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01x14 - Best Nest/Practice Makes Perfect

Posted: 12/03/23 19:16
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ 1 Puppy, 2 puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seein' lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before this day's
through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is up to
brand-new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff ruff!

♪ Yeah, loves makes
little things grow ♪

Norville: my nest!

Ohh! Where is my nest?

Oh, my beautiful,
beautiful nest is gone.

I built it myself

From all the best stuff,

The soft, purple feather,

The finest dirt and twigs.

Ohh! That pretty
pink bubble gum wrapper

And those gorgeous
green and orange pipe cleaners!

Oh, I love that nest!

It's perfect!

It was perfect

Because now it's gone!

Oh, whoa, where is it?!

Get ahold
of yourself, norville.


The wind probably
just blew it out
of the tree.

Uh, yeah, of course.
Of course. The wind.

Oh, daffodoodle,
you are a genius.

Ok. So where is it?

It's got to be
around somewhere.

Aw, don't worry,

We'll find it!


Come on, everyone!

Ahh! I found it,
I found it!

Norville's nest?


No! My squeaky
hot dog!

Arr! Ruff!

Boy, I've been looking
all over for you.


Do you think
it could be in here?

There's only
one way to find out!


Ha ha! That was fun!

Let's look again!

Ruff ruff!

Oh! Thank you,

The wind keeps
blowing it off.

Where is it,
where can it be?

Oh, where is it?

sorry, norville.

Yeah. We looked


But no nest.

Oh, thanks
for trying,

But if it's not here,
it could be anywhere!

Oh, I've got to hit
the sky and search

Every inch of this city.

I mean, top to bottom,
I mean, side to side.

I've just go to
find my nest.

I've just got to!

Aw, poor norville.

I've never seen
him so upset.

I wish there was
something we could
do for him.

What if he doesn't
ever find his nest
at all?

Oh, that'd be awful.

Wait a minute!
I got a big idea!

Since we can't find
his old nest,

Why don't we
build him a new one?

Hey, buddy.
That's a great idea!

And if we hurry,
we can finish it
before he gets back.


Ok, troops.
Here's the plan!

We're going to need
twigs and dirt.

And how about--

And little things
to mash in with it.

Clifford, you dig
for the dirt.

Daffodil will be
your partner.

Yeah. One problem.

I don't do dirt.

Flo, zo, you two,
go get little bits

Of string, yarn,
paper, whatever
you can find.

Got it?

Flo: wait.
I have a question.

Didn't you hear me?
Go, go, go!

We're going.

Ok, ok.

And exactly what
are you going to do?

I'll be gathering twigs.

Hmph. The easy job.


Ohh! Clifford,
I think that's enough.

No! That dirt
doesn't count!

The really great
dirt is down deep.

Listen, clifford.
It's sweet that
you're trying so hard,

But this whole plan
is a big mess.

I don't know
what jorge was thinking,

Giving the smallest puppy
the biggest job.

Oh, I don't mind!

And putting the kittens
in charge of yarn and bits?

Big mistake.


A rubber band!

It's perfect!

Both: to play with!

[Both grunting]





And another thing
about this plan

That's never
going to work--

What?! Aren't you
done yet?



We sure got some
great dirt, though!

Good going, soldier.

Now take it
to norville's tree.

Whoa! Carry all the dirt
all the way over there?

Well, all the way
over there is where

We're going to
build the nest.

Then you should have
told us to dig

By the tree
in the first place!

What a confusing plan!

Aw, daffodil,
it's ok.

Hey. My plan makes
perfect sense.

Hmm. Let's see.
We've got dirt over here,

Twigs over there,

And nothing
from the kittens.

Was that part
of your plan?

Oh, it's ok!

Flo and zo are probably
on their way here right now.

Don't worry.
I'll go get them.


Flo, zo,
what are you doing?

Collecting stuff.

Like jorge said.

Yeah. Um, I think
you're supposed to

To norville's tree.


We'll be right there.

Oh. Thanks.

Hey, zo!


Well, at least
I came up with a plan.

And who made you
the boss?

Jorge, daffodil,
the kittens are here.

And look at all
the great stuff
we found.


See? The plan is
working great!

Ooh! I know what we
can do with this lid!

Uh-uh. Oh, no.
That's not
for the nest.

We're keeping that!

Oh, and we're
keeping that, too.

And that!

But, flo, zo,

What did you collect
for norville's nest?


See? I knew they'd
do some sort
of kitten thing.

Like what?

What's that

It's better if they
don't do anything at all.

You mean, like you?

What do you mean
by that?

You know what I mean!

Yeah! We brought

We sure did!

[All talking at once]

Guys, um. Guys!

Guys! Wait a minute!

Now remember norville,

The friend we're
supposed to be building

The nest for?

He's gonna be
back soon,

And we still don't
have a nest for him.

He--he's right, guys.

We haven't built

We don't even have
anything to build
a nest with.

I guess we kind of
forgot that we were

Supposed to be
helping norville.

All we did was
think about

Listen, everybody.

I'm sorry for taking over
and not listening

To anyone else's

And I'm sorry, too.

All I did was criticize
jorge's plan

When I really should
have been helping.

We're sorry for
trying to keep
all of the stuff

We found
for ourselves.

We want to give it
all to norville's
new nest.

Because he really
needs it more
than we do.

Oh, great!

You know, maybe
if we started
working together

As a real team,
we can still build
the nest in time.

I bet we can!

All right!

Then what are we
waiting for?

Ok, everyone.
Let's get going.

First--does anyone
have any suggestions?

Where is it,
where can it be?

Oh, where is it?

I think we're ready
for some dirt here!

Coming through!

I'll hold this end,
and you pull.

Great idea!

Don't forget
to use this.

Jorge: this is
looking good!

Can I have another
piece of yarn, please?

Beautiful, beautiful
nest is goooone!

Here comes, norville!

You know, I looked

I mean, every nook
and cranny of this city,

But I couldn't
find my nest.

♪ Norville ♪

My beautiful nest.

Did I ever tell you
how perfect it was?


Well, I know that
some people would say,

"It was just
sticks and mud."

Flo and zo: norville!

But, oh, it was
so much more than that.

All: norville!



Zo: it's for you!

We built it

Clifford: we know it's
not nearly as fancy
as your old nest.

But we really worked
hard together

To make it special.

Of course you don't
have to live there

If you don't want to.

Are you kidding?

My furry friends
worked together

To make a nest

Just because
they care about me?

Ohh! To have a nest
built with love,

Oh, that is
the best nest of all.

Oh. Ahh.

Oh, this feels
just right.

Oh. It tickles
my tummy.


Ahh. Yeah.


Where are you, boy?

Ruff ruff!

Want to read
a story, clifford?


Ok, pick one out.

Ha ha! Thanks,

This looks
like a great story.

Today's story is "speckle
and the homemade toys."

It was a great morning

Because speckle
and his friends

Had gotten together to play,

But soon they realized
that none of them

Had brought a game
or a toy to play with.

They wondered what were they
going to do

Until speckle said
they could use
their imaginations

And make their own toys.

That was a great idea,
and off they went

To see what toys
they could create.

Reba was so inspired,

She went right out
and gathered acorns

Just the right size
for a game of jacks.

Working together,
darnell and luna made

An extra long daisy chain
to use as a jump rope.

Then ravi and speckle
found that a soft plastic lid

Was perfect for throwing
through the air

Like a flying disk.

Now the g*ng had
a brand-new question.

Which wonderful homemade toy
should they play with first?

The end.

I love reading
stories together.

You know, clifford,

For such
a small dog,

You sure are
a big reader.


Mr. Solomon: "and with their
exploring at an end,

"Flo and zo decided
that their favorite place

Was still home."

And that's the story
of "flo and zo on the go."

Oh, thank you.

Now if any of you are hungry,

I saw a table full
of juice and cookies
right over there.

Thank you,
mr. Solomon!

Well, thanks for helping,
emily elizabeth.

It was fun!
I love your book!

These pictures
look exactly like
flo and zo.

You're such
a great artist.

Do you like to
paint and draw?

I sure do!

Then you should
come by my studio.

We can paint together.

Really? That would
be great!

Why don't you come
tomorrow after lunch
and bring clifford?

I think he'd be
an excellent model,
don't you?


Hi, mr. Solomon!

Oh, hi, there.
Ready to paint?

All set!

See you later, mom!

Have a good time,

Emily elizabeth,
clifford, welcome
to the studio.

It's amazing.

Come on. Let's get
you set up.

I keep the paintbrushes
over here.

Hiya, guys!

Hey, clifford!

to the studio!

Oh, thank!
I can't wait!

Emily elizabeth
is gonna paint
a picture of me.

That's great!

Want us to show
you around?

Oh, sure!

This is where
you'll be

When she paints
your picture.

Remember, if you're
going to be a model,

You have to be
perfectly still like this.

Perfectly still!

Oh, oh, ohh!

Don't worry.
It takes practice, clifford.

These pictures are
four new book

"Flo and zo in the snow."

Oh, wow!
They're great!

This is all
painting equipment.

Emily elizabeth
is going to need
a big tube

Of red paint for
your picture,

Ha ha! Ha ha!
I guess so.

The canvases are
our favorite.

They're nice
and bouncy.

Whee! Whee!

Ha ha!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha!

Emily elizabeth:
clifford, your paws
are covered in paint.


Mr. Solomon: heh heh heh.

Looks like someone
couldn't wait to get started.

Ruff! Ruff!

Try holding your brush
a little looser.

Relax your hand
a little bit.

I like those colors!

You're right.
That does feel
a lot better.

You're doing
a terrific job.

Thanks! Ha ha!
But it would be
easier to paint

If my model didn't
move quite so much.

Heh heh! Clifford,
your tail!


I think we'd better
finish up for the day.

It's getting
a little late.

We can work some more

Ha ha ha!

Hey! Jorge and I
were just looking
for you two.

Oh! We were
at mr. Solomon's

Look at
the beautiful picture
emily elizabeth painted.

Wow! It's really great!

Well, I have
a great teacher!

It sounds like
you guys had
a lot of fun.

Why don't you join us
tomorrow, nina?

Oh, I'd love to.

And don't forget
to bring jorge.

We can always use
another model.



I told you
it was cool!

So, uh, what do you
want to do--

Paint, sketch, draw?

Ooh! Can we do
all of them?

Why not? Come on!
Let's get you started.

Flo: clifford can
tell you, jorge,

Modeling isn't as easy
as it looks.

Yeah. The trick
is to stay
perfectly still.

Why don't you
give it a try?

Ok. How's this?


That's amazing,

Oh, thanks.

Uh, can I move now?

Oh, sure.

You now, I think I'm gonna
be really good at this!

You're both doing great!

Why don't you try
a little darker brown
in jorge's tail?

Thanks, mr. Solomon.

Oh. That looks
much better.

This is really fun.

I think clifford
and jorge are
having fun

Being models, too!


Mr. Solomon: just let
the brush gently follow
the line like...

I get it!

That's really good,
emily elizabeth.

Thanks! Uh, nina,
is jorge ok?





I guess he had
an itch.

It's ok, jorge.

You can scratch
whenever you need to.

Arf arf arf!

Emily elizabeth:
wow! That's beautiful, nina!

Oh! You think so?

Don't you, mr. Solomon?

Hmm. She's right, nina.
It's very good.

In fact, all of your
pictures have
been great.

You're a terrific
artist, nina.

A lot better
than I am.

Oh, I think both
of you are doing
an excellent job.

And look at
the drawing you did
of clifford and jorge.

It's terrific!


You know, we should
probably call it a day.


I'm sure
the dogs could
use a break, too.

Come on, boys.
Time to go!

Now just let the brush
move gently.

Oh, it's no use.

I just can't paint
as well as nina
and mr. Solomon.

[Doorbell rings]

Who is it?

Nina and jorge!

Come on in!

Hi, emily elizabeth!
Ready to go to
mr. Solomon's studio

For our next lesson?

Um, not really.

I don't think
it's for me.

What are you
talking about?

Well, everyone's good
at different things,

And art just isn't
one of the things
that I'm good at.

Hey. That's
not true.

I love
your pictures.

Well, there ok,
but yours are
really good.

You should keep going
to mr. Solomon's.

But I like doing
it with you.

Well, we can still do
plenty of other
stuff together.

Please tell mr. Solomon
I really appreciated

Him helping me.

Oh, and you were
in the middle
of painting

That great picture
of all the animals,

So it's fine if
you'd like to take
clifford with you.


Ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!

But are you sure you
don't want to go?

I'm positive.

All right then.
I'll just take
clifford and jorge.

And so she said that
art wasn't her thing.

She doesn't want to
come anymore.

Hmm. Well, I can
talk to her
about it later.

For now, let's get
some more oil paints
for your picture.

Hmm. Ok.

Oh, I love playing

Oh, me, too, buddy.

I bet flo and zo
are hiding right...
Here! Ha ha!


Flo: you're getting warmer!

Uh, oops!

Is everyone ok?

[Barking and mewing]

Well, it looks like
our models were just

Blowing off
a little steam. Heh heh.

Let's get
this picked up.

Oh. What's this?

It's one of my first

I had it when I was
about your age

And emily elizabeth's.

Ruff ruff!

Clifford! Nina must be
back from her lesson.

Ruff ruff!

Oh. Hiya, mr. Solomon.

Hi, emily elizabeth.

I told nina I'd
bring clifford home.


Um, can I come in
for a moment?


I just wanted
to give you
these pictures

You left
at the studio.

Oh. Thanks, but I
really don't want them.

They're not very good,
not like nina's.

I happen to think
they are good,

But I understand
if you don't want to
take any more lessons.

It was really nice
of you to offer, though.

Thanks. Oh, and I wanted
to show you this.

It's the sketchbook
I used when I was
about your age.

Wow! They're, uh...

They're not
very good, are they?

Oh. Well, it's just--

It's ok. I thought
they were bad, too.

In fact, I was
so frustrated

That I quit drawing

Even though
I loved it.

You did?

That's right. I did,

But then
my mother said
that the only way

I could ever get
better was if I
kept practicing,

So that's
what I did.

I practiced
and practiced.

I'm sure glad
you did!

I love your
picture books.

Well, I'm glad,
emily elizabeth.

I wonder what
would happen if you
kept on practicing.

I don't know.

I guess we could
find out if I kept
coming for lessons.

Would that be ok?

Same time tomorrow?

Same time!

Very nice,
both of you.

Sure helps that
the models are
staying so still.

Yes. I guess all
their practicing
really paid off.

[All laughing]





Ha ha ha!



Tag! Got you!

Ok. Oh, that was
a great game.

Whoa! What are we
gonna do?

Emily elizabeth: sometimes,
a job can look so big

It seems almost
impossible to do,

But clifford and I know
that no job is too big

When everyone
works together.

I have a big idea!

I'll bet if we all
pitch in and work together

We can clean this up
in no time!

Emily elizabeth:
when everyone works together,

Big jobs can turn out
to be really small.

That's why clifford's
idea to grow on for today

Is work together!

And guess what!

Now we have time
for another game
of tag!