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01x16 - Bunnies Go Bananas

Posted: 12/05/23 18:05
by bunniefuu
all: ♪ Get your spy on, spy on ♪

♪ You're on a mission with a Twist and Shout ♪

♪ Shout!

♪ Kiki and Marina spy it up to work it out ♪

♪ Out!

♪ Bounce with our sidekick, Bo ♪

♪ Gadgets on the go

♪ Who's the first at the scene of the crime? ♪

♪ Fresh Beats!

♪ Solving the mystery every time ♪

♪ Trouble's no match for the Fresh Beat Band of Spies ♪

♪ Get your hands up high

♪ Find a cool disguise

♪ Fresh Beat Band of Spies

♪ Get your spy on

- [whispering] Bo Monkey, it's times like these

when being a spy comes in very handy.

That's it. Act like a scarecrow.

- [grumbles]

- Or a Scare-Bo.


Just be quiet and very still.

Now we'll find out who or what has been stealing

the bananas from your banana plant.

- [shushes]

- Huh?

[all cooing]

- [chattering]

- Whoa, did you see that fluffle of buffy flunnies?

Er, the blundle of flunny buffies?

The bundle of fluffy bunnies.

- Ha, ha!

[bunnies chattering]

- The bunnies have been stealing your bananas!

- No!

[bunnies chattering]

- Whoa!

- Come back with Bo's banana!

- [chattering]

- ♪ If you're feeling kind of stuck and you ♪

- ♪ Just can't shake it ♪

- ♪ You need a fresh new plan, but you ♪

- ♪ Just can't make it ♪

- ♪ Well, don't give up, nuh-uh ♪

- ♪ Don't you quit ♪

- ♪ Come on, let loose

- ♪ Do a banana split, yeah

♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na, let's go bananas ♪

♪ We just got to go bananas

♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na, let's go bananas ♪

- I'm good.

Except for the whole, you know, upside down thing.

- Whoa! - Whoo!

Still good.

- Twist!

- Are you okay, Twist?

- I'm fine, but a bunch of bunnies

have burgled the bananas off Bo's beautiful plant.

- That's bonkers.

- It's bananas!

- Bunnies like bananas?

- Oh, you bet!

Bunnies go bananas for bananas.

I learned that from my nana.

She's bananas for bunnies

and bananas and plaid pajamas.

- The bunnies didn't get all the bananas

off the banana plant.

There's still one left.

- Ha, ha, ha!

- Hey!

- That cute bunny stole Bo's last banana.

- [whines]

- Aw, it'll be okay, Bo Monkey.

- Sure, it will.

I know how to fix your plant, Bo.

Let's go to the lab.

- Huh? Hmm.

Hmm, hmm, huh?

- These vitamins and minerals will make a super grow spray

to help the banana plant grow faster and stronger.

- You see, little planty?

Marina's gonna take really good care of you.

Hey, say something.

- To the plant?

- Yeah. Talking to plants makes them feel better.

Oh, I'm sorry, little planty.

I didn't mean to ignore you.

- Oh, and plants really like music too.

- [chattering]

[kazoo honking]


[jazzy trombone music]



[funky hip-hop music]

- [laughing]

all: Go, Bo! Go, Bo! Go, Bo! Go, Bo!

- Ha, that plant's dancing with Bo.

- Yes! Planty's doing the cabbage patch dance.

Oh, no, that's the banana patch dance.

Ha-ha, hoo-hoo, ha-ha!

- All right, Bo Monkey.

Let's spray it up.

Careful! Just one little spray.

This super growth spray is strong.

- Okay.

[confused noise]

- [laughs] You have to give it a little time, Bo Monkey.

- Yay!

- All right!

Go, Planty. Grow, Planty.

Go, Planty. Grow, Planty!

- Look at it grow!

[all laughing]

- He's got the hicky-ups.

- Once it's back to full strength,

we'll plant it back in the garden.

- [happy chattering]

- Aw, you're welcome, Bo.

[suspenseful music]

- Ah! Ah?

all: Ah!

- Hmm, hmm, hmm.

[upbeat instrumental music]

all: Ah!


- ♪ The way you smile, the way you laugh ♪

♪ You know you got it like that ♪

- ♪ It's true, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪

♪ So cute, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪

- ♪ You steal my heart, it's off the charts ♪

♪ Yeah, just the way you are

- ♪ It's true, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪

♪ So cute, uh-huh, uh-huh ♪

all: ♪ Everything you do is cute ♪

♪ So warm and fuzzy

♪ Loveable and huggable too

♪ You know you got me

♪ You are the one that makes me smile ♪

♪ You're cute ♪

♪ Cute

♪ So cute

♪ Yeah

♪ I want you

♪ Whoo-oh-oh

♪ You know it's true ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh

♪ I heart you

- ♪ You're so cute ♪

♪ You're so cute ♪

[rooster crowing]

[all gasp]

- What happened, Marina?

Your lab's a mess.

- It looks like somebody trashed it last night.

- Who could've done that?

- Hey guys, what happened to Marina's--

whoa, whoa, whoa!

[both yelling]

- [coughs]

Hey, it's powdered sugar. Sweet!

It's, like, really sweet.

I'm like a big sugary powdered donut.

- What's this goo on the floor?

- Maybe it's a cluuuuuuuuue.

Guys, it leads right out the front door

and down the street.

- That's odd.

- And it's pretty slippery. [gasps]

- [chatters]

- [gasps] Planty! He's gone!

- [whimpers]

- Don't worry, Bo Monkey.

It has to be around here someplace.

It's not like a banana plant can just get up and walk away.

- Trashed bakery, slippery trail,

missing banana plant.

Something really strange is going on!

- Sounds like a mission for the Fresh Beat Band...

all: Of Spies.

- Fresh Beats, time to spy it up.

- Ooh-ooh!

[dramatic music]

[watches beeping]

- There's got to be a connection

between the trashed bakery and Bo Monkey's

missing banana plant.

- And the slippery, gooey trail?

- Hey, Bo Monkey, now we're not just roommates;

we're broom-mates too!



Oh, wait, sweep!

[both laughing]

- Brainstorm!

My fingerprint finder!

We can check the bakery for fingerprints.

[electronic beeping]

- It's pointing you to a fingerprint.

It says the last person to touch this muffin was...


- Oh, yeah. Yeah, that was me.

Hey, those oatmeal muffins are awesome.

- There are fingerprints on the floor?

- That's not a fingerprint. That's a paw print!

- Huh?

- And not just any paw print, bunny paw prints!

Just like at the garden!

- Aha!

- Do you think that the bunnies wanted bananas

so badly, they broke into the bakery?

[electronic beeping]

- Fresh Beats?

all: Reed!

- Meet me at spy headquarters.

You've got a mission.

- We're on it, Reed.

Fresh Beats, let's rock n' roll!

[all yelling]

- Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Here we go.

- Reed? - Hello, Reed?

- Over here, dearie.

- Excuse me, ma'am, have you--

- Fresh Beats?

all: Reed!

- Okay, that was a good one.

- Your mission is very slippery.

- We know.

We slipped and slid on our way in here.

[electric whirring and buzzing]

- That slippery trail is all over town.

People are slip-sliding all over the sidewalks

on th Street.

At the baseball field, the players aren't just

sliding to home base;

they're basically sliding all the way home!

No one knows where the slippery trail of slime came from,

but it's everywhere.

Everybody's slipping all over town.

Lucky for me, I've got on my super-sticky,

no-slip slippers today.


I might have used too much super-sticky stuff.

Fresh Beats, your mission is to find whatever's making

that slippery trail and stop it.

- We're on it, Reed.

- Fresh Beats, let's roll!

- It looks so slimy.

- So slimy and so slippery.

- So slimy and slippery and super slickery-yicky.

- This looks exactly like the slippery goo

in the bakery earlier.

- I'll zoom in close with my magnifying mirror

to get a better look.

[both sniffing]

- Hmm, this goo smells familiar,

but I can't quite put my nose on it.


No, really, I can't put my nose on it.

Kiki's mirror is in the way.

Hang on.

- Huh?

- Don't worry; with these super-sniffy sniffers,

I can super-sniffy sniff any super-sniffy

or even slightly iffy smell.

This super-slippery substance has a mysterious

and yet familiar scent.

What is it?

- [sniffs]


Ha! Banana!

- Fruity and yellowish.

- Banana, banana!

- [sniffs]


- Ba-na-na. Ba-na-na.

- Huh? Oh, thanks, Bo Monkey.

Yes, a snack will help super-sniffy Twist

sniff out the solution.

What is this smell?


Mm! I got it!

The slippery goo is banana!

- [groans and chatters]

- A trail this long must be from a lot of bananas.

- Fresh Beats, let's follow the trail.

[upbeat music]

[all yelling]

- [gasps]

What's going on?

- Oh, sorry, excuse us.

Pogo out of control-o.

- Where's everybody going?

- Hey, what's the rush?

- [screams]

- Okay.

- What are all these people running away from?

- I don't know.

But this is where the slippery gooey trail

seems to lead.

- Um, guys?

- The slippery trail can't just end.

- Uh, Fresh Beats?


- What was that?

- Agh, Fresh Beats!

all: Whoa.

- [chattering]

- A banana monster.

I did not see that coming.

- Uh-uh.

- Ooh, thirsty...

- That banana monster wasn't kidding!

He's really thirsty.

- Thirsty...



- He's looking for more water.

- I should talk to him.

- Talk to him?

- Yeah, talking to plants makes them feel better, remember?

- Thirsty, thirsty, thirsty!

- Hey there, big banana buddy!

- Thirsty.

- Sure, totally, I get it.

See, you and me, we're a lot alike, right?

You're yellow. I'm dressed in yellow.

We're both really into bananas.

- [hiccuping]

- Twist, stand back!

- [grunting]

- Whoa, he hiccupped just like Bo Monkey's

missing banana plant hiccupped.

- Could that be Little Planty?

- Maybe Marina's super growth spray

made Bo's banana plant super duper big!

- [chatters worriedly]

[chatters excitedly]

- Oh, Bo Monkey, no!

- [groans]

- Whoo-hoo!

- [groans]

- [munches]

- [groaning]

- [happy chattering]

- Don't worry, Bo Monkey!

I'll save you!


- Got you.

- Whew, thanks, Shout.

- Thirsty, thirsty, thirsty.

- Oh, no, the banana monster's got Bo!

- Fresh Beats, I got an idea.

We got to get back to the lab.

- I just need to mix up an antidote

to the super growth spray.

- Huh? That's weird.

The green grow goo's glowing.


Oh, wow.

Oh, whoa!



- If your solution shrinks the banana monster

back to normal, we can rescue Bo Monkey.

- And save the city.

- I wish I had something giant to test it out on.

- Uh, guys?

- Whoa!

- Yeah! Big news.

I might have accidentally fallen into

some of the super grow solution

and turned myself into a ginormous giant.

- Twist, you are huge!

- I know. Cool, right?

- Uh, Marina?

You might want to test your shrinking solution

on Twist.

- Ooh! Ooh, yes! Please pick me!

Pick me-- [bonk]

Ow. Um, pick me.

- I guess I better. And I hope it works.

Ready, Twist?

- I mean, Bo's out there alone, afraid,

probably with a belly full of bananas.

I got to do this!

Fresh Beats, let's spray it up!

- [humming]

- Whoo, whoo-hoo-hoo!

Okay, everybody do the noodle.

- I think I need to add a pinch of puffy powder.

- Whoo--oh, ah, ah--


- Something's still missing.

I know! A little of this.

- Wow, okay.

The new hair's really growing on me.

- Nice.

I mean, it's still not working!

- Okay, well, a pinch of this, a dash of that,

a little bit of this, a sprinkle here,

and then a dash of shrinking stuff.


I hope this works.

- Uh... - Uh...

- You did it, Marina!

The shrinking spray turned Twist back to normal.

- Whew! Thank you.

- Now we just need to spray it on the banana monster.

- All right, Fresh Beats.

We know the banana monster wants water.

So I sent a map of all the city's water sources

to your spy watches.

- Great, we can start looking for him there.

Marina, you've got the shrinking spray?

- Got it.

- Bo Monkey, we're coming for you!

- Fresh Beats, let's find that banana monster!

- ♪ If you're feeling kind of stuck and you... ♪

- ♪ Just can't shake it ♪

- ♪ You need a fresh new plan, but you... ♪

- ♪ Just can't make it ♪

- ♪ Well, don't give up, nuh-uh ♪

- ♪ Don't you quit ♪

- ♪ Come on, let loose

- ♪ Do a banana split, yeah

♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na, let's go bananas ♪

♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na, let's go bananas ♪

♪ We just got to go bananas

♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na, let's go bananas ♪

- ♪ Oh-oh-oh, yeah-ah-ah-ah

- ♪ Go a little ape sometimes

♪ We just can't help it ♪

- ♪ I got to jump and dance around ♪

♪ I just have to move it

- ♪ I'm a jiggly wild thing ♪

♪ I just can't quit ♪

- ♪ Let's giggle, let's wiggle ♪

♪ Let's banana split, yeah ♪

♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na, let's go bananas ♪

♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na, let's go bananas ♪

♪ We just got to go bananas

♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na, let's go bananas ♪

- ♪ Tell me who's the smoothest groove ♪

♪ Rocking the cool yellow suit ♪

- ♪ Take the B to the A to the N ♪

- ♪ And bring it back again

- ♪ The A to the N to the A

♪ And I just got to say

- ♪ B-A-N-A-N-A, ay, go bananas, ay ♪

- ♪ Go banana, no banana, listen to me flow banana ♪

- ♪ B banana, C banana, hanging in a tree banana ♪

♪ Banana bread, banana said ♪

- ♪ Banana yellow, green, and red ♪

♪ Peel banana, feel banana

♪ Keeping it real banana

♪ Yo banana, go banana, B-A-N-A-N-A ♪

♪ Na-na-na-na-na-na, let's go bananas ♪

- We've got to find that banana monster--and fast.

- I know we're on the right track.

- We just keep missing him.

- Fresh Beats! all: Reed!

- The banana monster's been spotted near City Hall.

Get over there now and stop him!

- We're on it, Reed.

- Wait, better throw out the rest of this super grow spray

before it causes any more problems.

Yuck, it's dripping.

[all chattering]

- Ah!

[all exclaim]

- Okay, the fire hose is hooked up to the t*nk

with the shrinking spray solution.

Kiki, Marina, it's time to get our big banana buddy over here.

- Banana thirsty!

- We've got eyes on the prize, Firefighter Shout.

I repeat, the big banana is peeling this way.

- He's got Bo Monkey with him.

- Hey, big giant banana monster thing!

Over here! I've got water!

- Thirsty.

- He's headed your way, Shout!

- Kay, you spray him, and I'll grab Bo.

- Fresh Beats, I think we have a bigger problem.

- Uh, guys? Am I crazy, or is that a--

all: Giant bunny!

- Where did that come from?

- He must have found the super growth spray.

- Ooh, ooh, ah.

- [laughing]

- [chattering]


- We have to save Bo and Planty

from that giant-banana-eating giant bunny!


We have to save me

from the giant-banana-eating giant bunny!

- Hey, banana monster!

I've got your solution right here.

- [gurgles]

- Drink up and shrink down.

- [hiccups]

- Bo!

Ha, got you, buddy!

- Glad you're okay, Bo.

The giant bunny is still after the banana plant!

- Whoa!

I'm okay.

- We need that giant bunny to drink the shrinking solution.

- I've got it.

What we need is something that giant bunnies love,

something that giant bunnies can't resist no matter what,

something that will taste so yummy in his giant bunny tummy

that he'll want to drink it all up.

What we need is a giant banana smoothie!

- Twist, how are we going to make a smoothie that big?

- Add more, little more, little more.

Backing up, backing up.

And stop!

- Let 'er rip!

- Time to blend it up.

- Wait, we have to mix in the shrinking solution.

- Sweet! It's a massive banana smoothie!

- Special! Special! Today only!

Free banana smoothies for giant bunnies!

- Ooh...



[all cheering]

- It worked.

The bunny's back to normal.

Great job, Fresh Beats.

- [sighs]

- Here you go, little bunny. Have a banana.

Aw, what a cute wittle bunny.

Can we keep him?

- Banana-picking party!

[funky music]

- Great job, Fresh Beats.

You saved the city from the giant bunny

and the banana monster

and helped clean up the slippery goo.

We couldn't have done it without you.

- Time to celebrate with a...

- Banana cream pie!

Sweet! Like, really sweet.

- Mmm-mmm. What a great pie!

- What great bunny friends!

- What a great day.

- Mm-hmm!


- ♪ We had a great day

♪ It was a super way

♪ To spend some time together

♪ La, la-la-la-la-la

♪ Hey

♪ Great day

♪ A great, great day

♪ Oh, yeah

♪ Great day

♪ And it goes a little something like this ♪

♪ Oh, yeah!