the mornings.

One day, I could maybe ride in a
competition if practice a lot.

I'm sorry, I thought
it was planning hour.

(boy continues)
It comes in different colors
with color-matched rims.

1 know I'll never get one,

but if I could have
one impossible wish,

it would be
for a Redline D600.

[children clapping]

Alright! Thank you Ricky,
for going first.

That was very brave,
very brave.

And I really appreciate

you sharing
from your heart like that.

[school bell ringing]
Well, okay. Alright.

Those of you that
are up next week,

be preparing
for your speeches, okay?

[cell phone ringing]

[book hitting the floor]

- Step off, Joey.
- This isn't about you.

Give me my pencils.


Isn't Lucas polite?

I've got extra
you can have.


Hi. Excuse me.

[door shutting]

Who was that guy?

Not our business.

Fancy bike.

Man, if was a foster kid
like Ricky Sanchez,

I would wish for parents.

He's got the Martinos.

They're not
his real parents.

And they're not gonna
buy him that bike.

They've got a bunch
of their own kids.

Well, he was probably
just too embarrassed

to wish for real parents
in front of the whole class.

Parents are way
more impossible than a bike.

I guess.

What are you
gonna wish for?

I'm gonna wish that
Ricky Sanchez gets that bike.

You could wish on the
old Granville house for him.

The old Granville house?

My mom calls it that.

{t's from some old movie
she makes us watch every year.

You make a wish
and throw a rock at the house.

If you break some glass,
your wish comes true.

I don't know.

My mom, yeah,
she just calls it an eyesore.

Just look
for a rock to throw.

Lucas, stop.

We're gonna
get in trouble.

Come on, Olivia.

It's two wishes in one,
yours and Ricky's.

Go on, shout the wish!

Lucas, only if you
don't throw the rock.

Might not work then.

I wish that Ricky Sanchez got
a Redline D600 mountain bike

for Christm—


Sorry, I had to
at least throw it.

Gotta go, see you
at the shop tomorrow.

Yeah, see ya.

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(Olivia's mom)
Hey, Olivia, honey.
Have you finished your report?

Let's go!

What are you doing?

I thought we were gonna watch
the Auburn game together, baby?

-I guess.
-You guess?

What do you mean
you guess?

1 got popcorn,
TV's on, let's go!

Mom, have you ever seen anybody
in that house next door?

No, uh-uh.
No one's ever lived there

since we've been here.

Yeah, well
somebody left a light on.

There's no power over there,
it's empty.

I wonder if some
kids got in there.

Man, I wish the owner
would take care of that house.

It wouldn't invite
so much trouble.

That's not a
house light or TV.

There's just no flicker.

Well, it's not a ghost if that's
what you're thinking, baby.

Lucas thinks
it's a wishing house,

but you have to break
some glass to get your wish.

Yeah, well, Lucas is good
at breaking things.


If you could wish for anything,
what would you wish for?

Well, I would wish that we
would beat Alabama this year,

and that my daughter
would finish her report

SO we can
watch them do so.

Let's go!
Come on, baby!

Okay, so out of
anything in the world,

that's what
you'd wish for?

Out of being rich,
or famous, or married?

Olivia, sweetheart,

it's alright to make wishes
and say prayers as long as it

doesn't make us unhappy
with the life that we're livin".

We can't always
have what we want.

We can't always have
what we wish for,

but we can be content
with what we have.

Are you content
with what you have?

Ugh! Would you
get it done?

Got a football game to watch!

[birds chirping]

(Olivia's mom)
Now, we do have samples
of all the cakes

so you can
taste the flavors.

There's so many choices!

Daph, isn't that Steve Dalt
from the newspaper?


The Bayou Bengal Beignets!

He can talk about Les Miles
coming in and loving them.

You read my mind.

I just want it
to be perfect.

I know. Why don't you try
some and see what you think?

- Okay.
- Alright.

Chocolate marshmallow caramel.

You got your classic white,
you got red velvet,

a little strawberry white,
peanut butter chocolate.

That's it.

1 don't know what
everyone would like best.

Well, don't over-think it.

What matters is that it
feels good and it tastes good.

After all, in 20 years,

all that matters is
you and your groom,

and the commitment
you made to each other, right?

Were you cool as a cucumber
on your wedding day?

Uh, well, I'm not married.


(Olivia's mom)
So, this one
was a custom-made.

They had asked for, yeah--



Your daddy was trying

to make a good impression
on that reporter.

Sorry, Mom.
Do you know where Olivia is?

In the back, helping.

The Redline D600,
he got it.

Who gave it to him?

Anonymous gift.

Mrs. Bell?

Maybe that's why she's
having us write the essays?

Come on,
Mrs. Bell's a teacher.

She could never
afford that bike.

Don't you get it?
It was our wish!

Awesome bike, Ricky.

Can't believe it!

Of course we believed it.

We wished on the old Granville
house for you and it came true!

What's that?

The house
next to Olivia's.

I thought that
place was haunted.

There was a glow
in the house last night.

1 saw something.

Not a ghost,
more like an angel.


I'm gonna show
my bike to everyone.

1 don't think we should
mention to anybody else

about the house, alright?

They'll think we're crazy.

Or they'll believe us.

You really think Ricky's
not gonna say anything?

[window breaking]

-I wish for a video game!
-I wish for a girlfriend!

(hopeful girl)
1 wish for a pony!

(hopeful boy)
{ wish for a new NBA basketball!

(hopeful girl)
{ wish for shoes!

My impossible Christmas wish

is for my grandma to spend
Christmas with us this year.

She has to have
a nurse travel with her,

but buying two tickets
is expensive,

so I guess Grandma
can't come home.

1 wish that Carly Johnson
could get a new kitty cat!

1 wish that Johnny Bell
could fly like a bird!

I wish that Adam Miggs could
get a new truck for his dad!

{ wish that
Brian Hitch could--

[dog barking]


Oh, my gosh.

You think taking away the
rocks will stop some people?

At least seven kids from
school came by yesterday.

I just don't want
to get in trouble.

Well, more wishes
are coming true.

Talking about your
magic house again, Conroy?

Well, the whole
thing's a fat lie,

‘cause I went and I wished for a
million dollars, and look at me.

I'm still riding
the bus to school.

It's that guy again.

Becker does have a point.

Why do sometimes the wishes work
and sometimes they don't?

I don't know.

Hey, hey, hey! Don't do that!
You, don't do that!

How'd you like it if people
threw rocks at your house,

you little knuckleheads?


Oh my goodness,
our quiet little neighborhood

is turning into
quite the circus.

I'm sorry, Mom.

(Olivia's mom)
Sorry about what, sweetie?

It isn't your fault, is it?

Well, Ricky Sanchez got that
bike and Jenny got the dog,

so I kinda told some people.

You told ‘em what?

That that old house
grants wishes?

Well, yeah.

You just shout up your wish
and the angel hears you.

there's no angel.

That's just some old house owned
by some crotchety old landlord,

doesn't take care of it.

Sure, it was pretty romantic
and beautiful in its day,

but it's just an empty
old house now.

I saw something.

Well, maybe you did.

And it's just a big coincidence
about the bike and dog, Mom?

(Olivia's mom)
You know honey, I really don't
know how to explain all that,

but I gotta be honest.

I think you have
the wrong idea about angels.

They're not genies
that just grant wishes.

They're messengers.

In the Bible, whenever God's
about to do something special,

something out of the ordinary,

the angels come
and tell people not to afraid.

Like the Christmas Story
when the angel came to Mary?

Yeah, exactly.


What if, Mom?

What if what, honey?

What if God is
about to do something

really, really special?

That's a good question,

[door closes]

(male teacher)

Someone there?

You vandalize this house
and I will call the police.

(old woman)
What are you
doing here, child?

You come here to rob me,
break my windows?

No, ma'am.

Then what are you doing out here
in the middle of the night?

-I thought you were an angel.
-An angel?

Do I look
like an angel to you?

Maybe a little.

Are you the reason
these children have been

coming around here
throwing these rocks?

Not entirely on purpose.

I came here
to have privacy.

Please don't
get me in trouble.

Please don't tell that man
that was here, either.

He knows my teacher.

Then you be on your way
out of here.

You're scaring an old soul.
Go on, get!

And she grabbed me on my
shoulder and I freaked out.

She was all covered
in these white scarves.

she's not an angel?

I don't think so,

although she did call
herself an old soul

instead of an old lady.

Why would a mean old lady
give a bike to Ricky?

You know,
all angels in the Bible

aren't always
playing harps.

Some of them have
swords made of fire.

[making sword-fighting noises]

I mean, it doesn't matter if
she's an angel or not, right?

Why are you
so bummed about it?

Well, some of us still have
impossible Christmas wishes.

That's all.

(Olivia's mom)
Excuse me!

Are you the owner
of this house?

Yes, I am.

(Olivia's mom)
{t's a shame it's
in such disrepair.

You have to make it look
like a crime scene, too?

People are vandalizing
my property.

And this is the first
you've noticed? Wow.

Why don't you sell it to someone
who'll take care of it?

Make it beautiful again
like it used to be, I'm sure.

Yes, it was, but what I do
with it is my business.

You're right. Well,
make sure you don't forget

that chalked
body outline there.

Keep people away
that way for sure.

Do you have a
better suggestion?

You know...

I don't think that anybody meant
to cause you any trouble.

Really, it's just kids that
are excited about Christmas.

You know kids.

(male teacher)
1 don't have any kids.

Well, maybe we can find a
better way to keep people out

and get your message across
without all the "bah humbug."

Well, if you can come up
with an idea that works,

then I'm all for it.

- Deal, you got it.
- Yeah.

- What was your name?
- My name's Melinda Mead.

1 live next door.

- I'm Dr. Nathan Davis.
- Dr. Nathan Davis.

Alright, I'll be sure
to remember that.

Just call me Nathan.

I'm used to saying
the "doctor" part.


We'll see if we can come up
with a friendlier sign,

friendlier "Keep Out" sign.
You take care.


So you finally met
the crotchety old slumlord, huh?

Yeah, but he wasn't
any of those things.

Alittle excessive, perhaps,
but overall fine.

A lot younger
than I expected.

Seemed pretty
fuddy-duddy to me.

Yeah, well,
you weren't there.

We saw him at school
hugging Mrs. Bell.

Really? How do you know
it was the same guy?


We recognized his car.

Maybe his wife and kids died
and ghosts live there.

Well, he said he didn't
have any kids, Lucas.

Maybe he did.

My goodness, the two of you
could make a mystery

out of anything.

How's it goin' over there?

Almost done.

Good, then you can get
back to your reports

and we'll hang this up
after school tomorrow.

(Mrs. Bell)
Alright, let's continue with
our oral reports, shall we?

You know, I have to say,
I have really enjoyed

what you guys
have been sharing.

I hope you've learned
a lot about each other.

Olivia, you ready?

My impossible Christmas wish
is for a husband for my mom,

Melinda Mead.

She's not impossible
to marry off or anything,

she's just really busy taking
care of me all the time.

She works really hard
at King Cakes,

and then comes home and has
to do all the work at home.

It makes her pretty tired
for anything else,

plus she's gettin' kind of old,

so most men her age
are already married.

[children laughing]

The perfect husband for my mom
would support her dream

of going back to school
for hospitality management.

He would have
to love kids like me,

and he'd have
to have a good job

and a good sense of humor.

But, most importantly, he'd have
to put up with my mom's love

of college football and
her beloved LSU Tigers.

[children laughing]

The truth is, I think
my mom is really special,

but I think she'd hear it
better from somebody

who's not hoping
for more allowance.

So, that's my impossible
Christmas wish.

[children clapping]

Seen anything?

we are good to go.

Who wants to make
the first wish?

any takers, anybody?

- You go first, Mom.
- Me? You want me to go first?

I'm gonna wish for a
healthy baby for Daphney.

I wish that I stop
craving everything.

Mr. Conroy, you should wish
about that article in the paper

about the beignets.

- That's a good one.
- Maybe I will.

- Yeah, that's a good wish.
- Slumlord's here.


- How you doin'?
- Hi.

Good. What do you think?

it's a lot better than
that yellow caution tape,

don't you think?

- Yeah, it's much better.
- Great.

And I hope you don't
mind about the lights.

We saw that the power was
still connected, so we--

- It looks really nice.
- Good, good.

And here's a special place
for people to put their wishes,

they still have the joy
of making their wishes

without all the
insurance claims for you.


In fact, why don't you
make the first wish?

No, I don't have
any wishes.

I bet you're wishing for a
delicious, home-cooked meal,


(Daphney's husband)
Jeb Conroy.

- Hey, Nathan.
- My wife, Daphney.


We see you eating at the deli
downtown every night.


Yeah, but it's close
by my office, so--

Well, I mean,
they're nice in there,

but the food
is okay at best.

Now, you come
into King Cakes,

we're gonna cook you
an amazing meal.

Chicken and sausage gumbo
in a bread bow.

Yeah, we're having a big pot
of jambalaya tonight that,

uh, well, you should
come and join us, right?

Tonight? No, no. I don't
want to cause any trouble.

-It's no trouble.
- We'd love to have you.

Come on, Doc.

You watch college football?

{do not. I don't have
a lot of time for it.

Big game tonight, gonna
have the time of your life.

It's nice of you
to invite Nathan.

Oh, stop.

- Just saying.
- There's nothing to it.

He just seemed
like he was alone.

I'm thinkin" if
we are hice to him,

he'll keep fixing up
the house.

Well, if you're just thinking
of the neighborhood.

We can be nice to
someone on Christmas

without it seeming
like a set-up.

Come on, Daphney,
you know me.

Used to doing things on my own
and I like it that way.

Well, we wouldn't want any body
to be alone on Christmas.

Melinda certainly seems
to have her opinions.

That she does.

It's good though. She has helped
a lot of uncertain people

make up their minds.

Is she a counselor
or something?

In a way, yeah.

She's our event and wedding
coordinator at the shop.

- What's her husband do?
- Oh, no, she's not married.

Not that we haven't tried.

You really want opinions?

Get her talking about
LSU versus Alabama.


Who's hungry?

Lucas, Olivia!
Let's go.

Alright my babies.

Oh, we thank God for the food,
if that's okay with you, Doc?

Of course.


Heavenly Father, we thank you
for your many blessings.

We also thank you for
our new friend, Nathan.

We ask your blessings on
the food that we are about

to receive, and also
on those who made it.

May we be mindful of those
less fortunate tonight.

And they all said--


So Dr. Davis,
how do you know Mrs. Bell?

We saw you
hugging her after school.


It's okay.

Mrs. Bell is my sister.

Oh, that's very nice.

Did not know that.

So, do you have any
other family in town?

No, just her.

Well, the kids
enjoyed your sister,

Mrs. Bell's class
this year, didn't you?

She should give
less homework, though.

Well, as long as we're
asking nosey questions,

Nathan, how did you come to
own the old Granville house?

That's what we call it.

I used to live there.

My wife and I lived there,
but then she left,

and then did too.

I would have expected
that the old neighbors

would have told you this.

No, no one's mentioned
that that I know of.

Daphney, has anyone ever
mentioned that to you?

Nope, absolutely not.

Didn't know
anything like that.

Oh, you know, it's really nice
of you to invite me over here,

but!'m so sorry,
1 have a patient emergency.

I'm gonna have to leave.

Of course,
it's no problem.

It was nice meeting you.

We understand, don't we?

I'll walk you to the door.

Thank you, alright.

You know; the house hasn't
looked that good in a long time,

so thanks.

Well, good.

- Have a good night.
- Thanks.

That wasn't
a patient emergency.


Touchy subject?

Well, you know, I really don't
think it's any of our business,

so let's eat.

Come on.

Come on.

It's empty!

Your wish is already
coming true.

The way your mom
asked the doctor over.

No way, not him.

Why not?

‘Cause, he's not
who I picked.

He's a doctor.

I thought girls liked that.

[female humming]





Is somebody there?

What did I do?

Just come with me.

Looks like you have
a friend outside.

[door opening]

Hi, Dr. Davis.

You know, it's really okay
to call me Nathan.

Oh, "kay.

Can I get you something?

Yeah, Jeb told me that
you had better gumbo here

than at the deli
by my office.

Yeah, that's absolutely
true, we do!

You know, look, I really
wanted to say that i'm sorry

for leaving so
abruptly last night.

It was rude, I know.

It's alright, you have patients.
We understood.

I didn't get
a patient call.

1 just don't let people
into my life,

and I was uncomfortable.
Not because of any of you.

I mean, you and your friends
were all really nice.

1 just--I'm just used
to doing things on my own,

and I like it that way,
or at least I thought.

You know, you all
gave me a glimpse

into what
I've been missing.

Well, what about your
sister and her family?

Well, you know, I see them,
but you know, it's different.

They have their own things
to worry about and--

Look, I just really wanted
to apologize to all of you.

Okay, apology accepted.

And maybe you can try
again some other time.

1 would like to.




We could, you know,
try to do it again on Friday.

You know, if you're free
then! could pick you up.

Pick me up for what?

Well, I don't want to invite
myself over, but I don't cook,

so we would have
to go somewhere.


Oh, oh.

Well, all of us?
Should I invite the Conroys?

Maybe we could
keep it small?

I'm better
one-on-one usually.

Yeah, sure.

I could do that.



I'll pick you up at 6?

Pick me up at 6.


Guess he really
didn't want the gumbo.

- You're going, right?
-Oh my.


[crickets chirping]

- It's a date.
-No, no.

That's not the way
it seemed at the time.

But, I thought you were
in favor of that anyway.

Yeah, well, he's not
who I had in mind, so--

Well, I said yes and
I'm not backing out now.

Maybe he'll get
sick or something.

Oh my goodness.

How did your oral report
go today? You didn't tell me.

- Good.

- Yeah, really good.
- Good.

What'd you wish for?


I wished that we'd have snow
for Christmas this year.



Good thing you wished
for the impossible.

Any other wishes
come true today?

I don't know.

It was only Joey Becker's
report today,

and he wished
for a million dollars.

Oh my goodness,
1 don't see an angel

bringing that to him
anytime soon, do you?

Nah, and I don't think
that was his real wish anyway.


If you were Joey Becker,
what would you wish for?

For my dad
to stop drinking.

Oh my, I had no idea.

I think that's why Joey Becker
acts like such a jerk

all the time.

Well, that sounds like something
for good night prayers, huh?

Dear God, thanks for today
and all the wishes

that are coming true.

Please help Joey's family,
and please help his dad

to stop drinking,
and maybe we'll see them

at church sometime.

Please help us have
a good night's sleep.


Yeah, well,
you never know.

Dr. Davis
might be a drunk too.


You're so funny.

Good night, baby.
I love you.

I love you, too.

- See you tomorrow.
- See ya.

So you haven't heard of anybody
getting any wish answered?

Only yours.

Dr. Davis asking my mom out
is not the answer to my wish.

We probably broke the rules
by putting up the mailbox.

I'm telling you, it's all
about throwing the rocks.

[whistle blowing]

Mrs. Bell's class.

Do you think
he's a PE. Coach?

1 don't think so.

Alright, everybody circle up.

I'm Mr. Brennan, and I usually
sub over at the high school

and the middle school,

but Mrs. Bell had
to leave unexpectedly,

so I get the pleasure
of revisiting the fifth grade

for the next couple of days.

[children cheering]

Wait a minute, not so fast.
You don't even know me.

I could be your worst
nightmare, right?

Is Mrs. Bell sick?

Mrs. Bell is not sick,
but she did have to leave,

so for now,
we're gonna have some fun

with geographic regions
of North America!


On Friday afternoon,
she has us do oral reports.

Well, Mrs. Bell wants
to grade those herself,

so some of you may have to wait
until after Christmas.

She's gonna be gone
until Christmas break?

It's possible, but let's all
hope that you're rid of me

by then, because all the
teaching and grading papers

and stuff totally interferes
with my college football

watchin' schedule.

Alright, pilgrims,
head ‘em up, move ‘em out!

So, Mr. Brennan had us label
all the states, the capitals,

and color which states were
in the Big Ten, ACC, Pac 10.

- Of course.

I was pretty good at it
though, thanks to you.

And they say that
public education's in decline.

He was so funny, Mom.

He made all the
spelling words into a game

and we were
laughing so hard.

You'd really like him.

Am I too dressed up?
I'm too dressed up, aren't 1?

Yeah, the shoes.

The shoes?
The shoes.

You don't want to look like
you're trying to impress him.

Yeah, I shouldn't wear heels.
I shouldn't wear heels.

I should wear flats.

Yeah, not too impressive.

Well, thank you.

Do you have to go?

Yes, honey, I do.

But! told Lucas
{'d be over at 6:30.

Well, great.
Have a great time.

Itis 6:30.


I feel a lecture
about men coming.

I'm too hungry.

Well, why don't
we both agree now

that Dr. Davis is not
the man for you.

I never said he was, honey,
and it's not really even a date.

More for him, really.

There's one thing I was never
gonna do in my life was put you

through a bunch of failed
dating relationships

‘cause we're just
fine on our own.

Okay, I'm gonna
put that in--

Mom, I really
don't want jelly.

It's okay.

You're right, honey, because
you know, ‘cause peanut butter

is just fine all
on its own, isn't it?

Look at that, easy.



I'm not gonna go until
you answer the door.

I know you're there, ‘cause
you never go anywhere else.


I need some answers.

I'm not gonna leave
until I get them.


Lord have mercy, child.

You're gonna wake up
your whole neighborhood.

Canl come in?


Well, can you come out?


How else are we
gonna talk then?

I came here for privacy,
not a conversation.

Do you know where
Dr. Davis is tonight?

1 know he visits you a lot
‘cause he owns this place.

I need to know
where he is.

Come on.

(old woman)
Come on, you don't want
to sit in that dusty old room.

Don't touch that please.

Sit down.

So, you only live
in the back?

How come you don't want people
to know that you live here?

That's my business.

So, what is this
about Dr. Davis?

Well, how do you know him?

(old woman)
We go back a ways.

I knew his parents.

Do you know where
he is tonight?

Nathan had some business
that took him out of town.

That's all I know.

Are you a patient of his
or something?

Or something.

I'm not an angel if that's
what you're still worried about.

No, ma'am.

{ think that seems
pretty obvious,

but you are collecting
the wishes from the box.

Well, if we left them in there,
people would stop believing,

wouldn't they?


But then you'd
have your privacy,

and I thought that's
what you wanted.

You never saw any kid happier
than Ricky Sanchez on that bike,

but I just can't figure out
how you got it to him.

It was like magic.

Expedite shipping.

It's free for the holidays.


(old woman)
Well, I may be an old lady, but
{ know how to use the Internet

and a credit card.

Boy, do I know how to
use that credit card.

How did you know
where to send it?

(old woman)
You and your friend were
as loud as a herd of elephants

along my fence.

I heard you talking
about the foster parents.

{can put
two and two together.

Yes ma'am.

(old woman)
This has got to be
our little secret.

I don't want people
thinking I'll give a gift

to anyone who wants one.

Of course not.

What is your name, child?

Olivia Mead.

What's yours?

Elsie Waybright.

Did you need Nathan
for some reason?

Nothing medical.

He was supposed to take
my mom out to dinner tonight,

but he stood her up.

Oh, I'm sure
he intended to call.

Well, I'm sorry
for bugging you.

I just really
wanted to know.

I'm glad you got Ricky Sanchez
that bike, and those other kids.

They really deserved it.

You know how I knew
they deserved them?


You wished those
wishes for them.

They didn't wish it
for themselves.

You know, I do know
a lot of people here.

So, in case you need any
help delivering things

or finding out
any information,

I can help you
sort the wishes out.

Well, what makes
you think I intend

to deliver any more wishes?

Well, if you didn't,
you'd throw the wishes away,

but instead, you have
them all sorted out.

I wouldn't tell anybody
it was from you.

Come back after
dinner tomorrow,

and tell your mother
where you're going

because if she
catches you out of the bed,

there'll be no Christmas
foryou atall.

Yes ma'am.

Good night.

"A husband for my mom."

[christmas music]

[christmas music]


Is your mom mad
about last night?

What do you mean?

Getting stood up,
what else would I mean?

I snuck over
to the house last night.

I had a meeting
with the angel.

I mean, her real name's
Elsie Way bright

and she's no angel,
believe me.

Did she give
Ricky that bike?

I couldn't say.

You don't know, or you just
don't want to tell me?

I tell you everything,

Who is she,
and why would she

want to live in that dark,
dumpy place anyway?

Let's find out.

Elsie Waybright.

Elsie's a nickname.



"Did you mean Elsa Way?"

Do "Images."



That's her!

I mean, she's a lot
older now, but that's her.

She's totally famous.

“Jazz and Gospel superstar
Elsa Way has cancelled

"her farewell concert at
the New York Jazz Festival.

"Singer cites personal issues
that take precedence.

Way was also to be honored with
a Lifetime Achievement Award."

When was this?


Something really big
must have happened

for her not to go
and get her award.

Why would a famous person
ever want to live here?



Miss Elsie?


Miss Elsie, you should really
take down those newspapers

so you know it's me.

These are the wishes
from the angel box so far.

I categorized them.






Does it have to be
so dark in here?

I can't read them
very well.

Yes, it does.


"I wish for a teacher
who would never give us

homework or tests."

"I wish I was bigger
than Chris Higby

so I could beat him up."

It's not gonna happen,
even if it could.

"Dear Angel, please give me
a million dollars

and a mansion
with gold-plated toilets."


The middle basket
we can separate as tasks,

but I'm particularly
interested in those

who are not just
asking for a present

but these require
a little research.

Can I look at those?

"I wish my dad could find a job
and get sober."

I know who that one is.

I've been praying
a lot on that one.

"Dear God, please bring me
home this Christmas.

I'm all alone
and I miss my wife so much."

That's sad.

You put mine
in the God pile?

It's not that hard!

I'm sure we can do something
about a lot of those.

We're not gonna take
that poor, sad man to heaven.

No, but we can make
some of them come true.

Baby, some things
only God can do,

only God knows
how to help.

So, let's just concentrate
on this middle basket.

My wish isn't
that impossible.

It's kind of weird that
you're reading all the wishes.

Do you understand
the people's handwriting?

Why? Did you put one in?

That guy's everywhere.

Except in my house
on Friday night.

Wait, no,
don't yell at him.

Why would 1?

It's not him who I wanted
to come anyway.


Are you hiding?

We're just late for school.

My sister was making
baby blankets for the church.

She asked me to
drop them off for her.

I'm glad you have time to
keep your promises for others.

Tell Mrs. Bell hope
she's feeling better.

We have to figure out
a way for them to meet.

I'm sure they'll
hit it off.

Ask Mr. Brennan
to come to the shop.

But what if he comes
while my mom's not working

or your mom helps him
instead of mine?

There has to be a more
certain way that they'll talk.

I don't know, Olivia.

We've been talking
about this all day.

Romance isn't really
my superpower,

so I think I'm just
gonna go play soccer.

You can't play
soccer, Lucas.

That's my ball.

No, it's the school's ball.

And I rule the school.


- Hey!

[whistle blowing]

(Mr. Brennan)
Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

Break it up.
That's enough.

I guess you're gonna
have to call my mom in

and talk to her about this.

I don't know
if it requires that.

{ haven't been here
very long,

but I'm guessing that was
a rare occurrence for you?

Well, my mom likes to know
things that's going on with me

at school, and she likes
to hear it firsthand.

Well, I'm sure the
principal would be glad

to talk to her about it
if it comes to that,

but it won't happen
again, will it?

Look, I know Joey's a problem
and I'll keep my eye on him,

but you let a teacher
handle it, okay?

Alright, you can go now.


Oh, my mom works
at King Cakes.

Have you ever
been there?

King Cakes, yeah, you know,
1 think I've heard of it.

You should come by sometime
and try our gingerbread cookies

we have for Christmas.

It's delicious.

Great bread pudding, too.


Thank you.

[laughing timidly]

You know,
that was so obvious.

I was just
making suggestions

and helping
Christmas wishes come true.

Yeah, your own.

For my mom.

I don't remember her
wishing for that or him either.

Well, you should wish
for Joey Becker

to stop picking on you.

Well, I did,
but you had to jump in

and now I look stupid ‘cause
a girl's fighting my battles.

Lucas, I have important
stuff to do today.


I think this is a good time
to give you some wise advice

from my dad.

Lucas, let go of me.

"Do not get up
in the business of dragons,

for you are crunchy
and good with ketchup."

I'm just gonna go
say hello.

Hi, Mr. Becker.

Who are you?

I just wanted to let you
know that they're hiring

at Haussman Construction.

Of course, you'd
have to clean up a bit,

and you know,
stop drinking.

Who do you think you are?

Just a friend.

Stay out of my business.

Ready to go, Dad?

Son, you think I'm a drunk?

You wish was
a different person

or work for some
construction company?

Dad, just leave her alone.
She didn't mean anything by it.

Get in.

Olivia, some things
are just impossible.

[crickets chirping]


- Hi.
- Hi.

Maybe we got
our days mixed up.

I realized you didn't
get my message.

No, I did not.
What message would that be?

You know, I guess I'm gonna be
constantly apologizing to you.

1 asked my office to leave word
at your shop Friday.

I had to take my sister to the
children's hospital in Jackson.


Olivia did mention that
Mrs. Bell wasn't there.


Would you like
to come in?

Yeah, sure.

So, is everything okay?

Well, not really, but
there wasn't much more

that I could do there
so she sent me back home

to take care
of a few things here.

You said the
children's hospital, what--

Yeah, it's my niece,

She needs a kidney.

Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

Oh, thanks.

Well, would you like
to sit down?

- Sure, thank you.
- Yeah.

Well, did she get it?

No, it wasn't a match.

No? I'm sorry.

But they want her to
stay close so, you know,

she can be there quickly
when they do find one.

But that means that,
you know,

they have to find
an apartment there.

Yeah, you must
be very worried.


Well, it's—you know,
this isn't my specialty,

but when you're in medicine
you know too much sometimes.

Canl get you
a coffee or tea or

Sure, tea
if you're offering.

Yeah, absolutely.

Excuse me?

You know the day that
I came to your shop to tell you

that I didn't get
that patient call,

I went back home
to watch the LSU game.

Did you?

Yes, and you know,
1 don't get a chance

to watch that much football,
but! was just wondering,

you know, what you
thought of the game?


Here's a new one.

"Hannah Bell needs a kidney."

How do you know that?

My mom had
a visitor tonight.

There's this perfect place
for eavesdropping

between the couch and the wall
if you're really quiet.

I knew that's where
you'd put it.

That's why I reworded it.

“Mrs. Bell needs money
so that she could live close

to the children's hospital."

What can we do?

Well, I'm sure she needs
more than I've got,

what with all the Christmas
wishes we've been granting.

How do you have money
to buy all these presents?

Is that rude to ask?

Well, there's nobody
to buy for but myself,

and at my age,
all the fun's gone out of that.

Did you make it all
from your singing?

I know how to use
the Internet too,

but I'd rather get it
from the real source.

You can't believe everything
you read on Wikipedia.

Well, that was
a long time ago.

Well, yeah, but just this year
you were supposed to sing

a concert and get an award.

How come you didn't go?

You are a very
nosey little girl.

You're supposed to know
things about your friends.

Lucas, yeah,
he's my best friend,

and we know everything
about each other.

Are we friends now?

Partners at least,
but I like "friends."

1 like "friends" too.

Come on, you want
to see the source.

Well, this is kind of a
small area for a specialist

to be practicing in,
isn't it?

Well, I don't know.
Ear, nose, throat

gets lots of business


Yeah, there's a lot
of ear-related symptoms

and vertigo, some cancers,
adenoids, tonsils,

chronic sinusitis.

All very exciting stuff,
as you can see,

But it's way more exciting
than planning parties.

Oh, you think so?
Oh, really?

Well, this is kind of a
small area to, you know,

survive on
planning weddings.

We make baked goods
for funerals.

We don't discriminate.
They need to eat, as well.

Not our dearly departed,
but-that's not right.

You're much funnier
than you seemed

the day that I met you
with the caution tape.

That was not
particularly funny.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- For the sense of humor part.
- You're welcome.

1 think that
was a compliment.

- For you, as well.
- Really, me?

Yeah, I thought
the tape was funny.

You thought it was funny?

That's why you
were putting it up?

Well, afterwards.

You know, I don't know what
happened inside that old house

and you certainly
don't have to tell me,

but I'm awfully sorry
that it did.

I've been sorry
about it for a long time,

so maybe it's time
I stopped.

Give me one
of those candles, baby.

Oh, alright.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Is this your room up here?

I saw it glowing
from my house.

Dr. Davis said that
this was his house.

It was.


What are these?



I've heard of them.

Miss Elsie!

You were a diva!

Pictures weren't
half of it.

Well, you look
so beautiful.

On the outside.

Is this you?

You were cute.

No, that's my Maliyah.

You have a daughter?

Somewhere I do.

You don't know
where she is?

She wants it that way.

I wasn't always
an angel, baby.

I'm known for saying
some very hateful words.

1 raised my hands
a time or two.

I drove away three husbands
and a daughter.

So, you're trying
to make up for all that?

Well, when you get older,
you realize your chances

are passing you by

and you have to use
the chances God gives you.

Miss Elsie?

Are you dying?

We're all dying, baby.

Some of us faster
than others.

But no,
not the way you mean.

Any more questions?

Or can we get back
to the business?

Why do you wear so much white,
even in these pictures?

Well, when I was a bitty girl,

my mother didn't have
a very good washing machine

and she would never
let me wear white.

But when I got some money,

I bought white
and I wore it all the time.

Anything else?

Not at the moment,
but I'll probably think of some.

I'm sure you will.

I've answered your questions.

Will you answer my question?

Where is your father, baby?

And why would you ask for
a husband for your mother

and not a father for yourself?

I don't need a father.

My mom's told me that
ever since I was born,

says I'm very

Well, sometimes we think we are,
but it's never true,

and don't be frightened
by that either.

One of my favorite verses says,
"My grace is sufficient for you

because my power is made
perfect in weakness."

You see, when we admit
that we're weak,

that gives God a chance
to show us that he's strong.

Sounds like an excuse
to do nothing.

Well, we do the best we can,
and then we've got to be humble

enough to admit
that we need him,

and then we put things
in the God basket.

So why don't you try to
keep in touch with Maliyah?

That would take a miracle.

There was a Christmas carol
that she used to love

when she was about your age.

I put it in one of those
records in there somewhere.

Sing it.

I don't sing.

My voice is not
what it used to be.


(Elsie singing)
I It came upon
a midnight clear I

♪ That glorious song of old ♪

I With angels bending
near the earth;

♪ To touch
their harps of gold ♪

I Peace on the earth,
goodwill to men}

♪ From heaven's
all-gracious King ♪

♪ The world in solemn
stillness lay ♪

♪ To hear the angels sing J ♪

Miss Elsie,
you sure sing like an angel.

You go on home
to your mother.

We'll have more
wishes tomorrow.

What about a fundraiser
for Mrs. Bell?

I'm no good
at a bake sale.

No, it's a benefit concert.
You could sing.

I don't sing anymore.

But you just did,
and it was beautiful.

This is not about me.

I can't be singing
in public anymore.

Nobody knows who
I am anymore anyway.

Miss Elsie, they should.

Good night.

[door shutting]

It's like your dad is doing
with the Bayou Bengal Beignets,

trying to get Les Miles to
do a celebrity endorsement.

That gets everyone excited.

Why are you making flyers?
She said she wouldn't do it.

I'm helping her
catch the vision.

She thinks that nobody
remembers her,

but maybe we could show her
that people still love her.

That way she won't be afraid
to come out and sing.

So, you got the church's
pemission on Christmas Eve?

They were already doing
a Christmas program,

so they're adding this.

They wanted to do it.

Lucas, why are you being
such a Scrooge about this?

Are you jealous
or something?

Jealous of what?

That you have
a new best friend?

That you suddenly know
what's best for everybody?

If you haven't noticed, Olivia,
none of it's working.

It is working.

Hey there,
what can I do for ya?

(Mr. Brennan)
Hey, I was just out jogging
and I remembered that this place

has amazing gingerbread.

We sure do.
Best gingerbread in town.

Hi, Mr. Brennan!

This is my mom.

- Hey, kid.
-Yes, I'm her mom, Melinda.

- It's nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

So, is this your place?

No, no, Lucas' parents,
the Conroys do.

I'm the catering coordinator.

Oh, that's why your name
sounded so familiar.

You know,
with all the craziness,

it's hard to keep
everything straight.

Oh, what craziness
would that be?

Well, you're working with
my fiancée, Becca Holloway,

on our wedding.

Oh my gosh, that's right!
Yes, Beccal

We know Becca!
Sweet girl, we love her.

Yeah, yeah, well, she's into the
food, and the cakes, and stuff.

1 just told her I want a
"Go Tigers!" groom's cake,

but otherwise,
I really don't care.

Oh, well, you know,
you really should,

‘cause she's having a hard
time making decisions.


Huh, I didn't realize that.

Well, why don't you give me
two gingerbread cookies

and I'll take one to her.
A peace offering.

Coming up,
two gingerbread men.

What a small world, isn't it,
that he should, yeah, huh?

That's funny.

Alright, there you go.
That's $3.

- Keep the change.
- Thank you.

Mrs. Mead, you have
a terrific daughter.

Oh, thank you.

She's a real angel,
isn't she?

Thanks so much.
See yal!

Alright, take care.

He was nice, right?

Positively engaging.

Be right back, Mom.

You're the guy, right?

The reporter that
everybody's been asking

to write about
the Bengal Beignets?

Every time I come here.

Look, I already told them,
beignets aren't a story.

So a coach likes to eat donuts.

Short notice.

I'm still confirming talent,

but I thought you could
help get the word out.

(Steve Dalt)
You got Elsa Way coming to
perform at your benefit concert

on Christmas Eve?

She's been M.I.A.
since last summer.

She lives here now, in the
old wishing house on my street.


It's true!

Thanks anyway, kid.

Don't ask me about the
beignets again, alright?

Miss Way?

Are you alright in there?


Alright, I'm coming in.

Hey! Wait!

Miss Way?


Miss Way,
are you alright?

What are you doing?

I come to
check out your story.

Not about this!

It's none
of your business.

Did you see the glass?
It's broken. Maybe she's hurt.

She's not hurt.

Miss Elsie!

Miss Elsie, wake up!

Please, please.
Please wake up.

Close that back, child.

Who are you chasing
that little girl?

Nobody invited you
here, getout.

Out! Get out right now!

(Steve Dalt)
Are you the one answering
all the angel wishes?

You did this?

You brought a reporter into
my house when I trusted you?

- You told him.

I didn't bring him.

1 didn't know he was
gonna come here.

I just wanted you to know
how much people remember you.

Well, you go out with him.
You go out right now.

- No, Miss Elsie.
- Go. Go how.

- Please.
- Go right now.

(Steve Dalt)
Hey Bill...

Remember when you said they'd
give me a shot at the city desk

over there if I found
the next big story to break?

I got it. Yeah.

First of all,
she's not dying.

-I didn't say that.
- Let him finish, please.

1 asked her permission to tell
you what's going on with her

so you can fully
understand what you did.

She has throat cancer.

Now, I helped research and
develop a new blue light system

of PDT awhile back,
and we're using it to treat her.

What is that?

Oh, it's photodynamic

Photosensitive dr*gs are
absorbed by cancer cells

and then a special
light kills them.

The blue light.

Yes, but it makes her
sensitive to regular light

for a few weeks.

That explains why she
was always in the dark.

When you pulled open the
curtains, you put her at risk.

Is she okay?

We're doing some tests,
but it seems so.

Now, whether she's emotionally
okay is another thing.

I just wanted her
to sing for Mrs. Bell.

She sings so beautifully.

You heard Elsie sing?

Well, how did she sound?

Maybe a little
raspy at first,

but I thought it was because
she was singing a song

that she sang for Maliyah.

Well, listen, there is going
to be some form of punishment

to start with.
Alright, young lady?

Isn't there something
I can do to say sorry to her?

Maybe we can get her and her
daughter together for Christmas.

Sweetheart, you overstepping
into people's personal lives

is exactly what got
you into this trouble

in the first place.

You're lucky
it was Miss Elsie.

Going into a
stranger's house at night

without telling your mother—

Why don't you go on upstairs?

I'll be up in a minute so
we can discuss consequences.


I'm so sorry, Miss Elsie.

I'm sorry if I overstepped
anything myself.

- Stop.
- Okay, I'm sorry.

No, stop apologizing.

{ should be the one

It was deserved.

I should have known
what Olivia was doing.

I should have known
about Elsie.

Well, she's a kid.
She's gonna hide things.


I have tried to teach
her that she is smart,

that she is capable,
that she's self-sufficient,

that she doesn't
need anybody,

because I've never wanted
her to be embarrassed

or feel lacking because she only
has me and she doesn't have—

I'm so sorry.

I have no idea
why I just did that.

Well, I know why I did it, but
it was completely inappropriate.


I'm sorry.

Maybe just next time,
give me some warning.

I'll be better prepared.


Next time.

Don't be so hard
on Olivia.

I mean, she did
get Elsie to sing,

and she hasn't done
that in a long time.

‘Kay. Good night.

Good night.


[crickets chirping]

Are you here to talk
about my punishment?

I'm still thinking
about that, honey.

Why didn't you
tell me about Elsie?

I just-4 didn't want
you to tell me to stop.

Mom, I ruined everything.

Miss Elsie's angry now,

and she's never gonna
come out of the house,

and the wishes are over.

Lucas isn't
speaking to me now.

Lucas will come around,
I'm sure.

And I wished for you
to have a husband,

but I messed up that, too.

Miss Elsie said that some
wishes were for the God basket

and that we were too weak,

and those were the times
that God had to be strong.

But I tried to
do them anyway.

I'm so sorry, Mom.

I know you are, baby.

I know you are.

I should try to fix it.

Olivia, honey—

The right way.

My sweet girl.


Oh, I'm sorry.

1 didn't realize that
anybody else was in here.

What do you have there?

All the Christmas wishes I can
remember from the God basket.

Elsie wanted me
to pray for them,

which I never
really did at first.

May 1?

Did she wish for this one
about finding Maliyah?

I added that,
but I'm not overstepping.

I figured I can
ask God anything,

and he can always
say no if he wants to.

I'm here figuring
the same thing.

I'm sorry, Dr. Davis.

Elsie's gonna be okay.

She's a strong lady.

And I'm sorry that I said
bad things to my mom about you,

and I prayed
against you, too.

Why would you do that?

I had somebody else in mind,
and I thought you hated kids.

But then I saw the
nursery in your house,

and I thought it was
really, really sweet.

Well, we had really
wanted a baby,

but I can't have children.

Why didn't you just adopt?

My ex-wife wanted
her own children

more than she wanted
me, apparently.

She married someone else?

They have three kids now.

I'm gonna put kids for you
on the list, if you want me to.

That's a tall order.

It's definitely
for the God basket.

Maybe I should start with a
wife, you know, before the kids.

I'd rather do it
in that order.

You know, some wives
already come with kids.

It's kind of like
a pre-packaged deal.

Yes, itis.

Not all of them
are perfect, though.

Well, neither am I.

Well, I better get to it.

Olivia, the pastor's gonna
have a special offering

on Christmas Eve for Hannah.

Maybe you can
encourage people to come.

It really meant a lot to
my sister when I told her

what you were planning.

I can get a lot of
people to come there.


I mean, not on my own.

With an adult's help.


Let's pray together
for your list.


1 think if we start
by thanking him

for dying to forgive our sins,
compared to that,

none of this
will seem so impossible.

You could still come,
you know.

You wouldn't have to sing.

It'll be dark enough,
and I think the press interest

has died down,
being that it's Christmas Eve.

When I decided
to move here,

you promised me
absolute privacy.

Well, that was before you
decided to buy a foster kid

a very expensive bike.

Elsie, whoever you were before,
you're not that person anymore.

You don't have to punish
yourself or try to be strong

all on your own.

Did Olivia send you
up here to tell me that?

No. No, but thanks
to the both of you,

a lot of people have gotten
a second chance for Christmas

this year, including me.

Thank you.



♪ Go tell it on the mountain ♪

♪ Over the hills ♪

♪ And everywhere ♪

♪ Go tell it on the mountain ♪

♪ That Jesus Christ is born ♪

I While shepherds
kept their watching ♪

♪ Over silent flocks by night ♪

♪ Behold throughout
the heavens ♪

♪ Behold throughout
the heavens ♪

♪ There shone a holy light

♪ Go tell it on the mountains ♪

♪ Over the hills ♪

♪ And everywhere ♪

♪ Go tell it on the mountains ♪

♪ That Jesus Christ is born ♪

No Elsie?

You were right
about everything.

You were too.

Look at all the people
that showed up for Mrs. Bell.


We don't need Elsie tonight.

We had our own angel.



Well, that was an absolutely
beautiful night,

and thank you so much
for helping Olivia out

as much as you did.

She deserves
most of the thanks.

Well, I know a little girl
who's waiting for this,

so have a good night.

- You too.
- Bye.

Olivia, Dr. Davis
doesn't have any family

in town tomorrow morning—

Just go, Mom.



Good night.

- So, is he coming?
- Yes, he is coming.

And I think that Miss Elsie
is gonna be just fine.

Let's go inside,
it's Christmas Eve!

(Elsie singing)
I And ye, beneath
life's crushing load I

I Whose forms are bending low ♪

I Who toil along
the climbing way ♪

I With painful steps
and slow

(Maliyah singing)
I Look now for glad
and golden hours I

I Come swiftly on the wings I

♪ O rest beside the weary road ♪

I To hear the angels sing! J}

Hi, Mom.

Maliyah, Maliyah.



Merry Christmas!

Hot food coming through!

It's snowing!

I can't believe it.

- Wait, wait, wait.
-I'm sorry!

I can't believe the snow.

I know, it's amazing, huh?

- Hi.
- Hi!

Merry Christmas to you.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

And Merry Christmas to you.

The pastor told me that
that was the best offering

they've ever had.

Thank you.

So, where is everyone?
Oh, there they are.

Smells good!


1 didn't mean
to interrupt your Christmas.

No, no.
I'm so sorry Miss Elsie.

Please forgive me.

Well, it was
a moment of weakness,

but God made it strong.

This is my daughter,

Hi, Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas!
Come on in!

We have more food
than we need.

Merry Christmas.

- Hi.
- Hi, Merry Christmas.

Thank you, little angel.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

So, is this next time?