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01x07 - Clifford's Field Trip/Helping Paws

Posted: 12/03/23 19:08
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ 1 Puppy, 2 puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seein' lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before this day's
through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is up to
brand-new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff ruff!

♪ Yeah, love makes
little things grow ♪

[Doorbell rings]

Mrs. Howard: I'll get that.

You finish your breakfast,
emily elizabeth.

Emily elizabeth:
is it shun and nina?

Come on,
emily elizabeth.

We don't want
to be late for school.

Today's the field trip

To the hands-on
nature museum.

We can play with
everything in
the whole museum,

And no one will
tell us not to touch
stuff or anything.

Emily elizabeth:
I love the planetarium show.

Shun: the dinosaurs
are my favorite.

Mrs. Howard:
come on, kids.
Let's go.

Ok, mom. I just have to get
my sweater from my bedroom.


Yeah, we don't
want to miss it.



Emily elizabeth sure is
excited about the museum.

Oh, I can't wait to hear
all about it when she gets back,


Right now,
it's time for a...

[Yawns] nap.

[Sighs] perfect.

Come on.

Let's go.

Mrs. Howard: don't
forget your lunch.

Have a nice time, kids.

[Kids laughing
and talking]

I know you're eager
to get started,

So we'll head for
the rain forest exhibit first.

My favorite.

All right, everyone.
Follow me.

[Birds squawking]

I told you
this place is cool.

It sure is.


[Gasps] huh?

[Hiss hiss]


[Birds squawking]

These birds
sure are loud.

I can't hear you.

These birds
are too loud.


Ruff ruff!


Did you hear that?

It sounded
like a dog.

A frog?

Yeah. There are
lot of frogs

the rain forest,
emily elizabeth.

No, not frog, dog!

Teacher: come on, class.
Let's keep moving.




Oh! Whew!

Gosh. I'm sorry.

Did i--whoa!

Look at the baby ocelots.
They're so cute.

Wait till you see
the monkeys.

They're the best.

What animal is that?

That red one
in the bushes.

I--i don't know.
It--it looks like...

Both: clifford?!

Ruff ruff!

where did you--

Teacher: nina!
Emily elizabeth!

It's time to move on
to the next exhibit.

But, clifford--
oh, no! Clifford!

Clifford, her--her dog,

You know, he, uh--

He looks just like
that baby ocelot.

I didn't notice that,

But, uh, thank you
for sharing, nina.


You're welcome,
ms. Parker.

All right, class.

Let's go take
a closer look

At the vast variety
of monkeys in
the rain forest.

Nina, where's clifford?


Ruff ruff!

What is he doing here?

I don't know.

He must have crawled into
my backpack this morning.

[Lick lick]

I'm gonna go tell
ms. Parker.

No! No! No! You can't
tell ms. Parker.

But I have
to tell her, nina.

Clifford can't stay here.

Sure he can.

Just put him back
in your backpack

And let him enjoy
the museum with us.

Ruff ruff!

Oh, I don't know, nina.

Please? If you tell
ms. Parker,

She'll make
clifford go home,
and if he goes home,

We'll probably all
have to go home,

And the whole trip
will be ruined.

Oh, ok.

Yes! Now, let's go
see the monkeys.


That was great,
wasn't it?

Let's move on
to the hall of dinosaurs.


Oh, no!
We missed it!

Sorry, nina.

Look at that!

I want to see
everything in here.

Clifford and jorge

Could gnaw on these
big bones forever.

Ruff ruff ruff!

Clifford! Shh!


Do you want everyone
to know you're here?

Clifford is here?

I better go and tell
ms. Parker about him, nina.

Shun: clifford is here,

And ms. Parker
doesn't know about it?

No. Because if ms. Parker
makes clifford go home,

We all may have
to go home.

Oh, gosh.
I didn't think of that.

[Gasps] he's gone!

He must have wandered off
while we were talking.

Oh, no! We've got
to find him before
ms. Parker does.

Come on.

[Mechanical whir]





I love this place!

[Gasps] whoa! Cool!

I hope
we find him soon,
emily elizabeth.

I want to hear
ms. Parker talk
about the raptors.

You should go, shun.

Nina and I
will find clifford.


Shun: what's going on
over there?

[All laughing]


Ms. Parker:
what's so funny
over here?

Does this exhibit
talk or something?

No, it--

The skull moves,
ms. Parker,

All by itself.

It moves?
Well, that is funny.

You want to see
something funny?

Just look at
the apatosaurus.

It--it--it's, uh...

It's, uh, it's, uh,
it's dancing.

The apatosaurus

I've never seen
that dance before.

Whoa. That was close.

Wouldn't it
just be easier

To tell ms. Parker
that he's here?


He's not here...
Not anymore.

There he is.

Oh, clifford!
There you are!

[Lick lick]

Now let's go hear
what ms. Parker

Knows about

Let's go.

Well, I think that's
enough dinosaurs for today.

What? But--but...

It's never
enough dinosaurs.

Oh, that's true, shun.

However, outer space
is pretty fascinating, too.

Let's move on
to the space exhibit.


[Sighs] well...

At least we'll get to see
the planetarium show.

Please stay together,

The planetarium show will be
starting any minute now.

This is what
I came to see.

Yeah. It's supposed
to be amazing.

Ha ha!

Nina: hurry!
It's starting!


Whoa! Wow!

I'm on top
of the world!

Whoa! Ho!



[Gasps] wow.

this is awful.

He must have climbed
out of my backpack.

He couldn't
have gone far.

Let's look for him.




Look at that!

Don't worry.
We'll find him.

I know,
but I feel terrible.

We haven't had time
to see anything,

And now
we're missing

The planetarium
show, too.

Look! There he is!

Emily elizabeth:

Ruff ruff ruff!

Where did he go?

Nina: over there.

Emily elizabeth:
I see him...there.

Oh, clifford!
Ruff ruff!

[Lick lick]

Ok. Now let's
go back to
the auditorium.

if we hurry,

We can still
catch some
of the show.


emily elizabeth,

What did you think
of the show?

The show?
Oh, well...

The truth is--

The truth is...
It--it was so moving.

We--we, uh...

We--we felt like
we were someplace else.

Ms. Parker,

The reason I felt like
I was someplace else

Is because I was.


I was chasing clifford
here in the space hall.

Ruff ruff!

Clifford's here?

Ruff ruff!

He accidentally crawled into
my backpack this morning,

And I didn't even
know he was there

Until we got
to the museum.

I'm so sorry,
ms. Parker.

I should have
told you right away.

Yes, I wish you had.

It's my fault, too,
ms. Parker.

I thought it would be
best not to tell you,

So I convinced
emily elizabeth
not to say anything.

We thought
you'd make us go home

And we'd miss
the field trip.

But we pretty much
missed the entire
field trip anyway.

Well, I'm glad
you've all realized
your mistake,

But it looks like
we're all gonna have

To cut the day
short and take
clifford home.

I'm sorry, kids.

[All groan]


Clifford will be
nice and safe in here,

Emily elizabeth,

And my good friend
mr. Jackson

Has offered to keep
an eye on him until
it's time for us to go.

Oh, thank you,
ms. Parker!

Thank you,
mr. Jackson!

I think clifford's going
to enjoy the rest of the day

As much as we will.

Ruff ruff ruff!

[All laugh]

That's clifford,

My little red puppy.

Ruff ruff!


Emily elizabeth: clifford!

Where are you, boy?!

Ruff ruff!

Want to read a story,


Ok. Pick one out.

Heh heh. Thanks, clifford.

This looks like
a great story.


Today's story is
"speckle and the terrific tour."

One morning, reba was showing
the g*ng a great book

That had pictures
of exotic places
all over the world.

The g*ng wished they could visit
such exciting places.

Then speckle
said they could.

All they needed
was a little bit of help
from their imaginations.

Speckle pretended
he was their conductor

And collected
everyone's tickets.

And once they were seated
on the travel train,

The tour began.

At their first stop,

Darnell pointed out
a beautiful house in the sky.

Ravi and luna were amazed

By the wild sea creature
they passed,

And reba loved exploring
the untamed jungle

And discovering
its lovely surprises.

When the trip was over,
there was only one thing
left to do,

And that was to thank
the conductor

For taking them
on such a terrific tour.

The end.

I love reading stories

You know, clifford,

For such a small dog,

You sure are
a big reader.


[Low rumbling]

Brace yourself, dear.
Here they come.

Not it!

Not it.

Sid's it!

Hey! I'm always it!

[Both sigh]

Hiya, mrs. Sadarski.
Hi, mr. Sadarski.

Oh, hello, clifford.

Nice to see you.

Nice to
see you, too.

I was hoping to play
with lucy, melissa,

Sophie, and sid,
if that's ok.

Well, sure, clifford.
The kids always love
when you play with them.

And, speaking
of children--

[Kids laughing]

They went

Gee, thanks.

Ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!

[Both sigh]

And then we played
tag and leapfrog...

And then--


Yeah, daffodil?

I'm really glad
you had fun today,

But would you
please stop running
in circles around me?

It's making
my head spin.

Oh, sorry.

But after playing
with the sadarski kids,

I feel
Ha ha! Bouncy!


Oh, oops. Sorry.

It's ok.
I know you can't
help being a puppy.

Ha ha! The sadarski kids
really know how to play.

Daffodil: I know.

Why do you
think mr.
And mrs. Sadarski

Are so tired
all the time?

What do you mean?

Well, running
all over the place
all day long

With 4 little
mice can be
pretty exhausting.

Oh, wow.

I never even
thought about that before.

Let me put it
this way, clifford.

Taking care of kids
is a lot of work.

Wait a minute!

I got a big idea!

What if I took care
of the kids for a day?

You know, so mr.
And mrs. Sadarski

Could have some time
for themselves.

the little sadarskis?

I don't know, clifford.
That's a pretty big job.

Whoa! It'll be easy!

And lots of fun, too!

I don't know,

It really is
a lot of work.

Whoa! I can do it!
I can do it!
I can do it!


[Loud crash]


Are you ok?


Now, clifford,
if you need us
for any reason,

Bark 3 times
into this pipe.

Like this?

Ruff ruff ruff!

Perfect. We'll hear you
and come right home.

Ah, don't worry,
mr. And mrs.

gonna be just great.

Well, good-bye,
little ones.

We'll be back
in a few hours.

Good-bye, kids.
Have fun.

Good-bye, clifford.

And thanks so much.

Bye, dad!

a great time!


Hey, let's
play tag!

I'm it!

[All laughing]

You're it!

[All laughing]

Clifford: hey!
Hey, wait for me!

I'm the baby-sitter,

Hey, clifford,
play with me.

This is great!


Look at me! Look at me!
Look at me! Look at me!

Um, guys?
Everyone stop
what you're doing

And gather around me, ok?

Kids: aw!

So, what are we gonna
do now, clifford? Huh?

How about we all
play a game together?

I wanna play house!

I wanna
play tag!

I wanna play


I wanna
play tag!

I wanna play house!

playing with me!

No, me!

No, me!

No, me!


Whew. Daffodil.

Let's get
one thing straight.

There's 4 of you
and only one of clifford,

Which means you're
gonna have to pick

One activity
to do together.

Only one?

No fair!

I get to
pick, then!

No, me!

Hello? All eyes
on the bunny, please.

Sophie gets to choose
what game you play.

Ok. Let's race
to the dryers and back.


I guess so.



[All laughing]

Clifford, this really
looks like a big job.

I'm gonna stay
with you and help.

Well, um, nah.
No, that's ok.

Thanks, but I can
handle things here.
Really, it's easy.

Ok. But remember,
I'm here if you need help.


Look, guys.

Super sam,
the best teddy bear
in the whole wide world,

Has come
to play with you.

All: whee!

Look at him.

He's so cute.

And soft.

[Super sam squeaks]

I love him.

[Super sam squeaking]

Uh, kids?

Uh, kids?
Kids! Kids!

Look how high
I can jump, clifford!

And look
how strong I am.

I can lift up
super sam's legs
all by myself.

And look how
cute he looks
in this hat!

Oh! I just love him!
He's so cute!

[Kids cheer]

Guys! Guys!

Be careful
with the bear.

Kids: hey!

Listen, super sam
is my bear,

And it's ok
if you wanna
play with him,

But we all need
to find a way

That we can
play with him gently
and together.

[All moaning]


[Super sam squeaks]

Huh? What'd you say,
super sam?


Yeah, I know
I'm supposed
to be baby-sitting,

But I still
want my friends
to have fun.


What did super sam
say, clifford?

He said he wants us
all to have fun, too.

All: he does?

But I'm also
in charge here while
your parents are gone,

And that means
that you really
need to listen to me.

And right now,
I need to ask you

To not play so rough
with my favorite toy. Ok?

I'm sorry, clifford.

And I'm sorry,
super sam.
I'll be gentle.

Me, too.

Us, too.

I think super sam
likes that a lot.


I'm sleepy,

[All yawn]

Well, if you all
get ready for bed,

I'll tell you a story
called super sam
the rocket bear.

[Kids cheering]

Whew. Heh heh.

Once upon a time,

Super sam was
about to be

The first teddy bear
ever launched
into outer space.

There he was
in the rocket ship,
ready to blast off.

[Growing quieter]



Yeah, lucy?

Tonight was
a lot of fun.

Ha ha.
I'm glad, lucy.

Sweet dreams.



You know, super sam,

Baby-sitting's a lot harder
than I thought.

Oh, boy. Am I sleepy.

But I can't go to sleep,
super sam.

I'm the baby-sitter.


Can't fall asleep.

Can't fall...asleep.


Hello, clifford.


Oh, boy.

Oh, am I glad to
see you, daffodil.

Well, I know I said this job
would be super easy,

But I was wrong.

I do need your help.

But, clifford,
it looks like

You've done
a great job
all by yourself.

Well, yeah, but
mr. And mrs. Sadarski
aren't home yet,

And I'm really sleepy,
but I have to stay awake

And watch the kids,
and I don't--

Clifford, don't
worry about a thing.

Why don't
you take a nap,

And I'll watch
the kids for you?

Wow. Are you sure?

Sure I'm sure.

Thanks, daffodil.


Clifford. Clifford?

Huh? What?
Not it!

Time to
get up now.

Hello, clifford.
We're back.

And we had
such a nice time.

[Gasps] oh, look
how the children sleep.

They look so happy.

Yes, thanks to you,

Well, I can't
take all the credit.

Why not?

Well, because I didn't
baby-sit all by myself.

I had to ask
daffodil for help.

I couldn't stay awake,
so she watched
the kids for me.

Then we're even more proud
of you, clifford.

You are?

Of course.

You asked for help
when you needed it.

That's a big part of
being responsible.

You made
a smart decision.

I did?

Yes, I guess I did!

Now, how about
baby-sitting for us
again next week?

Oh, sure.

If daffodil
will help, that is.

I'd love to,

Ha ha ha!

Come on,

Not that
puppy thing.

Ew! Clifford!
Ha ha ha!


tummy yummies!

I wonder who
they belong to.


Maybe I
could just take
one little bite.


Hey, I had a whole basket
of tummy yummies to share.

Has anybody
seen them?

Narrator: sometimes telling
the truth isn't easy,

But clifford
and his friends know

That it's always
the right thing to do.

Actually, clifford,
I ate them.

I'm sorry.

When you tell the truth,

It makes you and
your friends feel better.

Well, I was looking
forward to sharing
them with everyone,

But I'm really glad
you told me the truth.

You know,
me, too, buddy.

That's why clifford's
idea to grow on for today

Is be truthful.

Next time
I get tummy yummies,

I'll make sure
to share them with you.

That will be great,