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02x01 - Hole in the Wall/The Terrible 2 and a Halfs/Superhero Snap/I'm Back and Bluer Than Ever

Posted: 12/09/23 14:23
by bunniefuu
♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
a-chalk, a-chalk chalkzone ♪♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
a-chalk, a-chalkzone ♪♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
a-chalk, a-chalk chalkzone ♪♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk... ♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
a-chalk, a-chalk chalkzone ♪♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
a-chalk, a-chalkzone ♪♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
a-chalk, a-chalk chalkzone ♪♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
a-chalk, a-chalk chalkzone ♪♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
a-chalk, a-chalk... ♪♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪♪

♪♪ ...a-chalk, a-chalk
chalkzone ♪♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪♪

♪♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪♪

♪♪ chalk, chalk, chalk,
chalk, chalk, chalk... ♪♪

Come on.

Rudy, what
are you doing?



They're tearing down
old clunkwright school
today, see?

You mean the place
where your father
went to school?

And your father's

Yes, and we've
got to get in there
before they demolish it.


Great. Let's go.

Rudy, why are you
so interested

in getting
into this old school?

When my dad
was in fifth grade,

he wrote my mother
a love letter.

He did?

Yes. She was
the champion speller

in the county
spelling bee,

and he thought she was
the prettiest girl

he'd ever seen.


And he wrote her
a love letter.

But he never sent it.

[Gasps] Why not?

He chickened out.

Oh, how romantic.

And he stashed the letter

under the loose footboard
near his desk.

It's been there
ever since.

Rudy, we have to
retrieve that letter.

It's part of
your family history.

I know.
And tonight,

for my parents'

I'm gonna surprise them
with a blast from their past.

Now, if I can just--

[tires screech]

what are you doing?

This school
should've been
knocked down hours ago.

We could already be
selling overpriced coffee

at our new strip mall.

Uh, gee, Vinnie,

the wrecking ball
isn't working right.

You're not
working right, Ricky.

Now listen.

You're my brother,
and I love you dearly,

but if you don't
turn this school

into a pile of rubble
by 3:00 this afternoon,

I'll do it myself,

and use you
as the wrecking ball!


that feels good.


My goodness.
How do we get
into the school now?

You mean without
getting bit by dogman?

If only there
was a back door.

Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

Where there's
a school...

There's a chalkboard.

Come on!

to these coordinates,

the chalkboard
at the old school's

3 meters beyond
that eyeball bush.

No, lower.

And a little
to the right.

Yes, that should be it.

Ok. Here goes.


It's the school.


[Coughs] Rudy!


Look, a dunce cap.

If Mr. Wilter
had one of these,

I'd be wearing it
all the time.

Come on, let's look
for that letter.

Dad said he
stuck it under
a loose floorboard.


All the floorboards
are loose.

Then we should be able
to find it fast.

You take that side,
and I'll take--

Ricky: Ok, Vinnie.
I'm ready!

Let her rip, Ricky!





Ricky, you idiot!

Ooh, catch those kids!

Ooh, I'm gonna have
you kids locked
away for life.


Take those punks down
to the station house

and book 'em
for trespassing.

And then come back

and destroy
this school!

How the heck
did they get in there?

[Rudy gasps]

Oh, no!



What the...

I've got to get back
in that school.

That letter
isn't worth it, Rudy.

No, we left
the portal open!



Let go!

This is unacceptable!



Forget the strip mall.

I'm gonna turn
this chalk world

into the greatest
theme park

in the universe.

Hello, vinnieland!




Trespassing on
a construction site.

That's serious.

I'm gonna
have to call
your parents.

Both: Yes, officer.

[Phone rings]

I've gotta go back
into chalkzone.

We're already in
enough trouble, Rudy.

Running away
from the police station
isn't going to help.

I know.
You stay here,

but I've got to go.

It's my job
to protect chalkzone.

Why, Rudy?
Why is it your job
to protect chalkzone?

Because I've got
the chalk.


I'm gonna be rich.

Rich! Rich! Rich!

This baby is gonna
make a great ride
for the toddlers.



All right,
note to self--

get giant baby harness
to control giant baby.


Hey, Rudy.

There's some creapazoid
sizing up chalkzone

like he owns the place.

I know, and he's already
started trashing it.

Is he a friend
of yours?

No, way, I just--

then why did you let
him in, Rudy tabootie?

I let you have all
the magic chalk you want

I thought you were
a responsible creator.

But now you have
allowed this--this--

uh, creapazoid.

into our midst!

Well, what can
the creapazoid
do to chalkzone?

Let me show you.

This man cares nothing

for the wonder
of chalkzone,

only the plunder
of chalkzone.

He would enslave us
and give us all jobs.

Snap: Jobs?!

Chalkzone will become
worse than it was

even in the years of yore.

And it will be all
your fault, Rudy taboo--

Biclops, I promise
to drive this rat

back through
the hole in the wall
he crawled out of.

And I know
just how to do it.

But I'll need some time.

rally the troops.

Yes, sir!

Hello, hello.
Is this thing on?

Can you hear me
on the chalkie-talkie,
general tabootie?

Loud and clear,
lieutenant snap.

I need you to
keep the invader
near the portal

while I prepare
the secret w*apon.

Are you ready
with the first
chalkzone airborne?

Aye, aye, sir.

Good. Send in
the badly-drawn planes.

Ha ha ha!

Oh, you'll be a winner
at the petting zoo.

Chalks away!

All direct hits.

Let me see.


All right!

A great finale
for a fireworks display.

He actually
seems to like it.

Ok, then. Hit him
with the monster mash.

Now you're talking,
general tabootie.

I still need more
scary attractions
for the big kids.





He's heading
for the portal.


Oh, boy.

You guys
are smoking.

Can I get
a group photo?

[Shutter clicks]

Rudy: Strange fella!

You still haven't tried
our greatest thrill ride.

What? Who's that?

You mean there's more?

Oh, yes.
There's much more.

Are you ready
to clean up your act

in the car wash
of doom?

Oh, boy, oh, boy,
oh, boy, oh, boy.

Are ya...Comfy?

Oh, yes!






Ah, ha ha!

Oh, this is great.
Just great!

I'm rich, rich,
rich, rich, rich!


Great work,
Rudy tabootie.

You have driven away
the intruder

and saved chalkzone...

Both: Almost?

There's one more thing
left to do.

Right. Erase the portal.

Hi, Vinnie.
I thought you

were never coming
out of that school.

School? Ha!

Ricky, that's no school.

I know, Vinnie.

Not anymore.


No. No!


Wh-where was everything?

It was here.

we were zillionaires.

What did it--how--


Look at this.

And this. And this.

Have you ever seen
anything like it?

Those are nice
kids' drawings, Vinnie.

Ha. Where'd you
get them?

They aren't drawings,
Ricky! They're real.

It was a real place
made of--of chalk.

This is the guy
who wants

to press charges
for trespassing?

I don't think so.

It was smart of you

to come back and face
the music, Rudy.

You kids
go on home now.

Thanks, sergeant.

Oh, no, no, no.
That baby was real.

And that stick guy

Don't I know that kid?


That was a close one.

Yeah, chalkzone is safe,

and that--
that creapazoid

doesn't have any idea
how to get back in.

I just wish we could
have gotten the--[Grunts]

"The day you won
the spelling bee..."

Rudy, it's your
father's love letter.


"I couldn't take
my eyes off you

when you were

That's so romantic.

I can see
why he never sent it.

Ha ha ha. Rudy.

[Both laughing]

You mean there's more?


It's the cover
for my newest,

greatest, most scary
comic book ever--

vampire cannibals
from Idaho.

Oh, it's deliciously
[Doorbell rings]


Oh, how sweet.

You drew a picture

of our family
having a picnic.

It's not a picnic.
It's a feast of vamp--

don't be
so touchy, Rudy.

Company's here.
[Door closes]

Girl: Rudy!

Sophie--ha ha ha!

Hi, aunt tillie.


[Gasps] Rudy!

I can't thank you
and penny enough

for agreeing
to baby-sit Sophie.

She's been
looking forward
to it all week.

She's an artist,
you know.

Mom: Hee, wow.

She's a natural.

Just like you, Rudy.

Like me?

This is a circle
with squiggles.

Tillie: Sophie!
That's not nice.

Oh, tots
will be tots.

no big deal.

No big deal?

It is a big deal.

I'm the artist.
She's a baby.

I think it's time
the 3 of you go upstairs

and play nice.

Here you go.
Draw on this.

At least with chalk
she can't ruin

I care about.

Aren't you worried

she might draw
something dangerous

that'll get erased
into chalkzone?

Like what?
She's 2 1/2.

All she draws
is steel wool.

Sophie: I like that.



No, wait! Soph!

Ow! Ouch!





The chalk!

Rudy, get your magic--

are you kids
all right in there?

What's all
the shouting about?

Oh, ha ha, we're
just playing a game.

A game of...Shouting
hide and seek,

and I'm it.

Ready or not,
here I come!

Well, back
to our mantra.

Om. Ha ha.





Well, steel wool does
come in handy sometimes,

huh, soph?

Soph? Sophie!

Hiya, Rudy.

Hey, check it out.

Ain't it
the squiggliest?

Did a little girl
give you that?

A brand-new creator.

No, no, no, no.
She's not a creator.

She's my little
cousin Sophie.

Ok, whatever you say.

Look, I've got to get her
out of chalkzone fast.

Hi, Rudy!

Bye-bye, Rudy.

That little tyke

is headin' for
the mumbo-jumbo jungle.

Rudy, you gotta
draw something.

Use the chalk!

Use the chalk!

I forgot the chalk.

Use the chalk!
Use the chalk!

Will you please
be quiet?!

I don't know
what you're gonna do
without chalk, Rudy.

Hey, maybe
you can use some of
the little creator's.


Come on, blocky.
Rudy's gonna need
some help.

Sophie: Rudy!


Great gumballs!

She falls,
and splat!

We're doomed!

And you
with no chalk.






Whoa! Me next!
Me next!

Say, now
that took talent.

It's just dumb luck,

with the emphasis
on "dumb."


Aw, now where'd
they go?

Look, we can
follow the trail
of fresh works of art.

You mean squiggles!

Can't stand
the competition,
huh, Rudy?

Mom: ♪♪ Rudy ♪♪



But I like eggs
on my sneakers.

But those
are my sneakers.

Oh, we're doing
a sock puppet show

for Rudy's
action figures.

Aw, sock puppets.

I guess all
the room's a stage.

[Laughing together]





Soph? Eureka!

We're getting warm, Rudy.

Here's another masterpiece
from the young maestro.

Aah! Quit calling them

They're just
silly squiggles.

You know, Rudy,

you weren't always such
a hot-shot artist yourself.

Gee, thanks
for the support.

Everybody's gotta
start somewhere, bucko.

I'll bet there are
lots of silly squiggles

around chalkzone
that you drew.

In fact, I'm looking

at one of your early
drawings right now.

[Gasps] Sophie!

Oh, look out.

Stop. Don't move.




Sure hope she doesn't
run out of chalk.


Wow, smart move, Sophie.

You created something.

It wasn't
by accident, either.

I got you covered,


Sophie, please.

You gotta stay still
for a sec.



Snap: Uh-oh.

There's a rhino
in that field of tulips.

[Sophie giggling]


Oh, you still need
a few magic chalk lessons

before going solo, soph.

May I please have
the chalk?

Ah, thank you.

Now, let's
get you home.

Let's go!


Ok, kids.
Time to say good-bye.

Oh, hi.

Uh, we're playing
hide and seek again.

I wonder where
they could be.

Come out, come out,
wherever you are.

Ollie, Ollie, oxenfree!

Well, what do you know?

They were hiding
under the chalkboard
all along.

You little dickens,

Ha ha ha.

Hey, thanks.

You owe me big.

Tillie: She's an artist,
you know.


Why do kids always
draw these things?

We should be safe here

until it's time
for the monster's nap.

All: Aaah!

You can stop
cowering now, zoners.

You are saved.

Who are you?

Generic man--

the superhero kids
draw most often.

What's your handle?

I am, uh, snap.


the blue

Good name
for a superhero.

No, no, no, no.
I'm no superhero.

Ha ha ha.
Of course you are.

Look at your outfit.

your creator

envisioned you
as a superhero.

Wow! You must be right.

I must be a superhero.

Come on, let me
hold up the car a while.

Eh, unusual procedure.

When catching cars,

I try not to Pierce
the car with my body.

Stand back, uh...

No, let me
handle this.

[Grunts] Ok, I got him.

I got him. I got him
right where I want him.


[Muffled shouting]

Innovative, blue wonder!

You've used your
invulnerable body

to incapacitate
the beast.

This should
teach this lizard

to chew his food

before swallowing.

Aah! Ooh!

I don't think
flying's your thing.

But maybe you
have X-ray vision.

I don't--no.

Freeze ray.

Uh, no.

Woman: How about
sponge vision?

No, no, no, no, no.

That's the power

to drain
the super powers
out of an opponent.

Only one
super villainess
has that power,

and that's the--

Major brand!

Say good-bye to
your super powers,
super wimp.

Quit making
googly eyes
at my friend.

Take this,
you little blue zit.


Ha! Your abilities

have no effect
on the blue boy,
major brand!

He has no super powers.

And it's time to put
you under wraps.

Ha ha.

Your power-draining
days are over, evil one.

I guess my superhero day
is over, too.


a superhero,

my little
blue boy.


Snap, I leave you
in charge

while I deliver
this villain

to a humane


I'm in charge.

What could be
more exciting?

Snap: I got him right here
where I want him.

♪♪ I'm back ♪♪

♪♪ and I'm bluer
than ever ♪♪

♪♪ on track with
my whole live crew ♪♪

♪♪ I'm back,
and I'm bluer than ever ♪♪

♪♪ you know it's true ♪♪

♪♪ I'm bluer than you ♪♪

♪♪ I'm back,
I'm a tower of power ♪♪

♪♪ smokestacks
getting ready to blow ♪♪

♪♪ stand back,
I'm a meteor shower ♪♪

♪♪ all I can say is ♪♪

♪♪ on with the show ♪♪

♪♪ better stand back ♪♪

♪♪ he's gonna blow ♪♪

♪♪ yeah ♪♪

♪♪ he's back ♪♪

♪♪ he's back ♪♪

♪♪ I'm back,
and I'm bluer than ever ♪♪

♪♪ you know it's true ♪♪

♪♪ I'm bluer than you ♪♪

♪♪ you know it's true ♪♪

♪♪ I'm bluer than you ♪♪

We're back!