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01x02 - The Monster In 3-B/Cat-Tastrophe

Posted: 12/03/23 19:04
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ 1 Puppy, 2 puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new

♪ So I'll stick with you

♪ I like new places

♪ Seein' lots of new faces

♪ And before this day's
through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is up to
brand new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small

♪ But I'm on the ball

♪ I might be little

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff, ruff!

♪ Yeah, love makes
little things grow ♪

"The monster in 3-b."

Flo: stand back,

Here comes
my famous fur ball!

Nice one, flo!

That's nothing.

Check out
my belly-buster!


That was great, zo!

What are you
gonna do, clifford?

Uh, well,

I don't know.

I was just gonna
sit down and--

Oh-ohh! Whoa!



What do you call that,

Ha ha ha! Well...

A mistak--

It's his super-slide.

It is?

Hey, daffodil,
can you do any tricks?

Oh, yeah.

Watch me sit
very, very still.


Hey, clifford,
my little redness.

Hiya, norville.

I see you're gettin'
new neighbors.

Yep, that's right,

And emily elizabeth
says they're moving

Into the apartment
right next door to us.

You don't say?

I wonder if they
have any pets.

I hope they don't
have anything loud

Or bouncy

Or chatty.

A turtle
would be nice.

Well, why don't I go
take a little look-see?

[Unpleasant sound]


What was that?

I don't know.

I never heard anything
like it before.

Well, it certainly
wasn't a turtle.

[Unpleasant sound]

All: ohh!

[All gasp]

Make wa-a-y!

Is it behind me?!

Is it behind--
will somebody tell me
is it behind me?!

Is what behind you,

Well, I didn't
exactly see it...

But I'm pretty sure
your new neighbors'

Is a monster!

A monster?!
A monster?!

A monster?

Oh, please.

What kind of monster,

Well, you know,

The usual kind.

Big, furry,

Giant teeth.

Get the picture?

that's cute.

Ok, so I'm
not an artist,

But you guys
are completely
missing the point.

What is the point,

Ok, listen up,
little redness--

eat stuff like us

For dinner.

[Unpleasant sound]

I'm going inside.

Maybe that's
not such a bad idea.

Ha ha ha!

I'll meet you
at the window.

Ohh, whoa!

What's that?

I don't know!

It fell out
of the new people's box.

Flo: it sure is pointy.

It looks
like a tooth.

A giant tooth!

All: it's a monster tooth!


Ok, this tooth,

how big was it?

About this big.

No, this big!

No, this big!

No, this big!

Will you make up
your big minds?

It was about
the size of me.

Then the monster
must be gigantic, too.

Ok, this is bad.

What are we gonna do?

We're gonna have to
have a stakeout.

That's where you hide

And you watch the monster.

Now, I'll take
the window ledge

And you guys
take the hallway,

And remember, do not,

Under any circumstances,

Ever let him see you.

See anything?

Not yet.


Wait, here
comes somebody!

[Sniffs] mmm!

What's that smell?

that's what!

Let's see!

it's in that bag.


That smells so good!

Do you think we should
try to look in the door

For the monster?

We're on a stakeout.

We can't let
anybody see us.

Well, what do
you think, flo?



Where's flo?

The monster
got her!

Wait, zo!

You cannot
go in there.

So what are we gonna do?!

We think the monster
got flo!

She's inside the apartment?

[Unpleasant sound]

Oh, no! There's
that noise again!

This is not good.

Guess what, clifford.

The new neighbors
just invited us over.

Ruff, arf, arf!

I can't take you
with me this time,

But mom said
I can take a picture

Of you and daffodil
to show shun.

That's the boy's name.

Hey, emily elizabeth is going
to the monster's apartment.

I've gotta go with her
to protect her.


These are good pictures.

Bye, clifford!

I'll be back soon!

Please excuse the mess.

Can I get you
something to drink?

That sounds great.

So, you're from japan?

Shun: well, my mom
and dad were born there.

I've lived my whole life
up until now

In california.



Ruff, arf,
arf, arf!

Emily elizabeth:

What are you
doing here?

This is my puppy.

I guess he couldn't wait
to meet you, either.

Hee hee hee!
Well, hello, clifford.

[Clifford whimpering]

It's ok, clifford.
The tooth won't
hurt you.

What is
all this stuff, shun?

I collect things
from the ocean.

This is
a shark's tooth.


I wanna be
a marine biologist

And study animals
in the ocean.

See? I've already
got a bunch of books
about it.


I think I might wanna
be an animal doctor

Or maybe a musician.

Really? I like
to play music, too!

See? This
is my shakuhachi.

It's a japanese flute.

[Unpleasant notes]

Ruff, arf, arf, arf, arf!

Ruff, arf, arf, arf, arf!

Clifford! Shh!
Ruff, arf, arf, arf, arf!

Shun is trying
to play his flute.

Ha ha. No, he's right.
I'm terrible, actually.

I just started
taking lessons,

But you should
hear my mom.

She is so good.

Hey, let's go ask her
if she'll play for us.

Where is it?
Where's the monster
that got flo?

It wasn't a monster.
It was a flute.

A flute? Oh!

W-wait a minute.
That's not scary.

Yeah. And the tooth
belonged to a shark.

Shun has a big
collection of things
from the ocean.

Oh, that norville!

I don't think
there ever was
a monster.

Then where's flo?

I called the number
on her tag

To make sure her owner
knew where she was,

But they weren't home.


This little kitty
was the very first
neighbor to visit.

My mom loves cats.

Well, flo is a very
good helper.

If I drop a bit of fish...

[Giggles] she cleans it
right up.

So...will you play
the flute for us, mom,

I'd love to hear you.

All right then.


I can't believe
you were in here
eating fish

While I was out there
thinking a monster
ate you!

Oh, no. There's no
monster in here.

Just a lot of
yummy fish.

Try it.


Ok, I forgive you.

Hey, norville!

you're all right!

I thought you were
monster food for sure!

Of course we're not,
you silly bird.

There is no monster.

Well, what about
that terrible howling
monster sound?

[Flute plays

Ah, well, you know,

Uh--d-kinda like that,

O-o-only not so beautiful.

That's a flute,

Shun's mom must be
playing it now.

And the tooth
belonged to a shark,
not a monster.

And I was eating fish.

Oh, boy. Your neighbors
really tried to trick us

Into thinking they had
a pet monster. Hee...hee...

All: norville!

Ok, ok. Maybe I got
a little carried away.

Maybe we all did.

Yeah. We really should
have gotten to know
the new neighbors

Before we decided
what they were like.

I sure hope they'll
wanna be my friends.

Don't you worry,

For such a little guy,

You got a big
bunch of friends.

That's right!




Emily elizabeth: clifford,
where are you, boy?

Ruff, ruff!

Wanna read a story,


Ok. Pick one out.

Ha ha.
Thanks, clifford.

This looks like
a great story.

Today's story is "speckle
and the terrific tour."

One morning,
reba was showing
the g*ng a great book

That had pictures
of exotic places
all over the world.

The g*ng wished they could
visit such exciting places.

Then speckle
said they could.

All they needed
was a little bit of help
from their imaginations.

Speckle pretended
he was their conductor

And collected
everyone's tickets.

And once they were seated
on the travel train,
the tour began.

At their first stop,

Darnell pointed out
a beautiful house
in the sky.

Ravi and luna were amazed

By the wild sea creature
they passed.

And reba loved exploring
the untamed jungle

And discovering
its lovely surprises.

When the trip was over,
there was only one thing
left to do,

And that was
to thank the conductor

For taking them
on such a terrific tour.

The end.

I love reading
stories together.


You know, clifford,
for such a small dog,

You sure are
a big reader!



Daffodil, daffodil!

I've got big news!

You got another
carrot for me?

No. Bigger!

You got a whole bunch
of carrots for me?

It's not about carrots!

Oh! Well, then, see,
I'm not really

But daffodil,
flo and zo
are staying with us

All weekend long!

Flo and zo?

Here? All weekend?


Thanks for the warning.

Don't tell them
where I am...ok?

Well, what's goin' on,
my fine furry friends?

The kittens are coming!
The kittens are coming!

Uh-huh. They're
sleeping over.

What's wrong,

This way we can play
and eat and sleep

All weekend long!

Now listen up,
my little redness.

Flo and zo
are good friends, right?

The best.

And you feel like
you know them
pretty well, right?

Oh, sure!

But they've never
slept over before,
have they?

Nope. This is
the very first time.

A whole weekend.

That's a lotta time
to spend with those
kittens, you know,

Without a break.

What do you mean?

Well, clifford,
flo and zo
are a little...


Oh. Yeah, sure!

Flo and zo like to do
lots of fun things.

I can't wait
to play with them,

And I've already
picked out a bunch
of my favorite toys

To show them.


This is gonna be
so much fun!

Emily elizabeth: clifford,
the kittens are here.

Oh, boy!

He's young, daffolini.

He'll learn.

Say hello
to your house guests.

Ruff, ruff, ruff!


Ruff, ruff!

Ha ha ha! Oh,
look how cute!

You're all so happy
to see each other!

I'm going over nina's house
to do some homework,

But I've left
the kittens' food next
to yours in the kitchen.

You'll take good care
of your guests
while I'm gone,

Won't you, clifford?

Ruff, ruff!

Oh, you're going
to share your toys.

That's nice.

I can tell you're
going to be a great
host, clifford.


Ok, guys.
See you soon.

Have fun!

This is gonna be great!

You said it.

We can't wait to play
tag and chase the ball

And eat snacks together!


So what do you
wanna do first?

I picked out some toys
we can play with--
a ball...

[Kittens giggling]

Flo: don't let it
get away!

I won't!

Take that!

Ruff, ruff, ruff!


Ooh, that was fun.
What else do you have?

This sock.


Great sock. What else?

This chewy thing.

and giggling]

What's next?

Well...there's more
toys in my chest.




That's my favorite bear.

Flo: whee!

And that's the...
Feathery thing.

Zo: yay!

Oh. Ha. That's
my rubber bone.

Both: yippee,
yippee, yippee!

That was great!

Yeah. Where's
the rest of your

I...think that's it.


Hey! Let's get a snack!

Oh, yum!
I'm hungry!

Uh...that's a good
idea, but...

Shouldn't we
clean up first?

Oh, we can
do that later.

Last one to the kitchen
is a rotten sardine!


I guess we can have
a snack now.

Mm, mm, mm!

That was good!

Yum! That smells
good, too!

Can we have
a bite?


[Eating noises]

That was yummy!

Thanks, clifford.

You're welcome?

Now let's go
and play some more.

You're it!
Oh, no!

You're it!
So do it!

Can I play?

Clifford: guys! Guys!

You're it!
I got you!

Guys, guys!

[Giggling, meowing]

Here I am, over here!

I got you!
Do it! Ha ha ha!

Uh...guys? Guys,
you wanna play now?

Ha ha ha ha!

Flo: we are playing!

Ha ha ha!
Meow, meow!
Ha ha ha! Meow!

Flo: wait a minute!

Zo: what's this?

Both: ooh!

I got it!

N-no! I got it!


Guys! That's
my favorite
squeaky toy.

I-it's the first toy
that emily elizabeth
ever gave me.

It's very special.


Oh...not so rough.

Ha ha!
That was fun!

I wanna try it!

[Whimpers] oh...
Really, you guys...


Hey, zo, catch!

I've got it now!

Don't let it
get away!

I won't.

Get back here, you!

Hey, you two, be careful!

That's clifford's
favorite toy.


Hey, I know.
Maybe we could play
with that sock again.

That was fun.

aren't you gonna
tell them to stop?

But...they're my

But they might break it.

Take that!

And that!

Clifford: please
be careful, guys!

Oh, no. I can't watch!


Hee hee hee!
Hee hee hee!

My squeaky toy.

You're right, clifford.
That is a great toy.

What do you wanna
do now?

I know!
Let's play tag.

You're it!

No, you're it!

Ha ha ha ha ha!


[Kittens approach]

You're it, clifford!

Uh, no, thanks.

I'm not in the mood
to play right now.

Ok. Later.
You're it!

No, you're it!



Sorry about
your toy, clifford.

Oh...thanks, daffodil.

Why'd you let them
do that?

Because they're my guests.

And my friends.

Some friends!
They don't seem to care
about your toy

Or your feelings.

I don't think
they noticed.


But they should have.

[Sighs] oh...

Hey, clifford!

Are you sure
you don't wanna play?

Naw, not right now.

But we were gonna
play with you
all weekend.

What's wrong?

My favorite toy
doesn't squeak



He's right!

Did we do that?

Well, it didn't
break itself!

Oh, clifford.

We broke your
favorite toy.

Both: we're sorry.

You mean it?



I guess we were
so excited about
staying over...

We were only thinking
about having a good time.

We've been acting
like bad guests.

And even worse

Thanks, guys.

Well...that's a step
in the right direction.

We promise to take
good care of your toys.

And we'll
help clean up
the mess we made.

Wow, thanks!

Come on,
let's do it now.

Last one to start
cleaning is a bowl
of sour milk!


Now what do you wanna
do, clifford?

Well, I kinda
want to play tag.'re the guests.

Sure! But now
we're good guests.

And better friends.

You're it!

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

You're it!



[Clifford giggling]

Emily elizabeth:
having toys is a lot of fun.

And they're even more fun
when you share them
with your friends.

Hey, jorge!
Wanna play?

Oh! But...
That's your brand-new ball.

Are you sure?

Sure, I'm sure!

I can't play catch
by myself!

All right!

Flo, zo, come on!

We're playing catch
with my new ball!

All right!
Yeah! Whoo!

Ha ha. Now, this
is what I call fun!

Emily elizabeth:
clifford and I know

That playing is a lot more fun
when we share with our friends.

That's why clifford's
idea to grow on today
is share.
