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01x06 - Singing Pirate

Posted: 12/05/23 17:46
by bunniefuu
[all] ♪ Get your spy on

♪ Spy on

♪ You're on a mission with a Twist and Shout ♪

♪ Shout!

♪ Kiki and Marina spy it up to work it out ♪

♪ Out!

♪ Bounce with our sidekick, Bo

♪ Gadgets on the go

♪ Who's the first at the scene of the crime? ♪

♪ Fresh Beats!

♪ Solving the mystery every time ♪

♪ Trouble's no match for the Fresh Beat Band of Spies ♪

♪ Get your hands up high

♪ Find a cool disguise

♪ Fresh Beat Band of Spies ♪

♪ Get your spy on

♪ Get yourself on the dance floor right now ♪

♪ Get your music on

♪ I know you know how

♪ Let the rhythm take over your two feet ♪

♪ There is nothing

[record scratches]

Uh, hold on guys.

Who's playing the ringy thingy?


That's not one of us.


[all] Our secret spy watches!

Fresh Beats!

[all] Reed!

Meet me at the music store.

I have an important mission for you.

On our way!

Okay, Fresh Beats.

Time to spy it up!

[Bo chatters]

Reed? Reed!

[Kiki] Reed?

He is not going to surprise us this time.

- Fresh Beats! - Ah!

Everybody comfy?

Sorry. Startled me.

Fresh Beats, there's a problem.

There's a mystery to solve?

Yes, and I'm stuck in this piano.


Thanks, Kiki. Thanks, Marina.

Watch this, Fresh Beats.


Ow! I forgot that tuba moved.

Fresh Beats, a thief is stealing

precious jewels from everywhere!

First, someone made off with the emerald Binky

of Little Lord Albert Alfred Allentown.


Then someone stole the star sapphire

from the headpiece of Padma, the preteen Punjabi princess.

As if!

[Reed] Not to mention the precious Parisian pearl

from the pop prince of Pompadour.

[machine whirring]

Huh? Oh!


And today Kitty Boo Boo, creator of Cat Chat,

the hottest pet social media app in the world,

is wearing the world-famous cat's-eye diamond

in the parade!

I love Kitty Boo Boo!

She's amazing!


[Reed] Your mission: go undercover

and protect Kitty Boo Boo and her diamond

from the mysterious jewel thieves.

If the cat's-eye diamond were stolen, it would be--



[Twist] Cat-chup?



Come on, Fresh Beats!

[Kiki] Wow, look at the cool floats in the parade.

[Marina] There's a float from the Disco Duck Society.

[Kiki] Ooh, and one from the National Association

of Extra Spicy Meatball Makers.

[Shout] There's Kitty Boo Boo's float.

All right, ready to detect and protect.

Nobody gets past the Banananoculars.

Excuse me, sonny.

I'm a well-known cat's-eye diamond expert.

May I have a closer look?

Well, of course you can, sir.

See, it's right over there on that fluffy kitty.

What? What? Wait a second!

You're no cat's-eye diamond expert.




You almost fooled me.

That's an awesome disguise.

Nice job, Twist.

As long as we stay alert, no one will steal

that cat's-eye diamond.

Let's go say hi to Kitty Boo Boo.

[Kitty Boo Boo meows]

Hello, Miss Boo Boo.

We are the Fresh Beat Band, and--

[Shout over radio] Goes a little something like this. Come on.

[Fresh Beats] ♪ La la la la la la

Wow! Kitty Boo Boo likes our music!

And she's a great dancer!


Ooh! Ooh! Dance-off!

Go, Bo! Go, Boo!

Go, Bo! Go, Bo!

Go, Boo!

Oh, Boo!

Go, Boo! Go, Bo! Go, Boo!

- Whoo-hoo! - Yeah!

[Marina] Yeah! Whoo!



[all] Uh-oh! Bo!



[all] Whoo-hoo!





Don't worry, Miss Boo Boo.

The Fresh Beat Band of Spies will keep you

and the cat's-eye diamond safe.

♪ We play in harmony, play in harmony ♪

♪ In the key of you and me

♪ It's music ♪

[crowd cheering]

All clear.

[Marina] No surprises yet.

- Fresh Beats! - Reed!

I found a clue near the scene of the last jewel theft:

an egg!

Aha, so we're looking for

a jewelry-wearing omelet lover.

Mmm, omelets!

I've got a new gadget to help you:

an egg detector.

Any time you Fresh Beats are near eggs,

it will ding to alert you.

[Marina] Thanks, Reed!

[Reed] Good luck, Fresh Beats.

We'll crack the case wide open.

This crime spree will be over...easy.

We'll leave the bad guys eggs-asperated.


[Marina] Whoa, it's getting kind of foggy.

[Kiki] I can't see anything.

Hold on.

[hair dryer whirring]


The egg detector is dinging!

Our jewel thief could be nearby.


A pirate flag.

Must be that pirate float.


[engine droning]

[tires screech]

Hang on. Where are we going?

Uh, Fresh Beats?

We're not on the parade route anymore!

[all] Whoa!

[crowd cheering]

[engine droning]

[tires screech]


- Whoo-hoo-hoo. - Thar she be!

Avast, ye Kitty Boo Boo!

I be Captain Argh, the singing pirate.

♪ I've swung in here to take your jewel ♪

♪ You haven't got a chance ♪

♪ So watch me plunder, take, and steal ♪

♪ Then do me pirate dance


Ooh, right.

This be me pet chicken, choreographer,

and vocal coach, Poulet.


Poulet want a pickle?



I aim to steal your cat's-eye diamond,

'cause I be...

♪ The most feared singing pirate captain ♪

♪ In the world!

Uh, you're the only singing pirate captain

in the world, Captain, sir.

Aye, that's why I'm the most feared!

Interrupt me again, and you'll walk the plank.

I'll be taking that cat's-eye diamond

from you now.


Whoa, whoa, whoa!



I be allergic to blasted kitties!


Oh! Ugh.

Ugh, and so be Poulet.


[all] Whoa!

Fresh Beats, anchors away.

[tires squeal]

What happened?

[gasps] Someone unhooked our bus!

What about Kitty Boo Boo?

Come on! We have to protect her.

Come on, Fresh Beats. Let's go!

Distract the kitty with your jaunty pirate antics

so we can snatch the jewel!


♪ We all have beards and puffy sleeves ♪

♪ And patches on our pants

♪ With our pirate song and our jaunty ways ♪

♪ You haven't got a chance ♪

♪ When a pirate hears the squeeze-box play ♪

♪ A pirate has to dance

♪ A pirate has to dance! ♪

[Poulet squawks]

Ah! Ah!


I've got the diamond! I've got the diamond!

♪ And once the captain's got the jewel ♪

♪ A pirate has to dance

[Captain Argh] Ha ha ha!

Yo ho ho ho ho ho ho!



The egg detector's going off.

The thieves are around here somewhere.


[Shout] There's Kitty Boo Boo.

[Kiki] Look!

The pirate float.

With real pirates.

♪ A pirate has to dance!

♪ Yo ho ho ho ho, ho ho ♪


What is it, Kitty Boo Boo?


Oh, Bo said that she said

that Captain Argh-- a singing, dancing,

pickle-eating pirate thief-- stole the cat's-eye diamond,

and she's going to go get it back.

Oh, and Bo also said that Kitty Boo Boo

is one cool kitty.

I think that's everything. Yeah.


[all] Kitty Boo Boo!

Whew! She's okay!

[air hissing]


She's not okay!



Bo Monkey!

We've got to save Kitty Boo Boo and Bo Monkey.

And get the cat's-eye diamond back.

Fresh Beats, let's roll.


Ha ha harg!

At last, I have a complete set of the world's best

beplundered jewel collection.

Hargh hargh!

It goes so nicely

with the eye patches of the world collection

and the pirate legends peg leg collection.

Arr har har hargh!

The other pirate captains will be so jealous!

There he is!

Captain, they're following us!

Hardy hargh hargh. Watch this.

♪ We won't stop till we get to the very top ♪

♪ She's right, she's right ♪

♪ Stop the clock

♪ Are you ready to roll?

♪ Are you ready?

♪ 'Cause here we go ♪

♪ We got a green light

♪ We're gonna take a ride ♪

- I got this. - Look out!

♪ What are you waiting for?

Going up.

♪ It's time to groove it ♪

♪ Are you ready?

♪ 'Cause here we go ♪

♪ Oh oh, oh oh

♪ Get up, get on your feet ♪

♪ Oh oh, oh oh

We've got those pirates trapped!

[tires squealing]

♪ Here we go

[Twist] Whoa! The float floats.

[Marina] 'Cause the float's a boat!

And it's getting away!

Life vests on, Fresh Beats.

We're about to make a splash.

[engine droning]


♪ Here we go

[engine droning]


- [meowing] - [squawking]


Uh-oh, there be a problem, mateys.

Aye, Captain.

There's a chicken and a cat fighting on your head.


No, another problem!

The Fresh Beats still be after us.

Man the cannons, and put on your life vests!

[pirate] Aye, Captain.

I be putting on me pirate floaties.


[egg splashes]

Check it out!

That crazy pirate is aiming cannons at us.

He wouldn't really fire them, would he?

[cannons boom]

[all] Yes!


Fog cannons?

That's where the fog's coming from!

[Marina] Let's track that ship.

Checking radar.


Checking sonar.


Checking snack bar.


Carrot sticks for days!

This fog is so thick, it's blocking our equipment.

How are we ever gonna find that pirate ship?

Got it!

It's banana ladder time.

I see the pirate boat.

It's getting away.

[Captain Argh] Almost there, me hearties.

Steer her straight for the waterfall.


You'll have to go super fast to catch them.

Hang on tight!

I'm putting it in overdrive.



That'll do it.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoo!

Ha ha! The pirate ship.



It's gone.

And Kitty Boo Boo too!

And the cat's-eye diamond.

And Bo Monkey!

How does an entire pirate ship just disappear?

[jewels tinkle]

[Kitty Boo Boo meowing]

Whoa! Ah!



Mateys, lock the blasted kitty someplace safe.





Get that monkey!

- Oy! - Eh!


Get him!



You're no match for Poulet, monkey.

I've spent many a late night teaching that chicken

to sword fight with a feather!

Hmm, now that I've said that out loud,

I'm thinking maybe I am a little crazy.






Enough monkey business!

[seagulls screeching]

No sign of the pirate ship.

[Shout] Ha ha, surf's up!


[engine droning]

I don't see anything either.

[engine droning]

Fresh Beats, come quick.

[engine droning]

What be the password?



[door slams]

[engine drones]

[Shout] Hmm, their secret lair.

That must be where Bo Monkey,

Kitty Boo Boo, and the diamond are.

But how do we get in?

Yeah, without getting caught by...

[both] A pirate.

[Marina] Argh!

[screams] A pirate!



Marina, you look totally piratey.

Man, if you could make us all look like that,

we'd get into the secret lair no problem.

That's the plan.

Okay, remember the pirate stuff I taught you.

Let's practice our arghs.

[all] Argh!

- Argh! - Argh!


[all] Argh!

Okay, that'll have to do.

And don't forget the jaunty walk.

[all] Argh!

Halt! What be the password?

Ooh, ouch, sounds like you've got

a little bit of a sore throat.

Don't worry; I've got just the thing.

Sometimes I get a little raspy, and I just gargle

with some warm water.

[water swishing]


I said, "What be the password?"





Hmm, close enough.

Enter the pirate lair.

And would you like a pickle?

Ooh, don't mind if I do.


Mmm, sour, but-- argh--delicious.

[pirates] ♪ We all have beards and puffy sleeves ♪

♪ And patches on our pants

♪ With pirate song and jaunty ways ♪

♪ You haven't got a chance ♪


Argh, the egg detector.

That must mean Bo and Kitty Boo Boo are nearby.

♪ A pirate has to dance



They must be eggs-tremely close.

Fresh Beats, find that chicken.

Bo Monkey!

[Poulet squawks]

Um, argh?


Hardy hargh hargh.


Fresh Beats, the chicken has the key.

And a really big mouth.

Er, well, a beak, actually.

- [squawking] - What is it, Poulet?

Keep moving.

And pirate it up!

- Argh! - Peg leg!

- Shiver me timbers! - Argh!

[Shout] Ah, we're outnumbered,

and the chicken is onto us.

We need a plan to save Bo Monkey and Kitty

and get that treasure.

[Marina] Baking soda and pickle juice.

Just the right ingredients!

[Kiki] To make pickle pie.

Or for super-gross cupcakes.

No, to make something much more expl*sive.

But first I need a distraction.

Hey, I'll play the squeeze-box.

Twist, this is no time for music.

[Shout] Well, when a pirate hears the squeeze-box play...

[all] ♪ A pirate has to dance!

You got it!

Arr, mateys! Shiver me timbers.

How about a little entertainment?


One, two, argh!

♪ I know you feel the groove, groove ♪

♪ It's time ♪

♪ This ship is gonna move, move ♪

♪ That's right ♪

♪ We're rounding up the crew, crew ♪

♪ Come on

♪ You know it's going down ♪

♪ Yo ho oh oh

♪ We'll put it on repeat ♪

♪ Yo ho oh oh

♪ Across the seven seas, seas

♪ Yo ho oh oh

♪ So get up on your feet and do your thing ♪

♪ Wanna see some swashbuckling ♪

♪ Every pirate has to dance

♪ So strike a pose and take a chance ♪

♪ So all you mateys, hoist your hands ♪

♪ 'Cause every pirate has to dance ♪

♪ Yo ho oh yo ho yo ho hey ♪

♪ Yo ho oh yo ho

♪ A pirate has to dance

♪ The music starts to play, play ♪

♪ Me hearties

♪ And you can't help but sway, sway ♪

♪ Let's party ♪

♪ No swabbing decks today, ay ♪

♪ We gotta get our groove on

♪ Get your, get your groove on

♪ Yo ho oh oh

♪ We'll put it on repeat ♪

♪ Yo ho oh oh

♪ Across the seven seas, seas ♪

♪ Yo ho oh oh

♪ So get up on your feet and do your thing ♪

♪ Wanna see some swashbuckling

♪ Every pirate has to dance

♪ Shiver me timbers

♪ So strike a pose and take a chance ♪

♪ I hope you're limber ♪

♪ So all you mateys hoist your hands ♪

♪ Let's see those hands ♪

♪ 'Cause every pirate has to dance ♪

♪ Yo ho oh yo ho yo ho hey ♪

♪ Yo ho oh yo ho

♪ A pirate has to dance

♪ Yo ho oh yo ho yo ho hey ♪

♪ Yo ho oh yo ho

♪ A pirate has to dance


[Marina] Now, when the pickle vinegar

hits the baking soda...

Pickle lava! Shoutstanding!

Let's get out of here!








[Twist] She's gonna blow!

Come on, Bo! Come on, Kitty Boo Boo!

[chattering] Bawk bawk bawk!

You're right.

I got Poulet.

Okay, we just need to get the cat's-eye diamond.

And all the other treasure.

Too late! Look!

Wahoo! You haven't got a chance.

♪ 'Cause when a pirate hears the squeeze-box play ♪

He makes his escape! Whoo!

Captain Argh is getting away!

With all the stolen jewels!


[engine droning]

[Kiki] Oh, no, he won't!

Come on, Fresh Beats!



[engine droning]

Har har har hargh!


I can't catch him.

[Twist] But I know someone who can.

Kitty Boo Boo, come here!



Argh, argh, argh, argh, argh!

I can't see!


[Marina] We're taking you in, Captain Argh.

[Shout] And returning this treasure to its rightful owners.

Oh, arr har har har har hargh!


Thanks, Fresh Beats.

You rescued Kitty Boo Boo and recovered the stolen jewels.

Uh, Commissioner?

What's gonna happen to Captain Argh?

Captain Argh will be hard at work

serving up pickle-and-egg pies.


One egg-and-pickle

Little Buccaneer's meal coming up.


You want fries with that?

[tearfully] Argh!

What a great parade.

What a great pickle.

What a great day.

[Fresh Beat Band] ♪ We had a great day

♪ It was a super way

♪ To spend some time together

♪ La, la-la-la-la-la

♪ Hey

♪ Great day

♪ A great, great day

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Great day

♪ And it goes a little something like this ♪

♪ Oh, yeah!