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02x02 - Disappearing Act/Portable Portal/Snap on Tour/Making Faces

Posted: 12/09/23 14:24
by bunniefuu
Rudy's got the chalk.

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk,
the chalk ♪

Rudy's got
the chalk.

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

Rudy's got
the chalk.

♪ The chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

Rudy's got the chalk!

♪ The chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalk, chalk,
chalk, chalk ♪

♪ chalk, chalkzone! ♪

[School bell rings]

Settle down, everyone.

Since it's raining out,
Reggie has offered

to put on a magic show
during lunch

while I grade papers.

Thank you, Mr. Wilter.

For my first trick, I will
now magically pull a coin...


From Larry's ear.

Not exactly
an optical illusion.

Ha ha ha!

For my next trick,

I will need
something to
tear to pieces!



Ha ha! Now look!

I have magically
fixed it.

It was a dumb
drawing anyway!

Not my science project!

Now I will pull
the tablecloth

without disturbing
this lovely display.

[Classical music playing]

What the--

look at that mess!

Some people
are so clumsy...


I've had it with Reggie
and his tricks!

He's going down!

But scientifically,
it's impossible

for someone of your
height and weight

to physically defeat
a person of Reggie's
body mass.

And now, I,
Reggie the great,

master magician
in the mohair sweater,

will perform
my final trick--

the disappearing act!

Any volunteers?

I've got a better idea.

I'll disappear
for you, Reggie!

Now, when I say
the magic words,

you go through
the trapdoor

and hide until I say
the magic words again...

Or else!

Don't worry, Reggie.
I'll be the best

anyone's ever
not seen.

[Speaking gibberish]


Ooh! Ahh!
Ooh! Ahh!

Heh heh heh!

Now you see me,
now you don't.




Reggie: And now
I will make him

magically reappear!

[Speaking gibberish]

Rudy tabootie!

[All laughing]

Reggie: Tabootie,
where are you?!

Come back this instant!


Get out of my way!

Are you hiding?!
I don't care! Is he
down your shirt?!

I wish there were
an easier way to see
what's going on.

Heya, Rudy!

the buzz?

Hey, snap.

I'm playing a practical joke
on Reggie bullnerd.

Female voice:
Practical joke?

Who said that?

Rudy, this is
my new friend, fly.

Uh, nice to meet you, fly.

Hey, want to help me
with my practical joke?

For the great creator?
At your service, I am.


With this equipment,
we'll be able to
talk to each other,

and I'll be able
to see and hear
everything you do.

Check out me.
I am a spy fly.

Operation spy fly is a go!

Rudy over radio:
Testing, testing.

Spy fly, do you read?

Clear and loud,

Subject is in sight.

When I find you, tabootie,

I'm going to tear you
a new secret compartment!

Hee hee!

Now, I want you to say,



What have you done to me?

Where are you?

Rudy over radio:
I'm in the box.

I'm in the box.

Do you hear that?!

I didn't hear

I didn't hear anything.

What are you
talking about?

Aw, that's perfect.

Here I am, Reggie.

Here I am, Reggie.

You turned me
into an eraser.

You sound funny.

What do you expect?
I'm an eraser.

Ah, don't
squeeze me so hard.


Ha ha ha!

Rudy, come back!

I did not mean to
turn you into an eraser!

[All laughing loudly]


That's enough!

What kind of
a trick is this?

To the principal's

[All laughing]

Hey, this looks good.

Good? This is better
than cable! Ha ha ha!


What a surprise.

What is it this time,
Mr. Bullnerd?

Principal stringent,

I turned tabootie
into an eraser,

and now the eraser
is talking to me!

Oh, I see.

Ok, Reggie, you know
where to park it!

Let me...

Just get your file.

Rudy over radio:: Ok,
are you ready for more?

Able, willing,
and ready. Let's go!


Reggie the great!

You erased me!

And now I am going
to erase you!


Aah! Aah!

[All talking at once]

[Speed dialing]

[Telephone rings]


Bruno bullnerd's garbage
pickup and delivery.

Mr. Bullnerd,
principal stringent here.

We've got another problem
with your son.

This is great!

[All talking and laughing]

Ha ha ha!

Oh, Rudy, this is
the funniest thing
I've ever seen!

Yeah, this is great!
What's next?

All: More, more,
more, more, more!

Ok. Buzz him, spy fly!

Oh! No! No! Please!

Leave me alone!

I'll even fix
your drawing for you.

Nice drawing! Nice...

Pull it together, son.

Your father
will be here soon.

Rudy: What?
His father?

Ha ha! Oh, Rudy,
this is a riot!

Ha ha ha!

What you watching?

One of those
reality shows.

It's called
practical joke!

What's a practical joke?

Oh, that's when you
humiliate someone

in front
of the entire school

and get them
in so much trouble,

their parents have to come
and take them home!

No, no!

That's not
what it's about!

Well, that's
what's happening here.

This is great!

Oh, yeah! Ha ha ha!

Well, I never
meant to be mean.

I just wanted
to teach him a lesson.

Aw, I've become just
as bad a bully as Reggie.

Ok, joke's over.

Whoa! Ho!
Hold up there, bucko!

You can't just
waltz back to class
all casual-like.

Bullnerd's gonna
smashify you

if he finds out
this was all a big trick.

Oh, you're right.

You gotta pull off
some kind of magic

that'll get you both
off the hook.

That's it! I'll
reappear magically.

Spy fly, come in.
Do you read?


Clear and loud.

Huh? Who said that?

Tell Reggie
that the secret
to bringing me back

lies in, uh...


The mohair sweater,

Put me back
in the box

and cover me
with your sweater.


Fly: Now close the curtains.

And repeat after me:

I, Reggie the great...

Will now make...

Will now make...

Rudy tabootie reappear...

By promising never to mess

with anyone's stuff again!

Oh, what a goose I am!

Rudy: Reggie!



Don't you ever
wash this thing?

[All laughing]

Where is he?
Where is that kid?

Mr. Bullnerd.

There seems to be...
Well, uh...

I don't know what
there seems to be.

Uh, excuse me, sir.

It appears that your son
is really quite a magician.

Yeah. He made me
disappear for real,

and then
he brought me back.

I did?

Yeah, I did!

Aww! Ha ha ha!

Well, that's my boy!

Hey, you know,
you should do
your magic show

for my "friends
of sewage" meeting
next week, son.

Sure, father.

And Rudy here

will be
my assistant.


I guess
I already have
my costume.


[All laughing]

Snap: This is better than cable!

Thanks for the ride,
aunt tillie.


You're late!

The class has
already started

their "get real"

with our
visiting art

Ms. Tweezer.

"The imagi-mobile,
where imaginations get real"?

Now, how about this one?

All: Real. Good. Yay!

Ms. Tweezer:
Good. And how
about this one?

Rudy: Ha ha ha!

So funny!

Ahem. Reggie bullnerd,

perhaps you'd like
to tell our late arriver,



Tabootie, what the proper
response to this picture is.


Right! And that makes it...

Students: Ungood. Boo.

Is she for real?

'Fraid so.

Ok. Now we're going
to get real...Real fast.


Students: Unreal.
Ungood. Boo!

Real. Good. Yay!

Untrue. Uncool. Boo.

Nice portable

Check it out.

[Both laughing]


Uh-huh. I see.

Look, class, Mr. Tabootie
has drawn me.

What do we think
of this, class?




This has no place
in a "get real" session.

Now, you get real,
or I'll make sure

you have a really
ungood time. Got it?!

Ok, let's rate some
of your drawings, shall we?


Well, another weird face
just got erased
into chalkzone.


Real, real, real, real,

real, real, real, real,

real, real!


Real, real.

You again?

You just never stop
doing me favors,
do you, kid?

Real, real, real, real....

[Rudy laughing]

What maniac would draw
something like this?

A hungry one.

Shh! Rudy!



Ms. Tweezer:
Is that a cry for help,
Mr. Tabootie?

Oh, no!

Why are you waving
this chalkboard around
during my session?

You were drawing

weren't you?!


Students, go back
to your regular classrooms.

I've got real work
to do in here.

Snap! Snap,
where are you?


Rudy! Help!


A pizzacuttersaurus
is what we need.



Whew! Nice chalking, bucko.

Say, this is
a great new invention.

we can't talk here.

Come with me.

What? Why are you
so nervous?

Hey, is somebody
after you?

Yeah, there's this
crazy art teacher
on my case.

We'll be safe
in here.


Ah, Rudy, you walked me
into an inkwell.

Oh, sorry.

So, who's this art teacher
what's got you so rattled?

Her name's tweezer.

She's obsessed with
making everything real.

Real, real, real.

Snap: Hey, that sounds
like that face

you just dropped
into chalkzone.

You draw that?

Yeah, but she erased it
into chalkzone.

Gotcha! Now,
give me that slate!

All right, Rudy.
Come with me.

We're going back
to the imagi-mobile

for a demagination session.

Ooh, that sounds bad.

Having two-way
conversations with
imaginary friends,

hiding in closets--

you need help,
Mr. Tabootie.

And I'm the one
who's going to
set you straight.

Now, just relax
and stand right here.


Real, real, real, real!

Real, real, real!


Ms. Tweezer:
You see two images
in front of you.

Please choose for me
which is good, "a" or "b."

Um, I like "b."


I'm sorry.
You've chosen ungood.

Would you care
to try again?

Uh, the other one?

[Playing softly]


Again, Rudy.
Which is good?

Well, I sure
like hot dogs.


Ok, everybody, here's
what we're going to do.



"A" and "b"?


Whatever you say.

Ms. Tweezer: What?

Whatever you say

Ah, yes.
Whatever I say goes.

You're finally learning

what the right answer
to everything is.

Oh, yes. Thank you,
Ms. Tweezer.

And now, if it's ok,

I've got something
real to show you.

Backpack, come!

Everything i'm
about to show you

is 100% real!

[Accordion playing]


Hi, hi! Glad to meet you!


[All shouting]

Ok, ok, no pushing.

Keep in a straight line,
folks. Blocky!




Does this face
ring a bell?

Real, real, real, real,
real, real...


Real, real, real,
real, real, real, real...

Real, real, real, real!

Ms. Tweezer?

What is real?
I have no idea!


Rudy, what happened?

Oh, hi.

Ms. Tweezer and I had
a meeting of the minds.

We're in complete
agreement now.


Argh, argh!


Argh, argh!


Rudy: Ha ha!
So funny!


Just erased?

Come with me
for a tour of chalkzone!

Find out where you fit in.

I'll take the tour!

Ooh, me, too!
Me, too! Me, too!

I was just erased,
so I have no idea

where I belong
or who I am or what I am
or where I should go,

and I need
some guidance.

I need some help.
You know what I mean?

Hey, don't be bashful.

Grab a seat, and I'll
show you around
your new home.

Straight ahead lies
one of chalkzone's

most disgusting
natural wonders...

Mount runnynose!

I always like
to begin the tour
at mount runnynose

because it helps us
get to other parts
of chalkzone

so much faster.



If you look to your right,

you'll see the colorful
candycane forest,

and it looks like
this time we'll be landing

in the dark and dangerous
mumbo-jumbo jungle.





[Laughs nervously]

These are
the lollipopians,

a normally sweet
group who...


Oh! Oh. Oh.



One of us, one of us,
one of us...

Is this his lucky day
or what?


Now, up ahead,
we will soon enter

the valley
of the giant babies.

[Quietly] We have
to be very quiet

passing through here,

because the last thing
we want to do

is wake up these--

what? I can't hear him

when he whispers like that!

What is he saying?

I said, be quiet!


Step on it, caddy.

We got to get
out of here!

No! No!

Wait! I--


For the first time
in my life,

I feel like I belong!

Well, that's the end
of the tour, folks.

I hope you had as good
a time as I think I did.

And now--

hey, what
about me?

You can't just
leave me here!

Look at your sign.

"Find out
where you fit in."

Ok, ok.

Hey, grandpa!

Say, this is pretty good,
pretty good.

Now I can finally eat
this ear of corn
I've been saving.

Snap: Hey there,
hey there,

come with me for a tour
of chalkzone.

Find out where



Teeth: What just happened?
I don't understand!

♪ We'remaking faces ♪

♪there are so many
here to try ♪

♪we're making faces ♪

♪ are you giving me
the eye? ♪

♪How do I look to ♪

♪ how do I look to you? ♪

♪We're making faces ♪

♪ first you shed a little tear ♪

♪ we're making faces ♪

♪then you're grinning
ear to ear ♪

♪ how do I look to ♪

♪ how do I look to you? ♪

♪ When you're
in this place ♪

♪you can make any face ♪

♪ you want to see ♪

♪ we're making faces ♪

♪ faces ♪

♪ faces ♪

♪ ooh ♪

♪chalk, chalk, chalk, chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, the chalk,
chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪the chalk, the chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪Rudy's got the chalk ♪

♪ the chalk, chalkzone ♪

♪ Rudy's got the chalk ♪