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Jingle Bell Jubilee, The (2023)

Posted: 12/07/23 07:14
by bunniefuu
Jingle bells,

jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is

to ride

In a one-horse

open sleigh

Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is

to ride

In a one-horse

open sleigh

Dashing through the snow

In a one-horse

open sleigh

O'er the fields we go

Laughing all the way

Bells on bobtails ring

Making spirits bright

What fun it is

to ride and sing

In a sleighing

song tonight

Jingle bells,

jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is

to ride

In a one-horse

open sleigh

Jingle bells, jingle bells

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh

Jingle all the way

Oh, what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh

(phone line ringing)


Hey, Hope. Is that you?

Yep. It's the first day

of December,

and that means

it's time.

Thank you for helping me

get it to school.

You know how much

this means to me.

- On my way.

- Great. I'll see you soon.



So glad you're here.

- So very, very glad.

- Likewise.

- Please have a seat.

- Thank you.


I have to say,

it's so great

to be back in Larchmont Falls.

Oh, that's right.

You grew up here.

Yeah. It's always been my dream

to move back here.

As you know, we haven't had

a city manager

for a several months now,

which is why we brought you in

so fast.

I mean, the Jingle Bell Jubilee

is racing towards us

like a runaway train.

Ah. The annual

Jingle Bell Jubilee.

That was the highlight

of my childhood every Christmas.

- Ah.

- Uh, but it's December now.

You must have everything


Well, um...

That's only

a few weeks away.

Well, like I said, we haven't

had someone in the position

for some time.

Oh. I get it.


Which is why we need you to hit

the ground running on this.


There are plenty

of jubilee planning documents

from past years

on our computer network.


You're a smart

young man, Nate.

You accomplished

a lot back in Arbor City.

I'm sure you can

handle this.

Of course.

Ah, the first sign

of Christmas.

Hope Wilson decorates

her cedar chest.

Well, Allison, it's the official

kickoff day of Regiftmas.

Did you know that there are

four other teachers here

who are doing it

this year?

And I even heard that there are

a couple of teachers

from the elementary school

who are doing it.

Wouldn't it be great

if everyone did it?

You are

the eternal optimist.

Hey. You never know.

(both laughing)

- See you later.

- Sounds good.

Oh, hey, Brandon.

Hold up.

We need to get

your school records,

which are in

one of these moving boxes.

Oh, boy.

Hey, no worries.

We'll find it.

- So, Dad?

- Yeah?

I was just wondering,

'cause it's almost

Christmas break already.

I can always just

start school after New Year's.

Oh, hey.

Nice try.

But you can't miss

too much school.

That's not good.

This is a new city.

You're going to make

a lot of new friends,

get to know your teachers,

and get to experience

the Jingle Bell Jubilee

for the first time.

Jingle Bell Jubilee?

Oh. The Larchmont Falls

Jingle Bell Jubilee

is only the greatest

Christmas celebration

on the entire planet.

So, every year, on the week

leading up to Christmas,

City Hall opens up

for this big festival.

Music, food,

events and games,

and then,

the Jingle Bell Jubilee dance

on Christmas Eve

for the big finale.


That sounds like fun.

Oh, oh.

It's super fun.


(phone ringing distantly)

Just bear with me,

Mr. Albertson.

I'm entering Brandon's

information into our system.

You can call me Nate.

Okay, Nate.

I think you and your son

are going to love it here.

Oh. Uh, my dad

actually grew up here.


Yeah. My father got transferred

out west

right when I was about to start

my senior year of high school.

So, I guess

I never got over leaving.

Well, I'm happy

you made your way back.

What do you do for work,

if I may ask?

He's the new city manager.


Yeah. I have a lot of experience

in government,

so when I saw there was

an open position... grabbed it.

Smart move.

We'll see.

There is a lot to do.

Well, I'm sure you'll be up

for the challenge.

I am.

Oh. I will need Brandon's

previous school records.

Oh. I think I left them

on the back seat.

I will go get them.

No problem, Nate.

How about I give you

a little tour of the school

while your dad gets us

what we need?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, sure.

- Okay.

- I'll be right back.



Uh, you almost have it.

This is much better.

You just--

You need to clean up

the opening.

Give me one more example

in the middle, and...


It's really solid.

Your thesis

is really strong.

But the description

in the last paragraph

needs to be

a little more detailed.


See you tomorrow.

Oh, thank you.


I thought

I recognized you.

Can I help you

with something?

You're Hope Wilson, right?

That's me.

I'm Nate.

Nate Albertson.

We were

in calculus together.

Right in this very school,

as a matter of fact.

Oh, yeah. Nate.

Now I do recognize you.

Actually, you look exactly

the same.

Well, if you don't count

a few minor wrinkles.

Come in.

So, what brings you

to my classroom?

Looking to brush up on

your Shakespeare?

(both laughing)

No. My son's starting school

here tomorrow.

I was signing him up, and

I saw you from the doorway.


So close to Christmas?

Yeah. We just came over

from Arbor City.

I'm the new city manager,

so they wanted me

to get started right away,

with the Jingle Bell Jubilee

coming up.

Well, it's nice to meet you,

Mr. City Manager.


Nice to meet you, too.


So, that's the big tour.

I think you're really going

to like it here.

Yeah. Seems like

a great school.

I love

all the Christmas decorations.

Me, too.


Yeah. I loved it here.

Been waiting to come back

ever since.

- I think I hear my dad.

- Let's go check it out.

You moved away senior year,


Yep. My dad got transferred,

and that was it.

I remember.

You were like a mystery man.

Here one minute,

gone the next.

But I never forgot this place.

You mean this room?

Yeah. I keep feeling like maybe

my English class was in here.

Oh, maybe.

I remember Mrs. Fitzsimmons

was in here at one point.



Ah, Mr. Albertson. I see you've

already met Ms. Wilson.

Sort of.

We actually know each other.



We went

to school here together.

Oh, wow.

Small world.

And now, Ms. Wilson will be

Brandon's homeroom teacher.

- Hi.

- Really? That's great.

Uh, we should get you

back home so I can get to work.

Huh. "Regiftmas"?

Uh, yeah.

It's just a little thing I do.

It's not little.

Oh. Is this cedar?

I love that smell.


It's my Grandmother Helen's.

She was a teacher, too.

She started it, right?

Started what?

I'm confused.

Well, when I was a little girl,

my grandmother used to say

that Christmas had become

too much about shopping,

about getting things,

when most of us had been given

so much already

and had so many things

we just didn't use.

She just--

She thought there should be

more gratitude involved.

I like that.

Yeah. Well,

it wasn't just talk.

There was a needy family

in her neighborhood,

and she was worried

what they would have

for Christmas.

So, she started putting things

in this cedar chest,

things that she owned

and loved,

but didn't use

for whatever reason.

And then,

at Christmastime,

she surprised the family

with all of these presents.

They were so touched that

she decided to do it

for a needy family every year.

All year long, my grandma

would put things

in this chest.

And eventually,

other family members

started re-gifting

and contributing,

and, well, she was able to help

a bunch of families

every Christmas.



This is not helpful.

Hey, Dad. Do you know where

the box with my books is?

I thought maybe I should

donate some to Regiftmas.

- Dad?

- Huh?

- My books?

- Uh, oh, no.

I don't know, buddy.

But they've got to be somewhere

over there.

What are you doing?

I am going through

the old jubilee plans

on the city's database.

Where I also found the menu

for the Chamber of Commerce's

spring get-together.

Fruit cup appetizer.

Yeah? Wow.

That's, uh... healthy.


Just not very helpful.


This looks so good.

Just wait

until you try it.


- Right?

- Dark hot chocolate.

Greatest thing about winter.

- Besides Christmas, of course.

- Obviously.


Oh. So, what

should we go see?

Mmm... Oh. How about

"Christmas at the Drive-In?"

It just came out.

I heard it's really good.

Got it.

It's playing at 9:00.


But first, there's something

I want to talk to you about.

What's that?

How well

do you know Nate?


Nate Albertson?

The new dad who came into

your class after school.

Oh, right. That Nate.

A little bit.

We had some classes together.




I heard that he's a widower,

and it's been

a few months already

since Adam and I broke up,

and Nate is really,

really handsome.


And, well,

I wanted to first see if--

I mean, you're not interested

in him or anything?


Of course not.

It's just, I know you.

And if you

want something,

and you think someone else

wants the same thing,

you always

just let them have it.

You never go after

what you want.

I am not interested

in Nate.

I promise.

But I take it you are?


Well, uh, maybe.

Are you sure?

Yes. I'm sure.

I am so sure that

if I see him again,

I'll try to set

you two up.

How are you going

to do that?

You said the two of you

hardly know each other.

I know.

But he just got here,

so he probably doesn't know

a lot of people.

Wait. Do you remember

my friend Andy?

- The hockey player?

- Yeah. That's the one.

Oh, yeah. You guys went out

a few times, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So, we're still friends,

and he called me

and wanted to know

if I wanted to go

pick out a Christmas tree

with him.

He says I have some sort of

expert eye.



we're going Wednesday night.

What if you came with,

and then maybe

I can invite Nate

to come along, too?

It'll be fun and Christmassy,

and who knows?

Maybe there'll be

some sparks between you two.

Are you sure you feel okay

about doing this for me?

Of course.

You're the best.

(school bell ringing)


- Hey.

- Coming to second period?

I wish.

Brandon forgot his gym stuff.

Oh, and you get a break

from the office.

Yeah, except I don't really

have time for one

until December 26th.

'Tis the season.

Uh, here.

I can bring it for you,

and make sure that

he gets it.

Oh, thanks.

That would be great.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

Wait. Uh, the vice-principal,

my friend Allison?

Well, we're going to help

my friend Andy

pick out a Christmas tree


You should come with us.

It'll be fun.

We can all do dinner first.

Thanks for the offer,

but I'm building

this annual Jingle Bell Jubilee

brick by brick.

So, I will be

burning the midnight oil.

Well, don't burn yourself out.

It's almost Christmas.


I'll do my best.

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

But seriously,

it might be nice for you

to get out

and start reconnecting

with people here, right?

After all,

you are a public servant.

You kind of got to meet

the public.

Okay, okay.

Uh, yeah. I could use a break.

Brain overload.

How about...

Here's my number,

and you just text me the deets.

Nate: Okay. So, the Christmas

charity drive is over there.

That's that area,

right near the entrance.

And then, instead of having

a Santa booth,

I put Santa

in the middle of it all.

They're just mocking it up

to give us a feel for it.

Well, it's a new arrangement,

but you know what?

I think might work better than

what we had before.


I've been reconnecting

with the vendors,

and they're going to tell me

what's what.

Help me piece

the rest together.


Then I'll be, uh--

Oh, oh. About

the Christmas charity drive.

Um, the donated gifts,

where are they being stored?

I haven't been able

to find them.

Uh, well, um--

Okay. Please don't tell me that

there's no donations.


No. There are some.

From what I've heard, a lot of

people depend on the drive

to have a good Christmas.

Well, of course.

There are some.

Just, you know,

not nearly enough.

Again, nobody

has really had the time

to publicize this.

- Okay.

- But you know what?

You're a capable

and a creative individual.

We just need to jump-start

the donations,

and you're just the man

to do it.

But how am I possibly

going to get

that many donations

in time?

Where there's a will,

there's a way.

Hope springs eternal.

- (phone buzzing)

- (sighing)

Ah. Hope.


(indistinct chattering)

Oh, Hope.

Oh, hey.

You're here early.

Thank goodness you are, too.

Well, what's going on?

Is everything okay?

I need to talk to you

about something,

it's really,

really important.


(button clicking,

Christmas music playing)

So, if the whole school loves

your annual Regiftmas tradition,

then why not the whole city?

I mean,

that could be the spark

that the Christmas gift

drive needs.

Wow, Nate.

Uh, I'm speechless.

So, you like the idea?

I love the idea.


Then we got to go fast.

Um, can you make it

to City Hall tomorrow?

We can pitch it

to the mayor.


And me.

What do you say?

Uh... I say

I'll come on my lunch hour.

Okay. Thank you.

Thank you,

thank you, thank you.


Hey, Allison. Andy.

- Hey, hey.

- Hey.

Yeah. I spotted him in

the parking lot on the way in.

Oh, I watch a lot

of the games.

Oh. The games?

Uh, yeah.

This is my friend Andy.

- He's a semi-pro hockey player.

- Oh.

He's really good.

Andy, this is Nate.

- Good to meet you, Nate.

- Likewise.

Hi, Nate.

Hi, Allison.

Good to see you again.

So, hockey, huh?

That can get a little rough.


I haven't lost a tooth yet.

Ah. Well, that's good for you

and your dentist.

Uh, yeah.

Nate just had

the greatest idea.

Well, I hope it is.

We are going to try to do


for the Jingle Bell Jubilee

Christmas charity drive.


Wow. That'd be awesome.

That's the thing with your

grandmother's cedar chest.

- Right?

- Yeah, yeah.

- Nice.

- Where did this come from?

Well, it's kind of

a Hail Mary.

Sorry to pivot sports there,



I'll allow it.

But the thing is, I've been so

focused on the nuts and bolts

of getting the jubilee going

that I didn't even realize

the gift drive was in trouble.

Basically, we have next to

nothing in terms of donations.

- Oh, no.

- Yeah.

So, I got to find a way

to generate all the donations

in the next couple of weeks,

or else there's going to be

a lot of families missing out

on Christmas this year.

So, maybe Regiftmas

is the answer.

I hope so.


I feel your pain.

It's really hard to pull off

these big events.

And people have no idea

how much work goes into it.

But in the end,

it's really fun being able

to put all the pieces together,

isn't it?

You know what? It is.

Hey. I like her.

Well, what's not to like?

(everyone laughing)

Allison: Yeah. I've been coming

to this tree lot for years now.

- This is really fun.

- It is. Yeah.

I don't normally get a tree

until a little later,

but I don't know.

Maybe I should get one

tonight, too.

I mean, what's the point

in wasting time

coming back here, right?

Hey. Efficiency.

That's another point

in your favor.

Hmm. Looks like your setup

is working out.


Well, it's not a setup.

It's not even

a date, really.

Oh, come on, Hope.

It's totally a date now.

And first dates

are usually disasters.

Remember ours?

You didn't even know

what the biscuit was.


Come on.

Hope, you don't remember?

That's what we call the puck.


The puck.

To be fair,

it's been a while, Andy.

Okay. Let's put that expert eye

of yours to work.

You overestimate my gifts.

Uh, not at all.

You are a tree-whisperer.

All right.

All right.

Not too tall.

Not too small.

- Good branch distribution.

- Mm-hmm?

And not dried out.

This is the one.


And I left my wallet

in the truck.


As you always do.

Well, everybody's got a skill.

I'm reliable.


So, I've decided I'm going to

get my tree tonight.

Oh, great.

And I have decided

that I'm going to get

some cookies

for me and Brandon to split.

But I was wondering,

Hope, could I talk to you

about something?

I have an idea about

pitching Regiftmas to the mayor.



I think

if you explain it

the same way you did to me,

he'll jump right on it.

I don't know.

He's the mayor.

Yeah, but at this point,

he'll jump on anything.

Oh, it's not just anything.

I know, no, it's a...

it's an incredible idea.

And that's why

I want to convince him

to let me run with it.

So, um...

...are you having fun tonight?

Yeah. Actually, I am.

Yeah. You were right.

It's nice to get out

and not think about work

for a few hours.

- Hmm.

- Yeah.

And, um...

what do you think

of Allison?

- Allison?

- Yeah.

Wait. This-- This isn't a--

Oh, come on.

Really? Oh.

I'm sorry.

I should have asked.

Are you dating anyone

in Arbor City?

Oh, no, no.

It's nothing to do with that.

Oh. Well,

are you open to dating anyone?

Honestly? Um...

...I don't know.

This is none of

my business.

No, it's fine.

It's, uh--

Even Brandon tells me

the same thing,

that I need to get out more,

and I know he's right.

It's been three years

since my wife Shelly passed,

and I just haven't seen anyone

at all.

I can't believe

I'm telling you this. Uh...

Oh, it's okay, Nate.

When you're ready,

you're ready.

You'll know.

You know, I suppose

it wouldn't hurt to try.

It doesn't have

to be serious.


Hey, Nate?

Would you come look at

this tree?

I could use a second opinion.

Yeah, yeah.

Of course.

I don't have the expert eye

of Hope, but sure.


So, I kind of had my eye

on this one.

- Yeah?

- What do you think?

- Andy: All right.

- Oh.

- Ready to pay.

- Okay.

Now, you're sure this tree

you picked me out is the one?

Are you questioning

the tree-whisperer?

Of course not.

- I would never.

- (laughing)

I miss you.

We should do something

after this.

Oh. Um...

Well, I'm kind of

tired, Andy.

I have more grading to do.

I should probably just get home.

No problem.

They... make

a pretty good couple.


- This is why asked you to come.

- Well, thank you.

- Allison: Yeah.

- Uh, yeah.

Yeah. They do.



but that's around double

what you charged us last time.

Yes, I know Santa suits

don't grow on trees,

not even Christmas trees.


You know what?

There's a great place

in Arbor City

that can send me one

for a much lower price, so--

Okay. Yeah.

That works much better.

Let's consider it a done deal

and thank you

for serving our city.

Wow. I'm happy I at least have

the line budget

for last year's jubilee.

Some of these vendors

are getting pretty tricky.

Such a busy time

of year.

Well, I can imagine.

Uh, have a seat.

I've got so much

work to do

they gave me

the conference room.

Actually, my lunch hour

is really only 45 minutes,

so I only have about

10 minutes to do this with you.

Okay. Uh, well, let's go

see the mayor now, then.


I assure you

the Jingle Bell Jubilee

will take place

as it has every year.

We've got Nate Albertson,

our new city manager,

working hard on it.

And he's just here

for a meeting, so I have to go.


We may have a problem.

What's that?

That was a reporter

from the Larchmont Gazette.

She's been hearing rumors

that the Jingle Bell Jubilee

isn't going to happen.

Well, we will just have to

prove her wrong, sir.

That's just

what I like to hear.

I'm sorry.

Who are you?

Uh, Hope.

Hope Wilson.

I teach at the high school.

Well, it's a pleasure

to meet you.

The children are our future,

you know.

That's what I've heard.

Uh, we are here

on some urgent business, sir.

Well, talk to me.

Sir, seriously, you don't have

to worry about the jubilee.

Everything's under control

except one thing.

What's that?

The Christmas charity

gift drive.

But Hope here

has an amazing idea

that I believe

will turn things around.

Okay. Let's hear it.

Well, it all started with

my grandmother's cedar chest.

She found that Christmas

had become

too much about shopping,

and thought that we all have

lost the real meaning of it.

That's what people love

about Regiftmas.

It's the idea of gratitude.

That because

they've been given so much,

they're able to pay it forward

to people who really need it.

It's just such

a huge win-win.

(mayor chuckling)

And to think it all started with

your grandmother's cedar chest.

It is an amazing idea.

And people won't have to spend

all that time shopping.

With our time frame,

that's a huge advantage.

That's what

I was thinking, sir.

Regiftmas it is.

- Run with it.

- Okay.

We'll have to promote this

with everything we have.

I have to say,

you've impressed me, Hope.

You have

a wonderful heart.

Indeed she does, sir.

Well, you're lucky

to have her.

- No.

- Oh, no. We're not, uh--

Well, just keep me apprised

of your progress, Nate.

Hope, it was nice

to meet you.

Thank you, sir.

And, uh, let's get you

back to the school.


Regiftmas. Hmm.

Well, I finally got

all the vendors lined up

for the jubilee,

which is a minor miracle.

So, everything seems to be

coming together.

Well, thanks for letting

Regiftmas be a part of it.

Oh, thank you for introducing it

to me in the first place.

You really were great

in there.

I was?

Yeah. You didn't only explain it

to the mayor;

you made him feel

what it's all about,

and not everyone

can do that.

It's just 'cause I know

what Regiftmas is.

I think there's more to it

than that.

So, how are we going to get

the message out about Regiftmas?

I mean, we have to communicate

a whole new idea to people,

and we have, like, no time.

Well, that's mission one

this afternoon.

Awareness campaign.

- Awareness campaign?

- Mm-hmm.

Yeah. Double up the signage

around town.

Double up social media.

Talk to the community leaders.

Sounds like a lot of work.

I wish I could stay and help,

but fifth period is calling.

Well, if you're around


maybe I could come by, and we

could talk about the campaign.

Your input

would be valuable.

Uh, sure.

Oh, Allison will be there.

She's coming over

to help me finish

decorating my Christmas tree.

But she's really good

at community relations stuff.


It'll be nice to see her again.


Okay, so here's

my slogan for Regiftmas.

"Give again,

and enjoy Christmas again."

Oh, wow,

you even made charts.


Uh, what does

this all mean?

Well, this shows where we're

placing the signs and the ads

and the number of people

we could potentially reach.

This, with our internet ads,

we will be able to

reach a lot of people.

You certainly

know your stuff.

But is it going

to reach people?

Oh, absolutely.

I used to build

campaigns just like this one

when I worked in Arbor City,

and they were very effective.

All right, what's wrong?

When I said "reach people"

I meant is it gonna touch them,

so they feel

motivated to give?

Regiftmas is

kind of a new concept.

I just don't think a simple ad

is going to do the trick.

But, hey, you know what

you're doing, and I don't, so.

(chuckling) Just tell me

what you're thinking,

because if I'm missing something

I want to know.

(sighing) Okay, well, take our

high school for instance.


People really connected

with the Regiftmas idea

and ran with it, but that's

because they understood

what it meant to

the families that it helped,

and how that--

how that felt.

If that makes any sense.

Nate, the thing that gets

people excited about Regiftmas

is the way Hope

explains it.

Oh, it doesn't have

to be me.

Just someone to put some...

some heart into it.

But that is you.

The way you talk about it,

it's like...

I don't know.

You're just so full of love.

Like something's

lighting you up from within.

Okay, that's a little much.

(laughing bashfully)

No, I'm serious.

When you lead with your heart,

it's really powerful.

You move people.

Okay, okay,

I get it,

but it's not like we can ask

Hope to go door-to-door

just telling people about her

grandma's cedar chest, right?

No, obviously not,

but we still need to get them

to feel what this is all about.

Why it's so in

the spirit of Christmas.

She makes a good point, Nate.

Not that you don't.

If we deliver the right message

people will get it.

The most important thing is

just getting the message out

to as many people

as possible.

Of course,

you're the professional, so.

Very professional.

Ah, well,

it's getting pretty late.


I've got more work to do

and I gotta make sure

Brandon gets

his homework done.

Oh, I wouldn't worry about him.

He's a really good kid.

He said that you were

a really great teacher, too.

Oh, that's really

kind of him.

But, yeah,

we should wrap this up,

because I have

more grading to do,

and Christmas break is

only a couple days away.

- All right.

- (chuckling)

Hey, do you want to go see

the ice sculptures in the park?

They do them every year,

and they're gorgeous.

Uh, sure,

if we can be pretty quick.

Sure. Wonderful.

Have fun, you two.


Yes, Ms. Wilson.


So, you at least have,

like, 20 minutes, right?

Well, that depends if

there's a hot chocolate bar.

There definitely will be.




Very impressed, Nate.

You have done a lot,

quickly and well.


I've seen online ads

all over the place.

Oh, and the wife and I

went out last night.

Guess what? Lo and behold,

in the restaurant window

was a Regiftmas sign.

I bet those donations

are just pouring in.

Well, it always takes a little

while to get these things going.

So, they're not

pouring in?

Oh, it's still

very early.

Not according to the calendar,

there are only 10 days left.

No worries.

I got it covered.


Counting on ya, Nate.


Thanks for helping me

with those donation boxes.

Yeah, no sweat. Happy to help.

So, is my dad in here?

Oh, well, remember,

he moved away after junior year.

Yearbook pictures are

mostly from senior year.


No, there he is.

Let me see.

Oh, yeah, that is him.

That's probably from homecoming,

the year before.

There's me,

right behind him.

What a weird haircut.

Him or me?

Um... Definitely him.


- (doorbell ringing)

- Oh!

(door opening)

- Hey!

- Hey.

Whoa, is that

one of our old yearbooks?

Yeah, Dad, out of all

the weird haircuts in here,

I'm going to say

you're the clear champion.

Oh, wait.

I'm actually in there?

I'd call it more of a cameo.

Oh, wow. Nice.

So, you kidnapped my son.

He volunteered to

help me bring some boxes

of regifts

home for wrapping,

and then he found

our yearbook on my shelf.

Oh, and here we are.

You could have called.

I would have brought him home.

I know how busy you are.

Oh, no, I needed the break.

I've been sampling food

for the Jubilee.

Too much funnel cake.

No such thing as

too much funnel cake.

See before today,

I would have agreed.


Um, actually,

there's something else

- I wanted to talk to you about.

- Yeah, what is it?

Well, we've been

running our Regiftmas ads

for the last two days,

posted up all the extra signs

- around town.

- And?

But hardly anything's coming in.

Barely even a trickle.

Well, Dad,

that doesn't sound good.

Well, maybe we just

need to leave them up

for a couple more days.

Unfortunately, I don't have

another couple of days though.

We're running out of time.

I think you

and Allison were right.

Right about what?

I need you.

I need you to

tell people your story.

It's true.

I've seen you talk about it

a couple times at school,

and you know

exactly what to say.

(chuckling) But I thought

we all agreed

that there's no practical

way to do that.

Actually, there is.

What are you doing


(inhaling deeply)


I can't believe we're

going to be on the news.

This way you'll be

able to explain Regiftmas

in your own way.

Well, it sure beats

having to go door-to-door.


I think you'd lose your voice

by the time you

finished the first block.

I think

this is going to work.

Allison is right,

you're the secret.

The secret?

The secret to Regiftmas.

If people hear you

explain what it's all about,

that will

motivate them to donate.

Well, I will give it my all,

trust me.

You always do.


I think this is going

to turn things around.

Oh, and I wrote up

a bit of a script.

I know

it's last minute, but...

- Oh. Oh.

- He's just micing you up.

Sorry. I've never done

anything like this before.

Oh, wow, this is

a lot to memorize.

Oh, I know. Sorry.

I wrote it last minute,

but it doesn't need

to be word-for-word.

"Regiftmas is

just like Christmas,

only with regifting."

Yeah, um, I don't know...

Again, this isn't

the kind of language

I would use

to explain it.

I know, but this is

going on TV,

so it's gotta be

polished and professional.

Of course, and I so appreciate

your doing this, it--

it doesn't sound like me.

Maybe I--

It's a clear

and direct message.

Trust me, I've done it before.

You'll be great.


Well, hello, everybody.

Oh, uh, sir,

I didn't know you were coming.

Well, I couldn't help myself.

I'm so excited about this idea,

I thought that I'd come watch.

Oh, is that a script?

May I?




Is everything all right?

Well, uh,

it reads like a...

a commercial.

Well, it is in a sense,

so that's a good thing, right?

Nate, uh,

you're a great communicator,

but, uh, this is

a different kind of marketing.

You need to explain it

like you explained it to me.

It doesn't matter if

the wording is imperfect.

It's better if it's, uh,

uh, what's the word? Um...



Are you ready?

Definitely. I've been

telling the story a lot.


I just need to stay focused.

That's why I thought

a script might be good,

but maybe

we could rehearse?

No, no, no.

Let's just do it.

The less time I have to

think about it, the better.


Let's get rolling, everyone.

Just smile at the camera.

And here we go.


Hello, everyone,

in Larchmont Falls.

We've got some exciting

news about this year's

Jingle Bell Jubilee.

I'm Nate Albertson,

the new city manager,

and over here is Hope Wilson,

an English teacher

over at Larchmont High.

Hello, and don't worry,

I won't be grading anyone today.

(chuckling) We would like

to tell you all about Regiftmas.

It has a very

special meaning to me,

and I'd like to

tell you all why.

My grandmother found

that Christmas had become

too much about shopping,

and worried that we had all lost

the real meaning of Christmas.

So, she decided to do

something about it.

First, she led by example,

then all her

neighbors joined in.

And when my grandmother

brought over the presents

on Christmas Eve,

the families were so grateful.

They couldn't believe

that someone cared enough

to make sure that they had

a real merry Christmas.

I just-- I loved the tradition

so much that I started doing it

in my own classroom,

uh, with my grandmother's

very own cedar chest.

My students bring their presents

a month before Christmas,

and then we donate them all

to the Jingle Bell Jubilee

charity drive.

So, we're asking you

to do the same thing.

I want to be honest, we

desperately need donations

this year, otherwise--

Though I have faith that

there won't be an otherwise.

Yeah, I have faith that

everyone watching right now

has that special present

just waiting to be

regifted to

the right person.

This is an opportunity

to show our gratitude

for everything

that we've been given,

and pay it forward to

people who really need it.

So, please,

open your hearts and donate.

Please bring your

regifts down to City Hall,

where we already have a special

kiosk set up for Regiftmas.

And, by participating,

you'll show these families

that they are loved.

'Cause after all, isn't that

what Christmas is all about?

Just spreading the love

from one heart to another?

And letting the love

in from a higher place.

A love that warms

and lights up the world.

Merry Christmas, everyone,

and please remember

to bring your donation down

to the regift kiosk

inside the City Hall ballroom

by December 20th.

And please give.


(laughing, applauding)

(crew applauding)

Good job.

Great work, really.

Hey, thanks, everyone.

Many thanks to you

and to Hope.

You knocked it out of the park

and you spoke from the heart,

which makes

all the difference.

Thank you, sir.

I'm so happy to have

the opportunity to do this.

Well, I'm glad you did it.

See you back

at the office, Nate,

and great job as always.

Thank you, sir.


You know what? I think

we make a pretty good team.


We do.

Uh, I'm going to go

help with the pack up.

- Hey.

- Hey.

I guess a few people

saw us on the news.

I just came down to see

if anyone would show up,

but I can't believe this.

How is this even possible?

Well, because we didn't

use my script.

Oh, no.

Nate, don't do that.

There was nothing

wrong with your script.

I disagree.

You were right.

And there was one

big thing wrong with it.

It didn't have heart.

And that's just something

I couldn't get down on paper.

Well, you have it in there.

I know you do.

Well, speaking of

having a heart,

do you think you could

apologize to Allison for me?

What for?

Well, I feel like I didn't

really connect with her,

and I don't want her

to think that I was

avoiding her or something.

I just didn't have the time.

Well... you've

been a little busy.

Oh, yeah,

with the Jingle Bell Jubilee

less than a week away,

and then doing all this,

you can tell that

my hands are full.

Is that what

I think it is? Oh!

The Mr. and Mrs. Santa

photo board!

Yeah, I found it in storage.

Honestly, I don't know why

we ever stopped using it.

My family used to

love that when I was a kid.

We have all these

photos lined up

of us poking

our heads through.

Yeah, so did we,

except Dad always managed

to have his eyes closed in,

like, every photo.


Oh, yeah.

Well, should we do it?

Oh, well,

there's no one to work it.

Oh, we don't need that.

We updated the tech,

so now people

can take

the photos themselves.

Yes, please.

I'm assuming you

know how it works?

Uh, well, I'm not sure

if I remember...

(music playing)


Step right up, lovely lady,

and celebrate

the Christmas spirit

with a magical

Yuletide photo.

All you need is

a handsome gentleman

to be in the photo

with you.

Oh, goodness,

but wherever shall I find

this handsome gentleman?

Well, confidentially, now,

I'm not supposed

to be doing this,

but I might be

willing to help you.

Oh, well, that's nice.

But are you

handsome enough?


I suppose you'll do.

She's in.

Let me take your coat.

Thank you.

Okay, I'm ready

for my close-up!

Hurry up,

this offer doesn't last long!

Okay, how does my hair look?

Don't look at me,

look at the camera.



(camera clicking)


What was that?

That means

our photo's ready.


Oh, wow. Like father like

daughter with the eyes closed.

- (Hope laughing)

- It's a good look.

You know, uh,

you really managed to bring back

the spirit of the Jubilee.

Well, thank you.

It's honestly been

really nice to rebuild it,

make it special, the same way

it was for me when I was a kid,

and now for everyone

in town.

And you.

Mayor Barson:

Oh, there you are!

Nate, oh, you two

really did it.

Our Regiftmas chest

runneth over.


That's the Mr. and Mrs. Clause

photo board.

That was my favorite.

Hey, ours too!

Whoa, you two need

a retake.

Oh, we'll get

right on that, sir.



('50s music playing)

This is great. Yeah.

Yeah, well,

I'm glad we did a retake.

Yeah, this is cool.

But I'm sorry, no matter

how well we fit these roles,

I am not moving to

the North Pole with you.

Hey, I'm just impressed I got

you out of the office for lunch.

Oh, yeah, I have definitely been

living off of energy bars

lately, so not the healthiest

time, but this is on me.

My way of saying

thanks again for everything.

Thank you.

Hey, how's Brandon doing?

Is he enjoying

Christmas break?

Oh, yeah, he's made

a bunch of new friends already

he's hanging out with.

I'm surprised at

how well he's adjusted.

It's tough switching towns

during high school, you know?

Yeah, well,

he's a great kid,

which means that

you must be a great dad.

Oh, I do what I can.

It's a lot easier now

that he's older.

I'm, uh, I'm not

hanging on for dear life.



- Yeah.

- (phone vibrating)


Oh, this is my assistant.

Can I take--

- Yeah. Of course.

- Thanks.

Yeah, AJ?

Oh, no. Um...

I don't know why

I didn't think about that.

Yeah, you know what?


Okay, okay.

Uh, let me figure that out.

Okay, thanks.

Is everything okay?

Uh, yes,

but the plan was

to wrap the donations

after we inspected them,

make them look like gifts.

Of course,

it's Christmas.

Um, yeah, but we never

imagined we would receive

so many donations so quickly.

So, now my staff can't possibly

wrap them all in time.

Uh, yeah, I don't know why

I didn't think that through.

Well, how could you

possibly have known?

Besides, this is

a good problem to have.

I-- Yeah, that's true.

What about a wrap party?

A wrap party?

Yeah, a gift wrap party.

Okay, my mom used to

hold one for all the parents

in the neighborhood,

and they would all come over

and wrap their presents at this

big long table that we'd set up,

and there would be eggnog

and then Christmas carols

and, um, when I was

old enough I got to help,

and it was a lot of fun.

Um, that could

definitely work.

How about this weekend?

We would just have

to get started ASAP,

especially since

donations keep coming in.

Yeah, uh, Saturday night.

I'll host.

I can even invite Allison.

Oh, and Andy.

That guy's got a ton of energy.

We could put it to use.

Yeah, yeah.

Good idea.

And now we sprinkle.

(Allison laughing)

I am going to eat way

too many of these.

Discipline! There's a lot

more Christmas eating to come.

Hey, thanks for

coming early to help.

Thank you for getting me

together with Nate again.

I didn't think I'd see him

'til after the new year.


So, you really like him.

Yeah! Actually...

I haven't spent enough

time with him, to be honest.

I mean, he's certainly

everything I want,

at least on paper.

Ticks all the boxes,

as they say.




In about 20 minutes

we'll have more

Christmas deliciousness.

Now, onto the eggnog.

I will say, though,

Nate seems like a bit of

a tough nut to crack.

He's a little distant.

Yeah, well,

don't give up on him.

He told me that

he hasn't dated anyone

since his wife passed away,

and he just isn't sure

if he's ready to be

serious about someone yet.

I didn't know

it was like that.

Well, it doesn't have

to be a bad thing.

Just look at it like

he's taking baby steps.

But he'll get there.

It's good advice.

Thanks, Hope.


(doorbell ringing)

Oh, I guess the eggnog

will have to wait.

They're here.


Come on.

Come in,

it's open.

Okay. Gift wrap,

scotch tape,

ribbons, extra scissors,

we've got it covered.

Yeah, we bought out

the store down the street,

and this is just

the first round of donations.

- Wow.

- Wow, good for you,

my overgrown elves.

(all laughing)

Hey, Andy. Hi, Nate.

It's good to see you again.

You, too.

Uh, so, why don't

you guys get started,

and eggnog and cookies

in just a few minutes.


Great, I'm starving.

Okay, where should

we get set up?

Oh, uh-- Oh!

(all laughing)

Thank you so much.

Uh, gift wrapping central will

be right over there.

- Okay.

- Allison: This way, come on.

I'm going to grab the rest of

the donations out of the car.

Nate and I had to caravan.

- Hope: Okay.

- Nate: Thanks, Andy! Okay.

Allison: Wow, you really do

have it covered.

Oh, yeah,

we got a lot of stuff.

Ribbon, tape.

It's so cute.

Nate: It is so cute.

This is going to be great.

This one's my favorite.


(Hope laughing)

Come on, Andy.

There's one snowman left.

It's your favorite.


Yeah, I'm having some

trouble with this one.

Oh, Andy...

(all laughing)

Yeah, I'm not really

a crafts person.

Yeah, maybe I should

just redo this one.

Yeah. Thanks.

I'm a better skater than

I am wrapper, I promise.

Hey, don't sweat it,

we're getting a lot done.

There is no way we could have

done this all at the office.

Thank you so much

for all your help.

Yeah, it's been really amazing

seeing Regiftmas come to life

for the whole city.

My hands are tired.

(All laughing)

But I'm glad we weren't playing

tonight so I could help out.

Well, we are so close

to done.

Why don't I start clearing some

of this stuff out of the way?

Oh, let me help you.

I'll grab some paper towel.

Do you need some help?

Oh, it's okay.

I got this.

You still watching

our games?

Oh, I wouldn't miss 'em.

You guys are on

a real winning streak.

Yeah, we've been lucky.

I gotta tell you, I don't meet

a lot of women who watch hockey.


Neither do I,

but, honestly, I would go

to every single game in person

if I could afford it.

You know, you don't

have to worry about that.

What do you mean?

I could leave a pass

for you at the box office.

We get free tickets

to every game.

You know, why should

they go to waste?

You would do that for me?

Well, it's honestly

not that big of a deal.

I would love that.

Thanks, Andy.

Yeah. Cool.

Okay, we are going to

make this place spotl--

- Oh!

- Oh!

I will get some

more paper towel.


It's okay.

(water running)


Nate knocked over

some nog.


Oh, I got it. You're in

the middle of all that.


It's just, um...

You're really nice,

and so, um, understanding

about everything.

I just wanted you to know

that I really appreciate you.

Oh, um...

Thanks, Andy.

I appreciate you, too.


Why don't I help you

with that mess?



What's going on

with you?

Sorry, I'm just, uh...

I'm lost

in my own head.

You know how it is.

Yeah, sure I do.

Um... uh...

Let's go mop up that nog,

why don't we?

- Yes, after you.

- Okay.

Sorry, my bad.

Nate, it's Christmas.

All is forgiven.

Hey, Andy's going

to be playing

in a special

Christmas tournament.

He can get us free passes.

Would you want to go?

You'll be done with

the Jingle Bell Jubilee by then.

Oh, sure.

Andy: I can probably get

a ticket for Brandon, too,

if he was interested.

He'd probably love that.

I'll let him know.


Oh, it's very

sweet of you, Andy,

but hockey's not

really my thing.


I remember.


Here, why don't

I finish this off?

- Allison: Oh.

- Nate: Oh, nice.


That'll do it.

That's about it.

Now we just have to load

the presents into the vehicles.

Yeah, we got

a lot done tonight.

We sure did.

We are a lean, mean

gift-wrapping machine.

I'll go throw these

out for you.


No, no. I'll help.

(both chuckling)

Thanks again

for hosting this.

My staff was dreading

trying to put all this together

on their own.

You're going to make me

look like a hero at work.

Well, I feel like

you already do

with everything you did with

the Jubilee and Regiftmas.

Nate, it really

means a lot to me.

It means a lot to me, too.

You really saved

the charity drive.



I-- I should go

help with the gifts.


(phone ringing)


Knock, knock.

Oh. Hey, Andy.

Come on in.

I, uh, unloaded the presents

where you told me to,

so you're good to go, bro.

Good to go!

Thank you.

Is-- Is everything

else okay?

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You know, just Christmas.

It's right around the corner.


Yeah, right around the corner.

So, Hope's really awesome.

I love having her around.

Yeah, yeah. It's great getting

to catch up with her again

after all these years.

Oh, I bet.


How are, uh,

you and Allison getting along?

Oh, uh, we're good.

I mean...

We're just getting

to know each other.

So, like, no big deal, or...

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, I guess.


Hey, Andy is something

else on your mind or?

I, uh...

I need to talk to Hope

about something important,

and I, uh...

I don't know how to do it,

I don't know what

she's going to say.

Okay, about what?

Uh, I don't want to say.

Is that cool? I just need

to talk to Hope first.

Uh, yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, okay.

Well, uh...

Gotta get to practice.

Well, if you do want to

talk about whatever, you--

Yeah, I know where to come.

City Hall.



Um, well, thanks again

for bringing the gifts,

not to mention all

the wrapping you've done.

It's been a big help.

It's no problem.

Have a good day, boss.

Yeah, you too.

I thought some

hot tea might be nice.

Well, you thought right.

Thank you, sir.

Oh, that is

the least I could do

after you helped fix the great

gift wrapping catastrophe.


Andy tried his best.

Yes, but his unique approach to

gift wrapping didn't go over

too well with my staff,

which is why I asked you quietly

to come over and fix his more...

challenging attempts.

I didn't want to

hurt his feelings.

Could have asked Allison.

No one wraps like you do,

and I didn't want

to take any chances.

Well, you're right. All our

regifts need to look beautiful

for everyone

who's getting them.

And basically, never let Andy

near a roll of gift wrap again.

Oh, don't be so hard on him.

Maybe it was meant to be.

With great regifting

comes great rewrapping. Hm?

You might be on

to something.



So, what's the deal

with you two?

With who two?

You and Andy.

Me and Andy? Uh...

Nothing, we're

just friends.

Oh, so you two

never dated?


Yeah, well, we went out

a couple of times,

but it never went anywhere.

You know, he's a hockey player,

always on the road and...

- (chuckling) What?

- Nothing.

It's just, we had a very strange

conversation earlier.

First, he asked how things were

going with me and Allison.


Mm-hm. At which I said

things were going fine.

Yeah, she does

really like you,

and you guys seem to have

a lot of fun together.

Honestly, it's just fun getting

to go out with adults again

after being

a single dad for so long.

Yeah, I bet.

I know this is

new territory for you.

So, good for you

for taking it on.

So, um,

what was the other thing?

Uh, what other thing?

What else

did Andy say?

Nothing. He just started

talking about how great you are.

Oh, okay.

That's odd.

In what way?

Well, when we were in

the kitchen yesterday,

he told me

he appreciated me,

and then he just kind of

stared at me for a few seconds.


Yeah. I feel like he was

trying to get at something.

I shouldn't have

said anything.

Never mind.

Never mind what?

- I shouldn't--

- Shouldn't what?

He said he wanted

to ask you something.

Something, and I quote,


Well, did he say

anything else?

No, he just seemed serious.

No. No.

Andy is never that serious.

I know, but he was

definitely serious.

I mean, he's been spending

a lot of time with you,

helping out for Regiftmas.

Maybe he realized something.


Could you possibly be

a little bit more vague?

Oh, maybe Mister Hockey Star

wants another shot.

With you.

Ding, dong,

merrily on high

In Heaven

the bells are ringing

Ding dong,

merrily on high

Come hear

the people singing


Nate really did a great job

putting this

whole thing together.

Yeah, he sure did.

Shows what hard work can do.

Or, correction,

hard work and heart.

Your heart.

Thanks for coming

with me today.

Oh, yeah.

Sure, Andy.

That's what friends are for.

Oh, look!

That's the coolest hat.

Great hat.

Oh, hi, Ms. Wilson.

Hey, Brandon.

Hi, Brandon's dad.

Hey. Can you believe it?

People are still donating.

We're going to have to

have another wrapping party.


It's beyond

my wildest dreams.


How are you guys doing?

Doing good?

Having fun?

Yes. Yeah.

We're-- We're good.


Nate, you did

an amazing job.

Thank you.

Hey, uh, we'll pop back

by in a little bit.

Come with me.

I want to buy you

a Santa cupcake

at the hot chocolate kiosk.

His hat... all icing.

Oh, okay. Well, that's a sugar

high waiting to happen.




Andy, uh,

is something going on?

Did Nate tell you?

Tell me what?

That I wanted to

ask you something.

He was looking at us

like something was going on.

He did tell me that you had

something important to ask me.

I wish he hadn't.

I know.

I'm sorry, but look,

I'm good to just

let the whole thing go.

But there is something

that I want to ask you.

Okay. Just ask it.

I'm just hoping that

you're going to be okay

with what I'm about to say.

Andy, just ask it.

It's just it's really hard.


Well, you and I went out

a couple of times,

and I don't know how

you feel about me, but--

I feel that--

that you are

a really great...


Yes, exactly,

and it's good to

keep it that way.

Uh, yeah?

(both chuckling)

Okay, this is maybe going to

be easier than I thought.

I wanted to

ask you about Allison.


I kinda

have a crush on her.


You do!?

I've been wondering

for a little while.

I think that she may

have a crush on you, too.

She does?

Well, what about Nate?

I mean, I would ask her myself,

but if they're getting along

then I don't want

to interfere.

I'm not really sure.

Could you find out?

Andy, that's kind of

a big ask,

but Allison and I do

tell each other everything,

and she's supposed

to drop by here soon.

So, I can't make

any promises--

Yes, thank you!

Thank you, Hope!


Easy, big guy.


I wish my house

was this delicious.

Yeah, but then it would slowly

disappear piece by piece.

Oh, well, not slowly,

and then I'd just

bake another one.

You know, Nate insisted on

bringing this booth back, too.

He remembered it

from when we were kids.

Well, he is

one smart cookie.


He sure is.


I just wish that, uh...


I thought you two

had a lot in common.

No, we do, but...

I just think

that's the problem.

The other night, when we

were out for hot chocolate--


--we ended up talking about

management theories for an hour.

Not very romantic.


Yeah, and to be honest

it didn't really feel

like we had much else

to talk about.

Our get-togethers are

starting to feel more like...

staff meetings.

- Ouch.

- Mm-hm.

So, we talked it out,

and we decided no more dates.



I-- I'm sorry.

I thought you two

would really hit it off.

Well, it's okay.

You tried.

I tried and even

Nate tried.

So, no harm no foul.

Well, then, I guess

I should tell you, um...

Well, I found out what

Andy wanted to ask me about.


Turns out the person he wanted

to ask about was...


- Me?

- He likes you.

- What?

- Like, a lot.

- Really?

- Really. (chuckling)

Oh, this is

the best Christmas present

a girl could ever ask for.


(both laughing)


- Oh, hi.

- Hey.

Who's watching

the Regiftmas booth?

Oh, Brandon

and some of his buddies.

Uh, but listen, the mayor

is making his speech soon,

and he wants us to

stand on stage with him.


Us, like me and you?

Yeah, like me and you.




Hey, um, can you two

give us a minute?

Uh, yeah.

Sure. Yeah.

We'll catch up

with you guys later.

Don't they make

such a great couple?

Wait, what?

I thought Andy was

going to ask you out again.

Uh, no. Turns out Andy just

wanted to know if it was okay

if he could ask Allison out.

That's a twist.


So, you and Nate,

that's more of

a friendship thing?


So, would it be okay,

if we went out sometime?

Like, you and me?

Andy, I would love that.

Me, too.


Hey, do you want to go

get some hot chocolate?

I would love that.

Plus, I heard they have

those Santa cupcakes.

Even better.

(both laughing)

Woman: Hey, it's them.

There they are!

I saw them on TV.

What, are we

celebrities now?

Yeah, exactly.


I think

it's the news report.

You wouldn't believe

how many people came up to me

in the booth and thought

we were, like, um...

Like, um, what?

Uh, a couple

or something.


Well, hey, maybe we should

hold hands once in a while.

Give the people

what they want.

(both laughing)

I think my experience with

Allison has taught me something.

That is...

I'm definitely not ready.

Uh, how do you know that?

Oh, well,

while Allison and I

were hanging out...

...I just kept avoiding

anything that would make it

more of a real relationship,

and I think that is a red flag.

Maybe I'll never

be ready.

Doesn't happen twice and that's

just how it's supposed to be.

But it's your life, Nate.

It can be whatever

you want it to be.

Yeah, I know, I just...

But it has been nice

spending time with you.

You make it sound like we'll

never see each other again.

Oh. Oh, no.

Like, it's just...

Regiftmas, Christmas,

the whole

Jingle Bell Jubilee.

I mean, it'll all be done,

and soon the Christmas

glow will all be gone,

and we just gotta

get back to reality.


Yeah, yeah. We will...


You, uh,

ready to take the stage?

Yes, sir.

You know,

maybe it should just be Nate,

'cause I wasn't

that involved.

Hope, your Regiftmas idea

has made this a Christmas

to remember for

a lot of needy families.

I'm not getting up on

that stage without you.

Come on.

And I hope you've all enjoyed

this year's Jingle Bell Jubilee.

Personally, I think it may

be the best we've ever had.

(all applauding, cheering)

Now, on that note,

I'd like to introduce you

to two people

that you may already

be acquainted with.

Our new City Manager

Nate Albertson

and one brilliant

school teacher, Hope Wilson.

(crowd cheering)

What you all may not know is

just a little while ago

our annual Christmas Charity

Drive was in deep,

deep trouble.

Then these two young people

found a way

to turn it around

by introducing all of us

to the concept of Regiftmas.


A record number

of donations this year,

far surpassing past efforts!

- (crowd cheering)

- Oh, wow! Wow!

Which is why Nate and Hope

will each be receiving

special recognition medals

from the City

of Larchmont Falls

to honor everything they've

accomplished for our town!

Take a bow, you two!

(crowd cheering)

Mayor Barson:

Oh! Oh! One more thing!

Don't forget about our annual

Christmas Eve Jingle Bell Dance

tonight at seven right here

in City Hall

and I want to wish each and

every one of you

a Merry Christmas.

(crowd cheering)


Merry Christmas!

Thanks again, you two.

I'll see that you get those

medals as soon as possible.

Nate, who looks after

the medals?

I do, sir.

Well, we're

in good hands.

Now, I expect to see

both of you back here

at the Jingle Bell Dance


- Oh, I really don't think...

- I don't...

Oh, no, no, no,

no, no, no.

This is one of the high points

of the Jubilee

and I will not take "no"

for an answer.

You two represent the best this

city has to offer.

Ergo, you will both be there.


I'll see you later.

Well, he is the boss,

or my boss at least.

Are you gonna come?



No, I don't think so.

I'm pretty wiped out.


I get it.

But still, it might be

nice to...

I don't know.

I, yeah, you should, um,

you should go home and rest.

You did your part.

Are you sure?


I could--

I could come.

Uh, no.

No, that's okay.

You have done

more than enough.

Well, if that's

how you look at it...

Have a good

Christmas, Hope.

Yeah, you too, Nate.

See you guys tomorrow.

Hey! Aren't you coming

to the dance?

Yeah, 'cause...

guess what?


We're going together!

Oh! That's-- That's so great,

you guys.

But no. I'm gonna sit

this one out.

But you guys have fun.



I-- I don't know.

We just thought since the two of

us are going together.

Yeah, you and Nate would

come with and...

I don't think so, Andy.

It's not what he wants.

You don't that.

No, I-- I do.

Yeah, he told me that after

everything that happened

with you, it just kind of proved

to him that he's not ready.

Okay, but, and this is

just a theory.

What if the reason Nate didn't

want to be with me

is because he actually

wants to be with you,

but he just can't see it?

Maybe, but...

- No, I.

- Hope!

When we're out on the ice and

things are getting hairy,

sometimes we need

to push one of the guys

to do the thing that

he needs to do.

Maybe that's what Nate needs.

A little push.

Maybe you could

use one, too.

I really appreciate

the advice, you guys,

but I need to respect

Nate's wishes.

Regiftmas is behind us now and--

and it was amazing

and I am so lucky,

but I just, I need to move on

with my life.

But you guys

have fun, okay?



(band playing Christmas music)

- Ha. Look at you two.

- Yeah!

It all kind of worked out,

I guess.

Thanks to you and Hope.

Great party, by the way.

Uh, well, you'll have

to give the credit

to the Chamber of Commerce.

They handle the

Jingle Bell Dance.

Which was good for me, because

I had enough on my plate.

So, Hope didn't show?

Uh, no, no.

Yeah, she said

she wasn't going to,

but we were kind

of hoping that maybe...

Yeah, yeah,

I sort of was too,

but I can't blame her.

Well, you look like you could

use a dance partner.

Ah, no, no. That's okay.

You two go ahead.

After all,

you just got together.

Oh, come on.

It's just one dance, Nate.

- Do you mind?

- No!

He's gonna be better at not

stepping on your toes anyways.

- (laughing)

- I'm gonna go get some punch.

Come on.



I've wanted to tell you,


I'm sorry you

and I didn't click.

I just don't think

I was ready.


Did you ever think that maybe

you weren't ready,

because I'm not

the right person for you?

And maybe if you were with

the right person...

You're not talking about

a specific person, are you?

I'm talking hypothetically.



Okay, not hypothetically.

I'm talking about Hope.

Yeah, I mean, I just...

I think I pushed her away one

too many times

and now I can't stop

thinking about her.

What do you mean?

I mean, Regiftmas

is over.

This whole time I was able

to be with Hope

without admitting to myself

how much it meant to me

and, uh, I could just tell

myself I was doing my job.

Nate, everybody knew you weren't

just doing your job.

Yeah, except the one person

that mattered the most.


Sorry, Allison,

I think I need to cut in.

Yeah, you do.

You showed up.

Yeah, I did.

What changed your mind?


I went home and I saw my

grandmother's cedar chest

right back in my living room

and I just thought about how she

was so unselfish.

She always cared so much about

other people.

Not about herself and I always

tried to be like that.

What makes me happy is making

other people happy.

That's why I love

Regiftmas so much.

- I know.

- But I realized that...

I was making myself pretend that

I didn't have feelings for you.

First, because Allison

wanted to date you

and then because you told me you

weren't ready

and I wanted

to respect that,

but then, I couldn't help but

think about how sad you looked

when I left the ceremony and

I just started to wonder...

...what if what I want

is really what you want.

What if those two things,

they just, they line up?

I started thinking

a lot after you left.

And I think, Ms. Wilson,

you might be on

to something.




I guess it's not just

what we want.

What they want.

So, you know what they say.

Let's... let's give the people

what they want.



Happy Christmas,

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas, everyone

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas

Happy Christmas, everyone