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Wedding in the Hamptons, The (2023)

Posted: 12/01/23 13:51
by bunniefuu
(projector whirring)


Excuse me.

Hi. I couldn't

help but noticing

I think this would look really

pretty with your outfits?


Wow, beautiful.

- Thank you.

- Bye, bye.

Hi, Jenna.

They should add you to the

city sights map for tourists.

Oh, well, I am just doing my

civic duty as a New Yorker.

I just wish I had more customers

to see your gorgeous work.

Maybe I should have just

given her the whole dress.

She'd probably wear it

all around the city.

She's a tourist.

But you would look

stunning in that dress.

Where am I going to

wear a dress like that?

On the subway?

Around the corner to the bodega?

Hey, they would

be taking pictures

of the best dressed

woman in Manhattan.

Well, I am more

suited to dressing

the best women of Manhattan.

There is a leading lady inside

you begging to come out.

Things will turn around.

And that's why you are

my employee of the month.

I am your only employee.

I get all the months.

All right, well, since we

don't have any more customers,

why don't you show

us what else you got?

- Oh, I got. Come on.

- All right.

All right.

Annacardona, feast

your eyes on my latest.

Let me know what you like.

I don't like any of them.

Because I love them all.


Are these ready to sell?

I may have gotten a

tiny bit carried away.

I made an entire spring

collection in various sizes.

These are going to be

perfect for wedding season.

They are bold choices.

Well, what woman

doesn't like to be bold?

I don't know, but

lately it seems that

our best seller is

a black pantsuit.

All it takes is for

one person to like it

then that person

tells another person,

that person tells two people.

Next thing you know, you

got a fashion empire.


(bell dings)

Okay, let's hope that

that's a customer

and not a bill collector.


Good afternoon. May I

help you find something?

Yeah, I'm going to a wedding.

- Yes.

- Not a funeral.

Thanks. I'm good.

Wait, wait. This is our

business collection.

Our spring collection

is in the back.

Cutting edge. No

one has seen it.

Come on, all custom designed.

There is no other

similar piece out there.

Love these.

See, Jenna's a

fantastic seamstress.

She could tailor

for a perfect fit.

Yeah, and you know what?

As a fellow brunette, I

think this shade of pink

would look absolutely

stunning on you.

You're right.

You know what? I'll

take all of them.

All of the dresses

for one wedding?

Not just a wedding. The

social event of the season.

Very exclusive, week long event.

Let's get you fitted.

Wow. I can't believe your dad

created so many popular apps.


Daddy can barely drive

his Tesla, much less code.

But now he owns majority

stake of most of the socials.

Must be very lucrative.

Money can't buy status. Not

on the East coast, anyway.

We are considered new money.

It's so elitist.

Oh, you guys use

crystals, right?

I wouldn't be caught

dead in plastic beading.

Oh, yes.

Elitist. Right.

Well, you know, East Coasters

are pretty traditional.

It's all going to change

with this wedding.

The bride is unconventional,

artistic type.

Total opposite from

the groom's family.

Who's getting married?

Wyatt Slate.

From the Slate

Publishing empire?

Are you friends with them?

I wish. I've never

met them in my life.

I was invited by the

family's PR firm.

PR firms plan weddings?

It's a brilliant move.

And it's breaking me into

the New York social scene.

Because my father

rules social media,

they think inviting me will

give him extra exposure.

Well, you will definitely

stand out in these dresses.

So, when is the wedding?

- I leave tomorrow.

- Tomorrow?

- Tomorrow tomorrow?

- Yes, tomorrow.

I'll have a courier

stop by to pick them up

along with the

rest of these bags.

It's in the Hamptons.

I assume you'll be available if

there's a wardrobe malfunction?

Of course. Oh, yes, yes.


We're a full service.

We'll have them ready.

Here's the address for

the Slates and the number

for my father's accountant.

He'll take care of the bills.

Thanks, ladies.

Oh, time to go, baby.



Do you think she will get

our dresses on social media?

Definitely a good chance.

Every website

mentions this wedding.

The publishing giant

clings to a merger with

Red Wagon Children's Publishing

in spite of the public outcry

when Slate Media pulled all

its book donations to schools,

libraries and children's

hospitals earlier this year.

Dang, they definitely

need an image rehab.

This could be our chance

to save the store.

If people see our dresses on

social media, it could blow up.

How could somebody this good

looking be so heartless?

Forget about the Slates.

We are going to

pull an all nighter.


Anybody there?


Oof, ow.


Anna, we overslept!

We missed the courier.

Then deliver them personally.

I can't do that. They're

New York Royalty.

Don't be silly.

She said she might

need you in case

of a wardrobe malfunction.

This definitely qualifies.

Oh my God, okay.

I am off to save the store.

May I help you?

Lindsay Arnold. I'm here...

I had staff waiting for

you at the helicopter pad.

Does your pilot

still need clearance?

The helicopter is in

the shop, so I drove in.

Looks like you got the

last car on the rental lot.

Now, I sent you a map of the

estate and the itinerary.

Are you okay to

make it on your own

or do you need to

wait for an escort?

I'm sure I can find it myself.

Ooh, ah. Ooh.

Hi. Excuse me.



Wow. I've never had my grass

aerated by pink heels before.

How long do you think

it would take you

to finish the east garden?

Well, I could send you a pair

and you could let me know.

Oh, great.

I'm looking for

Lindsay Arnold's room.

I seem to have lost the...

- The lady at the gate.

- Oh, Eileen?

Yeah. Trust me,

you're better off.

Take a seat.


Yeah. Allow me. Oh,

you don't have to do...


Here we go. Thanks.

I'm just getting a look at

my new garden equipment.


Yeah, well, I was going to try

them on, but they won't fit.

I'm size twelve.

Yeah, so your room?

Yeah, for Lindsay Arnold.

Oh, yeah.

The stranger, invited by a

PR firm to a family wedding.


- Come along.

- Okay.

Wow, this place is huge.

I mean, it feels more like a

museum than an actual house.

I could spend days

just snooping around.

I'm sure the PR firm

has plenty of staged fun

to keep people busy.

Like the gardens?

Oh, is that where

the wedding will be?

Or the reception?

Oh, the PR firm and their circus

is not allowed in my garden.

Oh, I would love

to see the gardens.

I'm sure they're beautiful.

You are so lucky to work

on such a grand estate.

Right, well, I mostly

work in the office.

The gardens have

offices as well?

Yeah, but that would...

I would love to see the

Slate private gardens.

I bet they are like

walking in paradise.

Yeah, it is my favorite

part of the estate.

Come on.



This is your room.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have to leave you and get

ready for the next event.

Your chambermaid should

be with you shortly.

Goodbye, Miss Arnold.




(phone rings)

Jenna, did you

deliver the dresses?

I'm here. Lindsay is not.

Well, when I called the

accountant today, he said

that Lindsay was on

her way to Europe,

not the Slate wedding.

She's been invited to

go yachting with royals.

So all of this was for nothing?

Well, he did agree to

pay for the dresses

and the sale will keep us

open for another month.

So it's not for nothing,

but we still need a

long term solution.

Yeah, but she won't be wearing

my dresses on social media.

Not at the Slate wedding, no.

There is a problem.

Everyone thinks Lindsay is here.

What? Why?

I checked in as her at the gate.

You told them that

you're Lindsay?

Everyone, including

the gardener,

thinks they know Lindsay

Arnold because it is me.


Are you crazy?

The lady at the

gate was very scary.

And now I'm in Lindsay's room

and they're sending

me a chambermaid.

No, you gotta get out before

you end up as a

Page Six scandal.

Okay? Just come back and

we'll think of a new plan

to save the store.

Okay? Yeah, right. I'm out.

- I'll see you soon.

- Okay.

What am I doing?

What am I doing?

Oh, I apologize for being late.

I was waiting at the helipad.

I brought out the

rest of your bags.

Oh, that's so sweet, but

I actually have to go.

Oh. Nonsense.

You cannot attend the

reception in that.

You look like you

had a hard night.

I'm sure that we

can find something

for you to wear in here.

Oh, dear.

Hmm, this is not the honeymoon.

No, that is not mine.

That is not mine, but

I do really need to go.

Here, let me put

this away for you.

In just a moment, dear.

Oh, now this is so

much more appropriate.

Just the pop of color

this crowd needs.


There has been a mistake.

Oh, no, no. There is

absolutely no mistake.

My name is Diana, and I am

here to assist you all week.

Anything you need.

A whole week?

Okay, so I, uh...

Please, miss, I cannot

have you be late.

This is so awkward.

Come, no need. No need.

- I'm going to get...

- I forgot my toothbrush.

Can't go without my toothbrush.

Don't you worry, I'm

going to get you dressed.


Look at you now,

isn't this better?

Yes, you are a natural

beauty, my dear.


And you look absolutely

stunning in this dress.

Okay, now, off you go.

Time to shine. Come on.

- Uh...

- Time for makeup and hair.


Nope, Okay.



Oh. Oops.

Miss Arnold.

Did you lose your way again?

Oh, hi.

Wow, I guess even the gardeners

wear designer in the Hamptons.

Good evening, Hunter.


Hey, Diana, you going to

let me take you for a spin

on the dance floor this week?

Like you ever touch

a dance floor.

Now, please be a gentleman

and escort Miss Arnold.

Have a good night, Miss Arnold.

Mr. Slate.

Thank you, Diana.

Um, uh, you're, you're,

you're, you're Hunter Slate,

not the gardener.

Oh, you thought I

was the gardener.

To be fair, you were

not in an tuxedo.

Aren't you supposed to know

all the latest social media?

The PR team said you were going

to help us rehab our image,

that you were desperate to

be part of New York society.

You don't even know who I am.

Yeah, I, I knew

this was a bad idea.

Well, would you say

that you were desperate

to appear warm and

fuzzy to the public?

Because if that's the case,

this really isn't a good start.

My apologies.

So that you won't

get lost again.

Oh, good.

You know, I may have mistaken

the bride for a line cook.

I'd put a bell on

you, but I don't think

anyone will take their eyes

off you in that stunning dress.

Um, well, I, I don't know

if that's a compliment

or just the rather

smug satisfaction

that I won't be able

to wander off again.


- Both?

- Both.

All right, here you are.

You can find your way from here.

You're not coming?

Don't worry. You'll command

enough attention on your own.

I'm going to take

another entrance.

Have fun.

Oh, uh,

okeydokey then.


All right.

(woman laughing)

No way.

(chattering, laughing)

Excuse me, I must

compliment your dress.

That shade of pink is divine.

Oh, thank you so much.

It's, uh, it's one

of my favorites.

The cut is so flattering.

Did you buy it off runway?

Can't be.

I would remember that

from fashion week.

Um, it's actually the newest

collection at Anna's boutique.

It's the best kept

secret in Manhattan.

We must visit.

Wait, are you a guest

of Wyatt or Daisy?

- Um...

- Lindsay Arnold.

I've heard so much about you.

Oh, well, I wouldn't

believe any of that.

I'm nothing like her.


Well, your father's a

remarkable businessman,

a real rags to riches type.

Living the dream.

Aren't we all?

Ladies, you must be extra

kind to Miss Arnold.

Her father's industry

can destroy reputations

faster than a tidal

wave to a sandcastle.

We look forward to

getting to know you.

Thank you for the recommendation

of Anna's boutique.

It looks like Manhattan's

best kept secret

is concealed no more.

Well, you ladies know secrets

have a short shelf

life around here.



New money can be

tough to break in.

Have to use reputation

as collateral.

Thanks for the tip.

Jacqueline Sims.

I hope you don't mind I've

asked the staff about you.

I make it my business to know

all people at any function.

I didn't expect anyone

here to know me.

Actually, I didn't even

expect myself to be here.

Still not sure exactly

how I got here.



The king is here.

King Hunter.

Come on. Hunter... I

want you to go over...

He doesn't seem to be a

fan of the PR's czarina?

No, you need to

be meeting people.

Oh, his father hired her.

Bit of a power struggle

between the two.


Okay, so tell me, Lindsay,

what's it like living

in Silicon Valley?

Is it all flying cars

and talking robots?

Must be exciting.

Those robots, they

get a little fussy

when you push all their buttons.



So it's just like New York.

Oh, yeah.

Wow, how funny, right?

Oh my God, is that shrimp?

I love shrimp.

I'll be back.

You know, you can't

hide from Eileen.

Oh, maybe not, but

I certainly can run.

It's important for

your brother, okay?

And the company.

We need this merger.

Hey, I don't really see

how promoting a wedding

is going to make Red

Wagon like us any more.

Because the public will.

Our financials should do that.

We don't need to put on a show.

It's the name of the

game. You know this.


Speaking of duty calls.


Make sure you speak with

a strong speaking voice

with an inflection.

I'm introducing my son,

not the New York Knicks.


(taps glass)

Thank you.

Thank you all for coming.

As a proud father,

it's my pleasure

to share this special occasion

with close family and friends.

So would you please help me

welcome the bride and groom,

Wyatt and Daisy.


- Woo!

- Woo!

I cannot believe

you made a plate.

I wish I had that courage.

Life is too short to say

no to such beautiful food.

Now if you would please

join us for some dinner,

we will start the

marriage festivities.

Ooh, dinner.

There's a dinner?

Of course.

When are we supposed to eat?

I don't know, maybe this

giant table of food.

Oh, no, no, Lindsay, you

are too cute. Come on.

Oh, I actually, I have to

make a quick phone call.

I'll meet you in there.


See you in the banquet hall.

Oh, oh...

Oh, no, no, no, no.

This is horrible.

(phone rings)

Jenna, where are you?

We have big problems.

Oh, no, they arrested you.

No, it's actually worse.

I'm on my way to a Slate

family dinner at a dining hall.

Okay, well, how did that happen?

I thought you were leaving.

Yeah, and so did I.

But this chambermaid, she

was so lovely and nice

that she just came in, and

she put me in Lindsay's dress,

and now I'm her.

You're wearing your dress?

That's fantastic!

Yes, that is the singular

bright spot in this situation.

This could be the

miracle we need.

I thought we were fine

for, like, another month.

I thought you said this

could save the store.


Maybe half.

Oh, no.

This could be our

saving grace, you know?

You're getting stuck

with New York's elite,

private fashion show

to promote the store.

What are you asking me to do?


Stay, and be Lindsay

Arnold for a whole week?

Hey, you could be yourself.

Just under a different name.

I don't know.

I mean, I met Hunter

Slate. He seems nice.

All the Slates seem nice,

and I don't think I can lie

to them for a whole week.

- I can't.

- Hunter?

Is he as good-looking in person?

Oh, gosh. What does

that even matter?

You're already on

Hunter's radar.

You can't really

disappear tonight.

If you leave, it

could be disastrous.

Well, I'm sure that he

would prefer it if I left.

He really doesn't

seem to like the idea

of some random influencer,

this Lindsay Arnold,

coming in and being

a huge part of his

family wedding.

Come on, Jenna.

This could really

help save the store.

Fine, fine, for the store,

but if I need bail

money, it is on you.

You're going to be fine.

I'll call you later, okay?

Again, thank you for coming.




Oh. Oh, my.


Those rolls are just wonderful.

They do look delicious.

All right.


You know, they remind me

of the ones at this place.

It's called Remi's.

It's right near my

apartment in Soho,

and they're amazing.

That's exactly

where they're from.

My art studio is right there.

Nancy, you should

come by sometime.

Get a taste of

something different.

Oh, no. I'm getting

my fill now.

Red wine, please.

I wanted to use this

dinner for some of you

to get to know me better.

I've chosen some of my favorite

things to serve tonight.


Also, if you'll take a

look at the paintings

on your place settings,

I've created

customized art pieces

for each of you.

Oh, careful, Lindsay.

Yours might still

be a little bit wet.

I just made it since I

didn't know much about you.

I love it. I love it.

Daisy, these are beautiful.

I'm glad you guys like them.

(chattering, laughing)

Thank you.


This is well done.


And now this might be a

new experience for you,

but true New Yorkers, eat

cannoli with their hands.

Isn't that right, Daisy?

That's right.

It's good, right?


Let's all adjourn

to the family room,

and please bring these gifts.

Thank you, Daisy.

Okay. All right.

Thank you for that, Lindsay.

Oh, for what?

Being authentic and bold,

like this dress, I love it.

I think clothes should help

you stand out, not blend in.

I agree.

As an artist, I hate conformity.

Doesn't exactly help me

blend in with Wyatt's crowd.

Well, you know what?

I think perfect is boring,

and you are not boring.

It's so nice meeting someone

here who doesn't take

themselves so seriously.

I'm always here for a boost.

Consider me your

fairy godmother.

Don't sell yourself short.

You made that meal memorable.


Daisy, we have your

interview to get to.

So let's move it along.


Sorry. The PR stuns never end.

Tomorrow, I want you

on my croquet team.

Please say yes.

- Yes. Yes.

- Yay.

I'll see you tomorrow.


I really am in Wonderland.


I was looking for

the groundskeeper.

Oh, he took the

night off, lazy bum.

I'm going to fire their guy.

Hey, you think if

I slip him a 20,

he'll give me a tour of

those private gardens?

He could not be bribed.

Well, then I will have

to scale the gate.

I can't figure you

out, Lindsay Arnold.

Who, me?

Nothing to figure out?

I'm sure the PR firm

is dying to use you

in whatever events

they have planned for

this wedding circus.

Good night.

Good night, Ms. Arnold.


You can call me Lindsay.

Good night, Lindsay.

You can call me Lindsay.

What is wrong with me?

We need to talk

about the schedules.


And after that, we will

go over the hairstyles

and get that all together.

Sorry, I'm late.

Well, fashionably late.

I love this dress.

Is it Anna's boutique?

Oh, thank you. Yes, I

thought it looked sporty.

Is it just us today?

Oh, no, we're playing doubles.

With who?

Don't hurt yourself

there, big guy.

Oh, that's funny.

All right. Enough chit chat.

Let's play.


Okay. May I?


Go slow... like that.

Okay. Mm-hmm.

Whoa, it looks like

we've got a ringer.

Good thing we didn't put money

on this game, right, Hunt?

Beginner's luck.



So, I have to ask,

how did you two meet?

Well, I was carrying

this huge canvas downtown

to one of my art shows,

and he offered to

help me get it inside.

I thought she was a

collector, a potential client.

You should have seen his face

when he finally asked

for my name and number.

Could you believe she

shared the same exact name

as a talented artist I'd been

explaining to her all day?

To his credit, he was a fan.

I still am.

What about you? Any

special someone?

Oh, no, I work too

much for dating.

Oh, what do you do?

Socialites have careers, now?


Women who work, it's

kind of a hot new trend.

Some women have been known

to even run countries.

Right now, I'm working

with a small business

to expand their merchandise

at an affordable cost

to help maximize profit.


I've never seen

Hunter speechless.

You gotta be careful

with that, Lindsay.

You're speaking his language.



Is it my turn?

Okay. This game really

should have a clock.

Patience is a virtue.


He takes forever.

- I know, I know.

- Every time.

Very well, you

know. Not a victory,

but it blocks

Lindsay from winning.

What? How?

Can I just jump your ball?

Well, you won't do that.

And why wouldn't I?

Because it's an advanced move.

Go for it, Lindsay. I've

never beaten these guys.

We have to at least try.

Um... Challenge accepted.


You have to jump my

ball through the wickets

and hit the pole to win.

And that is exactly

what I will do.

Step aside. Thank you.


- Oh, my God!

- Woo!

- Oh, my God.

- No way.

Well done. You

surprised me again.

Well, I seem to be

pretty good at that.

God, I wish I had my camera.

Oh, uh, don't worry.

I'm sure Eileen

won't miss a moment.

Right there.


Well, we can still go celebrate.

Let's go.

Well, she's got your attention.

No, that was a lucky shot.

I wasn't talking about her game.

No, a typical social climber.

She's different and you know it.

Not everybody's out to take

from the Slates, big brother.



You sure you don't want

the bee venom, Lindsay?

Oh. Oh, it looks painful.

Beauty is pain.

Well, maybe next time.


I could get used to this.

Used to what?

Being pampered.

Your father's in Forbes.

You're telling me you're not

getting weekly pedicures?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, I usually go out

for spa treatments.

Having them in

your home is nice.

I had insisted.

He knows how stressed I've been.

If I had known this would

be a wedding by committee,

I would have gone

to the courthouse.

Really? It seems

like a fairy tale.

Yeah, that's what the PR

firm wants you to think.

You keep your nails short, too.

Do you work with your hands?

I can't wear a thimble

with long nails.

Wait, a thimble?

Oh, are you darning your socks

before churning the butter?

I knew your dresses were

too unique for store-bots.

Anna's boutique

gives me an outlet.

It lets me design a little.

You're an artist just like me.

I think it's fantastic.

A woman carving

out her own path.

- With a chainsaw.

- Ignore her.

In this world, appearances

are everything.

Sometimes I wonder if

Wyatt and I should just

live on an island.

Daisy, you do. It's

called Manhattan.

You know what I mean.


Wyatt wants you to be yourself.

Be true to that,

and everything else

will fall into place.

Enough with the mushy-mushy!

Let's see the envy

of social media.

Come on.

Oh, no, I have

guacamole on my face.

It's avocado, and

you look fabulous.

Besides, isn't this why you

were invited in the first place?


Okay. All right.

What is that? Okay.

No. Okay, you're embracing

spa day a little too much.

All right.

Let's take another one.

Oh, no.

I'm a one-take wonder.

Besides, this guacamole

avocado concoction,

I think it's starting to turn.

Oh, I need to wash

this off immediately.

Ladies, enjoy.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Little sticky.


I need a map.


- Hello.

- Hello.

Nice ensemble.

Uh, the spa day with the bride.

I tried to escape

before they brought out

the bee venom again,

but now I am lost.

Bee venom is a

beauty treatment now?

Oh, that's good. I'll just

hang out in my garden,

catch a few stings, and

then I'll be beautiful.

Well, maybe a manicure

would be more practical

for you if you've been

hiding in the garden again.

Oh, you know what?

I'm more of like a seaweed

body wrap kind of guy, right?

But do not tell Eileen

because she finds out

she'll have me in there

with a camera crew

wrapped up like sushi.

So... Shh.

Are we good? Oh.

And speak of the devil.

There you are, Hunter.

We have you on the schedule for

a photo sh**t in the kitchen.

You're late.

Oh, oh, no.

You know, I was walking around.

This place is like

a maze, you know,

and she needs a map.

Yes, luckily he found

me before I had to, um,

make camp.

I've been calling. Never mind.

Um, come. The camera

crew is waiting.

Five minutes.

You too, Ms. Arnold.

You'll be a good influence

to help his camera presence.

Okay. Five minutes.

I'm gonna go...

make camp.

- I'll see you in five.

- Okay.

Lindsay will be out of

hair and makeup shortly.

Then we can start the sh**t.

sh**ting what, exactly?

You're making

strawberry shortcakes.

I thought it would

be something nice

to do for Wyatt and Daisy.

You know, to

include your mother.

Yeah, that is nice.

And do you have the recipe?

Right in front of you.

We tried picking

strawberries in the garden,

but it was locked.

Yes, for good reason.

I'm sure.

Oh, Lindsay, you look lovely.

Doesn't she, Hunter?

Yeah, yeah, I'm sure.

She'll look good for the camera.

Hmm. Well, I'm counting on it.

And maybe just a little

boost on the apps

from Dad, right, Lindsay?

Oh, yeah, yeah, sure. Yeah.

I heard my son was cooking.

Didn't want to miss the bonfire.

Oh, very funny.

You know, toast is

harder than it looks.

Okay, let's get started.

I need you two to chat.

Pick up ingredients.

Okay. Oh!

Here are the eggs.

Am I doing this face?

Beat's me.

With the whisk.

Look happier, Hunt.

Give a smile.

The board at Red

Wagon will love it.


Okay, great. Perfect.

We got what we needed.


See, you call it micromanaging,

but you need my guidance.

Henry, are you ready

for your bonding moment

with Daisy on the lawn?

Yes, I am.

Whoa, wait, wait.

Aren't we gonna make

strawberry shortcake?

Oh, no. We got what

we needed. Thank you.

I will have someone in here

to clean everything up.

And you are free to go.


Even this is fake.

Well, you know, I'm

actually in the mood

for real strawberry shortcake.

Yeah. You don't

have to do that.

Eileen may be phony,

but we do not have to be.

Take this whisk.

Hold still.

What are you doing?


Oh, I'm so good at

this. Here I go.

Nice. That's it.



You know, my mom would

never make a recipe

with store-bought strawberries.

Maybe I should go to my garden.

You're not gonna hide

in there, are you?

Because you know I'm

never gonna find you.

I do not hide in my garden.

Uh-huh. Yeah, okay.

Then why is it all locked up?

To keep Eileen out.

Mm-hmm. Uh-huh.

The garden is where

I can be myself.

I can make mistakes without

my dad micromanaging.

Focus on what I want

without the press

commenting on my

pruning technique

or if I met a quarterly harvest.


I like the idea of a

place to make mistakes.


Yeah, that's the

beauty of the garden.

You can try things and

just see what blooms.

I can be myself without

worrying about this show

that Eileen is putting on.

Why is Eileen here?

It's my fault.

And my dad thinks this is

the only way to fix it.

So what really happened

with the children's books?


So you do know something

about the Slates?

People talk.

People do.

So what is the real story?

It was my first move as CEO

and I went with a cheaper

book-binding company.

They couldn't deliver, so I

had to pull the donations.

There was no books to give them,

but the press ignored that

and just made me look

like a heartless monster.

So, you made a mistake.

You should get the

truth out there.

That's what I suggested.

Just be honest.

I just want to do

things with integrity.

Well, I'm sure it will

blow over in time.

People have short memories.

Yeah, there is no time.

We have an important

merger coming up

with Red Wagon

Children's Publishing

and if the merger

doesn't go through,

we're going to lose our

stakes in our company.

And this... this

wedding will fix that?

That's what my dad thinks.

Aren't you CEO?

Well, since the book blunder,

my dad isn't letting go.

He second-guesses

everything I do.

I'm sorry.

Anyway, um...

Should we, um, see how he did?

We should.



That's good.

Yeah, it's just like my mom's.

Wyatt is going to love it.

Thank you for making me look

like I know how to cook.



- Good morning.

- Good morning.

I was trying to sneak downstairs

for a cup of coffee

before Eileen

roped me into something else.

Tell me about it.

I feel more like her little

moving prop than a bride.

Oh, that sounds tough.

This wedding should

be about you.

Mr. Giraffe, can you fly, too?

- Yes.

- Do you hear that?



You get so high up.

Mr. Robot can fly.


Mr. Turtle gives robot a ride.

He's flying.

You're going to make him walk?


Cousin James's kids.

Single dad.

Looks like the Slate men are

giving him a break for a bit.

And not a camera in sight.



Goldilocks and the three bears.

That was your favorite, Wyatt?

Yeah, you and Mom always

did the best voices

when you'd read to Hunter and I.

Yeah. I thought it'd be fun

if we read some of Wyatt

and Daisy's favorite

children's books to the kids.

Daisy would love that.

What was her favorite?

Princess Paintbrush.



Oh, let's sit down.

Ah. Forgot my glasses.

Here, Hunt.

Why don't you and

Miss Arnold read it?

Like your mother and I used to.

Oh, wow.

I get to be Princess Paintbrush?


And I will be your prince.

Okay, kids, sit there.

Daisy. Good choice.

"And the prince

defeated the evil queen

"to reach the tower to

rescue his princess.

"But the princess

was distraught.

"'Where is my magic

paintbrush, dear prince?'

"'I combed the kingdom

for it, my princess.

"'I would do anything to see

your beautiful colors again.'

"The princess leaps into

the arms of the prince

"as the prince pulled

out her magic paintbrush

"from his pocket.

"'My hero.

"'Let me paint our escape

to happily ever after.'

"'My princess, there is no need.

"You are my happily ever after"

"Princess Paintbrush

looks into the eyes

"of the prince.

"And she paints the

most beautiful hearts

"around the two of them.

The prince and princess kiss."

- Eww!

- Yuck!

"They live happily ever after."


They're the happiest.

They're going to love this

online, aren't they, Lindsay?

(camera shutter clicking)


That's interesting.

Dad, what's going on?

Well, it was such

a perfect moment.

I thought that Eileen

might show Red Wagon.

It was a perfect moment.

No harm.


Come on, kids.

Let's go to the kitchen and raid

it for some more shortcake, huh?

Hup to, ba-ba-ba.

Let's go. Let's go.

Save some for us, Hunter

made those for me.


Thanks for that.

It was nice to

have a real moment,

even if it was for a minute.


Well, you make a

great prince charming.

Thank you.


Oh, it looks like the

people from Red Wagon

have RSVP'd to the wedding.

They mentioned the pictures

of us making shortcake,


That is great news.

Thanks to you.

You make me look

happy, apparently.

Oh, well, don't sound

so thrilled about it.

No, honestly, you've made this

whole wedding show bearable.

Still part of me just

feels it's not right,

you know, pretending like this.

I know what you mean.

But still, this is

reason to celebrate.

You're right.

And I owe it all to you,

Princess Paintbrush.

I look forward to

seeing the colors

you paint the

ballroom with tonight.

Me too.



(door opens)

Good evening, my dear.

Ready to dress for the ball?


There's been a...


I am not who you think I am.

All right, stop it.

You are a star to someone

in this estate, Jenna.

Wait, do you know who I am?


I swear it was a mistake.

I was just here dropping

off dresses for Lindsay.

No, no, calm down.

I found your wallet days ago.

I knew there was something

different about you.

Why didn't you kick me out?

Sorry, I...

I did it to help my friend.

And things just got completely

out of control, but I...

I do not want to hurt anyone.

No, I know, I know

you have a good heart.

I can see it.

And I would never let

anyone near Hunter

who had bad intentions.

Is this from Hunter?

Does he know the truth about me?

No, no, no, no, no.

Your secret is safe.

Open it.

He wants to see me...

for a walk in his

private garden.


I should tell him the truth.

No, you will not.

I mean, he doesn't

know who I really am.

What's the difference?

It's just... it's just a name.

You will tell him when

the time is right.

Let's get you dressed.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Thank you for coming.

I feel like I'm a

little bit overdressed.

No, you look beautiful.

Here, let me show you my garden.

Yeah, it's a passion of mine.

My mother, she got me into it.

And we used to spend

hours out here.

And some of my favorite

memories are here.

Oh, wow.

What are these?

Those are azaleas.

Originally cultivated in China.

There's a Chinese legend that

says there was a great emperor

who won many battles.

But he suffered from

loneliness despite his success.

One day, he was given azaleas.

He became enchanted

by their beauty,

planted them in his garden,

and when they first bloomed,

he found his true love.

Ever since then, they've

been associated with

luck, love, passion,

and sudden happiness.

I like that.

They're my mom's favorite.

To be honest, I have derived

a great deal of inspiration

being here.

Yeah, inspiration for what?

Aren't you an influencer?

You push products on people?

Not exactly.

A lot of what I do

involves helping people

feel great about themselves.

I just, you know, hate

all this pretending

that comes along with all this.



There's something I want

to show you in here.

(gasps) Wow.


Oh, so pretty.

These are gorgeous.

Yeah, it's my wedding

gift to Wyatt and Daisy.

They're night blooming flowers.

The only bloom once a year.

And it is said that if you

kiss someone as they bloom,

they will be your

true love forever.

Will they be ready in time?

If I did my work correctly, yes,

and every year on

their anniversary.

That is so romantic.

Honest work for

something you love.

Hunter, there's

something that I, um...

Take a shot. Now.

- I want...

- (camera shutter clicking)

Oh, okay.

Looks like we're not alone.

Yeah, we better go.

This is the only place

that's not tainted

by Eileen's Circus.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.




You know, it's okay.

It's just a seam.

I can fix this in a second.



Is this your inspiration?

They're incredible.

Oh, you think so?

Well, I am no fashionista, but

I know beauty when I see it.


You fixed it so quickly.

Well, sewing is

second nature for me.

Oh, wow.

You really are something.




But let's turn around

so I can check the fit.

- Yeah, okay.

- Yeah, okay.

How does that feel?

- Great.

- It's okay.


Is it too tight?

- No, it's great.

- Okay.

Well, it did all that

looks good back here, so...

Oh, okay. Turn...

Yeah, that's Great.

Thank you.

Where'd you learn to do this?

They don't have home

ec in prep school.


Yeah, it's a funny story.

But there is something

I need to tell you.


Well, now what is

going on in here?

You two are supposed to be

heading down to the ballroom.

Hunter, you're not even dressed.

You're going to be late.

Move along.

Lindsay was about to

tell me a funny story.

Actually, I'm...

You can tell him.

Because you found my wallet

the other day, and, um...

Her driver's

license was expired.


How is that funny?

- Um...

- It isn't.

Now, move along. Come on.

Wyatt is going to expect

you to be on time.

Tonight, may I secure

your first dance?

Yes, of course.




You almost ruined it.

He deserves to know the truth.

In due time, okay?

Now, what should we

do with your hair?

What do you think about these?

All of these people will

be at the wedding tomorrow.

Make sure you get pictures

with all the VIPs.

There you are.

Okay, perfect.

Hey, it's almost over.

Then it's all about us, huh?

Keep saying that.

Feels like it'll never end.


Can we get Eileen

to cool it, man?

I feel like a show pony.

Oh, yeah. Well, you know,

if she backs off you,

then she's going

to be all over me.

And your coat is

shiny and healthy.

What are brothers for, bro?

I'll talk to Dad.

I'm sure you have enough wedding

photos to last a lifetime.

Wait until you get married, man.

That'll shock the world.

Well, maybe not so shocking.

You might want to

close your mouth

before you go talk

to her, though.

All right. Don't

be ridiculous.

That is the look of love.

You have been hanging out

with artists too long.

Hey, what can I say,

man? We're romantic.


Better go ask her to dance

before cousin James, huh?


Hey, you know, I'll

talk to Dad, you know.

Daisy does deserve a wedding

where she doesn't

feel like a show pony.

Yeah, she does.

I got you.

Thanks, man.

James, hey, hey, I want

you to go grab a drink.

This lady promised me a dance.

Of course.

May I?

- Yes.

- Yeah.

Oh, um, I'm not really

used to dancing like this.

Well, just follow

and and I'll lead.

I guess you get

used to everybody

staring at you all the time.



They're not watching me.

They're wondering how

this beautiful woman

got Hunter Slate to dance.

Hey, um...

Oh, yeah, oh, yeah,

um, I have to go.


Um, just save me a dance.

Yeah, yes, of course.

- Yeah.

- Yes.

- Yeah.

- Okay.

- Oh, yeah.

- Bye-bye.

And bye.

Lindsay, hi.

You made him look approachable.

The camera seems

to love you two.

Oh, is it, um, always like this?

Well, they invited you for

your father's influence,

so the game never ends.

Ooh, um...

I think I need some air.

Are you good?

Some air.



Daisy, what's wrong?

Everything. I'm trapped.

I can't have the

wedding that I want.

I mean, I really

can't even be myself.

Do you know what that's like?

Uh, I... I do.

It's awful.

Wyatt says that Hunter's gonna

do something to help, but...

I don't know how.

Well, Hunter seems to hate

this just as much as you do,

so I'm sure he'll

do whatever he can.

Eileen tells me what to say.

She tells me where to

stand, what to wear,

how to kiss my own fianc.

What does Wyatt say?

He's worried about his

family and the merger.

I know that we haven't

known each other very long,

but I think you are so

creative and passionate,

and you seem honest.

Just keep being that girl,

and I really think

everything will work out.

Do you really think so?


Next time you're in

Soho, come to my studio.

Well, it is right next

to Anna's boutique,

so I'm gonna see you

sooner rather than later.

Sounds like a plan.

Now, let's get you

back to your party.

Come on.

Hey, how about a dance?

Sounds good.


Well, she seems to

be in better spirits.


Just needed a little girl time.

Uh, I was thinking,

can I talk to you in private?

- Uh, yeah.

- Let's go. Come on.

Are we going to

read another story?

Yes, I have to go

get my paintbrush.

I... I forgot my props.



Yeah, I was thinking a

lot about what you said.

You're genuine.

You're not afraid to be you.

Well, it's the only way I know.

Actually, it inspired me.



In... in what way?

I took your advice, and

I'm gonna talk to my father

about this PR wedding,

about being honest

with Red Wagon,

running the business.

That is so wonderful.

I really think you're

doing the right thing.

Well, I know my dad has

his way of doing things,

but if I'm gonna take over,

I have to do things my way.

Wyatt and Daisy are...

are lucky to have you.


You know, I...

I feel like the lucky one.

(door opens)


Am I interrupting?

No, Dad. Come on in.

Miss Arnold, you've made quite

an unexpected

impression tonight.


Oh, my. I hope that

is a good thing.

Now, in my experience, yes.

Well, uh, please say hello

to your father for us.

Yes. Of course, I will.

Oh, well, I should

get back to the ball,

so I'll let you two... talk.

A good evening.


Uh... I'll come find you.

Hey, are you okay?

I can't do this anymore.

But you're doing so well.

I saw you dance.

The feelings are too real.

I can't lie to somebody

that I respect this much.

Look, go upstairs to your room.

We will figure this out.

Just... just apologize first.

Hunter, I'm so sorry.

- (knocking on door)

- Oh!

What the...

- Daisy.

- I'm so sorry.

I didn't know where else to go.

I called off the wedding.

What? Why?

You and Wyatt were just dancing.

Eileen pulled me aside

to go do a final photo

of me looking at

my wedding dress

only that was not my dress.

They took out everything

that was really me.

The artistic elements,

the color, the veil,

and I just lost it.

I lost it, and I

took your advice.

Well, I mean, I

didn't... I didn't...

I didn't say call

off the wedding.

The dress was the one

thing that was really me,

and I needed one

thing to be real.

Yeah. Well, what

did Wyatt say?

He was very diplomatic.

Supporting both sides.

You know, I really thought

that he would stand up for me.

I love Wyatt so much,

but I just can't live the

rest of my life like this.

It's too much.

We're printing books

around the clock.

We'll have the

donation by next month.

Next month?

The merger is

happening next week.

Let me go to Red Wagon.

I'll be honest with them.

I'll tell them my mistakes,

and how I'm correcting them.

That's not how business works.

Well, then we'll do

business a different way.

Dad, I can do this.

This wedding has to go

off without a hitch.

The wedding's off.

Whoa, wait, what?

Daisy called off the wedding.

She can't possibly...

Oh, she can and she did.

Should have just eloped

like we wanted to.

Son, you did it for

the greater good.

Really? What's that, Dad?

Maybe we can talk to her.

Yeah, maybe there's a

compromise between...

Oh, she shouldn't

have to compromise.

I fell in love with

Daisy for who she is.

Not who Eileen has

created in the press.

Now I let the Slates down.

And I let her down.

I'm sorry.

Hey, Wyatt? Wyatt!

This is why I can't hand

over the reins so quickly.

Jenna, this is not your fault.

Yes, it is.

I encouraged Daisy

to be herself,

and now the Slates are

going to lose everything.

No, I have known the

Slates for 20 years.

They always find a way to win.

- I...

- (knocking)

Excuse me.

Hey. I'm sorry for

knocking so late.

I really have to talk to you.

No, I need to talk

to you as well.

- Good night, Diana.

- Good night.

I will see you in the

morning, Miss Arnold.

Good night to you both.

So, I got bad news.

- Daisy...

- Call off the wedding.

I know, she told me.

Is there any way to

convince her otherwise?

I don't know.

She loves Wyatt, but she

can't be somebody she's not.

Oh, I get it. I really do.

This is all my fault.



How could this

possibly be your fault?

I kept telling Daisy

to just be herself,

but I didn't think she would

call off the entire wedding.

You're right. She

should be herself.

Hiring the PR firm

was a mistake.

You really think that?


I spoke to my father.

How did that go?

Not well, and this

whole fiasco hit.

No. This has all gone too far.

No, I don't think so.

I mean, you can...

you can fix a bad impression,

as long as you're

your genuine self.

I mean, you taught me that.



I'm a hypocrite.



My name is not Lindsay Arnold.

It's Jenna Preston.


I'm a seamstress

at Anna's boutique.

Lindsay ordered dresses from us,

and I was there

dropping them off,

and somehow everyone

mistook me for Lindsay.

And when I got here,

everybody started asking

me about my dresses,

and I got so excited

about helping Anna store.

And then, of course, I didn't

want to create a scandal,

so I just sort of kept

going along with it.

But then I met you, and I...

I didn't know how to

tell you the truth.

You're not Lindsay Arnold.

No, but everything else

I told you was true.

The only thing I lied to

you about was my name.

I'm so sorry.

I swear, I didn't mean

for any of this to happen.

This was all just...

This was a huge mistake.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was.

I should go before I

do any more damage.

Yeah, I think

that's for the best.

Um, for what it's worth?

Nothing that the press said

about you as a man is true.

I wish everyone

knew that your heart

is always in the right place.

Was all this just self-serving?

Honestly, I've asked

myself that question.

It started with me really just

wanting to help my friend.

But I promise, I never

meant to cause any harm.

Please keep this

experience to yourself,

at least while the merger

hangs into balance.

I know you may not believe me,

but I would never betray

you or your family's trust.

My name may be different, but...

my feelings are true.

I just...


Jenna, you're back.

Wait, why? The

wedding's this weekend.

Wedding is canceled.

But it's the social

event of the season.

What happened?

I happened.

I ruined everything with

this ridiculous lie.

When I told you to stay,

I didn't know you were going

to get so close to the Slates.

Neither did I!

I thought, oh, yeah, I'll

just stay for a while,

promote the store, then come

home, not blow everything up.


You did help the store.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Assistants came and they bought

dresses for their bosses and...

Oh, the sketches you sent me.

I had them made.

These are your best work.

Your time at the

Slates inspired genius.

Hunter couldn't even look at me.

You got really

close to him, huh?

Then talk to him.

I don't know what to...

I'm just another

phony PR stunt to him.

If I know anything, it's

that you are never phony.

For the first time in

my life, I really did,

I felt like a leading lady.

You can still have your dream.

That's the problem with dreams,

is that eventually

you got to wake up.



Good morning, Hunter.

Yes, thank you.

A cup of tea, just

the way you like it?

I can pour my own.

It's no trouble.

You think it's my fault

that we'll lose the company?

No, that is not

what I was thinking.



You need to find Jenna.


She turned out to

be more fictitious

than the PR stunt

she showed up for.

No, she sacrificed herself

to help out a friend.

That sounds like

something you would do.

She was faking it.

Just like our business

practices and this wedding.

I can't trust someone like that.

Hunter, I was the one that told

her to keep the truth a secret.

Why would you do that?

Because she touched your

heart like nobody ever has.

She lied.

No, just about the name.

Everything else was the truth.

She's one of the few

people that knows

why this wedding was called off,

and yet there has been no

mention of it in the media.

I wish the circumstances

were different.

Please don't punish

her for one mistake.

You, of all people, should

have compassion for that.

It's Jenna calling again.


Yeah, you have my number, right?

Okay. Thanks.

Maybe it really is busy.

I know he never wants

to see me again.

I just...

I need to know that he's okay.

I wish I had never met him.

Of course.

Because I always

call guys that I wish

I'd never met over and

over and over again.

What are these?

Hunter's Garden inspired me.

It's new designs, but

it's silly, right?


I love them.

These are gonna be a hit.

I know it.

Fate works in mysterious ways.

Well, fate seems pretty cruel.

I mean, not only

did I hurt Hunter,

I destroyed somebody's wedding.

Who does that?

(bell dings)

Oh, hey. Do you

mind getting that?

I've got some orders to fulfill.


Gonna be okay.


What are you doing here?

You told me that I could

come and visit Anna's.

- Of course.

- So I came.

I am so glad you found me.

Me, too.

Things got pretty

intense at the estate.

Is everyone okay?


Henry has been working

double time with the PR team,

and Hunter has been

hiding himself away

either in the

garden or his office

working on a plan

to save the merger.

I am so sorry that

I didn't tell you.

I wasn't Lindsay Arnold.

You don't have to apologize.

I had a feeling you weren't

really an influencer.

I didn't ruin your relationship?

Wyatt and I realized that

we only need each other,

not the press or the

business or any of that.

We're focused on our

marriage, not a merger.

That is so beautiful.

I'm relieved.

I am so glad you guys are

still getting married.

Of course we are.

And we're doing it our way.

I'm just missing one last thing.


I can't find a dress,

or at least not one that

really feels like me, you know?


Well, I just might be able

to help you with that.

Could you?

Daisy, it would be an honor.

Thank you.

I can't wait to tell Wyatt.

Yeah, is that, um, is it going

to be okay with the Slates

if I design it?

I mean, I just,

Hunter... Would Hunter...

You know what? Never mind.

Honestly, I don't really know,

because I haven't spoken to him.

Even Wyatt has only

caught glimpses.

I think he just needs a little

time alone to sort it out.

Sure. That makes sense.

So tell me about

your dream dress.

Yes, I'm aware of that.

Yes, Eileen, can we talk later?

Thank you.

Hey. What is this?

That is the details

of our merger.


I went in and

talked to Red Wagon.

We had an honest and

blunt conversation.

They told me their concerns,

and I told them why it's

in their best interest

to merge with us.

Total transparency.

And that worked?

We finalized the deal on Monday.

Well, I'm impressed, son.

If I'm going to run a company,

I'm going to have

to run it my way.

I'll make some mistakes,

but so did you.

You're going to

have to trust me.

Maybe it's time I step back.

Let's you run the show.

No show. Just business.

I'm proud of you.

Thank you.

I'm still going

to need your help.

I want the Slate Charities

to be a family organization.

Wyatt, Daisy, everyone.

Daisy, is the wedding back on?

In the only place the PR

machine can't touch it.

- Oh, yes.

- I love that.

Oh, that's beautiful.

Do you mind, Anna?

Thank you.

Ooh, I have an idea.

- Wait right there.

- Okay.

Okay, I'll be right back.


How do we feel about

a little pop of color?

It's kind of wild.


- I love it.

- Yes.

And we can put some

in your hair, too.

Like maybe just a

little, is that accent?

Oh, I love that.

It's different.

It's what I want.

- Yeah.

- I love it.

All right, good.

I just want to say thank you.

This is amazing.

Well, now you know why

I never let you in here.


Hey, come on. It's

my wedding day.

You know, I'm pretty.

Pretty obnoxious.

Really, though. Thank you.

I'm happy for you.

Daisy is perfect.

And the way she stood up

to this family, right?

Mom would have loved her.


Oh my God.

You are absolutely gorgeous.

The most beautiful bride.

It's gorgeous.

I really feel like a princess.

Thank you, Jenna.

Oh, well, you make the dress,

not the other way around.

And there's those azaleas.


And they represent love, luck,

passion, and sudden happiness.

Perfect for your fairy tale.

I'm ready to go get my prince.



("Wedding March" plays)


Well, it's not the

wedding that I planned.

And two, and two.


What a spin.

Diana, I hope you

saved a dance for me.

Oh, beautiful bride.

- Congratulations.

- Thank you.

Have fun.


Well, they did it their way.

And happier for it.

I'm proud of my son today.

Both of them.

Thanks, Dad.

All right, well, I will see

you two on the dance floor.

You're dancing.

You're going to...

Oh, he didn't even hesitate.

Jenna, you can't leave.

My work is done.

Yes, but the party

is just starting.

Please, come on.

Go congratulate

the happy couple.

They're right out on the patio.

I will another time.

It really was a

beautiful ceremony.

Yes. Yes, it was.

And those night-blooming flowers

were the perfect backdrop.

You should go see them

close up before you leave.

Please, the party

is out on the patio.

If you change your mind.

Thank you.

I thought they would bloom

in time, but they fooled me.

I'm sure with a little grace,

they will bloom.

And they will steal

the show, no doubt.

I tried to call.

I wanted to explain everything.

There's no need.

I know the truth.

It was like I tried

on this new me,

and then I started to like it.

And I'm just, I'm so sorry.

Hey, can I say something?

Yes, of course.

Thank you.

For everything.

You changed all of

this for the better.

Without you, none of

this would have happened.

It was you sharing this

garden that made it possible.

Not only the wedding,

but I got the merger.

My way.

And the support of my father.

Yes! Congratulations, Hunter.

I'm... I'm so excited for you.

Well, you inspired

me to be myself.


Well, I...

I wish I'd been myself

the first day we met.

Well, you were.

I mean, you weren't

trying on a new you.

You were just stepping

out of the shadows

and into the spotlight.

I'm ready to step into

the spotlight with you.

Yeah, well,

Let's start our next

chapter, Princess Paintbrush.

I feel like I'm in a fairy tale.

Well, then, let's begin

with happily ever after.