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A Royal Christmas Crush (2023)

Posted: 12/01/23 13:41
by bunniefuu
Woman: Here are the
building materials.

Please see that the
contractor receives them.

Oh, and will you
email the client

on the Higgins project?

Let them know that the
model is ready for viewing.

Thank you.

Man: Hello!

Uncle Karl.

Karl: Ava.

You've built my
favorite dream castle.

Well, the exterior turned
out just like I imagined,

but it's the interior that would
benefit from your expertise.

Well, you can send me the
drawings if you'd like,

I can take a look,

but I am not coming
to Fríorland.

Karl: Why not?

Uh, my job, for one.

Plus, I want to finalize my
sustainable housing pitch.

Karl: Oh, right,
your passion project.

Ava, I'm sure the firm
would approve of you

taking this project on.

It would bring them
good recognition,

and more importantly, it
would do the same for you.

You have grand visions

and you have the talent
to bring them to life.

And Fríorland's Royal Family
has their hands in projects

all over the world.

Who knows where this
might take your career?

Ava: Thank you.

- Ava!
- Hi!

It's so good to see you.

So good to see you, Uncle Karl.

So, what do you think
of the Winter Castle?

This place is incredible.

Your photo doesn't
even do it justice.

Feels like I'm in
the North Pole.

Not far off. Let
me show you around.

There's work to be done.

Ava: So, tell me more
about this tradition.

I tried to look it up online,

but I couldn't find
anything about it.

Well, every year since 1857,

a winter castle has been built
for Fríorland's Royal Family

right before Christmas.

Different location every
year. No one knows where.

But usually near one
of their royal manors.

Yeah, it's meant to be a
getaway for the Royal Family.

An escape.

A place where they can set aside

the pressures of
their daily lives.

Oh, I love that.

Oh, and this day culminates
with the Royal Christmas Ball.

Intimate affair, mostly family,

and whoever the Prince's
girlfriend is at the time.

Oh, he's that kind
of prince, huh?

Well, if you believe
the tabloids,

but who am I to say?

In our interactions he's
been very professional,

if a little tightly wound,

but he certainly
knows what he wants.

He's requested a few
specs for the interior

I could really use
your help with.

Well, I'm happy to help you.

Ava, I, uh...

feel like I might be in
over my head on this one.

Ah, Uncle Karl, come on.

You got this and I got you.

Thank you, Ava.

Your vote of
confidence means a lot.

Wow, it's beautiful.

Oh, yeah.

And here we are,
back at the atrium.

Who's this?

That's Prince Henry.
You don't recognize him?

Why would I recognize him?

Karl: One of Society Magazine's
50 most eligible bachelors.

Come on, you know
I don't follow that stuff.

Well, it appears
that you recognize

what all the fuss is about.

Yeah, looks don't make
a man, Uncle Karl.

Unfortunately, I had to
learn that the hard way.

Excuse me?

Mrs. Newton, this is my niece
I was telling you about.

Ava, this is Brigitta.

She's the director of
operations for the Royal Family.

Hi, I'm Ava. Ava
Jensen. It's...


Ava is a very
well-known architect.

She has a creativity
and a talent

that is unmatched in our field.

It will take far more than that
to please the Royal Family.

Oh, Brigitta...

Mrs. Newton.

Mrs. Newton.

I can assure you that
I'm simply here just to,

um, help with the finishing
touches of my Uncle Karl's

spectacular creation, and
I'm sure the Royal Family

will be very pleased.

Hm. Let's hope so.

One more thing.

Gawking at Prince Henry's
portrait is highly frowned upon.

I wasn't gawking.

Oh, your mouth was agape.

The highest level of decorum

is expected of all of those

in the presence of
the Royal Family.

Of course.

Good day.

Wow, she's a breath of
frosty arctic air, isn't she?

Uh, yes, but just please
don't ruffle her feathers.

I'll do my best.

Thank you, love.

Now, let's get you
settled into your room.

Good night's sleep.
Tomorrow's a big day.


Man: Nasty break-up.

What do they know about it?

Apparently everything.

No, they just make this
stuff up. You know that.

Be that as it may,
I don't believe

it would require great
effort on your part

to imagine how the king
and queen feel about this.

They're the ones who forced
me into the relationship

with Astrid to begin with.

Forced is a rather strong word.

Lady Astrid is an
educated and worldly woman

of the highest caliber.

That's to say nothing of her...


Are those the criteria
for an ideal spouse,

Deputy Von Trier?

I cannot say, Your Highness.

As you're aware, despite
being well into my 40s,

marriage has, as
of yet, eluded me.

Well, don't give up, my friend.

Your soulmate's out
there somewhere.

Thank you, Your Highness.

But if I may return to the
pressing issues at hand,

damage control, and...


And, now that you and Astrid
are no longer together,

who you intend to ask
to the Christmas Ball.

Your home away from home.

Ava: It's like a dream.

I remembered how much you liked
teddy bears when you were a kid.

It's a polar bear.

Henry, how are things shaping up

for our time at
the Winter Castle?

Well, the annual address to
the nation is coming along.

I have some talking
points at least,

but still needs some
work, that's for sure.

I'll get it done.

And is there something
else in need of shaping up?

I think what your mother
is delicately getting at

is do you have a date for
the winter ball or not?

At this moment, I do not.


Maybe I don't want a date.

Maybe it's best I attend alone.

I would not advise it.

Nor would I, Your Highness.


It opens you up to speculation.


Of what? That I'm single?

That maybe you're unable
to find a woman worthy

of one day becoming queen.

Well, so
far that's been true.

Thank you, Von Trier.

Your Majesties.

There'll be no press
at the winter castle.

So, who's going to speculate?

Henry, you know how
these things get out.

Well, let's not worry too much.

If you don't find
a date, I can help.

I know of a lovely young
lady who's just moved back...

Mother, come on, please.

The two of you were
high school sweethearts.

No one set you up.

It just... It was meant to be.


You fell in love with Dad

before you even knew
he was future king.

And Dad, you said the
moment you met Mother

there was an instant connection.


Every word of what
you just said...

is absolutely true.

I just wish everyone
would just relax

and give me a little
space, because...

maybe one day I'll
be lucky enough

to find what you two have.

Give it time.

We'll take our coats, please!

Okay, everyone!

The moment of truth
is fast approaching.

The Royal Family is en route.

Ava, have you ever
pulled it off!

Yeah, I think it
turned out pretty well.

Pretty well? It turned
out beautifully.

And just in time.

The Royal Family's going
to be here any minute.

Oh, good. I want to show you
this one thing over here.

Um, the gradient there, it
might need a little bit of work.

Oh, my goodness. They've
outdone themselves.

Hi, I'm Ava.

Hi, I'm Maria.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.

So, you work with
the Royal Family?

I do. I assist
with their travel.

Well, then you
must know Brigitta.

She's my boss.

She's a lovely lady.

Mr. Jensen.

Prince Henry.

What you've built here
is absolutely marvelous.

I couldn't imagine a more
perfect Winter Castle.

I'm overjoyed that you
like it, Your Highness,

and I hope you enjoy your stay.

Yes, I believe I will.

Prince Henry.

Ah, Mrs. Newton.
How do you do?

And who's that with them there?

Oh, that's Sigrid.
Brigitta's daughter.

We think she's secretly
plotting to get her

together with Prince Henry.


Mm-hm. I mean, we all thought

he'd make Astrid
a princess, but...

And which one is Astrid?

Prince Henry's
girlfriend... Uh, or, ex.

He just broke it off with her,

and now he's single again.

Do you remember my
daughter, Sigrid?

Yes, of course. Sigrid.

Last time I saw you,
we were children

if I remember correctly.

Yes, we were 10.

The same year my mother started
working for the Royal Family.

You may recall she attended
boarding school with the queen.

Yes, I'm aware.

Sigrid was sent
to Tasis at Lugano

after her father died and
I was full-time in service.

Well, you've grown into a
beautiful woman since then.

Thank you.

We may be watching
history unfold.

He looks rather enamored.

Sigrid just completed her
degree at the Sorbonne

and has decided to move
back to Fríorland full-time.

Oh, is that right?


Shall we all go inside?

- Yes.
- Yes.

Wonderful. Come, darling.

Shall we?

Thank you.

This is wonderful.

You are pleased?

Well, it might be the coolest
room I've ever stayed in.

Excuse the pun.

Sigrid: That's funny.

Yes, well...

We will leave you be
then, Your Highness.

Unless, uh, there's any other
way I can be of service.

- I...
- Oh.

I, um...

No, I... I think I'm all
set, Sigrid, thank you.

Very well.

Well, I... I hope to see you
again shortly, Your Highness.


Excuse me?

Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't
mean to startle you.

Sorry, I just, uh...

I get a little jumpy when
people sneak up from behind me.

Well, I really am sorry.

It's okay.

You're the niece of Karl Jensen?

An architect
yourself, I was told.

You are inquiring about me?

Well, I know everyone else here,

and, uh, our stay
at the Winter Castle

is an intimate affair.

Oh, uh, of course.

But you I haven't met yet.



Your uncle has done some
wonderful work for us

over the years.

That's why we
commissioned him to design

this year's Winter Castle.

Ava: Well, thank you.
He's incredibly grateful.

We both are.

I think it's wonderful
that you can both

work on such a unique
project together.

You know, it's strange.

It's almost like fate has
brought us here to do this.


Ava: Mm-hm.

How so?

Well, when I was a little kid,
we used to build snow castles

together in the
backyard over Christmas.


In fact
they were a little bit

taller than you,
but as a little kid

they seemed like
they were gigantic,

and I remember just
sitting inside of them

and I would just dream
about being a princess

off away in a winter wonderland.

Hm. It's one of my
favorite holiday memories.

Sorry, I... I'm oversharing.

No, not at all.

Um, your uncle said that, uh,

this ice slide was your design.

Yes. Yes, it is. You
want to give it a try?

Oh, no. No, no.

I thought you were the
one that requested it.

Um, no, no. For the
children of course.

Well, you're never too
old to go down a slide.

Come on.


- Ava: It'll be fun.
- Ah.

Ava: Just follow
me up these stairs.

- Wow, this is...
- Watch your head.


And you'll sit right
directly behind me.

- Sit right behind you.
- Yes. Careful.

Prince Henry: Just down here?

Ready? One, two...



- Oh!
- Whoa!

Whoa, it's got some speed.


That was fantastic.


Von Trier.

- Prince Henry.
- Yes.

Your presence has been requested
by Her Majesty the Queen.

We have some scheduling to
review back at the royal manor,

but now it's time for the
annual Christmas photo.

Oh, of course it is.

Please tell them I'm on my way.

Thank you.


Duty calls, Ms. Jensen.

But it has been an
absolute pleasure.

Mm, Your Highness.

See you soon.

I'll see you.

Uncle Karl: Ava.

Sweetheart, so glad I found you.

- We need to talk.
- What's the matter?

There's been some
rumblings among the staff

that the Prince may
have a thing for you.

What type of a thing?

An interest.

Apparently he took an
immediate liking to you.

That's ridiculous.

I know you're a
humble young lady,

but anyone with any sense could
see why that might be true.

My personal policy is to
not mingle with the royals,

unless it's
absolutely necessary.

And I'm not telling you
how to live your life.

You're an adult, you can
make your own decisions.

I guess I'm just
saying to be careful.

A slight misstep could have
disastrous consequences

for both of us.

Uncle Karl, I can assure you

that my loyalty is to you
and my career, I promise.

You've grown into such a
wise and talented woman.

As I knew you would.

I gotta run.

- Love you.
- Love you.


A moment, Ms. Jensen. Please.

Brigitta, I didn't
see you over there,

otherwise I would have stopped

and happily exchanged,
um, pleasantries.

You weren't planning
on retiring?


Considering the lucrative
contract you are being paid

for your creative services,
I hope you understand

that you are on call,
as you Americans say.

Of course. Yes.

Uh, what did you have in mind?

I have a job that requires
your creativity and talents.

Please, do tell.


Housing for the royal pooches?

Mm, Bjorn, Grom,
Knud, Toke, and Ulf.

Go on.

Write it down.

Oh, uh...

And you said that there's,
um, five... five of them?


And they each need their
own separate dwelling?

Is that a problem?

No, no. Not at all. It's just
none of this was in the plans.

It was a last minute addition.

The king and queen weren't
planning on bringing

the royal pooches,
but I said, "You must!

They will be in
their element."

And they said,
"Brigitta, you are right,

as it is your habit to be."

The pooches arrive in
three days from now.

You can use whatever you
need in the warehouse.

As for workers to
help you build,

well, I must leave that to you.

I don't think that there's going
to be much time to do this.

Not much time at all.

I expect this will consume
you from this moment forward.

Good day, Ms. Jensen,
and good luck.

Knud? How do you
even spell that?

It appeared Prince Henry was
captivated by the ravishing

Sigrid Newton, who only
recently returned to Fríorland

after graduating from Sorbonne.

As the daughter of
Brigitta Newton,

a long-time member
of the royal staff,

and daughter of the late
Duke Thorfinn Newton,

she's accustomed to
the royal way of life.

With Astrid cast out it
seems Sigrid is next up,

and public opinion
is that she is

very well suited to be
the future princess.

I have a brief chat with a
woman and the press is ready

to crown her the next queen.

It's maddening.

Well, the press did
have a keen observation.

And what was that?

That Sigrid is well-groomed
for this sort of life.

I'd rather someone who's right
for me, not just this life.

All I'm saying is it wouldn't
hurt to give Sigrid a chance.

If you have common interests,
if your personalities mesh,

you might ask her to
the Christmas Ball.

Von Trier.

Sigrid: This is lovely.

It is.

You know, when I was little

I spent countless hours thinking

of what sort of princess
or queen I'd be.

Did you?

Of course, all girls did.

I think I'd want to be like
Queen Christina of Sweden.

She was quite intellectual.

Did you know she had René
Descartes in her court?

Mm. Cogito, ergo sum.

I think, therefore I am.

Oui. Je pense donc je suis.

He was quite incredible.

I mean, first invented
analytical geometry,

and then skepticism, which
is now an essential part

of scientific
theory. I just...

He was... amazing.

Yes, but Queen Christina

lived so extravagantly she
nearly bankrupted the country.

Well, you can't
fault her for that.

All right, well, she was
the most learned woman

of the 17th century.

Yes, she was in good company
with Marie Antoinette.

Ah, now you're
touching on something

that I despise about monarchies.

What is that?

They have a history of
beheading their wives.

Did you know that King
Henry VIII of England

beheaded two of his wives?

Yes, well, that is a rather
morbid bit of history.

I suppose it's a good
thing monarchies frown upon

such things these days.

In all seriousness, what
would happen to a princess

or queen if she didn't
give birth to a boy?

Is she banished in your country?

No, the Royal Family would
celebrate the baby girl.


Princess soon to rule as queen.

Just like Queen
Elizabeth in England.

Kings aren't as important
as their title implies.

What makes you ask
these questions?

Well, I have 17 cousins,

all but one are female,

with six nieces, no nephews.

It seems it's in my
family's lot to have girls.

You know what?

I think we're getting a
little ahead of ourselves.

- Perhaps, yes.
- Yeah.

Ava: So, they're still
a work in progress,

but I think they'll meet the
Royal Family's expectations.

exceed them.

In the field of architecture,
I am convinced you can do

just about anything, and
do it exceptionally well.

I also wanted to
design this gateway

that frames the kennel area.

Karl: Mm-hm.

Ava: A design that
really, you know,

embodies the local environment.

Oh, you should go take
a look in the chapel.

It might give you some ideas.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Hey, I would stay and help
if I didn't have to tend

to every detail of
the Winter Castle.

No, we're a team.

That's why I'm here. So, go.

Focus on what you need to.

Okay, good.


Deputy Von Trier. I gotta run.

Go, I got this.

All right.

Hello. No, I just stepped
away for a couple of minutes.

I'll be right there.

Ms. Jensen.


Sorry, I didn't... I didn't
mean to interrupt you.

No, please. Join me
if you have a moment.

This, uh, this chapel
was built for my cousin.

He's getting married
here after the holidays.

His fiancée is such
a wonderful woman.

They're a great couple.

You know, the kind
of couples who seem

to complement each
other so perfectly.

Yeah, I have some
friends like that.


Have you ever been in a
relationship yourself like that?

Oh, no.

Have you?

Uh... no.

Not yet.

Interesting design, isn't it?

Yeah, it's so unique.

It was my cousin's vision,

but your uncle helped
execute it perfectly.


It's representative
of the landscape,

which is very important
to our culture.

Constantly in flux and change.

The snow, glaciers,

and the storms that blow so hard
you can hardly see your hand

when you hold it
in front of you.

It's all part of what
makes us who we are.

And who's that?


- Yeah.
- Oh, uh. We are...

We are strong and
resilient people.

People that help each
other when times are tough.

But we also truly
appreciate nature

and will fight to protect it.

Isn't it interesting
how the landscape that

we grow up around
really influences us?

Where I grew up really inspired
my passion for architecture,

especially for
sustainable housing.

Where were you raised?

- Minnesota.
- Minnesota.

Uh, strong Nordic roots.


I'm kidding. I grew up
around snow and the cold, so.

Well, you'll feel very
at home here, then.

Your Highness?

Oh, yes.

There are a few matters
of varying urgency

that require your attention.


Thank you.

It's nice to see you
again, Ms. Jensen.


You can call me Ava.

Okay. Ava.

I'll see you soon.

Queen: Oh, do try
to keep up, dear.

I know you much prefer
the great indoors,

but this is the
reason why we're here.

For the invigoration of it all!

Yes, darling.

Remember that I do love the
idea of cross-country skiing

a bit more than the
activity itself,

which I feel has been
vastly over-romanticized.

Now that we're all here,
just the three of us,

I do feel like it's
absolutely wonderful.


I don't think it was
just the three of us.

Apparently our
location was leaked.

Must be the guy who
took the photo of me

talking with Sigrid.

Well, you know how
to handle this.

Just ignore him.

I've been doing that
my whole life, mother.

It takes its toll.

Well, come on, cheer up.

This is a great opportunity
for outdoor sport

and it is my favorite
time of the year.

Mine too, Mother.

And we have a lovely
dinner planned for tonight

at the royal manor.

A traditional meal,
great conversation,

a glass of wine.
Just what you need.

And we've invited
Sigrid as our guest.

Just so the two of you
can be reacquainted.

Well, we've already
been reacquainted.

Oh, have you?

We went for a walk together
arranged by Von Trier

and orchestrated by you
and Brigitta I'm sure.

And how did it go?

Well, she wondered if
it'd be problematic

if she only birthed females.

Well, you can't fault a
girl for thinking ahead.

Come on, Mother.

Oh, she was probably
just nervous.

Anyway, enough of this.

There'll be plenty
of time to talk

about all sorts of
things at dinner.

You've been awfully
stressed lately.

More so than normal.

Yeah, I just have
a lot on my mind.

Son, as a hereditary royal,

you above all people
know our obligations.

We must keep up our traditions.

We're a small,
but vital country.

What do we have, if we
don't have tradition?

And we do understand that it
can be overwhelming at times.

Yes, but you must be
able to control it

and the impact it has on you.

Oh, easier said than done.


Well, so is
cross-country skiing,

but practice makes perfect.

Listen, the rest of
the day is yours.

Go relax.

Or better yet, go have some fun.


Maybe I will.

Queen: Come on.

Actually, I would love
a brandy after this.

Oh, Mr. Jensen.

Prince Henry.

Um, I was wondering if
you've seen Ava around.

Yes, why? Are you
looking for her?

Yes, I am, in fact.

Which is why I'm asking.

Of course. Yes.

Um, she's tending to a
project in the workshop.

Great. Thank you.

Okay. Well, she's
very busy, though.

She's got a lot of work to do.


You really like to sneak
up on people, don't you?

It's not intentional...

I promise.

how can I help you?

I have a proposal.

A proposal?

Look, um, the Winter Castle
is supposed to be a getaway,

but I can hardly turn around
without bumping into someone

who needs something from me.

So, I was wondering

if you might want to,
uh... take a break.

And get away for a few hours.

To do what?

To escape all of this

and just have some fun.

I mean, you do
make a good point,

but if Brigitta found out I
left and went somewhere with you

when I'm on this
deadline, she would be...

"Off with her head."

Don't worry about Brigitta.

But I have to make these
pooch palaces in the next day.

I can't just leave.

That's what you're working on.

- Hm.
- Yeah.

Actually, I would love
to get your feedback.

Do you mind taking a look?

No, not at all.


These are spectacular.


Yeah. The most impressive
dog houses I have ever seen.

I love the gated archway.

But I have a bit
of news for you.

Um, the, um...

The royal pooches, they are not
coming to the Winter Castle.



But Brigitta said
that they were.

I mean, I've done all this work.

Yes, um, well, she
suggested it to my mother,

who, well, of course agreed,
but, um, I put an end to it.

I love the dogs, I know
them better than anyone,

They're much happier back home.

But these are so spectacular.

I think they should be built
for our primary residence.

But they are not pressing.

So, just like that,

magic, I cleared your schedule.


Your Highness.

Uh, please. Call me Henry.

It seems so informal, though.

I prefer informal.




Well, would you be so kind

as to accompany me
in an adventure?

Sure. Okay.

Great. See you soon.

Can I ask your
advice on something?


Prince Henry asked
me if I wanted to go

on "an adventure" with him.

- He asked you on a date?
- No, it's not a date.

Mm, it sounds like a date.

So, you think it's a bad idea?

How many girls in their
lifetime get to say

they went on a
date with a prince?

I'm not trying to
complicate things.

I am here to do my
job, help my uncle,

build up my resume. I don't
need to get sidetracked.

I'm sorry. I think
I'm missing something.

I thought we were
discussing going on a date

with Prince Henry.

I have a very
specific life plan,

and it does not involve
getting mixed up with princes.

No offense,

but you're sounding a
little Type A right now.

Type A?


But I know there's also
a playful side to you.

I heard about you and the
Prince on the ice slide.

Trust me, people do not
interact with him that way.

I think that's why he wants
to spend more time with you,

and I have no idea
why you wouldn't want

to spend more time with him.

It's not like I don't think
he's attractive, I do.

He's just... He just...
Got out of a relationship

and, mm, Sigrid has
made it very clear that

she is ready and willing to fill
that void as of immediately.

Look, I know the tabloids
give him a hard time

over his other
relationships and all that,

but I've been around him
quite a bit over the years.

Prince Henry is a gentleman
with a good heart.

He really cares for people.

It's not just an
act. It's real.

I don't know...

You're over-thinking this.

Maybe. I mean, he did only say
it was gonna be a few hours.


You asked me for my advice.

So, I'm going to give it to you.

Go on this date.

I think you'd regret it
one day if you didn't.





Take me away.

Do I know you?

And he's funny too.

Well, I'm not
known for my humor,

but you seem to
bring it out of me.

I'm sorry, what is that for?

Oh, in case we run
into a polar bear.

It's just to scare them off.

You know, one warning shot
just sends them running.

It's to keep us and
the polar bear safe.

I know how much you love them.

Come on.

You'll be safe
with me, I promise.

I trust you.

Henry: Good.



Since your grandfather,
the Duke, died

and we lost all peerages,

I have strived to regain
our family's nobility.

Oh, you must remember,
Sigrid, you are no commoner.

You are as worthy of
becoming princess as anyone.

So, let's make the most
of this dinner tonight.

You have done your part, Mother,

and now, I shall do mine.


All right.


Ava: Wow, your country really
is a perfect winter wonderland.

Oh, do you think so?

I love it out here
this time of year.

I can see why.

Oh, what's this?

Some local architecture.
That's a fishing chalet.

I love the design. Functional.

I feel like we're in our
own private snow globe.

Henry: Hope you're
not getting too cold.

Ava: Nah.

Henry: Oh, look at
this. Over here.

Ava: Oh, they're so cute.

Over here.

- Ava: What are they?
- Henry: Reindeer.

Must've heard there was
a special guest in town.


This setting is incredible.

Henry: Oh, so you're
not disappointed?

What? How could I
be disappointed?

Well, I thought maybe you were
expecting royal accommodation.

Ava: It's like out
of a fairy tale.

Ah, well, it's going
to get dark soon,

and, um, I have a few things
to set up, so come on.

What? What things?

It's possible he got
the time mixed up.

Possible, though I have a
feeling it's something else.

Oh, dear.

Well, Heaven knows
what's keeping him.

Go to Henry's room

and find out what's
detaining him.

Oh, Sigrid. Tell me, did
you have an opportunity

to explore the grounds?

Um, yes. I did actually,
with the Prince.

Um, it was quite lovely,
lovely property you have.

- Yes.
- Thank you.

It's wonderful out there.

You know, I myself actually

went on a bit of an
exploratory trip.

Prince Henry?

Prince Henry?

Okay, call me if
you hear anything.

Mrs. Newton.

Sigrid was wondering if,
after dinner, we could get her

some additional time
with the Prince.

I was thinking a night
cap at our ice bar.

Just the two of them.

I believe if we give
them a little more time

things will run
their natural course.

I don't think that
will be possible.

Why not?

At this hour, it is unlikely
the Prince will turn up.

Well, where is he?

We don't know.

What do you mean you don't know?

The Prince, Mrs.
Newton, is missing.



Ava, are you in
there? It's Brigitta.


Where are you?

Perhaps more wine.

Oh, yes. Please.

Prince Henry is, um... gone.


Gone where?

I've searched all over.
He's nowhere to be found.

I believe he's
left the premises,

possibly with the
American girl, Ava,

as she also seems to
be unaccounted for.

Queen: Well, our
son is vulnerable.

I'm afraid he could
easily be manipulated.

I don't know Ava, but
American girls can be

quite cunning when they
see something they want.

Yes, I've heard this about
these American women.

Von Trier: What would
you like me to do?

I suggest you find a
little bit more out

about this Ava character.

Try and ascertain what
her motives might be.

Yes, Your Majesties.

Well, I do apologize, but
it seems my son's duties,

of which he has many,
are going to detain him

permanently from dinner,
but I suggest that we eat.

Queen: Yes.

King: Tell the chef
we're ready please.


Is that for the firm
you work for in America?


It's personal.

These are my mock-ups for a
sustainable housing community.

My country is becoming
less affordable

for lower income families.

So, it's a project I'm
hoping to launch soon.

It's more than
just your country,

but turning crisis
into creation...

I'd like to learn
more about that topic.

Over dinner.

May I?

You may.

Wow. Unbelievable.

And flowers, too?

Do you like it?


Come on. Please, take a seat.


Look at this incredible spread.


May I pour you a glass of wine?

Yes, you may.


I've got this.

No problem.

You don't know how to
open a bottle of wine?

How dare you suggest
something that's...

absolutely true. No, I don't.

Here. You were close.


You sort of have...
Yes, you're supposed to

- take off the wrapper first.
- Okay.

Then you twist it about halfway.


There we are.

Thank you for coming
to the rescue.

I must admit, I'm lacking...

many basic life skills.


Skál, which means cheers

in Fríorlandic,
Swedish, and Icelandic.




So, tell me a little
more about yourself.

What do you want to know?

Yeah, well, let's start
with something easy,

like, uh, who is Ava Jensen?

Well, I guess, a woman who
loves, loves architecture,

and, I guess, really wants

to make a difference
in the world.

In what way?

Do something good
for this planet.

Help people.

And, who knows, maybe
that's by creating

this green, sustainable
community housing project.

Ultimately, yes, I would
like to find a partner

and start a family, but...

maybe one day.

Those are wonderful
desires to have.


Ava: What is that?

You have to come
outside to see this.

Come on.

What is that?

Wow. It's incredible.

One of Earth's most
magnificent displays.

Our Viking ancestors
believed those lights

were earthly
manifestations of the gods.

What would happen
if I made a wish

under the Northern Lights?

I don't know.

Maybe you should
try and find out.


You'll have to tell
me if it comes true.

Only if you're lucky.


You needed to see me?

Please email me Ava
Jensen's file right away.

Well, ladies and gentlemen,

your queen and I would
like to sincerely thank you

for joining us for dinner,

and apologies once
more for our son's...


Surely his responsibilities
overwhelmed him.



Thank you for your

Of course.

If you'll please excuse me.

Queen: Yes.

Excuse me.

How did you enjoy
dinner, Ms. Newton?

Have a good evening, Maria.

Thank you for
getting away with me.

It was just what I needed.

Thank you for inviting me.

I had a really nice time.

I'd like to see you again,

but, uh, tomorrow I'm gonna be
in hiding for most of the day.

Is everything okay?

Yes, this year I'm
giving the annual

address to the nation.

I, um, haven't
finished my speech yet,

and it's being broadcast in
two days across the country.

Sounds like a lot of pressure.

Yeah, it is, but it is an
opportunity for us to show

our gratitude for
the previous year

and, uh, to set the tone
for the years to come.

Well, let me know
if you need my help.

I'm just going to find a quiet
place so I can finish it.

I just don't want people to
think I'm reading it, you know?

I want them to know it's
coming from the heart.

I just have to
rehearse quite a bit.

Anyway, sorry, I don't mean to
burden you with all this stuff.

I'm just saying I'm
happy to lend you an ear.

Are you sure?

After I check with my uncle

and I make sure he
doesn't need anything,

and as long as Brigitta
doesn't give me 100 more tasks.

Well, you do have royal
immunity from Brigitta.

And, yes, as long as your uncle

has everything under control,

I'd love it, if
you were with me.

I just received word
the Prince has returned.

This is embarrassing.

I'm not quite sure
how to handle this.

Please inform His Highness
that I am indisposed.

Certainly. I shall handle it.

Your Highness.

Ah, Von Trier.

Where, may I ask, have you been?

You sound like my parents
when I was a teenager.

Well, it's about to get worse.

We've been searching all over
God's frozen hectare for you.

You can't just up and leave

without telling anyone
where you're going.

Okay, I apologize.

And you missed the dinner.

The king and queen were
beside themselves with worry.

Was it worry or disappointment?

It was both.

And poor Sigrid,
sitting all alone.

She expected you there.

She was disappointed.

Where did he say he was?

Well, I am sorry
I missed dinner.

It wasn't my intention
to hurt anyone.

Please explain to
Sigrid that something...

important came up.

When I do, shall I include

an invitation to
the Christmas Ball?

- What did he say?
- I don't know, darling. Quiet!

Oh, Von Trier.

I'm beginning to see why
marriage has eluded you.

Just lighten up a little bit.

Hm? It would do you some good.

I'm off to the Winter Castle.

- Is it the American girl?
- I don't know.

- She's so unrefined, Mother.
- I know.

And I spent all that
time on my posture

and my etiquette lessons.

- What was that?
- What was what?

Oh, they see us. Let's go.

Prince, wait, you never
told me where you were.

Goodnight, Deputy Von Trier.

The request didn't come
from Brigitta, did it?

No, why?

I think the reason she gave
you the dog house assignment

in the first place was
to keep you occupied

and away from the Prince.

Well, that sure backfired.

How do you mean?

Mm, it doesn't matter.

I just wanted to make
sure it's okay with you,

that you don't need
me before I commit.

Well, if the Royal Family
requested your services

and it's within reason,
then by all means commit.

You know, I think for the
first time since we started

the Winter Castle, I feel
like everything's in order.

Oh, good. I'm glad to hear it.

So, what did they request?

It wasn't as much of a
request as I offered to help.

Oh, to do what and for whom?

Prince Henry with his speech.



He said he wanted to
go somewhere private,

just the two of us.

Just the two of you.

Doesn't that seem
a little intimate?

Uncle Karl, I'm a professional.

Okay, I believe you.

It's what other people will
believe that concerns me.

I think the Prince is
just comfortable around me

because I'm not in
his royal circle.

I know, and I know
you're a professional.

I am wary of you
getting too close.

I would hate to
see you get hurt.

Uncle Karl, you know
what I've been through.

If I can get through
that, then trust me,

I can make it through anything.

Uh, the general idea of the
message I want to convey,

I just can't seem
to get it across.

Why don't you tell me
about these sketches

I keep seeing you make?

No, no. This is
not why we're here.

Oh, but I need a break, okay?

So, please. Show me.

I guess the theme of it is, um,

the unpredictability of life.

I mean, sometimes you think
you have everything you need,

and then all of a sudden
your life just gets flipped

turned upside down.

These sketches are shelters
or dwellings that can be

built quickly and inexpensively
after natural disasters.

To keep the costs down we
would use discarded materials

such as recycled
corking for the floor,

pressing newspapers into wood,

and shipping containers that
can be turned into dwellings.

Things like that.

Interesting, that's...
That's amazing.

Mm-hm. It's not only designed to
put a roof over someone's head,

but they also provide comfort.

The architect Shigeru Ban, he
has been building structures

like this in places that
have been hit by hurricanes

and earthquakes.

I'm familiar with
some of his work.

Yeah, he's brilliant.

I mean, I've basically just
taken his idea and expanded it.

This is extraordinary, Ava.

Thank you.

And it just gave me an idea.


Yes, yes, yes. This is good.


No, you've inspired a
bit of a breakthrough.

Care and one of the finest
public education systems

in the world.

Due to various...


Various global circumstances.

What's wrong?

I just...

I've never been comfortable
giving speeches.

I just get really nervous
and the back of my neck

and my shoulders cramp up.

Well, you shouldn't
be so stressed

because you're actually
a very good speaker.

I appreciate that.

You know, I think I may
have seen a hot tub earlier.

Oh, yes.

Us Fríorlanders take our
hot tubbing quite seriously.

Are you suggesting
we go for a soak?

I think it'll be good for
you to take a hot tub.

It'll relax you, be
good for your muscles.

I think you're right.

- Yeah.
- Let's go.

Sounds great.

Yeah? Does it?


Henry: Mm.

This water feels amazing.

This was a good call.

I think so.

You know, if you
were here any longer

I'd take you up north
to the thermal lagoons.

Who knows? Maybe
I'll come back.

I'm really starting to take
a liking to your country.



Well, then it's settled then.

You must return.

I have so much more
I want to show you.

Mind you, our country's
about the same size

as the state of Vermont,

so it wouldn't take
long to see it all.

A tour of Fríorland
by the Prince himself?

Who would pass that up?

Well, it would not
be wise to do so.

No, it wouldn't.

You feel good, not as stiff?

- I feel fantastic.
- Good.

Thank you for that suggestion.

Oh, um, please. Just
ignore him, okay?

Ava: I thought this
place was private?

It was. Someone must have
tipped him off, I guess.

Prince Henry! Is this
your new girlfriend?

Please, respect our
privacy. We're just friends.

Can you just give me her
name for the caption?

You're not permitted to be here.

So, I suggest you leave.

If I see you again I'll have
you escorted off the premises.

I'm sorry. I'm only trying
to support my family.

Ava: Unbelievable.

I'm really, really sorry.

What do you think they're
going to do with those photos?

Sell them to the
highest bidder I assume,

and then come up with some story
to go along with the photos.

I knew it wasn't smart,

us spending so
much time together.

You're right.

I am sorry.

But I did really enjoy
our time together.

I did, too.

I'm going to go spend
some time with my uncle

and, you know, just
lay low for a bit.

Yes, I think that's a good idea.

But your speech, it's,
um, it's in great shape.

You should be proud of yourself.

Well, thanks to you, yes.

I don't know about that.


Listen, um...

Tomorrow's going
to be rather crazy.

I've got obligations before
then after the address.

But I was wondering if, um,

you have any plans
on Christmas Eve.

I'm supposed to go into town

and have brunch with my uncle,

but after that,
nope. I'm free.

- No plans.
- Good.

Could you possibly
keep the evening open?

Yes, for you I suppose I could.


'Cause I have, um, a
little something in mind.

It appears you've come
upon something of interest.

I'm afraid so.

Don't leave a lady in
suspense. What is it?

Oh, dear me.

I don't think you understand
what you're turning down.

This is tabloid gold. They
will pay a fortune for it.

Simply submit it along
with your photograph.

Ma'am, I appreciate what
you're trying to do for me,

but I only sell photographs.

I'm not trying to
ruin anybody's life.

Besides, I like the Prince,

and when I see him
together with that woman

they seem genuinely happy.

I am not trying to ruin
anyone's life either.

I am trying to
protect the Prince.

Fine, I will give it
to someone else then,

and you'll be sorry you
passed when you see it

on the front page tomorrow.

They pay a lot more for scoops
than they do for pictures.

Henry: foundation
of what has become

the strongest regional
collaborations in the world.

This unity...

Prince Henry, if I may
have a moment of your time.

Can it wait?

I'm sorry, but something
has come to light

that needs to be brought
to your attention.

What is it?

It's about Ava.

I'm listening.

Ava was engaged to be married.

How long ago?

It's been almost three years,
but the man she was engaged to,

he is in prison.

For what?

Security fraud, perjury,
money laundering.

He stole millions
from investors.


I'm sure Ava had
nothing to do with it.

Otherwise, she would
have been charged.

We are still looking into
that, but, innocent or not,

Ava was closely
associated with a man

who turned out to be a criminal.

We need to hear her
side of the story.

Do my parents know?

Not yet.

Okay, don't tell them
anything until we know more,

and don't let any of
this leak to the press.

It already has, hasn't it?

I can't say for
certain, but if it has

and they run the story,

your reputation
will be tarnished,

but I have a plan to quickly
return you to the good graces

of the royal council and
the people of Fríorland.

My reputation isn't
what's important here.

All I care about is Ava.

And I want to tell
you something.

These games you all
play to manipulate me

and make me do things
that others think is best,

they might have just ruined
my chance with the first woman

I've had real feelings
for in a long time.

Prince Henry, they're
ready for you.

King: Good luck.

You got this.

We are going live in five, four,

three, two, one. sh**ting.

Greetings, fellow Fríorlanders,
our Nordic neighbors,

and friends tuning in
from all over the world.

I want to thank you
for joining us for

our annual Christmas address.

I would like to open by
expressing our gratitude

to all Fríorlanders,
who, year after year,

work tirelessly
to make our small,

but proud nation, a major player

on the global stage.

I would also like to
express our gratitude

for the continued
cooperation and goodwill

between all Nordic nations.

This provides the foundation
of what has become

one of the strongest regional
collaborations in all the world.

The unity we maintain
is the cornerstone

of our economic success.

While we enjoy much good
fortune this Christmas season,

let us not forget
people are suffering.

So, let us use this
occasion to open our hearts

to those in need and
take an honest look

at what we can do better,

and how we can help more.

Why are we here,

if not to live in the
service of others?

Fríorland has been a
safe haven of neutrality,

in which larger nations
have bartered for peace.

What better time than Christmas

is there to remind us all
for the need for peace?

So, as we move through
this coming year,

it is my hope that our
thoughts and actions

can be led by mercy
and compassion.

Because, if enough
of us can do that,

we have a chance of changing
the world for the better.

Merry Christmas to all,

and God bless.


Good job, son. Well done.

Thank you. Merry Christmas.

Prince Henry, the King
of Sweden is on the phone

and has requested
a word with you.

He was very moved
by your speech.

I need to see Ava right now.

There's no time for that.

Your Highness, the
King of Sweden.

Please, we do not want
to keep him waiting.

Following the call, the
press junket will begin.

Afterwards there
will be a debriefing

with the royal council.

Prince Henry here.

Well, the Prince
really delivered today.

What a speech.

Yeah, I'm proud of him.

It's been a real gift,
spending this holiday together.

Like old times.


Get some sleep.

You too.

- Okay.
- Goodnight.


Thank you, sir.

And merry Christmas to
you and your family.

King of Sweden: Thank
you, Prince Henry.

Wonderful address
tonight. Congratulations.

Your Highness.

Just the person we
were looking for.

Have you seen Ava?

Uh, she's not here.


Well, she's gone.


When I spoke with
her earlier today,

we both agreed that since her
business is concluded here,

she should depart immediately.

You've got to be kidding.

Now that her dirty laundry

has been aired all
over the front page,

she's hardly fit to associate
with the Royal Family.

She has been informed that
any further communication

with you is strictly forbidden.

Great, that's why she's
not answering my calls.

Where is she right now?

Well, I believe she's on
her way to the airport.

I can't
believe this.

I assure you, this is
in your best interest.

I wish people would
stop thinking they know

what's in my best interests.

I have to find her.

But what about the Ball?!

I... I cannot stand the way
the tabloids twist the truth.

Eh, it's all my fault.

I should have kept my distance.

I just hope it doesn't
reflect poorly on you.

Ava, I would not have been able
to pull this off without you,

but now I just wish I'd
never gotten you involved.

I just thought

it would be a wonderful
experience for you.

It was.

I got to spend time with you.

Help you build your
spectacular creation.

Honestly. I don't
have any regrets.

You've always been
a ray of sunshine.

Ever since you
were a little girl,

in your castle in the backyard.


I want you to know how much
it has always meant to me

to be a part of your life.

Uncle Karl. Mm.

You've always been
an inspiration to me.


I have to go. Don't
want to miss my flight.

Don't want to be another
international incident.

Love you, sweetheart.

I love you, too.

Thank you for the polar bear.

Karl: Of course.

Did you get a copy
of the court ruling?

Von Trier: I did.


Von Trier: Uh, well,
it turns out that

it exonerates Ava
of any wrongdoing.

She was completely
deceived by her fiancé,

and was as shocked as anyone
to learn what he was up to.

I knew she was innocent.

Your Highness, I just want to
say I'm so sorry that this got...

Your Highness?

No, I'm still a half hour away
and Ava won't return my calls.

Then hold the plane.

Why can't you?

I guess you'll just
have to detain her then.

I know it sounds harsh, but
do it politely, can't you?



Hello? I'm going
to miss my flight.

I'm going to miss...

What are you doing here?

I needed to see you.

Oh, so it was you who
had me escorted here

and is keeping me c*ptive.

You're not being kept c*ptive.

It sure feels like I am.

You know that article they ran?

It made it seem like I came
here to swindle your family.

I know, that's what
the tabloids do.

They sensationalize,
sometimes even flat-out lie.

Make people look like frauds.

I was with my fiancé
for two years.

He's the one who devastated
those people's lives.

All I've done is
try and just move on

from the pain that he's caused.

It's like no matter
how hard I try,

it's the past that's
always haunting me.

Ava, I admire you more knowing
what you've been through.

No one has ever made me
feel the way that you have.

It's true.

Things just feel...

better and brighter
with you around.

I don't want you to go.

Tomorrow's Christmas.

And I'd be honored
if you accompany me

to the Christmas Ball.

Like, as your date?

No, no.

It's been made clear
I'm not welcome here.

No, that is not true.

Yeah, it is.

I have to go.

Merry Christmas.

Ava. Ava!

What is it?

I got confirmation
that you landed safely.

It's true. I landed
safely in Fríorland.

Sorry, I just left out a little
bit of information for you.

I'm confused.

Well, it only took me until
I was 30,000 feet in the air

to realize that
I made a mistake.

Luckily, the pilots were kind
enough to turn back around.

Why didn't you tell
me you came back?


Deputy Von Trier was notified
that Ava had returned,

and because he was riddled with
guilt over the tabloid story,

he jumped at the chance
to reunite the two of you

in the most meaningful way.

Von Trier, get over here.

You arranged this?

I did, Your Highness.

And now that the two
of you are together,

I must apologize from
the bottom of my heart.

I hope you can forgive me,

though I know I
do not deserve it.

And Ms. Jensen, if it
takes until my dying day,

I shall make it up to you.

How'd you get the dress?



Your Highness.

When I learned the
truth about Ava

and I saw how upset
you were when she left,

I knew I had to
help reunite you.

I apologize.

I was wr...

What she's trying to
say is she was wrong.

- Exactly.
- We both were.


Well, we still need
to talk about this,

but I can't tell you
how thrilled I am...

about this wonderful surprise.

Thank you all.

May I have this dance?

You may.

I wonder what the tabloids
will have to say about us now.

Henry: Oh, yes.

Hm, well, heaven
only knows, right?

I'm not going to lie,

I saw the photo
that they ran of us,

and we look kind
of cute together.

We do, don't we?


Actually, you just
gave me an idea.

Come on.

Excuse me. Wait,
wait, wait, wait.

Thank you for coming tonight,

and I want you to
take a picture of us.

Excuse me?

If you don't mind.

Ms. Jensen and I
would like an official

Christmas Ball photograph.

Uh, yeah. Okay.
Uh, let me just...

Hold those smiles.

Hold that pose. One more.

Just one more.

Got it.

Henry: Thank you.

I hope you can
still make it home

to your family for Christmas.

Thank you, Your Highness.

I'm going to call my wife
and tell her I'll be home

for Christmas dinner.

- Thank you, merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.

- Ava: Nice meeting you.
- Paparazzo: Thank you.

Oh, wow. Would
you look at that.

Oh, I think that's so sweet.

They're really good
people deep down.

They just needed a little
love in their life.

Hm, yes, maybe you're right.

You know, after my address,

I spoke to my parents
and the Royal Council,

and they were in agreement
that we need to expand

our humanitarian relief efforts,

including an international
sustainable green community

housing project
called Polar Green.

Henry! That's amazing.

Thing is, um, we'll need
someone to head it up.

You're serious?


That would require
me relocating here.

Yes, yes. Yes, it would.

I would like nothing more.

And I mean that
with all my heart.

Do you remember when we were
under the Northern Lights

and I promised you that
I would tell you my wish

if it came true?


It just did.