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01x19 - Fall Feast/Norville's New Game

Posted: 12/03/23 19:19
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ 1 Puppy, 2 puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seein' lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before this day's
through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is up to
brand-new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's
one thing we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

Ruff ruff!

♪ Yeah, love makes
little things grow ♪

Emily elizabeth:



Better hurry,
emily elizabeth.

We've got a train
to catch.

I have to find clifford.

It's his first trip
to grandma's

And his first
fall feast.

And his first chance
to taste grandma's

Super-moist turkey
and cranberry sauce.

Ho ho! And your mom's
famous chestnut stuffing.


ruff, ruff ruff ruff!

There you are!

you don't want to miss out
on this holiday.

Everyone brings
delicious food to share.

That's how it all
got started--

People sharing
what they had
with other people.

You like that idea,
don't you, boy?

Ruff ruff!

Come on, everybody.
Get your coats on.

Uh-oh. You're right.
It's time to go.

We don't want
to miss the train.

And wait until you taste
aunt sophie's
carrot cake.

Oh, is it good?

Is it good?!

Ohh, it's only the best
carrot cake ever.

Ok, everybody!
Off we go!

Ruff ruff ruff!



[Sighs] it's hard
to see us through
all this snow.

And we're already late.

Daddy, let me try!

Ok, honey,
but I don't see--


It's hard to miss
bright red tail.

Way to go,
emily elizabeth...

And clifford.

Ruff ruff!

Everybody in
and buckle up.

Do we have everything?

Let's see--
clifford, daffodil,

my chestnut stuffing!

[Tires screech]


Better hurry, dear.

It's really getting late.

I didn't realize
there'd be
so much traffic.

We only have 10 minutes
to catch the train.

And we still have
to buy our tickets.

ruff ruff!
Ruff ruff!

What's wrong, clifford?

Ruff ruff!

Ah! My chestnut stuffing.

Oh, thank you, clifford.

Ruff ruff!

Good job, boy!

It sure was!

Oh, wow.
We'd better get going.


Emily elizabeth!



What are you
doing here?

My mom and dad
and I are going

To a fall feast
family reunion.

We're going to visit
my grandma.

I have lots
of family coming--

My grandma,
my great-great-

Lots of first
and second cousins,

And...i think
that's it.


We get together
every fall feast,

And each person
brings a different dish,

And we share
lots of stories
with each other.

My mom always brings
her famous tamales.

My mom makes yummy
chestnut stuffing,

And my aunt sophie

Makes the best
carrot cake ever!

You know,
I'd love to get
that recipe

For those

I'd be happy to
share it with you.

But first,
we really need

To get our tickets.

We're running
a little late.

You're right.
We'd better go.

Can I get that
recipe next week?



Happy fall feast!

Happy fall feast!


I hope they're
not sold out.

What can I do
for you folks?

Ahh, we need

On the eastbound

Well, let's see.


Whoops. Sorry, folks.

This little pup
just bought

The last 3 tickets.

Ha ha! But that's
my puppy clifford.

Well then, maybe
he won't mind sharing.

It's fall feast after all.

Ha ha. Luckily, rabbits
and very small puppies

Don't require
their own tickets.

It's clifford's
first fall feast,

And we're going to visit
my grandparents.

Well, that sounds
like a great way

To celebrate.

I always stay
in town

And visit
with friends.

After dessert,
we all share

Our favorite
party games.

It's a hoot!

It sounds like it.

It does sound
like fun.

Oh, my, our train
leaves in 5 minutes.

We'd better get going.

Have a nice trip!

Ruff ruff!

Oh, thanks, clifford.

It looks like it's
snowing a lot more.

Well, hello,
howard family.

Wait, dad. It's
mr. Solomon!

Are you off to visit
your family, too?

My sister.

Flo & zo get to visit
her turtles rico and rina

While my sister and I

Share our latest
fall feast recipes.

This year, I'm bringing
homemade corn bread.

[All sniff]

All: mmm.

It smells

[Train whistle blows]

Ruff ruff!

That's right,

We need to hurry
if we don't want
to miss our train.

Sorry to rush off,
mr. Solomon.

No problem.
Happy fall feast!

Both: happy fall feast!

Happy fall feast!

That's our train.

It looks
like we made it
just in time.

Yay! It didn't
leave without us.

Ruff ruff!

Ruff ruff!

I'm sorry, folks,

But I can't
let you board.

But you just sold us

The last 3 tickets,

I know, I know.

And it's clifford's
first fall feast,

And we're gonna visit
my grandparents.

Ruff ruff!

Yes, yes, yes.

And I remembered to bring
the chestnut stuffing.

I know, I know.

But I'm sorry. I can't
let anybody board.

The train tracks
have been covered

By over a foot of snow,

And the train
can't move

Until they're cleared.

When will
that be?

That depends on
when it decides

To stop snowing.

Oh, dear.


Don't worry,
emily elizabeth.

We'll call grandma
and grandpa and explain,

And we'll still have
a nice fall feast at home.

I don't like
to be the bearer

Of more bad news, folks,

But the snow has closed
all the roads

For the next few hours.

So we can't
get home either?

So it looks like
we're all stuck

In the train station
for fall feast.

Cheer up,

At least we're
here together.

I know, mom.

I was just sad
for clifford.

This was his first
fall feast,

And I really wanted it
to be special.

I know, honey.

Can we go look
for nina?

I don't think we'll
have to look far.

Hi, emily elizabeth.

Isn't this
just awful?

But at least
we're here together.

Do you have room
for one more?

Mr. Solomon.

I guess there's
nothing we can do

But wait for
this storm to pass.

It'll be the first
fall feast

I've spent apart
from my sister.

I'll have to e-mail
her my recipes.

Ohh. We're
gonna miss out

On aunt sophie's
carrot cake.

I wasn't even
gonna be there,
and I miss it.

I hear it's
the best carrot cake

In the whole universe.

Here are some of your
treats, clifford.



Why don't
we all share?

Aw, thanks, clifford.

Hey, after our snack,

Maybe we can play
with one of my toys.

Nina brought a huge bag
filled with them.

Mmm. Ok!

Let's play!

[Toy squeaks]

I have an idea.

Why don't we share
a fall feast

Right here
with each other?

We can't visit
our own families,

But I suppose we're
a family of friends.

What are we gonna do
without a turkey?

Well, mom said that
the first fall feast

Was about people
coming together

And sharing
what they had.

That's right,
emily elizabeth.

It didn't matter
what it was.

My book says
the same thing.

Well, besides,

We have a smorgasbord
of holiday treats

With your
chestnut stuffing

And those

And don't forget
your corn bread.

I'll get some
paper plates

And plastic forks.

Ooh, that
looks good.

Pass the tamales,

Would anyone like
more chestnut stuffing?

Both: me! Me! Me!

Ooh! Ooh! Me!

Ahh, that
was delicious.

It's good,

But I really wanted
that carrot cake.

Uh, anyone care
for some carrot cake
for dessert?

I was gonna
bring it over

To my friend's house
after work,

But this snow put
a stop to that plan.

Only if you agree

To share
our dinner with us.

You got yourself
a deal. Ha ha.

Thank you very much.

Maybe after we eat,

You could show us
some of the party games

You always play
at fall feast.

Sure, I could.

Ooh, ooh, and we
can tell stories.

That sounds
great, nina.

Ha ha ha.


I guess with all
our rushing around,

We sort of forgot
the true spirit

Of fall feast.

Yes. But I think
this dinner

Has helped
to remind us.

It looks like your
first fall feast

Will be special
after all, clifford.

Ruff ruff!


Emily elizabeth:

Where are you, boy?

Ruff ruff!

Want to read
a story, clifford?


Ok, pick one out.

Ha ha! Thanks,

This looks
like a great story.

[Toy squeaks]

Today's story

Is "speckle
and the cure for hiccups."

One day, speckle started making
a very silly sound.

He had the hiccups

And couldn't seem
to make them stop.

So his friends came up
with some very creative cures.

Luna said speckle should drink
a giant glass of water.


But that didn't work.


Darnell suggested speckle
blow up a balloon

As big as he possibly could.


Ravi thought that rolling

Down a soft, grassy hill
would help...


And reba recommended
jumping rope

On one foot.

Soon speckle's hiccups
were gone.

His friends didn't know
if their cures really worked,

But they did know they sure
were fun acting out.

Speckle agreed.

He had such a good time

He couldn't wait
to have hiccups again.

The end.

I love reading
stories together.

You know, clifford,

For such a small dog,

You sure are
a big reader.



Hey, daffodil,

You want to play with me
and my bear super sam?

no, thanks.

Well, what about
if we play

The hide-and-seek game?

I could hide super sam,

And you could try
and find him.


Ok. Well, then maybe
you could hide sam,

And I'll go find him.

You know, thanks,

But I'm still
not interested.

Norville: hey, yoo-hoo!
Hello in there!

Hey, clifford,

Hi, norville.

Hey there, little red.

You're not
gonna believe

What's going on
out here.

Why? What is it?

Flo & zo just made up
the greatest game.

You got to come outside,
and you got to play it!

Oh, boy!
I'll be right down.

Hey, daffodil,
aren't you coming?

Mmm, no.

I'm a little
too comfortable

Right where I am.

Did I mention
that the game


Hopping? Hopping!



Aren't you coming along?

Ruff ruff ruff ruff!

Hey, hey, everybody.

Oh, hey,

Hi, daffodil.

We're just
about to play

The flo & zo game.

Don't you mean
the zo & flo game?

Uh-uh. No.

I mean
the flo & zo game.

Oh, really?

Oh, really. Oh, no--

Zo & flo!

Flo & zo!

Excuse me,

But how do you
actually play

This game of yours?

It's like hopscotch.

But it's trickier.

How come?

Because not only

Do you have to
hop in the squares,

You have to touch
your front toes
to your back toes

On every hop.

Uhh, ahh.

Wow, that looks
like fun.

And it looks tricky.

My front toes
are a long way

From my back toes.

Who wants
to try it first?

You know what?
You do it there,

Come on, daffodil.

You're the best
hopper ever.

Well, I suppose
I could

Give it a whirl.


Go, daffoloonie!

Ha ha. You got it!


Zo: she's great.

There is no topping
your hopping.

Oh, it was nothing.

Anybody else
want to try it?

I do!

Oh, I want
to try it.

We can take turns.

Ok, then follow me.

[Deep breath]


Oh. Uhh.

Oh! Uhh!

Come on, jorge!

Hey, you can
do that, jorge!

Uhh! Ohh!

That's the way!

Keep it up!



[All laugh]

I did it!

That was great,

You did it!

Ha ha! Way to go!


Now that's
a great game.

Let's play

Oh, sí.one more time.

We can't.

Why not?

Just look.

Oh, we wiped out

All of the
hopscotch lines

With our paws.

Well, then, maybe
we can play a new game...

Not that I want to
or anything.

Do not, and I repeat,
do not despair, friends,

Because I have an idea
for a brand-new game.

You guys go ahead
without me.

Oh, but, daff-daff,

Don't you want
to try my new game?

Oh, I really do,

But see, the sun
is hitting

My favorite patch
of grass.

So I think
it might be time

For a little nap.



Ok. Hey,
everybody else,

Follow me!


Ok, g*ng,

Now, this game
I'm calling...

The who-can-touch
the-highest-branch game.

Now, there's
only one rule.

Whoever touches
the highest branch wins.

You got it?

like fun to me.

Let's try it.
I'm in.

Me, too.

Ok, everyone,
get ready.

All right,
on the count of 3.

[All grunting]



All: hooray!

Good job, norville.

That was great.

You guys want
to play again?



Ok, we're ready.

All: 1, 2, 3!

Both: ta-da!

All right!

Oops. You know

What I forgot
to mention before?

Climbing the tree

Is actually
against the rules.

It is?

How come?

Well--well, uh--
how come?

That's because--
uh, it's because...

It's a jumping game.
It's a jumping game.

Only jumping is allowed.

No climbing whatsoever.

Flo: oh.

But you didn't say
that rule before.

Uh, well,

I meant to.

Anyway, we'll just say
that I won that round,

And now we can
all play again.


I guess so.

All right!
That's the spirit!

Now I'm ready
to play again.

On the count of 3,

All: 1, 2, 3!


All: hooray!

You won!

Good jump, jorge!

Uh, actually,

It looks like
another win for moi.

You won?

But the branch
jorge touched

Was higher than
yours, norville.

Well, yes.
But you know,

We forgot one of
the most important rules

Of the whole game.

Oh. What rule?

Well, it's
the rule that says

You can't
jump off anything

Made out of rock,

Like, for instance,

That rock
right over there.

How come?

How come? You're
asking me how come,

And I'm gonna
tell you because--

Because, well,
it's just not done.

It's a big no-no.

But you never
said that.

I didn't?

Are you sure?


Well, you know,
it is my game.

My game, my rules.

But, norville,
you can't be
the only one

Who gets to win
at your own game.

I can't help it

If I'm really good
at my game.

It's a gift.


Listen, we're wasting

A lot of valuable
game time here.

Why don't we just
play again

Now that we all finally
understand the rules?

Hold it a second!

I believe I shall play
this time.

Oh, great!
It's daffodil.

She can jump really high.

Oh, daffodil, wouldn't
you rather be resting
in the sun?

No, thank you.

Now, on the count of 3...

All: one, 2, 3!

All: wow!


Oh, I win again.

But that was no fair.

You flew to the top
of the tree.

No one ever said

That flying was
against the rules.

But, norville, you're
the only one who can fly.

Hey! I wasn't the one
to break the rules.

It was daffodil.

Ibroke the rules?

Well, sure. Everyone
knows you're not
allowed to play

If you just, um...

Finished eating
a carrot...

In the courtyard...

When it's
not snowing.

Norville, you just
made that rule up!

It's not fair.

It is so.

You're just a big...


Feathery cheater!

All: ooh!

I'm so sorry I called you
a name, norville.

But you weren't
playing fair

And it made me
really mad.

Not playing fair?

Me? Ha!

You're all jealous
because I'm at
the top of my game.

Well, I'm not playing
your game anymore.

Me, neither!

Count me out.

Well, that's ok,
because I'll just
play by myself.

There was
no competition anyway.

Ha! On the count
of 3 now, norville.

One, 2, 3.

And away you go.




I win again.

Boy, winning
sure is nice.


Oh, yes, sirree.

Well, hooray.
Hooray for me.

Boy, it sure is
lonely at the top.

It's very lonely.

Oh, who am I kidding?

I didmake up the rules
as I went along

Just so that
I could win.

And that was wrong.

Now my friends,
they don't want
to play with me at all.



I thought you were playing

"The who can touch
the highest branch" game.

Well, actually,
I can't play anymore

Because I broke
the rules.

Youbroke the rules?

Oh, yes, I did.

You see, the rules
clearly state

That you're not
allowed to play

If you're not
gonna play fair.

Well, that sounds like
your best rule yet,

So, anyway, guys,
I really am sorry.

I mean, just because
it's my game

Doesn't mean I can
twist the rules
all around

So that I can always win.

But, um, maybe we could
all play a new game

Like what?


[Horn honks]

Aah! Ha ha!
That's it!

What's it?

My new game.

Whenever you hear
a car honk its horn...

[Horn honks]

You spin!

[Horns honking]

Isn't this great
or what?


That sounds like fun.

I'll play.

Me, too!

Me, too!

[Horns honking]

[All laughing]

Toot toot!

So, norville, how are
we doing at your new game?

Great, little red!
Just great!

And you know what?

In this game,
everybody is a winner!


Ok, norville,
we're ready.

Then on your mark,

Get set,


Emily elizabeth: clifford
and I know that

Playing games
with your friends
is lots of fun,

But when someone
doesn't play fair,

It really isn't fun
for anyone.

Wahoo! I won! Hey hey!

Hey, that wasn't fair.

You didn't
follow the rules.

Oh, I just wanted
to be first.

But you're right.

I didn't follow the rules
so I didn't really win.

And I ruined
the game for everyone.

I'm sorry.

At least you realized
your mistake

And you apologized.

And we can always
play the game again.

And this time I promise
to play fair and square.

Emily elizabeth:
when you play fair,

Everyone gets
to enjoy the game.

That's why clifford's idea
to grow on for today is

Play fair.