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02x01 - Paddington's Plant Problem/Paddington the Artist

Posted: 12/08/23 16:21
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ He came from Peru to be with me and you

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

this week, I made a promise to a friend I found tricky to keep.

It all started when Mr Curry was about to leave for his holiday."

I can't stress enough that these are magnificent specimens

and must be attended to with the utmost care and attention

- while I'm away.

- Of course, Mr Curry.

And you're very welcome.

I'm more than happy to spend my precious time

looking after your plants.

Ah, yes. Um, thank you, of course, Mrs Bird.

Ahem! Let me show you where everything is.

I keep my watering can and spare pots over here.

We could use this to water the plants.

- It will make it much quicker.

- Actually,

it would be better if Mrs Bird does that.

Different plants need different amounts of water.

Oh! I didn't know that.

Ha! You learn something new every day.

Indeed. Perhaps you could just keep things tidy for me.

- That would be a big help.

- It would be my pleasure.

Oh! Please be careful with the orchids, Mrs Bird.

Don't worry, Mr Curry. I know what to do.

- I'd better get back.

- Oh! But I've not explained

about the deadheading yet.

I have a very particular...




- Oh, no!

- Bear!

- [Sounds of dismay]

- This is mayhem! Oh!

Sorry, Mr Curry. I'll clear it up.

Oh! I'll use this vacuum.

That's not a vacuum!

MR CURRY: It's a leaf blower.

I'm sorry about the leaf blower.

Perhaps I'll label everything,

so nobody gets mixed up again.

No, Paddington. I want everything left just as it is.

No need to go back inside my greenhouse at all.

Oh, I see.

It's OK if you don't want me to help with your plants, Mr Curry.

I understand that they're very precious to you.

Don't worry about me. I'll find something to do.

Have a great holiday, Mr Curry.

Oh! OK. You can have one special task.

- Don't do anything else.

- Oh, thank you, Mr Curry!

How can I help?

In the back of the greenhouse

is my favourite elephant ear plant.

It needs lots of water every day.

[Sighs] In fact, it can't really be over


Do you think you could take care of it for me?

- Please?

- Oh, Mr Curry!

I'm honoured you've entrusted me with this special job

and I promise that I will not let you down.

There'll be no more mistakes from me.

Starting... now.


- [Chattering]

- Shoo! Shoo!


- [Slurping]

- [Phone rings]

- Hello?

- PADDINGTON:Ah! Mr Curry.

Paddington? Why are you calling? Are the plants OK?

Oh, yes. Um... I was just checking... Uh...

Is it slugs or snails that are good for plants?

Neither! They're both terrible!

Wait! Are there slugs and snails on my plants?

I have to go, Mr Curry.

- Have fun!

- Bear!

Sorry, everyone. Back outside.

Perhaps you'll like Mr Curry's lettuces instead.

I'm sure it's all under control,

but have you been watering the elephant ear plant every day?

I've kept the soil moist all the time, just as I promised.

It's just that it's a wee bit dry.

Ah! I beg to differ, Mrs Bird.

- Perfect.

- Oh, Paddington.

That's not the one. This is the elephant ear plant.

Oh! Oh! Oh, no!

I can't believe this has happened.

Mr Curry only gave me one job. Just one.

And I've messed it up.

He trusted me and I've let him down.

Oh, don't you fret, wee bear.

It's not dead yet. You can still save it.

Do you really think so?

It just needs a little bit of love and care.

If love will save it, love is just what it will get.

I know. Let's have a lovely day together.

And you'll need a proper name.

Instead of elephant plant, how about... Ellie?

MR GRUBER: Well, it sounds like the two of you

- have had a very busy morning.

- We certainly have.

Mrs Bird said to give Ellie some love and care.

So I've shown her all the things that make me happy,

but she still seems a little down.

Well, this won't do at all.

I'm sure I have an old book about it somewhere.

Ah! Here it is.

Chapter one.

"What plants need to grow."

How wonderful! I've tried all the things that make me happy.

Now this will tell me what makes Ellie happy.

Thank you, Mr Gruber.

"Number one. Water."

Ah! Perfect.

Now, number two.

"Plenty of sun."

Number three.

"Carbon di




Where do I get carbon di


-de from?

Carbon dioxide is in the air, Paddington.

We breathe it out when we talk.

Hmm. So we need lots of talking.

And despite what Debbie and PR think,

the numbers just don't balance themselves.

And they order the boring grey paperclips,

but they keep talking about my colourful ones. Ha!

And it's like, "No one's impressed, Larry."

It's not thinking! Let's go blue sky.

Let's go big! Let's go big on this!

We're talking business. Business... business...

business... business...

business... business...

So, that's basically what I do in the office.

It's so nice to be asked.

I'm not sure that anyone around here really understands my job.

- Want to know anything else?

- Oh, um... no, no, no.

Thank you, Mr Brown.

Uh, that's plenty of carbon dioxide I think.

Ah... business.

"Number four. Plant food."


Plant's looking good, Paddington!

Thank you, Jonathan.

Goodness! You were hungry, Ellie!

I'm afraid the book says not to overfeed you.

So that will have to do.

What's next?

It says on page five that some people think

relaxing music helps plants to grow better.

OK, well, it's worth a try.

From the top, everyone. Let's play "Sea of calm".

One, two, three, four!

[Loud, discordant music]


Your leaves!

Maybe Mr Curry will like the change.

Now it won't take up so much space in his greenhouse.

You tried your best. I'm sure he'll understand.

But I promised him I'd look after Ellie.

And when you make a promise to a friend,

you should never let them down.

I'd better get you back home.


Good night, Ellie.

[Growing sounds]

"So, Aunt Lucy, the next morning,

I felt terribly worried about Mr Curry's return.

I hoped he wouldn't be too upset."

[Door bell rings]

- [Door opens]

- Hello, Mr Curry.

- [Gasps]

- Where's that bear?

Bear, what did you do to my plant?

Oh, Mr Curry, I tried so hard to look after your plant,

but I got in a bit of a muddle.

I never wanted to let you down after you trusted me, and



Hmm. Come with me.

MR CURRY: How on earth did you get my plant to flower?

Ellie, you look beautiful!


Ah, yes, I named her. Oh! I do hope you don't mind.

Not at all. Whatever you've done, it's worked!

Years I've had this plant and it's never flowered for me!

In fact, it was almost dead when I left it with you.

Almost dead? You mean, she was droopy before you left?

Yes. But now look at her!

This is the best welcome home I could have ever got!

Oh, I'm so pleased you're happy! Will you join us for breakfast?

I can't, I'm afraid. Snails have been at my lettuces!

- Oh!

- Meet me back here

for some gardening this afternoon, Paddington?

I'd love to, Mr Curry.

"So I didn't let Mr Curry down after all, Aunt Lucy.

In fact, I've been showing him how I looked after Ellie.

We've been having a lovely time gardening together.

Love from Paddington."

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

A simple question today.

What is art?

I thought it was just painting and drawing.

But, today, I learned it could be so much more.

And, sometimes, less."

[Squeak of marker pens]

Oh, we're going to have sculptures and paintings...

All kinds of different art!

And it's going to be called... wait for it...




Huh? What is a commun



My new community art project?

I mean, I thought the name made that clear,

but everyone in the neighbourhood

is going to create their own piece of art.

- [Gasps]

- Including us?

It's going to be amazing!

- [Door opens]

- MR BROWN: Ahem!

I'm gonna be doing some pretty cool spray

-can art. Hmm?

He's wearing the cap again.

I didn't know you could create art with a spraying can.

Oh, yes. I'm actually quite the dab hand with the old...


I'll just... um... change my trousers.

Right. Well, Ms Potts said we could use the town hall

as long as it was tonight.

- So, we'd better get cracking.

- KIDS: Tonight?

- Tonight?

- Yep.

I'm hoping the urgency will fuel your creativity.

- Aaah!

- Aaah! Hurry up, children!

- Come on, Paddington!

- Oh!

I really want to create something for the show,

but I'm not an artist.

Mrs Brown is so creative and brings so much joy

to so many people.

And I'm really worried.

I don't want to let her down.

There's loads of types of art. You'll be good at one of them.

We've just got find one that works for you.

We'll help you.

- Oh!

- Well, that sounds splendid.

Where shall we start?

- Say hello to pottery.

- Hello, pottery.

You use the wheel to make things out of clay,

like vases and stuff.

And you both know how to use the wheel?

Not exactly. But I've seen Mum do it a ton of times

and it looks super easy.

You just take a lump of clay,

you press your foot on that pedal

- and it turns into a vase.

- Well, that does sound easy.


- [Splat]

- Hey!

Oh! I'm terribly sorry, Jonathan.

You need to hold the clay down at the same time.

I see.


Not again!

I'm sorry. I just have really good reflexes.

Maybe if we all try and hold down the clay this time,

- it won't be able to sh**t off.

- Brilliant idea, Jonathan.

And then I'll be an artist?

Um... Yes.

I... I think it's working.




- Um... Where's Paddington?

- Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

[Gasps] How did you get in there?

Oh, dear.

Maybe we should just keep it simple

with some painting.

Simple sounds good.

- But what shall I paint?

- Maybe a nice landscape.

Can't go wrong with that.

Why not paint the house?

Splendid idea! That should make Mrs Brown very proud.

Right. You get started, then.

We'll be in the tree house if you need anything.

- Have fun, Paddington!

- Thank you!


[Knocking] Um... Judy?

- You OK, Paddington?

- Oh, yes. Ahem!

Just wondering, by any chance, do you have any more paint?

Have you used it all already?


Paddington, when I said paint the house,

I didn't mean paint the actual house!

- [Laughter]

- Oh, I see.

I told you I wasn't an artist, Judy.

No, it's a lovely work of art, Paddington.

But not one we can exactly pack up and take to the town hall.

JONATHAN: Thank goodness he used watercolours!

"I was starting to think I would have nothing for the show,

when Judy realised there was one type of art I couldn't mess up,

because, well, it was very messy to begin with."

It's called abstract art.

It's cool, because it doesn't have to look like anything.

And there aren't any rules. And it's really cool.

I drop into the ramp,

I lift off, catch some wicked air,

I pull an awesome trick

and I make some amazing art!

I'll call this oneHang Time.

This is breathtaking, Mateo. You truly are an artist!

Want a go? The paint washes off.

- Oh, I don't think I could.

- You should totally do it!

There's definitely no way to get it wrong!

Um... It's... uh... it's quite high up!

You can do it, buddy!


- dos...

- [Gulps]


Here we go.


I did not see that coming.

It's literally never happened before.

We're running out of time

and I still haven't made anything for the art show.

- Oh, maybe Mr Curry can help.

- Ah! Hello, Mr Curry.

Are you making art for the show?

Mr Curry?

- Is he OK?

- I don't know.

- He isn't moving.

- I'm so sorry.

Have we upset you?

Mr Curry?

- Boo!

- Aaah!


Two Mr Currys?

That's my statue for the art show.

It's a self


It is truly fantastic, Mr Curry. So lifelike!

JONATHAN: Creepy, more like.

I never knew you had such skill at making statues.

Oh, yes. Statues are a hobby of mine.

I could show you how to make them if you like.

Really? You would do that for me?

I don't see why not. I've got plenty of time on my hands

now I've got this baby finished.



Oh, dear!

Mr Curry, are you OK?

[Almost silent scream]

Would you like me to glue it back together?

[Almost silent scream continues]

Maybe later.

We should probably just go?

[Almost silent scream continues]

Oh! That looks wonderful, Mrs Brown.

Thank you, Paddington. How's your art coming along?

I'm afraid I have a confession to make, Mrs Brown.

I'm really very sorry, but it seems that I've let you down.

Let me down? Paddington, you could never let me down.

But I have, Mrs Brown.

I simply don't have anything to display at your show.

I tried lots of things.

Whoa! Oh!

I just can't seem to create any art at all.

Oh, Paddington, you really are a rare sort of bear.

Art doesn't have to be any of those things.

That's the beauty of it.

- Art can be literally anything!

- But if art can be anything,

how do you know where to start?

Look, have you ever created something

that really made you feel happy?

Oh! You know, Mrs Brown, I rather think I have.


Paddington, it's...


I call itLunch.

Would you like to taste it?

Now that is a work of art.

"So it seems, Aunt Lucy, that art can take many forms

and be lots of fun to make.

After all, art is a matter of taste.

And while I still don't fully understand what art is,

I know what I like.

Love from Paddington."

Mrs Brown... Mrs Brown! I think I've just made more art!

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪