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01x15 - Rocky & Bullwinkle's Magical Moostery Tour/Bird Bath & Beyond

Posted: 12/07/23 19:29
by bunniefuu
NARRATOR: Previously, onThe Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle...

Our heroes accidentally destroyed the world's biggest birdbath,

causing birds to get dirty, which was bad.

Meanwhile, Fearless Leaderkidnapped three of the world'sbiggest pop stars,

and tried to take over the world with a musical alter ego of his own,

Sassy Von Famous!

But before his songs could brainwash millions of fans,

Rocky and Bullwinkle, destroyed his plan

by becoming even bigger pop stars,

after Boris and Natasha hit them with bees.

Which brings us to our next exciting episode.

This one!

Where Rocky and Bullwinkle were about to discover how super famous they are.

BOTH: We're famous?

NARRATOR: Does this answer your question?

[SHOUTING] There they are!

BOTH: Run.

BULLWINKLE: Keep runnin', Rock!

Still keep runnin', Rock!

Oh, thank goodness! You gotta help us!

-Hmm... -ALL COPS: It's them!

These monks are now in the eleventh year

of their life-long vow of silence.

[SHOUTING] It's them!

NARRATOR:Oh, man! Rocky and Bullwinkle's lives will never be the same!

Bullwinkle, what's happening?

I'll tell you what's happening, buddy!

We've got two tickets on the fame train,

and we're headed straight to Fame City, baby!

NARRATOR:Which we all know is the capital of Fame-sechusettes.

Or is it Fame-sylvania? [CHUCKLES]

Anyway, roll the famous opening credits!

♪ It's time to rock 'n roll

♪ Why don't you come along?

♪ Get ready for adventure

♪After this opening song!

♪ We are the bad guys We walk the bad walk

♪ And we're gonna beat Moose and Squirrel

♪ And finally gonna Take over the world!

♪ We're gonna get famous! We gotta go, come on!

♪ Now it's time to end This totally awesome

♪ New opening Title sequence song!

♪ Jam-a-lam ♪

NARRATOR:We resume our story back in peaceful Frostbite Falls,

where Rocky and Bullwinkle were enjoying a respite from their newfound fame.

-Eh, sorta. -[FANS SCREAMING]

"Dear Rocky and Bullwinkle.


"You're, like, the coolest.

"Your posters are all over my room.

"Love, The President."

Yeah, it's a pretty cool poster.

But wait till he sees the new one.


It's me! That poster is awesome!

-I know! -You know, this fame train is pretty cush,

but maybe we should ride it to "responsibility-ville,"

and use our star-power to fix the birdbath!

Uh, what's the hurry, Rock?

So the birds have to wait a little longer for a bath.

What's the worst that could happen?


Okay, maybe we should get on that whole fixing the birdbath thing.

How about we raise money

with a "Rocky and Bullwinkle Fix the Birdbath" concert tour?

Just imagine it in a thought bubble!

BULLWINKLE: Yeah! And we will rock so hard that we make a ton of money.

Then, present our beloved Frostbite Falls

with one of those awesome enormous checks!

ROCKY: And the birds will live happily, and cleanly, ever after.

I'm in.

Just promise me you won't be seduced by the trappings of fame

causing an irreparable rift in our friendship.

That would never happen,

because we're best friends forever!

Hey, that sounds like a song!

That we can make up together!

Like best friends!

♪ Oh, I got my best friend And I got some sunglasses

♪ And a snowboard With wheels ♪

That's a skateboard.

♪ I got my best friend And a pair of fun passes

♪ To go to the zoo Where there have land-eels ♪

Uh, those are called snakes.

♪ Oh, I got a lot of things

♪ You know it's true

♪ But the best thing I got is friendship

♪ 'Cause I got a best friend like you ♪

Oh, man, that was horrible.

It was a sweet song, but it doesn't rock at all!

If we're gonna go on a gigantic, birdbath-saving concert tour,

we're gonna need some new songs.

And a totally rocking backup band.

NARRATOR:And so, as Rocky and Bullwinkle prepared to find backing musicians,

Fearless Leader was hitting a sour note.

This is a disaster!

No one got to hear my Sassy Von Famous take-over-the-world pop song

because of Moose and Squirrel's goofy number-one song,

where they get att*cked by bees!

You mean, Rocky and Bullwinkle?

That totally hot moose and squirrel?

Says here they're going on a huge tour.

They're looking for a band.

Can you like let us out, so we can, like, tour with them?

Oh, yeah!

No! But I do know who can go on tour with them.

Boris! Natasha!

♪ Yes, Fearless Leader?

♪ We'll help you if we can

♪Yes, Fearless Leader?

♪Now tell us evil plan ♪

You're going to use your spy and musical powers

to become Moose and Squirrel's backup band.

One, two, three...

♪ Cool! ♪

Everybody loves Moose and Squirrel!

Which means, people will do whatever Moose and Squirrel tell them.

Which means, lay down something evil.

You're going to get Moose and Squirrel to sing evil songs written by me,

convincing their fans to steal money for me.

Do awesome things for me.

And take over the world for me!

Now, lay down a fat beat that I can dance to.

NARRATOR:Egads!Using music for evil purposes?

What do they think this is? Karaoke?

And so, Boris and Natasha headed to Frostbite Falls

to try out for Rocky and Bullwinkle's totally awesome band.

Whoa, other music dudes look pretty good.

Don't worry, darlink.

We won't have any trouble taking out the competition.

What do you mean?

-Whoa... -Huh?

Okay, people, time to get these auditions started.

Huh, I thought there'd be more people trying out.

Oh, there were more people here.

But they had to take off.

Oh, yes, they had to "take off" in a hot air balloon!

Um, I'm not familiar with that expression.

Oh, it's an expression.

But say, you look kinda familiar.

Perchance have we met somewhere before?

Like, in a previous adventure or episode?


Well, I'm convinced.

Cool people with shoulder pads like that wouldn't lie.

Okay, you've got the gig.

Who told you? Look, I'm using a special cream for it!

He means we're in the band, you idiot!

[STUTTERING] I mean, see you at the show!

[CLEARS THROAT] So, is now the time to talk about what you're wearing?

You mean this standard totally cool rock star gear?

It's just my way of kicking off the Rocky and Bullwinkle

Fix-the-Birdbath Tour!

NARRATOR: And so, Rocky and Bullwinkle kicked off their tour

in the rock and roll capital of the world, Cleveland!

Full of screaming fans and awesome dressing rooms with stars on the door.

Okay, let's go over tonight's set list.

We're gonna open with the bee attack song and...

Hokey smokes! We only have one song!

This is supposed to be a three-hour show with a double encore!

I guess we'll just have to really stretch out the bee song.

Get ready, fellas. It's gonna be a long night.

Wait! We also have our best friendship song!

Right! But that song stinks!

Well, then what do we do?

We can't be stung by bees for three hours and two encores!

BULLWINKLE: We need new songs and fast!

We have some new songs you could sing.

Trust your new backup band, and sing these dope lyrics.

Um, some of these lyrics are a little strange.

Relax, Rock. Words don't mean anything.

I guess you're right.

Because the important thing is that we raise money,

get that giant check for the birdbath,

and you promised to not get carried away

with the trappings of fame and fortune.

Right. As long as you promise to try and have a little fun on the fame train.

[CROWD CHANTING] Rocky! Bullwinkle! Rocky! Bullwinkle!

I look... good.

Hello, Seattle!


I mean, Cleveland!

And a one. And a two...

And a one, two, three...

♪ There's nothing sweeter

♪ Than obeyin' a leader who is fearless

♪ And who is bold

♪ So listen to our music

♪ And the words That we're singing

♪ And do just What you are told

♪ Hey, you! You're a cool, dude

♪ Rob a bank, y'all! Right now!


♪ Hey, you! You're a cool, dude

♪ Give the money To the chicken!

You hear that? They love us!

And they love the new song!

Hopefully, they'll love your other lyrics even more.

Oh, they will.

Yes, something tells me your music will soon...

Take over the world!


Will our heroes unwittingly get their fans to follow Fearless Leader,

allowing him to take over the world?


NARRATOR:Or will Rocky and Bullwinkle realize

how dangerous their songs are to their crazed fans and stop them?

What? I can't hear you over our crazed fans!

NARRATOR:And will all this fame go to someone's head

causing him to lose sight of what really matters?

I told Rocky, that's not gonna happen to me.

You were there.

NARRATOR:No, I wasn't talking about you.


ROCKY: [YELLING] Fame train!


NARRATOR:Oh, boy. Find out what happens next, after this short break!


And now, here's the maestro of moo-sic...

Mr. Know-It-All!

If you want to be a big famous rock star like me,

follow these three simple steps.

Practice, practice, practice.

Next, you gotta give 'em a show!


And then you need a cool posse to laugh at everything you say!

And nothing's cooler than penguins!

Am I right?

Oh, and lastly, you need a super stretch limo that says,

"Hey, you're a rock star! You deserve this!"


Roll out, Penguin Posse.

Later, Know-It-All.


What just happened?

NARRATOR: I'll tell you what happened. You got iced, bro.

And it's time to go back to the show!

Where our next stop on the Fix-the-Birdbath Tour was South Dakota.

Which, yes, looked a lot like Cleveland.

And inside, we find Rocky and Bullwinkle in their dressing room,

except there's no Rocky.

♪ Don't know where Rocky is

♪ Didn't see him all last night


♪ Oh, wait, there he is... ♪

What's up, Winkle?

You ready to rock this Dakota?


You've changed, Rocky.

Have I?

We have a show, you know?

To raise money for the birdbath?

And we're not prepared at all!


The show's in one hour!

Which means we've got minutes to party!

No! Don't laugh!



Okay, this is a pretty good party, so I'm gonna dance.

But I want you to know, I'm still concerned.

BULLWINKLE: Uh-huh! That's it!

NARRATOR: As Rocky and Bullwinkle,

mostly Rocky, were partying in the dressing room,

Fearless Leader was having a celebration of his own.


My rob-a-bank song worked perfectly!

JUSTIN: [CLEARS THROAT] Does that mean we can, like, go?

Yeah, my phone's at, like, percent.


What it means is,

it's time to kick things up a notch!

Put me down!

Boris! Natasha!

BOTH:Yes, Fearless Leader!

I just sent you the new lyrics for my next,

"get loyal and crazed fans" to do stuff for me song!

Wait, there is no attachment, Fearless Leader.

What? I sent it with the message.

No, it's not here.


Of course, I clicked the little paperclip thingy.

Check again!

Yep, still not here.

That's exactly what I did, I'm telling you!

-[PHONE DINGS] -Got it!

And, may I say, this song is going to be monumental.

♪ Monuments need a change

♪ So carve new faces On Mount Rushmore, baby

♪ Monuments need a change

♪ So make all the faces Look like this guy here

♪ And now that you're back, It's the end of this song


Good night, South Dakota!




NARRATOR:And so, as Bullwinkle felt a little left behind,

the Fix-the-Birdbath Tour continued forward,

with new songs to continue Fearless Leader's fearless fan-following

in his diabolical, yet catchy efforts, to take over the world!

♪ Buy a monocle! Put it in your eye!

♪ Buy a monocle! Look like a Fearless guy! ♪

♪ Are you ready, Are you willin'?

♪ Then let me Hear you laugh Like an evil villain! ♪

♪ Oh, baby, baby, name your baby Fearless Leader!

♪ Oh, baby, baby, name your baby Fearless Leader! ♪

I named my baby Fearless Leader!

I named my baby Fearless Leader!

I couldn't find a baby, but I named this cat Fearless Leader!

♪ 'Cause you want them To be cool ♪

[LAUGHING] It's working, Evil Chicken!

And their next concert in Los Angeles,

will be the best of all!

Because I've arranged for it to be streamed live all over the world!

And they're going to sing this!

I call it, "Obey Fearless Leader, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!"

It is a good title!

And once everyone hears it, the whole world will follow me!

Just imagine it in a thought bubble, Evil Chicken.

One by one, My Fearless flag will fly!

Until my fearless flag is the only flag fearlessly flying

all over the world!


[CROWD CHANTING] Fearless Leader! Fearless Leader!


When Moose and Squirrel sing the line,

"Follow Fearless Leader, yeah, yeah, yeah, you gotta do it now,"

on the "do-it-now" part of the song,

everything will happen just like it did in that amazing thought bubble.

Ooh, let's imagine it one more time.

Fearless Leader! Fearless Leader!

NARRATOR: Then, that next night

at the live streaming concert from Los Angeles...

Oh, come on, guys, help me out.

That's clearly not Los Angeles.

That's more like it.

But not liking it, was Bullwinkle,

who was going over the new song

for tonight's all-over-the-world live-streaming concert.

♪ Follow Fearless Leader Yeah, yeah, yeah,

♪ You gotta do it now? ♪

Yo, B-dub.

That frown's harshin' my flow, yo.

Uh, should we be worried about these new song lyrics about Fearless Leader?

'Cause they kinda remind me of that evil guy,

Fearless Leader.

We're famous!

All we have to worry about is rockin' out and blowin' up!

Fame really has changed you, Rocky.

This used to be about fixing the birdbath, and friendship posters.

Nah, dog, I'm still all about that.

And, I'll still be all about that on the next leg of our tour!

Next leg of our tour?

But tonight's the last show of the Fix the Birdbath World Tour.

No, it's the first show of the "Rocky and Bullwinkle Never-Ending Tour."

Never-ending? That means we fix the birdbath... never.

We've got two tickets on the fame train!

And we're headed straight to Fame City!

And also, , other cities.

I'm sorry, Rock.

I think it's time for me to get off the fame train and get on the plane train,

-back to Frostbite Falls. -What?

And I'm taking the best friend poster

and my guitar with me.

Okay, well, I'm taking the poster.

Come on, B, we can't stop now!

Yes, we can!

No, we can't!

See you around, Rock.

BOTH: Rock-baby!

Eh, forget about Moose.

It's Squirrel they want.

Yes, it's you they want, to sing these lyrics.

"Follow Fearless Leader. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you gotta do it now."

Yeah. And really hit the "do it now" part. They'll love it.

NARRATOR: But as Rocky read the most dangerous lyrics

in the world, he realizedit was friendship and not famethat mattered most.

Let's rock this town!

NARRATOR: Whoa, I was way off.


NARRATOR:And, with the world-wide live-streaming concert only seconds away,

it seemed Fearless Leader's plan was unstoppable!


NATASHA: Ladies and gentlemen,

making his first solo appearance,

just Rocky!

Hello, Earth!

♪ Obey Fearless Leader, He's a super cool guy

♪ Obey Fearless Leader, Let your Fearless Flag Fly ♪

Look, Boris. It's working!

NARRATOR:As Rocky sang, people all over the world

began to fly their Fearless flags!

♪ Obey Fearless Leader, Dump your queen or your king

♪ Obey Fearless Leader, Now get ready to sing ♪

Yes! Yes!

He's about to sing the "do it now" part,

and then the world will be mine!

NARRATOR:But, as Rocky found himself singing without his bestest buddy,

he realized that singing solo was making him feel so low.

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, you gotta do it ♪

Say it!

Come on!

♪ You gotta do it ♪

"Now"! Say the word "Now"!

No! I can't do this!

This isn't me.

This crazy outfit, this tail.

And this tour isn't about fortune, fame, or Penguin Posses.

Not now, guys.

This is about a birdbath, and a town called Frostbite Falls.

And it's about friendship.

This is a song I wrote with my best friend.

And I wish he were here right now.

♪Oh, I got my best friend And I got some sunglasses ♪

What are you doing?

We need to sing Fearless Leader's song.

I just go where the music takes me, man.

You idiot!

♪ I got my best friend And a pair of fun passes...

♪ To the zoo, To see some land-eels! ♪

Bullwinkle, you're back!

And so are you, best friend.

♪ Oh, I've got A lot of things You know it's true

♪ But the best thing we've got is friendship

♪ 'Cause I got A best friend like you ♪

Let's go home, buddy.

Thank you! That's our show!

NARRATOR: Inspired by their song,

fans all over the world stopped obeying Fearless Leader,

threw away their monocles and flags,

and gave their babies and pets normal names like,

Howie, Greta, and Mr. Whiskers.

No! No! No! Not again!

My evil plans are ruined!

NARRATOR:Having once again saved the world by accident,

Rocky and Bullwinkle got their giant check,

and were ready to return to Frostbite Falls to save the birdbath.

Yes, it seemed things were looking up for our heroes.

Thank you, thank you.

Why, you...

BOTH: Hey!

BULLWINKLE: This can't be good.

NARRATOR: Jumping Jehosaphat!.

What is this mysterious blimp

which has kidnapped our heroes?

And our villains!

Will Rocky and Bullwinkle

ever get back to Frostbite Falls

to fix that giant birdbath?

Will Fearless Leader make a comeback,

or will he remain a no-hit blunder?


NARRATOR: What's the deal with that blimp?

And what about those dirty birds?

Gah, there they are!

Find out what happens next,

in "Dirty Birdy is the Wordy!"

or "Diary of a Blimpy Kid."