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01x01 - The Sword

Posted: 12/09/23 09:50
by bunniefuu

[mimics g*nshots]


Hey, Princess.

You looking at me? [shouts]

[woman over PA]

Squadrons, report to training area for evaluation.



Anyone seen Catra? -[mumbles]


Not again.

At attention.

Your simulation is beginning.

Here's your scenario.

You'll pass through the treacherous Whispering Woods to the heart of rebel insurgency, Bright Moon.

Your mission, defeat the Queen of the Princesses and liberate Bright Moon.

-Where is Catra? -She will be here.

I promise.


Whispering Woods is full of Princesses.

Violent instigators.

They will take you out if given the chance.

Don't give it to them.

Good luck, recruits.

-Watch out! -Oh, no, no, no! [shouting]

Come on, this way.



Aw, dang it.

-Seriously, Kyle? -Bravo.

Seriously, Kyle? Run! -[Lonnie]

Adora! -[alarm beeping]


[all grunting]


-[alarm beeps]



How's it hanging? Did you really show up late and let us do the hard parts? That is low, even for you.


You know nothing's too low for me.


Come on, you look stupid hanging there.

[woman over pa]

Training exercise completed.


You should have seen your face.

You were like, "Aah, no! Betrayal.

" Oh, come on, we're senior cadets now.

I can't believe you're still pulling such childish, immature-- A mouse? What? Where? [laughing]

-Are you ever going to not fall for that? -Are you ever going to let it go? That was one time.

I know, but it's always funny.

[Shadow Weaver]


Shadow Weaver.

[Shadow Weaver]

You have done well.

You've completed your course in record time.

Uh, well, that wasn't just me.

Catra did, too.

[Shadow Weaver]

Ah, yes.

How someone as unmotivated as you completed the course in that time, I'll never know.

-Always serving up pep talks, huh? -Silence.

Do not be flippant with me, cadet.

-Sorry, Shadow Weaver.

-[Shadow Weaver]

Adora, walk with me.


Lord Hordak has been watching you.

He thinks you are a fine candidate for Force Captain.

Really? Force Captain? Lord Hordak said that? [Shadow Weaver]


He sees great promise in you.

He has elected you the honor of leading a squadron in the invasion of the rebel fortress.

You mean we're finally seeing active duty? -You are seeing active duty.

-I'll be able to bring my team along? Your team is not ready.

They'll only slow you down.

With respect, they've been training hard for this, too.

All Catra wants is to prove herself.

Then she should have worked harder to prove herself to me.

This is what I raised you for, Adora.

Now is your chance to prove yourself.

I saw talent in you the moment I found you as an orphan child and took you in.

Is this not what you've wanted since you were old enough to want anything? -Yes.

-With you at the forefront, we will crush the Bright Moon Rebellion once and for all.

Do not disappoint me.


Send her in.

-Your Majesty.

-You disobeyed orders and led the Rebellion into a dangerous situation after ordered to retreat.

I was trying to protect a village from falling into the Horde's grasp.

You were reckless and put yourself and the others in danger.

Fighting is supposed to be dangerous.

How are we going to hold our own if we retreat? We won't have anything left to defend.

I'm growing tired of your back-talking.

Why did you make me a commander if you won't let me fight? That's enough! You're grounded! -[scoffs]

Mom! -You heard me.

-You never let me do anything! -We are not having this discussion.

You are embarrassing me in front of my court.

Oh, I'm embarrassing you? Go to your room! I'm going! [sighs]


-What'd she say? Hey, what's this? Hey! Give it back.

No way.

You've been promoted? Well, kind of.

I mean, yeah, I guess.


-Not a big deal.

-Are you kidding? That is awesome.

We'll see the world and conquer it.

I need to blow something up.


-Um -What? Shadow Weaver says you're not coming.

What? My time was just as good as yours.

What is her problem? I mean, you are kind of disrespectful.

Why should I respect her? She's just bitter that she doesn't have any real power not from Hordak.

It must be easy being a people pleaser like you.

I am not a pe-- Catra, wait! [sighs]

I'm sorry.

I didn't think you wanted to be a Force Captain.

I don't.

Here, take your stupid badge.

Come on, Catra.

This is what I have been working for my entire life.

I was hoping you could be, I don't know, happy for me.



It's not like I care.

I just wanna get out of this dump before I die of boredom.

I wonder what's outside the Fright Zone.

Why don't we go find out? [Catra]

I take it back.

You're officially awesome.

-I can't believe you stole a skiff.

-Don't make me regret this.

I've always wanted to drive one of these things.

Save us enough fuel to get back.

That is a problem for future Adora and Catra.

-I'm driving.

-I want it.


Can't have it.

[both shouting]

-Let me.

-Give me.

I'm doing it.

-I want it.

-No, I've got it.

Catra! -What is it? -This must be the Whispering Woods.

They say there are strange monsters, and trees move when you're not looking.

Every Horde squadron they've sent in has never come out.

Let's go in.

Wait, what? [yells]


Woo-hoo! [shouting, then laughing]

[both shouting]

Slow down! Catra, tree! Tree! -[grunts]

-Adora! [yelling]



Catra? Huh? Whoa.



[female voice]

Balance must be restored.

Etheria must seek a hero.

[baby crying]

Adora, Adora.

Hey, Adora? Adora! -What happened? -You fell out of the skiff -after you drove it into a tree.

-You drove it.

Up for debate.

Let's go.

-Where is it? Where'd it go? -What? There was a sword.

I tried to touch it, but it got really bright.

Are you brain damaged? Don't be.

Shadow Weaver will k*ll me.

I'm not brain damaged.

It was here, I saw it.

There's nothing here now.

So, let's go.


"Dear Mom, I know you'll never read this, but I have to say it somewhere.

I feel like you don't respect me.

" [shrieks]


Watch it.

You almost hit me.

-Hey, Glimmer! -Shh.

Bow, what are you doing here? What did you say? Come down.

I can't, I'm grounded.

What? I'm grounded.

What? -I'm grounded.



I'm so mad at my mom.

-Is this about the siege? I was just trying to defend another of our villages.

She stationed me there because it's too remote to get att*cked, but it did, and it was my chance to prove I can do this.

She acts like I can't do anything because I'm a Princess.


That doesn't make sense.

Everyone here is a Princess.

-I'm the only one who's not a Princess.


Tell that to my mom.

-Hey, where does this go? -Bottom drawer.

Your mom might have a point.

Only reason you got out of there is your teleportation powers, and they don't always work well.

-Looking for support.

-If you wanna prove yourself, it'll take more than running recklessly into battle.

Luckily, I've got just the thing.

Check this out.

I detected a piece of First Ones tech in the Whispering Woods.

A powerful one, too, by these readings.

If you bring it back, your mom will be impressed.

Did you forget I'm grounded? [knocking on door]


Glimmer? Are you in there? -Uh Glimmer? Everything's fine.

Is someone in there? I heard voices.

No one else is here.

Can you leave me alone? I don't appreciate your tone right now.


What tone? -That attitude won't help.

-You can't act that way-- -[Glimmer]

That's not fair! [door slams]

I'm in.

[all snoring]


[female voice]



-Adora! -[gasps]

-Where are you going? -To the woods.

-There's something I need to figure out.

-What? You're not-- [robot beeping]

What is wrong with you? You've been acting weird.

-Sure you're not brain damaged? -I saw something out there.

I need to get another look.

It feels important.

-Let's go.

-No, I don't want you getting in trouble.

Cover for me.

I'll be back before anyone knows I'm gone.

Adora! Adora! Come on, come on! Tell me we're not lost.

No, this thing is acting up.

It's being overloaded by the tech's signal.

We must be close.

Uh I think it's that way.

What makes you say that? Oh, yeah.

That'll do it.


What are you doing out here? Catra's right, this is crazy.

There's no sword, you just got hit on the head a little hard.

You should go home and forget about this.


Bow, just let me lead the way, okay? [Bow]

Light came from the edge of the forest.

-Yes, it's this way.

-The tracker pad says otherwise.

-It's this way.



-Horde soldier! -I see her! [both yelling]



Bow, catch.

Give me the sword.


Get off.

Stand down.

I don't wanna hurt you.

Since when do Horde soldiers not want to hurt anyone? [all grunting and shouting]


What? [female voice]

Hello, Adora.

Who are you? What's going on? My name is Light Hope.

I have been waiting a long time for you.

I could not reach you until you connected with the sword.

-You sent the sword? -The sword is meant for you.

Etheria has need of you.

Will you answer its call? Will you fight for the honor of Grayskull? What are you talking about? What's Grayskull? You're not making sense.

I don't understand.

You will.

Wait! [grunts]


Hey! She's awake.

-What happened? -Quiet, Horde spy, I ask the questions.

How did you make it this far into the Whispering Woods? I just walked in.

And I'm not a spy.


You just happened to find yourself in the Whispering Woods, like you happened to try and steal our sword.

It's not yours.

I found it first.

The Whispering Woods is under the Rebellion's protection.

You were lucky to make it as far as you did.

Let's get this spy to Bright Moon where she can be interrogated.


Not only do we have First Ones tech, we've also captured a Horde spy.

My mom's gonna be so impressed.

Now come on, on your feet.

You positive we're going the right way? I know what I'm doing, Bow.

Can you trust me for once? I trust you.

But I'm starting to get freaked out.

I grew up in these woods, and I've never seen this part.

I heard stories about weird stuff here.

It's fine.

Just let me figure this out.



Sorry about her.

Usually she's really nice.

Not much for talking, huh? -I don't swap pleasantries with captors.

-Suit yourself.

You know she's a Princess? How can you follow her? Princesses are a dangerous thr*at to everyone.

-Is that what Hordak told you? -I thought it was common knowledge.

They're violent instigators who can't control their powers.


You've never actually met a Princess, have you? -Well, maybe not in person, but -[Glimmer whimpering]

-What happened to this place? -Don't play dumb.

I bet you were part of the party that did this.

What? The Horde didn't do this.

Oh, yeah? You're a heartless destroyer, just like your people.

I am not.

Hordak says we're doing what's best for Etheria.

We're trying to make things better.

More orderly.

This is what's best for Etheria? Since the Horde got here, they've poisoned our land, b*rned our cities, destroying everything.

And you're a part of it! How's that for orderly? This doesn't make any sense.

-The Horde would never do this.

-Did you really not know any of this? I mean, your army is called the Evil Horde.

Who calls us that? Everybody.

The Horde rescued me as a baby and gave me a home.

They're my family.

You don't know them like I do.

Maybe you don't know them like you think.

[Glimmer shouting]

-There's something big out there.

-How big? [ground rumbling]

So, pretty big then.


Watch out! [grunting and shouting]


[Glimmer yelling]


Hey, bug brain! Come on, Magic Sword.

Where's a blinding flash of light when you need one? [Light Hope]




[baby crying]

Will you fight for the honor of Grayskull? For the honor of Grayskull!