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01x17 - Time Out/Sniff,Sniff

Posted: 12/03/23 19:18
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ 1 Puppy, 2 puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seein' lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before this day's
through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is up
to brand-new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff ruff!

♪ Yeah, loves makes
little things grow ♪


Oh, thank you, jorge.

Oh, you want to play.

Ruff ruff!

I see you!


Ruff ruff ruff ruff!



I got you! [Giggles]

Ruff ruff ruff!


Ruff ruff ruff!


I'm sorry, jorge.

I can't play anymore.

My schedule book
says it's time
for soccer practice.


Ruff! [Pants]

Ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!

Hey, nina, ready to go?

Nina: I think so.

Let me double check.

Soccer shoes,
extra socks,

bottle of water,

And, of course,
my schedule book

With our team's

Did you know
our next game is
with the blue jays?

Oh, great. I like
playing with them.

And thursday
is corey's birthday.

I'll make sure

In our class signs
her card.

Wow, nina. You sure
are organized.

Well, I couldn't
do it without
my schedule book.

It's where
I write down everything
I have to do each day.

Bye, clifford.

Adios, jorge.
We'll be back soon.

Ruff ruff!


So, jorge...

You want to go roll
in the leaves and--

Oh. Jorge,
is something wrong?'s just...

I was having
a great time
playing with nina

And then
she had to go.

She's always going

Soccer practice,
the library,
art class.

Emily elizabeth
is busy, too.

She goes to school
and dance lessons

And lots of things.

But why do they have
to go anywhere?

Well, I think it's
because they have lots

Of different things
that they're interested in,

Just like we have
puppy interests--

Like digging holes
and playing with toys.

Well, I do
like digging...

And chewing
on my squeaky toys

And getting
all muddy

And then shaking
all the mud off.

See? I bet nina
doesn't like to do that.


Right. You both
like different things,

But you both like spending
time together, too--

Just like
emily elizabeth and me.

It's no problem.

The problem is
I want to spend more
time with nina,

But that schedule book
always reminds her

That it's time
to do other things.

Yeah, the schedule book.

That's the problem.



Hi, clifford.

Hola, jorge.

I missed you, too.

Ruff ruff!

Hey, boy.
Want to play ball?

Ruff ruff!

Great move,




Ruff ruff!


Clifford: ruff ruff!

[Girls giggling]

Ruff ruff ruff!

Jorge, voice-over: yeah,
the schedule book.

That's the problem.

Hey, if nina doesn't
have her schedule book,

She won't have so many
things to do all the time,

Then we could play together
all day, every day.

Clifford, jorge.

Time to go inside.

Ruff ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff ruff ruff!

[Giggles] ok, ok.

I don't need to check
my schedule book

To know it's time
to play with you.

Ruff ruff ruff!

Oh, you want us
to play with your burro?

Ruff ruff!

And senor squeaky?

[Pants] ruff!

[Giggles] well,
that's a lot of toys.

Are you sure we'll be able
to play with everything?

[Pants] ruff ruff!


Ok, ok. Let me look
at my schedule book

To see how much time
we've got.

My schedule book
is gone. Hooray!

I don't have to do any
of those silly things,

And jorge and I can
play together forever

And ever and
ever and ever!

That's strange.

I thought I had put it
in my backpack.


Just a second, jorge.



Ruff ruff!

Hmm. Oh. Maybe I left it
in the bedroom.


Mmm! Oh, no. Not there.



Ruff ruff!


It's not just my schedule.

That book has
important phone numbers,
addresses, birthdays.

I don't know what
I'd do without it.






I'm sorry, jorge,

But I have
to find my book.



But what about
our playtime?

Ah, where is it?
Where is it?

Ruff ruff!

Not here,
not here, not here.

Not here.

ruff ruff!

Pfft! [Whines]

I just don't know
what I'll do

If I can't find
my schedule book.


Ah! Maybe
emily elizabeth knows
where it could be.

I'll see
you later, jorge.


Oh, this isn't
the way things were
supposed to work.

Hiya, jorge.

How was the rest
of your playtime
with nina?


What? But why?

Well, nina lost
her schedule book,

And so she spent
the whole time
looking for it.

Oh, that's too bad.

Wow. Nina must
be really worried.

She uses her
schedule book so much.

I know, and
the worst thing is,

I'm part of the reason why
it's still missing.


Clifford, the book fell
out of her backpack

This afternoon
while we were playing,

And I was going
to give it to her,

But then I figured
if nina's schedule
book went away,

All of her other
activities would, too,

And then she'd be able
to spend all of her time
with me.


Yeah. Only it
didn't work out
like that at all.

We didn't spend
any time together,

And what's worse is,
I made nina worry a lot,

And I feel so bad,
and I just don't know
what to do.

Well, you know, jorge,

You could always give
nina her book back now.

Hey, that's right,

I mean, it won't change
the fact that I made
a big mistake before,

But at least it'll make
nina feel better.

Oh, thanks a lot,
little buddy.

You're welcome, jorge.

Nina, I don't think
it's here, either.

But I've looked
everywhere else.


You found it!

Oh, thank you, jorge.
Thank you, thank you,
thank you.

Ruff ruff!

♪ I've got it,
I've got it ♪

♪ I've got
my book back, whoo-ooh ♪

♪Oh, yeah ♪

Ruff ruff ruff!

Great work, guys.

Oh, no!

It's time for
my piano practice.


I thought you liked
playing the piano.

I do, but my favorite
part of the day is
playing with jorge.

That's why I make sure
that every day

I schedule special time
just for him,

But because I had
to look for my book,

My time
with jorge's over.

I'm really sorry, jorge.

I just can't play
right now.


Oh, you're
the best.

Ruff ruff!

[Giggles] and so
are you, clifford.

Well, did you hear that?

I'm her favorite part
of the day.

Well, of course,
you are.

You're just not the only
part of her day.

Right, and just
because nina doesn't spend
all of her time with me

Doesn't mean I'm not
important to her.

She has things
to do just like
emily elizabeth,

But they still
make time for us.

And our time together
is always really special.

You said it.

Wait a minute.

Jorge, do you want
to come to piano
practice with me?


[Giggles] I guess
that means yes.

Ruff ruff!

[Giggles] wow, jorge.

You're a great
piano partner.

You should start coming
to all my practices.

That can be
another special thing
we do together.

Would you like that?




Emily elizabeth: clifford!
Where are you, boy?

Ruff ruff!

Want to read
a story, clifford?


Ok. Pick one out.

thanks, clifford.

This looks like
a great story.


Emily elizabeth: today's story
is speckle gets well.

One day speckle wasn't
feeling very well,

So he had to stay in bed.

His friend reba came by

And wanted
to jump rope with him,

But speckle couldn't.

And he couldn't
play ball with darnell...

Or bounce
on ravi's trampoline

Or even play
hopscotch with luna.

All speckle could do
was lay in bed,

And since no one wanted
to leave speckle alone

While they played,

They decided to take
turns reading him a story

And keeping him company
as he got better

And better and better.

And finally, when speckle
was well enough

To go outside and play,

He was very happy,
but he was even happier

That he could play
with the very friends

Who had cared
so much about him

And helped make him
feel better.

The end.

I love reading
stories together.

You know, clifford,

For such a small dog,

You sure are
a big reader.



Emily elizabeth.

Time to wake up
for school.


ok, mom.


[Clearing throat]

My throat feels funny.

And your forehead's
a little warm.

I think somebody
has a cold.

A cold?


A cold.

You lie back down,

And I'll get you
some juice.

That'll make your
throat feel better.

But what about school?

I think you should stay
home today, honey,

But don't worry. School
will still be there when
you're feeling better.

I do feel sort of tired.

That's part of
having a cold, too,

But clifford and
daffodil and I

Will take good care
of you. Right?

Ruff ruff ruff!

Thanks, guys.

Come on, clifford.

Let's go get emily
elizabeth that juice.


And some tissues.

Now, close your eyes
and try to rest.

It's important
to get lots of rest

When you're not
feeling well.

Ok, mom.


Hey there, little red.

Oh. Hiya, norville.

So, what's up there, pup?

Emily elizabeth
has a cold.

Hmm. Tough break.


what is a cold?

You don't know?

Well, all right.
Let me see if I can
explain it.

Have you ever bumped your head
when you were playing?

Oh, sure.
Lots of times.

It doesn't feel
very good at all.

And what about that day
you kept barking
at your shadow?

I didn't know
what it was,

So I barked and barked

Until my voice sounded
all funny like this--

ruff ruff!

Uh-huh. Now, what is
the gooiest thing

That you have ever
put in your mouth?

Um...i once had a lick

Of emily elizabeth's
leftover pudding.

Oh, yuck.

Y-yuck. Huh.

I don't think
that stuff is
for dogs at all.

Ok. Now, think
about your head hurting
from that little bump

And that your voice
feels all funny
from the barking

And your head feels like
it is full of that pudding

All at the same time.


And that's a cold.

No wonder emily
elizabeth feels bad.

Oh, it's just terrible.


But mrs. Howard
said we could do
lots of things

To help
emily elizabeth
feel better,

Like bring her juice
and tissues

oh, what else
could I do?

Well, I say that
the thing to do

Is to keep her
busy, busy, busy.

That way she'll forget
that she even has a cold,

And she will feel better.

Keep her busy,
busy, busy?

Right! Thanks, norville.

Hey, no problem, pup.

That's what I do.

Mmm. Ah!

Oh, this juice feels
so good on my throat.

Thanks, mom.



Thanks, clifford.

Ok, team, let's give
emily elizabeth some
time to feel better.

I'll check on you
soon, sweetie.

See you soon.

This seems like
a good day to make
some soup.

And a good day
to take a nap.

But, daffodil,
you just woke up.

How can you
take a nap now?

Watch and learn.


I guess I'll have
to make emily elizabeth

Feel better
by keeping her
busy, busy, busy

All by myself.




Ruff ruff!



What do you have
there, boy?

Oh, it's our favorite
pop-up book.

Hello, your majesty.


You know what, clifford?

I love reading books,
especially with you--


But let's save
story time for later

When I'm
feeling better, ok?


Oh, I can't keep
emily elizabeth

Busy, busy, busy
with books, I guess.

I wonder what else
I could do.

Hi, jorge!

Is that a new ball?

Si! Nina
gave it to me,

But I can't seem
to hold on to it.


You really have to keep
your eye on this thing.

It's kept me busy
all morning.

Busy, huh?

Hey, jorge!

Do you think I could
borrow that ball
for a little while?

Emily elizabeth
is sick,

And I'm trying to
make her feel better

By keeping her busy.

Oh. Well, this is
the ball, my friend.

Sure. Please, borrow it.

[Pants] I'll just sit
here and, you know,
catch my breath.



thanks, jorge!


Oh, clifford, it looks
like you want to play ball.

Ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!

Wow. It sure is
a bouncy ball.

[Giggles] poor clifford.

I'll help you get it.

Ah-choo! Ah-choo!

My goodness. What's
going on in here?

I think clifford
wants to play ball.

[Giggles] you know,
I think you're right,

But I'm afraid
he'll have to wait

Until you're
over your cold,
emily elizabeth.

So, did
emily elizabeth
play with the ball?

Nah, not really.

Mostly she just
sneezed a lot.

Hmm. You want
to play now?

No thanks, jorge.

Emily elizabeth
still has her cold,

So I still need
to find something

That'll keep her
busy, busy, busy!

You know who should
ask about keeping
busy, busy, busy--

Flo and zo.

Oh, sure! They're always
busy, busy, busy.

Thanks, jorge.

[Laughing and meowing]

Oh, hi, clifford.

What's up?

Emily elizabeth
has a cold,

And I'm
trying to make
her feel better

By keeping her
busy, busy, busy.

When mr. Sullivan
feels bad,

Sometimes he listens
to music.



And we dance.

Ooh, and that
always makes him
feel better.

Hmm. Emily elizabeth
does love dancing.



[Salsa music
begins playing]


Emily elizabeth:
oh, clifford.

Do you want to dance?

Ruff ruff ruff!

You want me
to dance, too?

Ruff ruff ruff!

Oh, I don't know,

Well, maybe just
a little bit.

Thanks, clifford,

But I don't really feel
like dancing right now.


Clifford, did you
turn on that music?

[Music stops]

I think he's trying
to make me feel better, mom.

I know, dear,

And he's certainly
trying hard, isn't he?

Come with me,
little guy.

I'll bet all
of your hard work's made
you a little hungry.

There you go, clifford.

Here's a nice snack.

You're not eating?

What's wrong?

Well, I've been trying

To help emily elizabeth
feel better,

But nothing
seems to work.

What did you try?

Looking at our
favorite pop-up book,

Playing ball, dancing.

Look, clifford,
remember when you had
that tummy ache?


Oh, I didn't feel
good at all.

Did you feel like
reading a pop-up book

Or playing ball
or dancing?

Oh, no.

I just felt like
lying down and...

Well, just lying
down and cuddling

emily elizabeth.

So, what do you
think emily elizabeth
feels like doing?

Well, she probably
wants to lie down and...

Huh! Well,
wait a minute.

I got a big idea!

Thanks, daffodil!

[Giggles] it was nothing.

Hi, clifford.

I'm sorry I can't play
with you today.


Did you come in here
just to be with me?


You know what, boy?

That makes me feel
a little better already.




Ahh. Tummy yummies.

Hmm. I wonder
who they belong to.

Hmm. Maybe I could just
take one little bite.



Clifford: hey!
I had a whole basket

Of tummy yummies to share.

Has anybody seen them?

Emily elizabeth, voice-over:
sometimes telling the truth

Isn't easy, but clifford
and his friends know

That it's always
the right thing to do.

Actually, clifford,
I ate them.

I'm sorry.

Emily elizabeth:
when you tell the truth,

It makes you and your
friends feel better.

Well, I was looking
forward to sharing them
with everyone,

But I'm really glad
you told me the truth.

You know, me,
too, buddy.

Emily elizabeth:
that's why clifford's
idea to grow on

For today is
"be truthful."

Next time I get
tummy yummies,

I'll make sure
to share them with you.

That will
be great, jorge.