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Holiday (1938)

Posted: 12/01/23 17:07
by bunniefuu
- Wait a minute. I'll be right out.
- All right.

The doorbell's ringing.

Yes, I know.

Well, I'm not expecting anybody.

Neither am I.


Hey, come on, open up.

Why, that's Johnny Case.

Hey, open up!
Open up or I'll break it down.

- Oh, Johnny.
- Hello, Susan.

Come in.

Nick, get out of Johnny's arms
and let him come in.

You look great, Johnny.
When did you get back?

A few minutes ago.
I didn't have time to go home.

- Mind if I leave my grips here?
- Of course not.

You both look fine. I'll see you later.

Wait a minute.
We haven't seen you for two weeks.

I've got a date at 11:00.
There's a cab waiting for me.

- What of it?
- Have some breakfast.

- Tell us about it.
- How was your vacation?

Wonderful, wonderful,
wonderful, wonderful.

Guess he liked it.

I've got to go. She's waiting for me.

- I haven't seen her since Wednesday.
- She? Who?

- My wife.
- Your what?

Nick, did you hear the man?

Oh, the room is going round and round.

Well, she's not exactly my wife yet,
but she's gonna be. It's all arranged.

Take it easy now.
Everything is going to be all right.

Now, you just lie right down there
and rest a little while.

Leave it to us.

That's it. You tell us all about it,
from the beginning.

- Who is she?
- What's her name?

- Why do you want to marry her?
- How did you meet her?

- What does she do?
- Come, come, come, boy.


It's love, fellas. I've met the girl.


I can't describe her,

but the first thing you notice
are those dimples when she smiles.

Why didn't you say so in the first place?

That's going to make her the perfect wife.

Now, wait. I've found her.

I didn't think they came that way anymore.

She's sweet, intelligent,
the perfect playmate.

Now, listen,
you haven't told us anything yet.

We're not letting any wench snag you
without a struggle.

Who is this girl? What does she do?

Do? I don't know. What do most girls do?

Johnny, don't tell me
you didn't find out anything about her?

Sure. She wants me,

she wants the life I want,
the home I want, the fun I want.

What about her family?

Yes, what about her family?

What about her family?

- Didn't you find out anything about them?
- No.

Oh, sure, I did. Yes. She's got
a brother, a sister, and a father.

Now, is that good enough?

Come on. Really, I've got to go.

Come on, fella, up.

Thanks. I'll be late. Where's my hat?

Well, what do you make of it?

Oh, I can see the whole thing.

The father too old to work,

brother a pool shark,

sister that can't keep a job
on account of she's too pretty.

Poor little dimples has to work
her fingers to the bone

in order to support all of them.

Say, wouldn't that be marvelous?

Johnny Case comes into her life
and takes her out of all that drudgery.

- Here's your hat. I give up.
- Thanks.

Bye, Susan. Bye, Nick.

I'll drop in this afternoon
and tell you all about it.

- Johnny.
- What?

Listen, boy.

When you find yourself with a whole family
to support and things get tough...

Of course, Johnny,
teaching at the university

doesn't pay me very much, but ‒

Now, that's very sweet.
But you know me, fellas,

when things get tough,
when I feel a worry coming on,

you know what I do?

There. And then the worries are over.

Goodbye, you comics.

Good luck, Johnny.

What's this?

You said 843, didn't you?

Yeah, but...

I guess she must work here.

Thanks, bud.

It's the ice cream man.

Oh, excuse me.
Does a Miss Julia Seton live here?

Uh, Miss Seton gave me this address.

My name is Case, John Case.

Miss Julia is expecting you, Mr. Case.

- Oh, then she does live here.
- Well, come in.

Oh, I beg your pardon,

but it's the usual custom for Miss Julia's
callers to arrive at the front door.

Oh, I'm sorry.

If you'll come this way, Mr. Case.


Excuse me.

Thank you.


I beg your pardon?

I just said "Judas."
It didn't mean anything.

If you'll leave your hat
and coat here, sir.


Thank you.

Good morning, Mr. Ned.

Your father has just left for church.

He said he couldn't wait for you.

- Did I get home all right last night?
- Everything was perfectly all right, sir.

How did I get this bump on my forehead?

You slipped once or twice, sir,
in your bathroom.

I shall want a drink in my room
as soon as I get home from church.

Yes, sir.

Say, this... What do people do...

If you'll come this way, sir.



If you'll wait in the living room, sir.

The second button.

I shall notify Miss Julia
that you are here.

I could have walked that.

Johnny. Johnny.



Hello, sweet.



Johnny, mind your manners.

Darling, where are we?

Where I live.

Oh, Johnny,
you promised to change that tie.

Oh, that hair.

Julia, seriously, what is all this?

I told you, where I live.

I wrote it down
on the back of an envelope for you.

But it's enormous. I'm overcome.

It's the Grand Central Station.

Bad echo.

You stop criticizing this house
or I'll send for the bouncer.

Johnny, stop.

- Now I'm off to church.
- Wait.

- Do you want to know what happened?
- Mm-hmm.

I went around to the kitchen door
to ask for you.

Oh, you didn't?

I figured you were a secretary here,
an old lady's companion.

- You sure you aren't?
- Cross my heart.

What's that silly thing? Look at that.

Oh, stop it, Johnny.

You must all be so rich.

Well, we aren't exactly poor.

Julia, you should have told me,
you really should.

- Would it have made any difference?
- Certainly.

I'd have asked you to marry me
in two days instead of ten.

Aren't you funny, Johnny?

Funny? Why?

Well, to talk about it.

"It"? Money? Why, is it so sacred?

No, of course not.

I'm simply delighted, that's all.

If I suddenly discovered you could
play piano, I'd be delighted, wouldn't I?

You mean having money is like
knowing how to play the piano?

Well, they're both very pleasant
accomplishments for a girl.

Don't worry about it.
If I'm gonna get stuck with a rich girl,

I'll grit my teeth, make the best of it.

Oh, but, darling,
you're going to make millions yourself.

Oh, but, darling, no, I'm not.

Oh, yes, you are.

- Oh, no, no.
- Oh, yes.

No, not Mr. Case's little boy.

I'm a plain man of the people.

I began life with these two bare hands.

So did the gentleman over the fireplace.

Take heart from Grandfather.

Don't tell me you're one of those Setons?

Yes, Johnny.

Forgive us, but we are.

Oh. This is too much.

"What man has done, man can do,"
or words to that effect.

Now, see here, child,

if you think I'm going to be
any young wizard of finance, you're...

Cheer up, it's not all that serious.

If you don't think my breaking the news
of this engagement to Father is serious...

I thought you said
you were going to church?

I am. That's why I'm clever.

Because Father's in church,
and in church, Father can't talk.

- Are you that afraid of him?
- No.

But this is the best way.

Father is a wonderful man,
but he has to be handled just right.

You leave that to me.

Your job is to drop me off at church
and be back before 1:00 for lunch.

And Johnny, don't be late.

His first impression of you
is terribly important.

What if I crawled in on my hands
and knees? Would he like that?

Now, don't jest, boy.

Oh, now, come on, darling.
Let's not let the fun get out of it.

Oh, is it likely to?

No, but...

Say it.

Well, what's the idea
of spilling it so quickly?

Well, I have to tell Father.

He'd never forgive me.

Yeah, but it could be such a swell
guilty secret for a while.

I can't see what particular fun
a secret would be.

Can't you, dear?


All right.

It's getting pretty complicated, isn't it?

Well, you didn't think it would be simple,
did you?

I suppose I just didn't think.

You couldn't have.

Oh, Johnny.

Johnny, what's the matter with you?

Oh, well, I just hate the thought
of sitting down with another man

and being practical about you.


Look, darling, it's got to be done though.

I love you, Julia.

I love you, Johnny.

That's the main thing, isn't it?

Darling, that's everything.



Why, Julia. For shame, Julia.

Is this the way to spend Sunday morning?

Who's your partner? Anyone I know?

Oh, Johnny, my sister Linda.
This is Johnny Case.

- How do you do?
- Well, thanks. And you?

- Couldn't be better.
- Good.

Johnny Case, his name is.
I'm going to marry him.

Oh, that makes it all right then.

In just about one month
I'm going to marry him, Linda.


Stand out here in the light,
will you, Case?

Well, I've never even seen him before.

Neither had I
until ten days ago at Placid.

How did you happen to get together?
Tell sister Linda everything.

- Well, I was...
- I...

Go ahead.

Well, I was walking
along the road one morning

on my way to the rink,

when whom should I see but this man
coming along carrying his skis.

Well, fancy that. A downright romance.
Go on, dear.

He had a q*eer look on his face.

I can believe that.

His eyes must have been burning.

Oh, no. As a matter of fact,
the trouble was with his nose.

- Oh?
- So I stopped him and said,

"Pardon me, I don't think you realize it,
but your nose is frozen."

And he said, "Thanks, I don't suppose
there's anything you could do about it."

- Oh, fresh.
- I thought so too.

She was fresh to mention it. It looked
to me like an out-and-out pickup.

I know a good thing when I see it.

Just a minute, please.

Does Father know about these goings-on?

I'm off to church to tell him now.

This modern generation.

Well, young man, I hope you realize
what you're getting yourself in for.

I must admit I didn't know I was marrying
into a house with an elevator.

It isn't only the elevator.

- The place is haunted.
- You mean ghosts?

Frightful ghosts all wearing
stuffed shirts and mink-lined ties.

Any skeletons in the closet?

You mean to say Julia hasn't told you
about Grandfather?


He stole a railroad from the stockholders.

Now, that's not true.

Of course you've heard about me.
I'm the black sheep.

- That's a goat.
- Don't pay any attention to her.

It's too late. The engagement's off.

I won't marry into a family
with a black sheep.

- I think I like this man.
- Hello.

You'll see him at lunch.

Bye-bye, darling. We've got to fly.

See you at lunch, sis.

♪ Sing, choirs of angels ♪

♪ Sing in exultation ♪

Placid was lovely, Father.

I met a young man up there.
He's coming to lunch today.

- Shh.
- Shh!

His name is Case. Johnny Case.

I'm going to marry him, Father.


Do I understand you to say...

Chase? And whom may Johnny Chase be?

Case, Father, not Chase.

Well, then Case.

Will you please tell me ‒

♪ Hark, the herald angels sing ♪

Marry? Did you actually say...

♪ Peace on Earth and mercy mild ♪

Charming service. Very charming service.

- We shall have to talk at once, Julia.
- Yes, Father.

You haven't as yet told me
one intelligent fact about this... this...

Johnny? He's a man
with a very definite future.

- He's with Sloan & Hobson.
- Indeed?

I know Sam Hobson.

- Hello, Julia.
- Oh, you do?

Hello, Marjorie. You're looking very well.

- A mild, lovely Sunday, Edward.
- Quite, quite.

Did you have a little accident, Ned?

So they tell me. I don't seem to have
been there when it happened.

Well, good morning.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

Kindly put your hat on, Ned.

I believe I see Mr. Hobson now.

- Run along home, children.
- Yes, Father.

Take your time, Father.

The front door this time.

Miss Julia has not returned
from church yet, sir.


I'll just walk around the block.

- You're expected in the playroom, sir.
- Playroom?

Miss Linda asked that you be sent up
the moment you arrived, sir.

Oh, Miss Linda.

The playroom is on the fourth floor, sir.




Hey yourself.

I'm lost.

A lot of people have been
coming up here, thank goodness.

- Want a bite?
- Thanks.

The bell captain sent me up.

This is quite different...

from the rest of the house, I mean.

This was Mother's idea.

She thought there ought to be
one room in the house

where people could come and have some fun.

She used to be up here
as much as we were before she died.

I think it was a kind of
an escape for her.

She was marvelous.

That's quite a doll.

- That was Julia's.
- Yeah?

She loved it.

My, how she loved it.

Looks like her.

Oh, did she love that too?

Now, don't you say a word about Leopold.
He's very sensitive.


Looks like me.

Who's the musician in the family?

My brother Ned.

I think I saw him this morning
when I first arrived.

At least I saw somebody with a hangover.

That was Ned.

He could have been a fine musician.

- What do you mean, "could have been"?
- If Father hadn't interfered.

Who performed on the flying trapeze?

Oh, all of us.

And a terrible cousin of ours
named Seton Cram.

He and I used to swing by our knees
and spit at each other.

Nice goings-on.

I'm happy to say now, I rarely missed.

There's Julia and I as kids.

Say, she was beautiful even then,
wasn't she?



I love my sister Julia
more than anything else in the world.

I don't blame you. So do I.

- She's so sweet, you don't know.
- Yes, I do.

She's beautiful and exciting too,
don't you think?

Stop it. I'll start jittering.

It's terribly important that
she should marry the right person.

That's important for everyone.

No. It's particularly so for Julia.

I suppose you realize you're a rather
strange bird in these parts?

How's that?

You don't know the kind of men
we see as a rule.

Where've you been?

Working hard.

- Nights?
- Nights too.

What about these little jaunts to Placid?

Come clean, Case.

Do you want to know something?

That was the first holiday I ever had.

- No.
- Sure.

Then you can't have been working long.

Only just since I was ten.

- Ten?
- Sure.

- At what?
- Oh, anything I could get.

Financial house the last few years.

Hey, does she paint? She never told me.

Oh, oh! No, no, no. Oh, no, you don't.

Why, isn't she any good?

It isn't hers, it's mine.

There lies Linda the artist.

Don't disturb the ashes.

Frankly, I stank.

What did you try to do
after you discovered you couldn't paint?

Case, are you drawing me out?

Sure. Come on.

You really want to know?


Well, I tried to go on the stage.


Would you care to see me do
the sleepwalking scene from Macbeth?

- No.
- "Out damnedest ‒"

Some other time.

Well, the teachers at Miss Porter's school
thought it was very promising.

What else?

There were a lot of
humorous little episodes.

I tried to get Father to let me
take a nursing course at a hospital.

Oh, yes, and I almost got arrested trying
to help some strikers over in Jersey.

How was I to know that Father was
on the board of directors of the company?

You see, Case, the trouble with me is

that I never could decide
whether I wanted to be Joan of Arc,

Florence Nightingale, or John L. Lewis.

- What's the matter, you fed up?
- To the neck.

You mean with this million-dollar museum?

All those marble pillars down there?

Case, compared to the life I lead,

the last man in a chain g*ng
thoroughly enjoys himself.

Maybe what you need is some time
out from what you've been doing.

You know, day in, day out.

You mean from what I've not been doing
days in, please, years out.

How does your garden grow, Case?

Is life wonderful where you are?

- It can be.
- But it hasn't been?

I don't call what I've been doing living.

And what do you recommend
for yourself, doctor?

- A holiday.
- For how long?

For as long as I need.

You mean just to play?

No. No, I've been working since I was ten.

I want to find out why I'm working.

The answer can't be just to pay bills
or to pile up more money.

Even if you do,
the government's gonna take most of it.

Yes, but what is the answer?

I don't know.
That's what I intend to find out.

The world is changing out there. There's a
lot of new, exciting ideas running around.

Some might be right
and some might be cockeyed,

but they're affecting all our lives.

I want to know how I stand,
where I fit into the picture,

what it's all going to mean to me.

I can't find that out
sitting behind some desk in an office,

so as soon as I get enough money together,
I'm gonna knock off for a while.

- Quit?
- Quit.

I want to save part of my life for myself.

There's a catch to it though.

It's got to be part of the young part.

You know, retire young and work old.

Come back and work
when I know what I'm working for.

Does that make sense to you?

That makes a lot of sense.

Does, um, Julia know?

No. I don't want to raise her hopes
until I get enough money together.

She has enough for two right now,
or ten, for that matter.

That's out.

No, I don't want her dough.
I want to earn it myself.

That's foolish.

You're all right though, Case.
You haven't been bitten by it yet.

You haven't been caught by it.

- By what?
- The reverence for riches.

- Look out for that, Johnny.
- No, not for me.

Who took the bottle of scotch
out of my closet?

- I don't know. What happened in church?
- It was in my riding boots, a full quart.

Oh, Neddie, shut up.
Did Julia tell Father?

I haven't been up here in years.

What did Father say?

We left Father talking about that guy
to Mr. Hobson in front of church.

Who is the egg anyway?

- I'm the egg.
- And he's a good egg too.

Johnny Case, my brother Ned.

How are you?

Well, this place gives me the creeps.

I've been telling Johnny about
some of our childhood dreams.

Some dreams.

It's in tune.

Yes, I thought you might want
to come back up here some day

and finish that concerto you were writing.

Oh, the "Seton Concerto in F Major."

Come on, Neddie.
Neddie, play it. Play it, Neddie.

Johnny and I can bear it. Can't we?

You really want to hear it?

Oh, Neddie. Neddie, no.

I've been boasting about you.

Hello. What are you all doing up here?

Oh, what a morning.

- What did Father say?
- Oh, he isn't home yet.

Henry, I want to know
the minute Mr. Seton returns.

Buzz up here twice, will you? Thanks.

Was he terrible at church?

Not so bad,
but there's dirty weather ahead.

Now, when...


Oh, Johnny.

You didn't change that tie.

That's right, I didn't.


Oh, well, never mind.
Ned can lend you one.

I feel like a goat being prepared
for the sacrifice.

Now, that's a sheep.

What you need is a drink.

Ned, I think we'd better give him
some coaching.

I'd be very grateful.

The first thing Father will want to know
is how you're fixed.

- Fixed?
- Money.

- How much dough you got?
- Linda, please.

I know you wouldn't expect it of a man
in Father's position,

but the fact is, money is our God here.

- Johnny, it isn't true at all.
- No? What is then?

Well, young man?

Well, sir, at the moment I have in
my pocket exactly 34 dollars and...

and a coupon for a bank night
at a Lake Placid movie.

No gilt-edged securities,
no rolling woodlands?

I have a few shares
of common stock tucked away ‒

Common. Don't say the word. Oh!

I'm afraid he won't do, Julia.
He's a comely boy,

but probably just another
of the vast army of clock-watchers.

How are you socially?

Nothing much there either.

You mean to say that your mother
wasn't even a whoosis?

- Nope.
- Oh, Linda, I do wish you'd shut up.

Maybe he's got a judge somewhere
in the family.

Yes, that might help.

Old Judge Case's boy.

White pillars. Guitars a-strumming.

- Evening, Massa.
- How you all, Miss Linda?

You must know some prominent people.

- Drop a few names.
- Just casually.

When I went to Mrs. Onderdonk's
cockfight last Tuesday,

whom should I see but Mrs. Marble.

- I thought I'd die laughing.
- This is a lot of rot.

"Now, Johnny," she says to me.
She calls me Johnny.

- Linda, will you be quiet?
- I'm having a swell time.

No, but this is terrible, Sister.

Do you realize that you're trying to marry
into one of America's 60 families?

When I find myself in a position
like this, I ask myself,

"What would General Motors do?"

Then I do the opposite.

As long as you don't stand up in
front of Father and do a back flip-flop.

Can you do a back flip-flop?
Can you really?

- Sure.
- You'll have to teach me.

I can do almost anything else.

It'll be a pity if this doesn't come off.
It'll be a real pity.

Yes, it'll be a pity
if this doesn't come off too.

Okay. Allez.

It's Father. He's home. Come on, Johnny.

- What about the flip thing?
- No, Johnny.

Now, Linda and I will go down
and talk with him first.

- You go with Ned.
- Well, why?

You're not supposed to have arrived yet.

- When do I arrive?
- 1:00.

- Oh, 1:00.
- It's a quarter ‒

Johnny, and please change that tie.

- Doo!
- Quiet, please.

Ned will tell you exactly
when to put in an appearance.

Now, look, this is getting
very complicated, if you ask me.

Nobody asked you.
Now, go on. Go on, Johnny.

Do as you're told. Stop it.

Go on, Case. Don't expect simplicity here.

Just think of our Fifth Avenue frontage.

Lend him a tie, Ned.

Linda, you do like him, don't you?

She asks me if I like him.

My dear girl, do you realize that
life walked into this house this morning?

Oh, darling, don't let him get away.

It'll be the same old story, of course.

I'm being married for my money.

Yes. That's always flattering, isn't it?

What's the use of all this jack we've got
unless to get us a superior type of man?

Linda, I hate you to talk like that.
I hate it.

No, but, Julia,
seriously he's like spring.

He's like a breath of fresh air.

Do you know what he called this place?
A museum.

Julia, here's your chance.

Well, that's just it.

I want Father to see that Johnny
has the same qualities Grandfather had.

You don't know Johnny.

You don't know how far
he's come already and from what.

Or where he's going.

I do.

I know. I can see it as clear as day.

What you... Well, anyway,

if it does go through all right,
when are you going to announce it?

Right away. Next Saturday.

Darling, let me give a party for it.

Now, look. Look,
Father is to have nothing to do with it.

Saturday's New Year's Eve. Do you know it?

Oh, Julia, let's have some fun
in this house before you leave it.

Why, of course, darling,
if Father doesn't mind.

No ifs at all. And just a few people.

Just your friends and Johnny's,
and up in the old playroom.

Let me plan it. Let me give it.

Oh, Julia, let me do something
for you once. Me, Julia.

I'd love it, darling, really I would.

No, but you see,
this is awfully important to me now.

Now, no one must touch
my party but me, do you hear?

All right, darling.

No, if they do, I won't come to it.

Linda, it'll be awful to leave you.

Oh, Julia.
I don't know what I'll do when you go.

I've got to do something.

I've got to get out, quit,
change on it somehow or I'll go mad.

I could curl up and die right now.


Oh, why, my foot.

I don't look sick, do I?

You know, this is a museum.

Never mind about me. I'll be all right.

Look out for yourself.

Don't let him bully you.

Good morning.

Good morning, Father.

- Did you see Mr. Hobson, Father?
- Just for a moment.

However, my dear,
there's another thing to be considered.

What is the young man's background?

What did Mr. Hobson say?

But we mustn't rush into things, must we?

Father, I want to be married
on January 10th.

That's just two weeks from this Tuesday.

- Quite impossible.
- Why?

Yes, why?

I'm sure I couldn't stand
a long engagement.

The boy has loads of charm, Father.

- You know him?
- I've heard tell of him.


I suppose it's solid merit you're after.

Well, the rumor is he's got that too.

A sterling chap on the whole.
A catch, in fact.

Have you the financial section
of the Times, Ned?

No. I try to take Sundays off when I can.

Which reminds me,
I'd like you to make a practice

of remaining in the office until 6:00.

6:00? What for?

As an example to the other men.

But there's nothing for me to do
after 3:00.

You'll find something.

See here, Father,
if you think I'm going to fake ‒

Did you understand me, Ned?

Father. Father, what did Mr. Hobson say?

It was hardly the time or place
to go into the matter with him.

I asked him to drop by tonight.

Father, but what did he say?

Well, his report
was not at all unfavorable.

That must have been a blow.

The young man appears to have
some business ability.

He's put through what looks like

a successful reorganization
of Seaboard Utilities.

Seaboard? Poor fellow.

Shrewd fellow, perhaps.

Hobson says the signs are not
unfavorable for Seaboard.

We'll buy some in the morning, Ned.

But we must know more
about Mr. Chase's background.

Case, Father. It's Case.

Oh, let it go.
Chase has such a sweet banking sound.

Father, he's from Baltimore.

Fine old pre-w*r stock, I imagine.

Wasn't there a Judge Case somewhere?

I most certainly intend to know more
about the young man

than his name and his place of birth.

I believe it would be advisable that
when he arrives, he finds me alone,

in order that I may conduct
the inquiry along my own lines.

I don't propose to allow the subject
of an engagement to come up

in my first talk with him.

Wouldn't you like me to hide
under the sofa and take shorthand notes?

I don't believe that'll be necessary,
my dear.

I think the poor guy ought to see
one friendly face in the courtroom.

Yes, Henry?

Mr. Case wishes to be announced, sir.

Yes, Henry.

You will all excuse yourselves
on one pretext or another.

Keep a stiff upper lip, Father.
No doubt the fellow is an impostor.


Yes, Julia?

Remember... I know what I want.

Come in, Johnny.

Hope I'm not late.
I got caught in a traffic jam.

Father, this is Mr. Case.

- How do you do, Mr. Case?
- How do you do, sir?

My daughter Linda.

- How do you do?
- How do you do?

My son Edward.

- How do you do?
- How do you do?

Oh, Ned, if you and your sisters will do
the telephoning you spoke about,

I shall try and entertain Mr. Case.

We'll be back in a few minutes, Johnny.

What would we do without the telephone?

I believe you had something
you wanted to do, Linda?

Me, Father?

I can't remember a thing.

We seem to be enjoying quite
an unusual freedom from snow this winter.

I like snow.
That's why I went up to Lake Placid.


Oh, yes, my daughter Julia
has just come from there.

Yes, I know.

You're in business in New York, Mr. Case?

Yes, sir. I'm with Sloan & Hobson.

Oh, an excellent firm.

A born New Yorker?

No, no. I was born in Baltimore.

1908, July the 6th. I'm 30.


I used to have a lot of good friends
in Baltimore.

Let me see.

The Whites, the Clarence-Whites.

Possibly you knew them?

I don't believe I ever did.

No? And there was Archer Fuller's family?

I'm afraid not.

Let me see, Colonel Evans,
old Philip Evans.


No, I haven't been there in some years,
and, well, I wouldn't know them anyway.

You see, my father had
a small grocery store in Baltimore.

- Oh, indeed.
- Yes.

He was never able
to make a go of it though,

and when he died,
he left a number of debts,

which Mother worked very hard to clear up.

I was only a child at the time and
naturally I couldn't help her very much.

Mother died
the May before my 16th birthday.

Oh, yeah? How sad.

Yes, it was pretty sad.

I hadn't any connections
except for an uncle

who's in the roofing business
in Wilmington.

He wasn't much good though.
He was inclined to get drunk.

Still is.

We had an uncle like that,
but he keeps off roofs.

Mother had always wanted me
to go to a big Eastern college,

so I worked my way through Harvard.

I ran an eating joint and a laundry.

In vacations I worked in a steel mill
and an automobile factory.

One summer I drove a garbage truck.


No, no, they simply happened to be
the only jobs I could get,

but you can learn a lot in a steel mill.

A lot you don't get at Harvard.

Anything else, sir?

I beg your pardon?

I should think you would.

Is there anything else
you'd like to know about me?

Why, that is...

Well, Mr. Seton, how about it?

"About it"? About what?

About Julia and me.
About our getting married.

Why, this is a complete surprise to me,
Mr. Case.

I hardly know what to say to you.

Well, "yes" would be pleasant.

I'm sure it would.

However, we must go into the matter
a little more carefully, I'm afraid.

The only difficulty about that, sir,
is the time.

Julia's idea is January 10th.
It's mine too.

Well, we'll see about that.

May I ask how we shall see, sir?

Mr. Case, I don't know you at all.

I'll give you every opportunity
you permit me.

- How about lunch tomorrow?
- No, tomorrow I have several ‒


Well, suppose you meet me at
the Bankers' Club at 1:00 on Friday?

I'm terribly sorry, but Friday's out.

I've got to go to Boston on business
that day.

Better make it tomorrow.

Well, I'll see whether I can
rearrange my engagements.

Ned, Julia, nearly time for lunch,
isn't it?

In the meantime, Mr. Seton,

I think that Mr. Sloan or Mr. Hobson
might say a good word for me.

I'm quite decent and fairly civilized,

and I love your daughter very much,
which isn't a bit hard.

She seems to like me a lot too,

and, well,
that's about all that can be said for me,

except that I think we have a grand chance
of being awfully happy.

- Oh, so do I.
- Come on, Father, be an angel.

I'm afraid the matter is too important
to be decided offhand.

- But I want to be married ‒
- You will be married, Julia,

when I have come to a favorable decision,
and on a day which I shall name.

- Our plan was the tenth.
- The tenth is out of the question.

- Oh, but, Father ‒
- Yes, Henry?

Luncheon, sir.

- Mr. Seton, I ‒
- Luncheon, Mr. Chase.

A very interesting necktie you have.

Thank you.

I have a haberdasher who's made
my ties for a good many years,

and that particular pattern
I seem to recognize.

Possibly, sir, because this happens
to be your necktie.

Ned and I thought it might bring me luck.


Come in, Julia.

I thought you might like
some hot chocolate.

Thank you.

I just saw Mr. Hobson leave.

- Did you and he have a nice talk?
- Yes, yes.


what have you decided?

Marriage is an extremely important step
for a young girl.

Mother was younger than I
when she married you.

In marrying me, your mother and her family
took not the slightest risk,

either financially, or if I may say so,

Johnny will do well financially.

No doubt about it. No doubt about it.

From what Hobson tells me,
that young man has great possibilities.

Oh, I know it, Father.

Then it's all right?

Do you see that cigar?

Yes, Father.

That's a brand of cigar
I've smoked for 35 years.

Your grandfather smoked the same brand.

I know the quality of the tobacco in it

because I happen to own the plantation
where it was grown,

and I know therefore that when I light it,
it will burn smoothly and pleasantly.

I know above everything else
that it will never explode in my face.

And you're afraid that Johnny might?

There's a strange new spirit at work
in the world today, a spirit of revolt.

I don't understand it,
and I don't like it.

Don't worry about Johnny, Father.

I know him better than you.

My dear, I've never denied you anything
that was in my power to give.

He'll burn, Father,
calmly, steadily, pleasantly.

It's only of you and your happiness
I'm thinking.


you can trust me.

I'll take care of myself.

Oh, thank you, Father.

Can we announce it New Year's Eve?

I shall arrange a party.

Oh, how wonderful.


Linda had said something about
wanting to give a party herself.

One of those ideas of hers.

I think by now you and I know how to
take care of those ideas of Linda's.

Well, it was awfully sweet of her.

Linda has many generous impulses.


Come in, Linda.

Is it yes?

Oh, Father, I knew you'd do it.

Be careful, Daughter.
You'll put out my cigar.

What's a cigar on a night like this?

Oh, darling, I'm so glad.

- Have you told Johnny?
- I haven't had time yet.

Telephone him right away.


Well, well, let's ring bells.

Let's send up skyrockets.

Well, let's turn on
all the lights in the house.

Oh, Father, aren't you proud of yourself?

Oh, gee, this would have
made Mother happy.

Mother, you'd love him.

Oh! Well ‒

Oh, now don't forget I'm to give the party
to announce the engagement.

I've got it all planned.
Just a few people.

Just Johnny's friends and Julia's,
and up in the old playroom.

No formalities, no white ties,
no engraved invitations.

I like your tie too.

By the way, where's Linda?

She'll be down soon. I'm sure she will.

She just hates big parties.

Oh, but not this one.

Oh, Johnny, look at Father.

He's just seething with excitement.

You've won his heart completely.

- He's been awfully nice to me.
- Father's such a dear.

Do you know he made all the arrangements
for the party himself?

Is that the fellow?

Hmm. He's rather good-looking at least.

Hello, Uncle Edward.

Oh, good evening. Seton.

Good evening, Uncle Edward.

Oh, there's Laura and Seton Cram.
He's my cousin.

Listen, darling, tell me,

when are you going to announce
the exciting news about Julia?

Shortly after midnight as a surprise.

Well, Julia seems divinely happy.

What does Linda say?

You know,
we haven't seen Linda all evening.

Well, Linda has been somewhat indisposed.

If you're asked, you'll explain that
she has a severe headache.

Yes, of course.
Of course Linda's headaches.

No, no, no. Don't worry, darling.
We understand perfectly.

She shall come down before
the announcement, of course.

Of course, of course.

Don't worry, darling.
You just leave everything to us, will you?

I know it will be all right.

Now, what's the matter with Linda?

Hello, Dorothy, you look lovely.

Oh, dear,
where'd she get that horrible dress?

Uncle Edward is worried, isn't he?

- Hello, Bunny.
- Hello, Seton.

I'd be worried too
if I had children like Ned and Linda.

And now he takes an utter stranger
into the family.

I don't approve of it at all.

If Linda had done it, I could understand,

but for Julia to take a common climber
who nobody knows...

Mother's furious about it.

He's obviously after Julia's money.

Hello, Countess.

He doesn't even belong
to the Harvard Club.

Julia! Julia, darling, you look lovely.

- Hello, Laura.
- Lovely.

Hello, Seton.

I'm Cousin Laura,
and I'm so happy about it.

Oh, my dear, he is attractive, isn't he?

This is my husband, Seton Cram.

He's really Julia's cousin.

I merely married into the family.

Not a bad family to marry into, Case.
I congratulate you.

- Thank you, Mr. Cram.
- Don't "mister" him, Johnny.

Seton and I grew up together.

We've heard such wonderful things
about you.

Have you?

From whom?

Well, from everybody.

My dear, it's such a shame about Linda.

She does have such frightful luck
with those headaches of hers, doesn't she?


Oh, there's Ned.
We've been looking for him.

Come on, Johnny.
We'll see you later, darling.

- Goodbye, Johnny.
- See you later, Johnny.

Ned, did you speak to Linda?

How'd you like cousins Seton and Laura,

It's a great privilege to meet them,
don't you think?

What did Linda say?

Cheer up, Johnny.

If you find Seton and Laura dull,
wait till you meet some of the others.

In fact,
the more you find out about us Setons,

the more impressive we become.

Father wanted a big family, you know,

so Mother had Linda straight off
to oblige him.

But Linda was a girl
so she promptly had Julia.

- Julia was a girl, and it seemed hopeless.
- Ned, now, please.

The next year Mother had me
and there was much joy in the land.

It was a boy and the fair name of Seton
would flourish.

It must have been
a great consolation to Father.

He must have been very grateful to Mother.

Drink to Mother, Johnny.

She tried to be a Seton for a while,
and then gave up and died.

You're talking through your hat.

But I'm not.

Ned, what did Linda say?

- She's coming down, isn't she?
- Don't make me laugh, Sister.

What is all this about Linda, Julia?

Oh, it's nothing, Johnny.

That's right. It's nothing.

Just one of Linda's whims.

The silly little girl wanted to give
her kind of party.

But between you and Father,

you've managed to change her funny
little shindig into a first-class funeral.

She should have realized that Father
couldn't announce my engagement

without some sort of fuss.

She should have, yes,
but unlike me, Linda always hopes.

Bottoms up to Linda.

Ned, now, please, you've been drinking
steadily since 8:00.

Yes, funny old Ned.

On New Year's Eve too.

Johnny, try to stop him.

Darling Sister, I shall drink as much
as I like at any party I agree to attend.

And as much as I like
is as much as I can hold.

It's my protection
against your tiresome friends.

Linda's out of luck.
She hasn't any protection.

Robert, another highball, please.

Ned... take it easy.

Aye, aye, sir.

The name, sir?

The name is Potter,
Professor Nicholas Potter.

And wife Susan.

We were invited.

The ladies' cloakroom is the second door
to the left, madam.

Thank you.


Hello, Phil.

Well, it's getting near
the New Year, Edgar.

That's right, sir.
It lacks about an hour, I should say.

An hour and 38 minutes, Edgar.

Thank you, sir.

The elevator is to the rear and right.

Thank you,
but would it be asking too much ‒

Hello, Mr. Jennings.

Coming close to the New Year now.

- An hour and 27 minutes, Edgar.
- Yeah.

He's fast.

Yes, sir.

The elevator is to the rear and right.

Thank you, but you have my shoe.

I beg your pardon.

It's quite all right really.

A very natural mistake,
as a matter of fact.

Thank you. I'll do it.

Don't tell anyone,
but I've got a run in my stocking.

Good heavens, we're ruined.

- Not a word of this to a soul.
- No, sir. The elevator ‒

Is to the rear and to the right.

I'm sorry.

Oh, perhaps we'd better use the elevator.

To the rear and to the right.

- I think we'd better go home.
- Now, courage, dear. Courage, courage.

Remember we promised Johnny
that we'd come.

This reminds me a little of the palace
of the Emperor Caligula.

- You remember Caligula, don't you, dear?
- Oh, very well indeed.

Whatever became of him?

- To the rear...
- To the right.

Now where?


Seems to have been some sort
of residence at one time.

It's the Gashouse g*ng, darling.

The party's downstairs.

Thank you.

Sorry to intrude.

No. Wait a minute.

- You're Susan Elliott?
- Yes.

My married name is Potter.

No, but you lectured once at our school.

- I'm Linda Seton.
- You're not.

But Johnny said her name was Julia.

Oh, but Julia's my younger sister.

- Do you know Johnny?
- Oh, for years.

Well, I'm glad to see you. Come in.

Who's that?

That's my husband, Nick Potter.

Oh, you can come in too.

Close the door.

She lives here?

I live here.

I live here, in a manner of speaking.

Oh, I see.

But you wouldn't eat your oatmeal
this morning,

so they won't let you go to the party,
is that it?

I'll tell you, I'm the mad sister,
the family problem.

- The one they don't speak about.
- Yes, so was I.

- You see what happened to her.
- What?

- She had to marry me.
- Oh.

A professor without a cent of money.

So you'd better be a good little girl
and eat your porridge.

- Sit down, will you?
- Oh, thank you.

My, it's good to be home again.

Yes, we've had quite a long walk.

This is a shame, it really is.

- What?
- I was going to give a party tonight.

I had it all planned.

I was going to...
Well, it was a good idea.

It might have been fun.

Your sister Julia ‒

Is she anything like you?

Oh, don't worry, she's not at all like me.

- Haven't you met her yet?
- No.

You must go right down.
Johnny'll be glad to see you.

- No.
- But you must. It'll spoil Johnny's party.

Definitely no.

Definitely no.

My brother Ned.

I thought you might want
a little cheering up.

Ned, how sweet of you. How really sweet.

Oh, I'm a sweet kid.

Take this back to the orchestra leader,

My brother Ned, Mr. and Mrs. Potter.
They're friends of Johnny's.

He used to live with us.

We've come to warn his future bride
about him.

He never puts the cap back on
the toothpaste.

Then we'll drink a toast to Johnny.

He needs it.

Needs it?

Oh, I'm wrong. He doesn't need it.
Johnny's doing all right.

What's on your mind, Ned?

Nothing's on my mind.

What do you mean,
"Johnny's doing all right"?

I mean he's doing all right.

He's having a whirl.

Julia's got his hair slicked down,

and Father's seeing that he meets
the important people.

My word, are there important people

Oh, frightfully important.

That's why I wanted to give
a party up here.

Miss Linda Seton on New Year's Eve,

entertained a small group
of very unimportant people.

To our hostess.

May I drink too?

Believe it or not, I've just been learning
how much it costs to keep up a yacht.

What's the matter, dear?

Father sent for me. It's about Linda.

Everybody has begun to talk about her
not being here.

She's simply got to come down.

- She's simply got to.
- Got to?

You've got to go up to the playroom
and make her come down now.

- I'll ask her.
- Insist on it.

I'll do whatever a gentleman can do
under the circumstances.

♪ Camptown ladies sing this song ♪

♪ Do-da, do-da ♪

♪ The Camptown race track
Five miles long ♪

♪ Oh, do-da day ♪

♪ Going to run all night
Going to run all day ♪

♪ I'll bet my money on the bobtail nag ♪

♪ Somebody bet on the bay ♪

- Oh!
- That's good. Was that good?



- Unless I'm getting a little drunk.
- No, no.

It's the first champagne I've had
since I was four years old.

No, really?

You mind if I play with some of your toys?

I think you better.

- Oh, thank you.
- Oh, that's all right.

Oh, he's grand.

Has Johnny any other friends like him?

There are not many people like Nick.

Or like Johnny either, for that matter.

We've had a wonderful time, we three.

You're going to have a lot more fun
with Julia.

Now, you'll have to let Ned and me
be sort of guest members

of the Johnny, Julia, Nick,
and Susan club.

Look what I've found.
Come on, let's do Romeo and Juliet.

"What light through yonder window breaks?"

We used to put on shows for the kids.

Did you?

Oh, this is a lovely one.

Do one for us. Go ahead.

Come on, Neddie.


Oh, Johnny, come in.

Miss Seton, I have a message for you.

And I have a message for you.

I have the honor to inform you that
your presence is requested downstairs.

And I have the honor to inform you that
your presence is requested right here.

- There's a meeting of the club.
- Your club.

Now, come on down, kids.
The party needs you.

Now is the time for all good men
to come to the aid of the party.

Yes, but your father
is really terribly upset.

Why, you don't tell me.
What seems to be the matter?

Linda, everybody has begun to notice
that you're not there,

and it's embarrassing the family.

The fam ‒ Oh, Johnny.

Come on, be a good sport about it.

It'll make your father awfully happy.

Think it'd make him any happier
if I crawled in on my hands and knees?

Hey, hey. Johnny, Johnny.

That's telling him. Hey, Johnny.

Oh, my, oh, my, oh, my.

That's not Johnny.

No? Who is it?

That's a very important person.

Hello, important person.

Don't be fresh.

You treat important persons with respect.

I won't. Hello, important person.

Oh, yeah?

Know your place.

What is this?

It's the voice of experience.

Nick and Susan. Hey!


Nick, Susan.

Sir, that lady is my wife.

Nick, thank goodness you came.

The face is familiar. What is it?

Wife, do we know anyone
who smells of violet?


- How's that, you dog?
- Oh, no. It can't be.

Why, it's Johnny Case.
You remember him, darling.

Not old John Case the rail-splitter,
the friend of the people.

- Yes.
- Well, we're glad to have you back.

Back? But...

You mean the marble pillars got me.

I'm ready. I'll go quietly.

Don't spare him, boys. Don't spare him.

Oh! Ow! Oh!


Well, now that you've got that
off my mind.

Never forget it, my boy.

- There's something I want you to know.
- Know?

- That deal I was telling you about?
- You mean the Seaboard thing?

- I think it's going to go through.
- You don't mean it?

My friends, there's a very fair chance

that I'll be able to quit business
next Saturday.

Johnny, so that you can go on the holiday?

Johnny's declaration of independence.

It's all according to what a Boston crowd
called Bay State Power does.

- Maybe they've done it already.
- They'll do it.

I don't know what it is,
but I know they'll do it.

Let's all drink to Bay State Power.

No, no, let's drink to Julia.

- Say, have you met her yet?
- No.

- And if she's anything like her sister...
- Oh!

No, we'll drink to Johnny and Julia,
Bay State Power, love and happiness and...

Oh, here you are.

For the love of Pete,
it's the witch and dopey.

I've never been up here before.
It's awfully quaint, isn't it?

We like it.

Linda, are you aware that there's
another party going on in this house?

You mean that low-class dance hall

Don't speak of it.

Oh, excuse me, these are my friends.

Professor and Mrs. Potter,
Mr. and Mrs. Cram.

How do you do?

You old fox, you.


Sam Hobson has been telling me
about your little haul in Seaboard.

You might have let us
in the family in on it.

Well, there's still time.

Not the way that stock's acting.

We've an order in our office
to buy 60,000 shares

for Ross of Bay State Power
all the way up to 30.

- Are you sure of that?
- I took the order myself.

That cinches it!

- Is that it, Johnny?
- Just about.

Oh, Johnny, Johnny.

Oh, Johnny, Johnny.

Oh, good for you.

I'd like you to have lunch with me
at the club on Tuesday, Johnny.

I think I could help you
double your yield.

My dad made me promise to quit
after my first million.

You're probably joking, Professor.

Mark my words, with the help
of the right people in Wall Street,

you'll make more than that
within two years.

It wouldn't take that long
if we had the right kind of government.

Like which country, for example, Mr. Cram?

Oh, now, now, now, no political arguments.

Let's all go downstairs and celebrate.

- It's such a wonderful party.
- Shall we?

I'm not going downstairs.

Oh, come on, Linda, don't be foolish.

Linda, your father said to ‒

I thought so,
but I'm not going downstairs.

Well, of course, if ‒

But I wouldn't dream
of keeping anyone who wants to.

If you ask me, it's one of the worst cases
of downright rudeness I've ever seen.

And has someone asked you?

Come, dear, we can discuss this later.

You wouldn't care to swing
on the old trapeze

and discuss it now, would you, Seton?

We shall see you later, Mrs. Porter.

Professor Porter.

I thought our name was Potter.

I must be wrong.

Mr. Case?

In appreciation of your very great success
in the fields of love and finance,

I wish to congratulate you, sir,
on behalf of the members

of the Fifth Avenue Anti-Stuffed Shirt
and Flying Trapeze Club.

- Hear, hear.
- And present you, my dear boy,

with this little token
of their affection and esteem.

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Mr. Toastmaster, ladies and gentlemen,
my friends,

I am not much of a speech maker,
so I hardly know how to thank you.

However, this young lady and myself

have been practicing a few feats
of acrobatic skill

with which we shall be glad
to entertain youse.




- Ready?
- Ready.

Hey, put on the lights.

Un momento.

- Allez.
- Hop!


The club is adjourned.

Julia, darling,
I've got a grand surprise for you.

Just a moment.

I want you all to come down now.
It's nearly 12:00.

We want the entire party together
to see the New Year in.

The New Year comes into this room too,

You've caused enough trouble
for this evening.

Look here, Father,

if I want to see the New Year in
as I had planned, as I had asked you ‒

I think, if you don't mind, we'll go down
and see what's happened to the furnace.

Julia, dear, this is Nick and Susan.
I told you about them.

How do you do?

And Mr. Seton.

Oh, your friends are always welcome here,

Nick, look, I'll see you downstairs.

Oh, why, thank you, Johnny.

But as a matter of fact, Susan has
the most awful run in her stocking and...

Why don't you go down to my room?
It's on the third floor.

Oh, fine.

Well, congratulations on your engagement,
Miss Seton.

You're not getting very much,
but I'm sure you can improve him.

Kindly walk,
do not run to the nearest exit.

They're grand people.

- They'll wait, don't you think?
- I don't know.

I don't know.

There's no cause for temper, child.

Just run along now and we'll follow.

Julia and I want to talk to Johnny.

Listen to me, Father.

Tonight means a good deal to me.

I don't know what precisely,
and I don't know how,

something's trying to take it away
from me, and I can't let it go.

I'll put in an appearance downstairs
if you like.

Then I want to bring
those people back here.

I want to sit with them
and have supper with them.

We won't disturb anyone.

That's all right with you, isn't it?

Your place is downstairs.

Once more, Father,
this is important to me.

Don't ask me why, I don't know.
It has something to do with this room,

when I was a child, and good times in it ‒

What special virtue this room has
I'm sure I don't know.

You don't, do you?

No, you can't.

Well, I'll tell you.

This room's my home.
It's the only home I've got.

There's something here that I understand
and that understands me.

Maybe it's Mother.

Don't talk nonsense. Do as I say.

You thought I'd come around, didn't you?
You always think people will come around.

Well, not me. Not tonight.

And I shan't be disturbed here either

because if there's one thing you hate,
it's a scene.

I can promise you one if you interfere.

I can promise you a beauty.

Well, Johnny,
so there's good news, is there?

Was Mother a sweet soul, Father?

Linda, if you're not happy here,
why don't you go away?

I should be glad if next month
you take your maid and a companion

and take a trip somewhere.

You distress me.
You cause nothing but trouble and upsets.

All right,
that's just what I'm going to do.

No maid and no companion though.
Just me, Linda the kid herself.

- As you wish.
- I've been dying to get out for years.

I've never known it so well as tonight.

I can't stand it here any longer.

It's doing terrible things to me.

Now will you leave this room, please?

This room.

This room.

I don't think you'll be able to stand it
long. I'll come back when you've left it.

Well, Johnny...

I don't believe I need worry about
the way you'll take care of Julia, need I?

We'll try to manage. Thanks, sir.

Seton has told us of your very successful
manipulation of Seaboard.

I consider that a very fine piece of work.

I congratulate you.

- Isn't it marvelous?
- Thanks.

Oh, what a New Year.

Johnny, when you return from your
honeymoon, if I'm not much mistaken,

there'll be a desk waiting for you
at the bank.

That's very kind of you, sir,

but the success of the Seaboard deal
makes possible, sir,

a certain plan of my own.

Oh, but, Johnny.

A plan? Yes?

I'm afraid I'm not quite as anxious
as I might be

for the things that most people
work towards.

I don't want too much money.

Too much money?

Well, more than I need to live by.

It's always been my idea to make
a few thousands early in the game

and then quit for as long as they'd last

and try to find out who I am
and what goes on and what about it ‒

now, while I'm young
and feel good all the time.

I'm sure Julia understands
what I'm getting at, don't you, Julia?

I'm not sure I do, Johnny.

You wish to occupy yourself otherwise,
is that it?

Please don't make me feel guilty
about it, sir.

Even if it turns out to be one of those
fool ideas that people dream about

and then go flat on.

Even if I find I've had enough of it
in three months, still I want it.

I've got a feeling if I let this chance
go by, there'll never be another for me.

So I don't think anyone will mind
if I just have a go at it.

Will they, Julia?

Will they, dear?

Father, let Johnny and me talk a while?

Just a moment. In all my experience ‒

Please, Father.
It will be all right, I promise you.

Case, it strikes me
you chose a strange time to tell us this.

- A very strange time.
- Father.

Oh, I see, sir.

Then... Then perhaps ‒

Father, please go down.

We'll come in a minute.

Darling, he didn't get
what I was driving at, at all.

Oh, Johnny. Johnny, why did you do it?

You knew all that talk
would antagonize him.

You think talk is all it was?

I think it was less than that.

I'm furious with you.

It wasn't just talk, Julia.

You don't realize
what Father is offering you.

Wait a minute, dear.

We'd better get clear on this.

I'm clear on it right now.

Why, if you think you can persuade me that
a man of your energy and your ability,

possibly could quit at 30...

Oh, Johnny, if you're tired
and want a rest, why, we'll have it.

Haven't you the remotest idea
of what I'm after?

Yes, Johnny, I know.

But you haven't any idea yet
of how exciting business can be.

Oh, Johnny, see it through.

You'll love it. I know you will.

There's no such thrill in the world
as making money.

Oh, darling,
you don't see what I'm aiming at either.

Try a little blind faith for a while,
won't you?

Come along with me?

- But, Johnny ‒
- No, the whole way, dear.


Johnny, wait till next year or two years
and we'll think about it again.

You can do that for me, for us, can't you?

You think by then I'd be a good sport
and come around,

that's what you think, don't you?

It lacks six minutes to the New Year,
if anyone's interested.

Come on, Johnny.

Have Nick and Susan gone?

I don't know. They weren't in my room.

- Perhaps they're downstairs.
- Perhaps.

Anyone care for a few cold cuts
before the fun starts?


Linda, this is plain stubbornness
and you know it.

Listen, Julia.

No, that gets you nowhere, does it?

Are you coming?

I think I'll wait a moment with Linda,
if you don't mind.

But I do mind.

Will you come, please?

In a moment, Julia.

You'd better run on down now,
don't you think?

Not right away.

I'm afraid I won't know
how to entertain you.

I've done all my stuff.

I don't need entertaining.

You wouldn't care to step into a waltz
as the old year dies, would you, Mr. Case?

Yes, I would. I'd love it.

There's a conspiracy
against you and me, child.

What's that?

- The vested interests.
- I know.

They won't let you have any fun,
and they won't give me time to think.

I suppose like the great fathead you are,

you told Father
all your little hopes and dreams?


Pretty disappointing?

Bad enough.

Poor boy.

Hey, what about your own evening?

Not so hot either.

Poor girl.

Of course they may be right.

Don't you believe it.

I don't know. They seem so awfully sure.

It's still your ride, isn't it?

You know where you want to go, don't you?

I thought I did.

So did I.

Pathetic, wasn't it?

All my fuss and fury over anything
as unimportant as this party.

Maybe it is important.

Well, if it is, I'm not,
and I guess that's the answer.

Linda, you're so sweet.

Thanks. That's enough.

It was grand.


That's it, all right.

Happy New Year, Johnny.

Happy New Year, Linda.

You can count on sister Linda, Johnny.

Run on down now. They'll be waiting.



They've... Your father...
I've been put in a position.

Johnny, do you love Julia?

Of course I do.

Well, if ever she needed you,
she needs you now.

You're all that's left.

Go on, Johnny.

Happy New Year.

Same to you.

What's it like to get drunk, Ned?


How drunk?

Good and drunk.


How is it?

Well, to begin with it...

brings you to life.

- Does it?
- Mm-hmm.

And after a while you begin to know
all about it.

You feel... I don't know...


That must be good.

It is.


And then pretty soon the game starts.

What game?

Oh, a swell game,
a terribly exciting game.

You see, you think clear as crystal,

but every move,
every sentence is a problem.

That gets pretty interesting.

You get beaten though, don't you?

Sure, but that's good too.

Then you don't mind anything,
not anything at all.

Then you sleep.

How long can you keep it up?

Oh, a long while.

As long as you last.

Oh, Ned, that's awful.

Think so?

Other things are worse.

Where do you end up?

Where does everybody end up?

You die.

And that's all right too.

Ned, can you do it on champagne?


What's the matter, Linda?


I know.



Give me some more wine, Ned.

- He's in a spot, isn't he?
- Give me some, Ned.

You can tell me about it, dear.

I love the boy, Neddie.

I thought so.

Great, isn't it?


Here's luck to you.

I don't want any luck.

Ladies and gentlemen,
my very good friends,

I have the honor to announce to you

the engagement of my daughter Julia
to Mr. John Case.

An event which doubles the pleasure I take
in wishing you and them

a most happy and prosperous New Year.



Poor lamb.

- Aren't you thrilled?
- Yes, I am.

I'm sure you'll be very happy.

You're thinking of my sister.

- What?
- Not I! My sister.

Now, Linda, you must get married yourself.



- Thank you, darling.
- I'm so happy for you.

Thank you for coming down.

Now you must go back to bed. The doctor
said you shouldn't excite yourself.

Say, what is this? Where's the lucky boy?

I haven't seen the lucky boy
since the announcement.


- Linda, did you know about it?
- Of course I did.

Where is he?

That's something I wouldn't know.

- But, darling ‒
- Oh, I don't know.

He wanted to argue with Father.
He didn't make sense.

He said things to Father
he had no right to say.

Then after the announcement,
to go downstairs and leave us like that.

- Oh, it's horrible.
- Oh, please don't be so upset.

Listen, I'll go down
and find him and bring him back.

- Then everything will be all right.
- Of all times ‒

Linda, isn't it too marvelous?

Too, too marvelous.


- Linda, you must get married.
- Well, I hope I shall.

- Isn't this exciting?
- Yes, it is.


Yes, it is wonderful, isn't it?

- Hello? How's Baltimore?
- Fine, thank you.

Have you seen Mr. Case anywhere?

Mr. Case went through here
just a moment ago.

Through there?

Did Mr. Case come in here?

Yes, ma'am.
Right through here, ma'am.

- Happy New Year, he says, ma'am.
- Thank you.

Congratulations to Miss Julia, ma'am.

Thank you.

- Linda. Come in.
- Hello, Susan.

- I'm sorry to butt in.
- Well, as I live.

Look, it's the acrobat lady.

- Awfully glad to see you.
- Glad to see you too.

Run over to the drugstore and get some
champagne, darling. Go ahead.

- I tried to telephone.
- Our telephone has been discontinued.

We pay our bills, mind you.
It's just we're contemplating a trip.

- You're sailing?
- Tonight.

Come on in. Help us pack.

You see, the university has given me leave
to do some research work in France.

And we're doing our best...

Oh, my word.
You ought to have some tea or something.

You look peakish.

I've been running all over town hunting
for Johnny. I thought he might be here.

- Have you seen him?
- Not since that night.

- You knew he walked out?
- Yes.

He came here and we talked steadily
until New Year's noon,

then he left town to think things over.

- But his letter said he'd be back today.
- Oh, thank goodness. Then I can see him.

He's probably on his way here now.
Hasn't your sister heard from him?

If she has, she hasn't told me.

You love her a great deal, don't you?

Yes. A lot of good that does.

But my dear child, can't you see that
if she feels as your father does ‒

Johnny'll fix that.
Johnny'll fix everything.

If I could only make
Julia and Father listen to me.

I've got to make them listen.

Johnny's so sweet. He's so attractive.

What's the matter with the girl anyway?

She ought to know by now that men
like Johnny don't grow on every bush.

Well, Linda, isn't it just possible
that the things we like in Johnny

may be the very things that
your sister can't stand?

And the fate that you feel
he'll save her from

may be the one fate in the whole world
that she really wants?

I don't believe that.

Even so, she loves him
and there's been a break.

Wouldn't you think she'd be woman enough
to hang on?

- Hang on.
- Yes, if she loves him.

Julia has never in her life
loved anyone but Johnny.

- Well, perhaps herself.
- That's not true.

Even in this, it's of him she's thinking.
She may be mistaken, but it is of him.

Oh, you don't know
how a girl in love feels.

- We're sorry, Linda, really.
- No, you're not.


What's the matter with me anyway?

Even if I told you what was the matter
with you, you wouldn't admit it.

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Linda, please, pay no attention to her.

If you did anything else
than what you're doing,

you wouldn't be what you are,

which to my professorial mind
is head of the class.

I love you two.

And so do we love you.

In our rough, uncouth way, of course.

Linda, Johnny is
seeing your sister this afternoon.

- Yes?
- And he's asking her to sail with us

and with him tonight.

- What do you think she'll say?
- She'll say yes. She must.

What if she doesn't? What happens then?
What's Johnny to do?

What would you want him to do?

That may be he.

Nicholas Porter?

The name is Potter,
but don't let it bother you.


Julia will sail. She must. She's got to.



Hello, dear.

You'll be late for the Todds' dinner,
won't you?

You had luncheon with Johnny, didn't you?

He wants you to sail tonight.

- You've seen him?
- The Potters told me.

Oh, darling, you must sail with him.

The Potters? Who are the Potters?

Stop it, Julia.

Stop what?

Pretending you don't care.

You seem to be taking my little difficulty
more seriously than I am.

If you don't want Johnny to go off tonight
and make a hash of both your lives,

you better do something.
You can't let him sail alone.

He's no more sailing than you are.

Does Father know you aren't going
to the Todds' dinner?


why do you want to
shut me out in the cold like this?

I wasn't aware that I was.

Won't you just talk to me?

Please, Julia.

If there's been any shutting out done,
it's you who've done it, Linda.


Johnny and I have had
a difference of opinion,

and you're siding with him, aren't you?

But he's right.

He's right for you as well as for himself.

- I think that's for me to decide.
- Not Father?

- Father has nothing to do with it.
- No?

He happens to agree with me
where you don't, that's all.


But we've always agreed before, always.

No. I think quite often I've given in,

in order to avoid scenes and upsets and...

- Oh, well.
- Is that true, Julia?

You've always been
the stronger character, haven't you?

At least people have always thought so.

You've made the decisions,
you've always had the ideas.

And you've been resenting me.

I can't believe it.

It's nothing to get into a stew about.
I didn't say I resented you.

You've been an immense help often.

But when it comes
to determining my future,

and the future of the man
I'm going to marry ‒

Your future, Julia?

What do you want, just security?

Sit back smugly in your bank vault
among the worthies of the world?

Well, one thing I don't want

is to start this endless,
aimless discussion all over again.


You've only 20 minutes in which to dress.

Linda, did you hear me?


I think you're both giving Johnny
the rottenest kind of a deal.

- In what way?
- Well, in every way.

Why, you're not thinking
of what's best for him at all.

On the contrary.

The young man's outlook has merely become
somewhat confused, shall we say?

- And you'll straighten it out for him.
- We shall try, shan't we?

Hasn't he a right to live
part of his life as he wants to?

Linda, I should like to understand
what he and you are aiming at,

but I confess, I cannot.

I consider his whole attitude un-American.

- Oh, are you serious?
- Entirely.

Then he is,
and he won't go to heaven when he dies,

because apparently he can't quite believe

that a life devoted to piling up money
is all it's cracked up to be.

Strange, isn't it?

When he has us right before his eyes
for such a shining example?

Linda, I listened most attentively
the other day to our young dreamer,

and I still must confess
that the talk of the two of you

seems to me of the 17-year-old variety.

Well, I'm glad if it is.
We're all grand at 17.

It's after that, that sickness sets in.

Well, I feel very well myself.

You think Johnny will come around,
don't you? Compromise anyway.

You'll get fooled.
He won't give way one little inch.

- Stubborn?
- No, right. And knows he's right.

What's the matter, kid?

I can't believe it, Ned.

Johnny's clearing out.

He's sailing tonight,
and Julia won't lift a finger to stop him.

Well, I don't understand.

You know, most people,
including Johnny and yourself,

make a big mistake about Julia.

They're taken in by her looks.

At bottom, she's a very dull girl,

and the life she pictures for herself
is the life she belongs in.

You've just never hit it off, that's all.

- Ned.
- What?

You remember what we talked about
New Year's Eve?

Sure, I remember.

Tell me something.


Does it stand out all over me?


Nick and Susan, this afternoon.
I think they got it.

Anyone who loves you would, Linda.

Oh, that's awful. I'm so ashamed.

I'm not though.

Why should you be?

Pardon me, Miss Linda.

Yes, Henry.

Mr. Case is downstairs.

Have him come up, will you, Henry?

Oh, and Henry, tell Miss Julia.

He'll be up in a minute.

Are you sure you want to get over him?

No, I'm not,
and that's what scares me most.

I feel alive and I love it.

I feel, at last,
something's happening to me.

But it can't get anywhere
so it's like living on that stuff.

I've got to get over it.

Because it seems so hopeless, is that it?

Seems? What do you mean?

Don't you know?

Well, let me tell you something.

You're twice as attractive
as Julia ever thought of being.

You've got twice the looks,
twice the mind, and ten times the quality.

You could charm
a bird off a tree if you would.

And why not?

If you were in her way,
she'd ride you down like a rabbit.

How could you, Ned,
knowing the way she loves him?

How could you?

All right, Linda.

Tell him hello for me, will you?

Hello, Linda.

Hello, Johnny.

I sent for Julia.


Oh, yeah.
I feel as if I've been away quite a while.


- I went to Placid.
- I see.

It was...

It was horrible there.

I can imagine.

I'm gonna take that job at the bank,

- I see.
- Only for a while.

Only for a couple of years. Just until
I can get it through to her that...

Well, it was what she asked,

and after all,
a couple of years isn't a lifetime, is it?

Of course not.

I think everything is
going to be all right, Johnny.



Oh, I can see the way they feel about it.

I could hardly expect them
to do a complete, sudden about-face.

But... But hang it,
why can't they see what I'm getting at?

Perhaps eventually they will.

That's what I'm counting on.


you agree there's only one thing
for me to do now, don't you?




You think that's right, don't you?

I don't think it matters a bit
what I think.

It does though, Linda.

You think it's right, don't you?

Say you think it's right.

Johnny, when two people love each other
as much as you do,

anything that keeps them apart
must be wrong.

Good evening.

- Good evening, sir.
- They tell me you've been away.

Pleasant having you back.

It's pleasant to be back.

There's been a rather noticeable absence
of snow these recent weeks.


Father, Johnny came tonight to see Julia.

That doesn't surprise me
a great deal, Daughter.

Not a great deal.

Julia, not you and me.

Come on, Dada, let's go bye-bye.

Good evening, Johnny.

Get your coat, darling, we're going out.

Yes, dear.

Oh, Father,
could you explain to the Todds?

Please close the door.

I wish to speak with you both.

You insist on putting me into a position
that I don't in the least relish.

Who's there? Oh, come in, Ned.

Sorry. I just thought that...

Oh, come in.

Sit down, Son.

Coming between two young people in love
is furthest from my wish or intention.

For love, true love,
is a very rare and beautiful thing.

Where are you going?

Please sit down.

And I believe that its path...

that is to say, the course of true love,
contrary to the adage, should run smooth.

I'm a man of 58 years and speak
from long experience and observation.

It is of paramount importance ‒

I beg your pardon, sir.


If that position is still open for me
at the bank, I'll be glad to take it.

Oh, Johnny.

I'm still not convinced.

I still don't believe in it,

but it's what Julia wishes,

and I'm glad to defer to her wish.

You're not convinced, you say?

Would you like me to lie to you, sir?

Father, it's enough for me.

Julia said a year or two.

I'll do everything I can
to make a success of it.

I have only one reservation.

If at the end of that time,
I still think it's wise for me to quit,

there won't be any objections.

I doubt if by that time
there'll be reason for any.

We shall have to see about that, sir.

Well, Father?

- When is it you wish to be married?
- As soon as possible.

Now the sun shines once more,
and we're all friends again, eh?

And now, what are your plans
for your wedding trip, may I ask?

We hadn't any very definite ‒

Oh, it's wise to arrange even honeymoons
a bit in advance.

Now, let me suggest a little itinerary.

You will land at Plymouth or Southampton
and proceed straight to London.

I shall cable my sister tomorrow.

She and her husband will be delighted
to have you stay with them.

He is Sir Hobart Phillips, one of the most
important men in British banking circles.

Father, I'm ‒

You could scarcely go abroad
and not stop with your Aunt Helen, Julia.

In addition, it will save hotel expenses

and Johnny can learn something
of British methods then.

I shall cable the Bovays in Paris.

He's expert adviser
to the minister of finance.

A very valuable man for you to know.

Well, I...

I had thought of this as a honeymoon
more than a business trip, sir.

There's no harm in combining
a little business with pleasure, is there?

I've never found that there was.

They have a lovely place, Johnny.
Just outside of Paris.

Now, a week in London, a week in Paris,
ten days in the South of France, ideal.

Then you could sail from Genoa
and return by the southern route.

I'll arrange to have your house
ready for you to go into March 1st.

Oh, thanks, darling.

What house is that, Julia?

Father's lending us
the sweetest little place on 64th Street.

Oh, Johnny, wait till you see it.

This is not a deed of gift,
you know, not yet.

After you've occupied it for, well,
for some time,

my hard old heart may soften.

Listen to him, his hard old heart.

Would you also arrange for the servants,

Julia, I'm sorry, but I can't stand it.

Would you mind telling me what you mean?

I thought this was going to be a trial
for a couple of years or so,

but if we begin loaded down
with possessions and obligations,

we could never get out from under them.



You've been extremely kind
and generous, sir, but it's not for us.

But you... you said ‒

I'm back where I was, Julia.

I can see now
it's got to be a clean break.

It's simply got to.

Oh, my dear,
we've got to make our own life.

There's nothing to it if we don't.

There's no other way to live it.

Forget about wedding invitations
and all the rest of it.

Let's get married tonight.

I must decide now, must I?


And if I say no?

I'm going tonight by myself.

Very well then, you can go.

I suppose the fact is
I love feeling free inside

even better than I love you, Julia.

Goodbye, sir.

I'm sorry we couldn't make a go of it.

Thanks for trying anyway.

Goodbye to you, Linda.

You've been sweet.

Goodbye, Johnny.

I hope you find what you're looking for.

I hope you do.

- Linda...
- Please do.

Goodbye, Ned.

I'll miss that man.

He's gone.

- Yes, and in my opinion ‒
- Good riddance, eh?

- He's really gone.
- Oh, never mind, dear.

He loves you. He'll be back.

"Be back"?

Be back, did you say?
What do you think I am?

I hope, Julia, that this experience,
hard as it may have been ‒

Oh, don't worry about me. I'm all right.

Even a little more than all right,
I should say.

- What's the matter with you?
- You don't love him.

- Will you kindly ‒
- You don't love him?

Answer me! Do you or do you not?

- What's that to you?
- You don't, do you? I can see you don't.

It's written all over you.
You're relieved he's gone, relieved.

- And suppose I am?
- She asks me, suppose she is.

Are you? Say it.

I'm so relieved, I could sing with it.

- Is that what you want?
- Yes, thanks.

Oh, Neddie, Neddie, have I got a job now.

Is your passport in order? Mine is.

- What do you say?
- When?

Now. Tonight.

- I don't think I could.
- Of course you could.

- If I can, you can.
- Linda, where are you off to?

- Will you come?
- You know I'd like to ‒

- Where are you going?
- On a trip. On a big ride.

Oh, what a ride. Do you mind?

Will you come, Ned?

- Listen, Father ‒
- A trip now is out of the question.

- You won't.
- I can't.

- Caught?
- Maybe.

I'll be back for you, Ned.

I'll be here.

You've got no faith in Johnny,
have you, Julia?

His little dream may fall flat, you think.

Well, so it may. What if it should?
There will be another.

I've got all the faith in the world
in Johnny.

Whatever he does is all right with me.

If he wants to dream for a while,
he can dream for a while,

and if he wants to come back
and sell peanuts,

oh, how I'll believe in those peanuts.

Goodbye, Julia. Goodbye, Father.

- Goodbye, Neddie.
- Goodbye, kid.

- Good luck.
- Oh, never you fear.

I'll be back for you, my fine bucko.

All right, kid.

- Linda.
- Try and stop me, someone.

Oh, please, someone, try and stop me.

- I shall not permit it. I shall ‒
- Permit Linda?

Don't make me laugh, Father.

She's going with him, isn't she?
Isn't she?

Going to get her Johnny.

A fine chance she's got.

Any bets? Any bets, Julia?

To Linda.

And while we're at it...


Oh, Susan. Susan, dear, dear, dear.

What a trip this might have been
with Johnny along.

Will you please stop it, Nick?

I can't stop it, Susan. I can't.
I'm just miserable.

When I think of that boy
going back to that house on his knees...

Oh, shut up, dearest.

For two paltry cents,
I'd call off the whole thing.

- Johnny.
- Johnny.

- Oh, my word.
- Where's Julia?

I left her sitting on her golden throne.

- Johnny's taking the big ride by himself.
- No?

- Yeah.
- No.

Boy, boy.
Champagne, any amount of it, but hurry.

The name is Potter.

Let's change our name to Porter,
then perhaps they'll call us Potter.

What happened, Johnny?

I've just wakened out of a nightmare.

I think everything is going to be
all right. In fact, I know it is.

Come on, children, come on.

Is this where the club meets?

Right here.