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02x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 12/02/23 14:49
by bunniefuu
Why's time jumping backwards?

- Because we made it.

- We?

We’re a top secret multinational

organisation dedicated to preventing

and undoing mass extinction events.

- If you use it now

- We’d wake up yesterday,

until we go a whole year

and get to July 1st, 2023,

and that becomes our new checkpoint.

It’s a lot to take in.

How’d you like to come

and save the world with us?

I don’t know anything

about saving the world.

- You pick it up as you go along.

- See you later.

You can’t turn back time

to stop what happened to Sarah.

Dennis Rebrov

He’s on almost

every terror watch-list in the world.

He’s ex-Lazarus?

You want to turn back time?

- Yes.

- A nuclear warhead

nicknamed "Big Boy"

was h*jacked.

- Worked out where Big Boy is?

- Yeah.

I’m gonna bring her back, Shiv.

They are resetting the clock.

I can’t marry you, George.

I think we’re different people now.

He’s been shot! I need help!

What the hell happened?

It was an emission

of gravitational radiation

caused by two black holes

merging together.

There was a big expl*si*n. Everything

in the known universe got zapped.

So how do we stop it exploding again?

Oh, it’s already started

collapsing in on itself.

In three weeks it’ll go again.

We can’t stop it.

So we’re just gonna keep living

the next three weeks on loop?

It’s the singularity.

It’s self-destructing.

I don’t think we can stop it.

So, someone’s behind this.

If you wanted to work out a way

of turning back time yourself,

what do you do? If it were me,

I’d find the one person

smart enough

to know how all this works,

- and I’d put them to work.

- Janet?

How did you find Janet?

- Your new recruit led us straight to her.

- George?

He went to her apartment in Barcelona

just before the nuke went off.

- I was in Lazarus, just like you.

- When?

Long time ago now.

- Dennis didn’t mention it?

- No.

- You betrayed me.

- I had to save her.

- No, you wanted to save her.

- You won’t find Janet.

Someone’s found a way

to break through the checkpoint.

Found a way to send her

back in time.

It’s a serum.

It’ll help you remember

the time you’ve lost.

I love you, Sarah.

I always have.

Every time.

- Sync & Correction Vost -

Hurry up Reggie.

He’s been shot!

f*cking hell.

You can time-travel.

I was making dinner,

and there was a huge bright light

in the sky and then a rush of noise.

It was like, like the end of the world.

Then suddenly I was in my living room,

and it was three weeks earlier,

and I just

what the hell, George?

Listen, there is a lot

I need to tell you,

and show you, and explain,

and none of it’s gonna be easy.

But I am gonna

- Mate

- Oh God.


George, listen to me.

Janet left Rebrov a message.

I think he’ll know

where to find her,

and she’ll know

how to fix this loop.

You need to talk to Wes.

You have to tell her everything, George.


I just, I can’t believe

you took the serum.

- You told me to.

- Yeah.

- You never do what I tell you to.

- And we wonder why?

Okay, uh, I gotta go in there

and talk to some people.

- So are you gonna

- Yeah, yeah, I am, I am.

It’s just I am going to admit

to some crimes.

- Quite a lot of crimes, actually.

- What exactly did you do?


Yeah, things got out of hand.

I did some bad things.

But I did them for a good reason.

I just need to go and explain that.

Come on.

So let me understand something.

After you worked out

the location of Big Boy,

after you k*lled Shiv,

evaded the police,

fought off t*rrorists,

exploded a nuclear warhead,

then m*rder*d the Russian

ambassador and her husband;

causing an outbreak of w*r

so potentially destructive

that we had no choice

but to turn back time itself.

After all that

she dumped you anyway?

Uh, yeah.

I like you.

If time were moving

in a linear fashion right now,

I would put you in jail for

the rest of your natural life.

- You do know that, don’t you?

- Yes, ma’am.

Rebrov was here.

The other turncoat. He believes

that Janet has been sent back to 2012.

He believes that someone has invented

a True Time Machine.

Is that even possible?

That’s classified.

Strictly for agents of the Lazarus

Project, which you no longer are.


Ma’am, I’d like to stay and help.

I wanna help fix this.

I can’t have people working

for me that I don’t trust,

and I don’t trust you

as far as I could throw you.

Though, I think I could probably

throw you pretty f*cking far right now.

So I don’t doubt that you want

to help to put things right.

But I don’t want you

within a hundred miles of here.

So get out.

- Wes

- Now!

You stay.

Sit down.

How much of the serum

did George give you?

Five mils.

A smaller dose

might have worn off eventually,

but, no, I think

you’re stuck like this.

What What does it

What is happening right now?

You’re stuck in an infinite

time loop of three weeks.

The world is destroyed

on the 21st of July.

The machine we use to harness

the power of the singularity

automatically takes us back to

one second past midnight

on the 1st of July,

by which point

the events that will lead

to the destruction of this planet

are already in motion.

We’ll keep going back, and the world

will keep being destroyed for,

in theory


I think I’m gonna be sick.

And there’s nothing

you can do about it?

If I’ve learnt anything

in this job,

it’s that there’s no such thing

as impossible.

What did George tell you

that what we do here?

He said you save the world.

And now you’re going to help us.

Welcome to the Lazarus Project, Sarah.

Sarah, I don’t

Hurry up Reggie.

He’s been shot!

You need to sh**t him

in the heart.

I don’t like

sh**ting them in the heart.

Well, then you’re gonna keep

getting brains on your floor.

Anyone for a cup of tea?

It's a group calling themselves

The Time Break Initiative.

Clue's in the name.

From what we can gather

they've been working

behind the scenes for years

to develop their time machine.

Dr. Samson, Dr. Li,

Dr. Morgenstein, Dr. Gardner,

Dr. Wong, Dr. Wheeler.

These six individuals

were all placed

on an open assignment wanted list

by the Time Break Initiative

- in early 2024.

- Wanted dead or alive?

Just dead, actually.

What exactly can you tell us

about the Time Break Initiative?

I worked for them.

Went where they sent me.

Didn’t ask questions.

So you k*lled and kidnapped

a few people for them?

I go where the money is.

Very noble of you.

Look I don’t know much

about them,

but they knew about you.

They had us watching all of you.

My guess is, they were trying to build

a time machine of their own.

And if Janet really was sent back

to 2012, then they were successful.

And if we wanted to build a time machine

of our own to fix this loop?

I’d start with finding these guys

and hope at least one

of them is still alive.


You heard the woman.

Let’s go.

Hey, you all right?

- Hi.

- Hey.

- Good to see you.

- Mm, yeah.

So how have you been?

You know, keeping busy.

- How about you? How’s everything at?

- Work?


Are you, like, a full agent now?

I work at a desk, mostly.

There’s talk about me

going into the field,

but I don’t think I’m ready.

It’s just been a lot.

I didn't know

Wes was gonna make you join.

What was gonna happen,

once you’d given me the serum?

I was just gonna teach the same

three weeks of primary school forever?


Listen, um,

how are you guys doing

at figuring out the loop?

What? What, you can't talk to me

about Jesus!

I was an agent there

way before you.

I’m not there now, cause I threw it away

to help you.

I never asked you to do that.

Yeah, you couldn’t ask me,

because you were dead.

I wouldn’t have been dead

in the first place

if you hadn’t forgot that a f*cking

bin lorry was gonna run me over.

- Yeah, I-I got distracted.

- Clearly.

What do you want,

do you want me to beg?

I will beg. If you want me to, I’ll get

on my hands and knees and beg.

Sarah, come on,

I’m going crazy here!

They’re scientists.

We think they built the machine

that caused

the second singularity.

So you find them,

they build you a machine

We go back past the checkpoint,

before the second singularity

was created,

stop it, rescue Janet.

Cancel the loop,

everyone lives happily ever after.

Yeah, that’s the idea.

Except we can’t find them.

- Why can’t you find them?

- Because we can’t find them.

- They’re missing. We’re doing our best.

- I should be there to help.

- I don’t think that’s a good idea.

- Are they all still mad at me?

Yeah, I think it might take them

a while to forgive you.

What about you?

What about me?

How do you feel?

I’m here, aren’t I?

I wish I could see more of you.

- Who’s that? Wes?

- No, it’s my fianc It’s Michael.

Oh, right, yeah.

How is that going?


Look, George, I should go.

Do you mind,

if I hold onto these?

- I’m not gonna tell anyone.

- I promise. Just

Yeah, I actually

don’t speak German.

What do you want?

Uh, I’m looking for a guy

I think you know.

His name’s Dr. Trent Wheeler.

I’m looking

for Dr. Trent Wheeler.

Oh! f*ck!

Out of the way!

Just tell me

where Dr. Wheeler is!


Why won’t you just stop

f*cking running.

Fuckin hell, man.

f*ck’s sake.



Where's Dr. Wheeler?

Where is he?

Wheeler? Where’s Wheeler?

Dr. Wheeler.

Where is he ?


Morning, babe.


This train is ready to leave.

Please mind the doors.

Please stand clear

of the doors.

This train is ready to leave.

- Didn’t I fire you?

- Yeah.

Well, then what the f*ck

are you doing here?

Ma’am, Dr. Wheeler’s dead.

- I tracked him down.

- Did you?

- How many loops did that take?

- Ten.

Seven months you’ve known about it

and didn’t tell us.

- I-I wanted to

- You wanted to prove yourself.

No, I wanted to show you

I can be part of a team.

Don’t say what I just said

with different words.

You’ve proved you're selfish

and untrustworthy.

f*ck’s sake, Wes, you need me!

You need everyone that can help.

I'm losing my mind in this loop.

I found Wheeler

when none of you did.

Look, you know I can be helpful to you,

so just let me be helpful.



You sit here. On desk duty.

No g*n. No field work.

You type in that computer

and you do what you can to help.

But I still don’t trust you.

With Wheeler dead, that’s three

of the Time Break Initiative scientists

now confirmed

to be permanently deceased.

That leaves us with Dr. Samson,

Dr. Li, and Dr. Morgenstein

still unaccounted for.

Now, Morgenstein, we believe,

could be somewhere in Russia.

Unless, George, you have a secret

lead on her whereabouts?

- Uh, no. No, ma’am.

- No. That’s a shame.

As it stands, Samson is a ghost.

So I’d like us to focus

our attention on Morgenstein,

and I’d like you all

to pull your fingers out

and get me some results quickly.

Do you think

we’re gonna find him alive?

Probably not.

- Morgenstein and Samson?

- Probably not.

- You seem pretty calm about it.

- Inside I’m screaming.

- I’m hungry.

- You should have eaten on the plane.

Ah, Dr?

What did he say?

He says he must be a lucky man

to have us two chasing him.

Boy is he wrong about that.

Says if you wank him off,

he’ll tell you.

Listen, you could either

say where he is now,

or I cut out your tongue and you can

write it down. What’s it gonna be?

- Oh, do you want me to translate that?

- Yes, please.


Before the checkpoint?


"My dearest Li, The forces

that once bound us now hunt us.

"I pray you escape their clutches.

I will be waiting here for you

in the hopes of our meeting again.

Dr. Henry Samson."

We’ve got a lead on Samson.

Greta, grab who you can.

You’re taking a team

to Switzerland.

I want you in the chopper

on the way to the airstrip.

- Where’s the Dane?

- Everyone’s out, ma’am.

- Ma’am, I can

- No.

But ma’am, we gotta go now.

All right. Both of you go.

- Me?

- Both of you.

You got this, okay?

What about me?

"What about me?"

- Don’t I get a g*n?

- So you can sh**t me like you shot Shiv?

No. I don’t trust you.

We get into trouble down there,

you can keep behind me.

Just don’t s*ab me in the back

while you’re there.

Dr. Samson?

Dr. Samson?

In here!

- He’s gone.

- Shit.

The blood congealing and

the putrefaction of the wound tell us

he was almost certainly k*lled

after the checkpoint,

which means he’s still alive

when we go back.

So we need to get to the middle

of f*cking nowhere, Switzerland,

before whoever kills him,

kills him.

Greta and the Dane

are both here on checkpoint.

Helicopter to private jet

to Vienna in 2 hours 30 minutes.

45 minute drive.

We can get there pretty quick.

3 hours 15 minutes.

Let’s hope it’s quick enough.

And that's it,

a stunning first set.

Raducanu’s class, isn’t she?

I still watch the final most loops.

Sometimes it’ll be different.

Different points,

different winner.

And I wonder

what we did to change that.

And what else is different

this time we don’t know about.

- Interesting, isn’t it?

- She’s a Spurs fan, you know?

You have told me many times.

You okay?


I mean, I dunno, is anyone?

Do you think

Samson’s gonna be alive long enough

for us to get to him

next checkpoint?

No idea.

Archie, I just wanna prove to everyone,

they need me.

Are you ever gonna trust me


- I don’t know.

- Like, if you were me,

would you have done

anything differently?


I wouldn’t have got caught.

I’m not, like, a bad guy,

you know?

No one ever thinks they are.

Welcome to London and the 2012

Olympic Games have begun.


So the fact remains that time travel

is not the creation

of science-fiction writers.

It is not an idea

conjured up daydreamers.

Time travel is not something

that we invent.

It is something that we harness,

because time travel

is already here.

It is something

that’s been with us since the beginning

of human civilisation,

just waiting for us to catch up.

Now, we often talk about

possibilities of time travel,

of the opportunities

or the dreams.

But I want to also talk

of the cost.

What are you doing?

As soon as we go back,

we need to be running.

- We’re jumping back three weeks.

- Yeah?

So stretching now isn’t gonna

make you limber three weeks ago.

Jesus Christ, how are people

still confused about how this works?

- All right?

- Just mentally preparing myself

to have a hot piece of lead

in my chest again.

- Right.

- It doesn’t get any easier.

Everyone knows what they’re doing.

Everyone knows

where they need to be.

Let’s get this done.

For God’s sake, George!

- Okay, I’m sorry.

- Oh!

Look, I said I’m sorry.

Just I’m going in

to see what happens.

- Keep me updated.

- I will.

Too late.

So we’re f*cked.

Unless we can get there quicker, yeah.

Are you

Are you still angry at me?

Am I still angry at you?

Yeah, for everything

that happened.

My opinion of you

is complicated.

I’m not sure anger covers it.

You lied to me.

You k*lled me.

You framed me.

And every three weeks,

possibly until the end of time,

I wake up having just been shot

by you

- again.

- Right.

- They’re gonna forgive you, eventually.

- Do you think so?

I mean, I did do all those things.

I k*lled all those people.

- Unlike Rebrov.

- How many people have you k*lled?

Not the b*mb, I mean. Up close.


- Shiv,

- Rudy,

three guys in a car,

a cop who tried to stop me,

a driver,

five bodyguards,

the ambassador,

- her husband,

- you.

By accident.

And Reggie.

I mean, I k*lled Reggie

I don’t even know

how many times.

Do you wanna know

what I dream about, every night?

sh**ting that prick in the head.

Blowing his f*cking brains out

every three weeks.

I swear I keep finding tiny bits

of his brain everywhere.

Shiv says I should

just sh**t him in the heart.

But I dunno.

I can’t do it.

You sh**t him in the head,

because you don’t wanna look at his face

while you do it.

You don’t want him to know

what’s coming.

You don’t want him to be scared.

That’s why you sh**t him

in the head.

You’re not a bad person, George.

No more than anyone else.

Look who turned up.

So what do you wanna talk about?

So, the Time Break scientists

we’re looking for,

are all connected to this one woman,

Dr. Kitty Gray.

She was their mentor.

She taught them everything

they know bout time travel.

Or, she did until 2012,

when her lab burnt down,

her records were lost,

and she was k*lled.


Yeah, July 2012, which,

if you’re right about it,

it's about month

after Janet was sent back too?

So the scientist we’ve been looking

for had a boss who died 12 year ago.

You dragged me here for that?

No. No, uh,

I dragged you here for this.

Wes already knows about her.

Now, why wouldn’t she mention

that to anyone?

I don’t know, but I imagine

it’s not because it slipped her mind.

I think Janet was sent back

to before Gray was k*lled

to help finish her research.

What research

would they need to finish?

The already had a time machine.

Something caused that second

singularity to appear.

My guess is these Time Break dickheads

made a machine,

but didn’t know

what they were doing.

They created the black hole

that caused the time loop.

Right, their machine

is dangerous.

They think Janet and Gray

can help them make a safe one

to fix their mistake.

- How are we still in the loop?

- Something must have happened.

- What do we do?

- Nothing.

Until we’re sure

what we’re dealing with.

No, f*ck that.

- I wanna talk to Wes.

- You don’t wanna talk to Wes.

You want to accuse her of something

with absolutely no evidence,

- that’s an extremely bad idea.

- Who else, Shiv?

Everyone else is dead.

They’re not all dead.

We found Dr. Samson.

He’s still alive,

but we can’t get to him in time.


Swiss Alps.

What’s the window?

- Window of what?

- f*cking opportunity.

How long before he’s k*lled

after the checkpoint?

An hour, maybe.

- I can get there.

- What? How?

By car.

I’m in Geneva on the checkpoint.

Why are you in Geneva?

Because that’s where I am.

Just for the record,

between you and Wes

- I trust Wes.

- Naturally.

- Where are you going?

- To get ready for a fight.

He seems well.


Hurry up, Reggie.

He’s been shot!

Are you here to k*ll me?

I came here to keep you alive, actually.

- Who sent you?

- The Lazarus Project.

We’re a top secret multinational

organisation tasked with preventing

and undoing the m*rder of dipshit

scientists who should have known better

than to mess about

with time travel. Light.

- So you know I’m being hunted?

- I know you’re being hunted.

I know the people hunting you

are very close,

and they’re gonna k*ll you

when they get here,

and I know, because it’s happened

many times already.

- Oh, my God.

- Yeah. b*ll*ts?

It’s decorative.

f*cking hell.

They’re trying

to wipe us all out.

All of us who worked

on the machine.

That’ll teach you.

- What are you looking for?

- Weapons.

- You haven’t got a w*apon?

- No.

Sorry I’m not better prepared.

I had other plans this evening.

Like what?

Funny story, I were planning

on k*lling myself.


Don’t know.

It were a long time ago.

- This evening was a long time ago?

- Originally, yeah.

Okay, this is a shit show.

Get down on the ground.

Well, what about you?

I didn’t come all this way

to hide in a cupboard.

Keep close. Stay low.


Get in the f*cking car.

- Drive!

- Where?


Just f*cking drive!

There could be more of them.

- Yes?

- I’ve got him.

- Oh! Thank God.

- You need to track this number?

- Yes.

- Good. Send the team after us.


thank you.

- What do I do?

- Just drive. They’ll find you.

- You’re dying!

- Don’t worry. It doesn’t last.

We talk of the possibilities

of time travel.

Of the dreams.

The opportunities.

But I want to also talk

of the cost,

because time travel would not be

a cost-free endeavour.

We are effectively talking about

bending the fabric of space and time.

Think of time as a rubber band.

And we start to play with it,

to bend and twist it.

It starts to corrupt

and crumble, until finally,

it breaks.

Let us make no mistakes.

These theoretical ideas

of time travel,

they are ideas of corruption.

The particles of our universe

are a finite resource

that can only withstand

so much interference

before they are

irreparably damaged.

Before everything

we once took for granted

is taken away from us.

Before the world we once knew

is lost forever.