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11x03 - Rites of Passage

Posted: 12/07/23 16:58
by bunniefuu
[Kourtney] Previously on…

[Kris] So, I'm supposed
to go out to lunch with Scott.

And I just wanted to make sure
that I had your blessing

before I just go have lunch with him.

Sure. He can come over.

The whole thing was an open-door policy.

[Kourtney] That has changed.
His main concern is himself.

He flaked on the kids'
first day of school.

You, like, partied through the next day,

just like a real [bleep] ass [bleep].

[tense music]

[Kourtney] I can't wait for the day

that we can all hang out together,

do things with the kids as a family.

But he's not in that place right now.

Um, would it be okay if he went by
and put Mason to bed tonight, and P?

[Kourtney] Sure, if he was there
when they get home

to have dinner at 5:30,
sit and have dinner with them--

[Scott] Anything else, boss?

You want me to fold
any of your clothes or anything?

[Kourtney] Can you not commit
to going for, like,

two and a half hours?

Kourtney, we're gonna hang up now,

but he'll be over there about 5:30.

[Kourtney] Okay.

-[Kris] I love you.
-[Kourtney] Love you, too. Bye.

Are you gonna go put Mason to bed tonight?

I don't know.
This whole [bleep] is so weird.

-This doesn't matter.
-I'm going to Florida.

-You're going to Florida?
-[Scott] Yeah.

-In a couple of hours.

Come on.

[Kris] If that was my window
to spend with my kids,

-I'd go enjoy my window.
-[Scott] This is crazy.

It's like, all right, sit with your kid,

eat dinner with your kid,

put your kid to sleep, and then get out.

Listen, but it's part of the price

that you're gonna have to [bleep] pay
for this whole thing.

[tense music continues]

You have to earn back trust
that you've lost.

-I don't know. It's just--
-[Kris] Bull [bleep].

It's just not as easy as it sounds.

No, it's not gonna be easy,

-but you have to fight for what you want.
-I have talked to her about this…

You don't just talk about it.
You have to show your actions.

I have to be honest with you.

-Part of love is being honest.
-[Scott] I don't get it.

And you really [bleep] up.

Look, she's trying to make sure
the kids don't get disappointed.

-And she's angry…
-[Scott] I understand.

…because they've been disappointed.

What do, what do you
want me to do? I mean…

[Kris] I want you to see your kids.

I want you to be a full-time, committed,

kick-ass, fabulous dad.

-They miss you. They need you.
-[Scott] I'm…

No. I don't disagree
with any of that. It's just…

just like my kids talk about Robert,

I want your kids to have
that same respect for you to know

that "No matter what, my dad never wavered

on his love for us, no matter what."

[sentimental music]

And that's all that matters.

Nothing else matters.

Yeah, I guess.

-All right, you got to go see the kids.
-[Scott sighs]

I'm sure you're sick of listening to me.

Take your little gift
you're gonna bring them.

And I love you.

[Scott] I love you, too.

-Can we regroup in the morning?

Go have dinner, put them to bed.

-All right.

And we'll start over tomorrow with a plan.

[Scott] All right.

-[Kris] I love you.
-[Scott] Love you.

[theme music]

[lively music]

Khlo, are you the new Kris Jenner?

[Khloé] Why? What happened?

-[Kourtney] First of all, this.
-[Khloé] Okay, what's wrong with that?

[Kourtney] It's not organic.

-Then what, what, what, what…
-[Khloé] Okay.

-[Khloé laughs]
-…is going on?

[Khloé] I have guests here.
It's not just about me.

[Kourtney] This and this and this.


Now I can't even eat your fruit here,

-because I'm not gonna trust it.
-[Khloé] Are you joking?

[Kim] I dissect your closet.

She dissects your fridge.

[Khloé] It's all organic.

[Kourtney] Kim, don't sit like that.
Your boobs are so huge.

Yeah, but they're so awesome.

Well, anyway, I called Kourt
the other day because…

I got woken up,

because, you know how, like,
I'm kind of, like, psychic?

-[Kourtney] Ish.
-Yeah, psychic.


And the other day, when I was sleeping,

something woke me up.

It whispered in my ear. It was going…

"Khlo, Khlo."

When I heard it,
it was a familiar voice to me.

-[Khloé] It was male.
-Was it young or old?

[Khloé] It was just comfortable.
Like, I wasn't scared.

[Khloé] I am very spiritual.

I like that I have senses.

I'm in tune with certain things.

And I would like to learn
about these feelings or spirits.

But when I woke up, I kept my eyes shut,

because I was a little scared.

And then, like, nothing was there.


[Kourtney] This is what you eat?

[Khloé] I'm not allowed
to have peanut butter and celery?

What's wrong with that?

-Let me see what's in this.

Contains 2 percent molasses,
fully hydronate… hydrodrate…


God, I know this word. I can't say it.

-[Kourtney] Hydrogenated.
-[Khloé] Yes!


[lively music]

[Kris] Ooh, they put the tile samples up?

[Kylie] Yeah.

[Kris] I like the way
that the smaller ones are wider.

I think you'd have to do that too narrow.

But you're almost a college graduate.

No, wait. You're almost
a high school graduate.

So you should know the difference.

[Kylie sighs]
So I have one week left of school.

-A week?

-And then you're done?
-[Kylie] Yeah.

-[Kris] You graduate?
-12th grade.

[Kris] I've been so preoccupied
with everything else going on.

I just figured you had
a couple of months to go.

No, I'm done in one week.

How does that feel?

-[Kylie] Feels good.

For the last six months,
I truly have not been myself.

And when it comes to my kids,
I've been slacking a little bit.

And I feel bad
about where my head has been

and I've got to get it together.

My baby's growing up.

You gonna invite me over for dinner?

[Kylie] No.

-I'm just kidding.

[lively music]

[Kris] Khloé.

Can I talk to you guys about something?

[Mason mumbles]

You guys, will you pay attention to me
for, like, 24 seconds?


[Kris] Guys? Okay, when you're finished

-taking all your selfies--

[Khloé] You pushed the wrong button!

That was the best picture.

You guys, this is important!

I feel like a warrior.

-A warrior!
-Okay, I got it. I got it good.

So, I feel like…

-[Khloé] No, the pineapples.
-[Kourtney] Here.

-Oh, my god.
-[Mason] Mommy!

[Kourtney] Mason.

Okay, what? What?
What do you want to tell us?

[Kris] I'm feeling really bad,

because Kylie graduates from high school.


And, Kendall graduated
and never had a graduation ceremony.

I think we should surprise them,

and have, like,
a surprise graduation party

and a ceremony and get, like--

But how do you have a graduation?

-They walk down an aisle or something?
-We'll make…

-We can just make one.
-We'll make our own.

How fun would that be?

[Kris] And we'll have
their diplomas there,

caps and gowns.

And we could have a speaker.

[Kris] Like, a commencement speaker.

-Okay, I could give one.
-[Kris] Not you.


[Kris] Even though I've been dealing

with my own problems and issues
for the last six months,

I just really want to celebrate
Kendall and Kylie.

Lately, they've been through
a lot in life.

But they have tremendous, big hearts,
great work ethic.

And they really deserve to be celebrated.

[Mason giggles, babbles]


[Khloé] Why are you screwing with me?

[Mason giggling]

My butt is numb, literally.

-[Kourtney] Mase, come on.

[Khloé] Why would he only do it to me?

[Kourtney] Because look at your butt.

[lively music]

[Kourtney] My new thing is
I'm into a no-makeup makeup,

because I cannot stand the crazy contour.

The highlight,
the highlight cheeks, the lashes.

Aren't you supposed to look

-pretty and not like a clown?
-[knocks on door]

-Hey, how are you?

-Kim, good to see you.
-[Kourtney] Am I in your seat?

-[Dr. Huang] No, you're fine right there.

-Kim, how are you?
-[Kim] I'm good. How are you?

[Dr. Huang] I'm good.

-I'm starting to get fat.

-Oh, this is…
-[Kourtney] That's a good thing, isn't it?

This is, this is to be expected.

-[Kim] Okay.
-[Dr. Huang] Okay?

Scoot on down a little bit.

So today, I'm looking for
growth of the pregnancy, okay?

[Kourtney] Um, you know
how Kim had "preclampsha" last time?

[Kim] I think it's called preeclampsia.

-[Dr. Huang] Preeclampsia, yeah.

Is there a way to, like, avoid that?

So, it's hard to say,
once you have preeclampsia,

you are at risk for having it again.

[somber music]

Kim really had
a miserable pregnancy the first time.

She would get
crazy headaches and abdominal pain.

Oh, that kills.
It feels like I'm in labor.

[Kim] Why is this happening to me?


It hurts when I cry.

I really want to make sure
that she stays healthy

so that she has an enjoyable pregnancy.

Because my experiences were so wonderful,

and I would love the same for her.

Congrats. Looking wonderful.

This makes me wanna do it again.

Such a beautiful thing.

-[Dr. Huang] Congratulations.
-Thank you.

Okay. Congratulations.

-[Kourtney] Thank you.

[Dr. Huang] Okay.

[upbeat music]

-[paparazzi clamoring]
-[camera shutters clicking]

[Khloé] Mm, I love breakfast.

Mase, they have breakfast anytime.

Do you want to get
your Mickey Mouse pancakes?

-Where is your mother?
-[Mason babbles]

She's always late.

-Ah, Mason's here. Hi.
-[Kourtney] Hi, Mom.

Hi, Mase.

-Mason, can you say hello to me?
-[Khloé] Mase, say hi to Lovey.

Hi, Lovey.

-[Kris] Hi, beautiful.
-[Khloé] Good job!

-Let's talk about the graduation.
-[Kris] All right.

So, have you even looked over
the list of RSVPs

to see who's coming?

-[Kris] No.
-[Kourtney] You should.

Are you inviting Caitlyn?

[tense music]

I don't think I'm ready.

I don't think I…
I can even handle that yet.

[Kris] I'm just trying to process it,
not alienate anybody.

I don't wanna hurt anybody's feelings.

And I don't want to hurt
Kendall and Kylie.

But at the same time,

I need time as well
to adjust to this whole thing.

And I'm just trying to be honest.

I'd like to get to a place where…

you know, our family is our family.

-But at the same time,
-[Khloé] Yeah.

I haven't even met her yet.

-[Kris] And I'm not sure--
-[Khloé] Do you want to?

To be honest, I'm scared to death.

-[Khloé] Why?
-I have no idea.

The graduation party is about…

celebrating Kendall and Kylie's
amazing achievement.

And I don't want anything to distract

the attention from Kendall and Kylie.

[Khloé] Should we tell Cait
that we're not inviting her?

We should probably say
you're throwing this party,

and you're just not ready yet
to have her there.

-And we don't want you to be offended.
-[Khloé] You're allowed to be honest.

[Kris] I just don't think we say anything.

[Kourtney] She's obviously gonna know.

[Kris] Well, I just don't want
to make a big deal.

[lively music]

I'm going to get a piercing.
Do you wanna come with us?

I wanna get one.

But there's no way I would ever do it.

-I remember getting my ears pierced.
-I know, you told me.

And I hid in Ruby's.

Ruby's is the restaurant.


-I know.
-Cheat day?

Uh, chili cheese fries.

-Oreo shakes. Oh!
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

-Oh, my god, divine.

-[doorbell rings]
-[Khloé] Tyler's here.

-[Khloé] Hi.
-Hello, how are you?

[Khloé] How are you? Nice to meet you.

Great to meet you. I'm Tyler.

-Khloé. Thank you for coming.
-Oh. Oh, my gosh, thank you.

-This is beautiful.
-Yeah, thank you.

[Khloé] I have been really eager
to meet with Tyler,

who is a medium.

He's still young. He's 19, I think.

-[Khloé] These are my sisters.
-[Kim] Hi.

-Oh, my gosh. Great to meet you.
-[Kim] You, too.

-Hi, great to meet you.
-[Kourtney] Nice to meet you.

[Tyler] I actually know your cousin, Kara.

-[Kourtney] No way!
-[Khloé] Oh, my god.

He works with my cousin all the time.

So I feel like there's a family connection

and almost it's like cosmic
that I'm supposed to be meeting with him.

[Tyler] The general idea
of how I do what I do is that

I actually work as a clairvoyant.

So I see information, um,

as opposed to audibly hearing it,
I get visuals.

Did you always know
that you had, like, a gift?

[Tyler] When I was ten years old,

my grandmother was ill
with terminal cancer,

and as she was getting really ill,

I woke up one night
and knew she was going to pass.

And we got the call two minutes later
that my grandmother had passed.

-[Khloé] Oh, my god, wow.
-[Tyler] And so,

that's kind of a, was a,
a pretty dramatic moment.

But I believe we all have an intuition…

-[Khloé] Mm-hm.
-…but to varying extents.

[Kim] She always tells me she's psychic.

Well, I don't think
I, like, could read her palm.

-But I have a very great intuition.
-[Tyler] Sure.

-And I feel energies and…

[Khloé] …spirits really well.

And I'm not saying, "Oh, my god,
there's a ghost in the corner!"

-[Tyler] Right, right, right.
-But I know

when I feel something
and I, like, pay that respect.

[Tyler] I think our intuition is
almost like a compass

that we have inside of us,
and if we go with it,

it can really drastically
improve our life, so.

And if I haven't, like,
how you see things or whatever if I--

That hasn't happened to me yet,
like, would that never happen to me?

It's one of those things
that you don't have to embrace.

But if you chose to embrace it,

and chose to kind of connect
and not be afraid of it,

-that's the biggest thing.

[Tyler] Fear is the quickest way
to shut something down.

You definitely do have
that really keen intuition.

Does she?

I would say both of you, out of you two,

probably the strongest, for you two.

-[Khloé] I feel that about you.

-I don't feel it about you.
-[Tyler laughs]

Also interesting to note,
this house has something in it.

-What do you mean?
-I don't know.

It's kind of an odd feeling.
Right when I walked in,

it was like there was a feeling
like there was something here.

[eerie music]

This is one of those weird things
that's kind of coming through.

I'm referencing, maybe I'm smelling a tie?

I don't know what this would be.
You know ties, like,

-people wear?

I'm pulling it out,
but I'm holding it to my face.

[Khloé] What if it's Dad?

My dad had hundreds of ties
and I'd always smell his stuff.

-Yeah. I feel like…
-Like, I have a jacket

and his shirts.
And I haven't ever washed them.

And I just always, like, smell them.

-[Tyler] Yeah. Yeah.
-[Khloé] Aw…

[Khloé] Sometimes when people die,

their spirit might be lingering around

because they feel like
there's unfinished business.

And, you know, there's
a lot of things that obviously I wish

I did differently when my dad was dying.

And I would avoid seeing my dad a lot,

because I would rather
not see him like that

and I kind of wanted to act
like it wasn't happening.

[Tyler] But I believe
our loved ones really are okay,

-and that they do give us signs. And that

they are definitely aware
of the big events

that we go through on some level.
I don't claim

-to know how it works.

But we all have an intuition
and it all comes through

-in lots of different ways.
-That's new for her,

because she used to think
I was ridiculous and then,

-when I--
-No, I didn't.

Yeah, but now,
when I start telling her things,

she'll be like, "Oh, okay."

-Yeah. Mm-hm.
-Like, she'll like…

-Come over and entertain me.
-[Tyler] Yeah.

And like, this one's like,
"Yeah, oh, okay, whatever."

Like, she's kind of like, sure, whatever.


[lively music]

[Kim] Where are we sitting? Here?

[Kim] I just kept on saying,
if I get pregnant again,

I'm treating myself
to a night of good meals.


The food in New Orleans is so amazing.

And I've been doing so good.
I work out all the time.

I've been eating so healthy.

So, I decided to go for it

and fly across the country

to satisfy my pregnancy cravings.

And I'm gonna have a cheat day
and eat whatever I wanna eat.

Do you think I should post that
and say I'm faking my pregnancy?

[Jonathan laughs]
Oh, my god.

By the way, the lights in New Orleans
would get shut off if you post that.

Just do it after we eat,
so there's no blackout here.

-Because I need my [bleep] crab fingers.

It's so funny!

-Do you guys have the crab fingers?
-We do.

Can I for myself, get a double order?

-[Jonathan chuckles]

It's, like, we flew into town for this.
You have no idea.

[female friend] Mm, so good.

Is this, like, a Sriracha sauce?

[Jonathan] This is worth the trip.

[Kim] I know Jonathan. This is, like,
what he's been dying for.

It is so worth it. This food is so good.

[Jonathan] This is so good.

And if I'm gonna enjoy myself,

I need someone
that's really gonna indulge.

And, Jonathan, he's, like,
more of a foodie than I am.

[Jonathan] I was with her the last day,

the day she gave birth.

I pushed her into the car
and I, like, shoved her in,

and she was, like, literally this big.

-[Kim] I drove down…
-Everything, she was, like,

honking with her stomach and boobs.

I swear to God,
through the hills and we're driving,

I go, "Slow down, you're freaking me out."
And she was like…


And I was all dressed up.

-[Kim] I am so full.

My whole outfit doesn't zip up.

[lively music]

You wanna sit and have a beignet?

-[female friend] Sure.

[Kim] I just feel like
every time in New Orleans,

I have to stop and have beignets.

They are, like, everything to me.

They're my most favorite dessert ever.

[Kim] Yeah, do you think
we're gonna be able to eat…

-[Jonathan] No.
-…in privacy?

I think we should get it to go,
'cause this is, like, a little crazy.

-[female friend] Yeah.
-We're gonna order it to go, actually.

-[camera shutters clicking]
-[man] Hi, Kim! Love you!

[lively music]

[Kim] Mason downloads
these things on my phones.

And they make these noises at all times.

Oh, we thought that was your stomach.

-No, I gotta delete this.
-[Kourtney] Mom,

if that was her stomach,
we would have to, like…

-[Kris] No, I heard a little squeal.
-…take her to the hospital.

That was not me there.
That was, like, a fart noise.

[baby squealing]

-But it does this all the time.
-[Kourtney] Close the app.


In New Orleans, I went to Café Du Monde
and got beignets three times.

Do you remember what happened
the last time you got all stressed out,

and you were eating sugary stuff?

I am way skinnier than last time

and way healthier than last time.

You're eating beignets.

-[Kim] That's-- You know…
-Three times a day.

No. That was one trip, for one day.

I was in the kitchen this morning.

You had your chef making the beignets,

because you brought home the beignet mix.

Yeah, and he doesn't make them as good.

You know what you are?
You're, like, a closet eater.

-You need an ankle bracelet.
-No, I don't.

Because I eat so much healthier
than I did before.

I am gonna go to Paris.

Why do you need to go to Paris? Is it…

Because I wanna go to Paris
to have a fitting

to get some good pregnancy clothes.

Can't somebody come here?

I can't have every designer fly to LA, no.

This is gonna put you over the edge.

[Kris] Kim has been traveling a lot.

And I don't think she understands that,

you know,
she's got to take care of herself.

You're trying to do everything
that would make

the normal, non-pregnant person exhausted.

I'm just telling you,
you've got to be careful.

I'll be fine.

[lively music]

Is there anything that you think
would look good on me for the AMAs?


I think that girly-girl thing
from the last resort.


And this is how we prep
for my fashion fittings.

I'm in Paris having a bunch of fittings

to try and get some
really cool pregnancy looks.

But, of course, I've been, like,

dreaming about the food in Paris.

Anyone that knows me knows
that, like, churros are my thing.

And, Ferdi has the best churros
I've ever had in my life.

[Kim] I really came to Paris to eat.

I have no regrets. Like, this is--

So after the churros, what is the plan?

You didn't know?
We're gonna break in the store

in the middle of the night
and see what fits me after this.

[both laugh]

[lively music]

[Mason] Could I have some water, Mommy?

[Khloé] Can I, can I, just…

-Can you just sit with me for a minute?

You're just the cutest boy
in the world, besides Reign.

You and Reign are in a tie.

How cute is this?

-[Mason] I wish it was real.
-It is real.

[Khloé] How do you know, at night,
it doesn't come to life?

-At night, it does.
-I know.

[Mason] Farting.


You know we're girls, right?

-We don't do farting.

We do unicorns.

-Farting unicorns.

Okay, do you wanna see my ghost detector?

[Khloé] Come on, let's show Mom
where the energy is.

It's right by that,
the outside of my door.

[Khloé] I would love
to be able to connect with my dad

or the other side on some sort of level,

so I bought this EMF detector,

and I don't know, really,
if it's gonna work or not, but…

if he wants to reach out to me,
I'll know it.

Look! Mase. Okay, look over here.

It's over on this side.

When I go
to where I said the ghost is, look.

[EMF detector beeping]

-You did this on purpose?
-[Kourtney] No. How could I?

Kourtney! This is
where I feel it! All the time.

Okay, go by your bed now. Let's see.

Oh, it's going down!

Just look.

-It's going down.
-[Kourtney chuckles]

Are you doing this on purpose?

-I don't know why you're laughing.

[Mason] Yay!

-[Kourtney] Yay, we found him.

It just jumped! No, do it.

-Hold it and go over there.
-[EMF detector beeping]

I was so right. Like, I know I feel--

I don't feel the way I feel
because I'm, like, a [bleep] lunatic.


I'm not crazy!

-Now, what do we do?
-[Kourtney] We could get

a professional to come check it out.

Like who? A Ghostbuster?

[Khloé] Wouldn't that be amazing,

if I was able to have, like,
a channel to my dad?

And, like, talk to him
about a lot of the stuff

that's going on in our lives?

That would just be awesome.

-Do Ghostbusters exist?
-[Mason babbles]

There has to be a Ghostbuster.

[lively music]

This is exactly what we needed
before our fitting.

[Kim] I feel like I've been here before.

-[Jenke] Yeah.
-[Kim] With Kanye, one time.

Yeah, absolutely.

-[Kim] Yes, how are you?
-How are you?

[Kim] It's all coming back to me.

I love, love, love your stuff.

[Alexandre] Yeah, and you wear it
very well, absolutely.

-[Kim] Can I try this on?
-[Alexandre] Yeah, of course!

Yeah, it could be
a really good pregnancy look.

It's super nice in black.

-Yeah, I love this.
-[Jenke] Yeah, I like it too.

[lively music]

Plus that.

It's so comfy.

Enjoy your, your evening in Paris.

-For sure.
-[Alexandre] Ciao.

-We're gonna get the best stuff.

[Kim] Yes. Successful trip.

[lively music]

You don't understand, I flew all the way

from LA to Paris for this cheesecake.

It's my favorite in the world.

Anyone that lives in Paris
goes to Hôtel Costes

for the cheesecake.

I dream of this cheesecake.

You have no idea. I just love it.

Like, when you're pregnant,
all the rules go out the door.

Like, you just can't control yourself.

Burning every calorie, every bite

and I eat cheesecake, that's my thing.

[lively music]

[Khloé] Whose white phone is this?

-[Kris] Mine.

-d*ck pics with you and Corey?
-[Kris] Stop it.

Give me the phone, Khloé.

-[Kris] Khloé, give me the phone.
-[Kourtney] Whatevs, Khloé.

[Kris laughs]

[Khloé] Why does he wear a wedding ring?

-[Kris] He doesn't wear a wedding ring.

That's this hand.
This is your wedding ring.

He usually wears it on the other hand.

[Khloé] Well, not in this photo.

-Well, I can't control everybody.
-Are you secretly married?

Yeah, that's me.

-[Kim] Khloé, don't, don't go…
-Okay, give it back.

…through her messages with Corey.

What if she went through
your messages with Lamar or James?

I would punch you in your face,
but that's a different story.

Mom doesn't have the balls
to punch me in my face.

Watch me.

[Kris] So, we need a theme.

What if we all wore caps and gowns?

-[chuckles softly]
-[Kourtney] No.

-[Kourtney] That takes away from the…
-[Kim] We're not graduating.


Okay, so they'll wear caps and gowns.

They walk up here,

and then we have somebody
give "the commencement speech".

-Can I?
-[Kris] Can somebody--


Aren't you going a little over-the-top?

No. They didn't get a graduation.

[Khloé] Do you know
what happened at my graduation?

No one threw me any graduation anything.

Do you remember,
there was a brand-new car outside

with a bow on it.

And, Dad was like, "Here's your gift!"
and it was for someone else?

He goes, "Why would I get you that?
You went to homeschool."

-And I started crying.

Can anybody give me any input besides the…

Because everybody's gotta do something.

I'm not gonna do
the whole thing by myself.

Well, if I were to graduate, I would want,

probably, like, a petting zoo here.

I would want, like, at least two unicorns.

Petting zoos, they're not fun.

Oh, my god. She had a unicorn
when she got engaged.

[Khloé] You brought her a [bleep] unicorn.

-Oh, my god.

[Khloé] We could have mermaid acrobatics!

Doing, uh, synchronized swimming.

It's a whole dance with lighting,
while we're gonna walk down

-the aisle.
-Synchronized swimming I like.

With mermaids.

[Khloé] I never got a graduation party

and my mom is being so extravagant,

I figured, why not get
some of my wishes in there?

You guys get really cranky
in the afternoon.

FYI. Hormones.

She is a walking hormone.

I have hormones,
because I'm breastfeeding.

I have hormones because I'm just hormonal.

[lively music]

[Dr. Bradley]
All right, so we're gonna start

your ultrasound, Kim.

And take a peek.

And see whether or not
there's any areas of abnormality.

[Kim] After getting back from Paris,

my feet and my hands
completely swelled up.

And I am worried and really scared.

[Dr. Bradley]
Right now, overall, it looks good.

There might be
a little thinning in one area,

but the placenta continues
to grow and spread out.

Now tell me a little bit
about what happened in your last delivery.

-[Kim] I had preeclampsia.

So I delivered six weeks early.

[Dr. Bradley]
So that was about 33, 34 weeks?

-Yes, like, right at 34 weeks.
-[Dr. Bradley] Okay. Okay.

Did your blood pressure come down
right after delivery?

-[Kim] Yes.

[Kim] And I'm ten pounds heavier
this time. Isn't that crazy?

[Dr. Bradley]
So, a little information in general is

you have elevated blood pressure.

[ominous music]

[Kim] I hope it's not diabetes.

There are several blood tests
that we can do

to look for that condition.

[Kim] To know that I might have
another health issue

really kind of freaks me out.

You have a higher risk
for it to happen in the next pregnancy,

-so we have to watch.
-I'm, like, actually scared.

[lively music]

[Kim] Hello?

-[Kourtney] Hey.

-Your boobs are humongous.
-[Kim] I know.

It's also a different kind of bra
that I'm wearing,

where my bra usually is a minimizer.

Looks like a basketball.

Two basketballs.

I know, guys.

-[Kourtney] How was the doc? Doctor.
-[Kim] Doc?

Well, they saw
a little bit more fluid than normal

in my placenta,

which either could mean
that I'm having a carbon tolerance…

or I have diabetes.

[unsettling music]

Gosh, I hope you don't have diabetes.

I'm not gonna think about that
too much. I'm just not.

I had gestational diabetes with Kylie.

It's very serious.

Your… your life is at stake.

[Kim] It is so frustrating
that I could possibly have diabetes.

I think this is just a wake-up call that,

you know, things just might not be going

the way that I thought they were

and that I just need to try to be healthy.

She said she would just try to add
more protein into my diet.

Oh, that freaks me out.

[Kim] I know, just the anxiety now
that I have until I deliver.

And then otherwise,
she said my baby is at, like,

the 95 percentile of height.

I'm like, "Are you sure that's my kid?"

-Wait, can I ask you a question?
-[Kim] What?

-So, I know you have eggs leftover, right?
-[Kim] Yes.

What if you don't wanna have another baby?

So either I'll give them to Khloé

and see how much
she'll buy them off of me for…


You're gonna sell your eggs
to your sister?

Can you imagine? It's a Kanye West baby.

[Kim] It's a lot more expensive.

[lively music]

[Kendall] I really wanted to go
to a Kevin Hart show.

-[Khloé] When was it?
-[Kendall] It was, like,

last month. But I guess
he has another one coming up,

but it's, like, four hours away.

Have you ever spoken to a medium?

[Khloé] Yeah.

Are you nervous?

Well, yeah, I don't think I'll have
anything to be talked about.

-What makes you exempt?
-[Kendall] I don't know.

A medium connects with someone
from the dead, right?

She's gonna walk through the house.

-'Cause you think it's haunted.
-[doorbell rings]

No. The house isn't haunted.
There's a difference.

There's spirits that occupy
the residence at times.

[Kendall] I'm scared now.

Khloé and Kendall, Lisa…

-[Khloé, Kendall] Hi, how are you?
-Hi, how are you?

[Khloé] We're so excited.

[Lisa] Oh, I saw you've got some activity.

Well, I… I think we do.

[Khloé] After what I found with Kourtney,

my friends hooked me up
with Lisa Williams who is a medium,

to help verbally communicate
with the spirit in my house.

How it works is
I'm gonna pick up on the energy,

-and I'll just go into different areas.
-[Khloé] Okay.

And I'll tell you what I'm picking up.

I kind of really want to go up
in that direction.

-Go, sister.
-So up-- Let's go up here.

I'm drawn over in this direction,
because there's energy here.

[Khloé] I get it in my bedroom,
but also right in that door

-way that we were.
-In that-- Where we were?

Yeah, that's where I feel it heavily.

It was feeling coming from here.

-[Khloé] Mm-hm.
-And then going through here.

[Lisa] Let me just look.

[Kendall] Like we're on some kind of hunt.

[Lisa] Because it's just…
it was here though.

And I thought as, so it was coming from--

[Khloé] Maybe it's running from you
because I'm not alone.

[Kendall chuckles]

All right, I'm gonna actually ask
to step back a little bit.

Only because I'm gonna ask the spirit
to come forward.

[suspenseful music]

Okay, it feels very, um, masculine.

-This feels masculine.
-[Khloé] Masculine, yes.

-This is a masculine energy.
-[Khloé] That's what I feel.

[Lisa] Were you close to a grandfather?

-Has a grandfather crossed over?
-[Khloé] Mm-hm.

[Lisa] He's just said,
"Can you say hello to your mom?"

"Tell her I'm okay.
Tell her I'm always watching over her."

-Oh, my god, that's crazy.

He loves the music that's often played,

so I feel as though
there's always music that's played.

Yeah, I play music every day

-in my house. Yeah.
-[Lisa] Oh, do you? Okay.

Well, he loves the fact
that you just hang around

-and dance and sing to it, you know?
-[Khloé] Mm-hm.


but, can you not sing?

-No, I can't sing.
-[Lisa] All right, well,

it's just that kind of feeling that…

-[Khloé] Don't tell on me. Jeez.
-[Lisa] Oh, here you go, busted.

-But he's doing okay.

-He really is.
-Oh, good.

I am really happy to hear
that it's my grandfather

who is talking to me.

It makes me feel good to know

that he's watching over me and doing okay.

Any questions?

[Khloé] No, I mean, if you, like,

if I wanna talk to someone, can you--

[Kendall] I was gonna, that's what I was--

-[Lisa] Yeah.

-Who do you want to talk to?
-[Kendall] Your dad.

-Yeah. If, like…
-[Kendall] I don't know if you--

-[Lisa] Do you want me to?
-[suspenseful music]

-Do you want to sit down somewhere real--

-Yeah, let's go sit.
-All right.

Is that a thing, though?
Can you try and reach out to someone?

[Lisa] Oh, no, I can, absolutely.

All right.

[Lisa] Do you want to know everything?

[suspenseful music continues]

[inhales deeply]

[ominous music]

The way that he's coming through is,

is a great deal of energy.

-You talk to him often.

Why is he celebrating July?


Ask your mom. I think your mom might know.

[Khloé] Okay.

[Lisa] And also, there's a tattoo.

Who's got the tattoo
to commemorate your dad?

Um, I'm not sure if it's his initials
or, like, handwriting or words.

-It's something very simple.
-[Khloé] I do.

-[Lisa] Okay, there you go.
-It's his handwriting.

Right, because he's
acknowledging the tattoo

that commemorates him as well.

That's so cool.

He's also sorry he never got
a chance to say goodbye.

[emotional music]

[Lisa] He's just said
he loves you with all his heart.

He loves you to the moon and back.

He's so proud of you.
He's so proud of the family.

My dad and I were
really, really, really close.

[all scream in excitement]

And I believe all of our blessings
that we have now…

are because we have a guardian angel,

which is my dad, by our sides.

And, I mean, I pray to my dad every day.

Talk to him every single day.

And so to finally hear him talk back,

like, is just beyond words.

It's like a dream.

[line ringing]

-[Kris] Hello?
-[Khloé] Hey.

[Kris] Hi.

My dad and Papa Harry said hi.

[Kris] How do you know?

We were with a psychic at my house.

[Kris] Aw…

[Khloé] What's wrong?

[Kris sobbing]

[Kris] I talk to those two all the time.

[sentimental music]

What's in July that my dad's celebrating?

[Kris] July 8th, my anniversary.

[Khloé] Oh, my god!

My mom is confirming basically
everything that this girl said,

and that's kind of freaky.
I mean, thinking back to it,

she definitely was saying
some legit things.

[Khloé] And the person
who whispers in my ear,

that's Papa Harry.

And he is super happy.

[Kris] Oh, my god.

Everybody's having more fun than we are.

But that's what she was saying.

She's like, for us, because we miss
the attachment of being with someone,

but you're just way happier in Heaven.

So, like, we get lonely,
but they're straight…


[Kris] Aw…

[lively music]

[line ringing]

[assistant on phone] Hi. Can I help you?

[Kim] Hi. It's Kim Kardashian West.

I just wanted to see if you guys got

the results back from my blood test.

[assistant] Yeah, hold on.

[Kim] I just got tested for diabetes,

and just to know that
there could be issues is scary.

-[Dr. Crane] Hello.
-[Kim] Hi.

[Dr. Crane]
I have your results on my desk here.

Are you really that freaked out about it

or is that just getting to the news?

I'm dying to see if I have diabetes.

[Dr. Crane] I can say this. You never know

who's gonna really have
those kind of problems

but you did pass the diabetes test.

[Kim] Thank God.

I mean, I felt really relieved
that I don't have diabetes.

I have been eating bad,

so I'm trying to do everything that I can

to eat healthy and be healthy.

[Dr. Crane]
So I'm gonna see you, what, in two weeks?


[Dr. Crane] Okay, that sounds great.


-[Dr. Crane] All right, Kim. Well…
-I'll talk to you soon. Thank you.

-[Dr. Crane] Bye-bye.

[lively music]

[Khloé] Yes! They're gonna die.

[upbeat music]


Oh, I'm so excited about the photo booth.

Come on, Mase!

[whooping, laughs]

[Khloé whooping]

[Khloé] Yeah!

[Kris] Thank you for coming.

-They'll be so surprised.
-Of course. Oh, my god, I'm so excited.

-You look beautiful.
-This is so cool.

The hot dog stand and everything.

Yeah, and then we have the sushi bar.

-Then there's a great deejay.
-[Pia] Yes.

-We're about to get drinking.

[hip-hop music]

It's the day of the graduation party,

and I'm super excited.

You look beautiful. Look at you!

-[Quincy] How are you?
-How are you?

-Good to see you.

You'll tell us
when they're, like, close, right?

Are you dancing?

[Ryan] Welcome to the party.

-[Khloé] Oh, hi!
-Hi, how are you?

Good. How are you?

This is so funny. They're gonna die.

Oh, my god, it's gonna be great.

But I never got a graduation anything,

-so [bleep] everyone!
-I know, I know, I know.

-[Khloé] No, it's so mean.
-I know.

[Khloé] So will you just shout me out?

Yeah, I might give you a little love.

Okay. Yeah!

Okay, they came through the gate. Quiet.

This is such an amazing step
in the girls' lives.

And I really, really hope
that they're surprised.

Shh, shut the [bleep] up.

They're coming!

[Kourtney] Mom, the language.

-[man] They're here.
-[Kris] They're here?

Okay, everyone stand up.

[Kris] When they walk through the door,

I want a "Surprise!" as loud as you can.

[Kris shushes]

[suspenseful music]

[guests shout]

[guests cheering]

This is so weird! What is happening?

[cheering, whooping]

This is so crazy!

[Kris] Welcome to your graduation!

[jubilant music]

[Kylie] It is such an awesome feeling
seeing everybody

and it means so much
that my mom put this together.

I would've never planned
a graduation for myself.

And I just think it's really sweet,

and I'll remember it forever.

Hey, I would've worn
something so much cuter

-if I knew this was my graduation.
-[Kourtney] Hi.


-[Ryan] Let's get the party started.
-[Kendall] Hi.

[Kendall] This is so adorable.

[guests whooping]

Welcome to your graduation ceremony.

To make it official,
we have a cap and gown for both of you.

-[guests cheering]

…Kris is going to escort you
to the graduation wardrobe.

-[Kris] Come on, ladies.
-[Ryan] And you'll come back

with a cap and gown,
and we'll see your face, all right?

[Kylie] I'm so confused.

-This is so funny.
-You look so cute.

Someone said, "Is Kylie having
a graduation? I got invited."

-And I said, "No."
-[Kylie] Wait, someone said that

-to me, too.
-Someone said that to me.

And I was like, "No."

The graduation party was
really sweet and really cute.

A little bit late,
but really sweet and really cute.

[Kendall] Grab me heels, Kylie, come in!

[Kylie] Just wear those. Who cares?

Khloé, you did make a point of, uh, saying

that you have not graduated yet, so--

-No, I have graduated.
-[Kourtney] No, she graduated.

-[Ryan] But you didn't have your ceremony?
-No, nobody cared.

So, we have a cap and gown
for you as well.

-[Ryan] Yes.

-[Kris] Come on, Khloé.
-[guests whooping]

-Okay, come with me.
-[guests cheering]

[Kris] Come on, Khloé!

[Ryan] Big hand for Khloé!

[Khloé] It's my graduation party, too.

I do feel bad that I was giving my mom
such a hard time,

because now, I'm
a part of this extravaganza!

[Kris] Let's go.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome

the graduates of 2014 and 2015,
Kendall and Kylie!

[all cheering]

[graduation march]

The music? I can't.

And up next, graduate Khloé Kardashian.

[all cheering]

[Kris] Yay, Khloé!

Yes! Yes! Yes!

[cheering continues]

-[Ryan] Esteemed guests,

we are gathered here today
to celebrate a victory.

This is amazing!

[Ryan] Today, it's more than an ending,

it's also a beginning,
a celebration of what's to come.

We have the perfect person

to give you the commencement speech.

Well, all right, okay, okay.

[all cheering]

Okay, well, I wasn't gonna say anything,

because all I ever do up here is cry.

I just want to say that…
[exhales deeply]

[Khloé] There you go, there you go.

See, this is why I don't do this.

[Kris] I'm just really proud of you guys.

I'm proud of your hearts.

Just keep reaching for the stars,

because you can have anything
that you set your hearts to,

and I know
that if anybody can do it, you guys can,

because you've already proven to all of us

that you're rockstars.

-[Kris] Yeah.

-I love you guys so much.
-[Khloé whooping]

And I think
we should go outside and have a drink!

[all whooping]

[Kim] I am always in such awe of my mom

and how she makes
every kid feel so special.

Her throwing this party is
such a cool thing for her

to do for Kendall and Kylie.

And, you know, I think my mom's
just such a good example for me

of the kind of mom that I wanna be,

and the kind of attention
I wanna give my kids.

And I'm so glad that I have her there
as my role model.

[photographer] One, two, three!


[lively music]

You guys, there's synchronized swimmers!

[Kylie] So much fun!

[woman] Yes!

[Kris] This is for you.

And you, missy,
because I'm proud of you, too.

[laughter, cheering]

[all cheering]

Thanks, Mom! I love you!

-I love you, too.
-[Khloé] Mom, thank you!

-I graduated and I'm partying!
-[Kris laughing]

-[Kylie] I love you.
-I'm so proud of you.

You're such a good person and that's all
that matters to me. You're my heart, okay?

-I love you.
-All right.

[Khloé] This party is just like

a celebration of all of our lives
and us as a family.

And that we will always be okay.
We always will.


[Kim] On the next episode…

-[Kris] What is that?
-We're doing a good workout.

I love my kids,

but we're gonna have to establish
some boundaries.

Kanye just, like, loves being here?

[Kris] They both do!

I haven't even met Caitlyn.

[Kris] I don't know if I could handle it.

[Kim] With Kylie's birthday coming up,

I hope they can just
put their differences aside.

The Vanity Fair article k*lled me.

-What did I say?
-Are you kidding?

[Kim] Caitlyn is late. This is rude.

I'm starting to get nervous
if she'll even show up.