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19x03 - Enemy Pie

Posted: 12/06/23 19:40
by bunniefuu
Ainbow ♪

♪ Butterfly in the sky ♪

♪ I can go twice as high ♪

♪ Take a look
it's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can go ♪

♪ Anywhere ♪

♪ Friends to know ♪

♪ And ways to grow ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ I can be ♪

♪ Anything ♪

♪ Take a look ♪

♪ It's in a book ♪

♪ A reading rainbow ♪

♪ Reading rainbow ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

Captioning made possible by
u.s. Department of education


The park is full of kids today,

And everywhere you look
you see friends--

Friends laughing together,
friends playing together,



Did you see that?

This basketball just...

Came out of nowhere.

Well, either basketballs
are falling from the sky today

Or somebody's gonna be looking
for this really quickly.

Hey, my ball!

Hey, thanks for
stopping my ball.

What are you
talking about?

This is mine.

What? Come on.
My ball bounced
in here,

And it looks
just like that.

And you're
trying to tell me
that's not it?

Yeah. Maybe
it bounced somewhere,

But this isn't it.

Oh, yeah.
Come on. Give me!

Back off.
It's not yours.

Give it! Come on!

It's mine!

Burton: uh-oh.
Looks like these boys

Are about to jump
to big conclusions

Without knowing all the facts.

I mean, I can see how as
the first kid thinks

That's his ball,

But this is it here.

We'd better help them
solve their problem.

Stop! It's mine!

Oh, yeah!
Come on. Give me!


Hey, that's my ball.

That was strange.

I wonder where
it came from.

Want to go sh**t
some b-ball?


Burton: that was close.

A simple misunderstanding
almost kept those boys

From becoming friends.

They almost didn't discover
the truth about each other,

Which is that they have
something in common

And can get along just fine.

Misunderstandings like that
happen all the time,

Especially when people
don't really know each other.

And you can't be sure what
someone is thinking or feeling

Unless you take
the time to find out.


What this boy discovers

When a new kid
moves into his neighborhood

And their relationship
gets off to a rocky start.

Their story is served up...

In enemy pie.

Narrator: it should have been
a perfect summer.

My dad helped me build
a tree house in our backyard.

And I was on the best
baseball team in town.

[Kids cheering]

It was all good

Until jeremy ross moved in
to the neighborhood.

I did not like jeremy ross.

He laughed at me
when he struck me out

In a baseball game.

Ha ha ha!

He had a party
on his trampoline,

And I wasn't even invited.

Hee hee hee!
Ha ha ha!

Jeremy ross was
the one and only person

On my enemy list.

I hung it up in my tree house,

Where jeremy ross
was not allowed to go.

Dad understood
stuff like enemies.

He told me that
when he was my age

He had enemies, too.

But he knew of a way
to get rid of them:

"Enemy pie," he said.

The recipe was so secret,

He couldn't even tell me.

"I will tell you this," he said,

"Enemy pie is
the fastest known way

To get rid of enemies."


What kinds of things--
ugh, disgusting things,

Would I put into a pie
for an enemy?

I brought dad some weeds
from the garden,

But he just shook his head.

I brought him earthworms

And rocks,

But he didn't think
he'd need those.

I gave him the gum
I'd been chewing on all morning.

He gave it right back to me.

I went out to play,

But when I was in the backyard
looking for ladybugs,

I smelled something
really, really, really good.

Enemy pie shouldn't smell
this good.

"If enemy pie smelled bad,

Your enemy would never eat it,"

He said.

But, still,

I--i wasn't really sure
how this enemy pie worked.

What exactly did it do
to enemies?

Hmm. Maybe it made
their hair fall out

Or their breath stinky.

Maybe it made bullies cry.

While the pie cooled,

Dad filled me in on my job.

"There is one part of enemy pie
that I can't do.

"In order for it to work,

"You need to spend a day
with your enemy.

"Even worse,

"You have to be nice to him.

"It's not easy,

But that's the only way
that enemy pie can work."

I rode my bike to his house
and knocked on the door.

[Knock knock]

When jeremy opened the door,

He seemed surprised.

He stood on the other side
of the screen door

And looked at me.

"Can you play?" I asked.

"I'll go ask my mom," he said.

He came back with
his shoes in his hand.

We rode bikes for awhile,

And jeremy's mom made us lunch.

And after lunch,
we went over to my house.

The first thing jeremy noticed

Was my tree house.

My tree house...

Was my tree house.

I was the boss.

"Can we go in it?" He asked.

I knew he was going
to ask me that.

But he was the top person,

The only person

On my enemy list.

And enemies aren't allowed
in my tree house.

But he wasn't being
a very good enemy.

"Ok," I said,

"But hold on."

I climbed up ahead of him

And tore the enemy list
off the wall.

I had a checkerboard and
some cards in the tree house,

And we played games
until my dad

Called us down for dinner.

"Time for dinner, boys."

I was beginning to think
that maybe we should just

Forget about enemy pie.

But sure enough...

After dinner,

Dad brought out the pie.

"Wow!" Jeremy said,
looking at the pie.

"My dad never makes
pies like this."

It was at this point
that I panicked.

I didn't want jeremy
to eat enemy pie.

He was my friend.

I couldn't let him eat it.

"Jeremy, don't eat it!

"It's bad pie!

I-i think it's poisonous
or something."

"If it's so bad," jeremy asked,

"Then why has your dad
already eaten half of it?"

Sure enough,

He was eating enemy pie.

"Good stuff,"
he mumbled through a mouthful.

Enemy pie was delicious!

After dessert,

Jeremy rode his bike home,

But not before inviting me over

To play on his trampoline
in the morning.

He said he'd teach me
how to flip.

As for enemy pie,

I still wonder if enemies
really do hate it,

But I don't know
if I'll ever get an answer

Because I'd just lost
my best enemy.

Thanks to a very clever recipe,

The boy in the book discovered

That jeremy was
not his enemy after all.

He just thought he was.

And what's cool

Is that the secret ingredient
in the recipe is that

You have to spend the day
with your enemy.

You have to forget
what you think is true

And find out what's really true.

You have to get to know him.

Getting to know someone new
can be pretty exciting,

But you'd be surprised
at how different people are.

You might wear clothes
that your friend thinks

Are pretty strange,

And she might eat foods that
ordinarily you'd never touch.

Perhaps you're from
completely different cultures.

So how do you make friends
with someone who's...

Different from you?

This joke thing...

Burton: meet jackie and aneesha.

Jackie's family
is originally from italy,

And aneesha's--from india.

Yet their friendship grows.

To me, friendship would be
someone that you can trust

And somebody that, like,
you can tell secrets to,

And, like, they
wouldn't talk about you
behind their back

And won't fake.

And, like, you could just be
yourself around them.


I didn't even
notice that.

When someone looks
different than me

And is from another culture,
I try to be open to that.

They're still kids.

They're still girls or boys
just like me,

So I try
and accept it like that.

This year, jackie and I happen
to be in different classes,

So we don't get to see o.

But at lunch,

Jackie and I talk about
all the different things

We do in school.

Jackie: we'll talk about
what kind of music we like

Or if there's anything new
in, like, school.

And after school,
we meet outside the school,

So we have some fun.

Jackie: I generally do
get kind of nervous

Going to somebody's house
for the first time.

I'm sort of scared of,
like, the family,

Even though I probably know
they're gonna be nice.

I just get kind of nervous.

I was wondering about
all the things in her house

'Cause I don't have that stuff
in my house.

So I was just, like,
really curious.


Hi, jackie.
How are you?


Um, just asking,

What is that circle?

This is a cultural
thing that my grandma
and aunt does.

And they take a mixture
of rice powder

And they make different
powder designs.

And there's a separate
design each day of the week,

So they do that
every morning.

So that would be
like the symbol
for thursday?

Right. Exactly.

Aneesha, voice-over:
at first, I was scared that

She might not be comfortable
with everything

Being the way it is
with my culture,

But when she came,
she was so very fine

With all the things
that we were doing.

So come on in.


See, this is my room.

Wow, it's great.
I really like it.

Different from
my room but not
that different.

Where does that
lead to?

That leads to the attic.
I'll show you that place after.


Have a seat.

Ok, um, I have something
to give you.


Um, this is from
my dad's engine.

I have 2 other hats.
Thought I'd give you one.

Oh, wow.
Thanks a lot.

You never told me
that your dad

Worked for
the fire department.

I thought I
told you once before.


Aneesha, voice-over:
I keep thinking about

The special things that someone
might have with their dad,

And so when
she gave me something

That she shared with her dad--

And she was able
to give me a piece of it,

Then I felt really happy
that maybe,

Like, it might be something
where I have a connection.

You look good.

So do you.

you can come up.


Aneesha, voice-over: part of
our customs or traditions

Is that if a guest comes,
to offer them the bindi.

Jackie, voice-over: aneesha
showed me the kind of liquid

She would use for a bindi,

Which is something
you put on your forehead,

Which is like traditional
for them or cultural.

What's it made
out of?

It's a red
colored liquid.

Sort of like

Well, yeah,
but a little more color.

So you want
to see yourself?

Sure. Thanks.

Wow, it's great.

Looks just like you...

Or just like yours,


So does, like,
everyone in your
culture wear one?

Well, actually,
it's only ladies wear it,

And it's like
a make up thing,

So it's optional.

If you want to
wear it, you do.

What would the door--
the lights be, really?

Oh, those are
for decoration

'Cause that's our
special god's room.

That's where we pray.


Here let me
show you,

But first take
off your shoes.

Jackie, voice-over: I saw
that it was different, like,

From all the other rooms
because it had--

It was more decorative

And looked like they took
that room more seriously

Than any other room.

Let me show you.

So, like,
this is sort of like
where you pray?


What is this piece?

Does it have,
like, any meaning
with the designs?

It's a special alter
in which you can put

Your idols or pictures
of god to pray.

The petals, um,
are part of a puja
that my mom does.

A puja is when
my mom worships god
or prays to him.

Oh, really?

You're supposed
to peel petals
and offer them to god.

Aneesha, voice-over: when I
explained everything to her,

I was glad that
she was asking questions

And she was trying
to learn more about it.

What is, sort of
like, that for?


Oh, well this is raw rice,

And we offer it to god
like we do with the petals
like this.

Like at a wedding.

You fling rice.

Aneesha, voice-over:
I feel very happy

That I'm born into
such a big family

Because I have
so many people at home.

Woman: ok, jackie,
have you ever eaten
indian food before?

A little bit.

A little bit?

I don't there's
anything that's
too spicy,

But there's
there's bread,

There's rice.

The vegetable
first, ok?

That's bread--
little balls

Made out
of bread

Dipped in
vegetable sauce,
all right?

Jackie, voice-over:
I really felt that

The dinner would be different
and it was,

But I thought
the food was gonna be good

'Cause I smelled it
and it smelled really good.

We don't have, like,
a fork at the table.

Do you, like,
use your spoon or,
like, the hands?

Yeah, we usually--
we don't have a fork here

Because we usually eat
our meals with our hands

Because it's easier to eat,
like, the stuff that we have

With our hands
than with a fork,

But if you want a fork,
I can give you one.

No, that's ok.
I'll try it
like this.

It's good.

Woman: good?
All right.

Aneesha, voice-over:
well, when she was eating,

I was very nervous and I hope
she liked everything,

And I'm relying on her word
that she did.

And if she didn't, then at least
she tried something new.

So do you like the food?

It's really good.

It's different from
what I normally eat,

But I really
like it.

Um, how do you say,
"it was good"

Or, like,
"thank you"
in indian?

Well, you say "it's good"
by saying...

[Speaking indian]

[Repeats phrase]


How do you say it
in italian?

"Thank you" is grazie.

It's almost like spanish.

That's right.

"You're welcome"
in italian is...

Is prego.

Prego? So you
say grazie and
I say prego.

Right? Ok.
Sounds good.


[Woman counting]

Aneesha, voice-over:
when I brought jackie

To the dance class,

I was, uh,
very nervous at first.

I didn't know how it would go.

I wanted to do my best

So when they get their first
idea or picture

Of an indian dance,

They see something that would be
the best that I can do.

[Woman chanting and tapping]

Jackie, voice-over:
it was interesting going to

Aneesha's dance class

Because I haven't
really seen indian dance.

It looked hard,
but she made it look so easy

Because she did it very well.

how do you find it?

Hmm? Interesting.

Very good.

Would you like
to try something?


Ok, aneesha,
go and help her
to put on this costume.


Jackie, voice-over: I was
sort of surprised about that.

I was expecting to watch

And maybe just try
a couple of the moves.

I wasn't expecting to really,

Um, like, get dressed up.

Woman: jackie--ah,
that looks so nice.

Aneesha, voice-over:
when she changed,

She really did look like
an indian girl,

So I felt very surprised
and happy.


Try the salutation first.

Very good.
That's nice.

Jackie, voice-over:
well, I really liked the clothes

So it sort of felt, like, good

That I'm exploring
the culture even more.

One foot,

Right, left,


Jackie, voice-over: the footwork
was actually harder because

To me, really,
it's hard to, like,

To just stand on your tippy toes
and, like, do a movement.

That seems kind of hard,

Even though I can sort of do
that 'cause I go to gymnastics,

But it's, like,
really different.


Aneesha, voice-over: and when
I saw her for the first time,

She was really good.

So I was happy
that it turned out good.

[Woman chanting]

Sit down on the floor...


Jackie, voice-over: I did learn
that aneesha was more like me

Than, like--i knew that
she was like me in school,

But, like, I sort of learned
a little bit more.

Aneesha, voice-over: jackie's
been a great friend so far,

And I hope to
get to be more close with her.

I do hope that we'll
stay friends for a long time.

Every time you get
to know someone new,

There are hurdles to jump over,
barriers to cross.

But differences can only
keep you apart if you let them.

Here are some friends
who refuse to let

Anything stand in their way.


Girl: when I first met rebecca,
I thought she was mean,

And she thought I was mean

Because whenever
she was talking to her friends,

I thought she
was talking about me.

I would always
disagree with her,

And we kept disagreeing.

So we didn't
really like each other.

Samantha is a friend that

When you need something,
she's there.

And whenever you're feeling
like something's wrong,

She makes you feel
happier again.

And she's always
there for you

When you
need something.

Rebecca makes me
happy in ways

Because, like,
if it's a bad day

And you're bored
and everything

And you call her
and she's home,

She'll, like, go over
and, like, stay with you

And you won't feel
lonely or anything.

And she's always fun
to stay with.

You respect your friend.


Sometimes if you--
if you're...

If he's mad, cheer him up.

We also play

With other kids,

But they were
kind of rough.

He wasn't getting
the ball passed to him.

I got
a little angry.

And then I gave
him the ball

And then he shot,

And I think that...

That could make him
feel better.

If anybody wants
to be your friend,

You would speak
to them politely.

Try to make him proud...

And yourself proud.

We were in preschool

And, like,
one of us asked

If we could do
something together

And then we did,

And then we became
best friends.

We probably play, like,
a few times a month.

Both: we'd like to play
together more often.


If someone's

It doesn't
really matter.

If you want to make

You should maybe,
like, ask them

And, like...

Just try to, like, make
them feel good inside.

Then feeling good
becomes friendship.

Friendship means somebody
who likes you for you

And wouldn't do mean things
behind your back.

You should just
become a family.

I mean, it feels
like you're related

And you really
know each other
very well.

And it's just...

You should love
each other--

Well, not in
that way but just
love each other.

Darius and I went
to the same school

Starting from pre-k,

And we just
hit it off there.

And we were the only
boy and girl

Playing together
most of the time.

She's the kind of girl
who likes action and adventure.

Like, if we're
going to the park,

She would like to play
tag or anything.

Like, if I want
to do something,

She doesn't have a problem.

She doesn't argue with me
or nothing like that.

She doesn't whine with it.

She just goes with the flow
and just does it.

We were, like, we
didn't know anyone.

We were lining up
to go back

To the classroom
from yard.

While we were
walking there...

He accidentally,

But sort of
on purpose,

Accidentally poked me
with a toothpick

In the middle
of my right hand.

Later on,

I was getting
mad at him,

And I told my mom.

She said that we would
probably be friends.

I didn't believe her.

I thought we would be,
like, total enemies.

Treat others the way
you would like
to be treated.

That way,
you'll become some day,

Bada boom, bada ba,

You might become like us:
for 4 years friends.

Becoming someone's friend,

Especially if they're
different from you,

Is like unlocking a door

And stepping into
a whole new world.

It gives you a chance to look at
life from another perspective.

So if you're ready
to see things with a new eye,

Take a good look at these books.

You don't have to take
my word for it.

Hi. I'm adam.

Are you a little different
from other kids?

Or maybe you know someone
that stands out in the crowd.

Well, this book I'm reading
is all about that,

And I really like it.

Don't laugh at me tells us
what it's like to be different

And to be laughed at
because we're different.

Are you the kid
in the playground

Who always gets chosen last?

Or are you part of the group who
always leaves somebody else out?

Either way,
this book is for you.

It shows us that we're all
people with feelings,

So laughing at other kids
is not cool at all,

Especially when someone
is a little different.

I relate to this book
because I take ballet,

And kids laugh at me
because they think it's unusual,

But it's what I like to do,

So I'm gonna keep on doing it.

The illustrations
in this book really put you

In someone else's shoes.

I have to say
I really recommend this book

Because it makes
a difficult issue

Easy to read about

And it gets you seeing things

From a totally
different perspective.

Add it to your reading list.

You know what can be
really difficult?

Being the new kid.

That's what I've discovered
while reading this great book.

The brand new kid
really shows how it feels

To be the brand new person
at school.

It's a story about a boy
named lazlo s. Gazky.

Poor lazlo--

He's so sad because all the kids
at school think he's weird

And laughed at him.

Doesn't he look
really bummed out?

Even though
all the kids were mean to him,

One kid was brave enough
to ask him to play.

This story won't make
you feel too sad

Because in the end,

Lazlo has a reason to smile.

I'm taylor,

And I suggest you run down
to your library right now

And pick up this great book.

You won't be disappointed.

Now, here's a book that will
make you see things differently.

It's all about perspective

And seeing someone else's
point of view.

It's called...

Hey, little ant.

It's about a boy who has
a close encounter...

With a tiny ant.

The ant has
big responsibilities.

He has a large family
that he has to help feed.

An ant thinks even
the smallest kid is a giant.

And the potato chip that
you would think is tiny

Can feed a whole ant town!

The boy is huge
compared to the ant.

The last thing the ant wants
is to be crushed by the boy.

Can you imagine being squished
by a giant sneaker?!


Take it from me, monica,

This little book
is very big on fun.

Why not read it today?

You'll see things
in a whole new way.

All through your life,
you will be faced with a choice

To decide what someone's like
before you get to know them

Or after.

You see, people are kind
of like birthday presents:

You have to take the time
to unwrap them

In order to see what's inside.

And when you do,

The gift of friendship...

Is yours for the taking.

Hey, that's my ball.

You're right, it is.

You want to play
with me and my friend?



I love making new friends.

I'll see you next time.

Captioning made possible by
u.s. Department of education

Captioned by the national
captioning institute

Today's reading rainbow books

Are enemy pie,

Written by derek munson,

Illustrated by
tara calahan king,

Published by chronicle books,

The brand new kid,

Written by katie couric,

Illustrated by
marjorie priceman,

Published by doubleday.

Hey, little ant,

Written by phillip
and hannah hoose,

Illustrated by debbie tilley,

Published by tricycle press.

Don't laugh at me,

Written by steve seskin
and allen shamblin,

Illustrated by glin dibley,

Published by tricycle press.