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01x16 - My Blanky/With Friends Like You...

Posted: 12/03/23 19:17
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ 1 Puppy, 2 puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seein' lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before this day's
through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is up to
brand-new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff, ruff!

♪ Yeah, loves makes
little things grow ♪

"But sara," asks
the police chief,

"How did you know that
mrs. Greenhouse wasn't
telling the truth?"

How did she know?

I don't know. Let's see.

answers sara solver.

"During the crime,
mrs. Greenhouse claimed

"To be picking daisies
by moonlight.

"Well, that night
there was a new moon,

And a new moon
gives no light."

Oh! Why didn't
I think of that?

Sara solver is so amazing.

I know!

So what does the
chief say when
she tells him?

"Thanks, sara solver,"
says the chief.

"Your sensational
solution has solved
an unsolvable crime

In the nick of time."

Boy, they don't call her
sara solver for nothing.

And I thought
the butler did it.

[Giggles] nina,
you always think
the butler did it.

And one of these days
I'm gonna be right.

What do you say,

Ruff ruff ruff!



[Giggles] looks like
it's bedtime.

Wow! An indoor camp-out
was such a great idea,
emily elizabeth.

It'll be
good practice

For when we really
do go camping
this summer.

What's that blanket
you're holding?

It's my baby blanket.

My blanky. Heh!

I still like
to sleep with it.

I'm a little
embarrassed about it.

Why? It's no big deal.

I know, but it's just
not something I really
tell people about.

It's kind of private.

Oh. Well,
good night, everyone.

Good night.


Oh, sure. We had
the greatest time.

It was just like
camping out.

We put up a tent,
we read a sara solver story,

We got in
our sleeping bags...

And then we
all went to sleep.

You know, emily elizabeth
sleeps with a blanky

That's exactly the same
color as your sweater,

And in the morning,
we had waffles!

With those
little sausages?

Right! With those
little sausages!

I love those
little sausages!

Sounds like
a great camp-out--

I mean camp-in.

I mean--you know
what I mean.

it was really fun.

King me!

Oh, dear! I wanted to
have this baby blanket ready

For my granddaughter

But she'll be in college
by the time I'm done.


Well, maybe
it won't matter.

Kids love their
baby blankets
at any age.

Why, emily
elizabeth still
sleeps with hers.


Oh, que cara!
How sweet!

Mr. Solomon,
our famous author.

So, how is that new
children's book
coming along?

It's not, mrs. Z.

I've got writer's block.

I can't think of
anything that kids'll
want to read about.

Well, how about


You know, baby blankets.

Lots of kids
start off with one.

In fact, emily elizabeth
still sleeps with hers.

No kidding? Hmm.

[Clifford yips]

Yes, indeed! Blankys!

Ha ha! Has
a nice sound to it!

Por que?
Weren't you leaving?

Are you kidding? I've got
blankys to write about.

Ready to go play
some fetch, boy?

Ruff ruff ruff ruff!


Hey, shun,
what's that?

My pet shark,
mr. Wilbo.

Sure nice
to have him back.

Where'd he go?

The laundry. Last night
I spilled hot chocolate

On mr. Wilbo, and I had
to sleep without him.

It was terrible.
You know what I mean.

It'd be like if someone
took your blanky away.

Did he say my blanky?

no. He couldn't have.


Emily elizabeth
and clifford.

Hi, mrs. Z.

Ruff ruff!

What are you knitting?

Oh! Something
you'd appreciate.

See? A baby blanket
for my granddaughter.

I just hope she
loves it as much as
you love your blanky.

Here's my floor.
Have a pleasant day,
you two. Ciao!

Clifford, mrs. Z
definitely said,
"blanky," right?


But how could she--


Ah, emily elizabeth!

Thank you,
thank you, thank you!

What for?

For giving me
the best idea for
a book I've ever had.

I did?

You did, and so
I'm dedicating it
to you, see?

"To emily elizabeth
howard, a wonderful girl
with the best blanky ever"?!

In fact,
that's the title--

The best blanky ever.

Well, thanks again.

Clifford, how does everybody
know about my blanky?

The only person
I ever told was...

Oh, no!


Oh, hi,
emily elizabeth!

You told everyone.

About what?

My blanky!

No, I didn't.
That's ridiculous.

Oh, well, it might
have slipped out

When I was playing
checkers with shun,

But he's the only one
who knows.

I don't think so.

Whoo hoo! Mr. Solomon!

Yes, mrs. Z?

How is the blanky book
coming along?

Great! The book company
thinks it's the best
I've ever written.

I can't wait for it
to come out.

How wonderful!

Why, the whole world
will know about

Emily elizabeth's
wonderful blanky!

See? Now everyone
will know that I still
sleep with my blanky!

Well, it's not like
you know everyone,

So it won't
really matter.

That's not the point.

I didn't want you to
tell people about my blanky.

It's my private business.

But it's
not a big deal!

It is to me!

And I told you I didn't
tell people about it,

So why did you?

Come on, clifford,
we're going.

But emily--oh, fine.
Be that way!

Emily elizabeth,
thank you again,

And please be sure to
thank that wonderful
blanky of yours.


Gee, jorge,
it's been 3 days

Since emily elizabeth
and nina had their
big argument.

Think they'll ever talk
to each other again?

Jorge: gosh,
I don't know, clifford.

The longer they wait
to patch things up,

The harder it may be.

Oh! If we could just
bring them together!


I'm not sure.

Oh, well,
wait a minute!

I got a big idea!

Ready to go play
some fetch, boy?

No, clifford,

That's not
the right ball.

that's not ours.

Excuse me, jorge,

But I think
that's our ball.

Clifford, that's
our ball you've got.

I don't feel like
playing outside
anymore, clifford.

Come on, boy.
Let's go back inside.

Well, I can
have fun by myself.

Emily elizabeth?
Oh, hi, evan.

Hey, nina. Where's
emily elizabeth?

Not talking to me.

Why? You two were
such good friends.

Well, emily elizabeth
told me something

That was kind of
private to her,

And I kind of mentioned
it to someone,

And it kind of got
around the building.

And so she's kind of
mad at you, right?

More than kind of,
but, evan, I really
don't know why.

It's not like what
I told was such
a big deal.

Now, nina, did you ever
tell emily elizabeth

Something that you
wouldn't want repeated?

You mean like that
time at the beach

When I lost my
bathing suit in the
water and--[gasps]

Nobody else
can know that.

I promise I won't tell.

[Sighs] ok.

Well, maybe emily elizabeth
feels the same way.

So, even though it
didn't seem like
a big deal to me,

I guess it was
a really big deal
to her.

You got it.

Clifford, I know
everyone has fights
now and then,

But I just feel so
awful about fighting
with nina.

And camping out alone
isn't much fun, either.

[Knock on door]

Hi, emily elizabeth.

Hi, nina.

I just wanted
to say that...

I shouldn't have
mentioned your
blanky to anyone.

Oh, that's all right.

No, it's not.
It was private,

And I should have
been more careful

About talking
about it.

I'm really sorry.


For me?

[Gasps] a new
sara solver mystery!

For out next
indoor camp-out...

If you ever want to
have one with me again.

Well, I'm kind of
free tonight.


"But sara," asks
the police chief,

"You actually know
who the burglar is?
Tell us!"

It was the ice cream man.
I'm positive!

"It's all very simple,"
answers sara solver.

"The only person
who could have
done it was..."

No, no!
Wait, wait, wait!

Not the ice cream man.
The florist!

Ok. It was...the butler!

No, not the butler!

You know, I was about
to say, "the butler."

[Both giggle]

Ruff ruff!


Where are you, boy?

Ruff ruff!

Want to read
a story, clifford?


Ok, pick one out.

Ha ha! Thanks,

This looks
like a great story.

Today's story is speckle
and the fairy tale.

Speckle and his friends
were reading a great story.

It was a fairy tale
about a beautiful kingdom

And all the princesses
and brave knights
who lived there.

It looked like so much fun

That speckle and his friends
decided to dress up

Like they were
the characters in the book,

But what could they wear?

King speckle made a crown
out of an old newspaper,

Queen reba found a beach towel
that made a perfect cape

And decorated her hair
with a beautiful chain
of wildflowers.

With his sand pail
and flying disc,

Sir darnell was ready
to fight a mighty dragon.

Then princess luna
and prince ravi

Pretended that ordinary
brooms were majestic horses

And raced each other
around the palace.

It was so much fun,
they played for the
rest of the afternoon.

The end.

I love reading
stories together.

You know, clifford,

For such
a small dog,

You sure are
a big reader.


I got it! I got it!

I got it!

Over here!
Over here!

I'm open!

I got it!


My ball!

Here I go!

Make it a high one!
Make it a high one!

Wow! That was
a really high one!

I got it!
I got it! I got it!




Ruff ruff!








Don't get upset,

But you're going
nowhere fast.

I'm what?

You're not moving!

You're stuck!

Oh, no!
What am I gonna do?

Don't worry, jorge.

We'll help you
get out.


Course we will!

Maybe we could
slide him out very gently.

That's a great idea,

Ok, on a count of 3.

[Jorge laughs
while others groan]

What's so funny?

You guys found
my ticklish spots.

Ha ha hoo! No more pulling!

I'm too ticklish!
Whoo hoo hoo hoo!

Ok, let's think
of something else.

Please, guys, I'm
getting tired of being
stuck in this fence.



How about--nah.

What if I can't get out?

How will I play...
Or sleep?

Oh, no! How will I eat?

Oh, no! Just thinking
about food makes me hungry.

Wait a minute.
I got a big idea.

Wait here, jorge.

Where else
is he gonna go?

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Look what I have
for you, jorge!

A tummy yummy!


It's all yours,

You just have to
come and get it.



Tummy yummy--aah! Uhh!

Hmm. [Chomps]

Oh, that was delicious.

Hey, I'm unstuck!

you saved me!

Great job, clifford!
Way to go!

Oh, it was nothing.
I just--

No, no, no! It was
a big something!

I'd still be stuck
in that fence if it
wasn't for you.

Well, I was happy
to do it, jorge.

Well, little
buddy, I'm gonna
make it up to you.

You'll see.

Hmm. I know
I buried my bone
around here somewhere.


Aha! This must be the spot!

Uhh! [Pants]

Stop! Clifford,
let me do that for you.

Oh, jorge,
you don't have to
dig up my bone for me.

Well, sure I do.
If it wasn't for you,

I'd still be
stuck in that fence.

I want to dig it up!

There you go.

Wow, jorge! Thanks!

Oh, it's the least
I can do!

[Growls playfully]


Hiya, jorge!
What's that?

Cool! You brought
your toys over.

Thanks for sharing
with me, jorge.

Oh, I'm not
sharing them, clifford.

I'm giving all my toys
to you.

But some of these
are your favorites.

I don't understand.

Don't you want them

Well, sure, but if it
wasn't for you,

I'd still be stuck
in that fence.

Oh, no!
I couldn't take your--

Oh! A super jumper
frog hopper!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha! Thanks, jorge!

I'm gonna get it,
I'm gonna get it,
I'm gonna get it!

[Pants] ohh!

Uhh! Oh, wow!

Water! You didn't
have to bring me
water, jorge!

Oh, yes I did,

If it wasn't for you,
I'd still be stuck
in that fence.

I owe you this water.

Thanks, jorge.

Are you hungry?
I can give you all
my tummy yummies.

Oh, no, that's ok.

Are you sure?

Uh-huh. I'm...sure.

Oh! How about
I find you a stick?

It's no trouble.
It's the least I can do.

If it wasn't
for you, I'd...

Together: still be
stuck in that fence!

You know it,
little buddy.

Hey, jorge, how'd you
like to play a game
of fetch with me?


I'll throw the ball
first, and then--

Oh, no, clifford.

Let me do that.

Ok. You throw the ball
and I'll fetch it.

Uhh! Yahh!


Whatcha doin'?

I thought I was gonna
fetch the ball.

Oh, I couldn't let you
go to all that trouble

When I can throw
and fetch it for you.

But jorge--

No "buts," clifford.

Remember, I owe you.

If it wasn't
for you, I'd--

Still be stuck
in that fence.

I know. [Sighs]

Are you tired, clifford?

[Yawns] you know,
I think I'll just, uh...

Go upstairs
and take a little nap.

Oh, no, you don't!

I'm gonna make you
a bed and you can
take a nap right here.

Jorge, you don't
have to--

Are you kidding?

I owe you big-time.

If it wasn't
for you, I'd--

I know, I know.
You'd still be stuck
in that fence.

Now you just lay
right down here
and go to sleep...

And I'm gonna stand
guard and make sure
no one bothers you.


You are?

Oh, ok.

Shh! Clifford
is taking a nap!

But she wasn't bothering me.

It's ok. I took
care of it. Go
back to sleep now.



Shh! Flo! Zo!
Clifford's trying
to take a nap!

But I didn't
even hear them.

Go back to sleep,

I made sure they
won't bother you

Shh! My friend
clifford is trying
to sleep!

Oh, jorge,
I can't sleep.

With all this racket,
I can't blame you.

I'm just gonna
go upstairs.

You want me to open
the door for you?

Jorge wouldn't let you
fetch your own ball?

Uh-uh. Or open
my own door.

He wouldn't even
let me take a nap
without helping.

[Doorbell rings]

Emily elizabeth:
I'll get it!

Hi, nina. Hi, jorge.

I think clifford's
in the bedroom.

Oh, no!

Hmm. That's strange.

I thought clifford
was in here playing
with daffodil.

Maybe he's visiting
flo and zo.

You can't avoid
jorge forever.

Well, what else
can I do?

You could just
tell him how you feel.

Ok, ok.

Ok. So I'll just
say, uh...

"Jorge? Um, it was
really nice of you

"To do all those
great favors for me,

"And at first,
I really liked it,

But could you
please stop now?"

Phew! Ha ha! Ok.
That wasn't so hard.

I can say that to jorge.

Jorge: clifford!

Jorge! Oh!
I can't tell him.

Clifford? Oh, I was sure
I just saw him over here.


Oh, clifford!
Is that you?

Oh, jorge, I didn't
see you there.

Well, maybe because
you were hiding under
that pile of leaves.

Well, i, uh, i--

Have you been trying
to keep away from me,

Uh, well, um...

Oh, uh, I guess so.

Uhh! Well, to be honest,
I really didn't like

How you were doing
everything for me
all the time.

But I just wanted to
show you how much I
appreciated your help.

But if I was stuck
in a fence

Or in some other
kind of trouble,

Wouldn't you help me?

Well, sure, I would.

And would you expect
something in return?

Oh, of course not.
You're my friend, clifford.


Oh! I understand.

Ha! I guess I've been
acting kind of silly.

Well, I guess
I have, too.

I'm sorry.

So am i, buddy.

So, what do you say
we play a game of fetch? long as you
promise not to help
me fetch the ball.

Ha ha! You got it,

[Both laugh]


Clifford, I just found
a great new place
to bury bones.

It's a special
secret place,

So if I tell you,
do you promise not
to tell anyone?

I promise!

Ok. It's...[Whispers]

Wow! That is
a great place, jorge!

Hey, little rouge.
Jorge, what's new?

Jorge just found
a brand new spot
to bury bones.


Emily elizabeth:
clifford knows that
keeping a promise

Is a very important part
of being a good friend,

So whenever he makes
a promise, he keeps it.

Oh, I'm sorry,

I can't tell you
without jorge's permission.

I made him a promise.

Jorge, is it ok
if we tell norville?

Oh, sure. Norville
won't tell anybody.

My beak is sealed.

Emily elizabeth:
when you keep a promise,
you're being a good friend,

And that's why clifford's
idea to grow on for today
is, be a good friend.

Ok, norville!
You are going to
be so surprised!
