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02x02 - Paddington's Squirrel Surprise/Paddington Becomes a Secret Agent

Posted: 12/08/23 16:22
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ He came from Peru to be with me and you

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

They say from little acorns great oaks grow.

But I think adventures can grow from acorns too.

It all started when I discovered a surprise in the tree house."


Whatever are these?

How beautiful!

- Surprise!

- Aaah!

Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to surprise you.

Well, I did. But not that much.

I think I got a bit overexcited

because I made you a present!


Uh... thank you, Paddington.

- What is it?

- It's a picture of us.

It's very lovely, Paddington.

But why are you giving us a present?

- To say thank you.

- Thank you for what?

The acorns, of course.

All the little piles you hid around the tree house for me.

That's very thoughtful, Paddington.

Only, we didn't put any acorns in the tree house.

- You didn't?

- No.

Well, that's strange. If you didn't put them there,

- then who did?

- Him, probably.

- [Chattering]

- Oh, he looks rather upset.

Well, you did take his acorns.

I didn't mean to. I thought they were for me.

Why did he put them in the tree house?

Squirrels hide nuts for the winter,

so they have something to eat for all those long, cold,

- frosty months.

- You mean, because of me,

he won't have food for winter?

Not unless he likes eating glue.


Hello, little fellow.


It's OK. Don't be scared.

I'm afraid I owe you an apology. I took your acorns.

I would give them back, but I covered them in glue

and they're quite inedible.

But I do have a way to make it up to you.

That's it. This way. Follow me.

So, the sink has an endless supply of water.

We've lots of plates for you to put the food on.

And the fridge is over here for all your cold goods.


That's a marmalade jar, which is empty.

Terribly sorry. Wasn't expecting guests.

I'll just get you some more from upstairs.

Use anything you like and just try not to make a mess.

Oh, I almost forgot. Would you... ?


Now, I know it was your first time in a house,

and it was just a terrible accident.

This kind of thing happens to me all the time.

But I will have to ask you to behave in my grown

-up voice.

[Clears throat]


There. Now, you wait here while I pop downstairs

and clear up the mess.

Don't cause any trouble when I'm gone.

Thank you.

What happened in here?

Oh, to make up for the acorns, I invited the squirrel to stay.

To stay? How long is he going to stay?

- Just the winter.

- The winter?

If there's one thing I've learnt about welcoming visitors,

whether it's me, Pigeonton or a hungry wild squirrel,

it always ends up working out surprisingly well.

Is this, uh, "working out" how you imagined?

No, Judy. No, it is not.

But it's nothing that a polite conversation won't fix.

Now, I don't want to say this,

but there is such a thing as being a bad house guest.

And while I did invite you for the winter,

I did not extend the invitation to your friends.

So, I'm sorry, but I will have to ask you to either stop

making such a mess, or, and it hurts me to say this, leave.

That told 'em.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to be firm.

It's time for a hard stare.


- Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

- Shoo! Shoo!

- Shoo!

- Shoo!

- Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

- Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!



Oh, dear.

Uh, I think we're going to need some help.

Who do we know that knows a lot about squirrels?

Squirrel problem, eh?

I'd be more than happy to help you get one up on them.

I'd even do it for free.

To catch a squirrel you have to think like a squirrel.

Watch and learn.

Now, you do know we don't want to hurt the squirrels,

don't you, Mr Curry?

Don't you worry. I know just what to do.


Hmm. Jonathan and Judy, you check upstairs.

Call me if you see anything.

Paddington, you're with me.

Ow! Grr!



Hmm. A squirrel came this way.


Squirrels have been the bane of my existence,

always wrecking my garden, disturbing my gnomes.

Still, they won't outsmart me, not this time.

Mark my... Oh, strawberries!


Oh, um, this way. Come on.



Here, Bear, hold this.



- [Scraping sound]

- [Gasps]


- Oh!

- Oh!

- There!

- [Gasps]

Oh, sorry, Mr Curry.

- There! Aaah!

- Where, Mr Curry?

- Where?

- Aaah!

- [Gasps] There!

- Where?


Clever girl.

- [Chattering]

- [Gasps]


Aaah! Aaah!

Mr Curry, wait!

Shan't! You're on your own.

Make sure you don't come anywhere near my house!


- Oh...

- What are we going to do now?

I don't know.

I wish I could just give them new acorns

to make up for the ones I ruined.

So, why don't you?

Because I don't have any acorns.

And they don't exactly grow on trees.

Um... Actually, they do.

That's exactly where they grow, on trees.

I'm sorry, Judy. I'm not in the mood for jokes.

She's not joking! Acorns grow on oak trees.

Do they? Perhaps there is a solution after all.



"So, it turns out there really is no better way

to say thank you for acorns than with acorns.

I learnt two things this week, Aunt Lucy.

Not all house guests are perfect

and if you bring a wild squirrel into your home,

it's going to make a mess.

- Love, from Paddington."

- [Chattering]

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

The fox is in the sweetshop.

Repeat. The fox is in the sweetshop.

That is secret

-agent code,

just like real secret agents use.

I know all about them now. It all started

when Judy received a package through the post."

It's here, it's here, it's here! It's here!

It's here, it's here, it's here!


- Uh...

- Watch this.


- It's so cool!

- Oh! A secret

-agent kit!

I had something like that when I was younger!

You had a toy secret

-agent kit?

Aye, something like that.

Now, this looks to me like your basic X field

-operative kit.

Binoculars for long

-distance observation,

periscope to see over walls,

disguise kit to hide your identity,

a secret bugging device to listen in on conversations

and invisible ink for secret messages,

with a revealing torch.

- Wow! Cool!

- Whoa! Mrs Bird,

you do seem to know an awful lot about being a secret agent.

Maybe I do.

You know, the most important tool in a secret agent's kit

is their own ingenuity.

They must learn to adapt to any situation.

[Phone rings]

- I'll get it!

- No! Wait.

I think that's for me.

- OK...

- Hmm...

Yes. Yes. Of course. I understand.

I remember. I shall be at the rendezvous.


That was very strange.

- A rendezvous?

- Hang on.

First, Mrs Bird seems to know an awful lot

about being a secret agent. Then she gets a phone call

and dashes out wearing a mac and a hat

and it's not even raining!

[Gasps] She must be a secret agent! A secret one.

[Gasps] A secret secret agent.

This is so exciting!

We can be secret agents trailing a secret agent!

You know what we have to do?

- Follow her!

- Make marmalade sandwiches!

Oh! Sorry. No. You're right. We should follow her.

There she is!

Let's go!

- What are you doing?

- We're sneaking.

Well, can you sneak a bit quicker?

[Gasps] There she is!

JUDY: She's gone!

Oh! What's this?

"Mission is go. Worm turns at one."

That's code! Secret agents always write in secret code!

- The rendezvous must be at one.

- Hold on.

Any moment now, Mrs Bird will realise she's dropped the paper

and come back.

- We must hide.

- We have to be invisible.

Invisible! That's it! The invisible ink from the kit!

When Mrs Bird steps in the ink,

she'll leave a trail, an invisible trail

that only we will be able to see!

With the invisible ink light! Paddington, you're a genius!

But where should we hide?


Oi! What are you playing at?

Sorry, Mr Curry!

It's a matter of National Security.

[Gasps] She's coming!


Ooh! [Tremulous sounds]

Quick! Follow her!

Um... my newspaper!

Thank you ever so much, Mr Curry!

You've done your country a great service.

[Contented sigh]

- [Honking]

- Gah!


It's working! Let's follow these prints!


[Owl hooting]



JUDY: She's there!

She's sitting at a table and she's talking to Sofia.

PADDINGTON: Can I have a go?

- I don't believe it!

- What?

It looks like Sofia has made a fresh batch

- of her red guava cake.

- [Sighs]

We need to find out what they're saying.

We need someone who can get close.

Someone who can blend in.


Agent Pigeonton in position.

Ooh, Sofia, this guava cake is delicious.

- Thank you.

- Huh?

Looks like he's gone on another mission!

- [Gasp]

- Hello there!

Uh... Hello, uh, Café Owner!

We are three... travelling... cake... decorators.

Wonderful! I've just baked a red guava cake

- that needs your skills.

- Sofia, it's me, Paddington.

Sorry about the disguise,

but we're on official secret

-agent business.

We've been trailing Mrs Bird.

Oh, no!

[Gasps] She's gone!

Did you see which way she went?

I'm sorry, I didn't.

But I did overhear her talking about a rendezvous.

She said something about meeting her contact at the Town Hall.

And it's nearly one o'clock!

That's when the rendezvous is!

We haven't a moment to spare! Come on!

Bye! Good luck!

There she is! We'd better split up!

Jonathan and I will go in the front.

Paddington, you take the back door.


Oh! This must be a special secret


-proof door.

Impossible to... Whoa!



- Paddington?

- Uh...

Oh, my!


[Man in audience clears throat]

Ahem! Uh... Good afternoon.

Uh, uh, here's a little question to start us off.

Do you know how you can tell which end of a worm is which?

You tickle it in the middle and see which end laughs.


[Gasps] Mrs Bird!

There she is! Over there!


- [Gasps] Mrs Bird?

- No time to explain.

We are being followed. Here! Take this

and meet me at the tree house as quick as you can.

- Oh, my goodness!

- Let's take the shortcut.

This way!

Go, go, go!


There. We should be safe here.

Oh, thank goodness.

But what's in the envelope, Mrs Bird?

It's top secret.

Details of the secret service's newest and best recruits.

[Gasps] But that's us!

Yes, indeed! You did some fine secret

-agent work today!


- Secret Agent Jonathan.

- And agent Judy.

On a new mission to save the world!

Mrs Bird, you're not really a secret agent, are you?

I'm afraid, wee bear, that information, is top secret!


"And so, Aunt Lucy,

I think, deep down, we all knew it was just a game.

But you can't play make

-believe without believing.

Until next time, the little bear is in the cosy bed.

Repeat. The little bear is in the cosy bed.

That's not code. That's just where I am.

Love from Paddington."

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪