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02x14 - Peek-A-BOO!/Night of the Witches

Posted: 12/04/23 08:54
by bunniefuu
all: Ahoy!

- ♪ It's Santiago
and his crew ♪

all: Santiago!

- ♪ Sailing the seas,
off to the rescue ♪

- Adelante!
all: Heave ho!

- ♪ Vámonos ♪
all: Heave ho!

- ♪ Let's go ♪

♪ On a pirate
adventure at sea ♪

all: Argh!

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Santiago of the seas
helping anyone in need ♪

♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Santiago ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh ♪
all: ♪ Vámonos ♪

- ♪ He lives by
the good pirate's creed ♪

all: Santiago!

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

- Okay, hide.




- [laughs]

- Cinco,

- [laughs]

- Siete,




Ready or not, here I come!

- Ahoy, mateys.

We're playing escondite--
hide and seek,

and it's my friend
Vicente the Vampire Pirate's

turn to find us.

[enchanting music]

[Gigi purrs]

You found me.

- Fangtastic work finding him,

[Gigi squeals]

♪ ♪

- Que lindo.

You know,
that gargoyle is so cute!

[Gigi purrs]

[ground rumbles]

- Whoa.

- Whoa.

- Did you guys feel that?
- That was Gigi.

He's a strong little guy,
isn't he?

- Whoa!
A baby gargoyle can make

the ground shake like that?

- Indeed.

When a gargoyle doesn't land
on their feet,

they cause the floor to shake.

And since he can't fly yet,
Gigi accidentally causes shakes

wherever we go.
- He's the cutest.

[Gigi purrs]

all: Aw.

[bell tolls]

- [gasps]
Ay, no.

I'm late
to my vamparents' dinner,

and I forgot to leave Gigi
at the pet-sitter.

- No te preocupes,Vicente.
We can look after Gigi.

- Are you sure, Santi?

- Por supuesto,matey!

It's not every day we get to
hang out with such a cool pet.

- You're too kind.

Promise to be good
to our friends?

[Gigi yawns and purrs]

- I guess you're ready
for your nap, huh?

♪ Rest your head ♪

♪ Sleepy bones ♪

[Gigi yawns]
♪ Time to sleep ♪

♪ And turn to stone ♪

[all gasp]
No need to be alarmed.

Gigi is okay.

This is just how gargoyles
sleep--by turning into stone.

all: Whoa!

- So cool.
- Cool.

- It takes a lot
to wake him up.

Besides, I'll be back to pick
him up when the moon sets

and disappears from the sky.

- Excelente,Vicente.

- See you soon, my friends.


all: Hasta pronto,Vicente!

- Santi, do you still want
to play esconditewith us?

- Claro que sí.

Oh, but I promised Vicente
that I'd look after Gigi.

- As long as Gigi is napping,
we should be okay to play.

Blink if you can hear me.

He's sleeping like a rock.


- [laughs]

Yeah, but I don't know.

[Kiko squeaks]

- [speaks gibberish]

- You'll watch him
while we play?

That'll work.
Thanks, Kiko.

You're the best.

I'm it.
Better hide.

[flies buzzing]

[playful music]

♪ ♪

[Gigi squeaks]

♪ ♪

[Gigi squealing]

Ocho, nueve, diez!

Ready or not, here I come!

♪ ♪

- [screams]

- Tomás, quiet,
or Santi will find us.

- Found you!
[both scream]


[both laugh]

♪ ♪

Kiko, what are you doing here?

- [speaks gibberish]

- Ah, a snack.
I get it.

When the belly rumbles,
you can't say no.

- Now that you mentioned it,

I think we're all getting
a little hungry.

Let's go get Gigi
and have snacks.

both: Aye, aye, capitán.

[all gasp]
- Gasping guppies,

where did Gigi go?

- I shouldn't have
left Gigi alone!

- [squeaks remorsefully]

- This isn't your fault, Kiko.

I made a promise to Vicente,

and it was my responsibility
to watch over Gigi.

- Then we better get moving

and find Gigi
before Vicente returns.

♪ ♪

Look, gargoyle prints.

- This way, me hearties.

all: Piratasahoy!

[festive music]

♪ ♪

[enchanting music]

[Gigi squeals]

[ground rumbles]

♪ ♪

[Gigi purrs]

♪ ♪

[Gigi purring]

[ground rumbles]

[branch creaks, snaps]

[Gigi screams]

♪ ♪

- Gigi, where are you?

- [squeaks]

[speaks gibberish]

- Hmm,

Gigi's footprints stop here.

Qué haces, primo?

- If we can't get to Gigi,
then Gigi will come to us.

He loves bananas
and will follow this trail.

[ground rumbles]

- Blistering blowfish,

Gigi must have
caused that shake.

He must be getting closer.

- Is that a...

all: Boulder!

- Run!

Hang on to me, piratas!

all: Whoa!

[triumphant music]

- Uepa!
- Great save!

- We did it!

- My compass.

There's Gigi!

[Gigi purring]

♪ ♪

He could get hurt out here.

We have to hurry and get Gigi!

[adventurous music]

[monkey chirps]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

[enchanting festive music]

♪ ♪

[Gigi purrs]

♪ ♪

- There he is!
[Gigi screams]

Oh, no!

- Bubble of air,
catch Gigi with care.

[Gigi coos]

[Gigi purrs]

- [gasps]
Oh, no.

- Come back, Gigi!

[Gigi screams]

- Gigi!
- I can't look.

- A la aventura!


- Yay!
- Eso, primo!

Here you go, Gigi.

You must be hungry
from all that adventuring.

[monkey screeching]
[both gasp]

- That pilfering primate
took Gigi.

- It must've wanted his banana.

- Mira,
the moon is about to set,

and soon,
Vicente will be back for Gigi.

We don't have much time left.


[both squabbling]

[Gigi screams]

[ground rumbles]


- I got you, primo!

Power Chord!

[guitar strums]
- Whoa.

Gracias, primo.

[Gigi squeals]

- Where'd he go?


♪ ♪

Oh, no, if we don't hurry,
Gigi could slip and fall off.

There's no time to waste,

Let's get Gigi.

♪ ♪

[Gigi coos and grunts]

Hold up, piratas.

Gigi thinks
we're after his banana.

[Gigi squeals and coos]

Gigi, it's okay.
We don't want your banana--

Gigi, wait!

both: Capitán!

[suspenseful music]

- Gigi's flying!

- Bien hecho,Gigi!
Your first flight.

[enchanting festive music]

♪ ♪

[Gigi chirps]

♪ ♪

- Odd, I wonder
where Santi and Gigi went.

- Vicente!

- Where's Gigi?

[Gigi squealing]

- [gasps]

He's flying!

[Gigi squeals]

Wow, you're so good at flying.
Let's race.

[Gigi squealing]

♪ ♪

Gigi, when did this happen?

- Eh, about that...

I let Gigi out of my sight.

I made a promise to look after
Gigi, and I almost lost him.

I'm sorry.

- I know that wasn't easy,

But you did
what any good friend does--

you told the truth.

For that, I'm eternally
grateful and lucky

to call you my friend.

♪ ♪

- [laughs]

Another awesome pirate rescue.

We did good, me hearties.

all: Piratasahoy!

[Gigi squeals]


♪ ♪

- La Noche de Brujas.

[owl hooting]
[wolf howls]

[festive music]

♪ ♪

all: ♪ It's a perfect night,
a starry night ♪

♪ For witches to take flight ♪

♪ We decorate and anticipate ♪

♪ Tasty treats and yummy sweets
on the Night ♪

♪ Of the Witches ♪

♪ Night, Night, Night ♪

♪ Of the Witches ♪

♪ It's the Night
of the Witches ♪

♪ Noche, Noche, la Noche ♪

♪ De Brujas,
es La Noche de Brujas ♪

♪ ♪

- ♪ It's a perfect night,
a starry night ♪

♪ For witches to take flight ♪

both: ♪ We wait all year
for tasty cheer ♪

♪ A witch, I'll greet,
and get a treat ♪

♪ On the Night of the Witches ♪

all: ♪ Noche de Brujas ♪

♪ The Night, Night, Night ♪

♪ Of ♪


♪ ♪

[all gasp]

- [squeaks]

[enchanting music]

[witch cackles]

- I'm so excited for my first
Night of the Witches.

Now explain it again.

I always heard
witches like to scare

and play tricks on people.
- Not at all.

These witches are kind
and love to share.

They make yummy treats,
and on La Noche de Brujas,

they deliver them
around the world.

- Si,
and we decorate our pumpkins

for the witch
to drop treats into.

I really hope she likes
our calabazasthis year.

- [squeaks]

- [gasps]
She's here!

- [screams]



- Ay, no!

- [screaming]

- Brujita,are you okay?

- Si, muchas gracias.

I'm so sorry
about crashing onto your--


Super cool ship!

Ooh, cute pumpkins.


I'm Neblina.

It's my first Noche de Brujas,

and I'm still
getting used to flying.

- Ahoy, Neblina.
I'm Santiago,

and this is Tomás,
Kiko, and Lorelai.

We're the Pirate Protectors.

- Flapping flounders,
a real witch.

- A witch?

Ah, ha, just kidding.
It's true.

I'm a witch, and I can't wait
to see everyone's smiling faces

when I fill up their pumpkins.

Speaking of--hold this.

Let's see here.


[all gasp]

Got it.
Calabazas, por favor.

[enchanting music]

♪ ♪

- [squeaks]

♪ ♪

- [cackles]

Tonight's the night, Beezies.

I'm swiping a witch's brew.

Then I'll be able
to take treasure

no matter how high up it is.

[both cackle]

♪ ♪

- Sparkling seashells,
these treats are so tasty.

- Oh, I agree.

They're a bruja
bakery favorite.

Moon crumbs, I need to deliver

the rest of the treats
before the moon sets.

It was nice to meet you.

Vuela, vuela!

♪ ♪

all: Gracias,Neblina!

- [screaming]

[all gasp]

- Caracoles!
- I think she crashed.

Bravo, adelante!

[adventurous music]

- Neblina, are you okay?
- [giggles]

Todo bien.
I'm still learning to fly.

Now, where is my...

Thank you, Tomás.

A witch's most
important tool is her hat.

Second is her broom?

[enchanting music]

- I'll be taking this.

- Without my broom, I won't be
able to deliver treats in time,

and Night of the Witches
will be ruined.

- No te preocupes.

We can use my compass
to find it.

- My broom won't show up
on your compass

because it's enchanted.

Oh, moon crumbs.

- We'll help you look.

Good pirates always
help a friend in need.

- Finally, my very own broom.

Now nothing's too high
to steal.

[quirky music]

Vamos,let's go.


- Um, maybe you should
tell it to fly?

- Vuela.




How do I fly this?

- Lean forward.
No, down.

- Whoa!
- Not like that.

Well, more than that.

Here, let me.
- [screams]

- I don't see that
bristly broom anywhere.

- Stardust, I bet there's
something in my spell book

that can help find it.

Um, oh, it's in here somewhere.

Moon crumbs, I wish I had
a spell to find my spell book.



[cauldron crashes]
Ah, here it is.

Enlarging pumpkins.

Oh, this will work.
Finder Spell!

First thing we need
is a cauldron.

- Ooh, what's this for?

- That's where we mix
the ingredients.

Let's see.
We need a splash of moon glow,

a shake of bat laughter, and
three drops of spider tickles.

- Here's the spider tickles.


- Don't worry, there's
no actual spiders in there.

- Sorry,
spiders shiver me timbers.

- Ah, here's the moon glow.
- And the bat laughter.

[enchanting music]

- By the power of the moon,
find my broom.

♪ ♪

It worked!
Now keep your eyes open.

♪ ♪

- Come on, Beezies, let's go to
Larimar and swipe some treats.

Qué esta pasando?

- What did you do?

- Mira!
In the sky!

- Rayos!
Bonnie Bones stole the broom!

- [gasps]
Gasping guppies!

- She's headed to town!

- [cackles]

With this broom,
I can steal anything.

I'll be taking this

and this.
- [gasps]

- [cackles]

[adventurous music]

- Avast, Bonnie!
Hand over the broom!

- Neblina needs it to deliver
everyone's treats.

- Yeah, and give everyone
their stuff back.

- Jamás.
You'll never catch me.

♪ ♪

- I'll stop her.

- [grunts]

Let go, swab.

- [grunts]

- No!

My tasty treasures!

♪ ♪

- You lost all the treats,

- Who needs treats?

I'm gonna steal something
way, way high up.

- It's over, Bonnie!

- Not a chance, landlubber.

It's a perfect starry night
for pirates to take flight.


- What's she up to?

[enchanting music]

- Oh, no!
She's swiping the stars!

♪ ♪

- No one in the Bones family
has ever stolen stars.

- [crows]
You'll be the baddest pirate

in all the seas and skies.

- We have to stop her, mateys.

[adventurous music]

She's too high up!

- [cackles]
Nice try, landlubbers.


Whoa, these are heavy.

- Stars look small, but they
have a very heavy center.

It's called "density."

- Can it, Beezies,
and keep swiping.

- Mira!

The stars are weighing
Bonnie down.

If we can get her low enough,
we can stop her.

- But wait, I have a plan.

Um, yes!

This is how we'll stop her.

- With a marshmallow?

- A marshmallow
is for more than eating.

You can do anything with it.
But first, let's get her lower.

- Leave that to us.

- ♪ Oh, Bonnie ♪

A real bad pirate
would take all the stars.

- Maybe Bonnie isn't as bad
as she thinks.

- Hogwash!
I'll show them.

- [grunts]

- Uh, boss?
- [grunting]

- You're getting too heavy.

- We're not stopping
until we snag all the stars.

- Okay, she's low enough.

Santi, use your Grappling Cup.

Tomás, use your Power Chord.

[enchanting music]

- Power Chord!
[guitar strums]

- [grunts]


- Bubble of air,
catch Bonnie with care.

- [screaming]



all: Uepa!

- You goody two boots
are no fun.

- I'll take that.
- Gracias.

- How do we put
these stars back?

- Oh, I can do that.

Vuela, vuela!

♪ ♪

[all cheer]

- Yes!

- Enjoy your enchanting treats.

Feliz Noche de Brujas!

Thank you for your help,
Pirate Protectors.

We saved the stars in the sky
and La Noche de Brujas.

- We couldn't have done it
without you.

- Well, I'm off
to finish delivering treats.

See you next year!




[all gasp]

I'm okay!

[all cheer]

♪ ♪

- Another awesome
pirate adventure.

all: Piratasahoy!