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04x05 - Goldilocks

Posted: 12/09/23 09:23
by bunniefuu


[AIDE 1] Sir, there's something
you need to see.


[AIDE 3] The asteroid must have

decayed from a near-Jovian Trojan orbit,

which is why we haven't been
able to see it until now.

Looks like it passed too close
to Jupiter on its last go-around

and was redirected into
the inner solar system.

[MARGO] It appears to be coming in

on an elliptical Mars-crossing orbit.

Looks like it's about 1.1 kilometers
in diameter.

Not huge as these things go.

And based on our orbital
analysis of its moon,

the density of the asteroid is seven
grams per cubic centimeter.

- Means it's full of metal, for sure.
- A special analysis tells us

this asteroid likely contains
a colossal amount of...

[IN RUSSIAN] Iridium?
Very rare on Earth.

And we already control most of it.

Mmm. Not this much.

A conservative guess is

[IN ENGLISH] Our estimates indicate
there's more iridium in 2003LC

than has been mined
in the entire history of Earth.

Iridium is going for about 294 a gram.

Based on current mass estimates,
that's worth upwards of...

trillion dollars and nicknamed

the Goldilocks asteroid.

If it is able to be harnessed
and its iridium mined in Mars orbit,

economists predict
it will lead to another

technological revolution here on Earth.

[CHASE] President Korzhenko
has expressed skepticism

that the asteroid is in fact
made of iridium at all,

insisting that the USSR
remains the only reliable supplier.

[MCGANN] Let me remind you

what happened after NASA's
last great discovery, Helium-3.

Job cuts, protests, domestic terrorism.

... traveling through space

at tens of thousands of miles per hour.

And the window to capture it
is closing quickly.

In approximately six months,

the asteroid's new trajectory will
send it out of reach for good.



[PALMER] Commander Poole.



What time is it?

It's nearly 1:00 a.m., ma'am.

But I thought it best to wake you.

What's happened?

Something incredible.

asteroid, it's an amazing discovery.

It is going to improve life
on Earth immeasurably.

But if we fail to secure this valuable

resource for the American people,

it'll not only be a black mark
on my administration,

but on this country.

I assure you, Mr. President,
we are doing everything we can

to bring this one home for all of us.

Good. I have faith in you, Eli.

Especially with how you handled

the Zakharova situation
this past spring.

I'll let you and Ron hash out
the details. Keep me posted.


Ron, I think you and I...

So, how soon can we announce
the plan to harness the asteroid?

- I'm sorry?
- I don't need to remind you that

the president is headed
for a tough reelection battle.

And the more the American people know

about what Goldilocks will do for them,

the better his standing will get.

Well, I hear you, Ron. I do. But
we have to be very delicate here.

I'm already drowning in calls

from the other M-7 nations
wanting a bigger piece of this pie.

Not to mention,
the Soviets feel threatened

because iridium happens to be
one of their biggest exports.

We're on the same page here, Eli.

The last thing we want to do is
antagonize our partners.

Good. Because the only
way we're ever gonna

get this thing is if
we all work together.

This can't be seen
as just an American...

You just focus on getting Mars
whatever it needs to get that asteroid.

We'll handle the rest.

[DANIELLE] Goldilocks is heading
toward us and hauling ass.

So, we need to design

and launch this capture mission
inside the next ten weeks,

or else she gets away.

That means pedal to the metal
for everybody.

And all personal matters are gonna
have to take a back seat.

Dimitri, how many more wranglers

do you think you'll need
to corral this thing?

Still waiting on protocols,
but at least ten more.

Gonna have to ramp up microgravity

certification for many of my people.

All right.

If we're to have a hope
in hell of pulling this off,

I strongly suggest that

we curtail all but essential operations
and start stockpiling argon.

Are you suggesting that we
slow down training operations?

[ED] Well, absolutely.

Rushing around with our
hands flapping in the breeze,

hoping we can wing it, is
not going to get this done.

Well, rushing around with our hands

flapping wasn't what
I was proposing, Ed.

Well, it sure sounded like it to me.

- Can I speak with you for a minute?
- Well, of course.

Let's just get one thing straight.

That attitude of yours,
it ain't gonna fly.

What, I'm supposed to rubber-stamp

any harebrained idea of yours

that washes over the transom?

This is not about harebrained ideas, Ed.

Ah. Then what is it about?


Let's just get this out
in the open. All right?

Ever since I sent Svetlana Zakharova
back Earthside,

you've been fighting me tooth and nail.

I say "left", you say "right".

It has slowed operations on Happy Valley

to a crawl these past few months.

You're my XO.

We have got to be on the same page.

Sending her back was a bad call.


It hurt morale.

It was my call to make.

We don't have to see eye to eye
on this to get this thing done.

But we need to get this thing done.

This asteroid, Ed, it could change
everything for people back home.

Isn't that why we're up here
in the first place?

Look, I want to get this rock
as much as you do.


Then let's cut the shit
and make this happen.


I'll get this round.

Four glasses, comrade.

Uh, excuse me, Miles.

Can I put in order for
these cotton shirts?

Other fabric, it, uh, give me rash.

- Sure thing.
- Grazie, comrade.

Thank you.

Next time he calls me comrade,

I'm going to punch him in the face.


- Glass for you.
- Ooh.

I don't like him.

He's not good enough for Samantha.


[ILYA] Okay, Milosh.
What is next on the list?

All right, all right.
Let's get back to it.

Okay, so, today's haul.

I got another order from
Staley for Odor-Eaters.

He will not shut up about this.

Oh, and, uh, Lee keeps asking
me about updates on his wife.

We should let him know
where we stand on that.

So, uh, where do we stand?

Has your guy gotten the wife
out of North Korea?

JAXA's next cargo launch to ISP
is in a couple of weeks.

Unfortunately, we're not going to
be able to bring her up, after all.

It's too risky, Milosh.

Low profile. Remember?

Okay, but you told him
we were gonna get it done.

And I told him that too.

- If he finds out that we were...
- Last thing we want is to anger him.

Korean business has been
very good to us.

So, we must wait until right time
to say right thing.

- Hmm?
- You mean lie to him?

You worry too much, Milosh. [CHUCKLES]

Remember, Ilya knows best. Eh?

The capture mission's
just the tip of the spear.

They're gonna need us to make
hundreds of thousands of liters of fuel,

replacement parts...

We'll be mining that thing for decades.

They're gonna have to build
Happy Valley out big time.

Thousands more workers.

Right, it's like, uh, gold rush. No?

Bonuses, overtime, hazard pay...

Well, I heard that we're gonna
be working round the clock.

Double shifts. Six, seven days.

And I mean, they're asking us to do this

in half of the time
of what we should have.

Samantha's right. We must be careful.

But it is also an amazing
opportunity, no?

Perhaps you will be assigned
to the Ranger crew again.

Glass half full. That is how you say it?

[LAUGHS] Something like that.

To Goldilocks.

[REPORTER] Eighty-four percent
of voters who own cell phones

say they support a proposed state ban

on the use of handheld
phones while driving.

Alex, we're leaving for school
in five minutes.

[ALEX] Okay.

Peanut butter jelly not proper lunch.

Well, Alex loves it, so...

... central to the initial race to Mars,
is finally going himself.

Dev Ayesa has announced

he is finally making the journey
to the red planet later this month.

Ayesa talked with reporters today...

- Shit.
- ... outside his Helios offices.

[DEV] I simply felt that
as CEO of Helios,

with everything unfolding
on Mars as it has,

that I should take a more
hands-on role up there.

- What's going on?
- Guess you haven't heard the news?

That might be something
you wanna tell us

before announcing it to the whole world.

It was a spontaneous decision.

You going to Mars was
a spontaneous decision?

- Yes.
- [ALEIDA] Dev, I know out there you can do

whatever you want and
people kiss your ass regardless.

But in here, in these offices, we're
actually trying to get shit done,

- and you throwing this kind of curveball...
- I know.

And you and your team
have been k*lling it

developing the asteroid capture plan,

but the real action is up there.

And as leader of this company,

I got to go where I'm needed most.

So, if you're up there,

who's going to handle all the
M-7 negotiations for Goldilocks?

No way. I'm an engineer, I'm not...

Aleida, don't worry. You'll be great.

Now, Kelly, we need
to talk about robotics.

So, I guess the astrobiology
program just gets shunted aside.

- Back burner yet again, right?
- On the contrary.

I'm escalating the timeline.

I want your team's personnel
and equipment with me when I go.

Okay. The seekers can be ready,

but I doubt my expedition team will be.

I was counting on another six weeks
to bring them up to speed.

I have a fix for that.

You come with us.


[DEV] You train your team en route.

By the time we arrive, they'll be
ready to hit the ground running.

[SCOFFS] Dev, I-I hear
what you're saying,

but I can't just drop everything
and go to Mars with you.

Why not?

I have a son.

I-I'd have to leave him behind for what,

six months, a year. Maybe longer.

You have spent 15 years
on the search for life.

It would be a shame to drop the ball

when you're this close
to the finish line.

But it's up to you.

Meanwhile, I got a few loose ends
that I need to tie up before I go,

so I will be out of pocket
for a couple of days.

A couple of days?

But we're right in the middle
of revamping capture protocols.

Ranger. Happy Valley.

Ed, I see that you made some changes
to the Ranger-2 crew list.

You know that needs
to be run by me first.

- Come on, Danielle.

You know as well as I do
that the mission commander

customarily picks his own crew.

This isn't NASA in the '70s, Ed.

Ultimately, I'm responsible
for getting Goldilocks

into Mars orbit.

Affirmative. Now, what's the problem?

Disregard of protocol, for one.

This should have been run past me

before being distributed,
but let's just...

Let's put that to the side, all right.

This crew list, it's cherry-picked
based off of what metrics?

Well, after the commissioner's
blame-game report

about the Kronos clusterfuck came out,

I thought it would be good
to shake things up here and there.

So, some crew members were replaced

and others were deemed
mission essential.

- Like you as commander?
- Yeah.

Experienced commander. Battle-tested.

It sounded like a g*dd*mn winner to me.

But hell, if you wanna
micromanage me like this,

we can start all over. No problem.

Negative, XO. Negative.

Your crew stands.

Just give me more of a heads-up
next time. Happy Valley out.


[ED] g*dd*mn it.

Switching back to manual
for attitude control checkout.

[CREW MEMBER 1] Copy that.
We're go for RCS manual test.


Uh, hold on that test for a minute.

Standing by, Ranger.

You okay, sir?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Don't forget to cross-check
the reactor temps

before we disembark
for Phoenix, all right?

Aye, aye.

You gotta go.

You can't give this opportunity
up because you have a kid.

You think guys ever have to do that?

Course not, but Alex is different.

You know that.

With his health issues and...

- He just needs me here.
- He has his grandma.

[SCOFFS] Yeah, and she'd
probably love it if I left,

so she can take him back to Russia
the first chance she gets.

I just couldn't live with myself

if he felt like I was
abandoning him, you know.


Kids are more resilient than you know.

I just don't want him
to end up hating me.

Oh, he's going to hate you
no matter what. Believe me.

Is that supposed to make me feel better?

It's just what happens.

You give them life, you give
them everything from yourself,

and then they end up looking at you

like you're the most vile
human that ever lived.

I'm sorry. I'm... I'm
sure that isn't easy.

What goes around comes around.

I really put my poor dad
through the wringer.

Well, I'm sure he'd be
very proud of you now.

Aleida Rosales, power broker.

God. Oh, God, no. It's gonna
be a disaster. Just you watch.

I don't know. I think
you have it in you.

Come on. Can you imagine me

sitting across from all those M-7 reps?

Yes, I can.

Look, I remember my mom
when she first bought this place.

Okay, she'd never run a
business before in her life.

I asked her if she was
nervous. She said,

"There are always a million
reasons not to do something.

You have to find the reason to do it".

[GORE] The American Space
Program is central to that.

And during my time as your president,

I took the initiative in discovering

this incredibly valuable
asteroid, 2003LC.

A discovery that will change our country

and our world for the better.

President Gore today appeared
to take personal responsibility

for the discovery of asteroid 2003LC.

The Kremlin has denounced Gore's
claim of personal responsibility

for the asteroid discovery
as an outrageous attempt

to take credit for a Soviet achievement.

But here now, other achievements
claimed by Al Gore.

Number ten, was first human being
to grow an opposable thumb.


Number nine, while
riding bicycle one day,

accidentally invented the orgasm.

It looks like the president
has stepped in it again.

Next he'll want to name
the asteroid "Tipper".

My advice, Al, leave the
discoveries to the scientists

and stick to doing what you
do best, ruining our economy.

What the hell is he doing?

This is a dance, Ron. A delicate dance.

I don't control what the president
says. You know that.

Don't give me that shit.
It was a prepared speech.

He was reading off a
f*cking teleprompter.

He likes to improvise sometimes.

This is going to destroy
all of the goodwill

that we have built up with the Russians.

And do you have any idea of what
the other M-7 nations are gonna...

Yeah, and none of it matters
if we lose to Bragg in '04.

- Oh, so that's what this is all about?
- Of course it is.

You and I both know that Bragg would
be a f*cking nightmare for NASA.

Not to mention the country.
So, let's get off our soapbox.


Oh, shit.

I don't see how Ranger is gonna
despin something as big as Goldilocks.

The ion engines just don't
generate enough thrust.

I hear ya.

I hear ya.

All right, people. Let's keep thinking
on this. In the meantime,

I wanna see some hard data

from those 3-D torque
simulations by tomorrow.

- Thanks, guys.
- All right. Thank you.


- Palmer.
- Yes, ma'am.

You gonna lurk round
my door all day long,

or you gonna tell me what's on your mind?


- Uh. Do you mind if I...
- Go ahead.

Take a seat.

- What's on your mind?

Well, I, um...

First off, I-I-I just
wanna say that, uh,

Admiral Baldwin,

he's basically a hero to me.

I was seven when the Russkies
beat us to the Moon,

and my dad and I, we saw all
those congressional hearings.

When Admiral Baldwin took
the blame for losing the Moon,

he was talking about honor.

He was talking about
taking responsibility

even when it's difficult.


When we were out on Ranger,
I, um... I saw something.

And God's honest truth,
I-I-I wish I hadn't.

But I did.

And now I feel compelled to report it.


Admiral Baldwin has a tremor
or something with his right hand.

And I could tell he was
trying to hide it.

He had to halt a training
exercise because of it.

Are you saying that Ed is
hiding a medical condition?

That is what I suspect, Commander. Yes.

That is a very serious accusation.

I know it is.

But I also know what I saw.

I just thought you should know too.


All right. That'll be all.





[DANIELLE] Now, make
sure to ration this.

It's gotta last you another four weeks.


Can I please come back?


I'll stay in my rack. I'll-I'll...

I'm sorry.

I know it's hard,

but this is how it's gotta be.

You know that.


Help, Captain. They're sh**ting us.

[IMITATING g*nf*re]

Abandon ship. We're going down.


Help! I'm on fire. [SHOUTS]

Hey, baby.

Hi, Mommy. Do you wanna play with me?

Sure, bud. In a little bit.

I wanna talk to you about
something first.

You know how I'm going
to send my robots to Mars

to look for those little
microbes up there?

- In the lava tubes.
- That's right.

Anyway, it... it looks like
I might need to go with them.

To Mars?

But while I'm gone, you'll
stay here with grandma.

Why can't I come?

Well, for one, you're still in school,

and space travel isn't
really for kids yet.

But Zack's mom and dad took him
to this hotel place on the Moon

when we were in second grade.

Well, yes. But it only takes
a day to get to the Moon,

and it takes much longer to get to Mars.

How long will you be gone?

About a year.

I know it seems like a long time

but it'll go by so quickly.

You'll see.

What if you decide to stay
forever like Poppy did?

Aw, bud, I know this is hard but
I've been on work trips before.

This one will just be
a bit longer, okay?

Alex, come back. I...


[SHUSHES] It's okay. It's okay.



[IN RUSSIAN] It will
all be okay, little one.

It will all be okay.


[IN ENGLISH] Hey. Aleida, right? Aleida?

So nice to meet you.

I'm Brandt. Government relations.

And obviously, we're going to be
working pretty close together

with everything that's been decided.

So, we really need to finalize
which senators we're approaching

to support our position with the M-7.

Have you looked at the dossiers?

Yeah. Yes, I have.

Uh, still doing a bit more,
you know, um...

Mulling it over.

Ins and outs.

You haven't looked at it yet.

Have you talked to Dev
at all about this?

I feel like he might have an opinion.

Mm-hmm. He, uh, told us
we should just come to you.

So, uh, just take a look
at those dossiers, okay?


And, uh, this is the entryway
and this is the living room.

You know, it's not the biggest
but it's got a fireplace.

And there is the kitchen with
this little, uh, eat-in nook there.

[SIGHS] It's gonna be really nice

cooking the girls' breakfast
in the morning before school.


- [SARAH] I'm gonna get you!

[MANDY] Oh, and wait for
the best part. [LAUGHS]

This is Sarah's room,

- and over there, that's Lily's room.
- [LILY] And this is my room!

- [LILY] No!

And, um, over there is our room.

I mean, um, my room.

Uh, but you know, when you
get back we'll talk. [CHUCKLES]

Uh, anyway. [CHUCKLES]

We're just so excited, Miles.

I... I can't believe that

we can finally buy our own
house thanks to you.

Honestly, I... I never thought
that we'd be able to do that.


Okay. Gotta go. Bye.



[MILES] You okay?

Yeah. They, uh... They posted
the assignments for Goldilocks.

Ah, shit. You didn't get
on the Ranger, huh?

Bastards, why don't they realize...

No, no. I... I did. I, um... [SIGHS]

I... I got on. I am... [CHUCKLES]

I'm on the crew.

Well, shit. That's great, isn't it?

I mean, that's what you wanted.

Yeah, I know. [CHUCKLES]

I know. I've been banging my head

against the wall these past few months,

trying to get back out
there, and now I...


Miles, you should've f*cking
seen us out there.

We... All running up to that board,

looking for our names, you know.

Praying we got a slot.
Thinking that we won the...

the f*cking lottery.

When... When the truth is we
are powerless up here, Miles.

That's what I keep telling you.

Come in with me
on this red obsidian thing.

It's not too late.

People back home are paying anything

to get a piece of Mars.

That way you're not putting
your life on the line

for people who don't
give a shit about you.

No, I don't know. I don't
think I'm there yet.

I've been wanting this my whole life,

you know? I can't just
walk away from it.

Yeah, I get it.


- [DEV] Looking for Malaika.
- She's right over there.

Thank you.

William, move the left side up.

It needs to be straight.



My goodness. What a nice surprise.


God be praised.

Let me look at you.

Are you hungry?

No. I already ate.

I came to say goodbye.


I'm going to Mars.

We're doing something
important up there.

We're building a new world and
it's a better world than this one.

You know you could try
to change things here.

You could make such a difference, Dev.

When you come back,
there is a community...

I'm not coming back.

What do you mean?

I'm staying up there.

You're still chasing your
father's dream, aren't you?

I'm not doing this for him.

That's what you tell yourself.

But these dreams of space
destroyed your father.

Space did not destroy him.

You did.

Everything that he did,
he did for his family.

For our future.

He never recovered after you left us.

I never left you, my son. You know this.

I was there. Don't you remember?

Oh, yes, I remember how I
begged you to come with me.

And you wanted me to leave him
with no one at all?

I could never do that.

The truth is, he had
already infected you

with his disease of ambition.

Okay. God forbid
anybody have any ambition.

Let's just agree that you and I

will never see eye to eye
and part as friends.

You're not my friend. You're my son.

Stay here with me. With your people.
Don't turn your back on them.

You can do so much good for the
young ones. They look up to you.

Harambee, right?

Everybody joining hands,

working together for the good
of the whole. You know,

of all the lies that you told me,

that one was the cruelest one.

But it's okay because I
see how people are now.

If you need anything,

just call this number.

I don't want your money.

I never wanted it.

I just want my son.

Goodbye, Mother.

I understand how you
feel and I apologize.

[CHUCKLES] The president just got
a little carried away, that's all.

He made a grave insult
to the honor of the Soviet Union.

I will issue a statement to clarify

the Soviet Union's crucial role
in the discovery.

You must understand,
Administrator Hobson,

President Korzhenko also faces
enormous political pressure.

Members of the politburo are urging him

to go after the asteroid ourselves.

Irina, you know as well as I do that

neither one of us have the capability

to grab this rock on our own.

Are we really going to let an
amazing opportunity like this

slip through our fingers
'cause of one little screwup?

I think the best course,

in the light of your
president's behavior,

is to negotiate a new agreement

- that specifies...

... how we will divide up the asteroid.

What is the point of previous agreements
if we keep tearing them up?

It would mollify the hard-liners

in our politburo, as well
as Dev Ayesa at Helios.

Well, I am not opposed to a summit

but we would have to include
the other M-7 nations.

Of course,

and we will be more than happy

to host them here in Soviet Union.


With all due respect, Irina,

I think a neutral location would be
the most sensible

in light of the nature
of this conference.

I need to give Korzhenko
some sign of your contrition

if I am to lure him back to the table.

Administrator Hobson?


All right.

I will talk to the president.

Javi, come set the table.


You know, you wouldn't even be alive
if we didn't do stuff like that.

Please stop.


- Hello.

Hey, it's Brandt. The M-7 just announced
an emergency summit

to hash out how much
everyone gets of this asteroid.


Thank you for the update.

It starts first thing next week, so...

- But...
- ... you better start preparing.

Dev will already be on his way
to Mars by then.

Yep. Pack warm.

You're going to the Soviet Union.



[WHISPERING] Mommy loves you, Alex.


[KAREN] God, I miss you.

I miss you so much. [CHUCKLES]

I wish I could be there right now.

I do. Not that... Not that you need me.

Because you are so strong, and
you got this, Kelly. You've got this.

You're stronger than me.

Stronger than all of us put together.

You got this, okay?

And you are gonna be
the best mom. [CHUCKLES]

You are. I keep...

I keep thinking about how
nurturing you've always been.

From the day that your
dad and I met you,

you've nurtured everybody around you.

Even your dad and me. [CHUCKLES]


[SIGHS] I can't wait to
meet my little grandbaby.

I may have...

I may have already
purchased the wallpaper

and the crib for the nursery. [CHUCKLES]

No, I know but I can't help it. [SIGHS]

I love you...

with all my heart.



Show me the angular velocity
estimates for Asteroid 2003LC.

[SIGHS] That's what I thought.

[ED MUTTERING] ... goat rope.

We need your speech, babe.

Zay won't admit it
but he really wants you

to be a big part of the ceremony.

You know, my mom blessed
my marriage to his mother

and now he wants you to bless his.

I know you got a lot
on your mind up there.

All we're seeing on the news is
how important this thing is

and how much y'all gotta do.

But, you know, it's okay to step
out of things for a minute.

Sometimes it helps.

I know whatever you come
up with will be great.





Courtney, Isaiah,


I wish I could be there
with you all today.

I am so happy for you.

Marriage, partnerships... It's, uh...




[DANIELLE] After this,
there's nothing left.

I have to tell him.

I'll come with you.





[DEV] Come in.

Do you have a minute, Dev?


I've given it a lot of thought, and...

I want to go to Mars with you.

Our work is incredibly important to me

and it's important that it's done right.

But here's the thing...

I want to bring my son with me.

I know it sounds crazy with
his health issues and all,

but just hear me out.

I spoke to some of my
former colleagues at NASA,

plus the flight surgeons here
at Helios, and they all agreed

that Alex's cardiopulmonary issues
might actually improve on Mars.

His weaker heart won't have to pump
as hard in one-third gravity,

and the higher oxygen concentrations
inside the base will help offset

his lower lung capacity.

Yes, the month of travel
will be challenging,

but space travel's become safe.


Besides, what seven-year-old wouldn't

wanna be weightless for a few weeks?

I'd tutor him in my free time
so he'd still get an education.

He won't interfere with
the functionality of the base,

and my dad will help
look after him as well.

Dev, I am committed to doing
my job to the best of my ability...

but I can't just abandon my son.

I hope you understand.

[DEV] 'Course I do,

and he'll be welcome.

Thank you.


Milosh, how did we do today?

Great. That new deodorant
is flying off the shelves.

I think that loading dock supervisor

might be turning into a problem.

- Hmm.
- Faiza thinks she's got a way around it

but that, as they say,
is tomorrow's problem.

Yes. You're right.

Tomorrow's problem. [CHUCKLES]


Don't you want to count it?

That's all right. I'm sure it's right.


Let us drink.

To the success.

And to you, Milosh.


To us.

Na zazdrovye.


[CLEARS THROAT] Every time.


What's this?


Ed, I'm...


I've thought long and hard about this,

and I think it might be time for you

to take a step back from flight duty.

Excuse me?

Might be for the best. You let
somebody else command Ranger.

[SCOFFS] Who, like you?

No. It's not about that.

I want you to let the doc
take a look at your hand.


My hand. For what?

You know what for.

This is totally out of line, Danielle.

I thought we were putting aside
our differences, but I guess

that was just a load of bullshit.

Ed, you have been commanding missions,

flying missions,

while concealing a potentially
serious health condition.

All because what? You just...
You just couldn't let go.

I know my body. I know
what works for it. I'm fine.

That is not your call to make
and you know that.

You lied to me. How am
I supposed to trust you?

Come on, Danielle. You know
I'd never put anyone in danger.

I'm not so sure I do anymore.

You should've gone home a long time ago.

Be with your daughter and your grandson.



Is that why you went home so quickly?


Be with your family?

Or maybe it was because you're
the one really running away.

Watch yourself, Ed.

Or what?

You're already talking
about clipping my wings.

What else is there?

You gonna exile me to that
North Korean capsule?


Give me a Bible to read?

- f*ck you!
- There it is.

f*ck you!

I have been putting up with
your shit for the last 30 years!

Watching you make wrong decision
after wrong decision,

only thinking about yourself like
you're God's gift to the cosmos.

Well, I have news for you, Ed Baldwin.

You are just a pathetic old man

who doesn't know when to call it a day.

Yeah. Well, unlike you,
I'm not a f*cking quitter.

No, Ed. And luckily, that is
not your concern anymore.

You're done.

[SCOFFS] What the hell
you talking about?

You are hereby removed
from flight status

and relieved of your duties
as XO on this base.

Come on, Danielle.

Don't do anything you're gonna regret.

I got a lot of regrets in my life, Ed.

This ain't gonna be one of them.