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19x08 - Love Lockdown

Posted: 12/07/23 16:05
by bunniefuu
KHLOE: Previously on Keeping Up
with the Kardashians...

We're self-sh**ting everything,

we're documenting it.

It is really a very
confusing time.

I feel tired.

I don't feel like this is what
a normal 36-year-old feels like.

There's definitely been
some stress in my life.

Missing my parents.

I never thought
that there was a possibility

any of that stuff could
affect me in the long run.


Khloe has been really sick.

KHLOE: So, I just found out

that I do have corona.

It's gonna be fine.

But it was really bad
for a couple days.

I just got a text from my doctor
saying that I'm negative.

I'm so excited to leave my room.

My goodness.

Where's my hug? Oh!

Having corona has been
really tough on me mentally

and of course physically.

But having Tristan here
to help take care of me,

it's really meant
the world to me.

I'm really, really grateful
for that,

and I love my little family.

Come sit over here with Mommy.

Tonight on the season finale...

I feel like, during quarantine,

I think it's been, like,
really amazing for us.

SCOTT: Has Khloe slept
with Tristan yet?

-Yes. -Oh, 100%. -No.

When I hurt her
with all the actions I did,

it really affected me a lot
because of how much

I let you down
in our relationship,

'cause you viewed me as a son.

Why are you, like, the man
I dreamed of currently?

Why couldn't you be that
when we were together?

The governor of California
just issued

the stay
two more months longer...

- What?
- Lockdown.

I am getting stir-crazy
and antsy.

Why not rent a house in Malibu,

and try to change up
the scenery?

This is no sanctuary.

I found a guy
underneath my deck.

He was there to record
my phone calls.

A couple people told me
about this place

that deals with, like,
past traumas.

I just want to learn
how to, like, deal

with everything the right way.

♪ ♪

KHLOE: So, Kourtney and I are
going to try a workout.

I think, for our mental health,
it will help us.

But I haven't worked out,
God, in, like, almost 20 days.

Tristan is now gonna join us.

But we're all social distancing.
Six feet apart.

We're gonna work out
by not touching each other,

- um, even...
- This is definitely three feet apart.

You're almost seven feet tall.

- Close.
- Okay, well, don't try to touch me.

- [laughs]
- My God.

- Um...
- Can't get enough.

[laughs]: Okay.

[coughs] I can't.

Ever since California's
been on lockdown,

Tristan and I basically
have been quarantining together

but not, like...
He doesn't live here...

He has his own house... but
I know that he's self-isolating,

and he's safe to come
back and forth.

He's been spending
a ton of time here.

And I know,
if it wasn't for quarantine,

that we wouldn't be spending
this much time together.

But I like spending time
with him.

Okay, so we just finished
our first workout.

- In three weeks.
- In three weeks and, Kourt,

how do you feel?

Like throwing up.

Yeah. That [bleep]
was [bleep] hard.

♪ ♪

The U.S. coronavirus death toll

reaches 21,000,

prompting more shutdowns
and speculation that California

will go into lockdown
for two more months.

All right, so, we're, like,
day I don't even know,

and I'm about to see Scott
for the first time

'cause we are dying to just
have human interaction

and excited to go on a walk.

So we are gonna stay six feet
apart from each other.

Scott? I see your feet. Say hi.

- Scott.
- Hi. Let's go on this walk.

How are you? Okay, wait,
should we glove up?

Another week has gone by
of quarantine,

and I don't feel like
it's that crazy to see Kim.

- [coughs]
- KIM: Was that a cough?

SCOTT: She's kind of

a freak when it comes
to being careful, so...

doesn't seem to be like

we're really breaking the rules
that much.

Did you hear that the governor
of California

just issued the stay
two more months longer...

- What?
- Lockdown.

- Yeah.
- Two more months of this?

- Yeah.
- I can't do it, man.

How are you?

I'm freaking out.

I am getting stir-crazy
and antsy.

I didn't think I was going to.

I thought it was gonna be
some amazing break,

just sitting around,
but the more and more

I watch the news, and hear
about all these tragedies,

all I can think is that things
are gonna get worse

and is the world gonna end?

It's mind-blowing.

And at the same time, you know,
we've got to stay cool

and collective
and be with our kids

and raise our family and deal
with home school and it's a lot.

A mandatory two more months.

- Isn't that insane?
- Yes.

All right, guys,
we're done with that.

♪ ♪

- Look at this.
- [Khloe gasps]

All for Tu-tu.

KHLOE: [laughs softly] Wow.

- What is all this, Mama?
- TRISTAN: Tu-tu?


It's True's second birthday
on Easter Sunday.

TRISTAN: Can I have an order of ice cream,

And I planned this really great
birthday party,

but because of coronavirus,
we don't get to have that party.

Are you gonna open that
by yourself?

[gasps] You go, girl.

But even though it's just
Tristan, True and myself,

it's special and intimate.

She's gonna have
the best birthday ever.


KHLOE: Wow, what is it?

- Shoes.
- It's shoes?

- Guess who gave you that.

KHLOE: Auntie KiKi.

- What do you say?
- Thank you, KiKi.

- "Thank you, KiKi."

- [laughter] -Look,
they're dancing with you, Stormi.

Look, they're dancing with you.

Guys, there's more to be found.

- I got $20 in my stuff.
- What?

It's a picture of your
first car you're gonna get

- when you turn 16.
- Yes.

- I'm going to have a car?
- When you're old enough.

- Hey, Kenny.

- Hey, Bob.
- Ah, there's Rob.

Hey, guys.

- Hey, Khlo.
- [singsongy]: Hey.

[laughs] You got soul.

♪ Hey. ♪

Ken, I rented a beach house
in Malibu

- if you ever want to come hang.
- Oh, my God, yeah.

- Do you have a private beach?
- Yeah.

- Are you there now?
- No, I take...

- I get the house in a few days.
- 100% I'm coming.

SCOTT: The more I watch the news,
all I can think

is that things are gonna
get worse and it's really hard

having to stay home,
not do normal things.

And now I'm really going
pretty stir-crazy.

Why not rent a house in Malibu

and try to change up
the scenery?

It's such a peaceful way
to wake up every day.

Also an amazing thing
for the kids.

We can do a ton of activities
that we can't do at home,

so it's kind of perfect.

Kim. Hey.

KENDALL: All right,
you guys, I got to go.

- [overlapping chatter]
- Bye.

Khloe. Khloe,
where are you going?

- What are you doing?
- Tristan's coming over.

No, he's not.

Just so you know.

What, you're doing,
like, total makeup.

- Where are you going?
- A little place called Pound Town.

KHLOE: I'm just doing
my eyes and eyebrows.

What's wrong with that?
Why are you guys so annoying?

Guaranteed, you're going
to see Tristan. tutorials yesterday.

- I don't understand...
- Quarantine bay, let's go.

What do we all think?

Has Khloe slept
with Tristan yet?

-Yes. -Oh, 100%. -No.

Could think of worse things
to be doing during quarantine.

I'm thinking this Malibu house
is the perfect getaway.

Turns out,
that's absolutely not true.

That was super frustrating,

and I kind of felt
like I was gonna blow up.

SCOTT: Has Khloe
slept with Tristan yet?

-Yes. -Oh, 100%. -No.

That's what I said! She says no!

- [Kris laughs]
- No, I haven't, but...

By the way,
it's none of our business.

And she can do
whatever she wants to do...

I want her to, lady!

No, I don't think anybody is
coming from, like,

an attacking place, but I would
say and I genuinely haven't.

The only thing we've done
is, like, a peck, like...

goodbye, like that.

My family is just up

each other's asses
all the [bleep] time.

And it's strange, but I love it.

But sometimes I have

to process things
and I have to...

It's okay to go
through the motions.

We don't have to just,
like, jump from A to Z.

Let me tell you,
I thought they did 100%,

and I was convinced
she was lying to me,

and then I sat them both down

two days ago
and talked to them...

Keeks, why didn't you tell
me that? We talked about it

- on the walk the other day.
- Six feet apart.


Does he ever try,
Khlo, like, to make moves?

KHLOE: Oh, every day. I say no.

Because, like,
I love how friendly we are.

Is it right of me
to keep hanging out with him

when I don't even know
what my motives are,

- but I know what his are.
- I think he still would rather

hang out with you in this
capacity than nothing at all.

- So don't feel bad.
- Yeah.

And by the way, there's
no dating going on right now.

We're not allowed
to leave the house.

Oh, yeah, nobody's
seeing each other.

You're absolutely right, Mom.

KIM: Unless you
want to get on Tinder.

- Listen, guys...
- Tinder?


Ooh, Sainty!

My Sainty!

SCOTT: It's quarantine, baby!

We're all losing it!

Why are you hiding?
What is...? Why are you hiding?

- Are you a goofy baby?
- [Saint laughing]

- KRIS: Hey!
- Hi.

- What are you doing?
- Cleaning my garage.

Oh, my God, something
that lifted my spirits

Was seeing all the pictures
of True's birthday.

I don't think she missed having

- at a birthday party.
- I didn't.

[Kris laughs]


I know you were on the text
about Kourtney's

- birthday car caravan.
- Yes.

But you're in Palm Springs,
so you're not gonna

- join on Saturday?
- No.

Kourtney's birthday falls
a couple days after True's.

And I really want to do
something great for Kourtney.

I want her to feel
celebrated and loved.

So I'll have them
meet here first.

And then we'll,
like, parade over there.

And, like, everyone can
make their banners.

But don't tell Kourtney;
it's supposed to be,

- like, a surprise.
- Oh, I'm not gonna tell her.

Normally, we're over the top.

We're obnoxious
about birthday parties.

Kourtney's birthday!

[cheering, clamoring]

- Happy birthday!
- Incredible!

So I want to let Kourtney know
how much we love her

six feet apart.

Do you want me to order
a cake for her?

I mean, I'm sure
she would like that.

No, she probably wouldn't
because she doesn't eat.

- Well, it's the... thought that counts.
- The thought?

But the thought
should be about her.

[Kris laughs]

♪ ♪

- I'm going in!
- SCOTT: Go in!

I could think of worse things
to be doing during quarantine.

Watch and learn, son...

You thought I was just
a reality star?

I'm an international
yo-yo champion... ho!

You're really bad at it.
I don't understand.

What are you...?
Hey, this is walking the dog.

Hello, hello... Being in Malibu

is unbelievable... I really
like the house that I got.

Walking the dog.

Catching the cradle... ho!

At home, there's no privacy
with the paparazzi.

And being in close quarters
with Sofia,

we're definitely getting
on each other's nerves.

- Ho!
- So being able to hear the water every night,

waking up and seeing the ocean,

seems like a great getaway,
seems really private.

I'd like to live here
to be honest.

You got to walk faster.

Hold on.

And then, chasse.



♪ ♪

KHLOE: Hiya.

- How are you?
- I'm good.

How's Acey doing?

He's great. I just put him down.

How's little Tu-tu?

She's in her nap,
too, right now.

- Mom life.
- Mom life. [laughs]

Even though I miss
the twins a lot and I

want to be with Malika's baby,

this is our new normal.

Like, I'm Zooming and FaceTiming
with everybody these days.

You know, we've-we've got
this co-parenting thing down.

- You know?
- He's a month old.

- We've got it down.
- Okay.

Okay, I'm speak...
I'm speaking positive.

How are things
with True's daddy?

They're great.
I mean, we're in...

a really good... place.

He's been super helpful.
And when I was isolated,

he helped
with so many responsibilities.

But I could also tell...

like, his energy's different,

He'll, like, you know,
touch my shoulders or something.

Like, okay, you're getting
a little too touchy.

He's like,
"I just want you to know

"if ever you are...

thinking the same thing,
I'm here for you." Basically.

- Like... Yes.
- At least you know the door is open, like, not...

He's still in love with you.

No, and I... I know that.

But I think I feel
a little more pressured.

Even my family's like,
"So are you guys

sleeping together or not?"
I'm like, "No, we're not."

And that he's never said,
"I need an answer,"

but I almost feel
like he needs an answer,

as to like, "What are we doing?"

I do feel pressure from Tristan,
but not because he's told me,

"You need to give me..."

Like, I've never had
an ultimatum from Tristan.

I just feel like
it's been over a year

since we broke up and now that
we're hanging out more,

I can tell he's getting antsy.

I just wish I had
a definitive answer on my end.

Like, I wish I either said,

"All these feelings for Tristan,
I just am afraid,"

or "Gosh, I don't have
any feelings."

It's like I don't even know
how to get a feeling about...

- Any feeling.
- Maybe 'cause you're scared.

And you're blocking out
your feelings

about those things
because it's just safe.

I think you're
just not open to being loved,

because of all of the [bleep]
that has happened.


I 100% have a block up,
but who wouldn't?

Like, every relationship
I go into,

they're always disappointing
and [bleep] up.

So I have every reason
to be guarded.

I have every reason
to have these br...

Bricks up and layers.

And if somebody cares enough,

they will take those bricks
down, brick by brick.

Otherwise, I am very good
sitting in my palace

with my moat, alligators
and all the walls around me.

In most cases, nobody wants
to get back with the guy

that broke your heart in front
of millions of people.

But to be quite honest with you,
the Khloe that I know

doesn't give a [bleep]
what other people think.

He loves you
and I believe deep down inside

that you still love him.

I don't know if romantically
I can get there.

I don't know, and I don't know
how to even, like, try that.

You won't know if you don't try.

Take baby steps.

Open up a little bit.

You won't even really have
a conversation with the man,

like, about your relationship
and the past.

Like, no two people actually
move on from things

without commun...
At least communicating about it.

You just got to start somewhere.

KHLOE: Line up an get ready
for the Kourt parade!


We are going to drive
by Kourt's house,

blasting birthday music.

- [horns honking]
- [cheering, clamoring]

I think people are starting
to come.


This is so cute.

[shouting, cheering]

- I love this.
- Oh, thank you.

We're recycling some of True's
balloons for Kourtney.

Is this scary? It is?

It's just me talking...
I'm preparing you, okay?

'Cause when we go outside
of Auntie Kourtney's house,

I'm going to say this
really loud, okay?

So it's Kourtney's birthday,

and we are going to
drive by Kourt's house

blasting birthday music,

honking horns,
annoying all the neighbors.

And everyone did
such a great job

decorating their cars.


Kendall, your hair looks
so much lighter.

KENDALL: It just keeps
getting lighter from the sun.

Hi, P. I need your help with

getting your mommy
out the front door.

And I'm gonna have
a surprise for her

on the street.
But I can't tell her.

You're just gonna have to say,
"Mom, can you come outside?

I need to show you something."

But don't ruin the surprise.

You can take all the credit.

- You got it, P.
- Okay, I love you. Bye.

♪ ♪

KHLOE [over bullhorn]:
Everybody line up and get ready

for the car parade. Northie.

♪ ♪

- [shouting]
- [horns honking]

♪ ♪

SCOTT [over bullhorn]:
It's your birthday!

KHLOE: We're literally,
like, shaking the earth

with how much we're honking
and screaming and chanting,

and I'm like,
"Get the [bleep] outside,

celebrate with us."

There's only so much
Rihanna "Cake, cake, cake"

I can [bleep] play.

- ♪ ♪ - [honking, whooping]

[honking continues]

♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: I knew something

was going on outside,
because Khloe called and said

I need to talk to Penelope,
and then Penelope said,

"I need to take you outside."

So I thought
maybe Khloe had balloons

or, you know, something.

But, oh, my God,

this is so exciting;
I wanted to start crying.

KHLOE [over bullhorn]:
Let's go, Kourtney!

[cheering, whooping]

BIG BOY [over bullhorn]:
♪ Happy birthday ♪

♪ Dear Kourtney ♪

♪ Happy birthday... ♪

♪ To... ♪

♪ You, ooh-ooh-ooh! ♪

[cheering, whooping]

Happy birthday, Kourt!

KYLIE: This is just so nice

to all be together and
celebrate Kourtney's birthday.

KOURTNEY: It was so nice

to actually see faces,

everyone with their signs

and blasting
their birthday songs,

and it's just so special.

Way more special
than a regular birthday.

Bye. Love you guys!

Thank you!

- KHLOE: Tu-tu. Yeah, dance!
- Yeah!

That's my girl!

[phone rings]

MALIKA: Hello?

I have, like, five seconds to
grab some candy and talk to you.

I don't know what... I think
candy is, like, my motivation.

It keeps me going. Seriously.

I do need the sugar.

MALIKA: After talking to Khloe,

I decided to reach out
to Tristan,

because he is my friend, too,
and he does have a great heart

and he is a good person...
He just made

some really horrible mistakes.

And I think
he does need the sound advice

that doesn't come
from one of his friends.

You need to know what she needs

for you to mend fences with her.

You guys in a good space?

Yeah, we're in a good space,
but obviously,

you know,
I lost my partner in crime,

my Taco Tuesday buddy.
It's, like, damn,

like, when it hits you,
it hits you hard, you know

- what I'm saying? Like...
- Yeah.

She sacrificed the world for me,
and for me just being

immature and not smart

and not really understanding
what I value.

What I realized
was that I put...

I put a lot of...

weight on-on opinions
that didn't matter.

Being a professional athlete,
we get so used to making

everyone else happy,
we forget what makes...

what makes Malika happy,
what makes Tristan happy.

And with me realizing that
it's okay to be deeply in love.

You don't lose your man power.

You don't lose,
like, that doesn't...

that doesn't define you,
you know what I'm saying?

It's okay to be...

a guy deeply in love.

But there was something
you needed to learn,

obviously, about yourself,
and you feel as though

you've gotten that.

Everything is not lost,

especially because you guys
have a family.

There's always something
to fight for.

It's a long, hard,
tough journey,

but if the two of you

believe that this is something
worth truly fighting for,

then that's exactly
what you should do.

MALIKA: My advice to Tristan,

when it comes to Khloe,
is, honestly,

be forthright, humble yourself,

leave your ego at the door.

And I think the more that
he shows that side of himself,

the more she'll open up to him.

Losing her made me lose
a part of myself.

And I was going down a path
that was not who I wanted to be.

Just let Kris know,

like, you're not going anywhere,

and maybe even tell her
your angle.

She's the biggest heart
and the most forgiving person,

so if she... but she can
also read through bull [bleep].

So if she's the person
that's like...

"I see you,"
then you got yourself

in a much better position there.


you got to work,
you got to work.

♪ ♪

You know, I'm thinking...

this Malibu house is
the perfect getaway,

we have all the privacy
in the world.

Turns out that's
absolutely not true.

Every day I wake up,

they all stand on the beach.

There's no privacy.

They're in the front
and in the back of my house.

I'm thinking it'll go away,

they'll get their pictures,
and it'll be done.

That was not the case.

That was super frustrating,

and I kind of felt
like I was gonna blow up.



KOURTNEY: I want him

to be the best that he can,
you know,

for my kids and for himself
and for me.

♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: Hi, guys.

- Hi.
- Hey, Kourtney.

- Hello!
- This is not a good angle.

KOURTNEY: It's really important

for me at Poosh to, you know,
keep everything going,

keep everyone employed,

create new content, and...

now people have realized

more than ever how important
our health and wellness is.

And so...

being able to create content
around that,

I think is really important.

Have you guys heard of this
brand called Living Libations?

There was a whole section on,
like, vag*na and, like,

stuff like how to, like,
take care of, like,

your penis, even,
for, like, guys.

It was, like, this oil, and,
like, all these different...

[laughs]: like, a whole section.

So I thought maybe we
might want to do that.

It was, like, everything...

What other time to try it
than now?

- Yeah.
- Okay. Bye.

[line rings]

SCOTT: Hello?

Hi. I got your text.

Yeah. I was just thinking,
I don't know, this whole...

COVID, staying in,
like, no structure,

it just, like,
doesn't work for me.

It's, like, making me feel
like I just can't handle

the staying home, not working.

It's, like, recently,
all I've been doing

is, like,
trying to find things to do.

Like, doing this, doing that,
and just, like,

renting a house in Malibu
for an escape, and then that

turned into a total [bleep] show
with paparazzi.

Like, okay,
this is no sanctuary at all.

♪ ♪

You know, with everything
going on, I'm just tired.

In my mind, I'm thinking,
I wasted all this time.

I can't have any privacy.

I can't have any time by myself.

This is ruined.

Like, I just can't handle

having nothing really to do.

And the truth was,
I started feeling

more and more anxious,
more and more depressed.

Felt like I was gonna do
something bad

if I didn't figure something out

or take myself out
of this position.

I think now is the time
to work on it.

I go to therapy every week,
but I never have, like,

any breakthroughs,
and I never feel happy.

- You know what I mean?
- Mm-hmm.

I just didn't grieve
my parents correctly

or give it enough time.

I just want to be
the best person

I can be for my family and...

A couple people told me about
this place that specifically

deals with, like, past traumas.

I just want to learn
how to, like,

deal with everything
the right way.

If you're fine with having
the kids and stuff

and you're good with everything,

I would go for, like,
at least a month.

Yeah, I mean, I'm good.
I'm good with the kids.

I am caught a little off guard,

you know, because,
for the first time,

Scott isn't being asked
to go away,

he isn't having an issue
with alcohol or dr*gs.

And it's, like, his idea, so I
think it feels really different.

And I want him to be
the best that he can,

you know, for my kids
and for himself and for me.

And so, I'm, like,
more than happy

to support him in any way
that I can.

This time, I think it's really,
like, bringing up, like,

important work
that we all have to do.

I'm sad that, like, I have to

tell the kids that
I'm leaving and stuff,

which makes me anxious.

Definitely anxious
and nervous about going

to a place to break my head
open and work on things.

But I've been in a treatment
facility before.

I know it's gonna be difficult,

and I know it's gonna be
a lot of pain

before there's pleasure.

But it's something I have to do.

You really want to go,

not 'cause you just came off
of, like, a binge of drinking.

I feel like it's the first time

where you really just want
to work on yourself.

Yeah. I mean,
I want to get to the root

of every problem
that still frustrates me

and learn how to get past it.

Well, I'm proud of you.

SCOTT: Thank you.

♪ ♪

KRIS: I'm not sure what's
happening with that olive tree.

Which one's the olive tree?

- In that little...
- Oh, right there?

They moved it, and it's not
doing very well right there.

Stylish. Sneakers and blazer.

It's quarantine, baby.

- Yeah, right?
- You got to really...

- This is really dressy.
- Got to get your fit on. Yeah.

No [bleep] around.

- Yeah.
- Business still has to be done.

- I know, I know.
- Right?

-Well, how you been?

- Good.
- Yeah, really good.

How are you guys doing,
in quarantine?

I mean, we're doing...
doing really well, I think.

I just... sometimes, I think
it's, like, human nature...

Sometimes you, like,
second-guess yourself.

Like, "Will I ever get back
to that place with her?"

Like, "Am I good enough,
am I, like...

Is she into, like,
who I'm becoming?"

And I remember
you telling me, like,

you know, "That's my baby
girl, that's my bunny."

So, you know, when I hurt her,

I let you down
in our relationship.

'Cause you hurt her,
you hurt all of us.

Hey, is that true, about Scott?

KOURTNEY: Um, yeah.

They leaked
his actual conversation,

like, with the therapist.

I feel like it's just really,
really, it's so awful.

KHLOE: For almost a year now,
you've been

a different person.

It frustrates me
'cause I'm like, "Why now?"

- Yeah.
- "Why are you, like, the man

I dreamed of currently?"

I've grown to a point where
I know what I want in my life,

and I know I want you
in my life.

You know, you're Khloe's

mother and father,
you know what I'm saying?

-And-and I remember
you telling me, like,

you know, "That's my baby girl,
that's my bunny."

So, you know, when I hurt her
with all the actions I did,

it really affected me a lot

because of how much I let
you down in our relationship,

'cause you viewed me as a son,

-so that's what was the part
that was really sad.
-Yeah. Well,

-'cause you hurt her,
you hurt me.
- Yeah. Yeah.

You hurt all of us.

The bottom line is we just want
her to be happy.

- For sure.
- And we want you to be happy

and we want you to be happy
as a family

- and we want True to be happy.
- Mm. Yeah.

Like, just, our friendship
has grown so much,

like, we have not...

Like, we've never been intimate
or nothing like that,

but I think that's helped
our friendship grow.

We're basically like... It's not
even starting from scratch,

it's like below scratch,
just because you're coming in

at a disadvantage
'cause of my bad mistakes.

-But it's like-like,
I'm in the basement,

she's at top floor,
and I'm building my way up

to try to get
back up to the top.

Well, at least you're patient.

Yeah. You have to be
very patient, but you also have

to understand,
when you get frustrated,

you look in the mirror
and be like,

"Why are you here
in the first place?"

'Cause of... 'cause of you, like,

- you know what I'm saying?
- Yeah.

KRIS: Tristan and I have

always had a really close

So when this whole thing

with Tristan
in the last couple of years,

not judging this relationship

has been a little bit
of a challenge, for sure.

And all the mending

and healing that has gone on,

has made me feel good
about him as a person.

I mean, we've given you
such a hard time.

- We b*at you up so much.
- I-I deserve it, though.

And you've really proven,
over time, that you love Khloe

and that you're sorry.

Listen, if you haven't
k*lled each other yet...

-I know, right? know,
then that's a good sign

- that you guys are
pretty compatible.
- Yeah. Yeah.

That's good. Thank God.
I just want her to be happy.

Her and True, those...
That's my family right there,

- so...
- Yeah, it is.

That's all that matters.

♪ ♪

[FaceTime ringing]

Hey. Is that true?

- About Scott?


KIM: I heard that Scott

went to rehab
by seeing it online.

And it looks like someone at the
facility leaked a photo of him.

And I feel really bad for him.

He said he's never been
more betrayed in his life,

and he is packing
and he's definitely coming home.

- But he's really upset,
and especially that...
- Yeah.

I feel like whoever did
leak this information

should be really ashamed
of themselves.

Everyone deserves to deal with
their past traumas in privacy.

He was completely violated.

What about that breach
of confidentiality?


♪ ♪

Do I have Oreo on my lips?

Well, if you have to look
that hard...

- No, you don't.
- Huh.

- Mmm.
- Hot today. It's good.

I know, it's supposed to be warm
the rest of the week, though.

Um, so...

I am really grateful
that Malika and my mom

talked to Tristan.

I love everyone for being
so invested and caring.

But I think
it's really important

that Tristan and I talk.

Um, it's always just super
uncomfortable for me.

I feel like during quarantine,

I think it's been, like,
really amazing for us,

'cause I feel like we've spent
so much time together.

And then especially when I was
isolated in my room, like,

how helpful and what a great dad
and how attentive you were

just even to making sure
I had food and everything.

You know, we've done
this rodeo before,

where your actions
didn't go with your words.

And for almost a year now,
you've been a different person.

It frustrates me
'cause I'm like, "Why now?"

- Yeah.
-"Why are you, like, the man
I dreamed of currently?

Why couldn't you be that
when we were together?"

Like, one of my fears
is you're acting like this

until you get what you want,
and then if you do,

you're gonna turn into, like,
the old Tristan again.

You know, it's been
almost a year, like...

I don't think anybody, like,
should waste their time,

if they're not gonna be serious.

Especially, like,
what-what I put you through.

Like, I've grown to a point
where I know

what I want in my life, and
I know I want you in my life.

So, obviously, we'll always be
in each other's life in terms

of just 'cause we have True, but
I mean, I want more than that.

- You can understand
the reservations that I have.
- I can understand... mm-hmm.

- Yeah. Yeah.
- Right?

Do I love you?
A million percent.

Am I in love
with you currently, no.

But would it be great if I could
have this fairy-tale ending?


But just because you have
a family with someone

also doesn't mean
you have to stay with someone

if it's not the best fit.

I don't know
what the future holds.

All I do know is
I am actively trying

to take down little bricks.

I try to be more trusting.
I-I try.

It's a slow process, but that's
just how it has to be for me.

But I do appreciate the effort
you make, and the new you.

It's night and day, who you are.

I'm like, "Ugh, I don't know
what to do."

For the past year,
I have seen so much growth

and so much change in Tristan,
which I'm so grateful for.

But I will say right now I'm
giving the best that I can give,

and I'm trying and I feel like
we're in a good place

and there is progression and
there is some forward momentum.

It's true, and this time
we haven't, uh,

pushed each other
off the hill yet, so...

- Thank God.
- It's been working out
pretty well.

Sometimes I think
about poisoning you,

but I haven't done it.

I mean, I wouldn't be surprised.


♪ ♪

KRIS: Poor Khloe.

KHLOE: Just trying to do
my job, guys.

Literally a [bleep]
camera operator.

This [bleep] is so hard.

- Okay.
- Hey, Bob!

- KHLOE: Scott.
- Yeah.

It's terrible, what they did.
Terrible, terrible, terrible.

Let him talk.

SCOTT: So, I was there four
or five days in quarantine.

Was about to start my therapy
for past trauma

of my family and, you know,
even the split and, you know,

raising kids and co-parenting

and all the things
that I deal with.

And at that moment,
Kourtney texted me,

called me and sent me
all the articles of the leak.

I had no idea.

It was obviously clear
that somebody had leaked

me being there to the press,

and there couldn't have been
a bigger betrayal.

You went for trauma,
and then they're literally,

like, giving you trauma.

More trauma.

KIM: You went for trauma,

and then they're literally,

- like, giving you trauma.
- More trauma.

I was like,
"I don't trust anybody here.

I don't feel safe."

And that was it.
I got the [bleep] out of there.

It was obviously very hurtful
that there's 900 articles

that are saying that I was there
for cocaine and alcohol.

My whole name
is getting slandered

across every news outlet.

I'm not usually the one
that cares about that,

but it's not cool.

I have three children.
I don't need my son to see that.

You've also worked so hard
to move on from that,

and that's what you're getting
tied with, it just,

it [bleep] sucks.

You obviously went to help
with the trauma...

- SCOTT: It didn't go away.
- What's the plan?

Are you gonna go somewhere else?

- Like, what...
- I mean, at this point,

I'm so turned off
by going to these places,

because it's always
the same [bleep] shtick.

I thought getting away
and going to a facility

would be the best thing.

You know, I could get
out of my own way,

kind of shut down, regroup,
go over everything

in a safe place,
safe environment.

And now that
that was betrayed to me,

the last thing I want to do
is repack my bags and go

to another place to have this
happen to me possibly again.

So even though it's terrible
that you can't have contact

with going to your therapist
right now,

I'm just gonna have to deal
with it like that.

And I have support
of some good people around me.

So that's the story
in a nutshell.

Well, I'm excited
to celebrate your birthday.

- KRIS: You know what
we should do, you guys?
- ROB: Hmm.

We should see if Nobu reopens...

They're doing delivery.

Yeah, and I need
that rock shrimp right there.

- That creamy rock shrimp.
- SCOTT: We could also get Nobu

and all eat together
at one of our houses.

- That would be fun.
- ROB: That's crazy.

SCOTT: Crazy.

♪ ♪

So, we have Khloe
in her natural habitat here,

- making eggs.
- KHLOE: Grits for Corey.

KRIS: Pancakes. Oh, my gosh.

There's gonna be sausage
and bell peppers.

- KRIS: Yeah?
- Amazing.

My mom wanted to have
a Palm Springs day.

I think after 60 days of not
being able to leave a room,

this is lovely.

KRIS: A very tan chef.

She's getting a little color.

KHLOE: You know, I think

it's really good
that Tristan and I

talked about everything.

It just makes me feel
less guilty

because one thing
I don't want to do to anybody,

I don't want
to put anybody's life on pause.


- Come play with us.
- KRIS: I have to do my homework.

[Kris chuckles]

Tris and I are in a good place.

Like, we're gonna be
a family forever.

If we're together or not,

he'll still always be a part
of my family.

Just like Scott.
Just how my dad was to my mom.

That's just how we are.

If you don't get it,
you don't have to.

♪ ♪

KHLOE: Happy birthday!

Happy birthday.

SCOTT: I definitely knew

that my birthday was gonna fall

on a time of lockdown.

But our whole family
hasn't seen anybody else.

You know, it's safe to say
that we can all be together.

And the fact that I have
the best support system,

that's the only thing
that's making me...

somewhat calm.

SCOTT: And a card?

Feels like I haven't seen
any human beings in so long.

[whoops] We are running
around the movie theater.

And when you have
four little kids,

you know,
it's hard to have to stay home,

so this quarantine time
has been really challenging.

I just want to get out
to the real world again.

- Happy birthday.
- Thanks.

Kim, how skinny are you?

- Hi!
- Hi.

KHLOE: Trav!

Life in quarantine has been...

a little scary,
and I'm just happy

that we're all
slowly getting back

to all hanging out
with each other

since we've been quarantining.

- Wow.
- Happy birthday.

Even though
they completely violated Scott,

it was, like, a decision he
really wanted to do on his own,

which I think is amazing.

Maybe this time put
certain thoughts in his head,

like, "Who is my team?"

This time also makes you really
see clearly what's important.

Is it, like,
the elephant in the room,

that photo that you guys posted
in our group chat?

- Is that a joke?
- KYLIE: What photo?

Scott's like, "We're going
for baby number four."

Was that a joke? Or is that
serious? I want to know.

- KHLOE: Are you
really having a baby? No.
- Yeah.

KHLOE: What's happening, Kourt?

Are you? No, right? Yes?

What do you guys think? Look.

KRIS: Stop.

You just pushed that out.

KIM: I'll never forget
this. Sting told me

parents of four
are the most enlightened people.

It is ten times better than one.

Two's madness.
Three is insanity.

-No, three is so insane.
-And four just brings it
all together

- and is calming.
- KRIS: Well,
let's just get it on.



KRIS: Khloe! Khloe!

Ride that thing like it's
Tristan. Pick up the intensity.

Being sick
and testing positive for COVID

was really scary.

I really appreciate
Tristan's been here to help me

and that we're
in such a good place.

And I'm so grateful
for my family.

I appreciate
that support system.

Now I feel good.

I love having so much time
with my daughter.

This is my new normal,
and I'm very excited about it.

Attention, attention!

North and I want to give
a birthday toast to Uncle Scott.

How much we love you

and how great of a party
this is.


With all the stress
that's been going on

with the treatment facility

and having to stay home,
not see other people,

it's brought me down,
and I've been a drop lonely.

I feel like it's so good
to see everybody.

Just makes everything
feel better.

And it couldn't be
a better birthday, honestly.

KRIS: Happy birthday, Scott.

You are the best son,
the best daddy.

And during quarantine,
you have been

so amazing and helpful

and always checking in
on all of us

and making sure
that we're all okay.

- And we love you. Happy birthday.
- We love you!

Happy birthday!


Getting together as a family

in the same place
at the same time,

it's a blessing and something

that we've always taken
for granted, apparently.

They say that in times

of great adversity,

it's the way that you react

that really shows
your true character.

And I'm really proud
of my family.

I think we've all done
a really good job

taking care of one another.

- [cheering]
- Make a wish.

Guys, there's a new cake
that he didn't blow on.

- SCOTT: You ready?
- KRIS: Happy birthday, Scott.