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13x04 - Kim's Last Ditch Effort

Posted: 12/08/23 08:32
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

-[Scott] So, what's cracking, man?
-[Rob] About to have this baby.

[Scott] Damn.

[Rob] Ko. KoKo.

[Khloe] Do you have your hospital list?

[Rob] That's up to her. I don't know.

I mean, I'm gonna stand on the
side next to, like, her face.

-Like where I put my [bleep] penis.
-[Khloe] Mm-hmm.

[Rob] I'm not gonna say [bleep],
but penis.

[Khloe] Just have a really bad visual.

Between her ass, her belly
and your belly, I can't handle it.

[Rob laughing] One of the times, we were,
like, in this crazy spider position and...

-[Scott laughs]
-...and the [bleep] was nuts.

You could ask her about it.

She was twizzled up into, like,
a pretzel and then I was like,

way up in the ceiling. It was crazy.

-[Khloe] Is this a real story?
-[Rob] It was a [bleep] crazy ass night.

[Scott laughs]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

[Khloe] Las manzanas son rojas.
The apples are red.

-[Kylie] Hi.
-[Jordyn] Nice glasses.

-I can't do the splits, so...
-[Khloe] What are you up to?

[Kylie] I wanted to make sure
you were here. You were in my mind.

-[Khloe] Mm.
-[Kylie] I need to get there to see Khloe.

-[Jen] She showed up, "Khloe's here?"
-[Khloe] We have to update each other.

I'm trying to study my Spanish class.
La falda negra.

[Jen] What is Kylie to you?

[Khloe] Kylie es mi hermana. Right, Kylie?
-[Jen] Not your hermano?

[Jordyn] What Spanish class
are you taking? Rosetta Stone?

[Khloe] Well, I take Spanish class
at home.

[Kylie] It's the same.
[Jen] It's called Spanglish.

[Jordyn] It looks so amazing, actually.
I really wish I was doing that.

[Khloe] El limón es verde.
Isn't limón a lemon?

-[Jen] Um...
-[Khloe] How is it green?

In Spanish, it's a different color?!

[Jordyn] Thank you for making me
a part of this.

[Khloe] Love you, Jordyn.
Thank you for being a part.

[Kylie] Don't disappoint me.

-[Khloe] When have I ever?
-[Kylie] Never.

[Khloe] I am doing a photo
sh**t for the launch

of my Good American denim line.

This is so passionate to me
because it's about creating something

that empowers women and breaks down
barriers of average sizing, plus sizing.

It's just sizing. I never felt
that perfectly comfortable in my jeans.

I was always altering something
to make them fit my body.

And I really felt like there was something
missing in the denim world.

[Emma] It was really about creating
something that was about this new idea

of what is sexy, and, you know, sexy comes
in lots of different shapes and sizes.

[Khloe] Emma is, like, the perfect
business partner

because her and I have
the same belief system.

And we've been working nonstop
to make this perfect.

The average size in the U.S. is a 16,

so this is why we wanted to create
Good American,

to make trendy, dope clothes
for average size women.

[photographer] You have makeup on
and so do I.

[photographer] You look great.

[Khloe] Thank you.

[photographer] All right, we good?
Ready when you are.

[photographer] Very nice, Khlo.
Can we do a profile? Nice. Beautiful.

Wow. There we go. Nice.

♪ ♪

[photographer] I got it.

-[Khloe] That's it? Yeah.
[Khloe] We're a girl group.

[Malika] Oh, my God, is it Kylie Jenner?

-[Malika screams]
-[Khadijah] Why do you look so tall today?

[Kylie] Hi.

[stylist] Oh, my goodness.

[photographer] Get in there. Here we go.

[photographer] Here we go.

♪ ♪

[North] I can open it, Mommy.
It's tricky, Mommy.

[Kim] It's tricky?

[North] Yeah.

[Kim] So you want me to open it?
-[North] Yeah.

[Kim] Do you want Auntie Kourtney
to share it with you?

[North] Yeah.

-[North grunts, laughs]
-[Kourtney] Excuse me.

I'm very hungry.

-Wait, there's a marshmallow. [She gasps]
-[North laughs]

She's gonna eat the marshmallow.
It looks like a leopard.

-[North screams]
-[Kourtney] Wait a second.

-It's a marshmallow.
-[North] No, no.

[Kourtney] And I was so hungry
just for a marshmallow.

-[Kourtney laughs]
-[North grunting]

-Mason got engaged.
-[Kim] He did?

[Kourtney] He literally tells me
every day, "I got engaged."

And then he's like, "I got her number,

so you can talk to her mom
and she can come over."

But he gave her a ring, this ring of mine
I said he could give her. It says "love."

Like, it's a gold ring that says "love."

[Kim] That's so funny.

-[North] I'm hugging you.
-[Kim] Is North not the cutest?

I feel like I need to have one
more girl just like her.

Kanye and I have always talked
about having more kids,

but after what I went through in Paris,
the urgency is, like, even greater.

[Kim laughs]

Being at home for so many months,
and just taking work out of the equation,

and really being ,like, a stay-at-home mom
has been so refreshing.

And I just love nothing more
than to expand my family,

and just know that I have this,
like, world at home that's safe.

And if, for some reason, I left
this earth sooner than, you know,

I wanted to, then my kids would have
a support system at home so that,

you know, I know that they would be
okay if I wasn't here.

I need to ask you a serious,
serious, serious question.

Are you ready to answer me?

Do you think Mommy and Daddy
should have one more baby?

-[North] No. Yeah.
-[Kim] No?

-[North] Yeah.
-[Kim] Or yes?

-[North] Yeah.
-[Kim] And what's the answer?

-I don't know. No or yes?
-[North] Yes.

-[Kim] A boy or a girl?
-[North] A girl.

[Kim] You want... you won't be so jealous?

You already are so jealous of Sainty.

[North] A boy and a girl.

[Kim] You want me to have a boy
and a girl?

[North] Gonna make me so happy.

-[Kim] 'Cause that'll make you so happy?
-[North] Yeah.

I just.. [mumbles] I want to read...

[Kim] You want to read that book?

Okay. "Anna loves Elsa."

-[North] You have makeup?
-[Kim] No.

-[North grunts]
-[Kim laughs]

[Kim] You're so silly.

♪ ♪

-[Khloe] Hey, guys.
-[Chyna] Hello.

[Khloe] Yeah.

[Khloe laughs]

Are you, like, ready for this baby?

-[Rob] Yeah.
-[Khloe] What size is the baby?

[Chyna] Pineapple.

[Khloe] That's a big-ass baby right now.

-[Khloe laughs] Pineapple.
-[Chyna] I know.

[Rob laughs]

[Chyna] Her feet are like...
look, come feel.

-She's, like, moving crazy right now.
-[Khloe shouts]

-[Khloe] What is that part of her?
-[Rob chuckles]

[Khloe] Or you don't know?
Why is she doing that?

-[Chyna] I don't know.
-[Khloe laughs]

-[Khloe] Aah.
-[Rob laughs]

[Chyna chuckles]

-Are you scared?
-[Rob] Mm-mm.

-[Khloe] You got to be scared.
-[Rob] Mm-mm.

[Khloe] It's okay if you are. I would be.

[Rob] I'm not, but I'll tell you
if I'm scared. I'm excited.

[Rob] Cannot wait to have
an Armenian baby.

[Khloe] And probably a bit of black.

[Rob] It's gonna be an Armenian baby.

[Khloe] It's gonna be a little
like Northie.

-[Rob] Let's not make this a race w*r.
-[Khloe laughs]

[Rob] I just want my baby to
learn the type of, like,

Armenian values that, like, Dad
always kind of put onto us growing up.

When my dad passed away, I was,

like, just going on 16.

[Robert] Good boy, Rob.

[Rob] That whole year right
before he passed away,

only one living with my dad.

So, I got to chill with him.

[Robert] Oh, my God, it was in.

[Rob] This is my first child
and a very special, important time to me.

-Hey, Daddy.
-[Robert] Okay.

[Rob] So, I want to be like my dad
and do the things that we did,

just, you know, cooking and
food and family.

[Helen] What's your favorite thing
that Nana makes?

-[Kourtney] Bishi.
-[Helen] That's right. Bishi.

[Rob] I have all these memories.
Christmas and Thanksgiving

and birthdays and all of us together.

I feel like I don't do any of that, um,
because I'm so insecure

and uncomfortable in my skin right now.

[Chyna] Rob misses you.

[Khloe] You do?


[Rob] This will be, like,
a subtle way of us hanging out again.

I don't really see anybody
anymore, um, especially Khloe.

I'm just trying to, trying to stick to
my Armenian roots. You know what I mean?

[Khloe] So, what are you doing?

[Rob] Poker night, Armenian barbecue.

[Khloe] Poker night
is your Armenian roots?

[Rob] That's what Armenians
do-- they have barbecues,

they talk, they hang out.

[Khloe] Is there such a thing
as an Armenian barbecue or just...

-It's just hanging out.
[Rob] No, it's with Armenians.

-Khlo, your, uh...
-[Khloe] What?

[Rob] Your boob's out.

[Khloe] No, it's not.

Why are you staring at my [bleep], anyway?

-[Rob] I'm trying to look out for you.
-[Khloe] No, it's not. That's disgusting.

You are really an incestual freak.

[Chyna] I'm done with Rob. He's silly.

♪ ♪

[Kourtney] Hey'ya, Khlo.

[Khloe] Hey'ya, Kourt!

-[Kourtney] Ooh!

-[Kendall] Ow.
-[Khloe gasps]

-[Khloe] Princessa!
-[North laughs]

[Khloe] Who made this girl?
Who made this girl?

[North] I have to go potty.

[Khloe] Oh, sh**t.

-[Kendall] I'm ready to sit, I'm hungry.
-[Kourtney] Where is everyone?

-[Kendall] I'm starving.
-[Kourtney] Me, too.

-[Kim speaks indistinctly]
-[Kourtney] Everyone...

You guys!

[North] Let's go. Everyone.

[Kendall] We're gonna eat without you,
'cause we're hungry and we don't care.

[Kourtney] Hey, Mom.

[Kris] Wait, look at her lips straight on.

Does the one on the right...
should it go higher?

[Khloe] I know, Mom. We're trying
to figure... we're trying to work on that.

Okay? One time, can I just have one
second of someone being [bleep] nice?

[Kris] Did you and Joyce come
up with a date for Joyce's shower?

[Khloe] No.

[Kris] She said she would talk
to you about it today.

-[Kendall] I can't believe, twins.
-[Kim] I know.

Wait, should I try to change my surgery?

I have to go in and prepare my uterus.

Because I decided I'm gonna try
to have one more baby.

Isn't that exciting?

[Kendall] Oh, my God,
I thought you were done.

[Kanye] I don't want you to,
like, do anything risky.

[Kim] Yeah. I mean, I have to...

-[Khloe] What surgery?
-[Kim] I have to have a surgery

on my uterus to kind of repair this hole.

So they need to, like, clean
that out, and then there's scar tissue.

It'll still be, like, a really
high-risk pregnancy,

just I would be able to get pregnant.

[Khloe] So why do you want to
do that again?

[Kim] Having more kids is
definitely gonna be a struggle.

I've gone through so much
with really bad deliveries

that the doctors don't feel like
it's safe for me to conceive again myself.

-[doctor] In pregnancies, you had toxemia.
-[Kim] Mm-hmm.

[doctor] You had retained placenta.
Very traumatic.

We're always worried about
the next serious complication.

[Kris] You could bleed to death.

[man] You getting pregnant
again would be high-risk.

[Kim] This surgery is really
the one last thing I can try.

I want my kids to have siblings,
and I want to know

everything that I could
to make this happen.

♪ ♪

[Rob] Khloe.

[Khloe] Ooh, inchpes es?

-[Rob] I brought us Carousel.
-[Khloe gasps]

[Khloe] Robert June. [gasps]

-[Rob] The cheese. Ooh, the cheese.
-[Khloe] Armenian cheese. Best in town.

What's Armenian cheese, like,
from an Armenian cow?

[Rob] I don't know.

So, are we eating outside or inside?

[Khloe] Let's eat outside, it's so nice.

[Rob] When my dad was around,
we were always with family,

like, all the time, every weekend.

You know, I want that same relationship,

so this is my way
of trying to bring the family together.

-[Khloe] Hi, Mommy.
-[Kris] Hey.

-[Rob] Oh, my God.
-[Kris] Rob.

-[Khloe] Wow, you look beautiful.
-[Rob] Janet Jackson.

[Kris] Hey, well, you know, I'm trying.

If I could only sing.

-[Khloe] You look gorgeous.
-[Kris] Thank you.

[Khloe] Wow, you look superb.

[Rob] Whoa, that would have been bad.
I should have pulled it out under you.

[Kris] I know. God, this smells good.

Oh, my God, I love Armenian food--
is this from Carousel?

-[Rob] You got it, sister.
-[Khloe] Rob Dog picked it up.

[Kris] That was nice.

I can't believe-- this food brings back
such good memories of your dad.

Your dad used to want to go
there every birthday.

[Rob] That is the reason that
I picked up the food, Mom.

[Kris] But it makes me happy
that you're, like, so traditional,

and that you're carrying on the tradition.
That makes me really, really happy.

[Rob] I want to carry on the tradition
that my dad instilled in us.

-[Kris] Yummy.
-[Khloe] Oh, my God, Kik-a-liki!

-[Kim] I didn't know Robby was here.
-[Rob] Kimo.

[Kris] This is Carousel.

-[Kim] Stop. Did we get the...
-[Rob] It's really windy.

[Kim] ...cabbage salad? Oh, my God.

-Good job!
-[Kris] Kim, here's a plate.

[Kim] This makes me so happy, you guys.

[Kris] Are these grape leaves?

[Khloe] No. How do you not
know that's meat?

[Kris] I don't know.

-[Rob] You don't like that. It's red meat.
-[Khloe] I don't eat red meat.

[Rob] But I'll eat chicken
with you here today.

[Khloe] You could.

-[Rob] No, my body can't have red meat.
-[Khloe] Why not?

[Rob] 'Cause I weigh 295 pounds,
and I can't eat red meat.

[Khloe] What do you aim for?

[Rob] 220 pounds, and I would
be the most happiest man ever.

-[Khloe] So what will you do?
-[Rob] What?

[Khloe] What lifestyle changes?

[Rob] What do you mean?
You got to eat healthy,

-and you got to, uh...
-[Kim] Is that where your mind's at?

You want to get in shape?

[Rob] Of course.

[Kris] If you just got up
and walked 12,000 steps.

-[Rob] Mom, what did I tell you?
-[Kris] I know.

[Rob] Call Gunnar. Schedule Gunnar. Great.

[Khloe] Lessen the aggression,
or your heart's gonna burst.

[Rob] I'm good.
-[Kris] It's a priority.

[Rob] I told her this story
about three times.

You don't got to go over it again.

[Khloe] I just want you to be healthy,

'cause don't you want
to live long for your daughter?

Dad played sports with us,
he played games with us.

Dad was super hands-on and super active.
You're not active.

[Rob] I understand that.

You think I want to weigh 300 pounds?

It really bothers me.

When my mom and my sisters g*ng up on me,
it doesn't really motivate me.

I understand they want me to be motivated.
Of course, I want to be motivated,

but it does push me away.

It's like the same cycle over and over.

I just don't express how I'm feeling,
and then we just stop talking for months.

[Kris] If you eat the chicken or the beef,
and just a veggie-- like every meal...

[Rob] I can't [bleep] deal
with it right now.

[Khloe] What?


♪ ♪

-[Emma] Good morning!
-[Khloe] You look cute.

[Emma] Oh, that's so lovely.
So do you, as usual.

-[Khloe] How are you?
-[Emma] You look amazing.

Yeah, I'm super, super good.

[Khloe] Emma and I are doing
a press junket

for the launch of my Good American line,

and I'm super excited. Ooh.

Oh, yeah.

[Emma] Khloe?

[Khloe] I'm just Snapchatting
my denim real quick.

God, Holly, you [bleep] up everything.

-[man] You good?
-[woman] Yep.

[man] And, Zanna, it's all yours.

[Zanna] Congratulations!

You are badasses and you're power women,
and you're so inspirational to all of us.

-[Khloe] Thank you.
-[Zanna] Okay, girls,

I want you to break down these styles
for me.

What is this?

[Emma] This is good legs.

[Khloe] And this is basically my uniform,
if you can't tell.

I would say a good leg and a bodysuit.

This is what I wear all the time.

[Zanna] To mention the bodysuit...

How... It's just not prac...
I'm even wearing one today.

-In the bathroom situation, it's just...
-[Khloe] You've got to pull to the side.

[Emma] You're not undoing.

-[Zanna] You don't undo?
-[Khloe] No, you pull to the side.

[Zanna] Anything else
you girls would like to share with us?

[Khloe] I think you kind of got me out
of all my tips for the day.

-Hi, how are you? Nice to see you.
-[woman] Love the style.

[woman] So tell me about the models
that you guys had.

-[Emma] We're so excited.
-[woman] Cute, with all different kinds.

[Emma] You know, we were
looking for more than a look.

We were looking for a vibe
to come through.

[Khloe] And our squad, like,
we have such a variety...

a diverse range of women,
from taller to petite, curvier to smaller.

Whether they love tattoos,

or they have shaved heads
or long, flowing hair,

I think that's what women of America are.

-We're a melting pot.
-[Emma] Individuals.

Different people,
different things going on,

so we're proud of what we ended up with.

-[woman] I love that.
-[Emma] Thank you.

Pleased to meet you. Thanks a lot.

[assistant] Yeah, ask her for 11.

[Emma] Jaimie, can you do me a proper,
I'm so-- I've made myself nervous.

-Can you ask Mehmet what number they want?
-[Jamie] Sure.

[Khloe] What's it about?
-[Emma] We have a lot to cover.

-What's he say, Jamie? Come on.
-[Jamie] 150,000.

[Emma] Oh, my God. We need to get
to 150,000 to make our numbers.

Like, I'm genuinely nervous.

[Khloe] This is the first time
I'm hearing that I have to hit

some astronomical number of
units to be sold by the new year.

I've also never heard Emma nervous before.

Like, this is Emma's realm, so
if she's nervous, I am scared [bleep]less.

God, you're making me nervous.

[Emma] I'm freaking out.

♪ ♪

-[Khloe] Kourt, you look so cute.
-[Kourtney] Thanks.

-[Khloe] Hi, Joe.
-[Joe] How are you?

[Khloe] Good, and you?
-[Joe] Yeah, good,

-since the last time I saw you.
-[Khloe] I know.

[Joe] So, you want to start
with boxing as a warm-up?

[Khloe] Yeah.

Kourt, we're back in business. Right?

-[Kourtney] I'll battle you.
-[Khloe] Joe's wrapping you up

for this boxing lesson.
Yeah! [bleep] yeah, Kourt!

-[Joe] Three, four, that's it.

[Khloe] Yeah, Joe!

[Joe] Got it?

♪ ♪

Whoa. Perfect.

[Khloe] Come on, Kourt.

-[Kourtney] No funny business.
-[Khloe] No funny business?

[Joe] Okay, ladies, gloves off.

-[phone chimes]
-Next one, on the Bosu here.

[Khloe moans]

-With the rope.
-[phone chimes]

[Khloe] "Will you still say
what style it is?

Don't be specific, period."

[phone chimes]

[Joe] Hop as low as you can.

Three, two, one, let's go.

Left, right. Bom, bom, bom, bom.

[Khloe] Everyone shut the [bleep] up.

There is so much stuff to do to

prep for the launch of Good American.

And Emma made me really nervous
with telling me

about this number
and how hard it is to get to that number.

Now, I'm nervous that I'm not
gonna make my investors

and my business partner happy.

I woke up yesterday at 4:30 for press--

Last night, I didn't go to bed
till 3:45 a.m.

[Kourtney] And why?

[Khloe] Ever since Emma told me
we need to sell "X" amount of units,

I have so much anxiety because...

[Kourtney] You'll sell that many units.

[Khloe] She said it's never
happened in denim history.

[Kourtney] We're gonna make denim history.

[Khloe groaning] I'm still so nervous.

-[Kourtney] Don't be anxious.
-[Khloe] 'Cause I was like,

"Really?" Like, Kylie sells,
like, hundreds of thousands of units

-in, like, what, three minutes?
-[Kourtney] Yeah.

[Khloe] I know we're not necessarily
competing against each other,

but still, like, I have always been known
as, like, "the fat sister."

And now that I'm over that,
I don't want to be known as,

like, "the failing sister." [chuckles]

[Joe] We're gonna go hill.

-[Khloe] What do you want to do?
-[Joe] The hill.

-[Khloe] Mm-mm.
-[Joe] You can't?

[Khloe] I'll just say that sometimes.
You just say, "Yes, you can."

It's a little game I play.
But still, I'll do it.

So, what do you want to do on the hill?

[Joe] Just backward, just push
from the bottom to the cone.

-[Khloe] Uh-huh.
-[Joe] Ten times.

[Khloe] Mm. Wait, excuse me?

♪ ♪

[Kris] Hi. Nice dress.

We thought these would cheer you up.

-[Kim] Ooh.
-[Kris] Oh...

[Kim] So, I had my surgery
and the doctors won't know a whole lot

until I fully heal.
So, it's kind of like a waiting game.

I definitely am in pain,
but if the end result is that I get to,

you know, carry my baby,
then it was all worth it.

[Kris] Probably it feels like
you had a baby.

[Kim] Yeah. Just, like, up,
but in my lower stomach,

feel like my lower stomach is bloated.

[Kris] I'm sorry you're in so much pain.

[Kim] It's okay.

I think, like, after everything,

honestly, it's like, there's nothing
that makes me more happy

than being with my kids.
Like, I'm obsessed with them.

[Kris] Yeah.

[Kim] And just to have siblings

and to grow up with all my brothers
and sisters,

just been so much fun and so,
like, full. You know?

[Kris] I mean, I'm proud of you,
'cause you're so strong,

but it just breaks my heart
that you're in so much pain.

I mean, you're going through
an awful lot of trauma to your body

and emotional stress.

And I'm just not sure if it's worth it.

I just don't want you to do something
that would put you in great danger.

Kim has had a rough year.

And going through this surgery
on top of all of that,

that she's not doing this for nothing.

I really want Kim to be happy

and I know how much Kim would
like to have another baby.

But I am worried, because
it could be very, very dangerous.

I know you're really trying to
do the right thing.

[Kim] Yeah.

Let's see and hopefully this is successful
and hopefully, I can carry my own baby.

♪ ♪

[Khloe] Kufta?

[Rob] Oh, yeah.

[Khloe] Can you say that word?

-[Rob] Yeah.
-[Khloe] Nachinka?

[Rob] Nachinka?

[Khloe] That doesn't seem very Armenian.

[Chyna] Where is Armenia?
Armenium, I mean...

[Rob] Ar-men-ia.

-[Khloe] It's above Iraq.
-[Chyna] Okay.

[Khloe] Now, as you know about bishi,
it's like a little pizza pie.

[Rob] Because I'm about to have a baby,

I want everybody
to be on good terms with me.

I just can't be selfish
and just always shut myself out if--

even if I get into an argument,
I can't let that just affect me

or be so down all the time,
like I did in the past.

So, I figured Khloe making bishi,
she does the best job with it.

I would come over, we could talk
and hang out.

[Khloe] And it's fun,
you could do it with your daughter.

[Rob] She wants to encourage me
to becoming a great father

and just be like my dad.

And it does make me happy
that I do have my sisters' support.

[Khloe] So, now I want you--
while that one's cooking--

-grab a bowl.
-[Rob] Mmm. Big, right?

[Khloe] Okay, so then, at first,
you, like, knead it.

[Chyna] He knows how to knead it.

[Khloe] I'm sure he knows how
to play with his meat.

[Chyna laughs]

-[Rob] It's so fun in the kitchen.
-[Chyna] Yeah.

[Khloe] Like, all the kids
like Mason and P and stuff,

they love to put the ingredients in
and then you just roll it out.

[Rob] Isn't this fun?

I know everybody just wants me
to be happy and get my life together.

Oh, [bleep].

[Khloe] Come on, Rob, you could do it.

You got to teach your daughter.

[Rob] Family is super important to me

and so, obviously, I want my baby
to have a good relationship

with my mom and my sisters,
just like my dad instilled in us,

so I can have those memories
and just have a happy life.

[Khloe] Yeah, Rob.

[Rob] What is in this? Just dough or...?

[Khloe] We're not allowed
to give the recipe out.

Unless you're really going to cook it
and not let other people cook it.

[Rob] I'm not gonna make bishi on my own.
I'm-a have you around.

[Khloe] But don't you want to be
in the kitchen with your daughter?

[Rob] I want to be in the kitchen
with you and my daughter

-while you guys are doing it.
-[Khloe laughs]

♪ ♪

[Kim] Hi, Ko.

[Khloe] Keeks, how are you?

[Kim] First of all...

[Khloe] You don't have to sit up.

[Kim] No, I do.

Paul Crane is on his way here.

[Kim] They had a-- my catheter in;
when they took it out, I couldn't pee.

They put it back in. My stomach looks like
I am five months pregnant.

It is so painful.

I literally have been crying all
morning and-- ow.

So, there's complications with,
um, my bladder.

This is so gross,
but I had to have a catheter.

Like, I'm not able to pee on my own,
so it's just super painful,

and really, really frustrating.

-Can you grab the mirror?
-[Khloe] No, no.

-[Kim] I want you to see it.
-[Khloe] No.

Mm-mm, I'm not looking at your [bleep].

-[Kim] All right, but look.
-[Khloe] Oh...

-[Kim] That's just a tube.
-[Khloe] Mm-mm.

[Kim] Look, it's all fixed.
-[Khloe] No! Hold on. Don't open it up.

I don't want to look at my own vag*na,
let alone someone else's.

[knocking on door]

[Kim] Oh, the doctor's coming.

-[Paul] Okay.
-[Kim] Hi, Paul.

-[Khloe] Hi, Paul.
-[Paul] How are you doing?

[Kim] Khloe came and surprised me.

Oh, you're gonna really go inside.

[Paul] Just a little tiny bit.

[Kim] Please be gentle.

[Paul quietly] Alright, let's see here...

That lump feels good.

-[Kim] Yeah? Yeah.
-[Paul] So we did do...

[Kim] But you're...

[Khloe] This is the best birth control,
being around you people.

[Paul] Anyway, you may end up
sitting around for a few more days,

not being able to pee. It's gonna be sore.

-[Kim] Yeah?
-[Paul] So I'm sorry about that.

[Kim] It's like, honestly,
nothing could be easy for me.

Like, nothing.

♪ ♪

[Khloe] You smell so good.

[Kylie] Really? I didn't put perfume on
today. Really weird of me.

-[Khloe] Natural...
-[Kylie] It was in my luggage.

[Khloe] ...body odor.

[Kylie] I was trying to find it. Um...

What's going on?

[Khloe] I feel like
I have such anxiety over this.

For me to fight so hard for this line,
and, like, that's scary.

I really relate to this line so much.

It's like, I want to be a voice
for people who don't have a voice.

And who's to say, like, what the [bleep]
define sexy or beautiful?

[Kylie] Yeah.

[Khloe] It's not just about jeans,
it's, like, a bigger movement.

-[Kylie] I didn't know how deep this was.
-[Khloe] If it fails,

What does it mean for all the people
that, like, wanted me to be their voice?

You know, all these women, like,
"Oh, this is such a great movement,"

and it's not just a disappointment for me,
it's a disappointment for all these girls.

All that pressure's on my shoulders.

[Kylie] Do you know how scared
I was when I first dropped my lip kits?

-[Khloe] No.
-[Kylie] I was, like, "Oh, my God."

[Khloe] You hide it really well.

[Kylie] I never would've imagined.

There really is no trick, though.

It never stops.

'Cause you did this from scratch
and you're passionate about it.

[Khloe] I know. Okay.

The launch, it's days away,
and it's just kind of, like,

I'm sitting in my nerves,
and they're just, like, boiling

and boiling and boiling, 'cause
there's nothing else I can do now,

it's a waiting game.
And I can't really sleep,

I can't really eat,
'cause the unknown is scary.

[Kylie] You know what you're doing,
you're, like, such a great businesswoman.

I think you have a bright future.

[Khloe] If not, just bury me
in lip kits and eye shadows.

[Kylie] Okay.

[Khloe] At least I'll be pretty.

-[Jonathan] Hey, hey.
-[Kim] Hey, hey.

[Jonathan] What are you doing?

I brought you f-- What are you doing?

[Kim] Don't be grossed out. I, like...

[Jonathan] Do you have a tail
out of your vag*na?

-[Kim laughs]
-[Jonathan] What is this?

[Kim] It's, like, a legitimate pee bag.

[Jonathan] There's pee in there?

[Kim] Yeah.

Don't worry, I don't have pee on me.

[Jonathan] I'm scared to tell you
a funny joke. You may pee in the bag.

-[Kim laughs]
-[Jonathan] Like, I think

I could tell how funny I am
by how much you pee,

and I could watch it actually happening.

-[Kim] It's gross.
-[Jonathan] It looks like honey.

Only you would have pretty pee.

[both laugh]

-[Jonathan] Uh-oh. Don't start.
-[Kim] One in a billion.

-Is that funny? I'm smiling,
-[Kim laughs]

but inside, I'm crying. What the hell?

I still don't understand,
like, why you did this.

[Kim] When I had placenta accreta,
there's, like, a hole in my uterus.

So, basically, the doctor was
like, "Let me do this extensive surgery,

to see if there's any possibility"
that I could carry a baby on my own.

[Jonathan] And what's the verdict?

[Kim] The doctor's like, he's like,
"You should not carry another baby."

You know, not only has this been
really painful, but now hearing

that I can't carry any more kids,
it couldn't get any worse.

I mean, [bleep], I really tried
everything, and I really want this,

and it's just not gonna happen for me.

[Jonathan] Are you, like, upset?
Are you, like, devastated?

Or are you okay with this?

[Kim] It's just really, really tough.

The last day, I had a full breakdown
where I was just, like, crying.

I'm just like, "I give up."

[Jonathan] Wow.

♪ ♪

-[nurse] I'll fill you up with water.
-[Kim] So this isn't gonna hurt, right?

[nurse] No, it'll feel
like you have to urinate.

[Kim] I never want to see
that catheter bag again.

So many things... I [bleep]
have to go through.

I have an appointment with the urologist
that will hopefully help me pee on my own.

I'm, like, past my point
of discomfort at this point.

I just want to get this over with,
I just want to be able to pee.

[nurse] I want you to have
a little bit more than that.

[Kim] I, literally, am gonna pee on you.
On this table.

[nurse chuckles]

[nurse] Okay, so what I'm gonna do now
is I'm gonna take the catheter out.

Take a big breath. And blow it out.

[Kim exhales]

There you go, and relax your muscles.

[knocking on door]

-[Kim] One sec.
-[nurse] Hold on. Don't come in.

-[Jonathan] Okay.
-[Kim] My vag*na's gonna be in your face.

[nurse] Take a big breath again.
And relax.

[Kim exhales] [bleep]

[nurse] Okay. It's out.

Now, I'm going to take you to the bathroom
and you're going to try to pee, okay?

[Kim] I'll just...

[nurse] You're gonna come here.

[Kim] Oh, it's beautiful.

I'm really nervous.

I mean, the thought of me not
being able to pee

gives me the chills,
and, like, terrifies me.

[nurse] Now breathe. Relax your muscles.

[Kim exhaling] [bleep]

[Kim grunts]

-[Jonathan] What's up?
-[Kim] Oh, you have no idea.

[Jonathan] Is it out of you?

-[Kim] They took it out.
-[Jonathan] And?

-[Kim] They said I could pee.
-[Jonathan] You peed already?

-[Kim] Yeah.
-[Jonathan] Great news.

-[Kim] Well, they put water in me.
-[Jonathan] That was that fast?

[Kim] Yeah. And then I sat on the toilet--
look, it's like a granny toilet.

[Jonathan] Oh, my God.

And that came out of you, in that blender?

-[Kim] Yeah.
-[Jonathan] Wow. Did it hurt?

-[Kim] It doesn't hurt.
-[Jonathan] So it's not scary?

[Kim] No, no. I mean, honestly, the relief
that I just don't have to have that bag.

[Jonathan] Bag.

[Kim] I honestly never thought
that I would be so grateful

just to pee by myself.

-[Sharron] So far, so good, huh?
-[Kim] Yeah.

And now I'll put this in the past,
and focus on the realistic next steps,

if I want to have another baby.

North was like, "Mommy, I made a mistake.

Mommy, I made a mistake!"

And I open,
and she opened the whole pee bag

and all my pee emptied on the carpet.

[Jonathan] That is an unbelievable story.

There it goes.
C'est la vie to your pee bag.


♪ ♪

[trolley bell dinging]

[Khloe] I'm in a store
with real Good American. [squeals]

-[Kris] What?

[Khloe] They have Good American
in this store.

[Kris] Oh, my God, Khloe.

[Khloe] Oh, my God, it's real.

Today is the launch of Good American
at the Grove

and I'm really normally
such a positive person, but I'm petrified.

I think I'm just preparing myself
for the worst,

just so I'm not depressed
and disappointed.

-[Kris] How are you feeling?
-[Khloe] I'm so scared.

[Kris] How are you feeling?

[Khloe] I'm so scared.

[assistant] Sorry, guys, we
got to get moving.

[crowd murmuring]

[Khloe] Oh, my God. Hi.

[fans clamoring]

[assistant] Follow security.

-[fan] Hi, Khloe.
-[Khloe] Hi!

[fans cheering]

-[Khloe] Sorry.
-[photographer] Kris, Kris...

Can we get, like, two sh*ts of Khloe?

Khloe, one more time, Khloe. Thank you.

-[Kris] Thank you.
-[photographer] Have a great night.

[Khloe] Mom, come here for a second.

Security doesn't need to be pushing me
so, I don't say hi to anybody.

[Kris] Mmm...
-[Khloe] That's why the people are here.

[Kris] Just a big crazy crowd.
They get aggressive but for good reason.

[Khloe] No, they were too aggressive.
But, like...

[Kris] Yeah, just take it down a notch.

Ever since Paris, it's been
a little bit of a challenge

getting used to the new security rules,

so I can only imagine that this would add
to Khloe's level of stress.

But she needs to focus on her launch.

[reporter] Tell me a little
bit about your brand.

[Khloe] This is something that
I have been incredibly passionate about

and we hope it's a denim...

[both] Revolution!

-[Khloe] Yes.
-[Emma laughs]

[crowd cheering]

[Kris] Hi, everybody.
This is so cool, right?

I'd like to introduce to you my beautiful,
amazing, smart daughter-- [chuckles]

Khloe Kardashian.

[Khloe] Hello, everybody.

[crowd cheers]

[Khloe] You guys, this is so
[bleep]ing exciting.

[crowd cheers]

[Kris] So, tell me about the Good Squad.

[Khloe] Our girls are of all ethnicities
and heights and sizes and...

[crowd cheers]

...hips and curves, yes.

And they're all women that are
bosses in their own right,

they're all doing things on their own.

[Kris] Do you think we can meet
some of the Good Squad?

[Khloe] Yes! Let's bring our girls out.

-[crowd cheers and whoops]

Do a twirl.

Cuties with booties.

[Emma] Show them
what they came to see, girls.

[Khloe] You guys look great.

[model] I just want
to thank Khloe so much.

I'm constantly having to go to,
like, the tiniest section of the store,

trying to find something
that works for me.

And so, I'm so grateful
that someone has stepped out

and really made something for all of us.

-[crowd cheers]
-[Khloe] Thank you guys so much.

Go to the Good Squad.

[crowd cheers]

[fan] I just want to say that
we agree with the whole not,

like, labeling plus sizes.

It's so fabulous, like, for me,

'cause for example, when I go to stores,

I always have to go to the small section.

[Khloe] Yeah. Yeah.

-[fan] I wanna thank you for that.
-[Khloe] Oh, thank you.

You're so sweet, thank you.

-Oh, hi, how are you?
-[fan] Khloe, I bought your jeans!

-[Khloe] Oh, why, thank you.
[fan] We're so excited.

[Khloe] I'm so excited.

[fan] You're amazing.

[Khloe] Having people come up
to me and express their gratitude,

it's so overwhelming.
I genuinely feel like crying tears of joy.

I feel like I am dreaming,
but I'm-- I'm living my dream.

This is why I did this.

So, [bleep] the sales.

At the end of the day,
this is what matters,

is that I'm making people feel good
about themselves again.

[Kourtney squeals]

[Khloe] Ah! Kourtney Kardashian came
to my event.

[Kourtney] Kourtney,
mother[bleep], Kardashian, b*tches.

[Khloe] Okrrr!

♪ ♪

[Kourtney] I can't do glam with Kim
anymore, how negative she is.

-[Kim] No, I was in a mood.
-[Khloe] You are negative.

[Kim] Everyone was [bleep]ing
with me and then, I was just in

that mood to be like, "[bleep]
off, eat a [bleep]."

[Khloe] Mm-hmm. Yeah.

[Kourtney] Choke on some [bleep].

-[Khloe] Totally.
-[Kim laughs] Ew.

[Khloe] Laser your [bleep], bitch!

[Kourtney] I'm talking about a guy.

[Khloe] Why do-- was there hair
on any ass[bleep]?

On a male or a female?

[bleep] the hair on your ass.

Right? Just say it one time.

[Kourtney] Just [bleep] that hair.

[Khloe laughing] Yeah. Say it again.

-[Kim] Ew.
-[Khloe] To change her mood.

You think Kim's positively
bunghole crazy over you.

[Kim] I was just, like,
positively so annoyed this morning.

-[Kourtney] Yeah, you were.
-[Khloe] Over what?

[Kim] After everything I went through,
the surgery, like, was not successful.

And it didn't do anything.

[Khloe] I mean, I already told you
from the start: it kind of scares me.

Like, your pregnancies are
really hardcore.

[Kim] Yeah.

But after Paris, I just feel
like there's this-- just, like,

needing feeling to bring another soul
into my life.

[Khloe] How does Kanye feel about this?

[Kim] Kanye was really just,
like, nervous about the surgery.

He's just glad that it's, like,
over and I'm fine.

But I just know that, like,
he would want to have more kids.

So, I think that Kanye and I
are just gonna look into other options

and see what we're comfortable with.

[Kourtney] Do you want to do a surrogate
or you're not sure?

[Kim] So, I think that Kanye and I
are just gonna look into other options

and see what we're comfortable with.

[Kourtney] Do you want to do a surrogate
or you're not sure?

[Kim] I'm definitely leaning more towards,
like, I want to try.

After talking with Kanye, I think that
I always knew surrogacy was an option,

but I didn't think it was that realistic
of an option.

Now, I feel like that's my reality.

I feel like surrogacy really is
the only other option for me.

It's so frustrating.

[Kourtney] I'm sorry.

I feel really bad
that you're dealing with all this.

[Kim] Yeah.

[Khloe] It's good that Kanye
is so supportive

and I feel like you have a good head
on your shoulders about it.

[Kim] Yeah. It's just, like,
whatever's meant to be will be.

[Kourtney] Yeah.

♪ ♪

[Scott] All black and a velvet
bomber out here?

It's 90, 100 degrees out.
You must be super cozy.

-[Kris] Hey, Rob.
-[Scott] Ow!

-[Khloe] The Bobster.
-[Kris] Hi, babe.

-You look good.
[Rob] Mom, your wig's falling off now.

[Scott laughs]

[Kris] How excited are you, Khloe?

-[Khloe] With what?
-[Kris] With the brand.

[Khloe] What about it?

[Kris] Um, it's only, like,
the second biggest launch

Nordstrom's has ever had
in the history of the store.

-[Rob] What?
-[Kris] And it sold out everywhere.

[Khloe] I just wanted you
to tell Scott. [laughs]

[Scott laughs mockingly]

-[Kris] Exciting, huh?
-[Scott] Unbelievable.

-[Khloe] Don't leave me hanging.
-[Rob] Amazing.

[Khloe squealing] Do you want to be in it?

-[Rob chuckles]
-[Kris] It's so great

and Khloe was so nervous.

[Khloe] It's so intimidating. The Grove?

[Scott] I'm-- I'm afraid of that.

[Khloe] I have been getting updates
all day long

about sales and we did astronomical.

I have no words to express my gratitude.

And for me to be speechless,
you know that's a big deal.

It's a testament to when you do things
you're passionate about,

then this is our reward for that.

And that's all I care to put back
into the universe.

[Scott] Obviously, a jean business
would be huge for her, no pun intended.

[Khloe chuckles]

Why don't we do a jean line for Rob
called Good Armenian?

-[Rob laughs]
-[Khloe] Good Armenian.

[Scott] And make it super hairy.

[Kris] Wait, you have a hole in your pants
and I can see your do-do.

[Scott] I'll cover it up, sorry.

[Kris] That's wild, Khloe.
I'm so proud of you. Aren't you excited?

[Khloe] No, you can't just go from
Scott's [bleep] getting out of his pants

to saying that.

[Scott] Well, they're both jeans
and they're both coming out parties.

-[Kris laughs]
-[Khloe] True.

[Kris] This family's really crazy.

[Khloe] Well, Mom, your
ex-husband's a girl. Let's not go there.

[Rob and Scott laugh]

-[Kris] Wow.
-[Khloe] Bada boom, bada bing.


[Kim] Coming up next week...

-[Scott] She's the love of my life.
-[Khloe] It seems like

-you're working things out.
-[Kourtney] We're not.

[Khloe] Scott thinks you are.

[Scott] I'm getting out of here.
This trip was worthless.

[Khloe] Bruce and I were incredibly close,
but I don't know Caitlyn.

How Cait handled her transition
hurt a lot of people.

[Caitlyn] We certainly have grown apart.

[Kim] Kanye walked offstage last night.

[Kim] I get a call and my heart drops.

What's going on?

[sobbing] I can't.