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02x04 - Wobbly Horn

Posted: 12/08/23 17:10
by bunniefuu
♪ Keep your eyes on the western sky ♪

♪ In Applecross Wood a dragon tries to fly ♪


♪ It's Digby Dragon, there's magic with a twist ♪

♪ With Fizzy, Cheeky Chips and Grumpy Goblin in the mix ♪

♪ Join the fun with Digby ♪

♪ Digby tries to breathe fire Learns to fly higher ♪

♪ Digby Dragon always aims for the sky ♪♪

[Digby laughing]

Red Rufus does it again.

One day I'll be just like him,

swooping over volcanoes with my huge wings

and my giant horn.



My horn!

[gasps] It's wobbly!


I can't call myself a real dragon

with a wobbly horn!

What if it falls off? What'll everyone think?

[knocking on door][gasps]

Digby! It's cake-baking time.

You said you were going to help.

Uh, uh... I can't.

Oh, but you've got to!

There's steps to the recipe, Digby.


I can't work them all out on my own.

Uh... sorry! I...

I've got a cold.

[feigns coughing]

Oh, no.

Poor Digby. Oh, I know!

I'll fetch you a flask of honey and lemon.

It'll perk you up in no time!

Back in a tick!

Oh, no!

If she comes back, she'll see my wobbly horn

and know I'm not a proper dragon.


I just need to keep out of everyone's way for...

[panting] ...ever.

Morning, Digby![gasps, pants]


[sighing] Oh...

That was close.


Is that you?


Whatcha doing, Digby?

Aha! Hmm.

[gasps] Mmm...

You're playing hide and seek.

Okay, one... two...

three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.

Coming, ready or not!



[Digby groaning]


I was beginning to think you'd forgotten

about helping me fix my roof.


What are you doing?

Uh, I, uh, well...

I was thinking about getting a hat,

so I thought I'd try yours on...

[nervous chuckle] ...for size.


Hm. Well, you could've asked first.

Oh, can I have my hat back, please?



Give me my hat back!

[muttering, grunting]


What's got into him?


Found you!Whoa!

Hey, not fair.

It's my turn to hide.

[Digby] Oh, oh, great idea.

You hide, I'll start counting, uh...

Right you are, Digby. [giggles]

Come I may!

...four, five, six, seven. Oh!




Ooh! Hi, Chips!

Shh! Hide and seek.

Don't want Digby to find me.

Oh, no chance of that.

Digby's at home ill in bed.

[Digby panting in distance]


So he's too poorly for baking, is he?

Oh...Okay, Albert.

I'll be right back.


Oh, hey, Digby.

Are you feeling okay?

Who, me? I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?

Uh, well, for starters, you got-- you got a melon...

on your head.

Ah, oh! Oh, you've noticed.


There's nothing wrong with me.

I'm a perfectly normal dragon

with two fully functioning, completely perfect horns.


Oh! Ah!

[screams, sobs]



[gasps] Digby, wait!

[Grumpy] Ha!




Really could've done with Digby's help.

[wheels squeaking]

Hm, that'll do it. Hm? Wha--

Oh, not-- Oh! Help!

[timer ticking, bell dings]

[Fizzy] Ooh!


Ohh... flat.

I told Digby the recipe was too tricky

to do on my own.

But who needs Digby

when you've got magic?

A cake that's flat is not fit for a fairy.

Help it rise and make it...

uh... airy!

Ooh... [giggles]

Oh, that's more like it.

[nervous chuckle] Okay.

You can stop rising now.

[sighs] Oh...

How will I ever be a proper dragon

with only one horn?

[Archie] Digby?


Guess I can't hide it forever.

You must think I'm a pretty poor excuse for a dragon.

I used to think the same about my ear.

Your ear?

Well, there's a bit missing. See?

Oh, I never noticed.

[sighs] I used to think everyone was looking at it

like all the time.

I thought it was a really big deal

until I realized...[water splashing]'s just a bit of ear.

Doesn't make me any less of a mouse.

Just like a missing horn doesn't make you

any less of a dragon.



[Grumpy screaming in distance]


Looks like he's in trouble.

What can I do?

I don't know!

Maybe be an awesome dragon and save the day?

Yeah. You're right.

I can be a proper dragon.

Horn or no horn.

[screaming] Oh, oh, oh...


[Chips] No one'll ever find me here.

[Grumpy] Whah!

Whoa! Help!

Oh, a caravan.

Uh-oh! Ohh...

[Digby panting]

[both screaming]

[whimpering] Oh! Ooh! Ooh!

I said, "Can you stop rising now?"

[distant screaming]

Oh, cupcakes!


[groaning] Oh...

What happened?

Without your help,

my caravan went on a little adventure.

Straight into my cake,

which wouldn't have been so huge

if someone had helped me with the recipe.


Oh, I'm so sorry.

I should've helped you instead of worrying

about my horn.

Your horn?

Oh, I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't told me.


[Grumpy groaning]

This is great and everything,

but could you maybe think of a way

of getting us out of this cake?

If only my spell hadn't made it so airy.

Whoa. Big cake.

Airy! That's it! My horn!






[air hissing]

Oh, what? Whoa!


Whoa, oh, oh!


Whoa! Whoo!Whah!


[deflating continues]


Oh. [giggles]

Oh, finally. [chuckles]

I didn't think you were ever gonna find me.

Pretty good hiding place, huh?


I thought you didn't need your horn to be a hero.

They come in handy sometimes.


Thanks, Archie.

[groans] Digby?

You do know that dragon horns are meant to fall off?

Huh? Are they?


You'll grow a new one in next to no time.

New horns.

[gasps] Brilliant!

This calls for a celebration.

[Fizzy giggles] Cake, anyone?

[laughter]Yes, please.

Oh, yes. Big slice for me, please. Ha-ha-ha.

[Chips] Whoo-hoo!


Come on, Digby.


Last one in's a rotten nut.



Chips! Are you okay?

Ugh, what happened to the water?

Where's the sea gone?

Well, it's a really low tide today.

The lowest in ten years.

Perfect time to collect stuff on the beach.

Low tide?

You mean, when the sea goes really far out.



The far cave!

The one that's all the way along the cliff.

You can't usually reach it because of the sea,

but I'll bet we could today.

Ah, a new place to go 'sploring!

You two be careful.

When the tide comes back in, they cave will flood.

Oh, we'll be fine, Grumpy.

Hold on. Take this.

When the big hand gets to the top,

the alarm will go off.

Cool! Then what?

[sighs] Then the tide will come in.

And if you aren't out of the cave,

you'll be trapped by the sea.


Thanks, Grumpy. Come on, Chips.

We have a cave to explore.



[angelic music plays]

[sighs] Ahh... mm.

Finally the beach is big enough to get some peace and quiet.

[Mungo grunting]


Mungo, what are you doing?

Getting in the shade, Grizel.

Ugh, you're too big.

Go and get the other umbrella.


And how am I supposed to drink this milkshake

without a straw?

Get me a straw!

Actually, I also need my bucket and spade.

Oh, another magazine, a snack, a fresh towel,

and my sparkly sunglasses.

These ones are too dull.

Um, bucket of sunglasses, uh, fresh magazine...

Well, go on!


And don't forget my rubber ring!

[Digby] Come on, we've not got long.

We don't want to be inside the cave

when it fills back up with water.

[both panting]

Oh, wow.Ahh!

The far cave!'Mazin'!

Come on!


I don't think anyone's been here

for hundreds of years.

Yeah, proper explorers, Digby.

[clock ticking][gasps]

I'm gonna sniff me out some treasure.


[voice echoing] Echo! Echo! Echo...

[yodeling] Hello!

[voice echoing] Hello! Hello...


[Chips' voice echoing] Hello! Hello! Hello...


[Digby's voice echoing] Hello? Hello? Hello...

Hello, well.

[Chips' voice echoing] Nuts! Nuts! Nuts...


You'd like some nuts?


Oh, must be a hungry well.

[laughs] Nuts!

[voice echoing] Nuts! Nuts! Nuts...

[gasps] Chips? Is that a...?


Nut! Digby, it's a nut.


[voice echoing] Nuts! Nuts...

Ooh, a very hungry well. Whoo-hoo!

[clock ticking]


This must be a wishing cave.

I wish for more nuts!

[voice echoing] Nuts! Nuts! Nuts...

If it's gonna keep raining nuts,

I wish for an... umbrella!

[voice echoing] Umbrella! Umbrella...



Oh, this really is a wishing cave.

We should wish for something else.

Ooh, more nuts.

Maybe something for me to eat!

[voice echoing] Eat! Eat!

Oh! Ohh...

What else? What else?!

Ooh, Digby! Digby!

What if, instead of looking for treasure,

we ask the cave for it?

Oh, yes!

I wish for gold and diamonds

and a sparkly... ring!

[voice echoing] Ring! Ring...


[gasps] Ah...



Oh! Huh?

[laughs] That is a ring.

[both laughing]

[clock ticking]

[water splashing]


My things are getting wet!


Where is he?

Do I have to do everything myself?

Hm, okay, so no treasure.

Maybe more nuts?

Oh, oh, or a drink.

What about a milkshake?

[clears throat]

[alarm bell ringing]What?

Oh...[bell stops]

I guess we should go.

Well, wait, wait, wait.

I'm sure we have time

for one more wish.

I wish for a...


[voice echoing] Milkshake! Milkshake...

Milkshake? Ooh.

Ooh, ooh, ooh.

Oh, maybe we've used up all of our wishes.

[sighs] Maybe.

[tide coming in]Whoa!

Oh, oh, oh, the tide's coming in.

[shuddering] Ah...Oh.

[grunts] Nobody to help me.

All on my own. [sobbing]


Mungo, where have you been?

I've had to move all of these things by myself.

Where's the stuff I asked for?

This is for you, Grizel.


Mungo! [grunts]

[grunts] Oh, I'm sorry, Chips.

This is all my fault.

We should've gone when the alarm went off.

[both shuddering]

Oh, maybe we should wish for someone

to come and rescue us.


It's me again.

I hope strawberry is okay.


Would you like me to pour it?

[Grizel] Mungo!

What are you doing with my milkshake?

Ooh, hello, Grizel.

This is my new friend.

It's a talking well.

A what?

[Digby's voice echoing] Help! Help! Help...

Mungo, you feather brain. That's Digby!

Whoo, Digby? Oh-hoo-hoo.

I hope he's enjoying your things.


I've been dropping your things down there.

Ohhhh! Digby!

I want my stuff back... [screaming]


Oh! Ohh... Ahh!



Well, that's a disappointment.

Um, wishing cave,

can you send somebody better to rescue us?

You actually think this is a wishing cave?

Uh, yeah.

We wished for things. The cave sent them.

My things!

And it's Mungo who's been throwing them down.

Wait, what?


Oh! Whah!

Now, I'd like to get out of here.

Uh, yeah.

Us too, actually.What?

The tide came in and...

We're trapped.

[gasps] Trapped?!

With you two?

Could things get any worse? Ahh!

[all screaming]


Hold on. [grunts]

[all] Whah!





Who's leaving this stuff all over the beach?

[Digby and Chips laughing]Huh?


[Chips] Grizel, you're the best day ever!

Oh, yeah!

[laughter continues]Whoo-hoo!

Oh, yeah!


What happened?

Did the alarm not go off?

It did. We just...

I just got carried away

and didn't leave when you said we should.

Yeah, but Digby, your rescue was 'mazin'.

It's "'mazin'" we're still alive.

[clears throat] Thank you for saving me.

[Mungo] Hello, Grizel.

I thought I'd come down to the beach

and collect your things.

As all this is Digby's fault, he can take everything back.

Ugh, fair enough.

And you still owe me a milkshake.

Come on!

Grumpy, I'm sorry about your clock.

I'll get you a new one.

[Grumpy] Don't worry, Digby.

I'm just glad you're safe.

[clock ticking]Besides...

I've got another at home.



♪ Hey, ahh... ♪

♪ Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ♪

♪ Ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh ahh, hey ♪


♪ Hey ♪[rhythmic clapping]

[music ends]