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A Not So Royal Christmas (2023)

Posted: 12/04/23 17:15
by bunniefuu
Sorhagen Palace

was first built in 1536

and later renovated

in the 18th century.

And ever since then,

there's been a royal decree

for the grounds to be decorated

every Christmas.

As you can see,

everything from our ornaments

to our silver bells

tell a story

of the legacies of the Counts

who once called

Sorhagen Palace home.

-Is Count Lars

actually living here now?

Will we get to see him

on this tour?

Or is it true that he hasn't

made a public appearance

since he was a teenager?

-Uh, the current Count prefers

to work behind the scenes.

Now, the original

stone was forged--

-Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

Is it true he doesn't

show his face

because he lost his nose


-The Count's nose, I assure you,

is very well intact,

and you should not believe

the conspiracy theories

that you read at gossip sites.

-Ah, you all are in luck today.

This is Sir Gustus,

the Count's Royal Advisor.

-Ah! So you can tell us

if the Count is actually here?

I mean, it's the only reason

why we came on the tour, anyway.

Right, guys?

-On behalf of Count Lars,

we are so happy

you chose to spend the day

visiting Sorhagen Palace.

We hope you stay the month

as Christmastime here

is always magical

and the town's festivities

are open to all.

A word?

-Just one moment.

I don't think we're

seeing the Count today...

-Remember, the less Count talk,

the better.

-I know.

I'm sorry, sir, I'm trying.

They just keep asking.

-Only three today?

-The most we've had

this month.

Do you think if he made

one quick appearance,

we'd get more sign-ups?

-Remember to highlight

that the oldest Christmas lights

in Northern Europe

hang in our library.

-Yes, sir.

Come on, somebody!

Give me something,

something for the ladies!



The Queen

and the Duchess of Doverly

showed up wearing the same dress

to the Royal Banquet.

-"Fuel to the fire of the feud."

Yeah, what else?

-Ooh, uh, there's

a rumour going around

that the Prince of Bulgaria

invested his entire trust

in his girlfriend's nightclub.

-Yeah, we can work with that.

Something like

"Party prince pays the price."

Jot that down;

I'm not gonna remember.

Come on.

What else?

-Um, so apparently,

the Earl of Greyson

fathered an illegitimate child

in his late teens

and he's spending this Christmas

with the family

in the Swiss Alps!


That's what I'm talking about!

-The irony, of course,

being that his


the Earl in 1885,

secretly fathered a baby

with the-- what?

-Oh, oh....

I'm falling asleep.

-What, why?

That's a good story.

-No, it's so boring.

Skip the history lesson,


This is RGE,

Royal Gossip Entertainment.

We stick to the now scandal.

Let's get to it, people!

Time is money!


Hey, Tony?

Can I speak to you for a second?

-Yeah, I always

have a second for you.

Is this about your story about

the Baron's botched tattoo?

I trust your sources, yeah?

-No, no, no,

it's nothing like that.

It's, um...

Okay, so next month

will be my five-year anniversary

working here.

-And we've been loving

every second of it, yeah.


And you could say I've published

some pretty major stories

in that time.

-Some of the best!

-Good, yeah.

I was hoping

I could ask for a raise.


A raise, yeah...

Now's not really

a good time, Charlotte.


I mean...

you see how it is

around here--

they barely have enough

to pay me.

But I'm really looking forward

to your piece on the Earl.



-Yeah, we're done.



-Oh... okay.


-Guessing it didn't go well?

You could always

thr*aten to leave.

He knows you're an asset.

-It's just my visa

is up next month,

and if he calls my bluff I have

to either leave the country

or find another job.

And let's be serious,

it's not like any credible

news organization

like Monarch Insider

is gonna hire me

after working here.

-Well, you're always welcome

to crash at my flat.


That's really kind of you.

-I don't know

how you're managing

ever since your ex moved out.

-I actually had to dip

into my savings this month.

-Offer still stands.

-Thank you.

I'll keep that in mind.


Adam Pederson?



I was hoping I'd see you today.

-I heard you were back in town!



You look so different.

No beard and you've

really slimmed down.

-Oh, it's all that backpacking.

-Ah, yes, that's right!

You've been all over the world.

-Seven countries in ten years.

-Never in one spot

for too long, then?

-No, still looking

for that one job

or that one place

that makes me happy.

-And now?

Back following

in the old man's footsteps?

-Oh, well, no,

just here for Christmas.

You know, saving some money

until the next adventure.

Hey, how have you been?

Who's that?

-Well, a new volunteer

tour guide.

Trina's niece.

She's quite something!

-Have you asked her out yet?

You've been gone too long,

thinking I'm in that league.


better get back to work.

Catch up later?

-Definitely. See you.

And, Jensen?


-Remember, there are no leagues.

You've seen where we work,



Do you think I could

pull off an ascot?

-Um... it feels very

formal for the office.


-Yeah, I think maybe

not the most--

-Oh, you're here.

- Unfortunately,

the Count of Sorhagen

could not be here in person

to drop off

the royal toy donation

for the Nordin

Children's Group,

but would like to wish

all the children

who will be receiving

these gifts,

a very merry Christmas.

-Why can't they just

admit the guy's a flake?

He's probably out partying

on some yacht somewhere.

-I heard he has some weird skin

rash that they can't figure out.

-Eww, please!

Thank you.

Whatever the reason,

an interview with him

would be a gold mine.

-Uh, would that gold mine

include covering my raise?


Because although

every news source in Europe,

including the Monarch Insider,

has tried to get

an interview with the guy,

he's going to give you,

a tabloid columnist,

the time of day?

-I got the Princess of Gibraltar

to admit she laundered money.

I found the Marquis of San

Marino's lover's home address.

I'm pretty sure I can ask

a dodgy Count a few questions.

-Alright, yes.

If you can land an interview

with the Count of Sorhagen,

I'll give you a raise.


could I...

could I get that in writing?

-Where would you even start?

-Well, Sorhagen Palace throws

a Yuletide Ball every Christmas,

and tradition

calls for the Count

to oversee all the aspects.

-He hasn't been seen at the ball

since he was bestowed the title.

He hasn't been seen by anyone,


since he was a teenager!

-Well, it doesn't mean

he hasn't been there.


-Could you imagine

if I land the first interview

or get the first picture?

RGE would go from

a small-time gossip site

to the biggest name

in royal news.

-Alright, I give you my blessing

to attempt an interview

with the Count of Sorhagen.

But if for one second

it feels like a lost cause,

I want you back here

straight away.

-Got it.

I'm gonna go book my flight.







Are you sure

you're not gonna be lonely

at Christmas, huh?

-I think I'm good.

Plus, I got

my career to focus on.

This profile with the Count

is a huge opportunity for me.

-I always thought that

RGE was more of a job,

and not necessarily

a career for you.

-Well, turns out I'm good at it.

And it pays for

this apartment... sort of.

-If you run out of money,

you can always come home, huh?

And there's always room for you

at the insurance firm, too.

Stability can be a good thing.

And, uh, Milwaukee's

a lot more affordable

than London, huh?

-I'll, uh,

I'll keep that in mind!

Listen, Dad, I gotta go,

but I love you.

-Love you, too.

Enjoy the North Pole.

-Sorhagen, Nordin.

Same thing!

-Okay, bye!


-Oh, welcome, welcome!

I wasn't expecting anyone,

but so glad to have you.

-Oh, thanks!

-Oh, peppermint square?

-Oh, yum!

Thank you.

Sorry it's so late.

It's kind of a last-minute trip.

But the cab driver said

this was the best place to stay.

-That it is!


-I'm Trina.

Welcome to Sorhagen.

What brings you to our town?

-The Sorhagen Palace.

I'm a journalist.


Hopefully not from one

of those nosey tabloids?

-No, I'm, um...

I'm from, uh, Monarch Insider.

-Monarch Insider?


A proper journalist?

You know, my niece

just got a volunteer job

giving tours at the palace.

-Has she seen the Count?

-She says she has.

-Okay, how do I

sign up for this tour?

Morning, Mother.


-Mm-mm, mm.

Here, let me help you.

Come down, come on.

-Oh, thank you.

Oh, whoops!


-You alright?


-Hmm, smells fresh.

-You know your dad

would roll over in his grave

if I ever put up fake garland.

-That he would.

-It is so good

getting to see you here

and not having to visit you

on a mountain top in Zermatt

or take a speed boat

to Rathlin Island.

-Ah, it's nice to be home, too.

-Hmm, you know,

you can stay longer this time.

You don't have to

dart off after the holidays.

-I know, but I got the job in

the reindeer ranch in Finland.


-Free room and board

and no long-term contract.


-Well, while you're

waiting to hear about

yet another job

with little to no future,

just think how nice it is

to have a mother willing

to do her grown son's laundry.

-That alone might

actually get me to stay.


What's this?

-Oh, yes, I found

that outside the palace.

Yeah, I've been

meaning to return it.


This has

the Count's crest on it.

This is the Count's medallion!


Well... what was it

doing on the ground?

-You need to return

this right away.

The last thing you want

is for someone to

think you stole that!


No, that's a good point.

I'm going to do it.

-Ah, ah, no--

Don't go to the palace

like that!

I didn't iron that--

-Thanks, Ma!

If you'll follow me,

up ahead we have the library.

We can see

the oldest Christmas lights

in all of Northern Europe.

Ah, Pederson!

-Jensen, have you

seen the staff manager?

-He was just in

the drawing room, why?


Oh, just returning

something I found.

I'll... I'll go find him.



The drawing room is...


-Copy that.


Your Grace?


Uh, sorry,

I shouldn't be in here, uh...

-No, no, no.

Wait, wait, wait, hold on!

If I could just have

a moment of your time...

Your royal


It is you.

I'm Charlotte Collins

and I write for...

Monarch Insider, and I would

love to interview you.

Though, I, um...

never thought a Count

would be dressed so casually.

At least have an ironed shirt.

-So, um...

let me just get this straight.

You think the best way to get

a private interview with me,

the Count of Sorhagen,

is to insult my clothes?

What in the King's

name is going on in here?

This area is off limits

to the public!

-Um, Sir Gustus, is it?

Hi, I'm Charlotte Collins

and I write for Monarch Insider,

and I would just

really love to speak

to the Count for a few minutes.

-The... the Count?

-Look, I know you want

to keep a low profile,

I totally get that,

but people have questions.

They want to know you.

-If you don't leave at once,

I'm calling security.

-No, I totally get it.

-But if you want

this picture splashed

across every

news publication tomorrow,


giving me an interview?

-Get out, now!

-Okay, just--

I'm staying at the B&B in town!

-Uh, I was just leaving, too!

-Why does that

brusque Yankee think

that you're the Count?

-Uh, because of...


-Why do you have

the Count's personal medallion?

-Now, I found it

outside the palace

on the ground

in the front gardens.

-Uh... who are you?!

-Oh, I am Adam Pederson.

I'm the new, uh,

seasonal landscaper.

-May I suggest

you be on your way to work?

At once!

-Yes... yes!

No, I'm gone, gone.

Not even here.


Monarch Insider?

And you say she took a picture

of this... staff member?

-Yes, she truly believes

she met the Count.

The only way

to get ahead of this

is to finally release the truth.

We can't.

We'd go from having

at least some tourists

to absolutely none.

-We're headed there either way.

Not necessarily.

If this reporter already

believes this man

to be the Count,

perhaps a new solution

has just presented itself.

You could

have been fired!

What were you thinking?

-Honestly, I was more impressed

with that journalist.

She just barged in there

thinking that she could

get a private interview

with the Count.

I'll tell you, the confidence

that that requires...

-Sounds like

she's off her rocker.

Besides Jensen, is there

any security at that palace?

Our security

is the best in Nordin.

-Ah, Sir Gustus!

Um... can I get you anything?

Uh... tea, coffee?


-No, thank you.

I just need

a moment alone with...

with Mr. Pederson.

-I'll be in the back.

I'm so sorry again

about what happened today.

-Mr. Pederson--

-Oh, please, call me Adam.

-Mr. Pederson,

after conveying our incident

to the Royal Council,

much to my dismay

I've been sent here

to speak with you.


-Thanks to your

outright desire to lie,

this reporter believes

she met the Count today.

If that photo is released,

it will cause a crisis

of grand proportion

for the Royal Family.

-Just release

a photo of the real Count.

Discredit hers.

What I'm about to tell you

demands the utmost secrecy.

Do you understand?



-There is...

no Count of Sorhagen.

-Yes, there is.

-Count Lars abdicated

the title four years ago

when he fell in love

with someone

on Spring Break

at Daytona Beach.

-Let me guess...

what happened in Daytona

didn't stay in Daytona?


He's been with her ever since.

He threw that medallion

out the window in protest.

We've been looking for it

for some time.


Because it was just right--

well, hang on,

why are you

telling me all of this?


the Royal Council believes

this is an opportunity

to avoid a bigger scandal.

Since this reporter already

believes you to be the Count,

will you step in

asthe Count for...

a brief interview?

She'll have to

turn over the photo

in order to speak with you.

We'll satisfy her curiosity,

allow her to publish

a puff piece about how polite

and cordial the Count is.

Oh, you're serious?

-Just one very short,

very rehearsed 15 minutes.

-Are you sure

that's such a good idea?

-The Royal Council

knows that businesses here

depend on tourists

believing there is a Count.

They feel a short interview

will keep that belief alive.

It's Kirsten!

-Come in!

-Lost you on the tour today.

I was worried

something happened,

but then Sir Gustus told me

to give you this.

What's going on?


I've got the interview!

I got the interview!

Shoulders back.

Chin up.


You sure this is really

necessary just for an interview?

-Decorum and elegance

is the standard

for the Nordin Royal Family.


You sure you're qualified

to tailor a suit?

-Would you prefer

that I called on Mr. Henrik,

Sorhagen's chief suit-maker,

and have you explain

how your indiscretion

with that reporter

led us to this charade?

Chop chop!

-Feet flat on the ground.

Your back, straight.

Your buttocks should touch

the back of the chair.

Your weight evenly distributed

over both hips.

Got it?

-I've got-- ow!

A hundred pins in me.

The Count would

never wear glasses to the press.


I need those to be able to see.

-We got you contacts.

Wait... how did you

know my prescription?

-We have resources.

A reporter from

the Monarch Insider

will be able to tell

a fake from a mile away.

Remember, keep it light and fun.

She needs to believe

she met the Count.

We must do something

about your hair...

Miss Collins.

You clean up nice.

A proper

introduction this time.

Miss Collins,

Lars Ludwig Von Taylor,

the Count of Sorhagen.

Before we start, I must ask

if you've deleted the photo

that you took of

Count Lars yesterday.

-Yes, you made it

very clear: no photos.

-And the agreement?

-Signed, sealed, and delivered.


You may commence.

-Your Grace, thank you so much

for allowing this.

I'm very sorry

for bombarding you yesterday;

there's just no other way

of getting in contact with you.

Which brings me

to my first question:

why are you so private?

-I feel that

the best way to serve

the country of Nordin is...

out of the limelight.

-Right, that's what all

your press releases say,

but what does that

actually mean?

-It means he doesn't

get bogged down

with the showmanship

of the position.


However, Sorhagen's

economy has suffered

since your father passed,

and many people believe

that's because you haven't made

any public appearances.

You don't feel any

responsibility to your country?

-Uh... perhaps you'd

like to ask about

the Count's Children's Charity?

-Sir Gustus, no offence,

but maybe the Count

would feel more comfortable

if it were just us?


Copy that. Okay.

Well, um,

what do you do for fun?

-I, uh, serve on...

the Royal Warrant...

Appointment... Committee

and The Northern European...

Trust of Commerce.


Oh, you're serious?

Oh, wow. Um, okay.

Well, what about

the Yuletide Ball?

What's your role in that?

-I oversee the event planning.

-Oh, are you a fan of Christmas?

-Yes, no, it's

my favourite time of year!

-Good, now we're talking!

What are some of your favourite

Sorhagen Christmas activities?

-The Nisse Hunt.


-And then the Wreath Lighting

at the town square.

My dad...


-...used to take me sledding,

and then we would stay up

very, very late

and watch the northern lights.

-I didn't know

Counts went sledding.

They normally don't.

-Well, uh, so it seems

like Christmas is your thing.

How about a special

in-depth article

on Christmas with the Count?

Everything leading up

to the Yuletide Ball.

Give people a real chance

to know you.

-That sounds amazing.

-Absolutely not!

I think the Count's a bit

sleep-deprived at the moment.

-Fifteen minutes.

That was our agreement.

-Yes, um...

but weren't you also the one

that was telling me

that the Royal Council

is very worried about

tourism numbers?

And wouldn't an in-depth article

on Christmas with the Count


After all,

I am the Count of Sorhagen.

My decision.

-His decision.

Fifteen minutes.

That's what we decided.

I-- I tried

to stop him.

I don't think

he truly comprehends

what a full Christmas spread

with a publication

like the Monarch Insider

will entail.

-What do we do now?

-We stick to the plan.

Sir Gustus will

have to take charge.


-Oversee that we give

the journalist

tidbits here and there.

And keep her and Mr. Pederson's

interactions minimal, hmm?

If all goes well, we walk away

with an uptick in tourism

and time to find a more

permanent solution.

-With all due respect,

keeping Mr. Pederson in line

might be a...

a tall order.

-Surely not for you, Sir Gustus.

The King

has the utmost faith in you.

So, let me

get this straight...

there's actually no Count,

but now you're the Count?

-Yeah, see, I am...

I am temporarily...

pretending to be the Count.

But, you see, because

she's doing an exclusive

on Christmas with the Count,

that means that I get

to stay at the Palace,

which apparently means

that I can order anything

from the kitchens.

Now, that is a pretty sweet gig.

This is madness!


come to think about it,

I probably shouldn't be out.

Sir Gustus gave me a lecture

about keeping a low profile

because, well, the journalist...

she's staying

at Trina's B&B nearby.

-Oh, then she's

probably met Kirsten.

Maybe you could, uh, find out

if they know each other?

-Oh, yeah.

No, sure, in addition to

pretending to be the Count

I'm gonna ask a prestigious

journalist to play matchmaker

to the B&B owner's niece.

-Wouldn't be the craziest

thing happening here.

Fair enough.

That's her!

Oh... okay.

Now I get why you're

pretending to be a Count.

-Well, what do I do?

-First off, stop acting weird

and stop looking back at her!

What are you, Superman?

You look the same!


let's go out the back door!



-I am so sorry.


-Your Grace?



-You look so different.

-I do look different,


I am undercover.

Yes, you see, the Count

cannot just go into a local pub

and have a drink

like everyone else.

No, I have to use a disguise.

Uh... this is Jensen.

He is my personal

security guard.

He goes with me everywhere

when I am... undercover.


-Nice to meet you.

-Oh, great to meet you.

Hey, listen,

I was thinking we could start

the exclusive right now.

-No, I don't think

that's a good idea.

-It's a great idea!

There's a Christmas

shuffleboard game back there.



Right, that.

For every point I score,

I get to ask you a question.

Let's go!

I'll, um,

see you back at the palace?

-I'll make sure your bed

is turned down...

my liege.

So that's how you've

kept private for so long, huh?

No one here knows

who you actually are.

-Uh, yes, yes.

They all think I'm a local.

So it's just

something I do to unwind,

I just put on a disguise

and just, you know,

go out into town.

-I knew there was an explanation

for those cheap clothes

and this wrinkled mess--

it's a disguise.


-Good to know how much

appearances mean to you.

-Well, no, it's just

I was making an observation

on attire I've never

seen a royal wear.

Aw... oh!

-Okay, again. Oh!


-Ah! Now...


-Now, now, now, watch.


-Now, don't aim

for the first one,

aim for the second one,

because once you get a set,

you double the score.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Oh!

-Or you could do that.



Uh, are you sure you've

never played this game before?

-I have beginner's luck.

It's really interesting,

you know, this morning,

you were so stiff.

Up until I mentioned Christmas.

But here,

you just seem more regular.

-Oh, is, um... regular

a good thing or a bad thing?

-Well, it depends.

-Depends on what?

-On what kind of Count

you want to be.


-I... want to be

the kind of Count

that beats you at Sjoelbak.


Good luck!



Hardly recognized you

without your glasses on.

-Oh... funny.

You're funny.

So, what's in the bag?

-Right, well, are you ready

for your first official Royal

Sorhagen Christmas tradition?

-Yes, I'm ready.


-Oh, it's a gnome!

-Uh, no, it's a Nisse.

Totally different.


-It's a mythological creature

that symbolizes

the Nordic Winter Solstice.

And we, um,

hide them all over the grounds

so that children can find them

and win prizes.


So an Easter Egg Hunt

with gnomes?


I wasn't aware that humour

is what you were gnome for.

Good one!

-Well, this was my favourite

Christmas tradition as a child.

Yeah, my parents used to

bring me here every year.

-Well, yeah,

didn't you grow up here?

-Oh, yes.

No, I meant that I

also got to participate.

-Oh, okay.

Are you close with

the rest of your family?

Like Lord Limburg,

who's technically both

your father's first cousin

and your mother's fourth cousin

twice removed,

but the only living relative

on your maternal side?

-Wait a minute...

You know all that, but you

don't know what Nisse are?

-Well, my mother

was a history professor.

Royal bloodlines fascinated us.


You must really love

what you do,

working in such a prestigious

and historical publication.

-Well, I'm good at it,

but being good at something

doesn't necessarily mean

you're passionate about it.


Well, at least

you're not still trying to

figure out your

direction in life.

I don't even know

where to focus my endeavours,

let alone know what I'm good at.

-Well, must be nice being able

to figure out your passion

without any monetary


-You do know that money

can't buy you happiness, right?

-Ha! Says the Count

in a million-dollar palace.



No, it's just...

-...good to know what you see

when you look at me.

Be sure to check

the Christmas Trees!

Slow down!

There'll be plenty of treats

to go around!

-Nothing like children enjoying

the true meaning of Christmas.

-Uh, is that what you'd call it?

-I'm Jensen.

-Yeah, I know.

You work security. I'm Kirsten.

I just started a few weeks ago.

- You're doing great.

- Oh!

-Just from the tours

I hear walking by.

Not that I eavesdrop,

I just enjoy it.

The, uh, the tours, that is.

Not you walking by.


-Um, do you need help

handing those out?

-Oh, um, yeah,

that'd be great.

Actually, I've had to pee

for like a half-hour.

Come in?

Good morning.

Your breakfast, sir.

Oh, I could get used to this.


Your Grace...

Miss Collins...

Welcome to the Yuletide Ball

Planning Committee meeting.



We have the royal crystal

coming in on the 22nd.

-And the pheasants

will arrive on the 23rd

to give the King's chefs enough

time to brine them properly.

-Ah, there's been

a candle shortage

in the capital factories.

We'll have to ship some in

from the Newhaven Castle.

But we have a candlemaker

here in town.

Why not ask him to make them?

-Uh, because, Your Grace,

the Yuletide Ball has been

done exactly the same way

for over a hundred years.

It's about regality.


I never realized that everything

was imported for the ball.

We have amazing craftsmen

and chefs here in Sorhagen;

wouldn't it be better for

the community if we hired them?

Count Lars!

Of course you knew that!

Tradition is what

the Yuletide Ball celebrates.

The guests are nobles

and dignitaries

from all over the world.

Not to interrupt...

Um, technically

the Yuletide Ball exists

because of

the pagan holiday Yule,

which was implemented to lift

the spirits of the local farmer

after the harvest as the days

got shorter and colder.

So it's always been

about the people.


-Right, so honouring

its history would mean

honouring this community.



It would make more sense

to open up the ball to everyone,

not just the nobles.

-Absolutely not.

-There is a royal standard

of conduct...

And rules

for the ball.

Unless you want to take it up

with your uncle...

The King of Nordin?


No, I just thought it was

worthwhile suggesting.

But I guess...

tradition wins.

-You're the Count, and you

let them sh**t down your ideas?

-Well, they are

the royal advisors.

I have to respect

their advising.

-Yeah, but it was

such a good idea.

-Ah, well, it appears

they don't like good ideas.

In the grand scheme of history,

who am I to change things?

But I do appreciate the support

of a passionate historian,

though, so thank you.

-It was actually nice being able

to flex those muscles again.

-Oh? Hmm.

-And since you brought it up,

this historian was hoping

since we're in the East Wing,

maybe I could have a look

at the Royal Tannenbaum?

-The... uh...?

-You know,

the family Christmas tree?

It has, like, the jewelled star

gifted to the Count of Sorhagen

in 1848 after

the Treaty of Borg...?

-Uh, yes!


-Of course, yes.

That one. I...

Follow me.

-Isn't that west?


Wow, it's stunning!

-It really is, isn't it?



the ruby red heart!

This was given to Countess Freya

by Count Odin

on their wedding day.

Can you imagine?

Your great-great-


finding love despite

coming from different kingdoms?

This is worth a fortune!



-Is it? Hmm!


You must know

about some of these.

-Yeah, no,

they sort of all get jumbled up.

I'm actually more impressed with

how much you know

about everything.

-That's thanks to my mother.

I grew up with her telling me

bedtime stories

about the real kings

and queens of Europe.

She always said

that real history

was so much more interesting,

and she was right.

She would have loved this place.

Ah... yeah, Christmas was

her favourite holiday,

and it just hasn't really been

the same since she passed.

-I'm sure she would

be very proud of you.


Yeah, I don't know,

trying to write clickbait

about royal families is a lot

different than studying them.


Come on,

give yourself a bit more credit.

Your publication is more

prestigious than that.


Look, Your Grace, I--

-No, no, please.

I understand.

I lost my father.


That must have been so hard,

going through that

with the whole world watching.

-Yes, yes.

No, it was. I just...

I just meant that Christmas

isn't the same without them,

is it?


-So, spill the beans!

I haven't heard from you!

-Well, I've been kind of busy

getting the biggest exclusive

RGE could ever imagine.


-You know, the information

I'm getting is illuminating.

Everything we thought he was,

it's the complete opposite.

-Great. Love to hear it.

Now, as you know,

visuals are everything, right?

Not that I think you would,

but you could be making

the whole thing up, so we need

to release some photos,

get some proof going.

-Um, you know...

Okay, it's all about building

trust with him and the firm,

and right now

that is still off the table.

-We're not in

the trust business,

we're in the gossip business!


- And as of late,

you've been the queen of that,

so let's keep that up, yeah?

-You know, I don't really

think of this as gossip.

It's more us reporting

very specific news.

-Well, you know, my motto is

"Like apples and pears,

the juicier the better," yeah?

-Great motto.

-I need a picture!

-Alright, I'm on it.

I'm glad to see

you've made yourself at home.


The kitchen staff have been

very accommodating.

You fancy a taste?

-No, thank you.

We need to talk about

what you tried to do

at yesterday's meeting.

-Quick question first.

If I had been the real Count

and suggested

using local resources,

would you have

turned down my idea?

-He would never have tried

to impose on royal tradition.

-Hmm, didn't the Count choose

love over royal tradition?

-Look, I know that

all of this is temporary,

but Charlotte

has made me curious.

So I requested a list of

all the things being imported

for the ball, and everything

from crystal stemware to glogg

can and could come from local

businesses here in Sorhagen.

Why do you care so much?

-Being away for so long,

I hadn't realized

how tough things had gotten

for local businesses here.

I was just looking

for ways to help.

But you're right,

I'm not the real Count...

let alone an economist.

I was raised

never to ruffle feathers.

My father was the advisor

to the Count before Charles

and his father before him.

Tradition is all I know.

For my entire life,

it's been my responsibility

to uphold this legacy.

-Sounds suffocating.

Where are you going now?

-Well, I promised Charlotte

that I would take her

to the Wreath Lighting

in the town square.

-It's not good to go

into town with her.

Too much could go wrong.

-Don't worry, Gus.

I have a foolproof plan.

She thinks that

this is the disguise...

not this.

It's okay to ruffle

a few feathers once in a while.

Actually, it's quite fun.

-You're slouching!

It's so beautiful.

When I was little, my mom and I

used to make dioramas

of medieval towns out of clay.

This place reminds me of them.

-So you're saying that Sorhagen

is stuck in medieval times?

-Yeah, but in a good way,

with the bonus of electricity

and indoor plumbing.

-I have missed this place.

The town square, I mean.

I don't get to

come here that often.


I have missed going

all out for Christmas.

For so long, it was just a day

that reminded me of my mom,

which always made me so sad.

-And now?

-And now, I can see

her loving all this,

whispering to me about the great

debate on the origin of wreaths,

and whether they're based

on Greco-Roman coronas

or whether their existence

didn't come into fruition

until after Christianity as

a symbol of never-ending life.

-Well, you're welcome to

whisper all of that to me.


-Well, I mean, your eyes get

this special sparkle in them

when you go all historical.

It's really rather lovely.


Historical Society.

Uh, give me one second.

I'll be right back.


What's that?

-Oh, it's a brochure

from the Historical Society.

I actually didn't realize

that Nordin University

had a history doctorate program.


Is that something

that you'd be interested in?


You know, being here

has made me realize, like,

I don't know if I really

want to report on royals

for my livelihood.

-Mm-hm, has spending time

with me really been that bad

that you want to

give up your career?

-No, no, it's just being here

has ignited passions

I had forgotten about.

I don't know.

What about you?

You know,

all those people tonight,

I bet they would have

loved to have known

their Count was amongst them.


-Maybe it's time to go public?

-But no, I just--

well, I don't think

that it's really the right time.

-Well, when is the right time?

What are you afraid of?

-Letting people down.

-Not possible.

-I-- we should...


-Yeah, probably go.


-I don't want to

upset Sir Gustus.


-He might blow a gasket.


Well, thank you for tonight.

Goodnight, Your Grace.


I don't know

how this happened.

-I'll tell you how it happened.

Miss Collins isn't

as trustworthy as we thought.

Legal action

will have to be taken!

-No, no, no, but see,

she couldn't have taken

that picture.

She had just gone

inside that door.

-Perhaps she isn't

working alone?

Either way,

the ruse is surely over.

The Royal Family

will have to come clean.

-But this was supposed

to be a temporary fix,

anyway, right?

Maybe the truth

can come out now.

I mean, perhaps

this is a good thing.

-Don't do anything

until I speak to the council.

Why didn't you tell me

the guy I've been seeing you

around with is the Count?!


Good morning!

Trina here makes the absolute

best eyeball-skeevers.

You simply have to try one.


-This is Tony.

He's also a journalist.

He's from

Royal Gossip Entertainment.

-Yes, and I just found out

that you work

for the Monarch Insider?


- Prestigious.

- I'm jealous!

-Can I speak to you

privately for a second?

-Uh, sure!

-What are you doing here?

What's with the picture?

-I just came to help.

I figured you could

use the big g*ns.

-Help? Help?

No, I don't need your help.

This violates

the agreement I signed!

-No, no, no, no.

There's nothing in your contract

that says your editor

can't fly in

and snap one little photo.

Now, I do hope

that you're just pretending

to work for the Monarch Insider

and not actually thinking

of jumping ship.

-I said that

because I wanted the Count

to think I was legitimate.

Ouch! But clever.

-Oh, what if he thinks

I've led you to him?

Which, let's be honest,

I kinda did.

-Come on,

you didn't take the photo!

And perhaps now

with his anonymity gone,

he'll be more inclined

to give you more intel.


-Now, I really do

have to get back

and get more of those


They really are to die for.

-It's pronounced aeble-skiva!

I think...


I need

you both to know

that I had nothing to do

with that photo being leaked.

-How can we be sure?

Well, the article

was leaked by one of those,

uh, tabloid sites.

I mean, Charlotte

does work for Monarch Insider.


Someone from RGE, they

found out about the exclusive

and followed me here.

I'm so sorry.

I just--

I know you weren't ready

to be a public Count yet, and...

-Oh, it's okay, um...

Don't think I was ever ready

to be any type of Count.

-Can I still finish the article?

Your Grace.

Your uncle, the King,

is on the phone demanding

to speak to you at once.

Address him properly,

let him guide the topic

of conversation...

-And make sure to enunciate!

I'm sure he'll call

the whole thing off;

it's the sensible thing to do.

And stand up straight,

for God's sake!

-It's a phone call!

He can't see me.


-Your Uncle--


-Mr. Pederson,

this has gotten out of control.

-Oh, I agree.

I never meant for this

to go so far and--

-My royal advisors,

the Queen,

we're all very concerned.

Mr. Pederson,

this is disastrous.

-Why don't we tell

everyone the truth?

-Absolutely not!

That would ruin Sorhagen,

our entire country!

-Fine, then...

I'll make a public statement

as the Count.

-A formal introduction

would be best.

We will invite the royal press

to a Julebord

hosted by you tomorrow night

at the palace.

-I'll agree to that...

if my mother

can cater the desserts.

She does makes

an award-winning krumkake.

-Do as you please.

The Queen and I

will see you tomorrow night.

-So... how bad is it?

-Well, I am now hosting

a Julebord tomorrow night,

for the King, Queen,

and the royal press.

-You are?


I would love it

if you could attend.

For support.

And while there will be

other press there,

you will still be the only one

doing an exclusive on

Christmas with the Count.

-Ah, thank you!

Thank you!

It's such an honour.

-Look, I do know

that it wasn't your fault

that my photo got out.


-I know that I really

can trust you.



What are you doing

tomorrow morning?


I doubt she'd recognize you

in any of those photos.

-Can't take any chances.


I'm worried about you.

This is all getting--

-Out of hand?

Oh, I'm well aware.

All because of

a little white lie,

I could bring ruin to this town,

the Royal Family,

and everything that you

have worked so hard for.

-Well, that's a lot of

pressure to put on yourself,

especially for someone who's

been running from this place

for so long.

-Mum, I haven't been

running from here.


So, what would you call

constantly travelling

for ten years,

avoiding all responsibility?

-Looking for my passion.

Trying to find a job

that I'm good at

and that I can make

a difference with.

Oh, let's just hope that I can

still make a positive impact

before I leave again.

Oh, here we go!

-Ah! Come in!

You must be Charlotte.

-Good morning.

Are you two ready to prep

for a Scandinavian feast

during the Christmas season

with lots of traditional

food and drinks?

-You had to Google "Julebord,"

didn't you?

-I had to lightly refresh

my knowledge.

-The Count tells me

he wants you to cover

the making of the krumkake.

And since being royal

doesn't get you out of helping,

both of you can grab an apron.

I have to admit

I'm really not the baking type.

You know, my mom and I used to

make Christmas cookies,

but they were always from a box.

-Krumkake is a classic.

Crispy wafers rolled into cones

with cream and chocolate.

The key is to beat

the butter and sugar first,

then gradually add the eggs.


Oh, uh...

-Ooh, you are

really not good at this.

-Oh, and pointing it out

really helps my confidence...

What-- hmm!

Why are you so good at this?

-Well, you know,

grew up practicing.

-Oh, they have baking classes

at boarding school?

-Yeah, something like that.


Wow, look at you.

The Count of many talents.

Oh, you have no idea.

Always refer to them

as "Your Majesty."

Do not commence eating

until he commences eating.

Do not finish

until the King finishes.

-What if he eats

faster than I do?

-You will finish

when he finishes.

How in the world

did we get here?

You ready?

-Ready as I'll ever be.

Your Majesties.

-Good to see you,


Good to see you, indeed.

-Although we respected

and understood

our nephew's desire

to remain anonymous

as a way to excel in his

charitable endeavours,

we must admit we are relieved

and overjoyed that he has

now become a public figure.

Since your photograph

was released,

we've had more nobles

and dignitaries

purchasing tickets

the last 48 hours

than in the last

four Yuletide balls.

-Wonderful for the nobles.

Well, if it's ticket sales that

you're really concerned about,

what don't we open the

Yuletide Ball up to the public?

-I beg your pardon?

-I learned from an historian

that the original Yuletide

was a celebration

to raise the spirits

of the community

during the long, dark winter.

It was something for everyone

to rally around

and look forward to.

Think how tourism would soar

if we invited everyone

to the Yuletide Ball.

-That is a... unique idea.

-Perhaps we can discuss this

after the Julebord.

In private.

I apologize

if I overstepped tonight.

-When my brother fell ill,

I had a meeting with Lars,

my real nephew,

about what it would mean to him

to become the next Count.

Before I could get a word out,

he told me he wasn't interested

in being Count.

He was in love, and wanted

to have a nice, quiet life

with a random

American woman.

-Not random to him, dear.

-Nevertheless, I was appalled.

I pleaded with him.

But alas, for some, love,

more powerful than country.

-So I've heard.


Since I only have a daughter,

who of course one day

will become Queen, there are no

other current heirs or relatives

to bestow

the imperative title upon.

There has been

a Count here for centuries.

That is why, Mr. Pederson,

we need you to continue

to be Count,

until a better solution

presents itself.

After all,

now that you're in the public,

our hands our tied.


I want to help all I can,

but, well, I've already done...

exactly what we agreed upon

for the interview.

-But you must continue.

-But I'm leaving

the first of the year.

I have a new job.

-Will you at least

host the Yuletide Ball?

Be front and centre,

so we can stretch the publicity

as long as possible?

-I will.


I will be the host


-If you open up

the ball to everyone.

And there are a few local

vendors that I suggest we hire.

-Very well.

So, tell me everything!

What was the food like?

What were the King

and Queen like?

-Okay, so the King and Queen

were very proper.

The food was delicious.

I ate so much.

But the best part

was the Count opened up

the Yuletide Ball to the public!

-He what?


-That Count of yours

is pretty great.

-Oh, he's not...

he's not mine.

-Not yet.

-I can't believe how busy it is!

-I know!

Ever since

that picture came out,

reservations have been up.

I am so glad that the Count

decided to go public!

Oh, I don't think I dressed

warmly enough for this.

-Wear my scarf.


-That'll keep you warm.

-Thank you.

-It suits you.


It's breathtaking.


-Did you know the first

reference of the northern lights

were from cave paintings

30,000 years ago?

-I did not.


Well, now you do.

-Do you know that you

can't always see them?

But I had a feeling

they'd be out tonight.

My father used to

bring me here every winter.

To me, this is Christmas.

You know, it's funny, I...

thought I was coming out here

to get an interview

with the Count,

and instead I got the best

Christmas I've ever had.

Me, too.

There you are!

-Oh, I was just, um...


-...showing Charlotte the view.


-Ah, yeah.

Well, Sir Gustus sent me.

I've been given

direct instructions

to see Charlotte back

to the B&B.

You know how Gustus gets

when that vein in his neck

sort of... pops?

-Oh, yes.

Yes, we wouldn't want that.

Oh, no.


I should get going.

Yeah, the last thing

I'd want is for him

to ban me from doing

the exclusive, so... yeah.

Goodnight, Charlotte.

-Goodnight, Count Lars.

Thank you for tonight.

Miss Charlotte...

Do you think Kirsten has a date

to the ball this year?

It's Adam... actually.



What can I get for you?

-Well, the Count invited me to

Little Christmas Eve Dinner



-Which Kirsten thankfully

informed me means

the night before Christmas Eve

and not something to do with

little, small foods.

He's lucky

to have your company.



-So, I was, um...

I was hoping to bring a dessert.

I just don't know

what it should be.


I have just the thing.


with raspberries

and a touch of cinnamon.


-It's one of his favourites.

-How would you know that?

-I meant more

it's everyone's favourite.

-Well, if you think

he'll like it, I'm in.

-You care for him,

don't you?

-Is it that obvious?

-And what is it about him

you admire most?

-That's sort of

a strange question.

-I'm just curious.

-Well, um...

he's just not really what

I thought a Count would be like.

You know, it's funny,

there's actually

not much regality to him.

He's, uh...

he's kind,

and he's adventurous, and...

And he's kind of a dork.

-I'll go grab you those bowls.

-Thank you!


Do you have a thing

for the Count?

-Tony, do you just

lurk around every corner?

-It's part of the job.

-Okay, it's kinda not.

-He's kinda cute, hmm?

I could see how one would fall.

But this isn't gonna interfere

with your write-up, right?

I mean, we're looking for juice,

not lovestruck admiration.

-Tony, I've really been

thinking about this,

and these articles we write,

we treat these people

like they only exist

for our amusement.


-And their mistakes

and misfortunates

are a good thing.

But these are people, okay?

And they're doing their best.

-Yes, but they are royals,

and we're not and never will be.

And people like us, we just

like to peek behind the curtain.


-So worry a little bit less

about them,

and get me what you have so far.

-Fine, I'll email you a copy.

But I'm just warning you,

it's taken on more

of a wholehearted tone.

-Oh, darling.

That sounds horrible!

-You know, at first,

I thought Little Christmas Eve

was another thing having

to do with those Nisse.

You know,

because of the "little" part.



But well done for, uh,

trying to use the proper name.


Well, speaking of proper names,

I have a surprise for dessert...

Rayna's risgrynsgrt!

How'd I do?


Yes, very good.

-Thank you.

-Well done, uh...

Do you know that

this is my favourite?


I heard.

-Did Rayna tell you

what's so special about it?

-Hmm, that it's a fancy name

for rice pudding?



-In every few bowls,

there's a hidden almond.


-Mm-hm, and whoever

finds the almond in their bowl

wins a prize.

-Wow, there's lots of prizes

in your Christmas traditions.


We call it, uh,

Christmas motivation.


-In fact, um, you've, um...

you've motivated me.



Finding a way

to invite the community

into the Yuletide Ball has...

given me a new sense of purpose.

I've not felt like that before.

And if you hadn't come here,

none of it would

have happened, so...

Thank you.




-I got the almond!


-Okay, I--

-You got it?

-I got the almond!

-Are you okay?

-I'm okay.

I just want my prize.

-The truth?



There's something

that I need to tell you.

Get her

out of here at once!

Excuse me?




What's got into you?

-See for yourself.


But I thought you worked

for Monarch Insider.

-Okay, I can explain.

-No need to explain!

She's a fraud.

A tabloid gossip columnist.

She tricked us.

Get out of here, now!

-Look, I only said

that I worked for them

so that you would

see me as credible.

-"Falling for the Count"?

So this was all

for tabloid gossip?

No, it...

-Get out!



Okay, I'm going.

-You lied to me?

-I'm so sorry.

Why did you change my article?

-It just didn't have the pop

that RGE is known for--

no scandal, no gossip.

I mean, quite frankly,

it was kind of boring.

But then I realized that the

situation itself is the story.

-What? You didn't think

to run this by me?

Well, I'm your boss.

-I quit.


Wait, wait, wait--

Don't be hasty!

Look, you were a little bit

off your game this time,

but you're quite good at this!

Don't give it up.

-I don't want to be

good at this.

-Well, what about your raise

or your apartment?

Not to mention your visa.

-You know, I'd rather

find a different path

than work for a publication

that lacks integrity.

Never did work

for Monarch Insider.

-I'm so sorry.

I didn't see that coming.

-I can't believe

she would do that.

-To be fair,

you did lie to her, too.

-I know, it's just if I...

were the real Count of Sorhagen,

then, well...

I'd feel hurt...

and betrayed.

-But you're not.


No, I am just some random bloke

who fell for a girl

who clearly just wanted

to meet a Count

to sell papers.

-Look, both of you

have fallen for someone

who isn't the real person.

It's not like it would

have worked out, anyway.

Besides, you're leaving soon.

It sounds like this

might all be for the best.

-You're probably right.

It's just I've never met

someone that I wanted to...

have around.

All of the time.

Talking to her about

everything and nothing.

It was the best part of my day.

But it wasn't real.


Whatever happens,

I still think it's important

that the Yuletide Ball

is still a go.

Now, I left a note

in Kirsten's mailbox

asking her to be my date.

You sure you don't

want these eggs, hmm?

-They're all yours.


-I meant to return these sooner,

but things got a little crazy.

-So I saw.

Everyone's talking about

the gossip columnist

who tricked the Count.

-Look, I just--

I panicked and I wanted to get

a good interview, so I lied

about who I worked for,

but that was never

supposed to be my article.

-So it wasn't just

to get close to a Count?

-Honestly, my intentions

were just strictly

to write about Christmas

with the Count of Sorhagen.

That's it.

You look understaffed.

Could I please offer you a hand?

-If you could get some napkins

from the back kitchen,

that would help.

-Okay, I'm on it.

Where are the napkins?


He's your son, isn't he?

He's not the Count.

I'm sorry!

Strict orders from Gustus:

I can't let you in anymore.

-Are you even

a real security guard?


-He lied to me!

-Your presence

is no longer welcome here.

-He's not the Count.

I have proof.

Let her through.


You lied to me!

You're not the Count!

-Hang on.

Um, why would you think that?

-I gave up my career

for what, a fraud?

-You were the one who just

assumed that I was the Count.

-Oh, so this is my fault?

Because there was never a time

where you could have

told me the truth?

-Look, I did try to--

also, you were the one

that was pretending to be

a prestigious journalist

when all the time, really,

you're just a, a, a...

a gossip tabloidist!

-At least my lie

didn't involve deceiving

an entire country!


-No, no!

You both, you both,

should be ashamed of yourselves.


Miss Collins,

let's discuss this in my office.


No, I'm done.

You were mad because

I was a gossip tabloidist?

Well, guess what?

The world is about to get

the best piece of gossip

they've ever read--

the truth!

I don't want to interrupt,

but there's someone

waiting for you in the study.

-I don't want to see him.

-He said it's a matter

of life or death.

-Life or death?


-I needed to talk to you.

And it might not be

life or death,

but there are many people's

livelihoods at stake.

Charlotte, if you tell everyone

that there is no Count

and that I was

pretending to be him,

this town is ruined.

And it's not just

the Royal Family

that will hurt.

It's regular people, like...

like Trina,

and Rayna...

my mother,

people whose livelihoods

depend on there being

a Count of Sorhagen.

-But don't you think they

deserve to know the truth?

-Charlotte, the truth

is the real Count

abdicated for love.

Look, when I led you to

mistake me for the Count,

the royal firm

saw an opportunity

to temporarily fix the problem.

I thought that it would

all just be a small fib.

But then things escalated,


I never expected to develop

feelings for you.

I had feelings for you, too.




Past tense?

-Past tense.


Well, to be fair, neither of us

were honest, were we?

Well, just so you know,

everything that I felt,

everything that we shared...

that was me.

That was Adam Pederson,

not the Count of Sorhagen.

-How can that matter

when it was all built on a lie?

Then I have to ask you,

did you like me just because you

thought that I was the Count?

You need to leave.

-Charlotte, please.

Don't write that story!

Should we cancel the ball?

If she writes a story

about the Count being a fake,

we're all done for.


what do you think we should do?

-Well, I understand

the consequences

and how disastrous

this will be for everyone.

Until the truth is out there,

I think we carry on as-is.

The ball should go ahead;

the community

is looking forward to it.

-I agree with Adam.

I brought you some cocoa.


-Why didn't you just tell us

that you worked for RGE

from the start?

-I knew the reputation

the site had,

and I was embarrassed.

Part of me always has been.

You know, I, uh,

I did it for the visa, and...

I got carried away.

I just never had to face

who I was hurting.

-Well, it all

sort of worked out.

I mean, look at all the people

visiting, thanks to you.

Also, I found some dresses

that you might like

for the Yuletide Ball.

-You know, I think

I'm gonna sit this one out.

There's just...

a lot I need to figure out.

-Well, I don't know exactly

what happened between

the two of you,

but being a history buff,

attending a centuries-old

Christmas ball

in an actual palace is not

something to skip out on.

The King and Queen

have arrived.

They've requested your company.

You alright?


No, I'm just...

taking it all in.

-For what it's worth,

I'm glad you ruffled feathers

and opened up

this place for all.


Mr. Tradition?

You sure?

-Perhaps you've

inspired me to...

sometime on the rarest

of occasions...

to loosen up the rules a bit.

-Gus, is this

your way of telling me

that you're going to miss me?

Babysitting a loose cannon

is not something

I'm going to miss.

Though you have brought

an interesting energy

to the palace--

not entirely bad.


Ladies and gentlemen...

King Sven, first of his name,

and Queen Anna of Nordin.

I've yet

to tell them

that Charlotte knows

who you really are.

-Don't worry, Sir Gustus.

You won't have to.

May I?

Hello, everyone.

Welcome to the Yuletide Ball.

My name is Adam Pederson.

I am not the Count of Sorhagen.

I have been pretending

to be the Count

because the real Count


I led a journalist to believe

that I was him,

and then I maintained the ruse,

at first for fun and then,

for what I thought was

for the good of Sorhagen.

But it, um,

clearly got out of hand.

You see, the real Lars,

he traded royalty for love.

And I think

he was right to do so.

Because, you see,

love is so much more important

than power or status.

I know this because I love

this town, this community,

and I want it to be

the very best that it can be,

which starts with me

being honest with all of you.

I never meant to hurt anyone,

and I'm sorry if I did.

So, let's raise a glass

to truth, Christmas,

and to all of you,

the beloved people of Sorhagen.


Jolly good!


I guess not!

-Didn't see that coming.


What are you doing here?

-I couldn't miss the first ball

open to the public.


Wow, what a twist!

A fake Count!

Still quit?

Be quite a story

coming from you.

-It's all yours, Tony.

But you might want to get on it.

It looks like everyone's

already getting the word out.

-Ah, bollocks!

Excuse me!


Does this mean

you're not leaving?

-You were right, Mother,

about everything.

I'm staying.

I want to help you with the cafe

and do everything that I can

to make sure Sorhagen thrives.


-These last few days,

I've learned that taking on

responsibility is a good thing,

especially when

I can make a difference.

-I'm so proud of you!



-I'm sorry.

May I have this dance?

-Yes, you may.

-You look beautiful.

-That was, uh, quite a speech.

-I know it might have

scooped your story a bit.

-No, I actually

decided not to write it.


-Yeah, it just...

didn't really feel right,

especially after seeing

how much good

came from having

a Count in Sorhagen.


I'm really sorry I lied to you.

Although your lie was way worse.

-Oh, way worse.


-So if you're not going

to write the story,

what happens now?

I hate to think that

I ruined your career.

-The opposite, actually.

I realized that journalism

isn't my passion.

History is.

So I'm going to follow in

my mother's footsteps and apply

to University of Nordin's

History Doctorate.

-You're going to make the best

history professor in the world.


So this means

you're sticking around?

-I'm staying right here.

-I think it would be nice

to spend some time

with the real Adam Pederson.



We, too,

want to apologize.

We have not been honest

with our royal subjects,

the fair people of Sorhagen,

and for that we are sorry.

-Adam has shown us that

the true strength of a title

doesn't come from its power

but from what one does with

that power and responsibility.

-Having said that,

by decree and law,

for decorum and tradition,

our country must have

a Count of Sorhagen.

-And so, we would like

to bestow the honorary title

onto Adam.

If he would accept.


I will, if I can still be me,

and not necessarily

live in the palace.

And not follow

those insane rules.


-Also date whoever I wish.


To our Count.

-To our people!

To our people!

Merry Christmas,

honorary Count Adam.

-Merry Christmas, Charlotte.

Let's make it one for

the history books, shall we?