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09x09 - Kate Shelley and the Midnight Express

Posted: 12/05/23 09:19
by bunniefuu
♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

[Honk honk honk]


It seems like trains
are always in motion,

But occasionally,
a train cools its wheels.

They come to a place like this--
the los angeles trainyard,

Where trai are
fixed, cleaned, and tuned up.

Then they hit the rails@again.

It can be dangerous here,

So I'm wearing this hard-ha$
and goggles.


Did I scare you?

That's rosie ellis,
a railroad engineer--

The person who actually
drives the train.

Come on down,

Hi, levar.

Hiya, rosie.

That horn is loud!

I like to blow that horn.

This is
a railroad engine.

This is a locomotive.

I like that word.

From here on back--
that's an engine.

This whole thing
is an engine?

Worth of engine.

Look at these wheels!

Aren't those great?

They're supporting

This train weighs

It sure does.


I'm noticing here

That these wheels,
rosie, are steel,

And the track
is steel.

Wouldn't it
slip off?

Look back there.

That lip is called
a flange.

That holds the wheels
against the rail.

I see. The flaps
keep the wheels

From falling off
on either side.

Right. It guides you.

I see.

What's this
big black thing?

Your fuel t*nk.

What fuel is used?


How much does
this hold?

Where do you
hook up other cars?

That'sround in back.

This is it.
This is the knuckle.

The knuckle?

Each car has one.

Trains are shoved
together like that.

So it grabs on
and holds

Like knuckles
on a hand.

Do you connect
anything else?

Power cables,
like big plugs.

They plug in,

Sending power
through the train.

Let's see what I do
in the cab.

That's where
the driver sits.

Levar, go on up.




Ha ha ha ha!

This is it.


Where is the steering
wheel, rosie?

No steering wheel, levar.

Remember the wheels?


We follow the track.

So you don't steer.

Brakes and throttle

Control the train.

This slows it down.
That speeds it up.

Right. You've got
from 1 to 8.

The bigger the number,
the faster you go.

We've got a speedometer.

your average speed?

The speed of a car.

Will you be driving
the coast star light?

I will be opera$ing.

So what's the route
you will operate on?

We'll start
in los angeles.

We'll go up
the coastline.

Next to
the pacific ocean.

All the way
to seattle, washington.

It will take
two days.

Are you going
the whole way?


Neither am i.

I will spend the night
on the train.

How about a ride?

Up the track?

Sure. I'll operate.
You blow the whistle.

Right there?

That's it.

[Whis$le blows]

All right.

Here we go!

Before starting our trip,

The locomotive hooks on
to the cars.

Then rosie brings
the whole train to the station

To pick up the passengers.

The station platform
is buzzing with activity.

While the passengers
get on board,

The train is loaded
with baggage, mail,

And pplies
for the trip.

Finally, there's
just enough time

To wave to rosie,
and I jump onto my car.

All aboard!

That's us.
Here we go.

Usually you take the train

To reach
a particular destination,

But I'm riding for fun.

I'll go up the coast,
sleep on the train,

Then turn around and catch
the first train home again.

Well, we're on our way.

I love starting
a new trip,

Especially by train.

First I find
the perfect seat--

This one--

And check the view.

Tickets, please.

Oh. Here it is,
right there.

Have a great trip.

Thank you very much.
You, too.

On a long train ride,
I have time to read,

So I pack
a hair-raising cliff-hanger

To get the trip started.

Here's one that's a true story
about a train in trouble

Called kate shelley
and the midnight express.

A terrible storm was coming.

Could feel it in the air.

A cold wind rose,
black clouds rolled in,

And the sky grew dark.

Kate stood
at the kitchen window

With her younger sisters
and brother.

They saw lightng flash.

They heard thunder
crack in the hills.

Then the rain came.

When lightning flashed,
kate peered through the rain,

Trying to see
the railad bridge
over honey creek.

How was it holding up
in this storm?

Kate sat with her mother
and sister,

Talking about the dangers
of the storm.

At midnight,

An express train would pass
the moingona train station

Without stopping.

It would cross the bridge
over the des moines river,

Then the brie
over honey creek

Near kate's houseí

Shortly after 11:oo,

Kate heard railroad men
checking the bridges

Before the express came.

Suddenly, the engine's bell
rang wildly,

And kate heard
a terrible crack.

The bridge had broken.

"Oh, mother," she cried,

"They've gone down
in honey creek!

I must help!
I must stop the express!"

The rain beat down
as kate walked $o the bridge.

She looked out over
honey creek.

She could not see
the engine or the crew.

Had they all drowned?

Then kate heard a shout.

She saw two men
holding on to branches.

"Hang on!" Kate shouted.
"I'll get help!"


So they would know
she was getting help.

Kate began to run.

She had to get to the moingona
station before midnight,

Before the express.

blew out the lantern's flame.

She stared into the darkness.

To reach moingona station,

She had to cross
the des moines river bridge.

Beside the tracks
was a narrow walkway.

Some boards were missing.
There was no handrail.

to cross this bridge.

Could she do it now,
in this storm?

Kate thought of the men
in honey creek

And the people on the train.

She got on her hands and knees
to crawl across.

Nails and splinters
cut her hands and knees

And tore her skirt.

She gripped the rail

To keep the wind from
sweeping her over the side.

Trees and logs
crashed against the bridge.

Great flashes of lightning
lit the storm-tossed night.

Kate was shaking with fear,
but she could not stop.

She had to reach the station
before midnight.

At last,
kate's hand touched land.

She got to her feet to run.

Through the rain,
she saw moingona station.

Kate threw open the door.

The men inside
turned and stared.

"The engine went down
in honey creek!

Stop the express!"

"She means a bridge is out,"
the station agent said.

"Stop the express!"

He rushed to the telegraph
and tapped out a message--

"Stop express. Bridge out.

Stop express."

In ogden, the trainman
heard the message

And stopped
the speeding train in time.

"Wait," kate said.
"Two men are alive
in honey creek!

I'll show you whereí"

Kate rode the engine
with the rescue party.

They crossed the bridge
kate had crawled over.

The engine stopped

At the broken@bridge
on honey creek.

Everyone shouted, "hang on!"

The men in the water answered,
"over here!"

They were hanging on.

"Save us!"

At last, the two exhausted men
were rescued from honey creek.

Kate shelley had
saved their lives

And the lives of everyone
on the midnight express.

Kate was a real hero.

She won medals for bravery,

And they named
a bridge after her.

Since those days,

Safety has improved
on railroads.

I feel especially safe

Knowing engineers like rosie
are in charge.


[Honk honk]

I love being an engineer.

It's been a dream of mine
since I was little.

I grew up next
to a railroad track.

I was real small.

I started watching
trains come by.

I thought that would be
fun to do.

I didn't know if girls
could do that, but I hoped so.

Every time I come to a crossing,
I blow the whistle,

Just in se.

It's a warning for anybody
getting ose to the railroad.

Stopping a train
is not like stopping a car.

It takes almost a mile
to stop.

If you're going fast,
it takes a little longer.

That's why nobody, but nobody,
should play on railroad tracks.

I love the coast star light.

It's a short run,
but one I enjoy the most

Being an engineer is real fun.
It's great fun.

If I'm having
a good time up here,

People have to be having
a good time back there.

Trains have crisscrossed
the country for over 1oo years.

They're one of our earliest
modes of travel.

They've been around loer
than planes and cars.

The first locomotives
were pretty funny-looking,

And they didn't go very fast.

In fact, in 183o,

The tom thumb,
an early steam train,

Raced a horse-drawn train,
and the horse won.

But before long, steam-powered
trainsecame the fastest

And most popular
form of transportation,

Carrying people and freight
for a growing nation.

But settlers couldn't
travel west by train.

The only tracks
across the country

Were those left
by horse-drawn wagons.

The nation needed
a coast]to-coast railroad.

♪ They started in the east
a-layin' down the@rails ♪

♪ And out in calirnia,
they were blazin' out a trail ♪

♪ Toward the center,
they did strive ♪

♪ No one knew
when they would arrive ♪

♪ Buildin'
the transcontinental railroad ♪

♪ They cleared the way ♪

♪ And blasted through
the mountainside ♪

♪ And built big trestle bridges
stretching over valleys wide ♪

♪ And it's a fact ♪

♪ They laid more
than 3,ooo miles of track ♪

♪ To build
the transcontinental railroad ♪

♪ It took 6 years ♪

♪ And in the spring of 1869 ♪

♪ In promontory, utah ♪

♪ They connected the two lines ♪

♪ And across
this growin' nation ♪

♪ Folks joined in
the celebration ♪

♪ Of the transcontinental
railroad ♪

♪Nd across
this growin' nation ♪

♪ Folks joined in
the celebration ♪

♪ Of the transcontinental
railroad ♪♪

From that day on,
train travel really took off.

Locomotives got faster
and more powerful

As the railway system grew.

Steam-powered trains
were a real success,

But even streamlined
versions were dirty

Because they burned coal.

Diesel and electric
trains helped.

They were cleaner and faster.

All aboard!

Every major city
had a great train station.

Cars were made more comfortable.

Not only could you eat,

You could get
a manicure or haircut.

You could even watch a movie.

Today, some people like
to fly or drive,

But trains are moving cargo,

From cars and truc
to passengers like us.

Trains are still carrying people
across the country.

They're like rolling hotels.
They even have bedrooms.

Now, if I can find mine.

Well, this isn't my compartment,
but what a view!

This is the observation car.

Beautiful, but it's still
not my sleeping compartment.

Well, no beds here.

Ha ha ha!

Well, this certainly
isn't my compartment.

This is a restaurant on rails.

Finally, my bedroom.

Home sweet home.

Boy, look at this place.
This is great.

It's like a minihot in here.

I've got a sink,

Hot and cold water.

You can wash
your hands and face.

Little bitty soaps,

Little cups.

This is terric!

Sink light.

Shower light?

There's a shower in here.


Oh, boy!

The shower's in the toilet.

That's amazing.


Hey, I wonder where my bed is.


I've hrd of these.

Yes! At last.

There's nothing like
a good night's sleep

On board a train.


[Train wheels rolling]

I love the rhythm of the rails,
the motion of the train.

It makes me sleepy,

But I'm never too tired

To squeeze in
a good bedtime story.

Here are three
to keep you on track,

But you don't have to take
my word for it.

Have you ever taken a train trip
without your parents?

The two sisters in this book
did that very thing.

It's called
the train to lulu's.

Beppy and babs
will spend the summer

With great-aunt lulu
in baltimore,

But they live in boston,
nine hours away.

They're going to take
the train.

At first,
the train ride is neat.

They're going fast,

Over bridges
and across rivers,

With trees whizzin
by the windows,

But babs is always complaining
about being hungry.

Beppy explains that
a train ride takes a while,

But getting there
is half the fun.

I'm diana hagan, and someday
I'll go on a train ride.

I'll have dinner there
and sleep there.

In the meantime,
I' keep reading.

Hi. I'm patricia hylton.

Here's a book that's
been around a long time.

My parents used to read it.

It's the little engine
that could,

T helps.
About a big train in trouble
and a little engine t

The train has toys for childr,

But the big train gets stuck.

Trains come by but don't stop.

Finally, the little engine
comes to the rescue.

She hooks herself
to the big train and pulls,

And she pulls the big train
to the top of the mountain.

I'm going to read it
to my little sister.

Then my whole family
will know the story.

Hi. I'm michael magers.

Get ready to hop aboard
the polar express.

We're going to take a trip
to the north pole.

Christmas eve--

The boy is waiting
for santa and his reindeer.

He's surprised to find
a train outside.

The conductor yells,
"all aboard!"

Lots of kids
are on the train.

They travel far,
over big mountains.

At last, they see the lights
of the no"th pole.

Wait. I don't want
to tell the whole story.

I want you to enjoy it.

Get the polar express.

Well, this is where we get off.

Trains are so much fun

You're almost sorry
to get where you're going,

But I'm lucky.

I've got to go home.
Guess how.

I'm taking the train.

Better get my ticket.

See you next time!

♪ ..ía-layin' down the rails ♪

♪ And out in california,
they were blazin' out a trail ♪

♪ Toward the center,
they did strive ♪

♪ No one knew
when they would arrive ♪

♪ Buildin' the transcontinental
railroad ♪

♪ They cleared the way ♪

♪ And blasted ♪

♪ Through the mountainside ♪

♪ And built big trestle bridges
stretching over valleys... ♪♪

Today's reading rainbow books

Kate shelley
and the midnight express

By margaret k. Wetterer,

Illustrated by karen ritz,

Published by carolrhoda books,

The train to lulu's
by elizabeth fitzgerald howard,

Lustrated by robert casilla,

Published by bradbury press.

The little engine that could
by watty piper,

Illustrated by
george and doris hauman,

Published by platt & monk,
a division of grossett & dunlap.

The polar express
by chris van allsburg,

Publish by
houghton mifflin company.