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02x05 - Paddington Gets Fit/Paddington's Rocking Chair Repair

Posted: 12/08/23 16:26
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ He came from Peru to be with me and you

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

I'm feeling rather wonderful.

There's something that makes you feel on top of the world.

It wasn't a double marmalade sandwich.

I'd discovered that already. You should try it, by the way.

I discovered exercise, Aunt Lucy!"

-[Huffing and puffing]

- Morning!

Mrs.. Bird!

- Good morning!

- If you don't mind me asking,

why are you running in a big circle?

- I'm training, wee cub!

- I see.

Are you training for running in circles?

Not exactly. I'm training for the Windsor Park Fun Run!

Sounds wonderful, Mrs Bird.

One small question. What is it?

You have to try and run five laps of the park

- without stopping!

- Goodness! Without stopping?

- How will you cope, Mrs Bird?

- I must to be at peak fitness!

Because the race is very competitive.

- And what do you win, Mrs Bird?

- Honour.

- And also a lovely wee medal.

- Wow!

- Morning.

- Morning.

- Morning!

- Morning!

Morning, everyone!

Are you all training for the Fun Run too?

Yes! It's a family tradition, Paddington.

Five laps around the park, once a year.

And once a year is more than enough.

- Race you to the gym!

- Hey! You got a head start!

- See you later, Paddington.

- Goodbye!

Everyone is training very hard for this.

Oh, yes. And I should head to the gym myself.

Is it too late for me to train, Mrs Bird?

Well, that depends. Have you run before?

Oh, I've definitely run before, when I'm not walking.

Well, we're going to have to get you in shape, wee bear.

Do you think I can run five laps around the park, Mrs Bird?

- Without stopping?

- Paddington,

if you try your best, you stand as good a chance as anyone else.

Now, come on, it's time to hit the gym!



- Mmm...

- Leave it!


How far away is the gym, Mrs Bird?

Why? Getting tired already?

No. Just a little... hot... and... I can't feel my legs.

We're nearly there! This is just the warm up!

Well, I'm certainly warm, Mrs Bird!

- Ah! There you are.

- Yes.

Perhaps we can have a rest now?

- Of course.

- Thank you!


OK, rest over. Up you get.


MRS BIRD: Welcome to the gym, Paddington!

Hello, Paddington!

Hello, Mrs Brown. And hello, Mr Curry.

- Mr Curry?

- Oh, don't worry about him.

- There's always one.

- One what?

King of the Gym.


Greetings, Your Majesty.

- Excuse me?

- Come on, Paddington!

- No time to waste!

- So long, King of the Gym.


Where shall we begin, Mrs Bird?

Ooh! An accordion!

A broken accordion.

[Laughs] Oh, no, Paddington. It's a chest expander.

Not ideal for running training.

Oh! But it looks so fun.

- See?

- Well, no harm in having a go.

Now, watch!

Your turn.

That's it, now a little more... And a little more than that...

And a wee bit more...


Sorry, Your Majesty!

Like I said. No harm in having a go.

- That was fun!

- Next up, the running machine.

Seems quite different to running outdoors.

Think of it more like practice for the run in the park.

OK, on the count of three, start running.

- OK!

- One, two, three...

I said on the count of three.

- Sorry!

- OK, I'll just say go.

- Got it.

- Run!

- You said run!

- Sorry. I meant go!

We'll do it slowly. Ready, steady...

I'm doing it! I'm running, Mrs Bird! I'm running!

- Whoa!

- MR CURRY: Bear!

Have some water, wee bear, while I set up the next exercise.

Good idea. I am rather hot.

Oh! Uh...



Oh! I'm sorry. After you, Your Majesty.

Oh, thank you. How polite.

Oh! That bear!

OK. Next up, weights.

They build up your core strength,

which will help you run faster!

Well, I like the sound of that, Mrs Bird.

You're a wee bear, so let's start with something light.

OK, then, lift!


This is tiring work, Mrs Bird.

Come on, you can do it, Paddington. I believe in you!



- Paddington?

- [Snoring]

- Paddington!

- [Gasps]

Oh, no!


Oh, dear.

Maybe I'm not cut out for exercise, Mrs Bird.

I'm clearly not very good at it.

Here's a little secret about exercise.

It's not about being good at it, wee bear,

it's about enjoying yourself.

"The closer we got to the start of the Fun Run, Aunt Lucy,

the more nervous I found myself becoming."

Runners to the start line please!

Lovely day for winning a medal!

Oh, yes, Mrs Bird.

Oh! One thing I didn't teach you in the gym, is to not worry.

Take deep breaths. It'll help you relax.

[Takes a deep breath]

Welcome, everyone, to the Windsor Park Fun Run!


On your marks,

get set...

[Hysterical laugh]



Huh? Oh, dear!

Good luck, Paddington!

"I didn't think I was going to catch up, Aunt Lucy.

I was too far behind.

But then, something rather wonderful happened.

The more I ran, the less I worried... about any of it.

My head was full of good thoughts!

Thoughts like marmalade.

And even more marmalade on top of marmalade!

I stopped worrying about whether I'd do well at all.

I was rather enjoying it."

Well done, Paddington!

Is everything all right?

I'm... I'm just... taking a breather.

Oh, well, I'll wait with you, Mr Brown,

until you're ready.

OK, um... I think I'm ready.

Let's go. You can do it!

Thanks, Paddington!

- Ooh!

- Chin up, Mrs Brown!

[She laughs]

Come on, Jonathan and Judy! Such a lovely day!

- Let's go!

- OK.


On your feet, King of the Gym.

A great man like you shouldn't be missing out!

Thank you, Paddington.

"It wasn't only the winners who got a medal.

We all got one, just for taking part.

Although I am still a little sore today.

Love from Paddington."

Now, to catch the last post!

Ooh! Oh...

Best take it... oh... slowly.

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

did you know that everyone has as favourite thing?

Mr Brown has his favourite hat.

Mrs Brown has her favourite brush.

And Mrs Bird loves to pass the time

in her favourite rocking chair, reading a good book."

[Loud music]

"But Jonathan, Judy and I like to use it

for playing musical chairs.

However, today's game didn't quite go according to plan."

- Well, this is snug.

- Who was first?

Do we both win?

Oh, dear!

- Mrs Bird's rocking chair!

- It's older than us!

She's had it since she was a little girl.

Oh, no! She'll be so upset when she finds out.

Mr and Mrs Brown will know what to do.

- BOTH: Aaah!

- Mrs Bird's rocking chair!

- It's older than us!

- [Groans]

- We didn't mean to break it.

- It was an accident.

I wasn't actually sitting in it.

Musical chairs wasyouridea. If anyone's to blame, it's you!

It's OK! I'm sure it can be fixed.

Great. I'll call someone out who can mend it.

You already know someone who can mend it.

Mr Gruber!

- No.

- Mr Curry?

- No.

- Miss Potts!

- No.

- Sofia?

- No.

- PC Wells!

- No.

- Pigeonton?

No, me! I'm great at DIY and fixing things.

- [General laughter]

- What's so funny?

Well, um, your track record with DIY's hardly great.


That was an uneven wall.

I will fix the rocking chair.

Thank you, Mr Brown. I knew I could rely on you.

But please can I help?

I feel terrible about breaking Mrs Bird's favourite chair.

Of course you can.

You lot, keep Mrs Bird busy.

Paddington and I will have the chair fixed in no time.

We need to make sure Mrs Bird doesn't notice it's missing

- before... Aaah!

- My new book's arrived.

The Essentials of Motorcycle Mechanics.

I'm going to start it now.

Oh, there's nothing like a good book in a rocking chair

to pass a morning.

You don't want to read it in there.

Why not?

Because we want you to read it to us.

Yes! Uh, in the garden! It's such a lovely day.

Would you not find it a wee bit boring?

Motorcycle mechanics? Boring? Are you kidding?


OK, so we just need to make this out of this.

Let's start...

[Mutters] putting the base together.

Perfect! Now...


- Oh! My leg.

- You must be more careful.

[Rapid breaths] Yes, quite right.


Now to hammer these pieces together

with my trusty old mallet.

Can I do anything, Mr Brown?

Just stand back. I wouldn't want you to get hurt.


- Mr Brown!

- Ow!

- What is it, Paddington?

- I was going to say be careful,

as it looks like it would be very painful

if you hit your hand with that mallet.

But I suppose you know that now.

Yes. Yes I do. Could you get me the first

-aid kit please?

"So, changing both the driving and the driven sprockets

and the chain should be undertaken at the same time."

Oh! Brilliant!

Are you sure you're not all bored?

Maybe I should go and read this in my rocking chair.

ALL: No! No!

Please don't stop. It's so... interesting!

Mrs Brown, do you know where the first

-aid kit is?

Uh, Mr Brown has hurt his hand.

- It's under the sink.

- I should go and help.

Oh, no, no. Please don't go.

We're desperate to hear more from your book.

- Aren't we, children?

- Oh, yes!

- Hmm...

- Phew!

So, on to the steering

-head bearings! I love those!

Now to fix the seat on.

Please could I have a turn with the mallet?

OK, but be very careful.

Now, you want to hit it firmly there.


Oh, I'm sorry, Mr Brown. I thought you said hit it there.

Oh, you keep hammering, Paddington.

I'll get some more bandages.

"To apply lubrication to the steering

-head bearings,

suspension linkages..."

- Is that hammering?

- No, no. It's... us,

looking for woodworm.

- Woodworm?

- Oh, yes!

Woodworm love to eat all types of wood.

So, we have to make lots of noise to drive them out.

What on earth are you doing?

We're knocking on everything to drive out the woodworm.

Woodworm? Why didn't you say so?

There! That should do it!

Is it supposed to go sideways?

I'm feeling rather seasick.

Oh! My foot!

Oh! My other foot! Argh!


Um... ♪ La...

- ♪ La

- ♪ La

♪ La

- Well, I'd best be on my way.

- Oh, no! Not yet!

Please, can we have another chapter from the book?


"After several attempts, Aunt Lucy,

we'd almost put the chair back together."

Please can I put the last screw in, Mr Brown?

Of course.

There. All done.


Ah. I think I may have screwed it to the floor.

No! No, it's OK. It's OK. Not to worry.

I'll have it free in no time.

- [Hissing noise]

- And I'll just screw this arm

back in whilst it's... Is that you making that hissing noise?

I rather think it might be the water

coming out of the floor.

Oh! You must have screwed it into the water pipe!

I'd better turn it off at the mains. Yes.

Put your foot over it till I'm back.

"Remove the cap and press an air

-pressure gauge

onto the valve stem."

Oh! Love it!

- Oh!

- [Snoring]

I think we could all do with a nice cup of tea.


The water must be off. I'll have it fixed in a jiffy.


That's very strange. I thought you'd turned the water off.

I did. You cover the hole and I'll get the stepladder.

"To check a tyre's pressure, locate the valve stem

on the inside of the wheel... "

Mr Brown, why is your bottom all wet?

Is it? Ha, ha! I hadn't noticed. Bye!

Something strange is going on today.

Are you hiding something?

ALL: No!

I must get my screwdriver, mend the pipe, fix the chair

and everything will be fine.

Maybe I should move the ladder.

No, I can reach it.





Something's definitely going on.

Why are you all acting so strange?

We're not being strange. Everything's fine.


What's on earth... ?

[Gasp followed by a nervous laugh]

- What's happened to my chair?

- You see...

there was a big gust of wind and



No, Mr Brown. It's time to own up and tell the truth.

Mrs Bird, I'm terribly sorry.

I was playing a game with your rocking chair and broke it.

It wasn't just Paddington. I was playing too.

- And me.

- Just to say,

I wasn't playing in your chair.

I still don't see why that made you destroy this room.

Well, Mr Brown and I were trying to fix the chair.

It's almost finished.

You got him to help? Have you not seen that shelf he put up?

- I'm a very good handyman!

- [Laughter]

It's an uneven wall.

I understand if you're very angry.

Och, I'm not angry, wee bear.

You had an accident, but you tried to fix it.

I can't be angry about that.

Hmm. You've not done a bad job.

It's not rocked that smoothly in decades.

I actually did most of the fixing.

- Hmm.

- I'm pleased you're not upset.

No. But we do have another mess to fix now.

Look at the state of this room!

We'll fix it quicker if we work together.

"So we all worked together to fix the room.

Well, nearly all of us.

It was decided Mr Brown had worked so hard

he deserved a rest.

But I learned that if you make a mistake,

the best thing you can do is be honest

and try and put it right.

Love from Paddington."

- [Knocking]

- Is that hammering?


♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪