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01x04 - The Stitch Up

Posted: 12/06/23 13:21
by bunniefuu
Dodge, you know I did warn

you about diggin' up the dead.

Still, nobody could have

predicted an exploding corpse.

You know, I rather enjoyed

my life before you showed up.

That's nice. To the man who raised you.

You're a blight, Fagin.

- A canker.

- Things will turn.

It'll take time before we reach

the lofty tops of our success

when we was the toast of London.

We weren't even the toast

of Clerkenwell Green.

My coat!

Hey, look, I found your sit-upons.

You see, our luck's changing.


- Oh, our carriage awaits.


You're not flaggin' it down?



Bloody hell! It's that Gaines geezer.

- Quick, hide yourself. Hide.

- Okay.

Gentlemen, would you care for a lift?

No, just out for a stroll.

Oh, I insist.


ROTTY: You have any

luck with them marrows?

You should bring 'em round, so

as I can take a look at them.

You want to look at

my shrivelled marrows?

[CHUCKLES] You're not wrong.


Sherbet. You know, the sun's up.

I'd better rush back

before anyone wakes.

You can't stay for a boiled egg?

No, they'll be up soon.

Their eyes will be out and

their disdain in full flight.

I'll have you in me head all day.

You don't mean that in jest, do you?

Not at all.

It's just, I don't think I've

heard those words come from a woman.

In a pleasant way.

- Swing by as soon as you can.

- Yes.

My colleague and I just buried

a cadaver, I do apologise.

Gambling last night, Doctor?

No. Just out, saving lives.

I imagine you've learned

your lesson there.

How so?

Darius tells me that you owe

him a great deal of money.

I would sooner dance upon nothing

than darken medicine's name

by involving myself in larceny.

The noose has been strung.

Doesn't matter much who hangs

first, the guilty hang eventually.

That's a lot of hanging.

Here we are, gentlemen.

Oh, one last question.

How would burying a corpse

leave you covered in


Typhoid, I'm afraid.

We had to burn the cadavers and

this was a particularly gaseous one.

- He knows. He's on to us.

- Yes, I picked that up.

Between him and Darius,

what are we gonna do?

An enemy's only an enemy

till you stitch 'em up.

Now, Darius is trying to

fling you in the excrement

with all this gab of your debt.

I say, let's return the favour,

nobble him for the crime,

and then we could go and

have a nice rum and a pie

down the old Bagpipes.

I have somewhat a moral quandary

with that. They'll hang him.

He didn't have any about

hackin' your meat-hooks off.

As a doctor, I refuse to take a life.

And I won't swing for the

one time I didn't nick it.

No. You're gonna have to

come up with something else.


Which of you festering whores

ruined me with the itch?

Who did this?

Put it away, Darius.

My girls is all clean.

They've just been checked.

Why did I spend most of the week

with my bollocks in a bucket of gin?

I'll take this week's

sugar while I'm here.

I'd look elsewhere for

suspicion if I was you.

Perhaps that devout wife of

your dear friend, Captain Gaines,

you've been bonestorming



Whatever you're implying,

I guess we'll never find out.

HETTY: Rash check! Check your rosebush!

Rotty. Rotty!

GAINES: I've papered the

town in reward posters

and already, there are a

number of critical leads

about the stolen soldiers' pay.

They won't get far.

Bloody well catch them, then.

This has really dragged on.

If the soldiers don't

get paid, they'll riot.

It's in hand.

Is it? It's been nearly a week.

Is it not possible they've fled?

- He's doing the best he can.


Are we whispering now

in Government House?

Something we're not privy to?

An old whore got her

throat slashed, Milady.

An old whore? Uh, which one?

From the Cat and Bagpipes.

She's at the hospital,

I doubt she'll make it.

You could show some

concern for this poor woman.

- Governor?

- Well, he could.

And get on top of this wages thing.

- Are you all right, Father?

- Uh, yes, yes.

Uh, out for a walk. Might

drop by the hospital.

The Professor's making

noises about retiring again.

Need to choose a new Head Surgeon.

- I'll come with.

- No. No need.

I know just the man to choose.

DRIVER: Move aside! Move!



Tails. My turn.

Lady Belle. What are you doing here?

I'm with my father to

observe your work together.

He's scouting for Head Surgeon, I hope?

Hmm, I think you'll find

the charnel house of surgery

rather upsetting, milady.

This isn't a pantomime.

There's real blood involved.

If you'd like to assist, you might

read to the convalescing patients.

Most of them can't read a word.


Father paid for that

man's medical education.

Should've paid a bit more.

- You're not going in?

- He won the coin toss.

That's how you assign surgeries?

What does she need?

Carotid ligation.

- Can he do it?

- Maybe.

Could you?




Privileged to have you

here, Your Excellency.


Her neck has been cut with a blade

and I'll be doing an

exceedingly difficult procedure,

- a carotid ligation.


Shut up, please.

Speed and dexterity.

If she doesn't die of shock, tying

the ligation could finish her off.


As always, here's hoping we

don't sh**t into the brown.


First, I must open the wound.

Dear God!


My finger is now hooked

around her artery.

Come on!

Using forceps to slip the

linen under the artery.

Tying the ligation!

The ligation's been

tied. What-ho! She bumps!


MAN: Yes, sir. Sherbet! [CHUCKLES]

TIM: Into the hat for you, kind sir.

Thank you very much.

Keep it coming, gentlemen.

Well, that was quite the performance.

Just shy of an

orchestra. Sneed's absurd.

The surgery was competent.

He's making a tilt for Head Surgeon.

Christ. He'll be insufferable.

It should be you.

No, I'm a surgeon. I'm not a

pen-pusher. They'd hardly take me.

It's a paid position.

You'd have a house and a salary.

You could break from

your life of thievery.

My thievery has been very occasional.

Perhaps I should say

it in criminal terms.

This position is being stolen from you.

It is not based on cutting skill.

I would have to hobnob

in some grand house.

If you mean my house, it's an estate.

Head Surgeon is a position given

to men my father finds familiar.

That's me finished, then.

By the distinction of

having good manners.

And that dismal art happens to be

something that I am an expert in.

Let me help you.



GAINES: A word, Rainsford.

I've heard reports that Dr.

Dawkins is in considerable debt.

We live like monks on

tithings. I get paid in poultry.

It's completely untenable,

unless one has a private means.

- And he hasn't?


His debts draw suspicion.

No, that's quite the leap.

I hope you're not alluding

that my colleague is involved

in this sordid business?

I need all the hands I can get.

That said, wouldn't

put him up for the club.

[CHUCKLES] No, no, of course not.

One last word.

Has there been an outbreak

of typhoid recently?

Not for six years.

Thank you, Rainsford.

You've been very helpful.

What the hell are you doing?

There was no typhoid outbreak.

No, it was a false alarm.

We were overly cautious.

Excuse me, those are medical

instruments, I need those.

I know you're responsible.

What, for typhoid?

For the theft.

There are two paths for you, Doctor,

and for that shambles of a human being.

One path leads to the

gallows with a swift drop.

The other leads to the gallows

via flogging and t*rture.

Which would you prefer?

I'm sorry, what was the first one again?

Sir, there's nothing here.

No. And with good reason.

Because we didn't nick the cash.

It'll surface.

Have you heard about this

reward? Twenty gold shigs.

Yeah, they've put a mark on our heads.

It's almost worth turning ourselves in.

We need to find Red, get

that money and put it back.

Nah, she's stitched

us twice and vanished.

We need to smoke the bird out.

Is that your grand plan?

And you do realise what will

happen if we don't smoke her out?

I suppose I'll be

assigned another master.

No. I'll see to it that you're

swingin' right next to me.

Have a little faith in your old

man. Anyone can nick a sack o' gold.

You know who makes it

reappear? A magician.

Jack, I need you to come.

Sneed! Your patient.

More than happy to explain

the procedure, Dawkins.

Please do. It's rather urgent.


What's she done now?

The carotid aneurysm

needs a second surgery.

The Governor's watched this surgery

and I've been invited to

Government House to celebrate it.

Let's try and keep her alive until

after the second dessert, shall we?

- HETTY: Dr. Sneed!

- Very good.


Belle, are you home?

Dr. Sneed has been invited

to join us for dinner.

We'll be in the second dining room,

which fits the evening for its intimacy.

I'm being served on a platter for

him. I hope it's not too pointed.

No man wants to feel trapped,

even in the spoils of the colony.


You want to marry sniffly Sneed,

the boy who cried when

we used to tease him?

He's grown and very ready for a wife.

I always forget you're unwell.


Dr. Dawkins, I have a front door.

I have a patient with a carotid

aneurysm. What do you know?

Astley Cooper performed

it twice 50 odd years ago.

- He did?

- Mmm-hmm.

- That's encouraging.

- Not really. Half the patients died.


What about with ether and carbolic acid,

does that change the odds?

I've never done this before.

Few surgeons have. But yes, it might.

We'll need a fresh

cadaver to practice with.

I can find the means if

you have to pay for it.

[CHUCKLES] No, we don't

pay for cadavers, Belle.

We just borrow them.

Has your father had

anyone recently hanged?


released rabbits, and

- Eleven o'clock.

- Tonight. Try and bring your books if you can.

GOVERNOR: So, Sneed's the

man to replace you, you think?

- ALASTAIR: The only reasonable option.



- DODGER: Tim, the noose is upon us.

What've you done now?

But the more pressing question

is what have you done to us?

Now, we need Red here

to discuss the matter

of us bein' in the noose's shadow

for the shigs that she nicked.


We could always drag you

down to Captain Gaines

and have you recount your sordid

tale of desecrating corpses

and hidin' the proceeds of crime.

But we wouldn't do that

now, would we, Dodge?

She can't be summoned.

How do you run a house if

you can't find your woman?

She finds me.

If I've been generous to you at all

and I believe that I have been very,

then I ask for just a

portion of your loyalty.

Pricey, isn't it? Your loyalty.

Did you know?

Surgeons know everything

about the female body.

Female body, no.

If Sneed's Head Surgeon and we marry,

I suppose I'll be

matron of the hospital.

Patron of the hospital. Yes.

You're feigning disinterest,

because you think he'll choose you.

Go to bed. Honestly.

If I am patron, we could host

charitable balls together.

Wouldn't that be grand? You

wouldn't find me so tedious, then.

I hope you pursue whatever

interests you with absolute resolve.

Why? Is there something

wrong with Sneed?

I don't think he's a good match.

No. But run amok. Find out, I say.

You make everything less fun.


BELLE: "A large thrombus

developing proximal to their thread

- and occluding the artery "

- Faster.

"The ligation will prevent

the propagation of the clot

from spreading through the blood vessel

and release vasospasm."

- You haven't started.

- Keep going.

"Then hold the artery in one's mouth "

I don't think we'll be doing that.

I'll apply the clamps

and then sew us out.

I am thoroughly confused.

I need to ligate without

laying eyes on it.

You can't have gathered all that


Are you quite serious?


Ugh, I'm not trying that again.

After a certain number of dead

bodies, the taste does improve.


I suppose one gets used to it.

What I'd prefer is less death.

Why commit an operation

like that to memory?

Why make it harder for yourself

when you could just

follow Cooper's notes?

It's just how I do it.

Good night.



She will meet with ya.

Not you.

The old fella.

Wait. Did she say "old"? Is that

her actual word or is that you?

She said, "The white ghost

who's close to his grave."

Right. Thank you. I can

see why you changed it.

When will they meet?

The bush. First light. I'll

Nah, not the bush. I'll find

us a nice tavern with a booth.

Nah, not with Red. She's called you.

And don't bring a w*apon.

She'll cut your neck

before you've seen her.

No, the only weapons I need are these.

[GROANS] Tim! Tim!

This brutal orb. Don't it ever turn off?

Used to do me best work in a heavy fog.

This is just unnecessary.

Tim! Tim!


Ladies and gentlemen, there you are.

[CLEARS THROAT] Now, listen,

my master and I, we're

gonna swing from our necks

if we don't produce them

gold coins you nicked.

If we hang, all right?

You're gonna hang, too, because

I'm actually quite petty that way.

Or we could turn this to our mutual

benefit and just collect that

All right.

Look, you can't fence

new sovereign coins,

so why not take the reward money

you can actually spend by plantin'

the shigs on another chump?

I'm listening.

- DODGER: Let me save you, Rotty.


I'm gonna need a nod from you.

[HOARSELY] Darius.

Darius? Darius did this?

He got the Jim, Bobs, the Babs.

The what?

He The dribs and drabs.

Dribs and drabs? I hate to

ask, but can you be more clear?

He got crabs!

We'll ruin him.

Shit him up.

Yes. Right. Shit him up. How?

Shit him up.

All right. Could you be a

little bit more specific?

Sneed has stepped out, let's get her in.

- It's all right.


DODGER: And we're in.

"A large thrombus developing pro "

"Proximal to their threads and

occluding the artery." I have it.

- "The carotid corpus "

- Will you stop, please?

"The ligation will prevent

the propagation of the clot

and reduce vasospasm."

Is this the artery?

I think so.

You think so? If you're wrong, she dies.



- You have time

- I have it.

There. It's on. Final ligation. Scalpel.

I'm not getting it.

What? You can't let her.


God, I hope.

You hope?

It's tied. It's tied.



You realise this is the

first ever successful ligation

of a carotid aneurysm?

- Give it a minute.

- We can publish in The Lancet.

- I'll use my initials.

- Will you wait?

But she's got a pulse.

Even if the patient

doesn't live for long,

this is an unmatched

medical achievement.

No. That is called a failure.

I don't want my name

associated with that article.

But I can't use my name on it!

Then, leave it.

There's a dinner at Government

House to discuss Head Surgeon.

Is that before or

after the sugared plums?

Afterwards, obviously.

Let me know how it goes.

If you have any ambition,

then you have to fight for it.

I shall be turned

around like a curiosity.

If Sneed's Head Surgeon, he'll

be the end of all progress.

You won't get around him like the Prof.

With you at the helm,

we could make this colony

into a beacon of medicine.

So, this is about you.

I see it as a partnership.

I could counsel my father

and put you in that role.

Everything you've wanted

to try would be possible.

At least come to this

dinner, see it discussed?

- And Red's in on this?

- Largely, yes.

So, she's willing to forfeit all the

stolen money and claim the reward?

In a manner of speakin'.

I just need your help

with one other thing.

A straightforward misdiagnosis.

Pervert my calling?

Just this once, that'd be lovely.

When a doctor becomes a

criminal, all hell breaks loose.

No, you'd be finessing the

truth by telling Mrs. Gaines

that her simple case

of crabs is in fact


It starts with a terrible

itch in the loins,

and creeps up

until the conk drops off.

Not in this house.

I'll thank you to leave.

FAGIN: This is delicate, Frau Gaines.

Someone you know has recently

been diagnosed with the rot.

The gentleman in

question's a Harbour Master.

Darius Cracksworth.

He has been known

to take advantage of

a maid in my charge.

Yes. There is a cure.

An overnight carriage,

blacked out windows.

We must be discreet. The

Harbour Master is married.

[SHUDDERS] And how much will it cost?

Formidably expensive.

How much do you have?




"Jack Dawkins?"

Did we invite him?

We've invited Sneed and the Prof.

Do you think we should snub

the best surgeon in the colony?

Isn't he rather coarse?

Have you been alone with the surgeon?

There's always another body in the room.

He has your interest.

So, it's only fair that I extend

the same generous attention

toward him tonight.

Welcome. Now, forgive the staff.

They're difficult to punish

as they're indentured.

It's hardly Mayfair, is it?

No, perhaps you're right.

Perhaps, it's all in vain.

No, not at all. No,

it's a terrific turnout.

- The gardens

- Yeah.

Now, Fanny, darling?

Oh, you look rather lovely.

- Darling?

- What?


- GOVERNOR: Dr. Sneed.

- Thank you for your hospitality.

GOVERNOR: My pleasure.

I think I may have grown more attached

to the idea of Sneed than Sneed.

Is that possible?

SNEED: Yes, the surgery

I don't know the first

thing about men at all.

- What's Dawkins doing here?

- Why wouldn't he be?

Dawkins isn't quite the man

of medicine you think he is.

- You take off with my coins

- FAGIN: Yes, yes, yes.

I'll stick with the plan, or

you'll slice the conk from me bonce.


Thank you.

ALASTAIR: Yes, absolutely.


Ladies and gentlemen,

I'd like to thank you all

for coming this evening

on this thunderously balmy evening.

And to give our medical men

a really terrific nod for

their surgical exploits.

It's not for the faint of heart.

- Anyway, enjoy the evening.

- DODGER: Thank you.

Oh, interesting.

- LADY JANE: Quail egg.

- GOVERNOR: Looks quite yummy.

Dr. Dawkins, you've recently joined

us in the land of the misbegotten?

No, I've been here some time now.

You washed up ashore, did you?

Dr. Dawkins was decorated for

gallantry at the Siege of Sevastopol.


Just as a Surgeon Lieutenant.

It's nothing more than butchery, Milady,

and I grew tired of that, so

And before then? Your people?


But I found myself searching for

more modern solutions in medicine.

And I know I am out of favour

with some in this audience,

but I do believe that death

rate could be halved

The pain itself is God's work.

Quite right. It's very corrective.

Too many patients die on the

slab. There has to be a better way.

There's a reason Galen's precepts

are still in use 2,000 years later.

Yes, that's all very

interesting, but, you know,

it's not often that one gets

front row seats to real brilliance.

Which is why we're here.

Yesterday, one had

the privilege of seeing

Dr. Sneed's skill with the local woman.

Rotty's still kicking. Happy to say.

Yeah? She calls herself Rotty,

or was that given posthumously?

She isn't dead, darling.

At any rate, Prof's not immortal.

- More's the pity.


And we must plan for the future,

when the position of Head

Surgeon will become available.

- Dr. Sneed

- Wasn't Dr. Dawkins responsible

for the second surgery

that saved Rotty's life?

- A second surgery?

- He did what?

- I thought you said you'd fixed her.

- I most certainly did, sir.

There's no accounting for

what he did after that.

I believe Dr. Dawkins

successfully treated

the first carotid aneurysm in history.

We haven't even started on the soup.

I love soup.

- [SOBS]

- My dear.

The doctor was sure

that it was syphilis?

I've brought everything I need.

Our old lives are behind us now.

We'll just have to scratch

together whatever we can salvage.

But we are just goin'

overnight, aren't we?

No, we can never come back.

We'll start again in Newcastle.

I'm free of him. I'm free of that man.

And I've brought

valuables that we can sell.

- Is this all you have?

- I don't know what that is.

It's not my bag.

But, my darling, I thought we'd just go

and take the baths

and be back by morning.

Back by morning?

Yes. Just to

Stop the carriage! Stop it!


- Help.

Please, no

Stop the

We're locked in!

Stop the carriage!

Really, it's nothing.

Surgery on a carotid aneurysm

hasn't been done since

Cooper, 40 years ago.

I'm intrigued.

How is it Dawkins stumbled

on Cooper's case notes

and then used those to

operate on my patient?

We have the finest

library of medical texts.

I practiced on a cadaver.

From the little I know, Dr.

Dawkins followed Cooper's lectures,

word for word, with remarkable success.

How was he able to

draw from the lectures

without the rather requisite

skill of being able to read?


You operated on the old

girl and you can't read?

It's nonsense. Of course Jack can read.

All right. You. Out! Now!

Why are we standing? Do I entertain

them on the pipe organ now?

Sit down!

I'm afraid I, too,

have an uncomfortable

revelation. About the stolen pay.

Now seems an appropriate

time to deliver it.

My suspicions were first aroused

when told there'd been an outbreak

of typhoid and I can now confirm

- Get your hands off me!

- Captain Gaines.

Found this vagrant screamin'

he's got urgent news.

Flog him now or flog him in jail?

Is no one interested

in this urgent news?

This man is my servant.

And as such, I take full

responsibility for him

and whatever it is he's been up to.

Yes, well, I have vital

information about the soldiers' pay.


Your Majesties,

allow me to unfold a sordid

tale of unmatched woe.


Take me home! This is absurd!

- The coins aren't ours.

- Ours?


I have been kidnapped.

Darius has been a dear friend

and whilst it's sad to see

him hang, shackle him now.

Take them to the lock up.


- DARIUS: Get off me!

- PEGGY: Lucien!

Well, you've certainly

earned the reward

Norbert Fagin, sir.

- PEGGY: I'm your wife!

- Just doing me civic duty.


PEGGY: You are bound to me.

You can't just cast me aside!

Dr. Dawkins! Jack!

You dragged me here

for your own ambitions.

You only invited me because

when Sneed takes over,

he won't allow you

anywhere near a surgery,

and you thought that I

might. Just admit that.

Clearly, I backed the wrong horse.

You are more than welcome to

attend a surgery as a nurse.

But no, that's well beneath you.

Why don't you just enjoy the rare

option of never havin' to work?

I am rare.

I've had biology tutors

and medical texts.

I've corresponded with surgeons.

I'll never see the inside

of a surgical theatre,

but they'll take a man who can't read.

I can read!

I can read.

Just not very well.

Words swirl on the page for me.

And yes, perhaps I am the wrong horse

because I'm not in a

position to help you.

Certainly not after tonight, not

after the actor failed to perform.

But you could have been, with

my influence, Head Surgeon.

We would have made quite the team.

Well, you can take the

boy out of East London,

but you really shouldn't.


We just k*lled a man. You

mind toning down the glee?

Now, we didn't off Darius.

That's the beauty of it. Gaines

will. Our conscience is clear.

Belle will never speak to me again.

There she is.

Give it up, Fagin.

RED: I'll take half.

Now, my

We'll make it a half. Yes.


She's done it again!

Fagin, I really don't care.

FAGIN: Hey, Dodge.

Stick a couple o' shigs

on for your old man.

Deal me in.