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02x22 - Paddington becomes a Talent Show Judge/Paddington Keeps Up with The Kamalis

Posted: 12/08/23 16:43
by bunniefuu
[Train whistles]

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington

♪ Paddington Bear ♪

♪ He came from Peru to be with me and you ♪

♪ He's a very rare sort of bear ♪

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

Today I learned that you can have a hidden talent.

Any of us could be really good at something we've never tried."

Whatever is going on Ms Potts?

This all looks rather exciting.

It's the Windsor Gardens Annual Pet Show, of course!

Can't you tell?

I'm afraid I don't really know what a pet show is, Ms Potts.

Oh, it's wonderful, Paddington!

Everybody brings their pets they show off their talents,

the judge picks a winner and the whole thing's a hoot.

- A hoot, I tell you!

- It certainly sounds like...

a hoot.

- Who is the judge?

- Oh, it's a big surprise.

I haven't told anyone!

Hey, Pads! Are you entering a pet today?

Oh, no. Just watching.



- Oh, hello, Paddington.

- Hello, Simi.

I'm entering my class pet. Say hello, Lenny.

Oh, hello, Lenny. How's school treating you?


Hello, Mr Curry. Are you entering a pet today?

- For what?

- The pet show.

Hmm. Is there a prize?

- Yes.

- Then I am entering...


- This cat.

- Miaow.

Is that your cat, Mr Curry?

- It'sacat.

- Miaow.

I don't know why any of you bothered.

Bally is gonna win this thing hands down.

You can't enter Bally! He isn't an animal.

But he is a pet, and it is a pet show.

You're right about that, Jonathan. It is a pet show.

[Horrible static]

MS POTTS: Not any more.

The pet show is cancelled!

- [All gasp]

- No way!

What happened, Ms Potts?

Remember I said the judge was a surprise

and I didn't tell anyone who it is?

Well, I didn't even tell the judge.

- And no judge means no show.

- But, Ms Potts, you can't.

Everyone has worked so hard!

They rehearsed routines and designed costumes.

Yes, a lot of effort has been put in by me and this cat.

Can't someone here just judge it?

MR CURRY: No. They'll cheat.

You can't judge a competition if you are one of the participants.

And everyone here is entering a pet.

- Paddington isn't.

- Yeah! He can judge it,

and then the show won't need to be cancelled.

Well, I'm... I'm very flattered,

but I really think Ms Potts might be better suited to



Judging? But I have to run the whole event,

and I need a judge.

OK, I'll do it.



Oh! Oh!

Welcome to the...

Crikey! nd...

Windsor Gardens Annual Pet Show!

So, without further ado, let us commence with the talent round!

I think you are all very talented already!

Good luck, everyone!

[Chickens cluck]

- [Blows party horn]

- Wonderful, Baaz!

Well done, Hera, Aubrey and Molly.

- Sensational. You win!

- No, no, no!

You have to wait until you have seen all the other acts,

- Paddington.

- Ah, of course.

Wow! Marvellous, Judy!

Oh, wonderful, Mr Gruber! Truly wonderful!

That's amazing!


Oh, good boy, Lucky!

- Miaow.

- PADDINGTON: That was amazing!

Well, it's going to be very hard to choose who wins.

They were all so good!

Don't worry. There are still plenty of rounds left.

Ah! Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.

Now it's time for round two. The fashion round.

And here is Lenny the Gerbil

sporting a delicious little ruffle collar

- and charming pom

-pom beret.

- How lovely.

MS POTTS:And here comes the starlet of the city farm,

- Hera and her hens.

- Very colourful.

MS POTTS: Hoping to fetc first prize, it's Lucky!POTTS: Hoping to fetch

Well, howdy there, Sheriff Pigeonton!

- And here comes... Aaron!

- [Groaning]

- Oh!

- MS POTTS:Almost there, Simi.


The pride of Windsor Gardens, Bally!

And here's Mr Curry with... um...

[Funky catwalk music]


I seem to have made an error.

- Miaow.

- Come along, cat.

Easy mistake. Could happen to anyone.

PADDINGTON:"The pressure was really mounting, Aunt Lucy.

How was I supposed to decide which animal

was better than all the others?

But if I didn't pick a winner then that would be unfair too,

after all the hard work everyone had put in.

I hoped the next round would settle it."

MS POTTS: This is it. The final round!

It's your last chance to impress our guest judge Paddington!

And it's his decision, and his decision alone

to choose the winner of the Windsor Gardens Pet Show.

So, remember to bring your A game!

But also to have fun!

This round is the agility round.

Each animal has to complete the obstacle course

as quickly as they can.

And it doesn't matter who's fastest.

I still want to be friends with all of you.

- MS POTTS:First up, Lucky!

- [Horn blows]

- Woof! Woof!

- Go on, boy!

[Lively music]

No, through the poles, through, like this, like...

- No! No! Ha, ha!

-Oh, dear.

Maybe our next contestant will be more lucky.

It's... Lenny!


Lenny! Lenny! Come back!

[Sofia screams]


MS POTTS: Mr Gruber and Pigeonton!

[Horn blows]

Six months we practised.

[Horn blows]

[Horn blows]


[Horn blows]

[Horn blows]

[Upbeat music]

- ALL: Wow!

- [Cheering]

Show off.

It's time to make your decision, Paddington.

Who's the winner of this year's competition?

I feel terrible, Ms Potts.

All these talented pets and owners can do

all these wonderful things, and I can't do one simple thing.

I can't pick a winner.

But you have to, Paddington. You are the judge!

Someone has to win the prize.

PADDINGTON:"And that's when it hit me, Aunt Lucy."

Most graceful gerbil.

Most athletic pig.

Most talented football.

Most loved pigeon.

"Sometimes, Aunt Lucy, you can be good at one thing

and bad at another.

And that's OK, because we all have

our own talents and strengths,

and they are all as important as one another.

You see, I'm not very good at judging.

But I think I might be good at making people happy.

Love from Paddington."

"Dear Aunt Lucy,

the Browns and I are very lucky to have such great neighbours

in Windsor Gardens.

But this week I found out

that even great neighbours don't always get along.

It all began yesterday morning.

Jonathan, Judy and I had decided to do something fun."

That's odd, I could've sworn the sheet was just here.

MR BROWN:♪ I'm getting so clean in the shower ♪

Huh? My towel!


Oh, wait a minute. Where's my mop gone?

And the broom?

Something very odd is going on. The bed sheet's vanished.

Um, has anyone seen my towel?

- It seems to have gone missing.

- JONATHAN: [Laughter] Judy!

- Hmm...

- JUDY: Come on, Paddington!

- PADDINGTON: On my way.

- Ah! Ha, ha!

MRS BROWN: I think I see what's going on.

- JONATHAN: Perfect.

- Best tepee ever!


- Watcha doing?

- JUDY: Hi, Toq!

PADDINGTON: We've made a tepee.

Would you like to come and play?

Uh, no thanks. I've got something really cool planned.

- See you later!

- Bye, Toq!

I wonder what she's doing that's so cool.

I think our tepee's really cool, don't you?

Building a tepee and having a tea party in it

is the coolest thing on Earth!

Would madam like a cup of Earl Grey tea?

Indeed, sir.

Uh, wait. It's not actually tea, is it?

No. Apple juice.

Oh! Thenmadame would absolutely love one.

Could I interest anyone in a sandwich?

We have cucumber and marmalade, ham and marmalade,

and egg


-cress and marmalade.

- Oh, and marmalade.

- Oh, thank you!

Thank you.

Well, this is simply marvellous.

[Huge crashing sound]

That's odd.

[Screeching sound]

What's going on?


- [Gasp]

- Oh!

Good afternoon, Dr Yasmin. What are you doing?

Paddington! We're building a little tepee.

- Hey, everyone!

- Humph!

Wonder what gave them that idea?

So that's what Toq was planning.

That's amazing. We've just done exactly the same.

Isn't that funny?

Toq had the idea and asked me to help.

- What do you think?

- It's great.

It's much bigger than yours, isn't it?

Oh, yes.

Would you like to come over and play?

- That would be wonderful.

- Maybe later.

We're havingsuchfun playing in ours at the moment.

- [Sing

-song voice] Thanks.

- Oh! OK.

Well, thank you for the offer, Dr Yasmin.

- Ugh!

- Oh! What a tepee!

Such a coincidence that Toq had the idea to build one

- on the same day we did.

- It's not a coincidence.

- She copied us!

- Really?

Oh, well, is that such a bad thing?

- Yes.

- Totally.

But if someone copies you, it can be a good thing.

Judy, I always copy the way you swing on the climbing frame

because it's the most fun way.

Why would you swing any other way?

And, Jonathan, I copy the way you eat ice cream slowly.

Only way to avoid brain freeze.

So, if someone copies you, isn't that a compliment?

- I guess.

- It's not just that Toq

always copies our ideas.

She always does it in a much bigger and better way.

- Really?

- Yeah.

JUDY: Don't you remember Halloween?

[Loud creepy music and laughter]

JONATHAN: Or our summer performance?

[Triumphal music]

[Music continues]

Or that time we tried to do a firework show.

Now that was amazing.

- [Loud disco music]

- Huh?

- This is so unfair.

- Every time!

Why must she always go one better than us?

Just because Toq's tepee's bigger,

- doesn't mean it's better.

- TOQ: Woohoo! Dancing!

So much room in this tepee!

I'm not playing in our tepee any more.

Nor am I.

[Thumping music continues]


[Intriguing music]



What are you doing?

We've had a much more fun idea.

We're making a lemonade stand. Do you want to join in?

Just don't eat the lemons. They're really sour.

- Got it.

- All you have to do

is mix lemons, sugar and water in this jug.

Hello there! What's going on here?

Oh, lemonade! That's my favourite!

Mmm! Delicious lemonade, Pads.

- The flavour, it's so...

- Lemony?

That's exactly it!

Thanking you!

This is way more fun than the tepee.

[Heavy object being moved sound]

Oh, hello, Toq.

What are you doing?

Oh, just setting up a smoothie station.

I don't believe it.

She's copied our idea again.

PADDINGTON: You should try this. [Slurps]

It's delicious.

Toq, why do you keep copying us?

First the tepee,

- now the lemonade stand.

- Oh, well,

this is a smoothie stand, not a lemonade stand,

- so it's not copying.

- Well, close enough.

It doesn't matter. It's a great, fun idea.

- We can all have drinks stands.

- She copied us, Paddington.

Why can't Toq get her own ideas?

Actually, you copied me.

I thought of this idea yesterday.

I even wrote it down, but can't find the paper I wrote it on.

But I did write it down. So itwasmy idea.

Well, anyway, our lemonade stand's the best.

- Get your lemonade!

- Oh! This looks nice.

Not as nice as a fruit smoothie.

Oh, ho, ho! Now I do enjoy a fruit smoothie.

- Our lemonade is tastier!

- My smoothie's better!

- Fresh lemons, always the best!

- If you like bitter lemons.

I've got sweet strawberries, mangoes



I think I'll just head to Sofia's for a cup of tea.

Well, I'm going to make more smoothies!

- No, we will.

- I'll make more than you!

JONATHAN: No, we'll make the most!

Now all they're doing is arguing about whose idea it was first

and which drink is best.

Toq does always love the look of whatever you Browns are up to.

Hmm. When I was playing in the tepee on my own,

it wasn't as much fun.

I think every time Toq sees us playing together,

she thinks, "that looks fun", and decides to do the same.

And there's nothing wrong with that.

Just because somebody has an idea first,

doesn't mean someone else can't do it.

I can't help think they'd all be happier playing together.


That's it! I've got an idea!

[Lively music]


- [Music]

- What's that noise?

I think it's coming from the back garden.

- Wow!

- What. Is. That?


Oh, just a little something we thought would be fun.

It's a circus tent!

We made it out of the two tepees.

- It's amazing!

- Yes.

I can't wait to play in it.

Oh, but I suppose you're too busy with your drinks stands

- to play.

- Well, uh...

I suppose we could play in this instead.

- It looks so cool!

- And it's in both gardens,

- so we can all play together.

- Yeah. If you want to, Toq.

Oh, yes, please!

Great! Then welcome to the circus!

Yeah! Woohoo!

- Well done, Paddington.

- Thank you.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I really want to go and play.

I'm a tightrope walker.

I'm a juggler. The Great Judio.

Can I juggle too?

I am Jonathan the Enchanter!

PADDINGTON:"It was fun putting our ideas together, Aunt Lucy.

We all had much more fun playing together as neighbours

than we did playing on our own. Love from


- "

JONATHAN: Paddington. We're going to Toq's to make popcorn

- and watch a film.

- JUDY: Are you coming?

I'll bring the lemonade!

♪ P









-N, Paddington Bear ♪