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01x03 - The Wiggies/Rapunzel/Hair to Stay/Coming to Life

Posted: 12/09/23 14:21
by bunniefuu
Rudy's got the chalk.

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

Rudy's got
the chalk.

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, chalkzone ♪

Rudy's got
the chalk.

♪ The chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

Rudy's got
the chalk.

♪ The chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalkzone ♪


[Quack quack]

[Hoot hoot]

Here's a new place
for the map of
chalkzone, penny.

Yes. I'm already
marking down
its coordinates.

"Wiggie island."

Yup, this place is
wiggy, all right.

"Danger. Keep off."

Huh. You think it's
some kind of warning
or something?

Yes, I do.

And I think
we'd better--

aw, come on.
It doesn't look
very dangerous to me.

[Music playing]

Oh, look, Rudy,
an accordian worm--

yet another
unique example of
chalkzone wildlife.

Give us a tune,

Oh, ok.

Um, let's see.

♪ Accordian worm,
accordian worm ♪

♪ I'm playing
the accordian worm ♪

♪ I'm so glad
that it's my turn ♪

♪ to play the accordian worm ♪

♪ accordian worm,
accordian worm ♪

♪ accordian, accordian,
accordian worm ♪

♪ I'm so glad
that it's my turn ♪

♪ to play the accordian worm ♪

♪ accordian worm,
accordian worm ♪

♪ great big squiggly
accordian worm ♪

♪ it's not hard,
it's easy to learn ♪

♪ to play the accordian worm ♪


Uh-oh. Stand back.
It's a wiggie.



This is

Now get it off
of me, Rudy!


Yuck. What
creepy little--

get off my hair.

I forgot to
tell you, Rudy.

These wiggies,
they eat hair.

I hear that once
they get to gumming you,

they're mighty hard
to get rid of.

I, for one,
am fortunate

in that I have
no hair.

Hey, thanks
for drawing me
bald, Rudy.

Don't mention it.

Rudy: Nice shot,

Yeah, but that little
sucker will be back,
Mark my words.

I'd advise
you hairy guys

to make like an egg
and beat it.

Ugh. Good idea.
Come on, penny.

We can finish the map
of chalkzone some other day.

Ok, then,
we'll see you later.

Ciao for now.
Arriveducky, baby.

Now where did that
accordian worm disappear to?

Here, boy.


I can still feel
that thing's yucky
gums on my scalp.

Me, too.
It was gross.

it's over now.


No, it's not.

My head is covered
with wiggie goo.

Blech. Let's go
get some towels.

Ha ha ha!


See, penny,

the wiggie goo
comes right off.

There was nothing
to worry about.

Well, perhaps I did
overreact a little.

Oops, forgot to shut
the chalk door.

Well, that's one
trip to chalkzone

that I'll be
glad to...

[Dog barking]



Woman: Aah! Aah!

The wiggies!
The wiggies!




Rudy, this is
a catastrophe!

I know, and it's
all my fault.

I left the chalkzone
entrance open.

Oh, well, maybe
the wiggies have had

their fill
of hair by now.

[People screaming
and yelling]

Oh, this is terrible!
Get them away from me!

We've got to
do something.


Here, we'll wash
those wiggies away.

No, penny, wait!


We can't spray
the wiggies with water.

They're made of chalk.

Water will erase them

We have to think of
another way.

You're right.
I forgot about that.

Uh, got any ideas?

I'm going back
into chalkzone.


Yeah. Maybe snap
will know how we can
get rid of these wiggies.

But what
should I do?

Just keep things
under control
till I get back.

Oh, no.

No, no.
No, you don't!


♪ Accordian worm,
accordian worm ♪

♪ playing well
is not my concern ♪

♪ I'm so glad that-- ♪

Hey, come back here,
you darn--



I didn't expect
to see you back here

so soon after your little
run-in with the--

snap, wiggies!
Tons of 'em.

Going crazy
in plainsville.


How'd they get into

I left the chalkzone
entrance open.

Oh, Rudy.

I know, I know,
it's my responsibility.

So what do I do, snap?

Rudy, face facts.

Those wiggies
obviously go gaga
for real human hair,

and you live in
a very hairy place, Rudy.

Oh, no offense.

Now, if you could
figure out a way to
get them back in here,

they might go back to--

grazing on chalk hair.

Of course. That's it.

I'll do it!

I'll lure the wiggies
back into chalkzone.

But how, Rudy?

You're competing
with a very hairy
smorgasbord out there.

Woman: Hello.
This is Terry bouffant

coming to you live
from downtown plainsville,

which has been under siege
since early evening,

terrorized by
the most horrible monsters

this reporter has ever seen.

They eat hair.

What are these
weird hair gobblers?

Where do they come from?

We asked everyone
we could find.

Man: As mayor
of plainsville,

it is my job to know
what's going on at all times.

Bouffant: Whatis
going on, Mr. Mayor?

Ahem. I have no idea.

But I assure you we're doing
everything possible to--

I believe zey are
ze extraterrestrial creatures

from ze planet hairball,

located in ze feline galaxy.

It's the plague--

the plague that was prophesied
by nostril Thomas

in the year 191919.

As usual,
no one has a clue.

the bizarre att*cks continue.

Earlier this evening,

one Reginald bullnerd
came under attack

when the horrid monsters
tried to devour his sweater.

Bullnerd: Help, help!
Nurse, nurse! Mommy!

Hee hee hee!

Help! Help! Nurse!

Hi, mommy.

Only when they discovered

that the sweater was not
real mohair

but a polyester imitation,

did they leave him behind

and head straight for
the city zoo.

[Animal noises]

And now,
we're back live
with Ken spark

of the plainsville
volunteer fire

Ken, you look like
a man with a plan.

That I am, miss bouffant.

Them hair-loving monsters
just had a big feast,

but there's plenty more
animals left in the zoo.

Heck, they didn't even
get to the wombat cage,

so we figure they'll
be headin' back this
way right soon.

And when they do,
I'm a-gonna zap 'em

with this 58-centimeter,

21-ton hose-a-matic.

Penny: No!
You mustn't do that!

And just who
might you be,
little missy?

I'm penny Sanchez,

and I know
what these creatures are.

Oh, yeah, right.

And just
what could you,
a young girl,

know about

Well, they're
called wiggies,
and they eat hair,

so everybody
should, um...

Wear hairnets and...
Shower caps

and, uh, football helmets
until Rudy taboody gets back.


Because he'll know
what to do.

It's a little late
for your helmet advice,
don't you think, penny?

And where is this Rudy
coming back from?



That's right, Greenland.

And when Rudy gets back
from Greenland--

ok, I think
we've heard enough.

Uh-oh. Stand back.
Here they come.

Ok, boys, let's get us
some water pressure.

We're gonna blast
those little suckers!

No! Please,
you mustn't!

Why don't you run along
and play, little lady,

and let a man do
a man's job?

Rudy: Yo, wiggies!


Hold your fire,

This must be
Rudy taboody
of Greenland.

And he's wearing
an old,

incorrect fur coat
and hat ensemble.

Hi, penny.
Ugh. Nice haircut.

Here, wiggie,
wiggie, wiggies!

Do you realize what
you're doing, Rudy?

Ugh. Oh, yeah.

Over here, wiggies.
You want a piece of me?

Come on, penny.
I need your help.

Let's go!
It's a low-speed chase!


Rudy taboody
is running up the stairs
of a plainsville house.

Bouffant, breathlessly:
What happened to Rudy?

Oh, he had to take
the wiggies back to Greenland.

Rudy: Well, penny,
we did it.

We got rid of
the wiggies

and kept the secret
of chalkzone.

Penny: Yeah.

And thanks to you,
plainsville can regrow
its hair in peace.

People just can't stand
the idea of being bald.

Doesn't it bother you
just a little, Rudy?

Aw, it'll grow back.

And anyway,
it's what's inside
the head that matters,

not what's on top of it.

Although I do like
your new 'do, penny.

It was the last one
Wendy's wig shop
had, Rudy.

Here, let me
try it.


Look at me!
I'm a traffic cone!

You give it back,
Rudy taboody!

Right this way
to see...


the incredible...

Queen rapsheeba!

Step right this way!

Snap: Oh, wait'll
you get a load of
queen rapsheeba, guys.

Sheis rapunzel.

Have you seen this
show before, snap?

Oh, sure,
uh, 3 times!

I'm crazy for that
queen rapsheeba.

I mean,
ain't she something?

She's cute.

She's a knockout!

Oh, I'd do anything
to meet her.

I tell ya, this girl
is electric!


Look at that!

Rudy: Some kid must
have drawn that
this morning

and then erased it.

Penny: It's coming
this way!

That thing could
today's show!

Rudy, you've gotta
draw something!

Uh, what do you
draw to stop that?


Whatever it is,
do it fast,

or you're gonna see an awful lot
of fried rapsheeba fans.

Fans! That's it!

Rudy, draw a fan,
and make it a big one!

Great idea, penny!

Yup, yup,
yup, yup...

Man: Ha ha ha! Hello!

And welcome
to the globe theater's
presentation ofrapunzel.

Heh heh heh heh!

And now,
will you please give it up
for the star of our show,

queen rapsheeba!

♪ Ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ ah ♪

♪ oh ♪
♪ oh ♪

♪ ah, ah, ah ♪
♪ ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ ah, ah, ah ♪
♪ ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ ah ♪

Hey there, zoners.
How's it poppin'?

[Loud whirring]

Wait a minute,
wait a minute!

What's that noise?

There's a disruption
interruptin' my eruption!

D-oh! It's the fan

Oh, you're right!

Uh, I'll take care of it
for you, Ms. Rapsheeba!

Problem solved,
Ms. Rapsheeba!

I mean--queen.


[Music playing]

♪ Ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ ah, ah, ah ♪

♪ ah ♪

♪ where is the 411
gonna give me the search? ♪

♪ I'm a girl named rapunzel,
captured by a witch ♪

♪ I'm up in a tower
way high in the air ♪

♪ with nothin' to do
but grow my hair ♪

♪ and her hair
just grows ♪

♪ and grows ♪
♪ and grows ♪

♪ and grows ♪
♪ and grows ♪

♪ and grows ♪
♪ and grows ♪

♪ and grows ♪
♪ and grows ♪

♪ and grows and grows ♪

♪ and when the witch comes by,
here's how it goes ♪

♪ rapunzel, rapunzel ♪

♪ let down
your long hair ♪

♪ rapunzel, rapunzel ♪

♪ let down
your long hair ♪

Is this great, or what?


What I want to know
is, if the witch
can fly,

how come she needs
to climb up
rapunzel's hair?

Who brought you?

♪ Then along comes
a knight ♪

♪ knighty-knight,
knighty-knight ♪

♪ and his suit is silver,
and his steed is white ♪

♪ and he looks at me,
and he's struck by love ♪

♪ and he sends me a token
by tossing his glove ♪

♪ and I feel our hearts
go boom ♪

♪ and boom ♪
♪ and boom ♪

♪ and boom ♪
♪ and boom ♪

♪ and boom ♪
♪ and boom ♪

♪ and boom ♪
♪ and boom ♪

♪ and boom ♪
♪ and boom ♪

♪ and boom ♪
♪ and boom ♪

♪ and he asks
if he could come up to my room ♪

♪ rapunzel, rapunzel ♪

♪ let down
your long hair ♪

♪ whaddya say? ♪
♪ rapunzel,
rapunzel ♪

♪ let down
your long hair ♪

♪ ok ♪

♪ ah ah ah ♪

♪ ah ah ah ♪

♪ ah ah ah ♪

♪ ah ♪

♪ I see ♪

♪ what's goin' on ♪

♪ and I see ♪

♪ what's happenin' ♪

♪ and I know ♪

♪ what's goin' on ♪

♪ that's it!
I'm steppin' in ♪


♪ Hello, slim,
it's time for a trim ♪

♪ the witch
is gonna get ya ♪

♪ gonna get ya,
gonna cut your hair ♪

♪ the witch is
gonna get ya... ♪



♪ The witch is
gonna get ya ♪


I swear, I didn't know
this thing was loaded.


[Audience screaming]

Penny: Rudy, outside.

Where are you going?
We gotta do something!

Look out!


Are you all right,

[Speaking gibberish]



Way to go,

But I guess
it's curtains
for the show.

The set has been

I could take care
of that problem.

After all,
the show must go on!

Wow! Mighty fine
set design.

But who's gonna
play the knight?

My leading man
ran off.

Oh, queen rapsheeba,
I'd do anything for youse.

My man!

Yeah, that's me.

Come on.
Let's put on a show!

♪ And the knight came runnin',
even though he couldn't see ♪

♪ 'cause he heard my singin',
and he knew it was me ♪

♪ ah ah ah ♪

♪ ah ah ah ♪

♪ ah ah ah ♪

♪ ah ♪

You all right
down there, penny?



♪ And they lived
ever after happily ♪

♪ rapunzel, rapunzel ♪

♪ let down your long hair ♪

♪ rapunzel, rapunzel ♪

♪ let down your long hair ♪

♪ ah ah ah ♪

♪ ah ah ah ♪

♪ ah ah ah ♪

♪ ah ♪

[Cheers and applause]

Oh, I'm sure to win
first place

in the peanut butter
and jelly sculpture
contest today

with this self-portrait.

[Doorbell chimes]


[Mustache barking]

What the--uhh!

Walloping whiskers!
I got a mustache!

Hey, if you're lookin' for
a face to live, keep lookin'!

Aw, now I look nothing
like my sculpture.

I gotta get to
that sculpture contest,

but I can't go
looking like this.

Hey, let's get
going here.

Coming right up, sir.

You gotta take care
of the mustache.

Great gumballs!
That's not what I meant!

Get me the clippers.

[Clippers growling]


[Mustache whimpering]




Aah! Help! No!

[Barber shouting

That's it.
I'm out of here.

[Mustache barking]

Last call for the peanut butter
and jelly sculpture contest!

Can I help you?

I'm here for
the sculpture contest.

What's that?

Oh, my sculpture.

It's ruined.

It's all because of you.
You ruined everything.

That's it.
Get out of my face!

[Mustache whimpering]


[Mustache sobbing]

[Clippers buzzing]

[Mustache shouting]

Hey, that sounds like...

Oh, no!

Snap: Hey, hair breath,
lay off of my whiskers.

Let's dance.


Boy, what a long day.

Ahh! I'm beat.

Well, my furry little friend,
sleep tight.


Ok, ok,
but just for tonight.

Sweet dreams.

[Mustache purrs]

[Drum beating]

♪ There are doors
that are ready
to be opened ♪
♪ uh-huh ♪

♪ you don't even need
a key or a token ♪
♪ uh-uh ♪

♪ but if you push, shove,
want it bad enough ♪

♪ just when you thought
you couldn't win, you're in ♪

♪ you're coming to life,
coming to life ♪

♪ coming to life ♪

♪ coming to life,
coming to life ♪

♪ coming to life ♪

♪ you were nothin',
now you're somethin' ♪

♪ and your blood
is really pumpin' ♪

♪ 'cause you're coming to life,
coming to life ♪

♪ take a look at all the junky
junk you're dumpin' ♪

♪ coming to life ♪

♪ you were beggin',
you were draggin' ♪

♪ you were sick,
and you were saggin' ♪

♪ now you're coming to life,
coming to life ♪

♪ now you really got a reason
to be braggin' ♪

♪ coming to life ♪

♪ coming to life,
coming to life ♪

♪ coming to life ♪

♪ coming to life,
coming to life ♪

♪ coming to life ♪

♪ coming to life,
coming to life ♪

♪ coming to life ♪

Come in to life!

♪ Chalk ♪

♪ chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪