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01x09 - Cecilia and the Magic Rubies/Under the Pirate Moon

Posted: 12/03/23 14:26
by bunniefuu
all: Ahoy.

- ♪ It's Santiago
and his crew ♪

all: Santiago.

♪ Sailing the seas
off to the rescue ♪

- Adelante.
all: Heave ho.

- ♪ Vámonos ♪
all: Heave ho.

- ♪ Let's go ♪

♪ On a pirate
adventure at sea ♪

all: Argh.

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Santiago of the seas,
helping anyone in need ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Vámonos ♪

- ♪ He lives by
the good pirate's creed ♪

all: Santiago.

El Tesoro de "El Bravo."

[upbeat music]

- Whoa!
- Whoa!

- [squeaks]

- Hold on tight, me hearties.

We going to push "El Bravo's"
superpower to the limit.

- Fintastic!
- Coquí, coquí!

- Oh, boy.

- Watch how fast it can go.

"Bravo," súper rápido!

♪ ♪

- Yeah!
- [squeaks]

[both laugh]

- Hmm.
That's peculiar.


- [squeaks]

- Caracoles!

- Whoa, "Bravo."

Something's wrong.

♪ ♪

- Look at the ship.
It's glowing.

- ¿Qué esta pasando, Capitán?

- I'm not sure.

But we're going to find out.



There's something
underneath the floorboards.

[mystical music]

♪ ♪

all: Whoa.

- What is it?

- It's some sort
of golden heart.

- Sparkling cephalopods.

It's El Corazón Dorado.

- The Golden Heart?

- Sí.

And legend says

it's one of the most
powerful treasures

in all the seven seas.

- Hmm.

♪ ♪


I think the heart's energy
gives "El Bravo"

its superpower!

- Capitán Calavera
must have found it

and put it in his ship.

- I bet he was trying
to protect the heart

from getting into
the wrong hands.


- Ay, no!

El Corazón Dorado!

[suspenseful music]

Cecilia, ven conmigo!

- [squeaks]



- Gracias, Cecilia.
- [squeaks]

- Did you see what took
El Corazón?

- [clears throat]

I think you mean "who."

♪ ♪

crew: Enrique Real De Palacios?

- The Third.

Please, please,
hold your applause.

Okay, a little applause,
if you insist.

Santiago, I knew you had
some great treasure in there,

but wowie,
did I hit the jackpot!

- Unhand El Corazón.

- Why would I?

With the Golden Heart powering
my new underwater submersible,

the "Subrique,"

I'll be unstoppable!

♪ ♪

Treasure, here we come.

"Subrique," adelante!

♪ ♪

- Hornswoggle!

The heart changed colors
when Enrique took it.

- He controls its power now.

- We've got to stop
that greedy pirate

before he takes
everyone's treasure.

"Bravo," adelante!


"El Bravo" doesn't have
its superpower anymore.

- [squeaks]

- Hang on, Cecilia!
- [squeaks]

- We need to get back to shore,
and quick.

- How will we do that
without El Corazón?

- We'll have to sail it back

All hands on deck, mateys!

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Don't worry, "Bravo."

We'll get you fixed up
in no time.


- Hola!
¿Qué qué?

- [squeaks]

- Whoa!
- [squeaks]

- What happened
to your ship, niños?

- Enrique happened.

- Abuelo, we need
to hit the waves

and rescue El Corazón Dorado!

Enrique stole it
from "El Bravo."

- The Golden Heart
was in your ship?

- Mm-hmm.

- Entonces, if legend is true,

the heart must stay dry,
and out of the water.

Getting wet is the one thing
that will stop its power.

You must get it back.

- But Enrique has
a submersible

and our ship needs repairs.

- Submersible?

Well then, you need to talk
to your cousin Tina.

- Tomás' sister?

- The one and only.

- Come on, crew!

♪ ♪



- Come in!

- Hola, Tina.

It's Santiago and Tomás.
- Hey, sis.

We brought our friends
Lorelai and Cecilia too.

- Pleased to meet you, Tina.

- The mermaid?
She's here?

I've always wanted to meet you.

I've heard so much about you.


Aren't you supposed to have
a tail?

- [laughs]

- Oh, I thought--
- [squeaks]

- Oh!

That's Cecilia,
my little octopus.

Sorry she scared you.

That's her way of saying hi.

- It's okay.

I just prefer
not to be snuck up on

because I can't see very well.

Even with my glasses,

I have to be close
to see things.

Ooh, you're so squishy!

- Tina, we need something

that can go after
Enrique's submersible.

- Got anything
that could help us?

- You want my help?


I mean, sure.

I think I have just the thing.

crew: Whoa!

- Hold on, everyone!

- Wow!

- Cackling clams!

- Welcome to my workshop.

- This is where you make
all your toys?

- Oh, they're more
than just toys.

Tomás, no touchy.


I've got so much
to show you guys.

Come on!

Check it out.

This quill pen sh**t
expanding goo.

[goo squishes]
crew: Whoa!

- And you should never go
on any adventure without this.

- A coconut?

- It's a Freeze Coconut!

It can stop the power
of any machine.

- Blimey, these inventions
are so cool, Tina.

- What does this thing do,

- Mm...oh.

That's just a regular banana.

[upbeat music]

And finally...


I call it "La Chispa."

It's an underwater vehicle
that's super sneaky

and really, really fast.

- "La Chispa"
is exactly what we need

to catch Enrique.

- There's just one
teeny tiny thing.

It doesn't have
a navigation system.

- Oh.
I know!

My compass can show us
the way to go.

- Ooh!
This is perfect.

Hold, please.

[drill buzzing and crackling]

Ya está.

"La Chispa" is ready to go.

♪ ♪

- Whoa!

♪ ♪

Enrique just att*cked a ship!

- And look!
He's headed for another one.

- We've gotta stop him
and get back the Golden Heart.

- Cecilia and I can stop
that ship from sinking.

- [squeaks]

- The rest of us will head
to the other ship

to stop Enrique.

- I get to go with you?

- Por supuesto.
- [squeals]

I mean, cool.

- [laughs]
Adventure awaits, amigos.

all: Piratas ahoy!


- Tina, you look amazing.

- Coquí!

- This is the best day ever!

♪ ♪

- Come on, mateys!

"El Bravo" needs that heart.

- Enrique's so far ahead of us.

How are we gonna get there

- We need a shortcut,
and I've got just the idea.

Compass, locate the fastest
ocean current.

- Buena idea, primo.

[water splashing]

- The blue one is the one
we need.

That current will get us
to the ship the quickest.

Here we go!

- Hydroboost in tres, dos, uno!

- Wee!
- [squeals]

- Whoa!

♪ ♪

The ship is up ahead.

♪ ♪

- Ooh!
A picnic basket!

Oh, that's a great treasure,boss.

Now we can
finally have picnics.

♪ ♪


- Bilgewater!

Out of the way, you big whale.

- Bonnie?
- Santiago?

- Listen, you need to get
out of here.

Enrique's coming
for your treasure.

- You're just trying
to trick me.

- [squawks]

[coins jingling]

[suspenseful music]

- Thanks for the pirate booty!

- Argh!

No one takes my treasure!



- Uh, boss?
Excuse me.

Uh, we're going down!

- Tooth rot!

Gatitos, bail out now.

[cat meows]

[both yowling]

♪ ♪

- Enrique's getting away!

- Shouldn't we stop him?

- Gatitos, do something!

We're sinking!

- Mateys,
we have to help Bonnie.

- But what about the heart?

- Ooh!
Coquí, coquí!

- We can't let Enrique take it.

- We also can't let
Bonnie's ship sink.

Good pirates always do
what's right.

You guys patch up the hole,

I'll get the ship back upright.

both: Aye, aye, Capitán.

- Tomás, wanna give it a try?

- Ooh!

[goo squishes]

Oh, yeah!
- Yeah!

- Prima, a boost, please!

- Coquí!

[upbeat music]

- Avast!

No goody two-boots pirates
aboard my ship.

- Bonnie, listen.
Your ship needs repairs.

So if you help us get back
the Golden Heart,

then we can get
your treasure back too.

- Hmm...

well then, I'm coming with you.

- Pirate's honor?

- Pirate's honor.

[suspenseful music]

- Here's the plan.

We can trick Enrique
to come to us.

We can borrow
Abuelo's giant treasure chest.

It's empty, but it sure looks
big and fancy!

Bonnie and Tomás,

you two will be waiting
on "El Bravo"

with the empty treasure chest.

- Savvy that.
- If ye insist.

- Meanwhile,
Tina and I will use "La Chispa"

to sneak into Enrique's sub

and get back the Golden Heart.

- I've designed these coins
to float.

We can use them to lure Enrique
to "El Bravo."

- Perfecto, prima!

- These look like
the real deal.



- Vamos, piratas.

Let's get that treasure back!

- Aye, aye!
- Copy that.

- Aye.

- Santi, are you sure

you want to let Bonnie
aboard "El Bravo?"

- We want El Corazón back

and she wants
her treasure back too.

We have to work together.

- Santiago, did you get
the heart back?

- We're on our way now.
¿Dónde están?

- Cecilia and I
finally stopped

all the ships from sinking.

We're bringing them to shore.

Then we'll meet up with you.

- Fantástico!
Hasta pronto.

- Buena suerte, Capitán.

- Here, Bonnie.

You'll need to wear this
so Enrique thinks you're me.

- Aye.


- Hey, Tina, lista?
- Sí.

- Mateys, are you ready?

- Yeah.

- Oh, yeah!

[exciting music]

- Wait for my signal.

- Mm-hmm.

- I sure hope this works.

"El Bravo's" counting on us
to get El Corazón back.

♪ ♪

- Ooh.
Shiny coin.

♪ ♪

[mice squeaking]


Another one

and another one.

This must be my lucky day!

- Tomás, Enrique's on his way
to you.

- Savvy that.

[upbeat guitar music]

- Ratoncita, do you hear that?

♪ ♪

- Treasure.
I got treasure.

Step right up
and get your treasure!

- Ooh, super shiny!

Let's take it.

♪ ♪

- He's taking the bait.

- Now's our chance
to get El Corazón.

- Avast ye, Santiago.

Hand over your treasure.

[suspenseful music]

- Peekaboo.

- Bonnie Bones?

¿Qué está pasando?

Is this a trap?
[metal clangs]

- Muchas gracias.

We got it, me hearties!

- Wepa!
- The plan worked!

- El Corazón Dorado is back
where it belongs!

- Yes, and that's with me.

Butterscotch, get it!

- [squawks]

- Blimey!

♪ ♪

- [cackles]

- Unhand that heart!

- Green and mean.

That's right, I'm the queen.

♪ ♪

Now, with El Corazón,

all the treasure
of the high seas will be mine!

- Santi, ayúdame!

- [gasps]

- I'm okay.

- [squawks]
Come on, landlubber.

Keep walking the plank.
Come on, come on.

- Caracoles!

- I'm coming for you!


- Awesome!
Thanks, sis.

- De nada.

- Bonnie's got the heart.

After her!

♪ ♪

Bonnie, stop!

- Yeah, no.

I don't think so.

"Bravo," captúralos!

♪ ♪

- Blimey!
We've been Bonnie trapped.

- We're going down.

- [cackles]

- Perdón, queen of the pirates.

- Yeah, that's me.

- I happen to know

where we can find
the most exquisite treasure.

How about we team up
and take it?


I've got my "Subrique."

♪ ♪

- Deal.
- Súper!

Let's go steal some treasure.

[both cackle]

♪ ♪

- Ugh, I can't shake
the net off.

- It's too strong,
even for "La Chispa."

♪ ♪

- What are we gonna do?
What are we gonna do?

[anxious guitar music]

- Santiago!
- Lorelai!

- Hola, piratas.
Need a fin?

- We're saved!

- ♪ Ah ♪

- Caracoles!
That was awesome!

- Muchas gracias, me hearties.

- De nada.
- [squeaks]

- Now let's go stop Bonnie
and Enrique.

'Cause good pirates...

all: Always do what's right!

- Vamos, piratas!

- Yeah!
- All right!

[exciting music]

- The royal ship should be
around here somewhere.

Sail ho!

both: Royal treasure,
here we come!

- "Bravo," move it!


- I don't think "El Bravo"
likes you very much, boss.

- The ship is getting away.

Toss me the heart.
I'll tow you.

- Fine.
Best give it right back.

- Of course.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

Let's go!


♪ ♪


- Cuidado!


- Our treasure!
- Argh!

- Enrique, unhand that heart.

- Never.

- Never say never.

- Catch!

♪ ♪

- Heads up!

- [grunts]

- Cuidado!
Don't let it get wet!

It will lose its power!

El Corazón!


- That's my cue.

- Ditto, kiddo.

[cats yowling]
[mice squeaking]


- Wait for me.

[yowling and squeaking]

[yowling and squeaking]


- Ah, ah!

- Blimey.
We lost the heart.

- Capitán!

♪ ♪

- Mateys, come on!

[mystical music]

Nothing's happening.

- Hmm...
let me try something.

♪ ♪

Lo siento, Santi.

- [squeaks sadly]

- Good pirates never give up.

I won't give up on you,

- Miren.
Something's happening.

- It's glowing again.

♪ ♪

- "El Bravo's" back!

It worked!

- Whoo-hoo!
- Wepa!

- Time to get back
that stolen treasure.

Compass, point us
to the "Subrique."

Now we can catch
those scallywags.

Tina, Tomás, to "La Chispa."

both: Aye, aye, Capitán.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- "Bravo," adelante!

♪ ♪

We've gotta go super-fast.

Say, "'Bravo,' súper rápido!"

both: "Bravo," súper rápido!

♪ ♪

[cats snoring]

- Uh, Enrique?
We've got company.

- "Bravo," gira!

- Going down.

- You seadogs aren't going

- Coquí!
- Tina, it's coconut time.

♪ ♪

- One coconut, coming right up.

Launching the Freeze Coconut!

♪ ♪

Activating the Freeze Coconut.

[coconut zaps]

- What is going on?

Do something!

♪ ♪

- Enrique and Bonnie,
I hate to break it to you,

but it's time to give back
that treasure.

- Argh!

- Rats.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- All of the stolen treasure
has been returned.

- Wepa!
- Splashtastic!

- Whoo-hoo!

- Mateys, thanks for helping us
get El Corazón Dorado back.

And thanks
for all your help, Tina.

- Yeah, sis.
You make the coolest stuff.

- Aww.
It was nothing.

- No, that was something,
all right.

- Wepa!


- Another awesome
pirate adventure, me hearties.

all: Piratas ahoy!
