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Dolly Parton's Mountain Magic Christmas (2023)

Posted: 12/08/23 20:45
by bunniefuu
I hope life treats you real kind

I hope you have

all you ever dreamed of

Oh I do wish you joy

I wish you lots of happiness

But above all this

I wish you love

I will always, always love you

I will always love you

I will always love you

I will always love you

Yeah, I will always love you

We love you, Dolly!

Oh, thank you! Thank you!

How about a big hand

for my mighty fine band?

And the mighty fine singers?

Thank you!

You have made this little

Smoky Mountain girl really happy

and I will see you

somewhere else, thank you!

God bless you!

Ooh, Lordy, I'm hot.

Give me a sip of water, Steve.


Dry as a bell, hey?

Oh, as long as I have worked

with you that one always gets me.

Oh Judy, don't start crying on me,

you're gonna rust my rhinestones.

Now we gotta get you outta here

before they tear this place apart.

- But first.

- Yeah.


Well, you're not gonna stop, are you?

Well, then I'm not done yet!

Working 9 to 5

what a way to make a living

Barely getting by,

it's all taking and no giving

It's snowing!

Oh my gosh, it's snowing!

I have an idea.

Come on, come on.

Dolly Rebecca.

Hey Sam, where did I wake you up

from this time?

I'm wrapping a movie in Atlanta.

Well, I'm sorry to call you

at this ridiculous hour

but I think I have an idea

for the next TV show

we can produce together.

Yeah? Let's hear it.

Well, you know, I'm always trying to

do fun, uplifting, positive projects?

Yes, I do.

Well, that's why I'm calling.

It is snowing in Tahoe.

Oh, must be beautiful!

And it's making me homesick for

how it snows back home at Christmas!

So magical and peaceful. But Sam

it is only mid October.

And I'm thinking

that is some kind of a sign.

Maybe some of that magic dust

you're always talking about.

Well, honestly I do think

it's more than a coincidence.

I think it's a sign that I should

bring some of that mountain magic

to everybody this Christmas.

Why don't we do

a special from Dollywood?

I think that's a great idea.

So why don't you call

Susan Roberts at NBC

and see if they'd be interested?

Right yeah, yeah, yeah,

we've had good luck there

with the Coat of Many Colors

and the Christmas of Many Colors.

And with you riding a tidal wave

of popularity right now.

Well, I'm gonna start

getting songs together

why don't you start

getting ideas together?

I'm already thinking about who

we can invite to be our guest stars.

Well, now we need to start

with some of my friends

'cause I want the show to reflect

the things that are meaningful to me.

Maybe like sharing

my love of reading with children?

Hey, maybe we'll get kids

to start asking Santa for books

in addition to toys.

Well, if anyone could

pull that off, it's you.

And I want to use

some of our Dollywood family

because we have the best singers,

dancers, and musicians available

and they look good, too.

I'm getting the Christmas spirit

just thinking about it.

Well, great, we'll talk later,

but I gotta get back to the snow!

Oh, I love it, I love it, I love it!

It's snowing, I can't believe it.

Mountain magic

I can feel it all around me

Mountain magic

As pure as mountain snow

Mountain people

Are as sweet as mountain honey

I can feel the mountain magic

in my soul

I love to wake up early

to the sounds and sights of nature

Get up before the sun

to watch it rise

Walk down the lane and marvel

at God's wondrous creations

It's magic

When these mountains come alive

Mountain magic

I can feel it all around me

Mountain magic

as pure as mountain snow

Mountain people are

as sweet as mountain honey

I can feel

the mountain magic in my soul

I love it!

Dolly Parton, Christmas, Dollywood!

I'm starting to cry

just thinking about it, wow.

I can't help it, you know why?

Because this is exactly

what we need right now.

I mean, everyone is so disheartened

and tense and gloomy.

And nobody lifts up an audience

better than Dolly.

Exactly, so let's pull out

all the stops, make it Dolly 2.0!

I want the biggest, splashiest,

most Christmasy show ever!

I mean dancers,

guest stars, Santa Claus

kids, get a whole bunch of kids,

people love kids.

I mean give me all that,

and then give me some more.

Y'know who we should get to stage it

and Dolly loves her, Kathryn Burns.

Yes! Oh, that would be perfect.

Oh! But wait

Let's make it an event.

We'll do a live show.

Whoa, a live special?

No, a live holiday event.

I mean, wouldn't that be fantastic?

Yes, but you know

it takes like six months or more

to pull off a live event.

We only have ten weeks.

You and Dolly can do anything.

Just use some of that mountain magic.

But make it big!

I love Christmas!

Kathryn, welcome to Dollywood!

- Sam! Hi!

- Hey.

Here's my assistant choreographer,


Come on. Say hello to Sam Haskell.

- Hi. Hi.

- Hi.

Oh, wow.

I feel like I'm Alice in Wonderland.

Oh, here's writer producer

David Rambo.

- Hi.

- I'm a big fan.

- Oh my gosh, thank you.

- And producers

Hudson Hickman and Billy Levin.

Hello, hello!

Jasmine, picture it.

Dozens of dancers

Dolly leading us through the park,

arms wide open

we crane up, and it's Merry Christmas

with a mountain on top.


Budget's kinda tight

so maybe not too big.

Big is what you hired me for.

Hey, you're just in time!

We're decorating the park

for Christmas!

Go tell it!

Tell it! Tell it!

Go tell it!

Tell it! Tell it!

Spread the word!

Spread the word!

Jesus Christ is born!

Hallelujah! He is born!

Go tell it on the mountain

over the hills and everywhere

Go tell it on the mountain

that Jesus Christ is born

Oh, go tell it on the mountain

over the hills and everywhere

Go tell it on the mountain

that Jesus Christ is born

Go tell it, tell it,

Jesus Christ is born

Away in a manger

No crib for his bed

The little lord Jesus

lay down his sweet head

The stars in the sky

Look down where he lay

The little lord Jesus

Asleep in the hay

Go tell it, tell it

Go tell it on the mountain

over the hills and everywhere

Go tell it on the mountain

that Jesus Christ is born

He's alive

- He's alive

- Go tell it, tell it, he's alive

He's alive

- He's alive

- He's alive, go tell it, tell it

He's alive

Oh, he's alive

He's alive

And I'm forgiven

heaven's gates are open wide

He's alive

Oh, he's alive

He's alive

And I'm forgiven

heaven's gates are open wide

He's alive

He's alive

How's my girl today?

Oh, well, I'm fine and dandy.

Why wouldn't I be

with you and Kathryn in charge?

And I'm glad to see you didn't

forget your right arm, morning Judy.

Morning. Oh, don't worry,

she never forgets me.

Sam, you remember

my little grand nephew, Liam.

- Hi, Liam.

- Yeah, his mom and daddy

are busy today so I'm putting him

to work on the show.

Wouldn't he make

the perfect little elf for our show?

He sure would.

- They're gonna get you in a costume.

- Perfect.

How are we doing getting your sisters

and family here for their big number?


Okay, production meeting, right now.

Can we get the set deck out here?

Wanna talk through

some logistics that are hap...

Good morning, everybody!

Good morning!

- How's it going?

- Good

I was just reminding everyone

that the clock's ticking down

for our live broadcast tonight

so today is all about

our final dress rehearsal

of each of the numbers, costumes,

cameras, full out energy, okay?

And we'll also be going out

into Dollywood

to do some pretapes

of some of the numbers

so we can swap them

into the live show.

Like Dolly's duet with Jimmy Fallon

- and then we also...

- Look out!


I mean when something happens once

I'd say that's an accident

but twice?

I think that's a sign

I need to be doing something.

Then on page 37

where Dolly's supposed to say...

Isn't it a little late

for dialogue changes?

Absolutely. We are now officially

a half hour behind schedule.

Hello, Dolly!

What can we do for you?

Well, you could start by wiping

those fake smiles off your faces

I know what's going on.

We're supposed to be doing a

dress rehearsal and we're not ready.

Of all the luck.

What's the matter?

Oh, it's nothing.

Oh, I think it's more

than nothing, what is it?

Well, wouldn't you know it just when

I have my dream job working with you

my other lifelong dream

just came calling

to choreograph

the Radio City Rockettes.

But I'd have to be on a plane

like right away

so it's okay, I'm turning it down.

No! You can't do that.

That's a puff of magic dust,

you have to take it!

That's your dream coming true.

No... no, she can't leave, no

no, we're in the middle

of dress rehearsal, yeah

we go live tonight.

Oh, Jasmine can handle it

from here, right Jasmine?


Thank you.

You gotta live your dream.

Oh, really? You mean it?

I mean it. Scat, Kat.

Thank you, thank you so much, Dolly.

Jasmine, if you need anything at all

remember I'm just

a phone call away, okay?

Have a good show, y'all.

Merry Christmas!

Magic dust my butt.

Well, okay then.

Let's go, people!

Over to

the Jimmy Fallon pretape, now!

Okay, yeah, no, the network loves

how we're doing this number, so.


Good thing the park's closed today

or she'd be mobbed.

She's the pied piper,

she knows how to draw a crowd.

Oh no.

- Hello, Susan.

- Please tell me

your choreographer didn't leave

the day of your live broadcast.

Well, yes, but don't worry

her assistant's got everything

running like clockwork.

People, we are hours behind schedule.

Get your butts in gear!

I heard that. Sam

the show tonight

has to be perfect, okay?

The world needs it, I need it.

Sam, you have no idea how much

pressure I am under right now, okay?

I really, I need a break.

I need like

a therapeutic escape somewhere.

I'm counting on you.

Merry Christmas.


Well, how is

my favorite New York city bad boy?

How's my favorite smoky mountain

greasy chick right?

We're dressed the part, how do you

like the jacket I designed for you?

It's subtle, it's subtle.

What are we gonna get to eat?

- Milkshake.

- Milkshake. Jinx.

Alright, we'll start with that...

So, Jimmy, hi.

This is the number that

I taught you up in New York.

- Yeah.

- But since you and Dolly have not

had a chance to run it together,

I say let's rehearse one.

Well, we're running

so late already, Jasmine

why don't we just go for one,

let's do a take.

- We know what we're doing.

- Sure.

Alright, then. Marks! Let's roll!

Oh, the mouse has learned to roar.

I don't care

if she roars, clucks, or cackles

as long as she keeps us

from getting any further behind.

Okay, Almost Too Early

for Christmas pretape.

Take one, action!

It's almost too early for Christmas

Too soon to be singing this song

There's still Halloween decorations

And haters will say that it's wrong

Let's turn on the lights for Mariah

Tell Rudolph to shine up his nose

It's almost too early for Christmas

But why don't we see how it goes?

Why don't we see how it goes?

So jingle bells and deck the halls

I'm coming home

I miss you all

I'm giving thanks for Santa's sleigh

So grab a deer and make it rain

Even in the autumn weather

We'll be wearing ugly sweaters

So string up the lights

This silent night

We're having the time of our lives

It's almost too early for Christmas

Too soon to be singing this song

There's still Halloween decorations

And haters will say that it's wrong

Let's turn on the lights for Mariah

Tell Rudolph to shine up his nose

It's almost too early for Christmas

But why don't we see how it goes?

Window displays are full of snow

Candy cane clouds are come and go

Put on your sugar coat

It's almost too early for Christmas

Too soon to be singing this song

There's still Halloween decorations

And haters will say that it's wrong

Let's turn on the lights for Mariah

Tell Rudolph to shine up his nose

It's almost too early for Christmas

But why don't we see how it goes?

Even in the autumn weather

We'll be wearing ugly sweaters

Can't stop us now

It's all around

'Cause never too early for Christmas

And you thought we couldn't dance.

Got it in one take!

That should put us back on schedule.


Dolly, that was amazing!

I always have a good time

with you, Jimmy.

Why do you look troubled

as a tap dancer with

a piece of corn in her shoe?

Sorry, these mountains bring out

the folksy similes in me.

Well, maybe it's just

that Smoky Mountain magic.

Now you got me blushing like a...

like a dry paintbrush

full of barn paint.

You got me red like

a bubbling fruit pie in the oven.

I'm like a wet cow who's...

Hey Jimmy, I get the idea.

Okay, sorry.

But I got you to smile, right?

You always make me smile

but you know what?

I admit you caught me thinking.

See, I been thinking

about those wonderful magical

Smoky Mountain Christmases

that I had as a child

and I'm not sure

our show is gonna have that.

Sounds like you're hankering

to connect with your past.

You know, I admit

you might have a point there.

Everything on this park

is about my life

I mean we even got

the old cabin I grew up in

we got the church I went to

there's even that old gristmill

we used to play in.


This must be some sort of magic dust.

Willie? What's...

what's going on here?

Just think of me

as a wise old mountain man.

I'm full of wisdom.

Well, I know you're full of it.

But how wise are you, Willie?

Wise enough to know

that you're troubled

my intuition told me that.

And I've known you a long time, Doll.

Intuition, huh?

Yeah, come here and sit with me,

we've got some talking to do.

We do?

How in the world

did you find our old family album?

Mountain magic.

You know, we were really poor

when we were growing up

and we didn't have all that

pretty paper to wrap our gifts in

so we used newspapers.

But come Christmas morning

we thought they were the prettiest

things in the whole world.

Pretty paper

Pretty ribbons of blue

Wrap your presents

To your darling from you

Pretty pencils

To write I love you

Pretty paper

Pretty ribbons of blue

Crowded streets

Busy feet hustle by him

Downtown shoppers

Christmas is nigh

And there he sits

All alone on the sidewalk

Hoping that you won't pass him by

Should you stop

Better not much too busy

You're in a hurry

My how time flies

And in the distance

The ringing of laughter

And in the midst of

the laughter he cries

Pretty paper

Pretty ribbons of blue

Wrap your presents

To your darling from you

Pretty pencils to write I love you

Oh pretty paper

Pretty ribbons of blue

Pretty paper

Pretty ribbons of blue

Pretty ribbons of blue

Willie, you've got me remembering

things that I forgot that I forgot.

Well, that was the idea.

You're probably wanting something

to write it all down in, right?

My old diary! Oh, look it there.

I mean, everything is in there,

all my childhood memories

boys I had crushes on, dreams, plans.

And songs I wrote

when I was a little girl.

Don't you wanna write down

what you're thinking about?

You know that, too?

Boy, you are

a wise old owl, ain't you?

Oh, yeah.

Pretty pencils to write,

"I love you".

Hi, Gigi.

Liam? What are you doing here?

Willie I'm sorry,

I'm gonna have to go.

Who you talking to?

You don't see anybody?

I am so glad

that Willie helped me remember

those wonderful Christmases we had.

Now none of us ever expected

to get much and we didn't

yet somehow everybody

got a little something.

And we were thrilled to have it.

Course, mom and daddy were

as happy as us kids to get a present.

I think that might be

what Willie wanted me to remember

everybody is a kid at Christmas,

it's just part of the magic.

Come on, you little elf

we gotta get out of here

before somebody realizes we're gone.

Places, please for

the opening number.

Please welcome Grammy

and Emmy award winning superstar

Dolly Parton.

Christmas here

in the great Smokey Mountains

is so special and uplifting.

In fact, you might say

we've got mountain magic.

And we're gonna share a whole heapin'

helping of that with you tonight.

Oh, come on.

Mountain magic

I can feel it all around me

Mountain magic

Pure as mountain snow

Mountain people

- Go wider.

- No, no, no. Stay tight on Dolly.

No, take the wide shot.

It's the opening number,

we need to see the dancers.

No... no, that's not

what we talked about. Tight on Dolly.

Are you people serious?

This ain't country.

I'm the damn choreographer now

and I say go wide.

Well, I'm the damn producer

and I say stay on Dolly.

Who's big idea was

this big ass hoop skirt?

I mean, I feel like

one of those dolls

that fits over

a roll of toilet paper.

It's not only over the top,

it's dangerous in here!

Oh, good lord.

Well, I know you worked hard

but I ain't doing it.

But Ms. Parton...

Oh don't "But Ms. Parton" me.

I said I ain't doing it.

And I ain't.

I don't like it, I ain't doing it.

Now I know how Elvis felt trying

to do those Hollywood TV specials.

We're having a big show

but we can't see the star.

It doesn't matter if we're not

having an opening number!

Oh, none of this feels right to me.

- Come on!

- Oh, come on, yourself.

Dang it!

First we gotta fix this!

Y'all know

what's going on here, don't you?

Hey, Dolly.

All that anger, cussing?

That ain't nothing

but the devil's doings.

We're trying to lift people up

and Satan is trying to tear us down!

Well, Satan, you old ugly devil

we are going to send you

straight back to hell!

Go to hell, go to hell,

go back where you belong

Get thee behind me,

Satan, just leave me alone

You're a cheat, you're a liar,

you're a scoundrel and a thief

Go to hell in a handbasket

'cause heaven waits for me

Go to hell, go to hell,

go to hell, go to hell

Go to hell in a handbasket

'cause heaven waits for me

Oh, I tried hard to conquer

my fears and my doubts

Everywhere I turn I see

your evil doings all about

I have suffered your sorrow,

your heartache and grief

You keep dealing me a bad hand

with a trick card up your sleeve

Go to hell, go to hell,

go back where you belong

Get thee behind me,

Satan, just leave me alone

Take all of your bad guys,

your demons and flee

Go to hell in a handbasket,

heaven's calling me

Go to hell, go to hell,

go to hell, go to hell

Go to hell in a handbasket

'cause heaven waits for me

My brothers and my sisters!

I am here to tell you

that Satan is real!

He is real

and walking around amongst us

trying to destroy everything

that's good and beautiful!

He wants to break

our hearts and minds!

Destroy our dreams and plans!

He wants to tear us up

into little pieces

break us down

and send us straight to hell!

Oh, my God.

You've said a mouthful, brother.

Oh my God, oh my God

can do anything!


My god can heal the sick!

Mend broken hearts

and take our souls to heaven!

So Satan, listen up!

In God's name I rebuke you!

I stand up in his name, look you in

the eye, and laugh in your ugly face!

Go to hell, go to hell,

go back where you belong

Get thee behind me,

Satan, just leave me alone

Take your dr*gs and your alcohol,

your lust and your greed

Go to hell with your corruption,

just get away from me

Go to hell, go to hell,

go to hell, go to hell

Go to hell in a handbasket

'cause heaven waits for me

Go to hell, go to hell,

go to hell, go to hell

Go to hell in a handbasket

'cause heaven waits for me

Go to hell in a handbasket

Heaven's calling me

Heaven's calling me

Heaven, heaven waits for me

So go to hell

Well, we kicked Satan's butt

straight back to hell.

Now let's get this show started!

Y'all pray for me.

Alright, kids, kids,

I'm gonna need for you to sit down

like how we practiced.

Moms, I need you in the back,

you're not in the shot.

Kids, please sit down.

When I was coming in here,

I saw a whole bunch of kids out there

- did you see some of them out there?

- Hey, Dolly.

Hey, Mary Lane, I'm so glad

you're doing the show with us.

You're my good luck charm.

Who's your little elf?

Well, this is Liam.

This is my little grand nephew

and this is Mary Lane

she played Ms. Moody the teacher

in the Coat of Many Colors movie,

the story about me as a little girl.

- And Christmas of Many Colors.

- That's true

we've both seen them

lots of times, ain't we, Liam?

And she's gonna play Ms. Moody again

as a teacher in our show.

Can everyone... Alright,

I need you up out of the seats.

Sit down, can you... Alright, well...

We're already

in our second crew lunch penalty

I don't have a budget for a third.

Alright, listen up, kids.

This is... this is Santa Claus

talking now and anyone

who doesn't settle down

and do what Ms. Jasmine says

right now

is gonna get nothing but...

oatmeal in their stocking

for Christmas.


Good morning, class.

Good morning, Ms. Moody.

Now children, we have

a very special guest with us today.

She's known as the book lady.

Hello, book lady.

Well, hello, class,

I'm glad to be with you today.

How'd you get that name?

Well, I started a program

called the Imagination Library.

Does anybody know what that is?

Free books for kids!

You're absolutely right.

You see, I started this program

in honor of my daddy

who believed that all children

should have a great education

and we started it

right here in my hometown

and then it just grew

and grew and grew

and now it's just all over the place.

So far, Dolly's Imagination Library

has given away

almost 200 million books.

To children just like you

all around the world.

That's a lot of books.

Who loves books?

- Me.

- I do.

Yeah, so do I.

I even wrote a song about books.

Would you like to hear it?

- Yeah.

- Would you like

to sing along with me on it?

Okay, well I got my banjo,

let's do it, here we go.

Books, books, I love books

The way they feel and smell and look

From my first look I was hooked

on books, books, books

Sing! Books, books, I love books

The way they feel and smell and look

From my first look I've been

hooked on books, books, books

Books, books, books

I love books


but is it big enough?

It's big enough

considering we go live in...

It's big enough.

"Twas the night

before Christmas

and all through the house

not a creature was stirring

not even a mouse.

The stockings were hung

by the chimney with care

in hopes that St. Nicholas

would soon be there.

What's that?

What's that noise?


Hand me

that pretty little guitar over there.

How special is that?

I believe in Santa Claus, do you?


Well, I even wrote a song about that

here we go!

I believe in Santa Claus

I believe in Santa Claus

I believe there's always hope

when all seems lost

I believe in Santa Claus

I believe in Santa Claus,

I'll tell you why I do

'Cause I believe that dreams

and plans and wishes can come true

I believe in miracles,

I believe in magic too

I believe in Santa Claus

and I believe in you

I believe in Santa Claus

I believe in Santa Claus

I believe there's always hope

when all seems lost

Yes, I believe in Santa Claus

Yes, I believe in Santa Claus

Excuse me, excuse me. Cut, cut!

Great job, kids. Thank you, Dolly.

Well, you're welcome.

Couldn't Clyde do more with Dolly?

They have such great chemistry.

My Angela really needs a line.

- Okay no, no...

- Oh, I'm telling you...

The camera loves her!


You get up here.

What are you doing under there,

you little rascal?


Well, I don't want

to catch you doing nothing again

don't you know

girls get dressed in here?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

I want you to go out in the hall

and wait for me

and I don't want you to get

into any more trouble, okay?

- Okay.

- I gotta get changed!

- Will you take this? Alright?

- Okay, Gigi.

Now how did he get back here

before I did?

Just another puff

of magic dust, I guess.

Ain't he the cutest thing

you ever seen?

You know, I know

he's a special little boy

and I don't know

what he's gonna grow up to be

but it will be something special.

And whatever it is,

I'm gonna always be proud of him

and I'm gonna accept and love him

no matter what or who he is

because I believe that

whoever you are, be that.

Whoever you are, be that

Whatever you do, do that

- Anything else is just an act

- Come on.

Whoever you are, be that

Some may leave you little choice

Don't be afraid to find your voice

Speak your mind and make some noise

- Looking great.

- They call that being free

And stand up

- For who and what you are

- Let's go!

God knows the intent of your heart

He doesn't want us in the dark

He's there, he wants to help

So whoever you are, be that

Whatever you do, do that

'Cause it's your right

and that's a fact

Whoever you are, be that

No one has a right to say

You should be this or that way

And be that as it may I say

To thine own self be true

God made us all so many ways

And he forgives us when we pray

And he's gonna love us either way

He wants you to be you

Whoever you are, be that

Whatever you do, do that

'Cause anything else is just an act

Whatever you are, be that

Whatever you are

Whatever you do

Whoever you are, what you do

Whatever you are, be that

Misfits, outcasts, rebels, strays

Whatever you are, you're okay

Yeah, great.

Hey, you know what I wanna be?

Back on schedule.

Well, whatever you do, do that.

Where's Jimmy Allen?

He's supposed to be doing

his duet with Dolly right now.

I just saw him at catering.

Might be a minute. There's a line.

Can I please give

these dialogue tweaks

before they run out of hush puppies?

Nobody's going for hush puppies

or anything else.

We're in trouble here.

We're two hours behind

and we have half the show left

to produce, the set's falling apart

and we lost our choreographer,

and her replacement thinks

that we're staging

the... the Macy's Parade.


You know I love you,

I will always love you

but how am I supposed to lift

people up if you're melting down?

I'm gonna go in my dressing room

'til you simmer down.

Just cool it.

I think Sam finally broke.

He's talking to himself.

Oh no, he's praying.

He does that when

things go from bad to really bad.

Being in show business

is like being a doctor.

You gotta have a lot of patience.

And everybody thinks

I got a lot of patience

but I really don't, it's hard.

Everybody puts me

on some sort of a pedestal

I don't belong there.

I'm no angel,

I just play one on TV.

And I'm no saint.

But I love that old saying

that every saint has a past

and every sinner has a future

and I'm pretty sure

I'm just like most of you out there.

I'm just here trying

to do the best I can.

Trying to make a difference if I can.

I wrote this song

and I think it's gonna fit

a lot of you just like it does me.

I am a seeker,

a poor, sinful creature

There is no weaker than I am

I am a seeker and you are a teacher

And you are the leader so reach down

Would you reach out and lead me?

Guide me, keep me

in the shelter of your care

Each day

'Cause I am a seeker

And you are a teacher

And you are the leader

won't you show me the way

Lord won't you show me,

show me the way

You know, I think I heard

what Willie was trying to say to me.

Am I really doing

what I'm supposed to be doing?

Am I doing God's will,

my will, or theirs?

Hello God, are you out there

Can you hear me

Are you listening anymore

Hello God,

if we're still on speaking terms

Can you help me like before

I have questioned your existence,

my resistance

Leaves me cold

Can you help me go the distance

Hello God, hello, hello

This whole world has gone to pieces

Can we fix it

Is there time

Hate and v*olence just increases

We're so selfish, cruel, and blind

We fight and k*ll each other

In your name defending you

As if you love some more than others

Well, I can't believe that's true

Hello God, we really need you

We can't make it without you

Hello God, please forgive us

For we know not what we do

And the free will you have given

We have made a mockery of

This is no way to be living

We're in great need of your love

Hello God, are you out there

Can you hear me

Are you listening anymore

Hi, Jimmy!

Dolly, how you doing?

I'm good! I'm Prancer.

I don't know, in that outfit

you're more like a Vixen.

Aw, thank you, thank you.

Sorry I'm late

I was in a dessert line

and I do love me some funnel cakes.

Oh, I love them too,

I can't resist them.

Dolly and Jimmy?

We're ready. Places, please.

Sound man, hit me!

- Hey, Dolly!

- Hey!

Out of all the reindeer

you know you're the mastermind

Oh, you're the king, Rudolph!

Run, run, Rudolph

Randolph ain't too far behind

Run, run, Rudolph

Santa's gotta make it to town

Santa, make him hurry

Tell him he can take the freeway down

Oh, yeah

Run, run, Rudolph

I reelin' like a merry go round

Said Santa to the boy child

"What have you been longing for?"

Oh, I bet you want something special.

All I want for Christmas is

a rock and roll electric guitar

He wants a big old electric guitar.

Then away went Rudolph

- Whizzing like a sh**ting star

- I see him as he's goin'.

Run, run, Rudolph

Santa's gotta make it to town

Santa make him hurry, tell him

he can take the freeway down

Run, run, Rudolph

I'm reelin' like a merry go round

Oh, yay

Santa said to the girl child

"What would please you most to get?"

Come on, now.

A little baby doll that can

cry, sleep, drink and wet

Then away went Rudolph

whizzin' like a Saber jet

I see him.

Run, run, Rudolph

Santa's gotta make it to town

Santa make him hurry, tell him

he can take the freeway down

Run, run, Rudolph

I'm reelin' like a merry go round

Run, run, Rudolph

Santa's gotta make it to town


And cut! That was perfect!

I like that one!

That was fun.

But it's not big enough.


What happened to

that shy little thing

that was hiding in Kathryn's shadow?


you nailed it when you said I wanted

to stage the Macy's Day Parade.

When I was a kid

I was always staging something

like that in my imagination.

Or the Oscars

or Super Bowl halftime show.

Dreams like that kept me

alive growing up in foster homes.

Bless your heart.

I don't have family.

I spend Christmas watching holiday

romcoms crying into my popcorn.

So to get the opportunity

to stage something like this?

Sam, this is what I have

been dreaming of my whole...

I know what it needs!

Chimney sweeps dancing

with the reindeer, yes!

Okay, props, dancers, on stage, now!


we've known each other long time,

since grammar school maybe...

- 12 years.

- 15 years ago.

Something like that.

But seriously, I need to ask

your opinion on something.

You're the only person I can

really trust to tell me the truth.

Don't you think that all the scenery,

all the dancers, all the costumes

is just a little bit over the top?

That coming from a girl

with hooves and antlers and

a rhinestone reindeer suit? Really?

But seriously though, I need

a little bit of time by myself.

You see, I need to think because

my head is just really screwed up.

Well, why don't you try

unscrewing your antlers?

Well, that's a good idea,

I wanna get out of all this garb

and my hooves are just k*lling me.

I bet.

So why don't you

just hurry on out of here

and let me be alone

'cause I need to ponder.

- Yes, ma'am.

- Okay.

Dolly! What you doing, girl?

Billy Ray,

how'd you get on that train?

It's not even running today.

Boy, it must be

some of that mountain magic.

You know, my buddy Willie said you

might be in need of some wise advice.

Well, have you got some for me?

I might.

Really? Well, come sit

down and tell me about it.

'Cause I've been struggling.

What's your problem?

Well, I'm trying to do

this big uplifting Christmas special

here in my hometown

and, you know, I wanted everybody

to be happy like I remembered

I wanted the snow to be falling

but it's not feeling right

and there's no snow.

Dolly, now you of all people

you know you don't need all that

stuff to make it feel like Christmas.

You know, I think you might be right.

Now I don't need Central Park

or snowy weather

And I don't care if it's 98 degrees

Justas long as we can betogether

Anywhere you are is fine by me

Well, now I don't need

to wrap up boxes

Or put lights on a tree

All I want is

you right here beside me

Your love is the only gift I need

Well, I don't need tinsel and lights

Or a tree with a star

All I need, all I need

is to hold you tight

No matter how near or far

We can have Christmas where we are

Christmas where we are

You can have your Tennessee


And your evergreens

We can keep this spirit with us

Wherever it may lead

I can be your silent night

And I'll be your Noel

All the joy you bring to my life is

Sweeter than silver bells

Oh I don't need tinsel and lights

Or a tree with a star

All I need, all I need

is to hold you tight

No matter how near or far

It don't matter, baby

No matter how near or far

We can have Christmas where we are

We can have Christmas where we are

Oh Merry Christmas, baby

Merry Christmas, baby

Let's have Christmas where we are

That was good!

Come sit.

Oh, I love singing

with you Billy Ray.

We've been friends

a long time, ain't we?


You know, you've got me thinking

on some things I wanted to remember.

I just wish I had something

to write it down on.

Oh yeah, I just

so happen to have this.

Willie said you carry

your own pencil.

Oh, so Willie told you

about that too, huh?

I know all these years

y'all thought I was chesty.

I'm just packing

a lot of stuff in here.

Boy, you wise guys sure know

how to show up just when I need you.

Who you calling a wise guy?

Judy said you needed some time alone

and I figured I'd find you up here.

You know, Willie taught me

to remember that at Christmas

we'll always be the kids that

we were in Christmases past.

And now, Billy Ray's got me realizing

that it's who you're with

in the present

that really makes it Christmas.

But you still haven't told me,

who you calling a wise guy?

Well, I'm calling you a wise guy,

Steve, you are so wise.

I mean, that's why

I count on you for everything.

Good lord, how'd you get so big?

Same way you got so small.

- God's doings.

- God's doings?

I'd have been as tall as you if I

hadn't got so bunched up at the top.

Now, you know, I wish it would snow.

Oh Steve, you don't really need snow

to make it a Christmas full of magic

it's all about who you're with.

Man, what was that?

Miley? Is that you?

Are you okay?

Yeah, I just dodged

some falling scenery

- but I'm okay.

- Well golly

- Merry Christmas, Aunt Dolly.

- You look beautiful.

Merry Christmas.

I'm still in my robe,

you're all dressed up.

You look fabulous.

Oh well, thank you.

I'm sorry I'm running late,

Aunt Dolly.

Well, I know where you were.

How many roller coasters

have you ridden today?

All of them,

some of them two or three times.

Are you a speed freak

or an adrenaline junkie?

I'm all of it.

Now let's get back to work

so I can get on the Wild Eagle.

Well, we'll get you back to work

and on the Wild Eagle

but I just wanted to take a minute

to say something to you

and I mean this

from the bottom of my heart.

I'm really proud of you,

I've always been proud of you

and I'm proud to be

your fairy godmother

and you know one thing that touches

me most of all is when you had me

on the Hannah Montana show

back years ago?

You really helped my career,

you introduced me

to a whole new set of fans!

Young ones!

Course, they're not all

as young as they used to be now.

Well, you wrote the handbook

on how to stay young.

Well, I've got the doctor bills

to prove that.

And when the time comes,

you're giving me all the numbers.

Oh, I'm saving them for ya.

I bet it looks like

the yellow pages by now.

Oh, ain't you funny.

Alright everyone, on their marks.

Okay, smiley Miley, are you ready?

I'm ready, Aunt Dolly.

Here we go.

Christmas is a time for caring

being at your best

Christmas is a time for sharing

knowing you've been blessed

Christmas is a time for

giving love is made of this

That's what Christmas is

Christmas is a joyful time

if you're the lucky ones

Some are blessed with gifts

and trinkets, others have none

Some have feasts upon the table,

others having crumbs

There are the haves and the have nots

and you could be either one

It's all about kindness,

love, and compassion

Better to give than receive

That is a true fact

for those who don't know that

Well, they are the poorest indeed

And I hope you remember

Every December

That bright shining light from above

The promise from God's lips,

the greatest of all gifts

Wrapped up in his wondrous love

So rejoice in his glory,

the great Christmas story

And to all that

you're sharing it with

You go tell it with passion

and love everlasting

'Cause that's what Christmas is

It's a time for caring

being at your best

Christmas is a time for sharing

knowing you've been blessed

Christmas is a time for

giving love is made of this

That's what Christmas is

That's what Christmas is

You had to have the last word,

didn't you?

I'm cold in here.

- Are you cold?

- Yeah.

I think they're afraid

they're gonna melt the fake snow.

Oh great, thank you.

That was good, good!

But it needs more.

No, I thought it was great

like it was, pure and simple.

- I love it.

- We like it.

And I love funnel cake.

You're not gonna finish that, right?

I got it. So, I know what it needs.

More carolers and...

- and when the music swells,

- No, it was great.

- They make the tree dance.

- Jasmine

no, we don't have time for that.

No more carolers, no dancing trees.

I can stage it in 10 minutes.

No flaming popcorn balls, nothing.

I just need

more lights maybe, more...

I don't think you're listening to me,

there's no money.

What if we get

the little elf to just run

across the stage at the same time?

We're at the point

where less is more.

No, no! It's Dolly and it's Miley.

- And it's a big moment!

- Can't hear you adding things

when we can't add anything.

Zach Williams

don't tell me you're another one

of those wise mountain men

that I'm gonna see today.

I don't know how wise I am

but I do know

a wiser man than both of us

and he's telling me

you could use a friend.

Well, you see, I wanted my special

to be fun and full of joy

you know, like

those great mountain Christmases

of a long time ago.

And I know

everybody's trying to do their best

to try to make it right.

But it's just kinda like a balloon

you know, that just keeps

getting puffed up

bigger and bigger and bigger

and you know what happens then.

- Yes, ma'am.

- Well

that's why I pray

every day for guidance.

Well, I definitely know a thing

or two about needing guidance.

Well, I think we all need

some guidance.

Every time I try to make it on my own

Every time I try to stand

and start to fall

And all those lonely roads

that I have traveled on

There was Jesus

When the life I built

came crashing to the ground

When the friends I had

were nowhere to be found

I couldn't see it then

but I can see it now

Well, there was Jesus

In the waiting, in the searching

in the healing and the hurting

Like a blessing buried

in the broken pieces

Every minute, every moment

where I've been and where I'm going

Even when I didn't know it

or couldn't see it

There was Jesus

For this man who needs

amazing kind of grace

The forgiveness

at a price I couldn't pay

I'm not perfect

so I thank God every day

Well, there was Jesus

There was Jesus

In the waiting, in the searching

in the healing and the hurting

Like a blessing buried

in the broken pieces

Every minute, every moment

Where I've been and where I'm going

Even when I didn't know it

or couldn't see it

There was Jesus on the mountain

In the valleys, there was Jesus

In the shadows of the alleys

there was Jesus

In the fire and the flood

There was Jesus

Always is and always was

No, I never walk alone

- Never walk alone

- You are always there

In the waiting, and the searching

in the healing and the hurting

Like a blessing buried

in the broken pieces

Every minute, every moment

Where I've been and where I'm going

Even when I didn't know it

or couldn't see it

There was Jesus

There was Jesus

There was Jesus

So I'm thinking you're thinking

you might wanna write

some of this down.

Well, is there anything

you wise men don't know?

You know, I thought

this show was the right thing to do

and I felt like I would know

what was right and what was wrong.

But I guess I haven't

been paying attention

that's not unusual for me.

My husband always said,

"You're not hard of hearing

you're just hard of listening."

Well, it's like I've always said

I've always been just

a little too good to be real bad

and a little too bad to be real good.

But that is gonna change, right now.

- This'll be fun.

- I know

- I'm glad they all got in okay.

- Yeah.

You know you're an honorary member

of this family

I really think you should

join in on the song with us.

No, I may have the honor,

but I sure didn't get the voice.

Oh, but we love you anyway.

Thanks, Rachel and Cassie,

y'all look so pretty.

Don't they fix up good?

Jasmine, I only have enough time

to rehearse this once.

Okay, ladies.

Clock's ticking, so if everybody

could please just be perfect.

Oh, okay we can try that.

We can try.

Well, I cannot believe

of all the singing sisters I have

I could only muster up

the two of you.

Muster up? You say that

like we're the worst of the lot.

Yeah, what are we? Chopped possum?

Chopped possum,

that's a good 'un, Cassie.

I didn't mean that, I just meant that

trying to get

a bunch of women together

is like trying to herd

a bunch of ground squirrels

so at least let's say hi to 'em.

Hi, everybody! Merry Christmas!

And hope for snow!

You know, I think I love snow so much

because I was born

in a big old snow storm.

Daddy had to ride down,

bring up Dr. Thomas to deliver you.

We paid for you

with a sack of cornmeal.

Yeah, I know and I have been raking

in the dough ever since.

How many times have we heard that?

Remember when you wanted to be a star

and you promised to do our chores

for a week or whatever

- if we'd do background singing?

- Yeah.

And you had the big idea

for us to sing in pig Latin?

I remember

working you to death on that.

Let's see

if we can still remember it.

I bet we can, let's see.

Oh eshay asway eyemay

estbay endfray eshay

Asway eyemay estbay endfray

She's the friendliest enemy

I believe ever did see

And she'd better

get my baby off her mind

Offay erhay indmay

She's the friendliest enemy

I believe ever did see

Better watch your friends

or they will steal you blind

Ealstay ouyay indblay

Eshay asway eyemay

estbay endfray eshay asway eyemay

Estbay endfray eshay asway eyemay

Estbay endfray eshay asway eyemay

Estbay endfray

That was fun!

Oh, we might've been

a little nicer to you

had we known

you were gonna grow up to be

- Dolly Parton.

- Dolly Parton.

Oh, ain't you something.

Well, I hope

what we did to you back then

didn't hurt your feelings too much.

Well, I think some people

deserve to suffer a little.

Now ain't you a funny rascal.

Hey, why don't we bring out

some more of our family

and have them sing something

with us that's not in pig Latin

- what do you say?

- I think it'd be great.

Okay, this is all about family.

We know all about that, don't we?

When it's family

You forgive them

for they know not what they do

When it's family

You accept them

'cause you have no choice but to

When it's family

They're a mirror of

the worst and best in you

And they always put you to the test

Never clean up all the mess

You just pray for God to do the rest

When it's family

Some are preachers, some are gay,

some are addicts, drunks, and strays

But not a one is turned away

When it's family

Some are lucky, others ain't

Some are fighters, others faint

Some are sinners, some are saints

And it's all family

When it's family

You trust them

and your heart's an open door

When it's family

You tolerate

what you'd k*ll others for

When it's family

You love and hate and take

then give some more

Somehow you just defy the mistakes

and try to find a better way

To solve the problems

day to day in the family

You take the trouble as it comes

Love them more than anyone

Good or bad or indifferent

It's still family

You choose your lovers,

you pick your friends

But not the family that you're in

They'll be with you 'til the end


When it's family

When it's family

Let me be all that I should be

to the family

That's me, about 3 or 4 years old

out standing in my field.

Get it? Outstanding in my field?

And I'd like to think I still am.

You know when I was little,

I used to stand on the porch

put a tobacco stick down

in one of the cracks

and I'd put a tin can on top

and just sing my little heart out

to the chickens and the kids

and I was thinking that I was singing

to the whole wide world out there.

You know, I've learned

that what happened yesterday

affects what happens today

and what happens today

affects what happens tomorrow.

Whether that's 24 hours

or 10 years away.

Now that's what any wise man

or any wise woman would tell you.

Yesterday this little girl had hope

and today this little girl

still has hope

and at Christmas every kid has hope.

That's magic in the mountains

or any place else.

We can't ever

let ourselves lose that.

Now I know what I have to do.

Thank you everyone,

we are at half hour.

Let's reset for the opening number.

Dolly Rebecca,

I can sense a mischievous mind.

Well, I promise you

the only thing on my mind

is that now that it's showtime

I just wanna spread

a little mountain magic.

Well, that looks good, Cheryl Curl,

thank you, thank you, Fancy.

I guess I'm as good as I'm gonna get.

Okay, thanks. See you at showtime!

Dolly, I've never seen you look

more beautiful or so at peace.

Well, thank you for the compliment

and I am at peace.

Well, then that puts me

at peace, too.

15 minutes to showtime, 15 minutes.

- That's 15.

- That's what I heard.

Well, I need to spend

a few of those 15 minutes

getting my thoughts together

if that's alright.

Okay, alright

just holler at me when you're ready

to shimmy into this outfit.

Okay, I'll holler.

- Okay.

- Oh! Wait

you need to take this

to the band leader.

No, no.

Don't ask me no questions,

take that to the band leader, okay?



Well, Susan! I didn't know

you were coming.

Let me just say I needed a little

dose of vitamin D. D for Dolly.

So I commandeered the corporate jet

and here I am.

- Good, I'm glad you're here.

- Hey

Susan! Wow, what a surprise.

You look terrific!

Well, you know what? It's Dollywood

the minute I walked

through those gates

all my burdens just disappeared.

Wait 'til you see what

Dolly's gonna do for the rest of us.

That is my Christmas wish,

I hope I get a big gift from you!

Oh, you're gonna.

Oh, good luck, Dolly and thank you.

Well, thank you and I just want you

to know I really appreciate you.

Oh, I appreciate you!

We both do.

I appreciate you, Sam,

but Dolly, I really appreciate you.

- We'll let you get ready.

- Yeah, I need to.

Okay, see you in a bit.


You seem a little tense,

what's going on?

Nothing, it's good.

Yeah smooth, smooth

as a Dollywood milkshake.

Well, speaking of,

have you tried a funnel cake?

I mean it is a revelation.

To be honest with you, I don't

really know if it's good for you.

I guess they must cook it

with a funnel.

Oh, I was so sure it would snow.

- Dolly Rebecca?

- Sam!

How's my beautiful girl?

Oh, I'm excited, I'm getting ready to

wish the whole world Merry Christmas.

Ain't you glad I ain't wearing

that big old hoop skirt?

Oh yeah, why not?

Oh, I just got tired

of hooting and hollering about it

that was fun though, wasn't it?

So great, God bless you.

Oh, you too, Sam.

- Break a leg.

- Thank you.

Hey, hey you.

Come here. Yeah, you.

What's your name?

Woody, Ms. Dolly. Ms. Dolly Parton.

Well, Woody, I want you

to take this and I want you...


Just trust me.

- Okay.

- Go.


'Scuse me!

- Hey! Woody!

- Sorry!

- Sorry, Mr. Haskell, sir.

- It's okay

just watch where you're going

next time.

- Sorry.

- Bless.

Okay, places. On your marks, please.


Look, whatever happens tonight,

I just want you to know

I spoke with my wife

and Mary and I would be thrilled

to have you join us

for Christmas this year.

Even after I exploded your budget and

cost you all those meal penalties?

You've done an amazing job.

You should be really proud.

Which is all the more reason I can't

let you spend another Christmas

crying in your popcorn.

So come stay with us.

We got a family full of kids,

and you're great with kids.

I am?

You're good with kids.


This may be the kindest thing

anyone's ever done for me.

I'd be happy to come.

But I'm still mad about

those dancing trees.

Who's that guy and what's he doing?

Live in 15 seconds.

Okay, we're live in 15 seconds.

Please welcome Grammy and Emmy

award winning superstar

Dolly Parton!

You know, I can't come

to these mountains

without thinking of mom and daddy.

I can't sing a song or do a show

without thinking of mom and daddy.

You know the bible says

honor thy father and thy mother.

Well, I've tried to do that

and I hope they'd be proud of me.

Now I just wish they'd lived long

enough to see all the great things

that have happened to me

through the years.

I thank God, I thank my Uncle Bill

who helped me get started.

And I most of all thank mom and daddy

and I hope that I haven't crammed

God or Jesus down anybody's throat

I hate that when it happened to me

back then, but it 'tis the season.

I guess nobody knows for certain

if there is a heaven.

But if there is,

I just hope to hell I go.

That sounds just like something

my daddy would've said

when I used to say

things like that as a kid.

Old mama would get all over me

and daddy would say, "Oh, Abby Lee,

leave that young'un alone

she's just being funny.

Don't your bible say

a happy heart does good like

medicine or something like that?"

Well, I guess I've just been trying

to make your heart smile.

And I write a lot of inspirational

songs to try and make people think

because I do think we need to believe

in something bigger than ourselves.

Now I believe

the kingdom of heaven is within

and God is good and God is love.

Now who wouldn't

wanna believe in that?

Did anyone know

she rewrote the opening?

Everything'll be fine.

She's working her mountain magic.

When life is good again,

I'll be a better friend

A bigger person

when life is good again

More thoughtful than I've been

I'll be so different then

More in the moment

when life is good again

I'll open up my heart

And let the whole world in

I'll try to make amends

When life is good again

We've been brought to our knees

We've been so ill at ease

There are no guarantees

But you know life goes on

this too shall pass away

Bring new and different days

We need to change our ways

and right our wrongs

Let's open up our hearts

And let the whole world in

Let's try to make amends

When life is good again

I'll open up my doors again

and hear the message in the wind

Repent of all my sins


When life is good again

I'll try to be someone

on which you can depend

A helping hand to lend

Let's open up our eyes

and see what's going on

If we're to move along

from where we've been

Let's open up our hearts

And let the love shine in

Shine in

We've all got knees to bend

And we'll just pray 'til the end

Ask God's forgiveness when

- Life is good again

- Gigi, it's snowing!

It's snowing?

And it's gonna be good again

It's gonna be, it's gonna be

It's gonna be good again

It'll be alright

It'll be alright

Oh God's the reason for all things

You want rainbows, you get rain

We'll all be forever changed

Forever changed

I'll sail my boat and fly my kite

Walk in the park, go out at night

And hold my loved ones extra tight

When everything is on the mend

I'll eat and drink

with my old friends

Sing and play my mandolin

We'll make it through

this long dark night

Darkness fades when faced with light

Everything's gonna be alright

when life is good again

And it's gonna be good again