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02x19 - Paddington's Nature Club/Paddington's Not Himself

Posted: 12/08/23 16:40
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ He came from Peru to be with me and you

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

do you remember the stories that you used to tell me

about mythical creatures living in the forests of Peru?

Well, this week I learnt

that there are similar tales in London."

Nature Club! Mr Curry's Nature Club!

Tour leaves in five minutes!


Is everything OK, Mr Curry?

[Sighs] Ms Potts is looking for a new ranger leader.

So I set up a nature club to prove I'd be the perfect choice.

But apparently nobody wants to come to a club run by me.

I think you'd be an amazing ranger leader, Mr Curry.

- I'd love to join your club!

- Really?

Of course. And I know Judy and Jonathan would too.

We will begin with the register. Mr Curry, present.

- Paddington Brown?

- Yes. Present.

- Judy Brown?

- Here.

Jonathan Brown?

Jonathan Brown?

- Are you here, Jonathan?

- Are any of us really here?

In my comic it turns out nothing is real

and the whole universe is just a video game!

Right. I'll mark you as absent, then.

- Huh?

- Now then, Paddington and Judy,

we will begin the walk.

Follow me. No running, no talking.

Now, on our left, is our first park bench.

Interestingly, this one was recently repaired.

Note the difference in wood colouration.

Fractionally paler here.

What type of bug is that, Mr Curry?


Mr Curry? Jonathan asked you what bug that is.

Jonathan is absent from the club.

Says so on my register.

But if he were here, I'd tell him

it is called a stag beetle.

Are you going to keep ignoring me, Mr Curry?

Fine! Present. I'm present at the club.

Hmm. Finally decided to turn up, have you?

Jonathan Brown. Late.

Now, pigeons!

The exact number of pigeons in the park does fluctuate

depending on the seasons. At this time of year,

population is at its maximum.

I've always wondered why that part of the park looks...

- different.

- Ah! The old woods.

It's what's left of an ancient forest that used to be here.

- How ancient?

- Oh, hundreds of years.

- BOTH: Wow!

- Let's go in, shall we?


Why did you knock on that tree?

Oh, I've always done that as a sign of respect

to the ancient trees and woodland sprites, like pixies.

- Pixies?

- Oh, lots of stories

about pixies in these old woods.

Oh, wow!


What else do you know

about pixies, Mr Curry?

- Um, well... they like music.

- If they like music,

do you think, perhaps, we should make some?

Making music? Ha! That sounds like the kind of thing

that might happen in a fun club.

♪ Oh, this is a tune for the pixies

♪ Don't play any tricks, please

♪ Maracas, maracas, cheese and crackers ♪


What about when he tried

to do a cartwheel?

You know, today was pretty fun in the end.

So, do you think you might like to join me again tomorrow?

- Yes!

- Yes!

"So, the next morning, we were back at the park,

eager for more.

And I happened upon something rather unusual."

[Gasps] Look what Paddington has found! Fascinating!

The myths tell of pixies giving the gift of music to mortals.

Perhaps they liked the music we made yesterday.

Hang on, are you actually saying that a pixie made that?

Oh, I'm not saying anything.

It's just another mystery of the woods.

It's probably just been dropped by someone.

Stop! Don't take another step.

It's a pixie ring!

Why, all I see are some wild mushrooms

in a sort of circle.

Exactly. Mushrooms in a circle.

This is called a pixie ring.

You shouldn't step inside it or the pixies might curse you

to dance inside for the rest of your life!

What an unusual punishment.

Never touch wild mushrooms, Jonathan.

Some are poisonous and it's very hard to tell which.

Look at this pretty spider.

Argh! Spider! What's the matter with you bear?

- Mr Curry...

- Just a minute, Judy.

In some countries, spiders can be very dangerous.

- Um, Mr Curry!

- Yes. What?

You're in the pixie ring.

Oh, so I am.

Maybe the pixies haven't seen me.

Oh, no! The pixies are controlling my feet!

Now my knees, fingers, eyebrows...

Quick! Find some marjoram!

It's a very small plant with tiny leaves.

It weakens the pixies' magic.

- Found it!

- Oh, well done!

Throw it in the ring!

Now grab a stick and use it to pull me out

or I'll never stop dancing!

Quick! Quick! Pull me out! Pull me out!


Oh! That was a close one.

- Hurray!

- Yeah! Ha, ha!

Oh, pretty. What can we do with these, Mr Curry?

Oh, better leave those alone. The tinkling of the bluebells

calls the pixies to their gatherings.

But bluebells don't really make a bell sound.

Only the pixies hear the tinkling of the bluebells.

If a human hears them, it brings very bad luck.


- [Gasps]

- Oh, dear!

- Can anyone else hear... ?

- The tinkling of the bluebells!


- Woof!

- Phew! It's just Lucky.

- Thank goodness!

- MATEO: Lucky! Here, Boy!

Look! That isn't Lucky's fur.

No, Jonathan! You must keep away from those berries.

They could make you very ill!

But you're right, that is some strange fur.

Perhaps it's from the Beast of Notting Hill.

- [Gasp]

- Perhaps its magical fur

will protect us while we go exploring.

[Montage music plays]

So cool!

Come on, up to bed, you lot.

Oh! One of my little whistles.

- Where did you get that?

- Oh, I think you're mistaken.

- This is a pixie whistle.

- It's definitely one of mine.

I made them for Mr Curry.

He needed them for a play he was in.

But I don't understand.

Does that mean Mr Curry tricked us?

No... No, I can't believe that.

And what about the other things?

You didn't make this monster scale, did you, Mrs Brown?

No. This appears to be the pendant from a necklace.

- This beast hair?

- This is a fake moustache.

Perhaps Mr Curry added some myths, to make it more fun.

Ask him tomorrow. I'm sure you can sort this out.

He's been telling us fibs the whole time.

And now it's ruined.

I don't think I want to go to his club tomorrow.

Oh, but Ms Potts will be there tomorrow,

deciding whether Mr Curry can be the new ranger leader!

Oh, I suppose you have to decide whether feeling cross right now

is enough of a reason to spoil an important day for Mr Curry.

Oh, you'll know the right thing to do.

Now, up to bed!

I'm sorry Mr Curry, but I can't make you a ranger leader

without seeing you lead a club.

Um, just one moment, please.

I'm sure that they'll be here...

Ah! The Nature Club.

Mr Curry, we know Mum made the whistles, not pixies.


And about the moustache

and the pendant...

We believed you, Mr Curry,

and all the time you were tricking us!

Tricks? Oh! A ranger leader doesn't play tricks on children!

I'm sorry. I just wanted you to enjoy the club

and when I saw the fun you had learning about pixies

and this pixie ring I got carried away.

This isn't a pixie ring. It's just mushrooms.

Stop! Never touch wild mushrooms!

Mr Curry says they could be poisonous, same with berries.

Oh, impressive.

It sounds like you're learning quite a bit in nature club.

Er, myths and nature club.

I didn't know you were interested in myths, Mr Curry.

Oh, yes, Mother used to tell me stories about pixies, goblins

and, of course, gnomes.

That's why we started our gnome collection.

Got any new myths for us today?

Well, have you heard of the Portobello dragon?

Legend tells that it can be seen just by the duck pond.

"We all learned a great deal about nature

and myths this week.

We also learned to give new things a try.

They might just surprise you.

Love from Paddington."

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

a very surprising thing happened this week.

Something that is usually so natural to me

suddenly felt very strange indeed.

It all started in the garden."

Have at ye, ya scurvy swabs!

Captain Blackbeard will steal your treasure!


Oh, I thought I was Captain Blackbeard.

Not any more! You're Captain Glitter Beard.

I'm Captain Blackbeard!

Can I be Captain Rainbow Beard?

Very fetching, Judy. Beards really suit you.

Can we just get back to the game?

ALL: Yeah, argh!

Now give me that there treasure!

- Har, me hearty!

- [Giggling]

Oh, good morning, Pigeonton.


Don't worry, Pigeonton! I'll save you!

We'll have you out of there in the blink of an eye.


Whoa! Whoa!


Hmm. And you didn't bang your head?

Luckily not, Dr Yasmin.

Well, it must have been quite a shock all the same.

It was, rather.

I'm pleased to say that aside from a few bumps and bruises

- you are right as rain.

- Oh! That's a relief!

You are a very brave little bear.

It was a good thing you did saving that pigeon.

Oh, Pigeonton's not just a pigeon.

He's one of my best friends.

Thank you, Doctor Yasmin. I'm feeling better already.

Whoa! OK.

OK, if I can just...

Whoa! Ooh! Whoa! Nearly. Ha, ha!

Ooh! Too high! Too high!

- MRS BROWN: We're home!

- Oh, Paddington! How are you?

- What did Dr Yasmin say?

- You OK?

- How did it go?

- She said I was very brave,

and that I was right as the rain.

Thank goodness!

Would you like a hand with the dusting, Mr Brown?

I know how you are with heights.

Oh, thank you, Paddington.


Actually, I'm rather tired.

Perhaps I'll go straight to bed, if its all the same to you.

Yes, of course, Paddington.

Probably a good idea to get some rest.


"It was the strangest thing, Aunt Lucy.

I've never been afraid of heights.

But all of a sudden, I had the strongest urge

to keep my feet firmly on the ground.

Or, in this case, my bottom."


Everything OK, Paddington?

You're scared of heights, aren't you, Mr Brown?

Oh, yes, Paddington, yes, and spiders, snakes, balloons,

in case they pop, lizards, the sea, bats in your hair,

escalators, vintage toys, the list goes on.

- My!

- But my mother always told me

that the fact I was afraid of so many, many things,

and carried on regardless meant that, actually,

I was very brave indeed.

Well, I seem to have become afraid of heights as well.

It was rather a nasty fall, Paddington.

It's perfectly natural to be a bit apprehensive

after you've had a fright.

What's natural to me, Mr Brown,

is climbing and swinging and leaping.

I was hoping you might have some ideas to help me

- with my fear of heights.

- Yes, Paddington!

You've come to the right place!

Let's imagine someone asks you to get them something

from a high place, say, um... on top of that shelf.

That does look rather high, Mr Brown.

Mmm. So, the way I would cope with this scenario

- is simply to say... "No."

- No?

No. "Can we sit on the upper deck of the bus?" "No."

"Rescue a cat from a tree?" "Nope."

"Romantic date at the top of the Empire State Building?"

"Uh, no, thank you." It really is as simple as that.

And that will help me overcome my fear of heights?

No. But it will help you avoid it.

And if you do have to go somewhere high,

don't look down.

"Don't look down." Thank you, Mr Brown.

You're welcome.


Great news! I think my fear of heights is cured now!

Just so long as I don't look d...

Oh... I looked down.

Uh, I don't mean to trouble you,

but I am rather, somewhat, paralysed with fear.

Wait there, Paddington. We'll help you.

How bothersome. I had rather hoped to be cured by now.

You see, climbing is my hobby!

I'm not myself without it.

You know, for things like this,

some people try using a hypnotherapist.

[Gasps] I'll be right back. Stay there.

What's a hypnotherapist?

Well, someone who uses hypnosis

to put you into a sort of trance

to help you overcome your fears.

I learned how to do hypnosis for a school magic show once.

Jonathan, it's not the same thing!

I am Jonathan the Enchanter.

Can you please keep the noise down?

You are disturbing my petunias.

- Sorry!

- [Grumbles]

You are getting very sleepy...

Jonathan! You're not a real hypnotist.

It isn't gonna work.


Well, that doesn't count.

Paddington always falls asleep, so it's not a fair test.

You couldn't do it on someone else.


Please, Mummy, please may I have another gnome?

Oh, hi, Paddington! How are you feeling?

I had a wonderful nap in the garden.

- Thank you for asking.

- And has that helped?

Oh, no, Mrs Brown, not at all.

In fact, I'm more scared of heights than ever.

It took me most of the afternoon to climb the steps to the door.

Perhaps it's time I listen to Mr Brown

and just avoid heights entirely.

Ha, ha! Och, no! You should never listen to Mr Brown.

Hey! I was right about telling you to buy that kilt.

- You wear it every day.

- Och!

One thing in years he was right about,

and he brings it up at least once a week.

Well, kilt or no kilt, I don't think Paddington

should give up on anything.

But I don't know what to do, Mrs Brown.

I miss climbing so, so much.

Maybe you just need to take it one step at a time.

[Chuckles] Literally!

So, you walk up the ladder, one step at a time.

Not looking down.

And when you reach the top,

you will have overcome your fear of heights!

And the cushions will help.

But you won't need them,

because you're not going to fall.

And we're all here to support you.

You can do it.

I can, can't I?

- I can't do it.

- Yes, you can, Paddington!

- I really don't think I can.

- That's OK, Paddington.

No pressure.


Pigeonton! That really isn't helping!

Hmm. I don't know, Mr Brown.

Perhaps that's exactly what he's doing.

I think he wants you to go and get your hat.

- But it's so high up.

- Exactly.

He's telling you to get back on the horse,

to stare fear in the eye, and by doing so, defeat it.

He knows climbing is second nature to you,

just like flying is to him.

You think a pigeon knows all that?

Oh... Maybe.

Pigeonton? Really?


I think I'll just get another one



-kind explorer's hat

that was handed down to me by my uncle.

Maybe I'll just start wearing baseball caps.


Pigeonton! Be careful!


[All gasp]

Be careful, Paddington!

Don't look down!

- Oh, oh, whoa!

- Go on, my wee cub,

- you can do it!

- We believe in you, Paddington!

Actually, looking down is just what I needed!

- Yay!

- You did it!

- [Cheering]

- Yes, well done!

Well done, wee cub!

Thank you, Pigeonton.

This time, you really did help me.

You helped me to be me again.

And I can't thank you enough.

It's silly, but sometimes I wonder if you can understand

when I talk to you or ask you for help.

[Chuckles] Pigeonton, that's not help. That's an ice cream.

Wait! I didn't say I didn't want the ice cream.

"And just like that, Aunt Lucy, I overcame my fear of heights.

And my heart felt like it was flying through the sky like,

well, rather like a pigeon, I suppose.

It feels nice to be myself again.

Love from Paddington."

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪