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10x26 - There Are Lines Even Villains Can't Cross/Gintama Final Ending Scamming Trial

Posted: 12/05/23 11:35
by bunniefuu
Warning: Watch the Silver Soul arc in a bright room and at a safe distance from the TV!!!!!

Hij: Damn, I totally lost them.

Hij: Hey, Yamazaki. Get your ass here, now.

Hij: I'll give you the exact location later.

Sei: Looking for something, sir?

Sei: If it's cute girls you want, I know just the place.

Hij: I'm looking for a woman with an eyepatch, one with a facial scar,

Hij: a perverted ninja, and a female gorilla.

Sign: Yoshiwara Guide Service

Sign: Trust and Excellence No. in Customer Satisfaction!!

Sei: Give it up, sir.

Sei: Ain't an ordinary man in this world who can handle those crazies.

Sei: You won't even have butt hair when they're done with you.

Hij: That sounds terrifying.

Hij: And you're working in such a terrifying town.

Hij: How old are you, kid?

Sei: Th-The hell?!

Sign: Yoshiwara Guide Service

Sign: Trust and Excellence No. in Customer Satisfaction!!

Sei: You can't show that off here! Have some common sense!

Sei: I bet you're not popular with the ladies—

Sei: Ow!

Hin: What are you yelping about?

Hin: Good grief.

Hin: You're the one ruining this place's reputation with a lack of common sense, Seita.

Sei: Mom...

Sac: The Shangri-La of Yoshiwara is now a government-recognized tourist spot, huh?

Tsu: Two years ago, this place sheltered civilians from the flames of w*r.

Tsu: I suppose that paid off.

Sac: But even in broad daylight,

Sac: the relationship between men and women ain't all that different.

Sac: Day or night,

Sac: the Hyakka will always be the champions of women.

Hin: There you have it.

Hin: The one running this town now

Hin: is the former Courtesan of Death turned Courtesan of the Sun, Tsukuyo.

Hin: Make sure you never disrespect women where her scar can see it.

Hin: You'll be whisked away to a world with no day or night.

Gintama,Title Card: Gintama

Silver Soul,Title Card: Silver Soul

If you missed the last episode,

this visual probably shocked you, but don't worry.

This guy right here?

That's Gin-san.

Title: Silver Soul Arc

Title: There Are Lines Even Villains Can't Cross

Tsu: An enemy to women is an enemy to Yoshiwara.

Tsu: Let me teach that guy a lesson.

Tae: Aren't you glad, Kyu-chan?

Tae: She says she'll get revenge for your panties.

Sac: What? Those were your panties?

Sac: I thought you'd be wearing a loincloth or something,

Sac: but your underwear is actually normal, huh?

Tae: Anyway, it's good that there are no stains or anything.

Tae: It's truly important to change your underwear every day.

Sac: Huh? Do I see some hair over there?

Tae: Nah, that's the hair on his head sticking out.

Sac: Huh? But I see a red stain there...

Tae: That's from when we beat him up.

Kyu: How long are you gonna keep wearing that, anyway? Give it back!

Kyu: Not the diapers!

Tae: He's grown completely defiant.

Tae: Takasugi, was it?

Tae: I hear he used to have a final-boss aura whenever he appeared.

Sac: A real shocker, right?

Sac: What happened to him?

Sac: Where did he go wrong?

Tae: Must've been when he put those panties on his head.

Tae: There are lines even villains can't cross.

Sac: Of course you'd be demoted from final boss if you wore panties on your head.

Tae: No, maybe he wore them because he was demoted from final boss.

Sac: I just happened to be having a hard time with him, actually.

Sac: I believe he came to Edo with Gin-san.

Sac: But he just wouldn't talk.

Sac: I hope you can get him to spill where Gin-san is while you teach him a lesson.

Kyu: Gintoki's back in Edo?

Tae: Why won't he come see us, then?

Sac: I don't know. Maybe he has his reasons.

Hij: It's because he's over there with panties on his head.

Hij: Shinsfake's got his back to the wall now.

Gin: Stupid broads. It's pointless trying to embarrass me.

Sac: Uh, I'd say you're just embarrassing yourself here.

Gin: Because I'm both Takasugi and not at the same time.

Gin: In other words, no matter how much you humiliate Takasugi Shinsuke,

Gin: it won't hurt me at all...

Gin: Hey, wait! Hear me out!

Gin: C-Come on! That hurts, damn it!

H: So it does hurt you after all?

Gin: That's not it! I meant it wouldn't hurt me mentally!

Tae: Uh, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Sac: You keep spouting delusional lines without backing them up.

Sac: That's why you were demoted from final boss.

Gin: That's going too far! Apologize to Takasugi!

Hij: No, you apologize.

Gin: Fine! Bring on the t*rture or whatever!

Gin: Just know that it'll make you bigger disgraces than me!

Gin: Worse than a t*rror1st in diapers with panties on his head! Serves you right!

Gin: What's wrong?

Gin: Don't tell me you hung me up here without being prepared to follow through.

Tsu: Sorry, but Yoshiwara ain't a place of t*rture.

Tsu: This is a red-light district.

Tsu: We entertain men here, not make them suffer.

Gin: You liar! This is water t*rture!

Tsu: That ain't water.

Gin: L-Lotion?

Gin: Tallgeese!

W: Welcome!

Tsu: Ladies of Yoshiwara, we have a bigshot guest today.

Tsu: Use your skills and experience to give him the warmest welcome.

Gin: H-Hey, wait! What's all this?

W: Hello there, handsome!

Gin: Hey, Gran! Where are you touching?!

Gin: Stop it! Gross!

Gin: Oh... Wait... Not there!

Sac: Huh? What's going on here, Tsukky?

Tsu: This is how Yoshiwara does things now.

Tsu: Demons of lust are made to drown in women.

W: Welcome!

W: Welcome back, Master!

Tsu: And what lies beyond that lust...

Tae: Oh, he's back.

Gin: What's sexy about boobs, anyway?

Gin: Why are there two of them?

Tae: He's a sage now.

Gin: Hmm? What's this cloth doing here?

Gin: Get it off.

Kyu: How could you?!

Tae: Freed from his worldly desires, he's at the gates of enlightenment.

Tsu: Hey, has some of your evil been washed away?

Tsu: Then answer me.

Tsu: Is it true that you were traveling with Gintoki?

Gin: As I am now, both that and boobs come across as pair of trifling matters.

Gin: Speaking of which, why do boobs come in pairs?

Sac: Our sage has lost interest in everything.

Sac: And why does he keep talking about boobs?

Tae: Let's make him take another lap and forget about boobs.

Kyu: Wait. Two laps, one for each boob.

Hij: Uh, the enlightened one is screaming.

Sac: Three laps around hell will surely make him a better man.

Tsu: Don't call it hell, Sarutobi!

Tae: Oh, he's back from his pilgrimage.

Tsu: Don't call it a pilgrimage, Otae!

Tae: God?

Gin: I am naught.

Sign: I am naught.

Gin: I am empty.

Sign: I am empty.

Sac: Uh, I think we went way too far.

Tae: A lap for each boob was too much for him.

Tae: We should've left one boob.

Gin: I hath no interest in boobs.

Sign: I hath no interest in boobs.

Tae: See?

Kyu: You know, he still seems to be hung up on boobs.

Tsu: Hey, is Gintoki...

Gin: All is vanity. All is vanity.

Sign: All is vanity.

Sign: All is vanity.

Tsu: Nope. We're not getting anything out of him.

Gin: I am naught.

Sign: I am naught.

Gin: I am empty.

Sign: I am empty.

Gin: Boobs art two.

Sign: Boobs art two.

Kyu: Look, his head's filled with nothing but boobs!

Sac: Oh, well.

Sac: Let's stimulate his lust and turn him back a little.

Sac: Tsukky, take the grannies' place in there and let him fondle your boobs.

Tsu: Why me?!

Sac: Well, I can't do it. I'm getting married to Gin-san.

Sac: And Kyubei-san can't handle being touched by a man.

Tae: Sarutobi-san, why was I not considered?

Gin: Tae doth be naught.

Sign: Tae doth be naught

Gin: Boobs art zero.

Sign: Boobs art

Sign: zero.

Tae: Hey! What happened to "boobs art two"?

Tae: What do you mean, "zero"?!

Tae: Now I'm mad. I'm gonna go.

Kyu: Wait, Tae-chan!

Tae: Don't stop me. I have my pride as a woman, too.

Kyu: That's not it.

Kyu: Okay, I'm on standby.

Sac: How would you fondling her help?

Sac: Kyubei-san...

Sac: You said you were ready for arranged marriage, but you haven't changed at all.

Kyu: But I can't let that pervert defile Tae-chan!

Tsu: Okay, fine.

Tsu: You're right. This is a job for me.

Tae: Tsukuyo-san?

Gin: Why?

Sign: Why?

Sign: Why go so far...

Gin: Why go so far...

Gin: Courtesan of Boobs?

Sign: Courtesan of Boobs?

Tsu: Who're you calling Courtesan of Boobs?!

Hin: You're such a fool, really.

Hin: You could've gone after him, you know?

Tsu: Hinowa.

Tsu: Once Yoshiwara sees the light of day, it will gradually turn into a normal town.

Tsu: That may be a joyous occasion,

Tsu: but I'd be a little sad...

Tsu: Living life watching the things I know change and go away.

Tsu: Leaving the people I was meant to see the future with and walking on alone.

Tsu: But that's exactly why I have to see it all through.

Tsu: See how those things end, and what they give birth to.

Tsu: And one day, when he does come back to us,

Tsu: I want to tell him all about it.

Tsu: That way, he can walk with us again.

Tsu: So please tell me.

Tsu: Where is he now? What does he have his eyes on?

Tsu: Is it the past, or is it the future?

Tae: He started a lap by himself.

Sac: Did she get through to him?

Sac: Maybe he went to get himself ready for spilling the beans.

Tsu: Oh.

Tsu: He's... back?

Tae: What kind of enlightenment is this?!

Sac: He just passed through the gates of K*ntucky!

Kyu: Do you want to be thrown in a pot and fried?!

Tae: Wait... Where have I seen this C*lonel before?

Hij: You moron!

Hij: I told you to keep watch! Where'd he go?!

Kyu: Huh?

Tae: It's you!

Ymz: I'm sorry, Hijikata-san.

Ymz: I was pretending to be a statue and keeping watch over there,

Ymz: but he ran away.

Gin: That was close!

Gin: I was about to attain enlightenment and tell them everything!

Tae: But I would've wanted him to see it.

Tae: You in a wedding dress...

Sac: I will not let you have Sakata Gintoki.

Sac: This is his home.

Tsu: That way, he can walk with us again.

Gin: Damn it all...

Gin: What the hell am I doing?

W: Odd Jobs.

W: Thank you so very much.

W: Goodbye, then.

Gin: Shinpa...

Shin: Hold it!

Shin: I don't know what's going on, but ganging up on someone isn't a good look.

Shin: More than anything, I won't stand for you sullying these streets

Shin: with your v*olence.

Gin: Cut!

Gin: Okay, we're out of time. Wrap it up.

Gin: Let's move on to the next segment!

Shin: Wait...

Shin: That was a really great scene in the manga, too!

Gin: Okay, so on that note...

Gin: We know the show's still only halfway through, but change of plans.

Shin: Huh? The next segment?

Shin: What do you mean, the next segment?

Gin: After this, the Gintama anime will air an emergency special.

Shin: What the hell's going on?!

Gin: But first, some ads.

Someone: What? It was such a nice scene, too.

Gin: Order!

Gin: Order in the court!

Gin: Court is now in session for the trial.

Shin: Wait a second, Gin-san!

Shin: What's all this? What are you trying to do?!

Gin: Shinpachi-kun, stop making a fuss in the courtroom. I'll cut your screen time.

Shin: You just did earlier!

Kag: At least you got some time!

Shin: Kagura-chan?

Kag: I didn't even get to show up! What're you gonna do about this?!

Shin: That's right!

Shin: And what trial? What have we done wrong?!

Gin: That's what we're trying to clear up here.

Sign: Gintama Ending Scam Trial

Gin: So let's begin the Gintama Ending Scam Trial.

Shin: Gintama Ending Scam Trial?!

Gin: Some of you watching at home may have noticed from the program guide already.

Gin: This is the Gintama anime's...

Gin: last episode.

Ymz: What? It's ending today?

Hij: Seriously? That's so abrupt!

Gin: Order!

Gin: You're exactly right.

Gin: If the viewers went, "What are the anime staff doing?

Gin: You're supposed to figure out the perfect length. Are you messing with us?

Gin: You need to read the manga, calculate the right pacing,

Gin: use appropriate cliffhangers to stretch the plot across weeks,

Gin: get the manuscripts from the editor before Jump's release day,

Gin: and work on the series structure,"

Gin: that harsh criticism would be well-deserved.

Shin: Uh, the common viewer wouldn't know that much.

Gin: But while this may sound like an excuse,

Gin: that's not it!

Gin: It's not like that!

Shin: Seriously, what's with you?

Shin: Who are you speaking for?

Gin: There's a very good reason the anime's ending so abruptly today!

Gin: To explain this, we must rewind the clock to three years ago.

Shin: That far back? This has been three years in the making?!

Gin: And here we have the third season of the anime, which began airing April .

Gin: The series made its return around two years after the Final Chapter movie.

Gin: At this point, the manga side had already told the anime staff this:

Gin: "The manga will end soon."

Sac: W-Wait a second.

Tsu: Three whole years ago?

Kyu: You mean...

Tae: Season started because the manga was ending?

Gin: Order in the court!

Gin: That's right, actually.

Gin: Season was planned to be a year-long series that would end around

Gin: the same time as the manga.

Gin: In order to make that possible,

Gin: the anime staff reluctantly decided to skip a few small comedy arcs.

Gin: This was done to give Gintama the greatest finale possible and make the viewers happy.

Gin: It was a decision borne out of great passion!

Shin: Seriously, who are you talking for?

Shin: And why is it raining money? Can we really believe you?!

Gin: However!

Gin: Instead of ending, the manga made a shocking reveal

Gin: and expanded the story with several new developments.

Shin: Why'd you make it look like Ir*sutoya?!

Gin: And the anime ran out of time with the Shinsengumi saying farewell.

Gin: So on that note,

Gin: the Shinsengumi are found guilty for wasting episodes.

Gin: Hijikata Toshiro is sentenced to death.

Hij: Why?!

Hij: The Shinsengumi are victims in this, too!

Hij: And why am I the only one sentenced to death?

Hij: Wait... Hey!

Gin: After that, the anime producer ran around trying to procure an additional time slot,

Gin: but staying in the evening time slot proved next to impossible,

Gin: and the stress made him visit cabaret clubs more often,

Gin: leading to friction in his family.

Shin: What did this have to do with cabaret clubs?

Gin: Even in the midst of such chaos, we somehow raised funds

Gin: and cleverly moved to a late-night time slot to make a comeback!

Gin: And that was Season here, which began with the Battle on Rakuyo.

Gin: We started working toward the finale, this time for sure.

Gin: However!

Gin: Rather than tying the loose ends, the story expanded to space

Gin: and showed off the stupid cue ball dad's love story.

Gin: So on that note,

Gin: the stupid cue ball is found guilty, too.

Gin: Death to his hair roots.

UB: N-No! Anything but my hair roots!

Kag: Uh, your hair roots have already been ex*cuted.

Gin: At this point, the anime staff decided to see what the manga was doing

Gin: and build up a buffer of material by switching strategies to buy time.

Gin: We used the hype surrounding the live-action movie announcement as cover,

Sign: Yorinuke! Gintama-san Flashback Collection

Gin: bought time with some re-airs,

Gin: and aired new material using the short comedy arcs they'd skipped.

Gin: They were all stopgap measures we came up with on the fly,

Gin: but we made it seem very natural, like it'd been our plan all along.

Shin: No, you didn't! Adapting comedy arcs at that point felt really weird!

Gin: And around then,

Sign: Manga Editor (at the time)

Sign: Poison Mushroom Manabe

Gin: the manga's editor at the time, Poison Mushroom Manabe (Idol Otaku), told us this:

Manabe: The manga will end this time for sure.

Gin: The anime staff trusted his words,

Gin: and despite the tiny budget and the harsh schedule they had due to waiting,

Gin: they believed the third time's the charm and began adapting a new long arc.

Gin: And that's how it started...

Gin: The Silver Soul Arc, which was supposed to be the final long arc.

Gin: However! However!

Gin: The story didn't end at all!

Gin: While this season was one cours, we got the time slot for episodes,

Gin: so some delay would still be okay,

Gin: or so we thought, but the story went way past that and still didn't end!

Gin: "We even made the perfect opening and ending for a finale.

Gin: What do we do now?

Gin: Is this really gonna end? Can it end?"

Gin: That's how we felt, and we expressed those feelings frankly.

Sign: Pretended to go out for work but instead went to see a play where Nagasawa Masami wore a racy costume.

Sign: Manabe

Gin: And then, Editor D*ck said...

Manabe: Uh, it doesn't look like it's ending soon at all.

Gin: Huh?

Manabe: Also, the manga's weekly serialization is going to stop soon.

Gin: Huh?

Manabe: Also, I won't be editing it anymore.

Gin: What?!

Gin: Instead of walking in step, one leg is disappearing just before the finish line?!

Gin: So on that note, Hasegawa Taizo is sentenced to death!

Mad: What? Me?! Where did that come from?!

Gin: For suddenly acting like Chief of Immigration while unemployed,

Gin: your gaudy outfit,

Gin: and pissing me off by cockily showing up in the live-action TV show and stage events.

Kag: That even got on my nerves.

Shin: No objections.

Mad: Why am I the only one getting this treatment?!

Shin: But Gin-san...

Shin: If what you said so far is true,

Shin: the one who really deserves punishment...

Kag: him. It's gotta be him.

Gin: You did well to notice, Shinpachi, Kagura.

Gin: That's right. The real accused in this Gintama Ending Scam Trial...

Gin: is this man, the gorilla mangaka!

Sor: I wanna be a steamed cheese bun.

Sor: Defendant... Well, we more or less know you're getting sentenced to death,

Sor: but is there anything you'd like to say?

Sor: Now is your chance to apologize, you know. Defendant?

Shin: Ew! He pulled something out!

Gin: Oh, it's another of those things.

Gin: Kagura, you can forget your role again and read it out.

Kugyuu: "To all the anime viewers, and the anime staff.

Kugyuu: Due to my dirty tackle, I have caused you tons of trouble, and I'm so...

Kugyuu: Huh? It's not tackle?

Kugyuu: It's the other thing?

Kugyuu: The *******, then?

Kugyuu: Huh? That was actually a huge disaster?

Kugyuu: I shouldn't bring it up again?

Kugyuu: Oh, I know.

Kugyuu: The last letter, when I revealed that Fujita, the previous director, had divorced.

Kugyuu: He's actually mad about that? Is that really so bad?

Kugyuu: I mean, after his divorce, he's now cozying up with an instructor years younger.

Kugyuu: What is he being instructed on?

Kugyuu: That's what I'd like to be instructed on.

Kugyuu: Huh? That's not it, either?

Kugyuu: What is it, then?

Kugyuu: I've been too sleepy to watch the anime since it moved to late nights, so I dunno.

Kugyuu: What part has it reached now?

Kugyuu: The part where Saito Hajime kills Usui of the Ten Swords with the Zero Style Gatotsu?

Kugyuu: That's my personal best bout,

Kugyuu: so I'd be perfectly happy if the anime ended there.

Kugyuu: I'm just so filled with satisfaction right now.

Kugyuu: I'm not thinking of my next work yet,

Kugyuu: but let's see...

Kugyuu: What if the Black Ships of the Bakumatsu were actually alien vessels,

Kugyuu: and the people in that world still grittily lived with smiles on their faces?

Kugyuu: That's the kind of story I'd like to write, or well, explore in full.

Kugyuu: If we have the chance, let's meet again in that next work.

Kugyuu: I've already come up with the title.

Kugyuu: It's a title that'd sound really vulgar when spelled slightly differently...

Sign: Gintama Final: End of Sky

Kugyuu: Gintama Final: End of Sky."

Gin: I shall hereby hand down the verdict.

Gin: The gorilla mangaka is...

Gin: Not guilty!

Kag: What part of that letter merited pardoning him?!

Shin: This gorilla never actually apologized for anything!

Gin: Okay, pipe down.

Gin: What can ya do? If it's not ending, it's not ending.

Gin: So yeah, while it was a really sloppy last episode,

Gin: the Gintama Ending Scam Trial is over! Court is adjourned!

Sign: Next Work Preview

SignL: Gintama Final

SignR: End of Sky

SignB: In the Works!

Shin: Yeah, like hell! That's never happening!

Thank you very much

for being a part of this journey.

If the manga's continuing in GIGA, what about the anime...?

Sor: Writing manga is such a pain in the ass!