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02x11 - Show and Tell/What a Story

Posted: 12/04/23 08:06
by bunniefuu
Clifford, remember
when you were a puppy?

♪ One puppy, two puppy,
on a puppy bed ♪

♪ The littlest one
has fur that's red ♪

♪ I'm kind of new ♪

♪ So I'll stick with you ♪

♪ I like new places ♪

♪ Seeing lots of new faces ♪

♪ And before
this day's through ♪

♪ We'll make good friends
like you ♪

♪ 3 Puppy, 4 puppy,

♪ Clifford is up
to brand-new tricks ♪

♪ I might be small ♪

♪ But I'm on the ball ♪

♪ I might be little ♪

♪ I might get stuck
in the middle ♪

♪ But there's one thing
we know ♪

♪ Love makes
little things grow ♪

♪ Yeah, love makes
little things grow ♪

Hi there.
Hi, nina.
Good morning.

What are you guys going
to bring to show
and tell tomorrow?

You'll never guess
what I'm going
to bring.

Go ahead, try,
'cause you'll never
guess what it is.

You won't.
You just won't.

Both: what is it?

it's a filing system
for my toys.

Why are we whispering?

Because it's the most
amazing, color-coded,

Alphabetized filing system
in the whole world!

I want it to be
a surprise.

I'm bringing a tree.

A tree?
A whole tree?

With branches
and bark
and leaves?

That's right.
You'll see.

A tree is ok,
but no one's going
to top what I got.

It's a volcano.

You mean a picture
of a volcano.

No, I mean
a real volcano,
and it works.

It'll be
the best thing
at show and tell.

Well, until
it's my turn.

What are you
bringing, ingrid?

You'll have to
wait and see.

Ok. I was thinking
of telling everyone
about my puppy, clifford.

Does he do tricks,
like back flips?

Can he jump
through hoops?

Heh. No,
nothing like that.

I just want to show how
I took care of clifford

When he first came
to live with me.

Oh. That's nice,
but, you know, lots
of kids have pets.

Yeah, millions of them.

[School bell rings]

Emily elizabeth,
what are you thinking?

You've got to come up
with something

But clifford is fantastic.

Well, he's a sweetheart,
sure, but for
show and tell?

Ok. Ok, stay calm.
Let's think.

You've got one day left.
Don't panic.

I'm not.

I'll brainstorm,
make a list.

Maybe note cards
will help.

Don't worry,
emily elizabeth.
I'll think of something.

You know, clifford,
this is harder
than I thought.

What can I bring
to show and tell

To describe
our first days

Oh, maybe nina
was right.


What's that?
My watch?


Remember how I always
used to put my watch
near you when you were--

wait a minute!

That's the answer!
You solved it!

Thank you, clifford!

Ruff ruff!

Now let's see.

I'll need this,

And--yes, this, too!

Emily elizabeth,
over here.

What did you bring?
Let me see.

What? That's it?

Oh, no!

Well, luckily, I brought
an emergency show-and-tell
item just for you.

A globe?

Not just any globe.

When you plug it in,
it lights up.

I spilled some ketchup
on france,

But, hey, it's still
pretty cool.

Thanks, nina,
but I'll be ok.

And so,

With my file system,

You can find any toy
at any time.

That's wonderful, nina.
Thank you.

And I'm sure we'll
all look forward to your
next presentation.

Thanks! Next time,

I'd like to
bring in my new
softball mitt.

Well, then,
why don't you?


I can't seem
to find it.


Yes. All right, shun.

What do you have
for us today?

Well, if I told you

I could pick up
a 50-year-old tree
all by myself,

I bet you wouldn't
believe me.

But I just did,
and here it is.

Aw, it's just
a little plant.

No, it's a bonsai.

It's the art
of growing a tree
in a small pot.

My grandfather
learned this
growing up in japan.

He started
this bonsai
over 50 years ago.

Wow, you can really see
the bark and the leaves.

How fascinating.
Thank you, shun.

George, you seem
very eager today.
What do you have?

It's in the hall.

This is my volcano.

I made it myself,
with some help
from my dad,

And here's
the best part.

It really works!

Teacher: george,
i--i don't think that's
a very good idea.


It's ok.

Yes, we see.

Thank you, george.

And after show and tell
is over,

I'm sure you'll be
cleaning up

After your homemade
natural disaster?

Yes, ms. Parker.

Now, ingrid,
what do you have?


I would like
to present
my vacation

To fabulous fun
amusement park.

When we went
to fabulous fun,

We went on
the fastest rides
we could find.

There was
the fabulous fun

Look at that!

And then there was
the fabulous fun


And, finally, there was
the fabulous fun
roller coaster.


Look at that!



Thank you, thank you!

Looks like you had
a wonderful time, ingrid.

Emily elizabeth,
you're our final
show and tell for the day.

Hmm. Good luck,
emily elizabeth,

Although I really don't
know how anyone could
top that presentation.

Today, I'd like
to talk about--


Today, I'd like
to talk about...

My puppy, clifford.


Oh, excuse me.

When we first got

We were told that he was
the runt of the litter.

That meant
he was the smallest,
and he really was.

I was so happy
because I'd always
wanted a dog,

But taking care
of such a tiny puppy
wasn't always easy,

Like when
I gave clifford
his first bath...

I didn't realize
the smallest puddle
of water

Was like an ocean
to clifford.

It was kind of
a disaster.

Arf arf!

I learned a lot that day.

I had to be extra careful
with my little puppy,

But he still needed a bath.

My mother suggested

That while I couldn't make
clifford any bigger,

Maybe I could make
the bathtub smaller, so I did.

An old teacup did the trick.

After that, clifford loved
taking baths.

Is that
the actual teacup?

That's it!

Wow. It's so small.

And then there's
this mitten.

Clifford loved sleeping
in my bed,

But one day,

When I left for school,
I let him sleep late.


The problem was, I forgot
to tell my mom,

So that day,
when she took the laundry,

She accidentally took
clifford, too.

Lucky for clifford

That he has such a big bark
for a little tiny puppy.

Arf arf arf arf!

After that, I realized
my bed was just too big
for such a small puppy.

My dad suggested
a sleeping bag,

But nobody makes
sleeping bags that small.

I thought a mitten
might work,

And it did.

Hmm. Is that really
the mitten you used?

Sure. Would you like
to hold it?

No. I was just asking.

What else is in the box?

Can we see?
Show us,
emily elizabeth.

Well, there's
baby bottle.

A baby bottle?
For a dog?

Here's what

When we gave
him his first

Emily elizabeth:
clifford's dog bowl
was too big for him,

And no bowl we could find
was any better,

But my toys came
to the rescue.

Well, I guess
that's about it.

All: awww!

No, wait!
There's one more thing.

This watch turned out
to be one of clifford's
favorite things.

Here's what happened.

I was trying to get clifford
to take a nap,

And he really wanted
to fall asleep...

But every time
he got comfortable...

[Car horn honking]
a noise would bother him.

Then I changed the way
I was holding him.

He calmed down and went
to sleep, but I didn't know why.

Then I realized that my watch
was against his ear,

And its ticking was
very soothing to him.

He still likes to hear it
sometimes when he's
having trouble sleeping.

Last night, when I was worrying
about what to bring today,

He brought me the watch.

I think he thought
it would calm me down.

Emily elizabeth,
can I listen?



That is
a nice sound.

Well, clifford is very lucky

To have a responsible owner
like you, emily elizabeth.

Thanks, but I'm
the lucky one,

To have a dog
like clifford.

I wish I could meet
your puppy.

Actually, you're about to.

[Door opens]
hi, mom!

Ruff! Arf arf arf!

Hi, clifford!

Ms. Parker said
clifford could visit
with us today.

He's a little bigger
than he was

When he first came
to live with me,

But we still use
the teacup every
once in a while,

Only now it's
a food bowl,
not a bathtub.

Um, may I pet

Sure, he loves that.

emily elizabeth.

I'm sorry I wasn't
so nice about your
show and tell.

It was so great.
I think I'll bring
my pet in next time.

Me, too.

So, do you think clifford
will get any bigger?

Ruff! Arf arf! Ruff!

Well, you never
can tell,

But one thing's
for sure.

Big or small, he'll
always be clifford,

My best friend ever.



Emily elizabeth: clifford!
Where are you, boy?

Ruff ruff!

Want to read a story,


Ok. Pick one out.

thanks, clifford.

This looks like
a great story.

[Toy squeaks]

Today's story is "speckle
and the fairy tale."

"Speckle and his friends were
reading a great story.

"It was a fairy tale
about a beautiful kingdom

"And all the princesses
and brave knights
who lived there.

"It looked like so much fun

That speckle and his friends
decided to dress up

"Like they were
the characters in the book.

"But what could they wear?

"King speckle made a crown
out of an old newspaper.

"Queen reba found a beach towel
that made the perfect cape

"And decorated her hair
with a beautiful chain
of wildflowers.

"With his sand pail
and flying disk,

"Sir darnell was ready
to fight a mighty dragon.

"Then princess luna
and prince ravi pretended

"That ordinary brooms
were majestic horses

"And raced each other
around the palace.

"It was so much fun,

"They played for the rest
of the afternoon.

The end."

I love reading stories

You know, clifford,

For such a small dog,
you sure are
a big reader.



[Laughter and shouting]

Thank you
for baby-sitting
the children

This afternoon,

No problem,
mrs. Sidarsky.

I'm glad to help.

Ok, kids, be sure
to listen to clifford
while we are gone.

We always do.

We will, daddy!

See you later!

Bye-bye! Bye-bye!

Ok, guys,
what do you want to do?

Tell us a story?

Story, story!
Story time!

A really great

Well, for that,
we'll need a really
great storyteller,

And it just
so happens
I know one.

Daffodil! Daffodil!

Can you tell us one
of your incredible


Please, please?

Tell us a story,

Story time!

Well, I do tell
a great story, don't i?




Thanks, daffodil.

What story
are you going to tell?
Little red riding hood?

The 3 little pigs?

Jack and the beanstalk?

No. I'm going
to tell you a story

That I'm going to make up,

Right now.

you can make up a story?

Ha! I told you
she was good.

Ok, quiet, everybody.

Here she goes.

Once upon a time...

In a far-off land,

There was a castle
with carrot-shaped towers.

And in that castle lived
the smartest,

Most beautiful
rabbit princess named
princess daffodil.

oh. Princess daffodil?

Of course. Anyway,

Princess daffodil lived
in this castle.

With a prince?

Uh, no. She lived
in a castle where--

Did she have
a flying horse?

A regular horse?

Was there
a magic pumpkin?

I like stories
with pumpkins.

Absolutely not.

now, princess daffodil
was hungry,

And since she was
a rabbit princess,

She wanted a crisp,
delicious carrot.

So she went
to her royal garden...

But the carrots there were
not fit for a princess at all.

The first carrot was too tiny.


And the next carrot was

And the next one was
too tough.

So princess daffodil decided
to search

The kingdom for
the most perfect carrot.

Sophie: oh!
Now is there a prince?

a flying horse?

a magic pumpkin?

Daffodil: no. This is
about the princess' search

For the perfect
carrot, remember?

Mice: oh.

Anyway, off she went,
hopping along
the royal countryside.

um, daffodil?

She looked everywhere she
thought a carrot could be.

uh, daffodil?

Just a second.

She looked behind trees.
She looked under bushes.

Uh, daffodil,
maybe you could tell
a different story.

This is a perfectly
wonderful story...

Look out!
Ha ha!

and shouting]

Which no one is
listening to.

Come to think of it, there
is a prince in this story!

what was his name?

Was it clifford?


You know, that's exactly
what his name was.

He was prince clifford,

And he was going to help
princess daffodil search
for the perfect carrot.

on a flying horse?

Daffodil: yes,
on a flying horse.
Heh! Why not?

Mice: yippee!

[Horse whinnies]

Daffodil: they flew
over treetops,

Under a rainbow...

And through a cloud shaped
like a...

Clifford: like
a magic pumpkin?

Mice: yes!
[Daffodil giggling]

They flew through a cloud
shaped like a magic pumpkin.

Then princess daffodil
and prince clifford flew
on their winged horse

All the way to...

Where did they go?

A giant's house?

Yes! They flew to
a giant's house!

And that's exactly when
the giant came home,

But the princess
and prince knew

They didn't have to be
afraid of the giant because...

he was giggling?

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Daffodil: yes!

In fact, the giant
was giggling so much

That everyone else began
to giggle, too.

[All giggling]

And after everyone
was done giggling,

The princess told the giant
that they were searching
for the perfect carrot,

And the giant offered
to help.

He put them on his shoulders
and carried them to...

Flo: the ocean!

Daffodil: there,

Princess daffodil
and prince clifford slid
all the way down the giant

And went splashing
into the water right
in front of...

Lucy: I know!
I know! Mice!

Lewis: mermaids!

Sid: mer-mice!

Whoever heard
of mer-mice?

Definitely, there can be
mer-mice in this story.

There can?

There aren't any rules
when you're using your

When you make up a story,
anything can happen.

All: oh!

Even stuff that's really,
really impossible?

Especially stuff that is
really, really impossible.

Then can there be

Daffodil: there sure can.

Sid: what about the prince
and the princess?

Can they play
underwater, too?

Daffodil: if you say so.

and ride seahorses?

Flo: how about an octopus?

Zo: or an octopus

Daffodil: anything
you can imagine.

Jorge: they can find
a treasure chest.

Daffodil: yes,
and what's in it?

A diamond ring?
A bowling ball?

A cuckoo clock?
A sock toy?

A tuba?
A bicycle?

A teddy bear!

Lucy: wait a minute!

What about the search
for the perfect carrot?

Daffodil: well, it just
so happened that inside
the treasure chest,

There was also
a treasure map.

A treasure map
that showed them

Where the perfect
carrot was.

So the princess
and the prince thanked
the mer-mice for their help.

Uh-huh. Then they
started swimming...

Following the map
to an island...

That was covered
in pink polka dots!

[All laughing]

Lucy: it had
a polka-dotted beach...

Sid: and polka-dotted

Zo: and two kittens...

who were wearing
hula skirts...

Clifford: yeah,
so that they could
hula dance!

[All laughing]

Lewis: the kittens danced them
to the spot on their map...

Sophie: where they dug
for the treasure,
using skis as shovels!

Sid: and then they found
the biggest carrot
they'd ever seen!

Jorge: it was bigger
than a lunch box.

Flo: ooh, bigger than a bus!

Lucy: bigger than even
the giant!

Clifford: princess daffodil said
that that was the perfect carrot

Because it was the perfect
size to share with everyone!

Zo: so princess daffodil
and prince clifford
threw a party...

Flo: where they shared
the perfect carrot
with all the friends

They made
on their adventure.

Sid: they had
a carrot casserole!

Lucy: carrot burgers!

carrot chip cookies!

carrot sundaes!

Jorge: a carrot milkshake
so big they could swim in it!

Daffodil: and they all lived
happily ever after.

All: the end!

[All laughing]

Oh, what is this?

It was the most
wonderful story!

And we got to
help tell
it, too!

They were looking
for a carrot!

And they were on
a polka-dotted island!

I made up that part.

And they rode

And there was a giant!

Clifford, you did
a wonderful job

The children had
the best time,

And that sounds
like quite a story.

Oh, the one you
should be thanking
is daffodil.

She made up
the story.

All: yay, daffodil!

Oh, thanks!

But, you know,
we all made up
the story,

And we can think up
lots more, too.

Ok, children.
Time for your nap.

I'm going to make up
a story of my own.

Me, too!
Me, too!

Thank you so much,

You really helped me
with the sidarskys,

And you taught me a lot
about storytelling.

You're amazing.

Well, I do have
my moments.


[Clifford barking]

[Flo and zo laughing]

[All laughing]

Flo: tag! Got you!

Ok. Oh, that was
a great game.

Zo: whoa.
What are we going to do?

Emily elizabeth: sometimes
a job can look so big,

It seems almost
impossible to do,

But clifford and I know
that no job is too big

When everyone
works together.

I have a big idea!

I'll bet if we all
pitch in and work

We can clean this up
in no time.

Emily elizabeth: when
everyone works together,

Big jobs can turn out
to be really small.

That's why clifford's idea
to grow on for today
is "work together."

and guess what.

Now we have time
for another game
of tag!