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03x06 - The Portal

Posted: 12/09/23 10:35
by bunniefuu
Woo-hoo! That was awesome.

Can we do it one more time? Oh, that's quite enough for today.

Besides Did you two go flying without me? Dad.

You're back.

Think fast.

You're getting good at that.

- I've been practicing.

- Yes.

She only blew up my flower garden twice.

Welcome home, love.

You were having so much fun without me, you can't have missed me much.


Your Majesties.

We caught a girl sneaking into Bright Moon from the Whispering Woods, trying to break into the princess' chambers.

What? Please, escort the princess safely to her room until we determine the trespasser's intentions.


We're on the edge of greatness Turning darkness to light We're right beside you ready to fight We're gonna win in the end We must be strong And we must be brave We must be brave We gotta find every bit of strength That we have and never let it go We must be strong Glimmer.

What is going on? Everyone's really freaked out.

There's a trespasser in Bright Moon.

We need to figure out who she is.

Why do we need to figure out who she is? Because I don't know.

I just feel like I know her somehow, so, we're gonna sneak in and spy - while my parents interrogate her.

- What? I know it sounds crazy.

But she came here for a reason, and I need to know why.

If you wanna stay behind, just tell me.

- I want to stay behind.

- Hmm.

Didn't hear anything.

Let's go.

Bring in the prisoner.

King Micah? You're here? Oh, you look different than your mural.

This is a truth spell.

You will be compelled to answer honestly.

Now tell us, who are you, and why did you break into Bright Moon? Okay.

Wow, this is gonna be a lot to explain.

Um, ahem And it's gonna sound a little weird, but I swear, it's all true.

Reality is collapsing in on itself because of the portal that Hordak and Catra set off.

They're from the Horde, except you don't remember the Horde, because the Fright Zone disappeared, like, just now.

It was pretty crazy.

It got erased by the portal.

But I promise it used to exist, and we were fighting them with the Princess Alliance.

I had a sword that could turn me into an 8-foot-tall warrior lady with great hair named She-Ra, but the Horde used the sword to set off the portal, and I need Glimmer and Bow to help stop it and save Etheria.

I Uh Who are you? How do you know my daughter and the royal apprentice historian? He's a historian here? That doesn't matter.

We're best friends.

I've never seen you before.

Well, that's because normally you're dead.

Are you threatening the king? How dare you say such a thing? I'm sorry, but none of this is right.

You must have noticed it.

What did you do yesterday? There's a reason you can't remember.

This world is not real.

I have heard quite enough.

Angella, it's all right.

I need to talk to Bow and Glimmer.

They're the strongest people I know.

I need their help to stop reality from falling apart.

Guards, escort this woman to our holding cell.

The spare room.


You have to believe me.

Don't listen to her.

She's lying.

- But your truth spell - I must have done it wrong.

There's no way anything she said could be true.

It's It's not possible.



I knew you guys would Do you remember me at all? Listen, crazy lady.

My dad has never messed up a spell.

You were telling the truth in there.

How can that be? Of course you were listening in.

I should've known.

Okay, will you stop acting like you know us? We've never met you.

Yes, you have.

Bow, you saved our lives more times than I can count.

You're a great fighter, a genius inventor, and you shouldn't worry about what your dads think.

They're proud of you, just like I am.

And, Glimmer, you never give up, and you never admit defeat.

I know making friends is hard for you, yet you're the one who pulled us all together.

I've never met anyone like you.

None of that is true.

I'm just a princess.

And Bow isn't a fighter.

He's Bow.

This This isn't right? I mean, everything is perfect.

Everyone keeps saying everything is perfect.

My dad He's gone, isn't he? Yes.

I'm sorry, Glimmer.

Uh What's that? It's starting to happen here, too.

We don't have much time.

- So, what do we do now? - We fix reality, uh, somehow.

Look, Razz told me to go back to the beginning, but I don't know what that means.

Okay, well, you said a portal did all of this.

Can you think of anyone who'd know how to make a? Entrapta.

Of course.


Glimmer, can you teleport us to Dryl? What? I barely managed to teleport me and Bow in here.

Then we'll just have to do this the Best Friend Squad way.

Run! Go.



This is how we normally do things? Yeah.

We improvise.

I really don't like improvising.

We have to get out of Bright Moon before it disappears like the Fright Zone.

Princess, you shouldn't be Is that the prisoner? Sorry.

There was a door here.

Uh, guys? Step away from my daughter.


Mom, stop.

Can't you see what's happening? Angie? What's wrong? I'm sorry, for everything.

But we have to make this right.



Do I know you? Angie? We'll get her back, Angie.

And then everything will be perfect again.

This is perfect, my love, but it's not real.

I remember now.

I miss you so much.

But Glimmer needs my help, and I can't stay with nothing but memories.

Angella? I Goodbye, Micah.


Angella, wait.

I'm not This is fascinating.

I've never had non-robots visit me before.

Usually it's just me and all my friends.

Friends? Aren't they amazing? And if they break, I can just make new friends.

Tiny snacks? Oh, sorry about that.

They're still getting the hang of people food.

Unless this is what you eat.

I have so many questions.

Tell me everything.

Entrapta, I know what I'm about to say sounds crazy Is this about the unstable portal slowly consuming and warping our reality? You're not gonna believe What did you just say? Oh, I figured it out a while ago.

An unstable portal is the only thing that would account for all the anomalies I've been picking up in my research.

The portal exists somewhere in our world, and as long as it's still open, it's gonna keep destabilizing reality, making things disappear faster and faster, until, bam, there's nothing left.

Which is a bad thing.

- How do we stop it? - Portals are gateways, wormholes that connect one area of space to another.

The only way to turn it off is from the inside.

But whoever shuts the portal down can't leave.

They'll be trapped between realities, possibly forever.

Oh, imagine the data they could collect.

Wait, so, whoever turns it off will be trapped inside it forever? - Exactly.

- There must be another way.

Try to remember, Entrapta, when you and Hordak built the Portal Machine.


I remember.

I had a lab partner, Hordak.

Mm We were friends, and then Catra Oh.

I remember everything now.

I'm not really here.


No, this can't be happening already.

We should have more time.

There is no more time.

It all makes sense now.

It's your sword.

That portal is centered on you.

It's following you.

What? No! You need to remove the sword from the inside.

It's powering the portal.

As soon as it's gone, everything will be right again.

It was nice being friends with you.


- Where are we? - We're at the Beacon.

Stars? Adora, what is happening? It's what Entrapta said.

Reality is unraveling faster now.

I I think we might be too late.

Mara? Stay here.

Entrapta said the portal is centered on me.

You're at risk as long as we're together.

If I draw it away No.

I know what you're thinking, Adora.

You said you knew us? Well, we know you.

You can't relax to save your life.

You're terrible at acting.

You're stubborn and headstrong, and you're our best friend.




You got this, Adora.

We believe in you.

Hey, Adora.

Oh Where are your friends? - Catra, stop.

You have to - It's always the same with you, Adora.

"I have to do this.

Oh, we have to do that.

" Let's be honest, all of this is your fault.

If you hadn't gotten captured, your sword wouldn't have opened the portal.

If you hadn't gotten the sword and been the world's worst She-Ra, none of this would've happened.

Admit it, Adora, the world would still be standing if you had never come through that portal in the first place.

You made me this.

You took everything from me.

You broke the world, and it is all your fault.

No, it's not.

I didn't make you pull the switch.

I didn't make you do anything.

I didn't break the world, but I am gonna fix it.

And you? You made your choice.

Now live with it.


Hold on.

I remember, Adora.

I know this world isn't our own.

How do we fix this? Go back to the beginning.

Razz meant my beginning.

To the place I came through as a baby.

I can fix everything.

I just need to go into the portal and pull out the sword.

That'll turn it off and everyone will come back safe and sound.

And you'll come back safe, too? Adora, you'll come back, too, right? I have to do this.

This is my destiny.

Oh, Adora, no.

This is not it.

But this is the only way to fix things.

Do you want to know a secret? I am a coward.

What? No.

I've always been the queen who stays behind.

Micah was the brave one.

And then Glimmer Oh, Glimmer.

So much like her father.

And once again I stayed behind, letting her make the hard choices, letting her be brave for me.

I told myself I was being responsible, but, Adora, I was just scared.

And then I met you.

You inspired us.

You inspired me.

Not because it was your destiny, but because you never let fear stop you.

And now I choose to be brave.


Your Majesty.


Take care of each other.

For the honor of Grayskull.

Huh? We have to go now.


See? We told you, you could do it.

Woo-hoo! Yes, we did it.

We did it.

Touching as this is, we need to go.


We did it.

Did we do it? We did it.

I'm probably going to be grounded for the rest of my life, but reality is back to normal.

Speaking of which, I guess I should go find my mom.

Maybe she'll be so happy to see me that she'll forget about grounding me.

Adora, what is it? Angella, she stayed behind.

She She She saved us.

So, that's where you've been, little brother.