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02x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 12/02/23 14:55
by bunniefuu
Shut it down. Shut it down!

[supersonic expl*si*n]

- We've created a Black Hole.
- [George] Someone's behind this.

If you wanted to work out a way
of turning back time yourself,

what would you do? If it were me,
I'd find the one person smart enough

- to know how all this works, and I'd put them to work.
- [George] Janet?

- I was in Lazarus just like you.
- When? - Long time ago, now.

[light expl*si*n]

- Dennis didn't mention that?
- [George] No.

They're scientists. We think they
built the machine that caused

- the second singularity.
- So we find them. They build you a machine.

We go back. Past the check-point
before the second singularity

- was created. Stop it. Rescue Janet.
- [footsteps]

Cancel the loop. Everyone
lives happily ever after.

We know Wes met Dr. Gray.
She covered it up.

Dr. Gray was m*rder*d and
her lab burnt down in 2012.

And a conveniently dead Lazarus
agent who suffered burns

- at the same time. - What do you know about Operation Midnight?
- It was a k*ll mission.

k*ll the scientists.
Destroy the lab.

It wasn't just Gray they were after.
Wes wanted all the disciples k*lled.

[dramatic music]

[electronic interference]

[dramatic music]

[Lerner] The end of the
world doesn’t scare me, Drs

I’ve seen it all before.

I don’t... I don’t know if you
understand the severity of the situation.

I’m afraid if we use the machine
to try and go back and undo this,

we're going to cause
further damage.

Sir, w-w-w-we do not
know how to fix this.

No, you don’t.

But I know someone who might.

[suspenseful music]


Hello, Janet.


- It’s been a very long time.
- [door closes]

I imagine you may feel
like you’re seeing a ghost.

I heard Wes told everyone
that I’d taken my own life.

- Not the worst lie she’s told.
- I want to see my daughter, now.

You’re going to.

But first, I want to
make you a proposition.

You'll remember
Operation Midnight.

- [Ross] It’s a cool name for an operation.
- [Wes] These are your targets.

[Wes] You go in one week. - It’s a big body count.
- Not paying you by the b*llet.

- You okay?
- I, um...

haven’t done something
like this before.

Ross will handle the wet work. I need you
only to find and identify the research.

- When you find it, destroy it.
- What kind of research are they doing?

The kind that warrants
a very serious reaction.

- Just the two of us, ma’am?
- Yes, I can’t open it up any wider.

- Why not?
- Because it’s sensitive.

[dramatic music]

[Ross] Sir.

[car door closes]

[suspenseful music]

- [thud] - Ah!
- [thud]

Identify the research.
Set the charges. Get out.


[breathing heavily]

[music intensifies]



- [breathes heavily] -
[arms g*n] - [steps steady]

You can’t stop it.

Throughout human history,
the march of progress,

there have always been those that try
to stand in the way, but never manage.



- I only ever wanted to...
- [g*nsh*t]

[body thuds]

[door kicks open]

There’s f*cking guards
everywhere. The research?

[suspenseful music]

The scientists are MIA.
We’re just gonna go. Come on.

- [expl*si*n]
- [rubble falls]

- Ross!
- [Ross panting]

- [panting] - Come on! Come on!
- [groans]

[smoke alarm bleeps]

[suspenseful music]

- [engine running]
- [bleeping continues]

[Lerner] Do you know what Dr. Gray
was working on when you k*lled her?

I have my suspicions.

That night set us
back ten years.

But now we’ve caught up.
We’ve made a machine.

In truth, we have come to
the limit of our abilities

- and we need a new team to finish it.
- Or, rather, an old team.

I rolled my eyes at the name "Lazarus
Project." Bit on the nose, isn’t it?

Well, in that spirit, I’d like to
invite you to join Project Icarus.

We flew, Janet, too
close to the sun.

Our wings are melting,
and now we are falling.

And you can save us.

Where is my daughter?

She’s waiting for you.

[powering up]

In the year 2012
where I sent her.

Now you're going to follow her,
like any good mother would.

And when you're there you're
going to take all the knowledge

my scientists have gained
over the last decade.

And you're going to share it
with Dr. Gray. And together

you are going to build
a perfect time machine.

One with no side effects. No flaws,
no Black Holes or endless loops.

You're embarking on the greatest scientific
mission the world has ever know, Janet.

And I wish you Godspeed.

Our fate, depends
on your success.

[capsule breaks]

[dramatic music]


[breathing heavily]

- [light steps]
- [bag thuds]



[Janet gasps]

- Becky! - Mum!
- It’s okay, it’s okay.

It’s okay. You’re okay.

You’re okay. Oh!



[camera clicks]

- [Janet] Hey. Hey.
- [panting]

- It’s okay.
- [moans]

[dramatic music]

[fast beeping]




What do you think, Doctor?

[Janet] It’s the velocity.

[slow steps]

Excuse me?

There is no way, you are getting
optimum velocity from this equipment.

- I’m sorry, who are you?
- Dr. Hill. Janet.

- My supervisor was in touch about a visit.
- Oh, yeah,

- I think we turned that down.
- Did you?

[laughs] Oh, well...

- I’m here.
- Yes, but I’m afraid I’m not looking

for any research
assistants at the moment.

We checked the velocity
chambers, by the way.

Of course. But, you know,
I would check them again.

I have some of my own calculations.
Back-of-a-napkin stuff, really.

You might be interested in them.

Thank you.

Thank you.

My number’s on the back,
if you want to talk again.

[footsteps recede]

[passing vehicle]

- [Bryson] Maybe she’s not gonna call.
- She’ll call.

- Yeah? How can you be so sure?
- Someone walks in and hands you a folder

that advances your life’s work by
ten years, you give them a call.

What are you doing?

[Bryson] I'm creating
your digital footprint.

So I’m gonna need to
stay close to you.

We should come up with a cover
story. I should pose as your husband.

Becky can pass as our daughter.

- [coins scatter]
- Will you do me the honour?

What makes you think
you’re my type?

- I have access to a mirror.
- [laughs]

[sharp inhale]

Well, you will just
have to pretend then.

[cell phone vibrates]

[cell phone vibrates]

[eerie music]

Dr. Hill?

I read your papers.

Can we talk, please?

- [door closes]
- It’s for visiting academics.

- And it's just above the lab.
- Thank you. It’s perfect.

I’ll take her, darling.

Are you ready? Zoom!

[satisfied grunt]

Let’s go and see our new home.

- Oh, wow...
- [Gray] I don’t understand

how you’ve managed
to achieve all this.

It’s extraordinary.


It’s like we were meant
to find each other.


I start work early.
Six a.m., usually.

I’ll be there.

[door closes]



[opens bottle]

- [Bryson] So you think you can do it?
- [whiskey pours]

Create a machine that sends
someone back through time

without also creating a
universe-destroying Black Hole?

Yeah, piece of piss.

Well, they told me you
were a genius, so...

Guess if anyone can
do it, it’s you.

[Janet] In just
under a month...

enter this building,

and I am gonna k*ll Dr. Gray

and help burn this
lab to the ground.

[Bryson] Except you won’t. It’ll
be different this time. I'm here.

What happens if
things are different?

What happens if I don’t
k*ll Dr. Gray? What then?

It’ll change everything. It will undo
everything that happens after that.

[suspenseful music]


So, what are you saying?

I’m saying I’ve got four weeks
to complete the research,

because in four weeks

Dr. Gray will be dead.
That’s what I’m saying.

[suspenseful music]


[dramatic music playing]

[indistinct chattering]



We’ve never seen
readings like this.

[computer printer whirring]

Hold on.

- What is it?
- That’s a lot of atomic activity I wasn’t expecting.

That’s gonna become
unstable very quickly.

You think, if we ran
these tests for real...

- [Gray] There’d be some rather serious consequences.
- [Morgenstein] Like what?

Conceivably, an immense
gravitational pull.

These readings are
something akin to...

[Janet] The creation
of a black hole.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- We can get the machine to work, but the consequences...
- Would be catastrophic.

- This is what you’ve found whenever you’ve run this test?
- Yes.

And I don’t know
how to stop it. Yet.


[dramatic music]

[whispers] Interesting.

And what’s the latest
from Washington?

Uh, Gallup has Romley at 52%,
and Reuters has him at 53.

- And what do our people say?
- They think it’s time

- America had a handsome president again.
- A second term for Obama.

- Who was the last one?
- Hmm, Bill had a certain magnetism.

I did notice you made more trips
than usual when he was in charge.

- Jealous?
- Always.

Oh, there was one other thing.
I was going over our budget,

and I came across some
unexplained outgoings.

When did you start
going over our budget?

The payments add up to something in the
region of £5 million, to a private company.

Just some investments
I’ve been making.

Robin, we have a time machine,
but we also have a credit rating.

If you’re going to take five
million out of the coffers,

I need to know before
the bailiffs come

and start taking our furniture.

- I’ve been funding some experimental research.
- Researching what?

I’ve found a scientist who believes
she can build a time machine.

- We already have a time machine.
- A proper one.

One that can break
past the check-point.

- What do you want to do? Go back to when you had hair?
- Elizabeth...

It’s impossible to break
through the checkpoint, Robin.

- And a bloody good thing too.
- It’s not impossible, Lizzie.

- It just hasn’t been done, yet.
- Don’t call me Lizzie. - And don’t tell me

how I can spend my own money.

Look, I didn’t want
to bother you with it

until I was sure it was
worth bothering you with it.

Just exploratory research.

- Probably come to nothing.
- If there is someone out there who truly believes

they can break through the check-point,
you shouldn’t be investing in them.

You should be burying them.

[suspenseful music]

I know there’s something
you’re not telling me,

but I don’t know, if
I should be concerned.

- What do you mean?
- Well...

someone doesn’t just
turn up at your door

with the answer to
all your problems.

- [objects clatter] - It’s just
not how the world works, is it?

Look, I’m not complaining.

We've advanced more in the last
week than in the last year.

It’s just, um...

I don’t know.

Trust issues, maybe.

Sorry, I’m, um...

[scoffs] I’m being rude.

No. You’re being cautious.
I get it. And you’re right.

You’re not that lucky.

Luck has nothing to do with it. You
have built this incredible thing.

Of course, people are
gonna come looking.

And you’re right to be wary, because
not all of them are gonna be good.

Apart from me.
I’m f*cking great.

[suspenseful music]

[door opens]

[door closes]

Can I ask you something?

Why time travel?

[Gray] What do you mean?

Well, did you stumble on it,
or did you go looking for it?

Well, um...

You know, lots of reasons.

They probably all lead back
to one reason, or one person.

[gentle melody]

Charlotte Weir.

First day at nursery, she found
me crying on the reading mat

and gave me a biscuit. Lifelong
friendship cemented in that moment.

[Gray sighs]

God, I loved her. I just...

loved her.

Brilliant mind. I
mean, not academic.

She could barely do basic arithmetic.
But she was just so sharp.

So alive to everything.

There was no problem she
couldn’t see a path through.

There isn’t really a good cancer,
but pancreatic cancer, boy,

that’s one of the really bad
ones. A whole other deal,

because it doesn’t give
a shit what it takes.

It’ll k*ll the most beautiful garden
and salt the earth afterwards.

And I know...

death is a part of life, as assuredly
as birth. But you know what?

I got cheated.

Twenty-one years?

No. Sorry.

Not enough.

Not enough by half.

So, yeah.

Time travel.

I went looking for it.

- [door closes]
- [footsteps approaching]

[Gray] The fact remains
that time travel

is not the creation of
science-fiction writers.

It is not an idea conjured
up by daydreamers.

Time travel is not
something that we invent.

It is something we harness,

because time travel
is already here.

[Wes] Dr. Gray?
Elizabeth Wesley.

- I enjoyed your lecture very much.
- Thank you.

- I was skeptical going in, but you turned me around.
- That’s good.

I’m not sure I
convince many people,

but we try and
share our knowledge.

- Do you really think it’s possible?
- Yes, I do.

- I’d love to see your work.
- I’m afraid my lab isn’t open to the public,

- Of course.
- Very nice to meet you.

It’s probably sensible
to be cautious, Kitty.

[steps forward]

I’d think about not doing any
more lectures if I were you.

You might start
to convince people

- you’re onto something and, well...
- [sucks teeth]

who knows where that could lead.

Who are you?

- I’m an interested party.
- Right.

I don’t usually do this.
Perhaps I’m getting soft. But,

I’m going to give you
a piece of advice.

Well, less a piece of
advice, more a warning.

Stop doing what you’re doing.

Stop building what
you’re building...

before someone gets hurt.

[steps away]

[Janet] Who was she?

She said her name was Elizabeth.

Something-Wesland. I dunno.


Yeah. You know her?

She’s a crank.

Used to turn up at my lectures

ranting and raving
about time travel.

Warning us off, threatening the
lab techs. She’s completely insane.

Oh, okay.


- I should...
- Ignore her? - [laughs]

Yes, absolutely.

Well, that’s a relief.

[time ticking]


All right. My brain is fried.
I’m gonna call it a night.

Okay. See you tomorrow.

- You know...
- [man] Good night. - Night.

It’d probably do you
good to take a break.

I’ve got an invite to a pretty
exclusive party, if you fancied it.

Ready? Twist.

- Ooh!
- Is that good? Is that good?

- [giggles] - Do two
tens and a three make 21?

- No.
- [Janet] Then, yes, it’s bad.

- Hhm.
- This woman has a galaxy-sized brain,

but can’t remember the
rules of blackjack.

Maybe, I’ll go back in time.
Spend my 20s in a casino.

- Okay, my turn.
- Stick or twist?

- Stick. - Ugh!
- [whispers] Coward.

Think you can bully me
into losing the game?

I am not bullying you.
I am encouraging you

- to show a little backbone.
- Oh! - Ouch.

Okay. All right.


- [concedes] - Oh! That means
you’ve lost, doesn’t it?

- Yeah.
- I am getting better at this.

- That was stupid.
- You need to learn to trust your instincts.

- This was a lesson?
- Everything’s a lesson.

Now come on, hand
over your money.

Take it. Take it all.
- You too. - Oh, come on.

- [Becky laughs]
- All right.

- You earnt it. Well done.
- Hey, where are you going?

I want a photo.

- Come, hand it over. Let me do it.
- [Becky] Whoa.

Right, let me take that.

- You go next to Mummy.
- [Janet] Hi. - [Gray] That’s it.

Three, two... Huddle
in, everybody.

Three, two, one, blackjack!

- Blackjack!
- Blackjack!

[camera clicks]


- I want one with Kitty as well.
- Oh, no, no.

Oh, yes, yes, come on.

Come on, you’re not getting
out of it that easily.

Well, thank you for
having me round.

- It was fun.
- You’re welcome.


[door closes]

And what happens if
things are different?

If I don't k*ll Dr. Gray? What
then? It'll change everything.

It will undo everything
that happens after that.


[suspenseful music]

[clicks pen lid]

[Wes] It’s called
Operation Midnight.

- [Wes] These are your targets.
- [Janet] I haven’t, um...

done something like this before.

I need you just to find
and identify the research.

And when you find
it, destroy it.

What kind of research
are they doing?

The kind that warrants
a very serious reaction.

[computer humming]

[Gray] Dr. Hill.



Janet, look at this.

[computer whirring]

The atomic structure
is stabilising, it’s...

- [thrilled gasps] - It’s... It’s a breakthrough.
- It’s a f*cking breakthrough.

With a few more weeks, we might
be ready for our first test run.

Why wait?

- What?
- [laughs]

What harm would it
do? Let’s try now.

- What, just me and you?
- Why not?

Okay. Okay.

- Let’s do it.
- [laughs]

One key difference, though. We’ve always
talked about sending something back.

We need to try sending something
forward. A single live test subject.

- One hour into the future. I think we can do it.
- And the side effects?

I don’t think that’s gonna
be a problem anymore.


[console beeps]

[machinery humming]

Once the cooling
rods are activated,

- I need you to connect the external power drives.
- On it.

- [beeping continues]
- [whirring]

[door slams]

What are the readings
looking like?

- Steady.
- Light readings?

Light readings are good.

Do it.

- [button clicks]
- [whirring intensifies]

It’s holding!

[intense whirring continues]

[sparks fly]

[whirring slows]

[unfastens cage]

[steadies lid]

[eerie music]

[gentle steps]


Oh my...

- One hour?
- One hour.


[dramatic music playing]

[Janet] It's time.

[anticipatory music]





[both laugh]



[cell phone rings]

[cell phone rings]


Mr. Lerner. I thought you might like
to know that earlier this evening,

we ran our first successful
test of the machine.


I thought you’d like to know that
your money has been well spent.

Dr. Gray, that is the best news
I’ve heard for a very long time.

[ominous music playing]

[paper drops]

It’s me. Come in now.

I’m moving Operation
Midnight up.

It’s happening tonight.

[low beat]

[Gray] The world changed
tonight, didn’t it?

It’s really never going
to be the same again.

You’ve done an
amazing thing, Kitty.

I hope you’re very proud.

We did it together.

Goodnight, see you
in the morning.

[door opens]


[door rattles]

[electricity crackles]

[electricity crackles]


- [machine g*nf*re]
- Shit.


Too early!

[distant g*nshots]



- [splutters]
- [coughs]

- Come on.
- [coughs]

[Bryson] Gonna play
dead, okay? Stay here


[helicopter circles above]


- [thuds]
- Find the research.





[whispering] Okay, it’s
okay. It’s all right.

Go, go, go. Go, go, go.

- Hey, don't move!
- Keep walking, Becky.

Stop there. Turn around.

Keep walking, Becky.


- [g*nsh*t]
- [Janet] Becky?




[suspenseful music]


[slow tapping]

[Gray] Janet?

- Janet, what are you doing?
- How do you know who I am?


[breathing shakily]

Stay... Stay here.


- [g*nsh*t] - [Ross] Janet,
there’s f*cking guards everywhere.

- Is the research there?
- Do you know what they're building?

I don’t care. Let’s set
the expl*sives and go.

There's a woman in there
who knows, who I am. Ross,

I think they have built
their own time machine.

All the more reason to blow it up then.
No, no, no! We need to take her in.

- question her, find out what's going on.
- No.

We need to do what Wes told us,

which means getting rid of the machine,
and her. No! Ross, please don’t!

I’m begging you, Ross!

[steady bleeping]


It works.

- [g*nsh*t]
- [gasps]

[bleeping continues]

[dramatic music]

[Ross] Let’s go.

Let’s f*cking go.

[dramatic music playing]

Becky. Becky.

[breathing heavily]



- No no! It’s me...
- [g*nsh*t] - [thud]

[dramatic music]

[flames roar]

- f*ck!
- No!


[flames roar]

Go, go go.

[distant sirens wail]

[dramatic music playing]

- [vehicle accelerates]
- [siren wails]

[muffled flames roar]

[muffled ventilator]

I blacked out. Woke up in
a hospital. It’s just me .

Mum was dead. Bryson
had disappeared.

Obviously I had no ID, and
no records of me existed.

Couple of different
foster parents.

Bad times.

[dramatic music]

- She was begging him. "Ross, please don’t hurt her."
- [George] Ross?

It’s the last thing I
remember before I blacked out.

[dramatic music]

What the hell’s going on?

Half an hour ago, your
laboratory was att*cked.

Burned down. Dr. Gray is dead.

Oh my God.

[airplane's engines run]

[cell phone rings]


The person you are calling

is unable to take your call.

Please leave your
message after the tone.

To re-record your message,
key hash at any time.

[voicemail beeps]

[planes hits turbulence]

- [reverse sounds]
- [g*nsh*t]

- [rumbling] -
[whirring] - [stillness]

- [thuds]
- [soars]

[planes lands]


- [bumps]
- [groans]


- [machinery whirring]
- [long sharp beep]


[high-pitched whining]

What do you think, Doctor?

I have an idea.

[dramatic music playing]

[dramatic music playing]

[dramatic music playing]

[dramatic music playing]